Career Counselling Theories
Career Counselling Theories
Career Counselling Theories
Definitions, Theories,
and Assessments
Career counselors use theories and assessments to help others make career choices,
think through career problems, find jobs, and explore opportunities. Just like therapists,
there are many different types of career counselors who use different theories,
intervensions, and assessments. One counselor might focus more on helping someone
pick a career while another might help someone with job satisfaction or career
Choosing a career counselor will depend on what exactly you are looking for. If you are
just starting out in your career you will probably want a counselor who can help you
figure out what career path you want to take. If you have been in your field for a while,
you might want someone who can help you progress in your field. In order to pick what
kind of career counseling is best for you it can be helpful to know exactly what career
counseling is, what some different theories are, and what assessments are used.
Trait-and-Factor Theory
Trait-and Factor theory has been one of the most enduring theories of career
counseling. In essence, it focuses on matching people’s personalities with careers. In
order to determine someone’s personality this theory requires taking into consideration
someone’s abilities or aptitude, personal values, and occupational interests. The
process includes three key steps:
1. Studying individuals
Trait-and-factor theory has been criticized because it assumes that there is one career
goal for everyone and because career decisions are based primarily on ability. Many
people do not have one career goal as trait-and-factory theory might suggest.
Additionally, these career goals might change over time. Also, ability might not be the
best way to match someone with a career. Someone who might be interested in a
career but not trained in that field. Rather than pushing them away from that field they
might just need some encouragement to get training. Critics of this theory would say
that it pushed people like this away from things they might be interested in.
Theory of Person-Environment Fit
The basic foundation of Person-Environment Fit is the idea that if someone has a
positive relationship with their work environment, they will have job satisfaction. The
theorists Dawis and Lofquist proposed that work includes relationships, interactions,
reward, stress and other psychological variables. These psychological variables must
be adequately addressed by the work environment. Additionally, the individual must be
able to meet the requirements of the work environment. So, it isn’t just that the place
needs to fit the individual, the individual must also be able to fit the place. When both of
these things happen, it is called consonance.
Four Key Points of Person-Environment Fit:
3. How well a person’s needs match the environment and vice versa is a good
indicator of satisfaction
4. Job placement is best done by matching the individual’s personality with the
requirements of the work environment
Here, the role of a career counselor is not so much in job selection as it is helping
people deal with career or job problems. It is an approach where individual therapy and
career counseling might overlap. This is because career counselors using this theory
will address issues like burnout, change, relationships, obstacles to career development
and more.
Social Cognitive Career Theory
Social Cognitive Career Theory was first described by Lent, Brown, and Hackett in
1996. The theory blends some aspects of social learning theory and cognitive theories.
There are three key components to this theory.
1. Self-efficacy
2. Outcome expectations
3. Personal goals
3. How well someone can problem solve depends on their cognitive abilities and
One main critique of this theory is that it really only works with people who have full
cognitive ability. You could not do this type of career counseling with someone who has
a developmental or learning impairment because they probably would not be able to do
this kind of thinking. Another issue that it assumes that even people who do have full
cognitive abilities are totally rational. As we know from psychology research people
rarely make decisions rationally. Rather they rely on a combination of cognition,
emotion, and environmental circumstances when making decisions.
The Self-Directed Search was developed by John Holland and is one of the most widely
used career counseling measures. It has been translated into 20 different languages
and can be administered online. If you are interested you can take the assessment
here. You can also view a copy by clicking the button below.
Download PDF
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is an assessment that attempts to understand your
personality type by looking at individual preferences. After answering the questions it
gives you a personality type based on extraversion or introversion, sensing or intuition,
thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving. There are 16 possible personality
combinations and each one is described on the scoring sheet for your convenience.
You can read more about this assessment on the official website. You
can view or download a pdf copy by clicking on the button below.
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Temperament and Values Indicator is a measure assesses how someone’s values might
relate to career choice. The test has two parts, the first are temperament questions that
relate to personality and career choice, the second part is related to values and work
rewards. The scores help you figure out if your career goals are congruent with your
values and temperament. This test was specifically developed for people who are high
school aged or older. This assessment is not publicly available.
Kuder Occupational Interest Survey consists of 77 occupational scales and 29 college
majors. It usually Takes about 30-40 minutes to complete and is best used for helping
people with job placement. It is generally used with college aged students. This
measure is not publicly available. Many career counselor or career centers will have
access to it.