Generating Music From Literature
Generating Music From Literature
Generating Music From Literature
are both positive, such as Anne of Green Gables times chaotic. The effect of increasing and de-
(trust and joy), the pieces sound especially light creasing the total number of sections and sub-
and joyful. For novels where the top two emotions sections is also presented. Additionally, the web-
are both negative, such as The Road (sadness and page displays pieces with tempos and octaves be-
fear), the pieces sound especially dark. yond the limits chosen in TransProse. We also
show other variations such as pieces for relatively
8.5 Emotional Activity positive novels generated in C minor (instead of
Unlike the overall pace of the novel, individual C major). These alternatives are not necessarily
segments of activity were also identified in the incorrect, but they tend to often be less effective.
pieces through the number and duration of notes
(with more and shorter notes indicating higher 10 Limitations and Future work
emotion densities). This can be especially heard
in the third section of A Clockwork Orange, the fi- We presented a system, TransProse, that gener-
nal section of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, ates music according to the use of emotion words
the second section of To Kill a Mockingbird, and in a given piece of text. A number of avenues
the final section of Lord of the Flies. In A Clock- for future work exist such as exploring the use of
work Orange, the main portion of the piece is mid-piece key changes and intentional harmony
chaotic and eventful, likely as the main charac- and discord between the melodies. We will fur-
ters cause havoc; at the end of the novel (as the ther explore ways to capture activity in music. For
main character undergoes therapy) the piece dra- example, an automatically generated activity lex-
matically changes and becomes structured. Sim- icon (built using the method proposed by Turney
ilarly, in Heart of Darkness, the piece starts out and Littman (2003)) can be used to identify por-
only playing a few notes; as the tension in the tions of text where the characters are relatively
novel builds, the number of notes increases and active (fighting, dancing, conspiring, etc) and ar-
their durations decrease. eas where they are relatively passive (calm, inca-
pacitated, sad, etc). One can even capture non-
9 Comparing Alternative Choices
emotional features of the text in music. For ex-
We examine choices made in TransProse by com- ample, recurring characters or locations in a novel
paring musical pieces generated with different al- could be indicated by recurring motifs. We will
ternatives. These audio clips are available here: conduct human evaluations asking people to judge various aspects of the generated music such as the
Pieces with two melodies (based on overall quality of music and the amount and type of emo-
emotion density and the predominant emotion’s tion evoked by the music. We will also evaluate
density) and pieces based on four melodies (based the impact of textual features such as the length of
on the top three emotions and the overall emotion the novel and the style of writing on the generated
density) were generated and uploaded in the clips music. Work on capturing note models (analogous
webpage. Observe that with only two melodies, to language models) from existing pieces of music
the pieces tend to sound thin, whereas with four and using them to improve the music generated by
melodies the pieces sound less cohesive and some- TransProse seems especially promising.
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