Formalism of Quantum Mechanics: Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics: Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics: Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation
"i# t E
! (t) = e , #=
Time-independent Schrödinger equation:
!2 d 2
! 2
" (x) + U(x)" (x) = E" (x)
2m dx
!2 d 2
! 2
" (x) = E" (x)
2m dx
Solutions inside the box:
! (x) = A cos(kx) + Bsin(kx), k =
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Particle in a box
(infinite square well potential):
The wave function is continuous so the wave function inside the box
must match the wave function outside the box at x=0 and x=L.
Outside the box, the wavefunction is always 0.
Solutions inside the box at x=0 and L:
! (0) = A cos(k0) + Bsin(k0) = A = 0
! (L) = A cos(kL) + Bsin(kL) = 0
A = 0, kL = n! , n = 1, 2...
Acceptable solutions are thus
# n" x &
!n (x) = Bsin % ( , n = 1, 2, 3..
$ L '
(For n=0, ψ(x)=0, particle not found in the box, hence not acceptable
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Particle in a box
(infinite square well potential):
Solutions :
# n" x &
!n (x) = Bsin % , n = 1, 2, 3.., 0 ) x ) L
$ L ('
! (x) = 0, x > L, x < 0
Energy is quantized:
1 2 p 2 ! 2 k 2 ! 2 n 2! 2
En = mv = = =
2 2m 2m 2mL2
Non-zero minimum energy E1 (zero-point energy)
2 $ n# x ' 2 1$ $ 2n# x ' '
$ 2n# x '
B x L B2 L
= * sin & ) = =1
2 0 2n# x % L ( 0
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Particle in a box
(infinite square well potential):
Solutions :
2 # n" x &
!n (x) = sin % ( , n = 1, 2, 3.., 0 ) x ) L
L $ L '
! (x) = 0, x > L, x < 0
! 2 n 2! 2
En = 2
, n = 1, 2, 3...
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Particle in a box
(infinite square well potential):
A particle is in a box of length L in the ground state (lowest energy
state). Where is the particle most likely to be found? What is the
probability of finding the particle in the middle half of the box?
2 # "x&
!1 (x) = sin % ( , n = 1
L $ L'
The middle half of the box is the region from x=l/4 to x=3L/4.
Probability of finding the particle in the middle half of the box:
2 # "x&
!1 (x) = sin % ( , n = 1
L $ L'
3L / 4
P(L / 4 ! x ! 3L / 4) = "1 (x) dx
3L / 4
2 2 % $x( x 1 % $x( % $x(
3L / 4
sin ' * dx = + sin ' * cos ' *
& L) L $ & L) & L) L/4
1 1
, P(x) = + = 0.818 = 81.8%
2 $
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Particle in a box
(infinite square well potential):
Macroscopic objects: What is the energy quantum number of a
3.00mg object moving at speed 1.00 cm/s in a box of of length 2cm?
1 2 ! 2 n 2! 2
En = mv =
2 2mL2
"n= = 18 # 10 23
For macroscopic objects, the quantum number is very large, and the
spacing between energy levels is very small, so the energy seems to
be continuous. However, quantization of energy is very important at
the scale of atoms, electrons, nucleii etc.
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Finite square well
Consider a box of finite depth such that
U(x) = 0, 0 ! x ! L
U(x) = U, x < 0 and x > L
U(x) = 0, 0 ! x ! L
U(x) = U, x < 0 and x > L
!2 d 2
! 2
" (x) + U(x)" (x) = E" (x)
2m dx
!2 d 2
! 2
" (x) = E" (x)
2m dx
! (x) = A cos(kx) + Bsin(kx), k =
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Finite square well
Outside the box, U(x) = U
Inserting into the TISE,
!2 d 2
! 2
" (x) + U(x)" (x) = E" (x)
2m dx
!2 d 2
! 2
" (x) = (E ! U )" (x)
2m dx
! (x) = Ce" x
! (x) = De#" x
" (x) = A cos(kx) + Bsin(kx),
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Finite square well potential:
Penetration depth: Outside the box, the wave function amplitude falls to
1/e of its value at the edge of the box at a distance δ from the edge:
1 !
!= =
" 2m(U # E)
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Finite square well potential:
Quantized energies: The exterior wave function is almost 0 at a distance
δ on either side of the box.
Thus we can model the finite well as an infinite well of length L+2d.
The energies are then
n 2" 2 ! 2
En ! , n = 1, 2...
2m(L + 2# ) 2
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Harmonic Oscillator:
Consider a particle moving in a quadratic potential (spring force):
1 2 1
U(x) = kx = m! 2 x 2
2 2
!2 d 2 1
! 2
" (x) = (E ! m# x )" (x)
2 2
2m dx 2
1 2 1
U(x) = kx = m! 2 x 2
2 2
# m! & m!
1/ 4
C0 = % , )=
$ " ! (' 2!
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Time-independent Schrödinger Equation: Harmonic Oscillator:
Consider a particle moving in a quadratic potential:
! 1$
En = # n + & !'
" 2%
1 hc
!E = !" =
2 #
k c
$" = = 2%
m #
k 4% 2 c 2
$ =
m #2