Survey Questionnaire For Students

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Survey Questionnaire for Students

Date :

Class/Semester :

Please answer to each of the statements below. You should choose one of the options
when answering the questions. You can mark (√) one of the options of your choice, it expresses
your views based on what you think. There is no wrong answer of any statements. (Jawablah
setiap pernyataan di bawah ini. Anda harus memilih salah satu opsi saat menjawab pertanyaan.
Anda dapat menandai (√) salah satu opsi pilihan anda, Ini mengungkapkan pandangan anda
berdasarkan apa yang anda pikirkan. Tidak ada jawaban yang salah dari setiap pernyataan.)

SA : Strong Agree (Sangat setuju)

A : Agree (Setuju)

UN : Undecided (Ragu-ragu)

DA : Disagree (Tidak setuju)

SDA : Strong Disagree (Sangat tidak setuju)

No Theory Statement SA A UN DA SDA

1. Animation movie Through the animation
attract students’ movie, I can understand the
attention by enabling story easily. (Melalui film
them to grasp the story animasi, saya dapat
easily. (Herron & memahami cerita dengan
Hanley, 1992) mudah.)
2. Students will have the I have an interesting
best and most learning experience through
interesting learning animation movie as a media
experience if they are in learning writing narrative
physically and mentally text. (Saya memiliki
involved in the movie's pengalaman belajar yang
story. (Brown et al., menarik melalui film
1983) animasi sebagai media
pembelajaran menulis teks
3. Animation movie The animation movie
inspire the students as inspire me to write narrative
it gives them various text with the various ideas.
ideas to write. (Brown (Film animasi menginspirasi
et al., 1983) saya untuk menulis teks
naratif dengan berbagai ide.)
4. Animated short movie Animation movie is a fun
is appropriate media to media to learn narrative
give to the students in text. (Film animasi adalah
the senior high school media yang menyenangkan
because it is fun media. untuk mempelajari teks
(Brodwell & naratif.)
Thompson, 1997)
5. Animation movie give I can deeply understand the
valuable meaning clues story of animation movie
and help viewers to see because the general
beyond what they are meaning and moods in that
listening to, and thus movie are conveyed through
interpret the text more expression, gesture and
deeply. (Harmer, other visual clues. (saya
2001) dapat memahami secara
mendalam cerita dari film
animasi tersebut karena
makna umum dan suasana
hati di dalam film tersebut
disampaikan melalui
ekspresi, berak tubuh, dan
petunjuk visual lainnya.)
6. Using animation movie Through the animation
as teaching media can movie, I can understand the
support students to teaching material. (Melalui
understand the teaching film animasi, saya dapat
material. (Heinich et mengerti materi yang
al., 1982) diajarkan.)
7. Students enthused to I enthused to write down the
write down their narrative text based on the
narrative based on the movie shown. (Saya
movie shown antusias dalam menulis
(Nurmaliah, 2010) naratif teks berdasarkan film
yang ditampilkan.)
8. In teaching writing I did not fell bored in
through animation learning writing narrative
short movie, the text through animation short
students will interest to movie. (Saya tidak merasa
watch and they did not bosan belajar menulis teks
fell bored. (Brodwell & naratif melalui film animasi
Thompson, 1997) pendek.)
9. The main idea of The main idea in the
animation short movie animation short movie helps
help the students me to express my idea in
express their idea in writing narrative text easily.
writing narrative text (Ide pokok di dalam film
easily. (Stoller, 1988) animasi pendek membantu
saya dengan mudah untuk
mengekspresikan ide saya
dalam menulis teks naratif)
10. In viewing activity, the While watching animation
teacher helps the movie, I can focus to the
students to focus about character, setting and plot of
the character, setting the story. (Ketika menonton
and plot of the story. film animasi, saya dapat
(Stoller, 1988) fokus pada karakter,
keadaan dan alur dari cerita

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