Electronic Circuits Analysis I (ECE353) : Lecture (1) Semiconductors by DR - Maher EL - Tayeb Fall 2020

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Electronic Circuits Analysis I

( ECE353)
Lecture (1)
Dr.Maher EL.Tayeb
Fall 2020
Course Contents:
 Basic Physics of Semiconductors.
 Diode Models and Circuits.
 Physics of Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJT)
characteristics, operation, analysis of different configurations and
 Physics of Field Effect Transistors (FET) Transistors
characteristics, operation, analysis of different configurations
and applications.
Module Weekly Schedule
Course instructor Text book Course Grades

Name : Dr. Maher El.Tayeb Title : Microelectronic Mini- Project : 5

Title : Assistant Professor Circuits Assignments : 10
Work : Faculty of Engineering Author : Sedra and Smith Tests & Quizzes : 15
Address : 6-October city Publisher : Oxford University Lab : 10
Phone : 01001437801 Press Midterm Exam : 20
Assist. : Eng. Mariam Hamza Edition : 8th Edition Final Exam : 40
Year : 2019
Many other References for
Electronics will be used.

Total : 100
Introduction to Semiconductors
Materials are classified into:
Introduction to Semiconductors
 A semiconductor is a material that is between conductors
and insulators in its ability to conduct electrical current.
 A semiconductor in its pure (intrinsic) state is neither a
good conductor nor a good insulator.
 The most common single-element semiconductors are
silicon, germanium, and carbon.
 Compound semiconductors such as gallium arsenide are
also commonly used.
 The single-element semiconductors are characterized by
atoms with four valence electrons.
Covalent bond
Valence electrons

+4 +4 +4

Silicon ion

+4 +4 +4

+4 +4 +4

Intrinsic Semiconductor
Intrinsic ( Pure) Semiconductor
 At a very low temperature (0 K) the crystal of semiconductor behaves as an insulator.
 An intrinsic (pure) silicon crystal at room temperature derives heat (thermal) energy
from the surrounding air.
 This causes some valence electrons to gain sufficient energy to jump the gap from the
valence band into the conduction band.
 Electrons in the conduction band are free electrons (conduction electrons).
 The Hole: The absence of the electron in the covalent bond is represented by a small
circle and is called a hole.
 Intrinsic Semiconductor has low conductivity(σ) and high resistivity (ρ).
 The resistance is given by:
R=ρ = where: ρ is the resistivity ( Ω.cm)
𝑨 σ𝑨
σ is the conductivity ( Ω.cm)-1
𝑳 is the length (cm)
𝑨 is the cross-section area ( cm2)
Intrinsic ( Pure) Semiconductor

 For intrinsic ( Pure)


n = p = ni

P is the concentration of holes (hole/cm3)
n is the concentration of free electrons (electron/cm3)
ni is the intrinsic concentration ( hole or electron/cm3)
Extrinsic ( impure) Semiconductor
a) n-Type Semiconductor
(doping with donor materials)

 Let ND is the concentration of Donor atoms.

( atoms/cm3 or cm-3)
 Before adding the donor atoms,
Concentration of free electrons and holes were the
same n = p = ni
 After adding donor material, n is increased
while p is decreased, according to the mass
action law.
b) p-Type Semiconductor
(doping with acceptor materials)

 Let NA is the concentration of acceptor atoms.

( atoms/cm3 or cm-3)
 Before adding the acceptor atoms,
Concentration of free electrons and holes were the
same n = p = ni
 After adding acceptor material, p is increased
while n is decreased, according to the mass
action law.
 The Mass-Action Law
Under thermal equilibrium, the product of the free
negative and positive concentrations is a constant
independent of the amount of donor and acceptor
impurity doping.

n. p = ni2  (1)
 Charge Densities in a Semiconductor
Since the semiconductor is electrically neural, the magnitude of the total positive charge
density (ND + p) must equal that of the negative concentration (NA + n), Hence;

p + ND = n +NA  (2)

 For n-type:
NA =0, n>>p , n≈ ND (majority) , p = ni2/n ≈ ni2/ ND (minority)
 For p-type:
ND =0, p>>n , p≈ NA (majority) , n = ni2/p ≈ ni2/ NA (minority)
 For a material doped with booth donor and acceptor materials, we have to solve
equation (1) and equation (2) to get the new electron concentration (n ) and hole
concentration (p).
 p + ND = n +NA

n + (NA - ND ) – p = 0
n + (NA - ND ) – (ni2/n) = 0 xn
n2 + (NA - ND ) n – ni2= 0
Solving the second order equation ( note that n should be positive )

−(NA − ND )+ (NA − ND )𝟐 +𝟒ni2

n= 𝟐

 You can solve for p and

n= 𝒑
 Example (1)
(a)Determine the concentration of free electrons and holes in a
sample of germanium at 300oK which has a concentration of
donor atoms equal to 2x1014 atoms/cm3 and a concentration of
acceptor atoms equal to 3x1014 atoms/cm3. Is this p- or n-type
germanium? In other words, is the conductivity due primarily to
holes or to electrons? (ni for Ge at 300oK=2.5x1013 atoms/cm3).
(b)Repeat part a for equal donor and acceptor concentration of
1015 atoms/cm3. Is this p- or n-type germanium?
 solution:

ni2 (2.5x1013)2 14 electrons/cm3

n= = = 0.06 x 10
𝒑 𝟏.𝟎𝟔 𝒙1014

Since p > n, the sample is p-type

(b) NA = ND then, n = p = ni = 2.5 x 1013 cm-3

The sample is an intrinsic semiconductor
 Conductivity (σ)
To derive the conductivity of semiconductors, let we discus that of metals
N, q
𝑸 𝑵.𝒒 𝑵.𝒒 v
The current 𝑰= = = 𝒗 e
𝒕 𝒕 𝑳
𝑰 𝑵.𝒒.𝒗 𝑵.𝒒.𝒗 𝑵 A
The current density J = = = =( ) 𝒒. 𝒗 = 𝒏. 𝒒. 𝒗 L
Then, J = 𝒏𝒒𝒗 N number of electrons
But the drift velocity is proportional to the electric field intensity E q charge of electron 1.6x10-19 c
Then, 𝒗 = 𝝁 𝑬 𝑣 drift velocity m/s
I electric current A
Thus, J = 𝒏𝒒𝒗 = 𝒏𝒒𝝁 𝑬 = 𝝈 𝑬 J current density A/m2
Finally, Conductivity of metal is given by: Q = N.q total charges
n concentration of free electrons e/m3
t time sec
𝝈 = 𝒏𝒒𝝁 A cross-section area m2
L length
V = L.A volume m3
𝐸 electric field intensity V/m
𝜇 electron mobility cm2/V.s
For metals 𝝈=𝒒𝒏𝝁
 For semiconductors( General)
𝝈 =𝝈n + 𝝈p = 𝒒 𝒏 𝝁𝒏 + 𝒒 𝒑 𝝁𝒑 = 𝒒 (𝒏 𝝁𝒏 + 𝒑 𝝁𝒑 )

 For intrinsic Semiconductors

𝝈 =𝝈i = 𝒒 𝒏𝒊(𝝁𝒏 + 𝝁𝒑 )
 For P-type 𝝈p = 𝒒 𝒑 𝝁𝒑
 For n-type 𝝈n = 𝒒 𝒏 𝝁𝒏
 Example (2)
A sample of germanium is doped to the extent of 3x1014 donor atoms/cm3 and
2x1014 acceptor atoms/cm3.
At the temperature of the sample the resistivity of pure (intrinsic) germanium is
60 Ω-cm. Assume that the value of the mobility of holes and electrons is approximately
the same as at 300oK (µp=1800cm2/V.s and µn=1800cm2/V.s).
If the applied electric field intensity is 2V/cm, find the total conduction current density.
The current density Ј that results from an electric field ε is obtained by:
Ј = q (nµn + pµp ) ε =δ ε A\cm2
To find n and p, we first find ni

1 1
 
 q(n n  p p )
For intrinsic germanium, p = n = ni

i 
qn i (  n   p )

ni 
q i ( n   p )

1.6 1019  60  3800  1800
 1.86 1013 cm 3
 ( N A  N D )  ( N A  N D ) 2  4n i2
11014  1028  4  (1.86 1013 ) 2

 1.0335 1014 electrons / cm 3

p = ni2/n = 0.0335 x 1014 holes/cm3

J  q(n n  p p )
19 14 14
 1.6  10 ( 1.0335  10  3800  0.0335  10  1800 )  2

 0.1276 A / cm 2
Faculty of

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