MDLP1 - Idiomatic Expressions

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School: EMA EMITS College Grade Level: VI


Practice Teacher: Kenia Jolin D. Learning Area: ENGLISH

Date: Time: Quarter: First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different parts to know
that their meaning changes depending in context.

B. Performance Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in
Standard context

C. Learning Infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using -context clues. ENG6V-Ia-12.3.1


I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the pupils must be able to:
a.) define idiomatic expressions
b.) identify appropriate meaning of idiomatic expressions
c.) use idiomatic expressions correctly



A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials Visual Aid; ICT Materials; Chalkboard

from Learning Resource
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning

Resources q=pictures+of+idioms&sxsrf=AOaemvIzwzpjdShZjOrcopuSs50lmkLzAQ:1634


A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer Everybody, please stand up. Flori Vi, In the name of the Father, and of the
kindly lead the prayer. Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning mam!

How are you today? How was your Great mam!
That’s good to hear!

3. Classroom Before taking your seats, kindly pick

Management those pieces of paper around you and
arrange your chairs.
You may now take your seats. Thank you, mam!

4. Checking of Who is absent for today? None mam!

Attendance Very good!

B. Reviewing of the
previous lesson

C. Motivation / Class, I’ll be showing you pictures and

Establishing a purpose try to guess the meaning of the pictures.
for the lesson
Ready? Yes mam!

What do you think is the meaning of

“Jump at your own shadow”? To be overly frightened.
Very good!

Next picture.

“Jump off the page."


Well done! Something that stands out.

Next picture.
What do you think is the meaning of,
“On the rocks?” A relationship is experiencing
Nice try!

And for our last picture.

What do you think is the meaning of Making an excessive display of

“Lovey-dovey”? affection.
Well done!

From the pictures and its meaning, who

can share me their idea or their guess
what is our lesson for today?
Idiomatic Expressions mam!
Yes, Arbee!

Very good, Arbee!

Our today’s lesson is all about

Idiomatic Expression.

But before we continue, kindly read our

lesson objectives for today, class.

At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
must be able to: must be able to:
a.) identify appropriate meaning of a.) identify appropriate meaning of
idiomatic expressions idiomatic expressions
b.) familiarize with commonly used b.) familiarize with commonly used
idiomatic expressions idiomatic expressions
c.) use idiomatic expressions correctly c.) use idiomatic expressions correctly
Thank you everyone!

D. Presenting Now, I would like you to read and

examples/instances of the analyze the following sentences.
new lesson
1. He tells his girlfriend that he loves
her, but he never actually does anything
nice for her. Someone should teach him
that action speaks louder than words.

2. I wanted to intervene when they

were yelling at each other, but that
would have just added fuel to the fire.

3. I kept trying to steer the conversation

back to his alibi, but he wouldn’t stop
beating around the bush, bringing
things totally off-topic.

4. It was raining so hard; our cab was

late, and we were late to our reservation
at the restaurant. Turns out everyone
who ate there that night got food
poisoning. I guess the bad weather was
a blessing in disguise.

5. Is tonight your big performance?

Break a leg!

What do you think is the meaning of

the underlined expression in each

Let’s start with sentence number 1.

Kindly read, yes, Merrian. 1. He tells his girlfriend that he loves
her, but he never actually does
anything nice for her. Someone should
teach him that action speaks louder
than words.

What do you think is the meaning of In sentence number 1, the underlined

the expression? expression means that ACTIONS can
make her girlfriend feel that he truly
loves her more than just saying it.

Well done!

Next, number 2. Please, Lorena. I wanted to intervene when they were

yelling at each other, but that would
have just added fuel to the fire.

What do you think is the meaning of

the underlined expression? It means that the speaker is having
second thought because he is thinking
that he might just add tension to the

Nice answer Lorena!

For number 3. Yes, Shermaine. I kept trying to steer the conversation

back to his alibi, but he wouldn’t stop
beating around the bush, bringing
things totally off-topic.

Do you have any idea what the Yes, mam. It means that the one
expression means? spoken to is going back to the
nonsense topic again and again.

Have you ever experienced talking to a Yes, mam. Now I knew the other way
person like that before? of saying it.

Let’s proceed to sentence number 4.

Aiza. It was raining so hard; our cab was
late, and we were late to our
reservation at the restaurant. Turns out
everyone who ate there that night got
food poisoning. I guess the bad
weather was a blessing in disguise.

Any idea with what the expression Mam, I think it is a blessing for them
means? to be late that night because they did
not get poisoned with the food in the

Would that mean that it is okay to be Yes mam.


No, it’s not. We need to be always on

time especially when we have an
appointment to attend to.

What about the last expression used in

sentence number 5? Kindly read, Is tonight your big performance?
Milacel. Break a leg!

Does it mean to literally break your No, mam. It means do your best.

Well done! It is another way of wishing

good luck to someone.

Now, let me show you the real meaning

of following expressions used in the
previous sentences.

1. Refers to the idea that it’s better to
do something than just talk about it.
2. Something that worsen an already
bad situation.
3. Avoiding the main issue.
4. Something good and beneficial that
did not initially seem that way.
5. Something you say to someone you
wish good luck on.

E. Discussion / Discuss Those underlined words are some

new concepts and expressions we called idiomatic.
practicing new skills
So, what are “Idiomatic Expression”? (Pupils will try to guess or share their
Any idea? knowledge about Idiomatic

IDIOMS are phrases which people use

in everyday language which do not
make sense literally but we understand
what they mean.

Some commonly used idioms are the

following. Kindly read.

It’s raining cats and dogs. It’s raining cats and dogs.
The weather snowed under. The weather snowed under.
When pigs fly. When pigs fly.
Let the cat out of the bag. Let the cat out of the bag.

“It’s raining cats and dogs.”

Anyone who already heard this
commonly used idiom? Me, mam!

Mary Rose, what is the meaning of the It’s raining heavily.


Yes! That’s right!

Anyone who knows the meaning of the

2nd idiom?
Yes, Julie. The weather snowed under means,
having too much thing to do.
Very good, Julie!

Next idiom, anyone?

Yes, Lady Bell? When pigs fly means, something that

is impossible or will never happen.

Very good!

Last idiom, please, Catherine. Let the cat out of the bag means,
reveal a secret.
Very good!

Anyone who knows other examples of

commonly used idioms and their (Pupils will give examples of idioms
meaning? and their meanings)

F. Application / Class, I will be grouping you in to 3

Developing Mastery groups.
(Leads to Formative
Assessment) Kindly count.
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, …
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, …

Please go to your respective groups.

Each group’s task is written in each
character given to you.

(Group 1: Make a short role play about

meeting old friends. Make sure to use
idioms correctly.
Group 2: A dialogue about a family get
together. Remember to use idioms
correctly. Present it in front.
Group 3: Draw anything you like.
Then, think of idioms that you may
associate with the picture you’ve
drawn. Explain it in front.)

Before you start, this is how are you

going to be graded.


Content 15 pts.
Mastery 10 pts.
Unity 5 pts.
Tot 30 pts.

You are given 10 mins. to finish the

task assigned to you.


G. Generalization / What are idioms, Aiza? IDIOMS are phrases which people
Making generalization use in everyday language which do not
and abstractions about make sense literally but we understand
the lesson what they mean.

Kindly give me examples of idioms and (Pupils will give examples of idioms
its meaning. and its meaning)

H. Valuing / Finding Why do you think it is important to use

practical application idioms especially in negative
about the lesson situations?

Yes, Shermaine. It simplifies the negative message

through using pleasing words in an
Very good!

But do you think using idioms has

disadvantages too?

Yes, Merrian. Sometimes in using idioms, mam, one

can misunderstood the message you
would like to say if he/she didn’t know
the meaning of the idiom used.
I. Evaluation / Read the following sentences and fill in
Evaluating learning the blanks with the correct idioms
through analyzing the given meaning.

Cat nap = a short sleep

1. Although Allen and Allan are twins,

Allen is ______Allan.
2. He has been jobless for several
months, and it is his wife who ______.
3. Mark is our younger brother. He is
the ______in our family.
4. I will get a _____ at the backstage
just wake me up if it’s my turn.
5. It looks like the _____, Lucy. Are
you always this quiet?

J. Agreement / Class, for your assignment, search for a

Additional activities for set of idiomatic expressions that can be
application or used in a conversation.



Prepared by: Checked by:


Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


Cooperating Supervisor

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