Spherical Tank Volume Calculation
Spherical Tank Volume Calculation
Spherical Tank Volume Calculation
Problem 1 - Slice the fluid into a series of vertically stacked disks with a radius r(h) and
a thickness dh. What is the general formula for the radius of each disk?
Problem 2 - Set up the integral for the volume of the fluid and solve the integral.
Problem 3 - Assume that fluid is being withdrawn from the tank at a fixed rate
dV/dt = -F. What is the equation for the change in the height of the fluid volume with
respect to time? A) Solve for the limits h<<R and h>>R. B) Solve graphically for R=1
meter, F=100 cm /min. (Hint: select values for h and solve for t).
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Problem 2 - The integrand will be π (2Rh - h ) dh and the solution is πRh -1/3πh
Problem 3 -
dV dh dh dV dh
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---- = 2 π R h ---- - π h ---- so ----- = (2 π R h - π h ) ---- = -F
dt dt dt dt dt
dh -F
----- = ------------------
dt (2 π R h - π h )
The integrands become: (2 π R h - π h ) d h = - F d t . This can be integrated from t=0
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to t = T to obtain π R h - 1/3 π h = - F T and simplified to get
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h - 3 R h - (3 F T)/π = 0
We would normally like to invert this equation to get h(T), but cubic equations of the form x -
α x + β = 0 cannot be solved analytically. We can solve it for two limiting cases. Case 1 for a
tank nearly empty where h << R. This yields h(T) = (F T/R) Case 2 is for a tank nearly full
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so that h >> R, and we get h = 3 F T/π and h(T) = (3 F T/π ) . The full solution for h(T)
can be solved graphically. Since R is a constant, we can select a new variable U = h/R and re-
write the equation in terms of the magnitude of h relative to the radius of the tank.
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U - 3 U = (3 F T)/π R and plot this for selected combinations of (U,T) where time, T, is
the dependent variable. The solution below is for F = 100 cm /minute, R = 1 meter, with the
intervals in h spaced 10 cm. The plot was generated using an Excel spreadsheet.
Height (cm)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (minutes)