Lotr Rules
Lotr Rules
Lotr Rules
Rules of Play
The time has come for the final confrontation in Welcome
Middle-earth between the free people of the west and With this copy of Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation, you can relive
the dark lord Sauron. Will the Hobbit Frodo and his the epic struggle between the Fellowship of the Ring and the minions of
companions bring the One Ring to Mount Doom deep Sauron as told in J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic fantasy trilogy The Lord of the
in the land of Mordor? Or will their fellowship fall to
Sauron’s forces and lose Middle-earth to eternal darkness? If you are ready to guide the Fellowship in their dangerous journey
Only one side can win! to reach Mount Doom, or if you are ready to control the forces of
Sauron in their hunt for the One Ring, then read on; adventure and
excitement await.
Game Components
18 Combat Cards
Game Board
Bag End
The Shire
Cardolan Arthedain
Misty Mountains
Gap of Rohan
8 Special Cards
Helm’s Deep
Dol Guldur
Gondor Dagorlad 2
18 Character Stands Shelob’s Lair
Barad Dûr
Mount Doom
1. Mountain Regions
2. Region
18 Character Cards
2 Reference Sheets
18 Character Tiles
• The Fellowship chooses any four of its characters and places
Playing the them in the Shire and then places its remaining five characters
Classic Game
in the five regions in front of the Shire (Arthedain, Cardolan,
Enedwaith, Eregion, and Rhudaur) so that each of those five
regions contains one Fellowship character.
The rules for playing Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation are
explained assuming that players are playing the classic game. Rules • Sauron proceeds likewise: He chooses and places any four
for playing either the variant game or the draft game are found of his characters in Mordor, then places his remaining five
towards the end of this rulebook. characters in the five regions in front of Mordor (Gondor,
Dagorlad, Fangorn, Mirkwood, and Rohan), so that each of
When playing the classic game, make sure that you are using the side of those five regions contains one Sauron character.
the character tiles and character cards that display the ring symbol (the
• No characters are placed on any of the mountain regions at the
characters showing the star symbol—are not used in the classic game).
beginning of the game.
• Each player places his nine character cards in his play area,
Ring Symbol Star Symbol serving as reminders of character names and abilities.
(Classic Game) (Variant Game)
• Each player takes the reference sheet summarizing the
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation is a two-player game in which opposing player’s characters and cards.
one player controls the nine companions of the Fellowship as the
Each character must be placed on the board so that its hidden
Fellowship. The other player controls nine of Sauron’s evil minions
(opaque) side is facing the opposing player. In this way players see
as Sauron. Before the game begins, players should familiarize
only the identities of their own characters.
themselves with both their own and their opponent’s cards and
characters. The special abilities of each card and every character are
described in detail on pages 10 through 15.
Before playing the game for the first time, carefully unpack the cards
and separate the cardboard counters from their frames.
• Each player takes his nine combat cards into his hand. The
Fellowship takes the Fellowship cards and Sauron takes the
Sauron cards. (The eight Special Cards are only used with the
game variant described on page 9.)
• The game board is placed between the two players so that the
corner with the Shire is pointing at the Fellowship and the corner
with Mordor points towards Sauron.
Setup Diagram
• Each player cannot have more than four of his characters in the
Character Card & Shire or Mordor.
Character Tile Anatomy • Each player can only have one character in each mountain region.
• The River Anduin: The Fellowship can use the river to move
3 Fellowship characters from Mirkwood to Fangorn, orBree from
Fangorn to Rohan (as indicated by yellow arrows). Even though
this move is sideways, it does qualify as the Fellowship’s forward
4 5 move for that turn. Movement in the opposite direction (from
Rohan to Fangorn, or Fangorn to Mirkwood) is not allowed,
except by a character or card ability (such as a sideways retreat).
Movement The
During a player’s turn, he must move one of his characters forward
using the following rules:
Dol Guldur
Mount Doom
Mount Doom
Helm’s Deep
Barad Dûr
Gap of Rohan
Shelob’s Lair
Shelob’s Lair
Movement Examples
Misty Mountains
Tunnel of Moria
Dagorlad Gondor
Dagorlad Gondor
1 2 3
Dol Guldur
Anduin Edoras
Arthedain Cardolan
Helm’s Deep
Helm’s Deep
The High Pass Caradhras
Gap of Rohan
Misty Mountains
The Shire
Tunnel of Moria
Misty Mountains
Mordor Isengard
Tunnel of Moria
Bag End Rivendell
Barad Dûr
Shelob’s Lair
Dagorlad Gondor
2. A character cannot move or retreat Arthedain
The Shire
3. Only the Fellowship may move
Arthedain Cardolan
moving into Mordor, the Shire, or sideways in the mountains. In its characters forward directly
along a yellow movement arrow the above example, Frodo cannot from Eregion to Fangorn
Mirkwood Fangorn Rohan
(Fellowship only), a character must use his ability to retreat sideways using the Tunnel of Moria. No
Edoras The Shire
Cardolan Arthedain
The Shire
always move into one of the two because he is in a battle taking movement or retreats are allowed
Helm’s Deep Bag End
adjacent regions before him. place in a mountain region. in the opposite direction (from
The High Pass Caradhras
Gap of Rohan
Misty Mountains
Tunnel of Moria
Fangorn to Eregion).
Enedwaith Eregion Rhudaur
4 5
Misty Mountains
Gap of Rohan
Helm’s Deep
Arthedain Cardolan
The Shire
Dol Guldur
Bag End
Gondor Dagorlad
Shelob’s Lair
Barad Dûr
4. A character cannot move or retreat 5. Only the Fellowship may move its
into a region that already contains the characters forward along the Anduin river
Mount Doom
If a character in the battle retreats, or a character (or both characters) are
Battle defeated by character abilities, the battle is over (no cards are played).
If a character is moved into a region occupied by one or more enemy
characters, a battle occurs. The moving piece is attacking. The 3. Play Cards
opposing piece is defending. Moving a character into a region Each player now secretly selects one of his remaining combat cards
containing one or more opposing characters is called an attack. from his hand. After both players have selected a card, they reveal
their chosen cards simultaneously. Some cards are text cards and
If there are two or more unrevealed opposing characters in the contested feature a text ability, while other cards are strength cards and
region, the attacking player randomly chooses which unrevealed feature a single strength number
opposing character will be his opponent for the battle (the defending
player may shuffle his unrevealed characters prior to the selection). Text cards always take effect before strength cards. If both players
Alternatively, an attacking player may always choose to attack an reveal text cards, Sauron’s text card is always read and resolved first,
enemy character that is already revealed in the contested region. followed by the Fellowship’s text card.
A battle is resolved in four steps: If a character retreats, or a character (or both characters) are defeated
by a text card, the battle ends. Both cards are always discarded, even
1. Reveal Characters if a card had no effect in the battle.
Both players reveal their character to their opponent.
4. Compare Strengths
2. Resolve Character Abilities The strength number of each player’s strength card (if one was
The Fellowship reads and resolves any relevant text ability on the played) is now added to the strength value of his character.
character card that corresponds to its battling character first, followed
by Sauron. (Exception: If the Warg is battling, the Fellowship After the total strength value of each character has been determined,
character’s ability has no effect.) the character with the lowest total strength is defeated. If the
total strength of the two characters is equal, then both characters are
Many character abilities (such as Aragorn’s) have no effect in battle, defeated. The battle is now over.
and are ignored during this step.
Several Fellowship characters (as directed by their character
ability) may retreat at the start of the battle before the Sauron
character’s ability text is read and resolved (except when battling the Combat Card Anatomy
Warg, who prevents the Fellowship retreating by character ability).
After such a character has been revealed and its character ability read
aloud, the character has the opportunity to retreat if directed by its 1 3
character ability.
After a battle, the two used cards are discarded and placed faceup
beside the game board. When all nine cards have been used (which
always happens simultaneously) both players return all nine of their Battle Example
cards back into their hands.
Mount Doom
1 2
Shelob’s Lair
Dol Guldur
Conceal Characters
At the end of a player’s turn, all revealed characters are concealed and Anduin
thus hidden from the opponent once more (unless specified otherwise, Helm’s Deep
Gap of Rohan
Misty Mountains
Shuffling Characters
Tunnel of Moria
A player may, at any time, shuffle his characters in the same region
Rhudaur Eregion Enedwaith
The Variant Game The Draft Game
After playing the classic game and becoming accustomed to If players have played both the classic and variant versions of Lord
the strategies and nuances of playing Lord of the Rings: The of the Rings: The Confrontation, they may be ready for an entirely
Confrontation, players may wish to play the variant game. different game experience.
The variant game is played exactly like the classic game, except the The draft game allows each player to decide whether he wishes to play
variant characters, found on the reverse side of the classic character with the classic characters, the variant characters, or any mix thereof.
tiles and character cards, are used instead.
Before the game begins, each player secretly places his character tiles
Before starting the variant game, make sure that the variant characters into the nine plastic stands with the face out character of his choosing.
are face out inside the plastic stand (every character belonging to In this way, a player can mix his nine classic and variant characters.
the variant game has the star symbol instead of the ring symbol).
Although some personalities are the same in both versions, all variant Example: During a draft game, Sauron must make nine decisions on
characters feature new abilities. which characters to field. One of these decisions is whether to use
Shelob or Wormtongue (the variant character on the reverse side of
The classic game pitched the versatile, but weaker, nine members of the Shelob).
Fellowship of the Ring against the powerful minions of Sauron. This
simulated the desperate nature of the Fellowship’s journey to Mordor. After both players have chosen their characters, they place the
The variant game, however, seeks to simulate the wider struggle corresponding character cards faceup in their play area, thus revealing the
between the free people of the west and the malign intent of Sauron. chosen characters to their opponent. Then the game begins as normal.
In the variant version, the Fellowship is given more strength with
characters such as Elrond, Treebeard, and Theoden, while Sauron is
now able to harness more cunning with such characters as Wormtongue
and the new Witch-king. The Special Cards
Eight Special Cards are included in the game, four for the Fellowship
When using the variant characters (in the variant or draft game), the and four for Sauron. These represent special powers and abilities that
following additional rules apply: may be introduced to the game as a alternative game experience. A
Special Card may only be used once per game and are returned to the
• Sauron wins immediately if the variant Witch-king enters game box after use. The Special Cards can be used in any game type:
the Shire, regardless of whether or not there are Fellowship classic, variant, or draft.
characters in the Shire (no battle is fought).
When using this option, before the game begins, each player selects
• Variant Frodo starts the game as the “Ring-bearer.” If defeated, and reveals two of his four Special Cards for use in the coming game.
Frodo makes Sam the new Ring-bearer (i.e., he passes the One The remaining 2 cards are returned to the game box.
Ring to Sam). The Fellowship must reveal Sam as he is made
the new Ring-bearer (Sam does not have to be in the same Alternatively, Special Cards can be given (in a suitable proportion)
region as Frodo to be named the Ring-bearer). If Sam has been to an inexperienced player when playing against a more experienced
defeated prior to Frodo’s defeat, Sauron immediately wins the opponent.
game. If Sam is defeated after being made the Ring-bearer,
Sauron immediately wins the game. The Special Cards are not subject to the same rules as a player’s
• The Fellowship wins the game immediately if the Ring-bearer combat cards. All character and card text, when referring to “cards,”
enters Mordor, regardless of whether or not there are Sauron refer to combat cards only and not to the Special Cards. The Special
characters in Mordor (no battle is fought). Card abilities are described in detail on pages 15 and 16.
The Combat Cards The Sauron Cards
Sauron has six strength cards, ranging in value from 1 through 6 and
The card abilities of the combat text cards are described in detail below. three text cards:
The Fellowship and Sauron each have one “Magic” text
card at their disposal. When played, the card’s player
exchanges it with one of his discarded cards (of his
choice). If the chosen card is a text card, it is resolved The Eye of Sauron
immediately. If a player has no discarded cards, then If Sauron plays this card and the Fellowship plays a
“Magic” has no effect. If both players play their Text Card, then the text on the Fellowship’s card has no
“Magic” cards in the same battle, Sauron chooses and effect.
resolves his replacement card first.
Noble Sacrifice
When this card is resolved, both characters in the Retreat
battle are defeated—unless Sauron successfully used When played, Sauron must immediately retreat his
his “Retreat” card first, in which case neither character character sideways to an adjacent region, as long as this
is defeated (but both cards are still discarded). region is not a mountain region, contains no Fellowship
characters, and is not occupied by the maximum number
of Sauron characters (in which case there can be no
retreat, and the battle proceeds). If a legal retreat is
possible, the Sauron character must retreat.
Elven Cloak
If the Fellowship plays this card and Sauron plays
one of his strength cards, then the strength value
of Sauron’s strength card is ignored (i.e. will not
contribute to the Sauron character’s strength). If Sauron
played his “Magic” card and replaced it with a strength
card, that strength card is likewise ignored.
When played, the Fellowship must retreat its
character backward to an adjacent region, as long
as that region contains no Sauron characters or is not
occupied by the maximum number of Fellowship
characters (in which case there can be no retreat, and
the battle proceeds). If a legal retreat is possible, the
Fellowship character must retreat.
The Characters Gandalf (5):
In a battle against Gandalf, should the battle come to
The abilities of all characters are described below. The number in playing cards, Sauron must choose and reveal his card to
parentheses by every character indicates his strength. the Fellowship first. After Sauron has revealed his card,
the Fellowship then chooses its card (the Fellowship
The Fellowship Characters: must play a card, even if Sauron reveals his “Retreat” card) after
Classic Version:
which both cards are resolved as normal (with Sauron resolving text
cards first).
Frodo (1): If Sauron reveals his “Magic” card (see page 10), he must
completely resolve it and reveal his new chosen card before the
When defending, Frodo may retreat sideways to an Fellowship chooses and reveals its card (if Sauron’s chosen card is a
adjacent region. Frodo can only use his ability to retreat text card, do not resolve it until after the Fellowship has revealed its
at the beginning of a battle, and not after cards are played. card choice).
Frodo cannot retreat sideways in the mountains.
Aragorn (4):
Sam (2):
When moving, Aragorn can move into any adjacent
If Sam is in the same region as Frodo, and Frodo is region—forward, sideways, or backward—if he attacks
attacked first, Sam may be revealed to take Frodo’s at least one Sauron character by doing so. Otherwise,
place in the battle (this must be done before resolving Aragorn can only move forward into an adjacent region
Frodo’s character ability). as normal. Aragorn can attack the Warg using his special ability, since
he uses his ability before he enters the region with the Warg. Aragorn
In addition, Sam’s strength is 5 when in the same region as Frodo. The cannot move sideways in the mountains.
Fellowship must reveal Frodo (before cards are chosen) in order to
prove Sam’s strength. Alternatively, the Fellowship may choose to not
Legolas (3):
reveal Frodo and keep Sam’s strength at 2.
When in battle with the Flying Nazgûl, Legolas defeats
If Frodo is battling the Warg, Sam cannot replace him. If Sam is the Flying Nazgûl before cards are played. In battle
battling the Warg, his strength remains at 2, even if Frodo is in the against any other Sauron character, Legolas’ character
same region. If the Orcs (classic) attack Frodo as their first attack, a ability has no effect.
switch to Sam will result in the Orcs defeating Sam.
Gimli (3):
Reminder: As the character limit in mountain regions is one, Sam When in battle with the Orcs, Gimli defeats the Orcs
cannot accompany Frodo in the mountains. before the Orcs’ character ability is resolved. In battle
against any other Sauron character, Gimli’s character
Pippin (1): ability has no effect.
When attacking, Pippin may retreat backward to an
adjacent region. Pippin can only use his ability to retreat Boromir (0):
at the beginning of a battle, and not after cards are played. When Boromir is in battle, both Boromir and the
opposing Sauron character are defeated before the
Merry (2): Sauron characters’ ability is resolved. The only
When in battle with the Witch-king, Merry automatically exception is in a battle against the Warg where Boromir’s character
defeats the Witch-king before cards are chosen. In battle ability has no effect and the battle continues to playing cards.
against any other Sauron character, Merry’s character
ability has no effect.
The Sauron Characters: Black Rider (3):
Classic Version:
When moving, the Black Rider can move forward any
number of regions as long as he attacks a region with at
least one Fellowship character by doing so. Otherwise,
Balrog (5): the Black Rider must use the normal movement rules. The Black Rider
cannot move into or through a region already containing the maximum
If the Balrog is in the Caradhras region when a
number of Sauron characters, nor can he move through a region
Fellowship character uses the Tunnel of Moria
occupied by one or more Fellowship characters.
(moving from Eregion directly to Fangorn), Sauron
may reveal the Balrog to immediately defeat the Fellowship
character (even Frodo) without a battle. The Balrog itself remains Saruman (4):
unharmed (even Boromir does not defeat the Balrog in this In a battle with Saruman, if the Fellowship character
situation). A Fellowship character that is defeated by the Balrog does not retreat using its character ability, Sauron may
when traveling through the Tunnel of Moria never reaches declare that no cards are to be played, and that the battle
Fangorn, so no Sauron character in Fangorn is revealed in battle. is decided by the character strength values alone. All other normal
rules for battle apply.
Shelob (5):
If Shelob defeats a Fellowship character in battle, she Orcs (2):
is immediately placed in Gondor (unless the battle took When attacking, the Orcs defeat the first Fellowship
place in Gondor, in which case Shelob remains where character attacked in a region before cards are played.
she is). If there are already two other Sauron characters If there are additional Fellowship characters in the
in Gondor, or if there are one or more Fellowship characters in region, the Orcs’ character ability has no effect in those
Gondor, Shelob is instead defeated and removed from the game. subsequent battles.
Witch-king (5): A Fellowship character with a retreat character ability, may retreat
before the Orcs’ character ability is resolved. If the Fellowship
When moving, the Witch-king can move sideways into
character retreats, ending the battle, the battle is still considered the
an adjacent region if he attacks at least one Fellowship
Orcs’ first attack (unless the Orcs were defending).
character by doing so. Otherwise, the Witch-king
must use the normal movement rules. The Witch-king cannot move
sideways in the mountains. If the Witch-king encounters Frodo in a Warg (2):
sideways attack, Frodo may retreat sideways to the region previously In battle against the Warg, the opposing Fellowship
occupied by the Witch-king, as long as no other Sauron character is character ability has no effect.
Cave Troll (9):
Flying Nazgûl (3): In a battle with the Cave Troll, Sauron’s card has no
When moving, the Flying Nazgûl may move to any effect and no strength. Sauron must still play and discard
region on the board as long as that region is occupied a card, even if that card has no benefit in the battle.
by a single Fellowship character (and so attacks the
Fellowship character). Otherwise, the Flying Nazgûl must use the
normal movement rules. The Flying Nazgûl’s ability allows it to
move sideways into an adjacent mountain region as long as that
mountain region is occupied by a Fellowship character.
The Fellowship Characters: Treebeard (4):
Variant Version:
Treebeard’s strength value is increased to 6 while he is
in Fangorn. When moving, Treebeard may move from
any region on the board to Fangorn, as long as Fangorn
is occupied by a single Sauron character (and so attacks the Sauron
Frodo (1): character). Otherwise, Treebeard must use the normal movement rules.
In battle with Frodo, any text card played by Sauron has
no effect. Treebeard can use his ability to attack the Warg in Fangorn, since he
uses his ability before he enters the region with the Warg. Treebeard’s
If Frodo is defeated, Sam is revealed and becomes the strength value, however, is not increased to 6 when in battle against
new Ring-bearer (see page 9 for more information about the “Ring- the Warg in Fangorn.
bearer”). If the Warg defeats Frodo, or if Frodo loses a battle after Sam
has already been defeated, Sauron immediately wins the game. Faramir (3):
When attacking, Faramir may retreat sideways to an
Sam (1): adjacent region. Faramir can only use his ability to
If defending, the strength value on Sam’s character is retreat at the beginning of a battle, and not after cards
equal to that of the attacking Sauron character. Combat have been played. Faramir cannot retreat sideways in the mountains.
cards and character special abilities such as Gandalf’s
(variant version) are added to Sam’s strength value normally. If Sam Sméagol (0):
is attacked by the Orcs (variant version), his strength is 6. If Sméagol is defending, and there are no other
Fellowship characters in his region, he may switch
Elrond (3): positions with a Fellowship character in an adjacent
In battle with Elrond, Sauron’s “Eye of Sauron” and region. Sméagol cannot make a sideways switch with an adjacent
“Magic” cards have no effect. character in the mountains. Sméagol can only use his ability at the
beginning of a battle, and not after cards have already been played.
Aragorn (4):
If defending, Aragorn may declare that no cards are If Sméagol switches with an adjacent character, the new character
to be played, and that the battle will be decided by the takes his place in the battle. Resolve the new Fellowship character’s
character strength values alone. All other normal rules ability text as if he had been attacked.
for battle apply. In battle against Saruman (classic
version), if Aragorn declines to use his ability, Saruman may then If the Orcs (classic) attack Sméagol, he may make the switch before
decide that no cards are to be played instead. he is defeated. In this case, no battle is considered to have been
fought, and the Orcs attack the new character as if that was their
Gandalf (5): first attack.
After cards have been resolved during a battle taking
Théoden (2):
place in a region adjacent to Gandalf’s (even a mountain
region) or in Gandalf’s own region, the Fellowship may Théoden’s strength value is increased to 4 while he is in
reveal Gandalf to add 1 to the Strength of the battling Fellowship a battle in Rohan or Gondor.
character. Gandalf may use his special ability even if no cards have
been played due to Aragorn’s (variant) or Saruman’s (classic) ability.
Gandalf cannot use his ability if the battle is against the Warg, nor if
he is the attacker or defender.
The Sauron Characters: Mouth of Sauron (3):
Variant Version:
After both players have revealed their cards in battle
(before they are resolved), Sauron may replace his
played card with his “4” strength card (even if the “4”
Uruk-Hai (4): card is in the discard pile). If the “4” card is taken from the discard
When moving, Sauron may reveal the Uruk-Hai to move pile, the original card played must be placed among the discarded
them forward any number of regions as long as they end cards. If the “4” card is taken from Sauron’s hand, the original card
their movement in an empty region. When doing so, the played is returned to Sauron’s hand.
Uruk-Hai cannot move into or through a region already
containing the maximum number of Sauron characters, nor move into The Mouth of Sauron cannot use his ability if Aragorn (variant
or through a region occupied by one or more Fellowship characters. version) decides that no cards are played.
Otherwise, the Uruk-Hai must use the normal movement rules.
When the Mouth of Sauron battles Gandalf (classic version) Sauron
Witch-king (2): chooses whether or not he replaces his played card after the Fellowship
Sauron wins immediately if the Witch-king enters the has chosen and revealed its card (i.e. Gandalf’s ability does not allow
Shire, regardless of whether or not there are any Fellowship the Fellowship to preview the Mouth of Sauron’s choice).
characters in the Shire (no battle is fought).
The Watcher (6):
Saruman (3): After The Watcher has been revealed, it remains revealed
When in battle with Gandalf, Saruman defeats Gandalf for the remainder of the game and cannot move normally.
before any cards are played.
The Watcher may retreat sideways with Sauron’s “Retreat” card or be
In a battle with Saruman against a Fellowship character other than placed back in Mordor with the “Recall to Mordor” Special Card (but
Gandalf, after the Fellowship has revealed its card, Saruman may remains revealed in both instances).
force the Fellowship to reveal and resolve a different card. Saruman
cannot use this ability if Aragorn (variant) decides that no cards are Flying Nazgûl (5):
played, or if the Fellowship has only one remaining card in hand. When moving, the Flying Nazgûl may move forward,
When Saruman forces the Fellowship to reveal a new card, the skipping over one region to attack. It may even skip
Fellowship’s initial card is placed back into its hand. over a region that contains the maximum number of
Sauron characters or a region occupied by one or more
Wormtongue (-1): Fellowship characters. Otherwise, the Flying Nazgûl must use the
When defeated, instead of being removed from the normal movement rules.
game, Wormtongue may retreat backward into an empty,
adjacent region (even when defeated by Boromir or the Gollum (1):
“Noble Sacrifice” card). If a defeated Wormtongue is When in battle, Gollum may retreat forward. Gollum
unable to retreat, he is removed from the game. can only use his ability to retreat at the beginning of a
battle, and not after cards have already been played.
Orcs (3):
When attacking, the Orc’s strength value is increased to 6. Gollum cannot retreat if the Fellowship character has already
Fellowship Special Cards Sauron Special Cards
Clarifications Credits
• A concealed character is one whose back (opaque) side is facing Game Design: Reiner Knizia
the opponent. A revealed character is laid on its back (facing Reiner Knizia was born in Germany. Today the doctor of mathematics
upward) in its region, so both players can see its identity. lives in England and dedicates himself entirely to game design. Reiner
• When required to “choose a character,” the chosen character must Knizia is regarded as one of the best and most prolific game designers in
be on the game board (revealed or concealed). The act of choosing the world and has received numerous honors worldwide for his games.
a character (such as with the “A King Revealed” Special Card)
The Designer would like to thank:
does not reveal the chosen character unless specifically stated.
David Farquhar for his contributions to the development of the game
• A revealed character may still be “revealed” if needed (it and also all the game testers, especially Matthew Dodkins, Kevin
simply remains revealed). For example, Gandalf (variant Jacklin, Chris Lawson, and Les Murrell.
version) may still use his ability even if affected by the
“Crebain of Dunland” Special Card. Design of Variant Game Characters and Variant Special Cards:
Christian T. Petersen and Eric M. Lang
• Defeated characters, Special Cards, and the content of players’
discard piles are always open information to both players. Rules Writing: Christian T. Petersen
Additional Development: John Goodenough
• Retreating characters are not considered defeated.
Producers: Mark O’Connor with Jason Walden
• An “empty” region is one that contains no characters. Editing: Adam Baker and Mark O’Connor.
• The timing steps of a battle are as follows: Graphic Design: Shaun Boyke
1. Reveal characters Managing Art Director: Andrew Navarro
Art Administration: Zoë Robinson
2. Resolve relevant character abilities (if any)
Board Art: John Howe
a. Fellowship character
Card Art: Daarken, John Gravato, Tomasz Jedruszek, Diego Gisbert
b. Sauron character Llorens, Chris Rahn, Sedone Tongvilay, and Magali Villeneuve
3. Resolve combat text cards (if any) Production Management: Eric Knight
Production Coordination: Megan Duehn, Jason Glawe, and
a. Sauron text card John Britton
b. Fellowship text card Managing Game Producer: Steven Kimball
4. Compare strengths Executive Game Designer: Corey Konieczka
Executive Producer: Christian T. Petersen
5. Defeat lowest strength character (both, if tied)
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
©2013 Sophisticated Games, Ltd. The Lord of the Rings and the characters and places therein are trademarks
of The Saul Zaenz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises and are used under license by Sophisticated
Games, Ltd. and its own licensees. Published worldwide by Fantasy Flight Games. Fantasy Flight Supply is a
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small parts. Choking hazard. Actual components may vary from those shown. Made in China. THIS PRODUCT