Vocabulary - Chapter 4 - Travelling

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Do you have a dream to travel around the

world? lf yes, what have you done to make

Ji urrnlllliiti
your dream come true (bidn gidc md thdnh
hi€n thuc) ? I suppose not many people would
answer this question.
But for me, I am working onll
doing sfh). As far as l'm concerned, when you
(spend time

ure i,oung and more open-minded (sdn sdng hoc h6l, you should
llste the fullness of lite (ndm v! nggt cia cu6c s6ng). Let's imagine
*ving in (lqn) the Great Barrier Reef, the largest corar reefs in the
'munld, seeing the ancient Pyramids of Giza built around 2,000 B.c,
l"rc,ldlngyour breath in the massive Grand canyon, and of course,
rilrnnbing the largest cave in the world, son Doong cave in vietnam.
!l'n,u would get experiences that define the rest of your rife (dinh

tiirurrnfi /ai cu6c ddi cdn lqi cio bgn).

And, yes, I heard a myriad of (o lot ofl excuses only why people do
,'un travel.

1. Money
rroy be hr*ke, (hdt tiiin), but young. When travelling, you can

lurg h it out (sd n g tg m tro n g d iiiu kia n xdu) n budget accommodation


rd fidn) such as run-down hostels (nh1ng nhd nghi t'oi tdn) or
motels (ndi thu| gildng tdng), that would still give
you a good night's sleep lgidc ngl tdi ngon ldnh).
Have you heard about Couchsurfing.com? lt is a
backpacking community GAng dbng di phttQt) in
which a host will provide a free room to budget
travelers (ngudi di du
lich it ti6n). you may
station bench or eating be sleeping on a trai
cheap food and a tousy
t'r'#:;'' but vour bodv could breakfast (an(t
r,,, o" ,"f" ,ni ror-n, (khoe

2. Go later

Also, you may prefer

(an expensive meay
" ,or-.-"t dish
chim) rocal foreisn food.
i"'Gi* ritl ,::j

a tranquir counlrys ide (q

nrso, Jf .;r;;.1 ;:; ,-,,, a^i^.
Vietnamese - laotian
u iet rr, :;;ii;i;:L?:l TI: ilil:
@i€n gi6i
Vf€t_ Ldg)by a van.
when you are young, you
should appreciate what
you.4$ you pass life brings to
by the stums (6 chu60r,
Manila, you will feel
,ron,-r;;l3, and Metro
how thankiul .nj ,r.tr
have food on a daily r;ffi;iffir";;
basis f"r"riao) I

3. limit career devetopmenti :l

ff*pm cuttures which can

onry be gained *i.notlff ?

t";iii ren tudng c5c chu dii vd m6c ndi ch0ng v6i nhau khi-ban dqc
l# ' topic nlo d6. Vidu, khi hqc vE Traveling, hdy li6n h0 vdi c5c til
,urtilrrg cia nhd hing, d6 an vd tham chf tlnh y6u (v) ban c6 thd dura
rnrry;r: y6u di du lich).

To make your dream bidn Udc md thdnh

5lrunr tn) khu d chuAt
come true (phrase) hi€n th1c

S*minded (adj) sdn sdng hqc h6i To work on it (phrase) spend time doing sth

To taste the fullness ndm v! nggt

Eha m (phrase) lqn
of life (phrase) cio cugc s6ng

ltG( noi r0 ti2n

To define the rest of dinh hinh lqi cuAc
mrnodation (n) your life (phrase) ddi cdn lqi cia bqn

nhttng nhd nghi Advance one's

trmr.down hostels (n) phdt tridn s( nghiQp
toi tdn career (phrase)

The Vietnamese
ndi thu€
hk(n) giidng tang
- Laotian border bi€n gi6i ViQt - Ldo

6 hrckfacking cQng dong Time-share phdng o citng

aummrunity (n) di phttQt apartment (phrase) chi nhd
ngidi di du lich Family-run hotel
fdgrt lravelers (n)
it ti€n (phrase)
kh6ch sgn ngudi ddn

A good night's sleep gidc ngi tdi

fl iloulsy breakfast (n) ovvful breokfost
(phrase) ngon ldnh

iltrrr$ril quiet Safe and sound

khoe nhuthudng
uryside (n) countryside (phrase)

lrmmenational To rough it out s6ng tqm trong

tQp dodn qudc t6
arrporations (n) (phrase) didu ki€n xdu

rhrrrational kinh nghiQm A gourmet dish

b1a dn hang sang
qrierxe (n) todn cdu (phrase)

Il illTrriad of (phrase) nhi€u


1. Toget exposed to new cuttures:

those who have
been abroad are exposed
to different cultures
(trdi nghi€m nhhng n\n
vdn h6o khdc nhou),
meaning that they gain a higher
rever of cutturat
intelligence (kidn thkc v€ vdn
h6a). Let me
simprify it (*cltm tir t6t crd gidi
thich*). Humans
create the world, right? So,
if you are good at
communicating and showing your
respect to peopre,s curturar
backgrounds' you can make
new friends and influence peopre.

,r;,-. 2. foster your creativity (nu6i dudng

-To khd
nong. sang-tgo): When travelling,
t you not only
the beauty of the country
# "ll"re khdm
" phd vd dep cio ddt nu6c) but arso observe
their creativity (chhng kidn s('sdng
tqo cia
hd during the trip. Have you .)", O."n
Gardens by the Bay in Singapore
made to conserve nature (bdo
*hi.h *r,
t6n ttl nhi€n)whire reducing
amount of erectricity consumed the
in the country? Skyscrapers
including residentiar houses
(nhd o) in Kuara Lumpur
were also buirt to combat the
city's overpopuration, or Ancient
Town Hoi An, the most visited
destination in Vietnam has
had its
culture heritage well-preserved
(di sdn vdn h6o duqc
bdo t6n
nguydn trqng). Ail of these
destinations reflect ,n. .r.ri,"ity
people from which you can of rocar
learn a lot.
3. To become more independenV
confident Huyen Chip, who I
really admire, started her
trip around the worrd at the age
of 18.

Despite strong criticism, she
pubrished two books written
about her
:icerience in two continents including
rs a and Africa, thereby inspiring many #6
, : Jng generations to be brave and to ffi
': 'ow their dreams. Some may disagree
g+E %
th me, but no one can deny for her
:'avery as this young and broke girl
:-ir,,elled alone around the world. tn
other words, the point I would like
to make is (phrose t6t dd di6n dot y) if you are able to stand on
your own feet (frl dhng tr€n d6i chdn cio minh), there is nothing
::at can stop you to achieve any remarkable things.

rJy s& dung c5c cum tU EXPRESSTON pHRASES dd di6n dqt l)i do
,a y kiSn c0a minh cho gi6ng ngUdi bin dia hon.
Believe me, you would never regret trovering orone when you ore
rfrll young. The point I
would like to make k if you are able to stand
,,n your own feet, there is nothing that con stop you to achieve ony
'emorkable things.

'f,te{l-preserved (adj) bdo ton tdt

Let me simolifv it
(phrase) n6i don gidn thi

The point I would

&ihrre heritage (n) di sdn vdn h6o like to make is y t6i mu6n n6i ld

fraddential houses (n) ln other words

nhd d n6i theo cdch khdc

To beexpoaed trdi nghiQm vdi
Observe thoir chrtng kidn s{ song
to rew cultrrcs nhfrng nin vdn
cfeativity (phrase) tqo c(ta ho
(phrase) h6a mdi

Cultura! intelligence kidn thtc vE

(phrcse) vdn h6o

To fosterlour tdng khd ndng To qtand on your ttt d*ng trin il6i
creativity (phrase) sdng tgo own feet (phrase) ch&n eha mihh

To explore the
kh6m phd vd dqp
beauty of the
cio ddt nu6c
country (phrase)


1. Culture shock if you don't research

extensively on others' lifestyles and culture, you
may experience culture shock (s6c vdn h6a). For

example, touching a girl, even giving a hand5hake,
and looking at a female, are forbidden ln some
forms of lslam (dqo H60 unless she is your

wife. Breaching the rule (phd luqt) may show your disrespect
to Muslim women (phu n0 theo dqo Hbr) and could lead to a
severe punishment.

2. Waste disposal: tourism can cause many

forms of pollution (air, water and noise), and
of course, solid waste (rdc thdi) or littering
(xd rdc), damaging the local environment.
Solid waste can degrade the physical
appearance (xu6ng cdp b€ mqt) of rivers and
"-'::-'- seas and cause the death of marine animals
(sinh vqt duoi nudc) as they eat it. On land, tourists leave behind
their garbage on the street which usually is non-biodegradable
ih,l",c'Ing phdn hiy dtJdc), destroying the local ecosystem (h€ sinh thdi
frw s'huong). That's the reason why environmentatists (nhong
.$nmr5 ,'4i rn6i trudng) are greatry
concerned about (rdt quon t6m d6n)
llhe t:end of tourism development in remote natural areas.
3" scams: The prices courd be grossty infrated (very high) just
:ecause you are a tourist. A perfect example can be seen with
, etnamese vendors (ngudi bdn hdng rong) selling souvenirs at
-'reasonably high price. lt is obvious this is a rip-off (th? gi rdt
:iil) and that tourists are overcharged (bi chqt ch6m).

lb l$tter (v) xo rqc lslam (n) dqo Hoi

Iiovurcharge (v) bdn ddt hon binh ngndi bdo vQ

Environmentalist (n)
thudng m6i trtdng
tUn-biodegradable kh6ng phdn hiy ngudi
Vendor (n)
'-4) dtJlc b6n hdng rong
(*re shock (n) s6c vdn h6o A rip-off (n) thtl gi d6 ddt

ffirrine animal (n) d6ng vqt sdng Be greatly concerned rdt quon tdm
dudi nudc about (phrase) d6n

To degrade the
llfd waste (n) rdc thdi physical appearance xu6ng cdp
(phrase) bE mqt

]lhlr bcal ecosystem hO sinh thdi Muslim women phu n0

lm.l dia ph|dng (phrase) theo dgo Hoi
*omb, inflated To breach the rule
bitdng l€n rdt cao phd luQt
tfreE€) (phrase)
'fio llcave
behind the
dd lqi rdc thdi
Errbage (phrase)


1. You may be broke (hdt ilAn), but young.
travelling, you can rough it out (sdng
budget accommodation
trong didu ki€n xdu) in (noi rd fidn) su

as run-down hostels (nhfrng nhd nghi tbi tdn) or

that would still give you a good night's sleep tgidc ngrt
ngon ldnh).
2. ln your 40s, you may prefer eating a gourmet
(an expensive meal)lo indulging in (d5m ch'im)
foreign food. And of course, you may enjoy lazing around
tranquil countryside (quiet countryside) more than crossi
the Vietnamese - Laotian border (bi€n gidi Vi
ttio) by a van.
3. # Transnational corporations (tqp dodn qu6q td a
emphasizes the importance of experienqe
nghiQm todn cdu).

4. Those who have been abroad exposed to different

(trdi nghiQm cdc vdn h6o khdc nhou), meaning that they gain a
higher level of cultural intelligence (kidn thfic vE vdn h6a).

5. lf you are able to stand on your own feet (tq"/

tr€n d6i chdn ctto minh), there is nothing that can stop you
achieve any remarkable things.

6. However, tourism can cause many forms of pollution

water and noise), and of course, littering (xd
damaging the local environment.
7. On land, tourists Ieave behind their garbage (dd lqi rdc
thdi cia ho.) on the street which usually is non-biodegradable
(kh6ng phdn hiy dtt!c), destroying the loc-al ecosystem
(h€ sinh thdi dia phuong).

8. And, the prices could be grossty infrated (very high) just


It because you are a tourist.


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