Soal PTS Kelas 7

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris PETUNJUK UMUM :
Kelas : VII (Tujuh) 1. Periksa dan baca soal sebelum anda menjawab!
2. Kerjakan setiap soal dengan benar!
Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021
3. Tulisan agar jelas, rapi dan bersih!
Waktu : 80 Menit 4. Baca petunjuk pengisian pada Lembar Jawaban!

Reading text for number 1-4 bookshelf. There are two windows in the room.
Danu is a student of SMP N 1 Munjul, Pandeglang. Between the windows is a picture of Prambanan
He is smart and diligent student, he is twelve years temple. I like my classroom very much.
old. He has long straight hair, bright eyes and a 5. How many classrooms are there in my
kind students. Danu is interested in sport very school...
much, he always play football and tennis. He is the a. 21 c. 20
best football player in his school. b. 24 d. 40
1. How is Danu`s personality ? 6. Where is the whiteboard ?
a. He is bad c. He is lazy a. behind the table c. beside the teacher
b. He is smart d. He is handsome b. behind the wall d. behind the teacher
2. How old is he? 7. Does the writer like his class very much ?
a. 14 c. 15 a. No, it is not c. yes, it is
b. 13 d. 12 b. yes, I am d. yes, he is
3. Which of the following statement is true about Reading text for number 8-10
Danu ? I have a new cat, its name is Shorty. I call Shorty
a. He has long and straight hair because it is short than the other cats. My cat is a
b. He has black eyes Persian cat with flat nose and fluffy hair. It has
c. He is naughty student sharp teeth, yellow eyes that glow in the dark.
d. He is doesn’t like sport Shorty likes to run around the house, chasing any
4. Edo is interested in sport very much …line 2 . moving things. I like to see Shorty sleeping
(the underline word can be replace by…) because it looks cute. Shorty does not like to eat
a. Dislike sport c. Hates sport very much canned food, instead it prefers fresh tuna.
8. My cat is ….. (line 1). The word “my” refers to…
b. Really like sport d. Not really interesting
a. Reader c. Cat
Reading text for number 5-7 b. Writer d. Mother
My classroom is very big. There are twenty 9. Which breed is Shorty?
classroom and forty chairs for students. The a. Persian c. Angora
teacher’s table is in front of the classroom. The b. Half-breed d. Domestic cat
teacher sit behind the table. Behind her is the 10. What does the writer tell about?
whiteboard. Beside the whiteboard is a map of a. New toy c. New cat named Shorty
Indonesian archipelago. Under the map, there is a b. Family d. Writer’s new hobby
1. Write five things in your living room!
2. Arrange the sentence!
Are – there – in – tables- my - Classroom
3. Write the things, animals and buildings !

No Things Animal Building

4. Look at the picture, describe physical appearance of the following picture!

5. What does she look like!

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