Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence
I. Introduction
II. Historical Overview
III. AI Applications
IV. AI Programming
I. Introduction : Definitions

 AI : a branch of computer science dealing

with the simulation of intelligent behavior in

 AI : the capability of a machine to imitate

intelligent human behavior
AI : Field of Computer science that has many
intersections with the domains of cognitive
sciences, logic, linguistics, etc.

Artificial Sciences
Computer Sciences Human Sciences
I. Introduction : AI
 Goal : Conceive and design Systems that:
◦ Think& act like humans
◦ Think & act rationally

 Thinking rationally : what are correct

arguments/thought processes?
 Acting rationally : rational behavior : doing the

right thing
 The right thing: which is expected to maximize

goal achievement, given the available

⇨ Rational agents
 An agent is an entity that perceives and acts
 Abstractly, an agent is a function from percepts

histories to actions:
f : P* → A

 For any given class of environments and tasks, we seek

the agent (or class of agents) with the best

 Design the best program for given machine resources

according to the studied environement
 AI research tends to make the machine intelligent.

 A smart machine is equipped with intelligent

programs for :

◦ Visual and auditory perception,

◦ Comprehension (text or dialogue in natural language),
◦ Knowledge processing
◦ Reasoning,
◦ Learning,
◦ Decision making,
◦ Solving difficult problems (complex and NP-hard problems,
static and dynamic combinatorial problems, mono-
objective or multi-objectives optimization problems),
◦ Interacting with the environment (acquire information and
proposing a decision or an action plan)
 Goals :
◦ study and simulation of human intellectual
activities in situations where a classical
algorithmic solution is not available

◦ model the reasoning modes of a human expert

and make them accessible to a non-computer
II.Historical Overview
1. AI Pre-history

- Among the first problems addressed :

Automatic translation

- The failure led to questions about:

- The representation to be given to knowledge
- How to "extract" this knowledge from an
2. AI beginnings (1955 - 1970)
◦. 1956: AI: name born at a congress in Dartmouth by
two researchers: John McCarthy & Marvin Minsky

◦. 1959: Development of a General Problem Solver

(GPS) system based on the assessment of the
difference between the current situation of the
system and the goal to be achieved.

◦. 1960: McCarthy develops LISP language : the

language of the AI for the next 20 years.
◦ Early 60s: Samuel and Bernstein develop the first
program for playing chess

◦ 1965: Appearance of ELIZA system of automatic

production of speech in natural language

◦ 1969: DENDRAL, one of the first expert systems

(analysis of a mass spectrography in chemistry)
3. Specialization (1970 → …)

◦ Appearance of PROLOG language

◦ Speech recognition and understanding (HEARSAY,
◦ MYCIN: Expert system on bacterial infections (IF-THEN
rules and certainty coefficients, separation of expert
knowledge and inference engines)
◦ Other Expert Systems in industry, in medical diagnosis,
◦ Automatic Theorem Proof
◦ Games
◦ Knowledge Representation
◦ Perception
◦ Learning
◦ Big Data trends
III.AI Applications
 Autonomous planning (NASA), logistics (Army)
 Traffic planning (transportation companies : road and air)
 Voice recognition and synthesis
 Image recognition and synthesis (face recognition)
 Writing recognition (Check signature, postal code)
 Games (AlphaGo, chess, etc.)
 Automatic control (self-driving cars)
 Diagnostic (expert level, in Medicine)
 Robotics in industry, aerospace, etc.
 Smart home,
 Driving assistance,
 Image recognition to unlock,
 Personal assistants (Iphone, Samsung, etc.),
 Smart grids, ...
IV.AI Programming
 Programming Language

◦ Lisp (1960, J. MacCarthy)

◦ SmallTalk (1972, A. Kay)
◦ Prolog (1973, A. Colmerauer),
◦ Prolog with constraints
◦ JAVA (1994) ,
◦ C++,
◦ Scheme, ...

 Agent Plateforms

◦ IBM Aglets,
◦ Jbuilder,
◦ Madkit, etc.

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