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02-Chapter 2 Network Element Commissioning

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OptiX OSN 9500

Commissioning Guide Contents


2 Network Element Commissioning .........................................................................................2-1

2.1 Checking Hardware.................................................................................................................. 2-3
2.1.1 Checking Cabinets.......................................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.2 Checking Subracks ......................................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.3 Checking Resistance Between Power Cable Posts .................................................... 2-4
2.1.4 Checking Cable Connection.......................................................................................... 2-5
2.1.5 Checking Board Appearance ......................................................................................... 2-5
2.1.6 Checking the DIP Switch of the EMPU Board........................................................... 2-6
2.2 Testing Power-on of the Cabinet ............................................................................................ 2-7
2.2.1 Measuring Fuse Capacity of the Power Output Terminal ......................................... 2-7
2.2.2 Testing Power-on of the Cabinet .................................................................................. 2-7
2.3 Testing Subrack Functions ...................................................................................................... 2-8
2.3.1 Testing Power-on of the Subrack.................................................................................. 2-8
2.3.2 Testing the Fan ................................................................................................................ 2-9
2.3.3 Observing the Status of Board Indicators.................................................................... 2-9
2.3.4 Testing the JSCC Board ............................................................................................... 2-10
2.3.5 Testing the EMPU Board ............................................................................................. 2-11
2.3.6 Testing Dialling Tone of the Orderwire ..................................................................... 2-11
2.3.7 Testing the Centralised Alarm Processing System ................................................... 2-12
2.3.8 Testing ETH Interface on the JSCC Board ............................................................... 2-12
2.4 Checking the Software Version ............................................................................................ 2-13
2.5 Testing Board Buses............................................................................................................... 2-14
2.5.1 Data Configuration Principles .................................................................................... 2-14
2.5.2 Looping Back the Optical Interface Board ............................................................... 2-14
2.5.3 Configuration Procedure.............................................................................................. 2-15
2.6 Testing Optical/Electrical Interface Indexes ....................................................................... 2-16
2.6.1 Testing the Mean Launched Power ............................................................................ 2-17
2.6.2 Testing the Received Optical Power .......................................................................... 2-17
2.7 Testing On/Off of All Electrical Interfaces and Cabling Error-free................................. 2-19

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OptiX OSN 9500
Contents Commissioning Guide

2.8 Testing Fibre Jumper Distribution........................................................................................ 2-20

2.9 Testing Optical Cable/Fibre Jumper Attenuation ............................................................... 2-21
2.9.1 Testing Optical Cable Attenuation ............................................................................. 2-21
2.9.2 Testing Fibre Jumper Attenuation .............................................................................. 2-21
2.10 Testing the Active/Standby Board Switching ................................................................... 2-22
2.10.1 Testing the Active/Standby Cross-connect Board Switching ............................... 2-23
2.10.2 Testing the Active/Standby Clock Board Switching.............................................. 2-23
2.10.3 Testing the Active/Standby JSCC Board Switching .............................................. 2-24
2.11 Testing Bus and Monitoring Alarms and Performance Events ...................................... 2-24
2.12 Backing Up the NE Database ............................................................................................. 2-25
2.13 Testing the Intra-Station ECC............................................................................................. 2-26
2.14 Testing NE Restarting After Power Failure ...................................................................... 2-27
2.15 End of NE Commissioning ................................................................................................. 2-28
2.15.1 Restoring the System ................................................................................................. 2-28
2.15.2 Compiling Related Engineering Documents .......................................................... 2-28

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OptiX OSN 9500
Commissioning Guide Figures


Figure 2-1 Configuration for NE commissioning............................................................................. 2-1

Figure 2-2 Looping back the optical interface board..................................................................... 2-15
Figure 2-3 Testing mean launched power...................................................................................... 2-17
Figure 2-4 Testing the received optical power............................................................................... 2-19

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OptiX OSN 9500
Commissioning Guide Tables


Table 2-1 Organisation of Chapter 2................................................................................................. 2-2

Table 2-2 Configuration of line boards .......................................................................................... 2-15

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OptiX OSN 9500
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2 Network Element Commissioning

This chapter describes the network element (NE) commissioning for the OptiX
OSN 9500 after hardware installation. NE commissioning includes cabling test, NE
performance monitoring, and service indexes test. The NE commissioning method
is introduced through an example with the configuration shown in Figure 2-1.
The NE is configured as an ADM. The JL64 boards in slots IU 7 and IU 8 are
connected with upstream and downstream NEs respectively. The cross-connect
board, the clock board, the SCC board, and the power interface board are equipped
with active/standby protection. The JLH1 in slot IU 1 accesses 16 x STM-1 optical
signals and the JLHE in slot IU 18 accesses 16 x STM-1 electrical signals.

Slot U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U B O C C U U C C U U T I
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U W C C 3 3 H H 3 3 I U
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6
name E
H 6 6 B O C C C C T I
1 4 4 U W C C H H I U

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 55 51 47 48 33 34 41 42 35 36 58 52 56

1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 U G G M 3 3 H H 3 4 G G U
7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 7 8 9 0


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 53 49 50 54 37 38 43 44 39 40 45 46 57

Front Rear

Figure 2-1 Configuration for NE commissioning

Table 2-1 shows the organisation of this chapter.

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OptiX OSN 9500
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Table 2-1 Organisation of Chapter 2

Section Describes the …

2.1 Checking Hardware Ways of checking cabinets, subracks, resistance between

power cable posts, cable connections, board appearance,
and DIP switches and jumpers of some boards.
2.2 Testing Power-on of Ways of testing the output terminal capacity and output
the Cabinet voltage of the power supply equipment.
2.3 Testing Subrack Ways of checking the fan, board running, some button
Functions functions, alarm output, and orderwire after powering on
the subrack.
2.4 Checking the Operation procedures and precautions
Software Version
2.5 Testing Board Buses Operation procedures and precautions
2.6 Testing List of mandatory and optional test items about the optical
Optical/Electrical or electrical interface
Interface Indexes
2.7 Testing On/Off of All Operation procedures and precautions
Electrical Interfaces and
Cabling Error-free
2.8 Testing Fibre Jumper Operation procedures and precautions
2.9 Testing Optical Operation procedures and precautions
Cable/Fibre Jumper
2.10 Testing the Operation procedures and precautions
Active/Standby Board
2.11 Testing Bus and Operation procedures and precautions
Monitoring Alarms and
Performance Events
2.12 Backing Up the NE Ways of backing up the NE database for the power failure
Database test.
2.13 Testing the Operation procedures and precautions
Intra-Station ECC
2.14 Testing NE Operation procedures and precautions
Restarting After Power
2.15 End of NE Some tasks to finish the NE commissioning, in preparation
Commissioning for network commissioning

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OptiX OSN 9500
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2.1 Checking Hardware

Purpose Describes how to check the equipment hardware before the
equipment is powered on.
To ensure there is no any fault or damage about hardware
before commissioning.
Tools/Instruments None
User authority level None
Prerequisites The hardware installation has been finished.
Required/As needed Required

Check hardware before the cabinet is powered on. This section gives the criteria for
several important testing items. For details, see OptiX OSN 9500 Intelligent Optical
Switching System Installation Guide.

2.1.1 Checking Cabinets

„ Installation of cabinets must comply with the requirements of the construction
„ That, if there are multiple cabinets, they must be aligned with one another.
Each cabinet must stand horizontal and stable.
„ The outlet on the top of the cabinet is right under the cabling trough in the
equipment room.
„ The bolts for fixing the support on the ground and the cabinet on the support
are tightened, and spring washers and flat washers are installed in correct order.
„ The orderwire phone and electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap are in place
and in right use.
„ Cabinets are clear of waste.

2.1.2 Checking Subracks

„ The subracks are correctly grounded.
„ The vacant slots are clean and there is no small bolt or broken cable tie in the
„ The vacant slots are installed with blank panels.
„ The cabling trough is not damaged and is connected with the subrack fixedly.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

2.1.3 Checking Resistance Between Power Cable Posts

The OptiX OSN 9500 distributes the power through the direct current (DC) power
distribution unit at the top of the cabinet. For details, see OptiX OSN 9500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Hardware Description.

Step Action

1 Check whether the cabinet is connected to the power supply equipment. If so, push the switch on the
power supply equipment to OFF.
2 On the power distribution unit, push power switches for the subrack to OFF .
3 Measure the resistance between NEG1 (–) of INPUT1 and RTN1 (+) of INPUT1. The value should
be ∞.
4 Measure the resistance between NEG1 (–) of INPUT1 and RTN2 (+) of INPUT1. The value should
be ∞.
5 Measure the resistance between NEG1 (–) of INPUT1 and the protection grounding post ( ). The
value should be ∞.
6 Measure the resistance between NEG2 (–) of INPUT1 and RTN2 (+) of INPUT1. The value should
be ∞.
7 Measure the resistance between NEG2 (–) of INPUT1 and RTN1 (+) of INPUT1. The value should
be ∞.
8 Measure the resistance between NEG2 (–) of INPUT1 and the protection grounding post ( ). The
value should be ∞.
9 Measure the resistance of INPUT2 refer to step 3–step 8.
10 On the power distribution unit, push power switches for the subrack to ON.
11 Measure the resistance between NEG1 (–) of INPUT1 and RTN1 (+) of INPUT1. The value should
be more than 20 kilohms.
12 Measure the resistance between NEG1 (–) of INPUT1 and RTN2 (+) of INPUT1. The value should
be more than 20 kilohms.
13 Measure the resistance between NEG1 (–) of INPUT1 and the protection grounding post ( ). The
value should be more than 20 kilohms.
14 Measure the resistance between NEG2 (–) of INPUT1 and RTN2 (+) of INPUT1. The value should
be more than 20 kilohms.
15 Measure the resistance between NEG2 (–) of INPUT1 and RTN1 (+) of INPUT1. The value should
be more than 20 kilohms.
16 Measure the resistance between NEG2 (–) of INPUT1 and the protection grounding post ( ). The
value should be more than 20 kilohms.
17 Measure the resistance of INPUT2 refer to step 11–step 16.
18 After the test, turn off power switches for the subrack on the power distribution unit.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

The testing method must be correct. The positive pole of the ohmmeter should be
connected to RTN(+) , while the negative pole to NEG (–). If poles of the ohmmeter
are connected reversely, the obtained value will be smaller than the actual value,
usually less than 10 kilohms.
When the power switch on the subrack is pushed to ON position, if the resistance
between cabling posts is less than 20 ohms, it indicates that a short circuit occurs
between the –48 V working power and the working ground. Resolve the fault before
proceeding to the power-on test.

2.1.4 Checking Cable Connection

This section describes several important cabling rules. For details, see Appendix D
"Engineering Labels for Cables" of OptiX OSN 9500 Intelligent Optical Switching
System Installation Guide.
„ All cables are bundled with evenly spaced bundling points and appropriate
tightness. The cable ties are cut off neatly. All cable ties face the same
„ All cables are arranged neatly. There is no crossover or bend.
„ A trough is used for cabling outside the cabinet. There should be no cables
protruding from the trough.
„ If a cabling ladder is used, the cables must be secured neatly on its beam in a
rectangular shape (or in a circular shape when the cables are single-cored).
„ At the turning point, big bend radius (more than 6 cm) is required. There is no
bundling at the turning point.
„ Power cables and grounding cables are connected correctly.
„ The diameter of the power cables and grounding cables meets the requirements
of power distribution.
„ The power cables and grounding cables outside the cabinet are arranged
separately from the signal cables, with a distance of more than 3 cm.
„ The power cables and grounding cables bend smoothly.
„ There is no joint at any point of the power cables and grounding cables.

2.1.5 Checking Board Appearance

The following list describes the criteria for checking board appearance.
„ The metal reed at the side of the board front panel does not turn up.
„ The connection shaft between the ejector lever and the board front panel snap
into place.
„ The ejector lever on the cross-connect board, clock board, and JSCC board are
fully locked. The tact switches on the ejector levers snap into place.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

„ Boards are inserted completely and board front panels are locked.
In case of any exception, contact local offices of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
(hereinafter referred to as Huawei) as soon as possible.

Always wear an ESD wrist strap or ESD glove whenever you touch a board.

2.1.6 Checking the DIP Switch of the EMPU Board

The EMPU board of the OptiX OSN 9500 implements MBUS management and
monitors electromechanical performance. For details, see OptiX OSN 9500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Hardware Description.
„ Remove J12 jumper cap of the EMPU board. The jumper is at the left side of
the power module.
„ Put switches 1, 2, 3, and 4 of SW1 to ON.

Usually, the J12 jumper cap of the EMPU has been removed before shipped. But you
must check to ensure that.

Ensure that all power switches are in the OFF position after the hardware check.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2.2 Testing Power-on of the Cabinet

Purpose Describes how to check the equipment hardware before the
equipment is powered on.
To ensure there is no any fault or damage about hardware and
the equipment can be tested well.
Tools/Instruments None
User authority level None
Prerequisites There is not any problem during checking the hardware, and
the power supply for the cabinet is normal.
Required/As needed Required

Touching the power supply equipment directly or indirectly through damp objects may
result in fatalities.

2.2.1 Measuring Fuse Capacity of the Power Output Terminal

The maximum power consumption of a single subrack of the OptiX OSN 9500 is
2500 W, and fuse capacity is 65 A.
The actual power consumption of the subrack can be calculated by adding up that of
the boards. For detailed information on board consumption, see Appendix B "Board
List" of OptiX OSN 9500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Hardware

2.2.2 Testing Power-on of the Cabinet

Follow the steps below to test the power-on of the cabinet.

Step Action

1 Measure the voltage of the power supply equipment at the top of the cabinet.
The value should range between –48 V +/- 20% (or between –60 V +/- 20% if
the standard input voltage is –60 V). Ensure that the positive and negative poles
are connected correctly.
If the output voltage of the power supply equipment is not within this working
range, solve this problem and do not power on the equipment.

2 Check the status of subrack power switches and the corresponding switches on
the power supply equipment. All the switches should be in the OFF position.

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OptiX OSN 9500
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Step Action

3 Check the labels of the power cables. If the labels are not filled or affixed
properly, fill and affix new labels instead.
4 Connect one end of the power cables, power grounding cables, and protection
grounding cables to the power distribution unit on the top of the cabinet.
5 Connect the other end of the power cables, power grounding cables and
protection grounding cables to the power supply equipment.
6 Turn on corresponding power switches on the power supply equipment.

The indicators at the top of the OptiX OSN 9500 cabinet are driven by the EMPU
board. Therefore, the indicators are on only after the subrack is powered on.

2.3 Testing Subrack Functions

Purpose This task checks the subrack, the fan and the status of board
To ensure there is no any fault about the subrack so that the
commissioning can be performed in order.
Tools/Instruments T2000
User authority level Administrator
Prerequisites The cabinet is powered on. The subrack power cable is
connected correctly.
Required/As needed Required

2.3.1 Testing Power-on of the Subrack

Follow the steps below to test power-on of the subrack.

Step Action

1 Check whether the subrack power cables are correctly connected to DB3 of
JPIU boards. Make sure all connectors on the JPIU board are fixed.
2 Turn on the switches for each subrack on the DC power distribution unit in
3 After the test, push the power switches of the upper and lower subracks to the
ON position. All subracks can be powered on normally.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Do not insert or remove power plugs or JPIU boards with power on.

2.3.2 Testing the Fan

After the subrack power switch is turned on, the fan begins to operate. Follow the
steps below to test the fan.

Step Action

1 Check the running indicator on the front panel of the fan. The indicator is green
normally. If it is red or yellow, then the fan is faulty. Resolve the fault
2 You can feel wind blowing when you put your hand on the top or at the bottom
of the subrack. Do not touch the fan.

The fan tray assembly of the OptiX OSN 9500 is hot-swappable (avoid as much as
possible). The fan tray assembly has indicators but no switch.
There is an air filter at the bottom of the subrack. Clean the air filter once every two

2.3.3 Observing the Status of Board Indicators

For details on board indicators, see OptiX OSN 9500 Intelligent Optical Switching
System Hardware Description.

Step Action

1 Switch on the power switch on the subrack. After two or three minutes, the
JSCC board is in service.
2 Log in to the T2000 as administrator, create an NE, and add the board to the NE.
During NE commissioning, the NE should be set to a gateway NE because it is
connected directly to the T2000.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Step Action

3 Two or three minutes later, each board is in service.

If a board is not configured on the OptiX OSN 9500, the board state on the T2000 is
not in service. The running indicator of the board will flash (five times every

4 Observe the running indicator (green). It is one second on and one second off.
5 Observe the alarm indicator (red). It is off without any alarm. When there is an
alarm, it flashes once to three times every other second.

2.3.4 Testing the JSCC Board

Follow the steps below to test the JSCC board.

Step Action

1 Connect the ETH interface to the computer where T2000 runs, and observe the
interface indicator. The indicator shows the connection is normal.
2 Press the RESET button on the JSCC board. The board is reset after several
3 Select the NE from the Main Topology on the T2000 and right-click it. Select
Login from the shortcut menu. If the NE can be logged in to, the JSCC reset
button is normal.
4 Double-click the NE icon to log in to the NE. Normally, the NE is in the running
5 If you fail to log in to the NE or the T2000 reports alarms, resolve the fault
before proceeding to the next test.

The ETH interface on the JSCC has two indicators. The green indicator indicates the
NE is connected to the T2000 and the flashing yellow indicator indicates that data is
transmitted between the NE and the T2000.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2.3.5 Testing the EMPU Board

Follow the steps below to test the EMPU board.

Step Operation

1 Press the LAMP TEST button on the front panel of the board. The green
running indicator and red alarm indicator on the front panel of all the boards
inserted in the subrack will be on.
2 Remove the fibre jumper connected to any optical interface board. The NE will
report the R_LOS alarm (critical), and the buzzer will beep. At this time, press
the MUTE button. The buzzer stops beeping.

2.3.6 Testing Dialling Tone of the Orderwire

Follow the steps below to test the dialling tone of the orderwire.

Step Operation

1 Check the orderwire phone. The phone plug should be inserted in the PHONE
port on the JEOW board. The dialling mode of the orderwire phone should be
set to T (dual-tone multi-frequency)
2 Remove the orderwire phone, and press the talk button. The indicator on the
phone should be on with dialling tone. In this case, the orderwire phone is in
off-hook status. Press the talk button again. Then the indicator is off (on hook).
3 If there is no dialling tone, maybe the orderwire phone is not configured.
Configure the orderwire phone through the T2000 and then perform the
orderwire test.

The ringing switch of the orderwire phone should be set to ON, so the phone will ring
when there is an orderwire call.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

2.3.7 Testing the Centralised Alarm Processing System

Test the centralised alarm processing system if:
„ The alarm signals of the OptiX equipment are output and cascaded to the
centralised alarm processing device.
„ There are alarms of the centralised alarm processing device to be input to the
OptiX equipment.
The OptiX OSN 9500 provides 16 alarm inputs and two alarm outputs through the
EMPU board. The EMPU board connects to the power supply equipment and the
centralised alarm processing system through an interface.
Follow the steps below to test the centralised alarm processing system.

Step Action

1 Check the label on the alarm cable to ensure the cable correctly connects to the
centralised alarm processing device.
2 Remove the fibre jumper connected to the IN optical interface of the NE (or shut
down the laser of the corresponding optical interface through the T2000), so as
to enable the NE to report R_LOS alarm. Then, the buzzer will beep, and the
centralised alarm processing device will give audio and visual alarm
3 Connect the fibre jumper which is removed in step 2(or turn on the laser which
is shut down in step 2).

When the centralised alarm processing device is in the audio alarm mode, the mute
function is required.

2.3.8 Testing ETH Interface on the JSCC Board

Follow the steps below to test the ETH interface on the JSCC board.

Step Action

1 Check the label of the network cable. If the label is not filled or affixed properly,
fill and affix a new one instead.
2 Use the multimeter to test the network cables connecting the NE and the T2000.
The communication is normal.
3 Check the cable length, which should not exceed 100 m.
4 Check the network cables connecting the gateway NE and the T2000. The
network cables should connect to the ETH interface on the JSCC board.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step Action

5 Check the network card of the computer where T2000 runs. Select the
auto-negotiation mode for the network card and set its IP address and NE IP to
the same segment.
6 Observe the indicators of the ETH interface.
The green LINK indicator indicates the connection status. When on, it indicates
successful connection; otherwise, it is off. The orange ACT indicator indicates
data receiving and transmitting. It flashes to indicate data receiving or
transmitting; otherwise, it is off.

2.4 Checking the Software Version

Purpose This task queries the software version on the T2000, and
compares results with the software version table in the
packing list.
To ensure the version is right.
Tools/Instruments T2000
User authority level The T2000 user with the authority of "NE and network
supervisor" or above
Prerequisites The subrack is powered on and the boards operate normally.
Required/As needed Required

Follow the steps below to check the software version.

Step Action

1 Log in to the T2000 as administrator and the Main Topology is displayed.

2 Select Report > Board Information Report from the Main Menu.
3 Select the desired NE from the Function Tree and click the double-right-arrow
button. The board version is displayed on the right of the dialogue box.
4 Check the version of board software and NE software according to the software
version table in the packing list. For any non-conformity, contact the local office
of Huawei in time.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

2.5 Testing Board Buses

Purpose This task checks the board buses.
To ensure there is no any fault about the board buses so that the
commissioning can be performed in order.
Tools/Instruments T2000, SDH analyser, optical attenuator, fibre jumpers, cables
User authority level Administrator
Prerequisites The tests above are all successful.
Required/As needed Required

This section describes the guideline for configuring commissioning data through
the example described in section 2.1. For details, see OptiX OSN 9500 Intelligent
Optical Switching System Configuration Guide.
In the following commissioning process, we assume that the computer where
T2000 runs is connected to the NE and the communication is normal.

2.5.1 Data Configuration Principles

In NE commissioning, you must configure each board and bus with its required
services. Ensure the following:
„ All ports of all tributary boards are configured with services for testing.
„ The services run through all buses of each line board.
You can test all buses of boards by connecting VC-4s in series. Configure a service
to a VC-4 of the line board, and then connect all VC-4s of the line board in series to
test all VC-4s.

2.5.2 Looping Back the Optical Interface Board

Loop back an optical interface board of the NE with fibre jumpers before testing
board buses.
„ For TM, connect the receiving interface and the transmitting interface with
fibre jumpers, as shown in Figure 2-2.
„ For ADM, perform self-looping or cross-looping at optical interface boards
with fibre jumpers, as shown in Figure 2-2.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning


Fibre Fibre Fibre Fibre
optical jumpers
jumpers jumpers jumpers jumpers
optical optical optical optical
attenuator attenuator attenuator attenuator
Self-looping for TM Self-looping for Cross-looping for
Figure 2-2 Looping back the optical interface board

2.5.3 Configuration Procedure

Follow the steps below to perform the configuration.

Step Action

1 Log in to the T2000 as administrator, create an NE, and upload the NE data.
2 Connect an SDH analyser to the first receiving and transmitting electrical
interface on the JLHE board in slot 18.
3 Configure the first VC-4 of the JLHE board to the second VC-4 on this board
through the T2000.
4 According to Table 2-2, complete the service configuration for others VC-4s.
5 Self-loop the electrical interfaces and optical interfaces of all SDH service
boards except the first electrical interface of the JLHE board.
Add an appropriate optical attenuator before looping back the optical interfaces.

6 Perform BER test for ten minutes. Observe the SDH analyser. No bit error is
7 Query NE alarms and performance events on the T2000. If the NE reports
alarms or performance events, locate the fault and resolve it before proceeding
to the next test.
8 After the test, cancel the self-loop of the electrical interfaces and the optical

Table 2-2 Configuration of line boards

Source board Sink board

18-JLHE-1 to 15-1 18-JLHE-2 to 16-1

18-JLHE-16-1 7-JL64-1-1

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Source board Sink board

7-JL64-1-1 to 63 7-JL64-1-2 to 64
7-JL64-1-64 8-JL64-1-1
8-JL64-1-1 to 63 8-JL64-1-2 to 64
8-JL64-1-64 1-JLH1-1-1
1-JLH1-1 to 15-1 1-JLH1-2 to 16-1

2.6 Testing Optical/Electrical Interface Indexes

Purpose This task tests the common test items of the interface.
To ensure the optical or electrical interface indexes are
Tools/Instruments Optical power meter, fibre jumpers
User authority level None
Prerequisites The boards work normally.
Required/As needed Required

This section lists the common test items of the NE commissioning, and gives
operation procedures and precautions for mandatory items. If test tools are
available, it is recommended to test the optional items in addition. For details, see
Appendix A "Test of Common Indexes".

Test item Mandatory or optional

Mean launched power Required

Actual received optical power Required
Receiver sensitivity Optional
Allowable input frequency deviation at the Optional
optical interface
Input jitter tolerance at the optical interface Optional
Output jitter at the optical interface Optional
Allowable input frequency deviation at the Optional
electrical interface
Input jitter tolerance at the electrical interface Optional
Output jitter at the electrical interface Optional

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2.6.1 Testing the Mean Launched Power

Follow the steps below to test the mean launched power.

Step Action

1 Clean fibre jumper connectors and flange carefully with special cleaning tissue.
2 Set the optical power meter to the desired wavelength.
3 Connect the fibre jumper on the OUT optical interface to the input port of the
optical power meter, as shown in Figure 2-3.
4 Read the mean launched optical power after the output power keeps stable.
5 Compare the test result with the index. If the result does not conform to the
index, find out the causes until passing the test.
The optical interface board may be set with the automatic laser shutdown (ALS)
function, which makes the optical interface unable to emit light. If no optical
power is received, check whether the ALS function is enabled.

interface Tested
Fiber board optical
jumper interface

pow er meter

Figure 2-3 Testing mean launched power

It is strictly forbidden to stare straightly at the optical interface board and optical
interface, lest the laser beam inside the optical fibre would hurt your eyes.

2.6.2 Testing the Received Optical Power

If the optical fibres of the adjacent station have been distributed to the ODF of the
local station and the adjacent station has finished commissioning, it is required to
test the received optical power at the local station.

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OptiX OSN 9500
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

„ Make sure the flange on the optical fibre connector is clean and connected properly.
„ Test the attenuation of the fibre jumper in advance.
„ Select the fibre jumper with a connector matching the interface shape.

Follow the steps below to test the received optical power.

Step Action

1 Set the optical power meter to the desired wavelength.

2 Connect the fibre jumper on the IN optical interface at the local station to the
input port of the optical power meter, as shown in Figure 2-4.
3 When the received optical power keeps stable, read the value. The value is the
actual received optical power of the line board.
4 Check the optical power measured.
If the value is smaller than the sensitivity of the line board, go to step 5.
If the value is larger than the overloaded index of the line board, go to step 6.
For indexes of different optical interface boards, see OptiX OSN 9500
Intelligent Optical Switching System System Description.
The received optical power should have some surplus. It is recommended the
received optical power is 3 dB larger than the sensitivity index and 5 dB less than
overloaded index at least.

5 Check the fibre line. After resolving the fault, return to step 1 to test the received
optical power again.
If the received optical power is too small, check the cable length, the optical fibre
connector, and connection of the flange at the ODF side. If the fibre connector is
dirty, clean it. For too high attenuation, rebuild the line. If the optical cable is too
long, replace the board with a new one with higher launched optical power or add
more optical signal amplifier boards.

6 Add another attenuator at the ODF side. After resolving the fault, go back to
step 1 to test the received optical power again.
7 If the test value still cannot meet the requirement, check the fibre connection
and the boards at the remote station. If there is any fault, resolve the fault. Then
test again from step 1.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

board Tested
jumper Fiber
- jumper


Local station Adjacent station

Figure 2-4 Testing the received optical power

2.7 Testing On/Off of All Electrical Interfaces and Cabling

Purpose Describes how to check the connection from the equipment to
To ensure each connection is right.
Tools/Instruments T2000, BER tester
User authority level T2000 user with the authority of "NE and network operator"
or above
Prerequisites Before this test, route cables to the appointed DDF according
to the design document.
Required/As needed Required

After connecting cables with the OptiX equipment and DDF, perform electrical
interface on/off and cabling error-free tests.

Step Action

1 Set the first 155 Mbit/s port to Outloop on the T2000. Connect the BER tester to
the first 155 Mbit/s port on the DDF. The T_ALOS alarm should disappear.
2 Cancel Outloop on the T2000. In this case, the BER tester gives an alarm,
indicating the BER tester is connected to the first 155 Mbit/s port and the
receiving and transmitting cables are connected correctly.
3 Similarly, check the receiving and transmitting cables of each 155 Mbit/s port in
order. Test in both the ON and OFF states.
4 Ensure the on/off function of all electrical interfaces is normal (reliable cable
connection, no short circuit or blocking).

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Step Action

5 Ensure that the port numbers at the equipment side correspond to those at the
DDF side, and the receiving or transmitting sequences of all ports on the DDF
are consistent. If any fault occurs, resolve the fault first.
6 After the test, disconnect the cables connected during the test. And make sure
the Outloop configured in step 1 has been canceled.

2.8 Testing Fibre Jumper Distribution

Purpose Describes how to check the fibre jumper connection.
To ensure each connection from the equipment to the ODF is
Tools/Instruments T2000, fibre jumper, attenuator and Optical power meter
User authority level T2000 user with the authority of "NE and network operator"
or above
Prerequisites Route optical fibres to the appointed ODF according to the
design document.
Required/As needed Required

It is to check whether two fibre jumpers are correctly connected to the receiving and
the transmitting interfaces of one optical interface board respectively.
Follow the steps below to test the fibre jumper distribution.

Step Action

1 Connect one end of a fibre jumper to the transmitting end of an optical interface
on a board. Test the other end using an optical power meter at the ODF side and
ensure the optical power is not 0. Remove the fibre jumper and ensure the
optical power of the other end is 0. The optical power meter shows the Loss
2 Connect the fibre jumpers from the ODF side to the receiving and the
transmitting ends of an optical interface on the board, and then perform
loopback at the ODF side. Then, the R_LOS alarm of this optical interface
should disappear.
3 Remove the fibre jumper from the transmitting end, the optical interface reports
an R_LOS alarm. Insert the fibre jumper again. Then, the R_LOS alarm
4 Check the labels of the fiber jumpers. If the labels are not filled or attached
properly, make new labels and attach them to the corresponding fiber jumpers.
5 After the test, cover all optical interfaces with dustproof caps.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2.9 Testing Optical Cable/Fibre Jumper Attenuation

Purpose Describes how to test the optical cable/fibre attenuation.
To ensure the attenuation of the optical cable/fibre is in the
proper range.
Tools/Instruments optical power meter
User authority level None
Prerequisites Before this test, route optical fibres to the appointed ODF
according to the design document.
Required/As needed Required

2.9.1 Testing Optical Cable Attenuation

Follow the steps below to test optical cable attenuation.

Step Action

1 Measure the actual receiving optical power at the ODF of this station.
2 Compare it with the launched power of the remote station, see the standard
optical cable attenuation, and judge whether the attenuation is too high.
3 If so, find the causes and make an improvement.

For the method of testing optical cable attenuation, see Appendix D "Optical
Transmission Distance" of OptiX OSN 9500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
System Description.

2.9.2 Testing Fibre Jumper Attenuation

Step Action

1 Measure the actual receiving optical power at the ODF of this station and the
optical interface board respectively.
2 Compare the two values, which should be a little different (within 1.5 dB).
3 If the attenuation is too high, find the causes and make an improvement.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Common causes for high fibre jumper attenuation:
„ The fibre jumper interface is in bad contact with the interface on the optical
interface board.
„ The fibre jumpers are bound too tight. If so, it is necessary to reroute the fibre
„ The fibre jumper has a bad performance. In this case, replace the fibre jumpers.

2.10 Testing the Active/Standby Board Switching

Purpose Describes how to test the switching of active/standby board.
To ensure the active/standby board can switch normally.
Tools/Instruments T2000, fibre jumper, attenuator and BER tester
User authority level Administrator
Prerequisites Configuration of the board 1+1 protection is right.
Required/As needed Required

The switching is performed in two ways.

„ Removing the active board
„ Switching manually on the T2000
The protection switching test to the active/standby board is introduced through the
example described in section 1.

If service interruption occurs or an alarm is reported during the test, resolve the fault
before proceeding to the next step.
The interval between the switching of two boards must be more than one minute.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2.10.1 Testing the Active/Standby Cross-connect Board Switching

In the OptiX OSN 9500 system, the cross-connect boards in slot 41 and slot 42 back
up each other, and the cross-connect boards in slot 43 and slot 44 back up each other.
By default, the cross-connect boards in slot 41 and slot 43 are the active boards.

Step Action

1 Power on the subrack.

2 Log in to the T2000 as administrator.
3 Perform service configuration according to section 2.5 and connect the SDH
4 Self-loop the electrical interfaces and optical interfaces of all SDH service
boards except the first electrical interface of the JLHE board (with appropriate
attenuators added).
5 Turn on the tact switch of the cross-connect board in slot 41. Observe the SDH
analyser. The service should be normal and no alarm is reported to the T2000.
6 Turn on the tact switch of the cross-connect board in slot 43. Observe the SDH
analyser. The service should be normal and no alarm is reported to the T2000.
7 Turn off the tact switch of the cross-connect boards in slot 41 and slot 43.
Observe the SDH analyser. The service should be normal, and no alarm is
reported to the T2000.
8 Turn on the tact switch of the cross-connect board in slot 42 and slot 44.
Observe the SDH analyser. The service should be normal and no alarm is
reported to the T2000.
9 Turn off the tact switch of the cross-connect boards in slot 42 and slot 42.
Observe the SDH analyser. The service should be normal, and no alarm is
reported to the T2000.

2.10.2 Testing the Active/Standby Clock Board Switching

In the OptiX OSN 9500 system, the clock boards in slot 45 and slot 46 back up each
other. By default, the clock board in slot 45 is the active.
Follow the steps below to perform the active/standby clock board switching.

Step Action

1 Perform service configuration according to section 2.10.1 and connect the SDH
2 Turn on the tact switch of the clock board in slot 45. Observe the SDH analyser.
The service should be normal and no alarm is reported to the T2000.
3 Turn off the tact switch of the clock board in slot 45. Observe the SDH analyser.
The service should be normal, and no alarm is reported to the T2000.

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OptiX OSN 9500
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Step Action

4 Turn on the tact switch of the clock board in slot 46. Observe the SDH analyser.
The service should be normal and no alarm is reported to the T2000.
5 Turn off the tact switch of the clock board in slot 46. Observe the SDH analyser.
The service should be normal, and no alarm is reported to the T2000.

2.10.3 Testing the Active/Standby JSCC Board Switching

In the OptiX OSN 9500 system, the SCC boards in slot 47 and slot 48 back up each
other. By default, the SCC board in slot 47 is the active.
Follow the steps below to perform the active/standby SCC board switching.

Step Action

1 Perform service configuration according to section 2.10.1 and connect the SDH
2 Turn on the tact switch of the SCC board in slot 47. Observe the SDH analyser.
The service should be normal and no alarm is reported to the T2000.
3 Turn off the tact switch of the SCC board in slot 47. Observe the SDH analyser.
The service should be normal, and no alarm is reported to the T2000.
4 Turn on the tact switch of the SCC board in slot 48. Observe the SDH analyser.
The service should be normal and no alarm is reported to the T2000.
5 Turn off the tact switch of the SCC board in slot 48. Observe the SDH analyser.
The service should be normal, and no alarm is reported to the T2000.

2.11 Testing Bus and Monitoring Alarms and Performance

Purpose Describes how to test the buses in series.
To ensure stable performance of the NE.
Tools/Instruments T2000, SDH analyser, optical attenuator, fibre jumpers, cables
User authority level T2000 user with the authority of "NE and network operator" or
Prerequisites Configured services run through all boards and buses.
Required/As needed Required

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

At the end of NE commissioning, it is necessary to test the buses of all boards to

ensure stable performance. It is required there is no bit error within 30 minutes
during the test.
Bus testing in series and alarms and performance monitoring are introduced
through the example in section 1.

Step Action

1 Perform service configuration according to section 2.5 and connect the testing
2 Self-loop the electrical interfaces and optical interfaces of all SDH service
boards, except the first electrical interface of the JLHE board (with an
appropriate attenuator to be added).
3 Perform 24-hour performance test, and there should be no bit errors or alarms.
4 Log in to the T2000 as the system administrator.
5 Set performance monitoring on the T2000. The performance data should be
normal. For example, the bit error and point justification should be 0, and
temperature performance data should be within the normal range.
6 During performance monitoring, view NE alarms periodically and remove all
alarms caused by unknown reasons.
7 Clear the services configured during this test. Remove the fibres, cables and
instruments connected during this test.
8 Connect the cables and fibres from the DDF and the ODF to the equipment
according to the labels on the cables and fibres.

For any problem during the test, solve it before continuing with the test.

2.12 Backing Up the NE Database

Purpose Describes how to back up the NE database.
To ensure the JSCC board can restore to normal operation
automatically after data loss or power failure.
Tools/Instruments T2000
User authority level Administrator
Prerequisites Configuration of NE is right and there is no abnormal alarm.
Required/As needed Required

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OptiX OSN 9500
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

After the configuration data is delivered, it is required to back up the NE database.

Follow the steps below to back up the NE database.

Step Action

1 Select Configuration > Configuration Data Management from the Main

Menu on the T2000.
2 Select the NE with database to be backed up, and click double-right-arrow
3 Select the NE to be backed up from the list on the right.
4 Click Back Up NE Database.
5 Click OK in the Confirm dialogue box.

2.13 Testing the Intra-Station ECC

Purpose Describes how to test the intra-station ECC.
To ensure each NE in one station be able to log in to one
Tools/Instruments T2000
User authority level Administrator
Prerequisites All subracks in the station have been connected by fibre
jumpers or by network cables.
Required/As needed Required

When there are multiple NEs in one station (for example, one main subrack and
several extended subracks), these NEs should be able to log in to one another.

Step Action

With no NE created on the T2000

1 Log in to the T2000 as administrator and create an NE on the Main Topology.
2 Enter the ID of the NE to be tested. If the NE is a gateway NE, the gateway IP
address is required. For the procedures of creating an NE, see OptiX OSN 9500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide.
3 View the colour of the NE icon created on the T2000. If it is green, it indicates
that the creation succeeded.
4 Select the NE icon from the T2000 interface. Right-click to select Login from
the shortcut menu. If Operation succeeded is displayed in the Operation
Result dialogue box, it indicates that the NE can be logged in to.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step Action

5 Repeat steps 2–4 to check whether each NE can be logged in to.

With an NE created on the T2000
1 Log in to the T2000 as administrator.
2 Select the NE icon from the T2000 interface. Right-click to select Login from
the shortcut menu. If Operation succeeded is displayed in the Operation
Result dialogue box, it indicates that the NE can be logged in to.
3 Similarly, check whether each NE can be logged in to.

2.14 Testing NE Restarting After Power Failure

Purpose Ensures NE will be in a stable performance after it recovers
from a power failure.
Tools/Instruments T2000, SDH analyser, fibre jumpers, attenuator
User authority level T2000 user with the authority of "NE and network operator"
or above
Prerequisites Please make sure the equipment performs well and NE
database has been backed up before shutting down.
Required/As needed Required

Conduct this test after the backing up of NE database described in section 2.12 is

Follow the steps below to test NE restarting after power failure.

Step Action

1 Power on the NE after power failure. Within 10 minutes, all boards should be
able to operate normally without manual intervention.
2 The services can be activated normally. Self-loop the optical interface board and
test typical services to ensure that no bit error or performance event occurs.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

2.15 End of NE Commissioning

2.15.1 Restoring the System
After the test, return the system to its original state. Details are as follows:
„ Make sure the ringing switch of the orderwire phone is set to the ON position,
so that it will ring when there is any incoming orderwire call. Make sure the
talk button is off, in case the orderwire phone keeps in the off-hook status.
„ Remove the optical fibres used for self-loop in the test and release the software
loopback setting in the system.
„ Clear the services configured during the test.
„ Connect the cables and fibres from the DDF and ODF to the equipment
according to the labels on the cables and fibres.

2.15.2 Compiling Related Engineering Documents

As a record of the engineering conditions, engineering documents are of great
significance for future maintenance, upgrading, and expansion. Therefore, fill in
the documents correctly and completely. For information about the full names of
boards, software and hardware versions, the transmission distance of optical boards,
and single mode or multi-mode, see the packing list and the attached software and
hardware lists.
Many documents need to be filled out for the test. For details, consult the local
office of Huawei.

2-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary T2-040484-20060320-C-1.27

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