MDLP1 - Idiomatic Expressions
MDLP1 - Idiomatic Expressions
MDLP1 - Idiomatic Expressions
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different parts to know
that their meaning changes depending in context.
B. Performance Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in
Standard context
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the pupils must be able to:
a.) define idiomatic expressions
b.) identify appropriate meaning of idiomatic expressions
c.) use idiomatic expressions correctly
A. References
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer Everybody, please stand up. Flori Vi, In the name of the Father, and of the
kindly lead the prayer. Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
B. Reviewing of the
previous lesson
Next picture.
At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
must be able to: must be able to:
a.) identify appropriate meaning of a.) identify appropriate meaning of
idiomatic expressions idiomatic expressions
b.) familiarize with commonly used b.) familiarize with commonly used
idiomatic expressions idiomatic expressions
c.) use idiomatic expressions correctly c.) use idiomatic expressions correctly
Thank you everyone!
Well done!
Do you have any idea what the Yes, mam. It means that the one
expression means? spoken to is going back to the
nonsense topic again and again.
Have you ever experienced talking to a Yes, mam. Now I knew the other way
person like that before? of saying it.
Any idea with what the expression Mam, I think it is a blessing for them
means? to be late that night because they did
not get poisoned with the food in the
Does it mean to literally break your No, mam. It means do your best.
1. Refers to the idea that it’s better to
do something than just talk about it.
2. Something that worsen an already
bad situation.
3. Avoiding the main issue.
4. Something good and beneficial that
did not initially seem that way.
5. Something you say to someone you
wish good luck on.
It’s raining cats and dogs. It’s raining cats and dogs.
The weather snowed under. The weather snowed under.
When pigs fly. When pigs fly.
Let the cat out of the bag. Let the cat out of the bag.
Very good!
Last idiom, please, Catherine. Let the cat out of the bag means,
reveal a secret.
Very good!
Content 15 pts.
Mastery 10 pts.
Unity 5 pts.
Tot 30 pts.
G. Generalization / What are idioms, Aiza? IDIOMS are phrases which people
Making generalization use in everyday language which do not
and abstractions about make sense literally but we understand
the lesson what they mean.
Kindly give me examples of idioms and (Pupils will give examples of idioms
its meaning. and its meaning)
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