WCM Problems

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From the following information calculate the working capital requirement under

operating cycle method taking 5% reserve for contingencies:

Calculation of operating cycle Period

Forecasting Net Current Assets Method:

It’s a method which is also recommended by Tandon Committee for computing

working capital requirements. In this method of forecasting first of all, estimate of
stock of raw materials, estimated value of work-in-process, estimated value of stock of
finished goods, amount receivable from debtors and others and estimate minimum
cash balance required to meet day-to-day payments required. Then also estimate
outstanding payment for material, wages, and other adm. expenses. Now, difference
between forecasted amount of current assets and current liabilities gives net working
capital requirements of the firm. A flat percentage may be added in this amount of
provision for contingencies.

For a manufacturing organization, the following factors have to be taken into

consideration while making an estimate of working capital requirements:

1. Total cost incurred on materials, wages and overheads

2. The length of time for which raw materials are to remain in stores before they are
issued of production

3. The length of the production cycle or Work-in-progress

4. The length of the period during which finished goods are to be kept waiting for

5. The average period of credit allowed to customers

6. The amount of cash required to pay day-to-day expenses of the business

7. The average amount of cash required to make advance payments

8. The average credit period expected to be allowed by suppliers

9. Time lag in the payment of wages and other expenses

10. In order to provide for contingencies, some extra amount generally calculated as a
fixed percentage of the working capital may be added as Margin of Safety
Prepare a Working Capital forecast from the following information:-

Production level during the previous year was 10 Lakh units. During the current year,
the firm is likely to maintain its level of production at the previous year’s level.

The expected ratios of costs to selling price for the firm are as follows:-

Raw materials – 40%

Direct Wages – 20%

Overheads – 20%

The past data of the firm reveals that raw materials normally remain in stores for a
period of 3 months before production. Every unit of production remains in process for
2 months and is assumed to be constituting of 100% of raw materials. Work-in-
process is 50% complete as regards wages and overheads.

Finished goods remain in the warehouse of the firm for 3 months. Credit allowed by
creditors is 4 months from the date of delivery of raw materials, and credit given to
customers is 3 months from the date of dispatch.

The firm on an average maintains a cash balance of Rs. 1, 50,000. Wages and other
overheads are paid by the firm with a lag of 15 days. The selling price of the firm’s
products is Rs. 10 per unit. The firm also maintains a contingency provision of 10%
in addition to the regular cash balance.

By problem,

Selling price/unit = Rs. 10 (given)

Raw Material cost = 40% of Rs. 10 = Rs. 4 per unit

Wages = 20% of Rs. 10 = Rs. 2 per unit

Overheads = 20% of Rs. 10 = Rs. 2 per unit

Total cost = Rs. 8 per unit

Add: Profit (Balancing Figure) = Rs. 2 per unit

Selling Price = Rs. 10 per unit
Statement showing Working Capital Requirements of the firm:-

Particulars Amount (in Rs.) Amount (in Rs.)


(i) Investment in Raw Materials Stock

[10,00,000 x 4 x 3]/12

(ii) Investment in W-I-P Stocks

R.M.: [(10,00,000 x 4 x 2)/12] x 100%

Lab: [(10,00,000 x 2 x 2)/12] x 50%
OH: [(10,00,000 x 2 x 2)/12] x 50%
(iii) Investment in Finished Goods Stock

R.M.: [(10,00,000 x 4 x 3)/12] x 100% 10,00,000

Lab: [(10,00,000 x 2 x 3)/12] x 100% 5,00,000

OH: [(10,00,000 x 2 x 3)/12] x 100% 5,00,000

------------------------ 20,00,000

(iv) Investment in Debtors (Credit pd.= 3 month)

[10,00,000 x 10 x 3]/12
(v) Cash & Bank balances

∑CURRENT ASSETS (A) 66,50,000


(i) Creditors for Raw Materials (Credit pd.= 4 month)

[10,00,000 x 4 x 4]/12

(ii) Creditors for Wages (Lag pd.= 15 days = Half a

month) 83,333
[10,00,000 x 2 x ½ ]/12

(iii) Creditors for Overheads (Lag pd.= 15 days = 83,334

Half a month)
----------------------- 15,00,000
[10,00,000 x 2 x ½ ]/12



(A) – (B)

Add: 10% Provision for future Contingencies 5,15,000

(10% on Rs. 51,50,000)
Working Capital Requirement 56,65,000

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