NIH Public Access: Looking Forward: The Promise of Widespread Implementation of Parent Training Programs
NIH Public Access: Looking Forward: The Promise of Widespread Implementation of Parent Training Programs
NIH Public Access: Looking Forward: The Promise of Widespread Implementation of Parent Training Programs
Author Manuscript
Perspect Psychol Sci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 November 01.
Published in final edited form as:
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Over the past quarter century a body of parent training programs has been developed and validated
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as effective in reducing child behavior problems, but few of these have made their way into
routine practice. This article describes the long and winding road of implementation as applied to
children's mental health. Adopting Rogers' (1995) diffusion framework and Fixsen and colleagues'
implementation framework (Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005), we review more
than a decade of research on the implementation of Parent Management Training – Oregon Model
(PMTO®). Data from US and international PMTO implementations are used to illustrate the
payoffs and the challenges of making empirically supported interventions routine practice in the
community. Technological advances that break down barriers to communication across distances,
the availability of efficacious programs suitable for implementation, and the urgent need for high
quality mental health care provide strong rationales for prioritizing attention to implementation.
Over the next quarter of a century, the challenge is to reduce the prevalence of children's
psychopathology by creating science-based delivery systems to reach families in need,
PMTO; Parent Training; Implementation Science; Empirically Supported Intervention
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Twenty-five years ago, parent training programs to address children's behavior problems
were in the process of becoming established as empirically supported interventions1. Now,
in the second decade of the 21st century, we have a substantial set of parent training
empirically supported interventions for youth across developmental stages. With widespread
implementation, these programs hold the promise of reducing the prevalence of child and
adolescent behavior problems, maltreatment and related poor outcomes (Prinz, Sanders,
Shapiro, Whitaker, & Lutzker, 2009). Unfortunately, these programs remain largely
unavailable to families seeking help in community agencies. Learning how to install proven
programs in community practice settings is the challenge of the next quarter century.
Correspondence for this article should be directed to Marion S. Forgatch, Implementation Sciences International, Inc., 10 Shelton
McMurphey Blvd., Eugene, OR 97401; 541-485-2711; [email protected].
1Several terms apply to credentialed prevention and treatment programs, including Empirically Supported Intervention, Empirically
Supported Treatment, Evidence Based Treatment, and Evidence-Based Psychological Practice. We do not distinguish among these in
this paper.
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In this paper, our goal is to outline the implementation process for empirically supported
interventions within community service systems and point to strategies to improve their
uptake and sustained practice with model fidelity. We review the process of the
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implementation of one empirically supported parent training intervention and, by way of this
case example, describe the first decade of work implementing Parent Management Training
– Oregon Model (PMTO®; Forgatch & Patterson, 2010; Patterson, 2005). PMTO is little
more than a vehicle for discussing fundamental questions, such as “What are optimal
conditions for, and barriers to, system change in the context of widespread
implementation?” Implementation is a deliberate and dynamic process requiring extensive
collaboration between two systems: the adopting community and the program developer/
purveyor (Forgatch & DeGarmo, 2011; Herschell, McNeil, & McNeil, 2004; Proctor et al.,
2009). The interaction between these systems unfolds over time in an orderly fashion
involving many stages (Chamberlain et al., 2008; Fixsen et al., 2005, Rogers, 1995).
Effective communication, interpersonal problem solving and positive relationships promote
the success of the implementation as the systems move through the process of managing
logistics, building infrastructure, and troubleshooting barriers. In its function as delivery
system, the community selects, administers, and evaluates the program; the program
developer serves as the purveyor of change. Together these systems adapt the intervention
for the community's cultures and contexts while ensuring that the method is delivered with
model fidelity. Levels of functioning within and across systems must be coordinated. The
community system includes an executive function that initiates and administers the program,
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practitioners who deliver the program and families who receive it. Within the program
system, levels include the implementation director who oversees the installation, trainers
who teach community practitioners to deliver the program with fidelity, and staff and
technology to support the transfer process. In successful implementations, all levels operate
in harmony within and across systems.
Stage 1: Preparation
For the adopting community, activities involve identifying a need, designing a plan,
gathering resources, engaging leadership, and selecting a program that can address their
goals. Before a program can be deemed empirically supported, the developer must establish
program credentials by articulating and testing the intervention in well-controlled
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conditions, a process that requires years of work. Next, the strategies and tools to implement
the program in real-world settings must be designed and set in operation.
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The call for change: In Norway in the late 1990s, problems were increasing for severely
maladjusted youth, the media became involved, and an international expert conference was
organized. As a result, the Ministry of Child and Family Affairs provided funding for a
center tasked with implementing and evaluating evidence-based family treatment programs
on a nationwide basis. PMTO was one of two programs selected for this purpose (Ogden,
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In Michigan, the need for change was identified with a study evaluating youngsters treated
in the community mental health system. Results indicated that although some benefits
ensued from community treatment, youngsters with the most substantial problems at
baseline remained in the clinical range at termination (Hodges, Xue, & Wotring, 2004).
These families needed better treatment. Michigan, a state that has suffered more than most
from the economic downturn, had few resources to instigate system change. The statewide
director of community programs for severely emotionally disturbed children competed for
and won funds from the National Institute of Mental Health to begin the implementation
process with PMTO.
In Kansas, the problem concerned children with severe emotional disturbance (SED) in
foster care. These youngsters make up approximately half the state's foster care population,
and compared to non-SED children, they have more placements, fewer and slower exits to
permanency, and are likelier to age-out of care. Reviews of Child and Family Services
conducted in 2001 and 2007 indicated that the state was out of compliance with timely
permanent reunification, timely adoption, and placement stability for SED youngsters in
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foster care. A particular concern specified the inadequate services provided for birth parents
(Akin, Bryson, McDonald & Walker, 2012; Bryson, Akin, Blase, McDonald, & Walker, in
press). A program was initiated through a five-year grant provided to the University of
Kansas by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children
and Families (Children's Bureau Express, 2011). Kansas received one of six grants in a
federal effort to test child-welfare plans and promote effective initiatives nationwide.
Thus, in each case, the initiation of wide-scale implementation of PMTO was fully or
partially supported with government funds designed to increase the availability of
empirically supported interventions for youngsters with serious behavior problems.
Selecting a program: The process through which communities select a program varies
considerably. We describe the selection process using the Kansas Intensive Permanency
Project (KIPP) as an example. The project's leadership comprised a management team based
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at Kansas University and a Steering Committee with representatives from the four
independent agencies within the state's five regions that provide services for the foster care
system. When experts from the funding team recommended that KIPP adopt an empirically
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supported parent training model, the KIPP team searched clearinghouse websites that chart
the attributes and credentials of interventions with established support to facilitate a
systematic comparison. The KIPP selection process required more than 200 hours over three
months. The selection committee conducted telephone interviews with finalist programs and
sought recommendations from outside experts. When they had narrowed the field down to
two programs, the selection team held meetings to reach consensus. Their stated reasons for
selecting PMTO were: fit with the needs of the target population, ability of the intervention
to reduce long-term foster care, the system of fidelity measurement, and long term
sustainability with anticipated systems changes (Bryson et al., in press). A deciding factor
was the PMTO implementation goal to transfer the program to the community by supporting
their development of a self-sustaining infrastructure to conduct continued program training
and delivery with fidelity.
and reliable assessment, lasting effects, and replication. Efficacious programs follow
experimental testing under optimal conditions, careful supervision with select populations,
conducted in academic or research settings. Programs advance to status as effective when
tested experimentally under the “real world” conditions provided in community treatment
centers. Successfully completing these steps can lead to credentials that enable a program to
be listed by clearinghouses that identify empirically supported programs, describing the
program's attributes and evaluating levels of excellence (e.g., Blueprints Project; National
Registry of Evidence Based Programs and Practices/NREPP; California Evidence-Based
Clearinghouse/CEBC, Top Tier). Such empirically supported intervention programs are
suitable for wide-scale implementation. PMTO is prominent on such lists.
PMTO is theory based: The PMTO intervention is founded on social interaction learning
theory, which emphasizes the influence of the social environment on behavioral outcomes
(Forgatch, Patterson, DeGarmo, & Beldavs, 2009; Patterson, 2005). Although all parenting
empirically supported interventions must follow the process of efficacy and effectiveness
testing, not all such programs rest on a solid theoretical foundation. The PMTO intervention
grew out of decades of work reflecting iterations among theory building, basic research, and
intervention development focused on clearly specified social contexts and mechanisms
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presumed to account for etiology, growth and maintenance of youngsters' behavior problems
(Forgatch & Patterson, 2010; Patterson, 1982; Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992; Reid,
Patterson, & Snyder, 2002). Two key mechanisms have been defined, both of which involve
reinforcement theory. One mechanism, negative reinforcement, takes place primarily within
the family context; the other mechanism, positive reinforcement, occurs in the peer context.
In families, coercive processes can begin as early as age two or three and generalize to a set
of overt antisocial behaviors, including noncompliance, temper tantrums, and physical
aggression. As development proceeds, increasing coercion and time spent outside the family
may prompt youngsters' drift into deviant peer groups who advance the shaping process.
Deviant peers provide positive reinforcement for covert behaviors, such as lying, stealing,
and truancy (Dishion, Spracklen, Andrews, & Patterson, 1996; Patterson & Yoerger, 2002;
Snyder et al., 2005). Thus, an effective intervention calls for changes within these two social
contexts. So far, randomized controlled trials of PMTO support the intervention effect on
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parenting; PMTO has yet to develop an effective intervention to address the peer context
other than to produce reductions in deviant peer association (Forgatch et al., 2009).
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Testing PMTO: Parent training programs engage parents as the agents of change for their
youngsters' behavior problems. In PMTO, parents learn strategies to increase positive
practices and reduce coercion. Five parenting practices have been specified as core
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To evaluate the efficacy of the program as well as the theoretical model underlying PMTO,
experimental tests were conducted to assess outcomes and verify the hypothesized
mechanisms (Forgatch & Patterson, 2010). In one key study, a randomized controlled trial
with a sample of single mothers provided a clean test of the parenting model by offering
PMTO intervention for the mothers but not the children (Forgatch, et al., 2009). Multiple
agent and method assessments were conducted at regular intervals over the course of nine
years; mediational modeling evaluated parenting practices and deviant peer association as
mechanisms of change for the youngsters' outcomes. In the context of an experimental trial,
mediational modeling can test a theoretical model by showing that intervention effects on
targeted outcomes are brought about by intervention effects on the putative mediators
(Baron & Kenny, 1986; Holmbeck, 1997). The data supported the model and yielded some
unanticipated outcomes. Assignment to the experimental group produced the expected
changes in the two social contexts: improvement in the five core parenting components and
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The study yielded four surprises: the order of change in parenting practices following
intervention, direct effects on deviant peer association, cascading benefits to maternal
adjustment, and increasing effect sizes. Although PMTO programs start by teaching positive
parenting and follow that with limit setting to reduce coercion, the findings showed that
changes took place in the reverse order. First there was a decline in coercion over 12
months; then growth in positive parenting followed in the subsequent two years.
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Incidentally, the reverse of this change pattern was not significant—that is, changes in
positive parenting over 12 months did not predict later growth in coercive parenting. The
second surprise was that the intervention had a direct effect on deviant peer association.
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Changes in this domain were not mediated by parenting effects. The third unforeseen
outcome involved positive effects on maternal adjustment, which were mediated by
improved parenting. Relative to control group mothers, those in the experimental condition
showed a significant increase in standard of living (education, income, occupation) and
fewer maternal police arrests over the nine-year follow up. Finally, intervention effects
started small and increased in size over the nine years. In other words, the longer the time in
follow-up, the greater the magnitude of the difference between experimental and control
participants—intervention benefits were increasing. Such perturbations in testing
intervention programs leave room for improving the theory, the basic research and the
intervention itself. Nevertheless, it must be said that this experimental test supported the
basic theory by showing the hypothesized mediators to serve as the engines of change in
youngsters' outcomes.
Detroit with non-English speaking Latinos (Parra-Cardona et al., 2012) and one in Norway
with Pakistani and Somali refugee mothers (Bjørknes, Kjøbli, Manger, & Jakobsen, 2012),
showed the intervention to be acceptable and effective. Other adaptations address the needs
of single mothers residing in a domestic violence shelter (Gewirtz & Taylor, 2009), and
military families experiencing deployment (Gewirtz, Pinna, Hanson, & Brockberg, in press).
Given slightly more than a decade of experience, it has been possible to engage hard-to-
reach families within a variety of cultures and contexts with high degrees of participation
and satisfaction.
The program system—The activities for the program team are extensive during this
phase as they transfer knowledge with training activities, technical assistance, and
establishing fidelity.
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achieve a certain standard of proficiency, they are invited to treat two new certification
cases, from which they submit four videos on required topics. Candidates are certified when
they attain a specified passing score on each session.
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The training team consists of mentors who themselves have achieved certification as PMTO
specialists, coaches, and trainers. Mentors are also reliable fidelity raters who can score
sessions to certify trainees. The majority of the current training team resides in Oregon,
although mentors come from Norway, Iceland, The Netherlands, Mexico, Michigan, Utah,
and Minnesota. Languages spoken include English, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Spanish,
and Dutch. Leader and parent materials are available in these languages as well.
Model fidelity: Fidelity to the content and process of an intervention must be carefully
evaluated to ensure that the outcomes attained in controlled conditions can be replicated in
the field (Fixsen et al., 2005). Method fidelity is achieved when the program is practiced in
accordance with the theory and goals underlying the method (Dumas, Lynch, Laughlin,
Smith, & Prinz, 2001; Perepletchikova, Treat, & Kazdin, 2007). The measures must provide
reliable, unbiased, and valid assessment of method delivery. Two aspects of fidelity are
particularly relevant: adherence and competent delivery (Dumas et al., 2001; McHugh,
Murray, & Barlow, 2009; Perepletchikova et al., 2007; Waller, 2009; Waltz, Addis,
Koerner, & Jacobson, 1993). Adherence assesses application of the program in terms of the
content and methods spelled out in the treatment manuals. Ratings can be made by the
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practitioner, the intervention recipient, or objective observers who listen to or view session
recordings. Competence, a more complex construct, is scored less frequently, perhaps
because ratings must be made by skilled practitioners with inter-rater reliability. Currently,
evidence for reliability and validity of fidelity measures is in scarce supply within the field
of implementation research (Schoenwald & Garland, 2013).
FIMP was first validated within an efficacy trial with a prevention sample in the United
States and tested again with a clinical sample in Norway. In both studies, FIMP scores
predicted changes in observed parenting practices before and after intervention, as
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hypothesized (Forgatch et al., 2005; Forgatch & DeGarmo, 2011). Higher fidelity scores
yielded significantly greater improvement in parenting. In each study, findings were
collected from two settings (intervention sessions and parent-child interactions); fidelity was
observed during intervention; and parenting practices were observed before and after
intervention from parent-child interaction tasks. In one Norwegian study, high fidelity also
predicted greater reports of satisfaction by parents (Ogden, Amlund Hagen, Askeland, &
Christensen, 2009). In another Norwegian study, fidelity scores collected three times during
intervention predicted significant reduction in parent reports of their children's behavior
problems (Hukkelberg& Ogden, 2013). Most importantly, the fidelity findings generalized
from an efficacy prevention trial to a large-scale clinical trial in two cultures and two
systems of care. These studies indicate that the FIMP measure is a valid and generalizable
tool that can be employed in wide-scale implementation research.
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with low scores should increase; those with high scores at the start should not decline. This
question was evaluated within the PMTO training program in Norway using the FIMP
measure. Fidelity was assessed early, mid, and late in the training program with the
hypothesis that competent adherence would increase steadily and variability in performance
would decrease. As predicted, trainees' performance improved and became significantly
more homogeneous at certification (Forgatch & DeGarmo, 2011). During the early and
midpoints of training, there was considerable variation in performance across the full cohort.
At certification, however, all trainees were performing within a relatively narrow range of
Another test of a training program assesses the percentage of candidates who complete
training with certification and subsequently conduct community practice with method
fidelity (Durlak & DuPre, 2008; Proctor et al., 2011) In Norway, 83% of the 36 trainees who
began training in 1999 were certified; in Michigan, 89% of the 19 who began in 2006
achieved certification The question is: how long do practitioners maintain their credentials
and continue to practice with certification? Eight years after certification, 91% of the
Norwegians were still certified and providing treatment to families. In Michigan, 16 of the
17 (94%) completers were certified seven years later and still practicing in community
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service. It is too early to report on the Kansas project as they are still in training.
At the practitioner level, trainee activities include attendance at workshops and coaching,
studying manuals and other informational material, conducting simulated and actual family
sessions, making video recordings, reviewing sessions and feedback from coaches, and data
management activities (completing case and session information forms, entering information
into the database, uploading video recordings to the secure website). Trainees are required to
attend 85% of workshops, video all sessions, upload videos and data to the database, see a
minimum of training and certification families, submit video recordings of their best work,
and receive passing fidelity scores on their certification sessions. They must do this in a
timely fashion.
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Leaders must promote enthusiasm for the new program throughout the community at every
level—executive, practitioners and their supervisors, and the families who are seeking help.
In Michigan, Jim Wotring (then the director of community mental health programs for SED
children) effectively prepared the way by holding a series of stakeholder meetings to build
buy-in from state and agency leaders and families. This resulted in one agency becoming an
early adopter, using their own resources to initiate the PMTO training. Wisely, the state sent
two clinicians from other agencies to participate in this early start, one of whom emerged to
become the statewide PMTO coordinator. Wotring also organized a parent advocate
committee with meetings to introduce the idea of improving family services by providing
programs that work.
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Challenges at the executive level often involved logistics. For example, when the standard
approach to children's behavior problems is direct treatment with the child, parents sit in the
waiting room and child care is not needed. In parent training approaches, clinicians work
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directly with parents to shape effective parenting skills. Now who watches the children?
Childcare arrangements had to be made at the treatment centers. In Michigan, another
barrier involved policies that required that the child receive direct services in order for
agencies to receive third-party payments. This policy had to be changed, which required
political capital and cooperation at the highest levels. At the agency level, when offered an
opportunity to enroll clinicians in the intensive training program, leaders sometimes made
poor decisions, sending problem employees on the verge of being fired, or staff close to
One of the serious potential problems involves ensuring sufficient referrals of appropriate
cases for the trainees, a major problem that has disrupted other large-scale implementations
(Asmussen, Matthews, Weizel, Bebiroglu, & Scott, 2012). Although there may be enough
appropriate cases, referring clinicians have to be trained in the selection criteria and given
practice in pitching the program to parents. Parents are less than enthusiastic when told: We
have an experimental new program in which we treat parents instead of children to solve the
children's problems. We don't know if it works. Would you like to try it? Oh by the way, they
videotape everything.
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It was the middle level stakeholders, the clinicians and their supervisors, who tended to
present the greatest resistance to the change. Some questions reflecting the common attitude
were raised in Michigan and in Norway: “What can a program from Oregon contribute to
the problems we're having in [name the place]?” “Where is Oregon anyway—is that near
California?” “Rewarding children for what they ought to do in the first place will weaken
their character.” “We don't like behaviorism; our children are not monkeys!” “If you can
measure it, it's not meaningful.” “Manualized programs are rigid.” “Norwegians don't
believe in punishment—in fact we have outlawed it in this country!” We had to reframe their
questions and apply the same principles that were effective in work with resistant parents.
Many professionals felt their skills were being called into question and some were
concerned they would have trouble learning the new techniques. Most were uncomfortable
having all their work video recorded and reviewed by others. Trainers created a supportive
and safe environment for learning and practicing the new skills with an emphasis on
recognizing the strengths already present in practitioners' repertoires. Teaching strategies
emphasized role play and problem solving that engaged the group in designing ways to
address the clinical and contextual issues in their community. Practitioners reported that they
found training procedures to be active and even fun.
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Stage 3: Implementation
During the full implementation stage, community agencies provide the program to its
consumers, strengthen their infrastructure and the procedures needed to ensure effective
delivery, expand their reach and services, and evaluate both treatment outcomes and the
implementation itself (Chamberlain et al., 2008; Fixsen et al., 2005; Rogers, 1995). The
program developer supports these activities by continuing to provide technical assistance to
strengthen the expertise of community leaders and practitioners. By this stage, the
collaborative relationship should be strong enough for systems to mentor each other to
ensure that services can expand yet sustain model fidelity. Processes begun in Stage 2
continue, such as adapting the program to ensure acceptability, feasibility and suitability for
a given community. Evaluation activities emphasize process and outcome variables in terms
of both treatment and implementation.
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During Stage 3, the separate roles of the two systems become more blended in their
functions. The challenge for this collaborating team is to negotiate the tension between
sustaining method fidelity and adjusting the program for specific demands. Each system
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must maintain effective communication with the other and within its own levels of
operation. On the community side, it is important to strengthen infrastructure to maintain
and grow the program. On the program side, staff continue to deliver technical assistance to
help the community maintain motivation and commitment, improve skills, and support
problem solving efforts (Durlak & DuPre, 2008). Careful monitoring systems enable both
community and program provider to identify and troubleshoot barriers. Technology
facilitates every aspect of this phase of implementation.
delivered even a single session of the intervention for which they were trained within the
next 6 months. What happened? The project report identified barriers that included the
following: lack of time; lack of confidence; lack of funding; change in jobs; too few trained
practitioners in the agency; lack of support from agency managers and supervisors, and
difficulty recruiting and retaining parents. Finally, funding priorities changed and resources
dried up.
These problems were not barriers for the Norwegian implementation. What contributed to
their success? In a recent report, several factors were identified:
(a) genuine interest and commitment at the political and administrative level for
national implementation of evidence-based programs, (b) increased interest among
practitioners for evidence-based practice, (c) establishing a self-sustaining national
center for implementation and research, (d) ability of the program developers to
support the Norwegian implementation and research efforts, and (e) positive
feedback from families and positive media coverage (Ogden et al., 2009, p. 590).
Some have said that Norway's success is easy to explain—they have an abundance of
resources and a well-developed social welfare system. If this is the answer, a financially
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strapped state like Michigan would have little chance to carry out and sustain a successful
implementation. So far, however, Michigan is doing well. In 2013, there are 35 agencies
throughout the state with PMTO practitioners, representing 76% of the agencies serving
SED children in the state community mental health system. There are 83 certified PMTO
practitioners and 97 in training who provide services for families on an individual basis.
Parent groups are provided by 27 practitioners. Families are seen in community treatment
centers or in their homes, depending on local priorities.
During Stage 3, preparation begins for conducting the implementation in dependently. With
input from Michigan's department of community mental health and the program developer, a
document was produced describing the roles and responsibilities for all participating in the
Michigan PMTO system, including agencies, trainers, fidelity raters, coaches, clinicians,
consultants, regional coordinators, and the state coordinator (Gray, Rains, & Forgatch,
2009). This document, which required months of negotiation to produce, incorporated
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lessons learned throughout the implementation and now serves as the template for other
implementations as they enter the stage of full transfer. Currently in Michigan, there are 20
trainers, 30 coaches, and 13 reliable fidelity raters.
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How does this state with few financial resources maintain a continued commitment to carry
out this work? Looking at the contributors to success listed by the Norwegians, above, all
factors are true for the state of Michigan with the exception of the establishment of a self-
sustaining center for implementation and research. The commitment and enthusiasm of
leadership, practitioners, and families continues to build momentum. It is not only the well-
resourced who can follow this path.
Stage 4: Sustainability
During this phase, the community must integrate the program within its system, maintain
buy-in and support from stakeholders and solidify its infrastructure to grow the program
with increasing numbers of well-trained practitioners and satisfied consumers. The job for
the program developer's team is to continue to advise, troubleshoot, and support the
community's efforts. Evaluation becomes integral to operations to ensure that the program is
delivered with model fidelity and positive treatment outcomes and the transfer of expertise
continues. Fixsen and colleagues describe this phase as full operation, “with full staffing
complements, full client loads, and all of the realities of ‘doing business’” (Fixsen et al.,
2005, p. 16). According to Fixsen and colleagues, this level of implementation is seldom if
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ever studied because full operation is rarely accomplished and most research for
psychosocial interventions takes place in the earlier phases. Rogers refers to this as the
confirmation or routinizing phase, which involves integrating the program into standard
practice. Activities include establishing a well-articulated infrastructure within the
community to support the continuing practice with fidelity, and the training, coaching, and
certification of new practitioners. Assessment of fidelity and treatment outcomes continues.
Team work between the two systems facilitates the transfer of the program to community
responsibility. In Rogers' framework, the program becomes an ongoing element in the
organization and “loses its identity” (Rogers, 1995, p. 392).
term support and practice throughout the site, the community establishes an effective
infrastructure. This approach involves more than training-the-trainer. The community
gradually assumes full responsibility for all activities involved in practice: training,
coaching, certification, and continuous monitoring of fidelity and outcomes (Forgatch &
DeGarmo, 2011).
The full transfer approach begs the question: can fidelity be sustained after the program
developer's team with draws? This question was addressed with data from two nationwide
PMTO implementations: Norway and Iceland. Fidelity scores (assessed by FIMP) at
certification for practitioners trained by the program team were compared with scores for
those trained by community trainers. In each instance, FIMP scores were provided by
reliable raters for three generations. Generation 1 (G1) was trained by the program
developer; Generation 2 (G2) was trained by selected certified G1 PMTO Specialists; and
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Generation 3 (G3) was trained by G1 and G2 trainers. The hypothesis was that fidelity
would decrease with each generation.
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In Norway, a small yet significant decline in fidelity did indeed follow the transfer to local
trainers in G2. However, G3 scores were equivalent to those attained by G1. Thus, the
hypothesis was not fully supported (Forgatch & DeGarmo, 2011). Fidelity recovered by G3.
These Norwegian findings were replicated in Iceland. Again, there was a small but
significant decline in fidelity at certification following the transfer of training to local
trainers in G2, but the G3 trainees attained scores equivalent to those for G1 (Sigmarsdóttir
& Guðmundsdóttir, 2012). In Iceland as in Norway, there was recovery by G3.
The temporary slippage in certification scores with recovery was replicated in two studies.
What this means remains a mystery. In each case, the investigators speculated that training
may have faltered as the local team developed the additional skills required to lead
workshops and conduct regular coaching sessions with clinicians. In each case, the materials
and procedures had to be translated and adapted for the trainers, practitioners, and parents.
By the third generation, this process was complete, and the material had been assimilated by
the trainers. In recent implementations, the PMTO program purveyors provide specific
training and support as the G1 trainers begin the process of training new generations.
The data from these two nationwide implementations indicate that PMTO can be transferred
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successfully with sustained fidelity and cross-cultural generalization. A next question asks
whether community practice will produce the same positive outcomes attained within
effectiveness trials. This question has been examined in randomized controlled trials in
Norway and in Iceland and is underway in The Netherlands. In each country, community
practitioners from G1, G2, and G3 provided treatment to families in service agencies
throughout their respective countries and compared results with families randomly assigned
to receive services as usual. Multiple-method assessment and intent-to-treat analysis tested
change in pre/post child outcomes. Findings for families receiving PMTO were significantly
superior to those for families receiving services as usual (Ogden & Amlund Hagen, 2008;
Sigmarsdóttir, Thorlacius, Guðmundsdóttir, DeGarmo, & Forgatch, in press).
PMTO implementations have harnessed the power of strong collaborations between the
ivory tower where programs are developed and adoption communities. In every case, the
implementation has been driven by key leaders in the communities, with attention paid to
increasing consensus from front-line workers, management, and families. While the
developers held tight to the program's core principles and observational methodology, the
community modified the program's topography, created and maintained the organizational
infrastructures necessary for implementation, and designed the policy and procedural
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
elements required for successful delivery (Sigmarsdóttir & Guðmundsdóttir, 2012). The
result can lead to empirically supported programs that are deployed with success in the
community, using methods (e.g., videotaping of sessions and fidelity assessment based on
observation) that some have claimed are unlikely to be established in routine community
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Blase, 2011; McHugh et al., 2009). The combinations and permutations with which these
tools can be applied are limitless.
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Netherlands, Denmark, and Mexico) and several locations within the United States (e.g.,
Michigan, New York City, Minnesota, and Kansas). They are part of the ongoing process of
implementation and can be applied to study public health programs. These are not someday
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Our approach to service provision is too limited in scope. We must pool our information
about the lessons learned from the evolution of parent training programs in small-scale
research to large-scale implementation. There's an elephant in the room. The elephant
represents the pressing need to make effective programs available to every family in need.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Each developer has approached a different facet of the elephant and is diligently working to
solve this puzzle. Can we combine the puzzle pieces, capture the key components, and build
a complete picture? Can we create an environment of collaboration, rather than continuing
our policy of setting up competitions? When we reach the point on the horizon where
efficacy and implementation merge, we may be able to achieve a public health approach to
reducing the prevalence of children's behavior problems with the empirically supported
interventions already developed but too seldom applied in community settings. We have
completed the horse race epoch in which we established programs as evidence-based
through careful assessment, sophisticated modeling, and replicated randomized controlled
trials. In the 21st century, we must learn how to create science-based delivery systems that
reach families in need – everywhere.
The projects described were supported in part by Award Numbers R01DA16097 and 1R01DA030114 from the
Prevention Research Branch, NIDA, U.S. PHS, and SAMHSA Grant #SM56177. The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute on Drug
Abuse, the National Institutes of Health or SAMHSA. Marion Forgatch is Executive Director of and employed by
ISII, which provided services in support of this project. Abigail Gewirtz is a consultant to ISII.
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