Q3M1Equations and Formulas in Excel
Q3M1Equations and Formulas in Excel
Q3M1Equations and Formulas in Excel
We have come a long way from Charles Babbage’s dream of calculating numbers using technology.
Nowadays, even our mobile phones and palmtops are equipped with calculating options in order to
perform even simple arithmetic. But computers are a different matter altogether. Aside from simple
arithmetic functions, computer programs such as Microsoft Excel can help you calculate large sums
and predict the results of certain occasions, such as your grades, using present information. In this
lesson, you will learn how to calculate numbers using Microsoft Excel.
Do you recognize this image?
In our last lesson, you were asked to encode and format data in Microsoft Excel. Using the data you
encoded, we will compute the grades of students using the same worksheet that you completed in
the previous lesson. But first, you need to insert new columns.
Let’s try computing the sum of two seatworks. First, go to the cell where you want to place the result.
In our example, the active cell is N4. Type the formula. You can also type in the formula bar. As
always, start with the equal sign and write the cell reference or value then the operator followed by
another cell reference or value. You might need to use more complicated formulas. To simplify, use
cell references instead of variables.
Let’s try this formula:
A12 x A23+3
A3 - 17
When translated into a valid Excel formula, the equation becomes:
=(A1^2 * A2^3+3)/(A3-17)
The concatenation (&) operator is used for joining two strings together. Relational operators such
as equal to, greater than, and less than are used in comparing numbers.
Using Functions
Microsoft Excel has many built-in functions that will allow you to perform mathematical operations on
cells of your choice. There are several ways to use a function in Microsoft Excel. One way is to type
the function name and its arguments, usually a range of cells, directly in the formula bar.
This is a range of cells.
A way to declare a range of cells is to indicate the beginning cell and last cell separated by a colon (:).
In our example, the reference C4:I4 includes all the cells from C4 to I4. Another way is to indicate the
cells one by one and separate them with commas. For example, =SUM(A1,A4,A5). The latter
declaration is used when the cells are not in succession.
You can also mix functions and operators in one formula.
Another way of employing Excel’s functions is to use the AutoSum feature found under the Formulas
tab, in the Function Library. One of its functions is to get the sum of the values in a range of cells. Try
getting the sum of all quizzes by selecting the cells that are to be added and then clicking . You can
see the sum in the rightmost active cell if you are adding values in a row, while the bottommost cell
holds the result for adding values in a column.
If you click the arrow below AutoSum, a drop-down list will appear to show common functions used in
• =SUM(range) – used to compute the total of all items in the specified range.
• =AVERAGE(range) – used to get the average of the items in a range.
• =COUNT(range) – used to count the values found in the range.
• =MAX(range) – used to get the largest value within the range.
• =MIN(range) – used to get the smallest value within the range.
Copying Formulas
Once you have made the formula for a set of data, it is easy to apply the formula to other cells if you
used cell references. Just select the initial formula, then point at the small square at the lower right of
the active cell and wait until the mouse pointer becomes a cross-hair (+). Drag the mouse to copy the
formula, much like in creating a series of numbers in the previous lesson. This time you are making a
series of formulas.
Notice that the next cells have copied the formula. Moreover, it has made adjustments to the cell
references. The adjustments made will depend on the type of cell reference used in the initial formula.
If the cell reference is relative, as you copy the formula, the cell reference will change according to the
position of the cell. In our example, J4 is a relative cell reference so when we copied the formula, it
changed to J5, J6, J7, and so on.
On the other hand, an absolute cell reference will not change as you copy the formula. To declare a
cell reference to be absolute, place a dollar sign before the column and row name (e.g., $J$3). Cell
references can also be mixed (e.g., $T4, T$5).
4. You can reselect the range of cells for your chart by clicking . You can also change the
Editing Charts
1. Right-click the area of the chart you wish to edit. A shortcut menu will appear. Select the option you
wish to edit.
2. A dialog box will appear. Format as desired and click Close.
Previewing and Printing Worksheets
Previewing Your Worksheet
Click the File tab and click Print.
Printing Your Worksheet
1. Click the File tab, then click Print.
2. Change any desired specifications.