Field Study 1 Answers Episode 3
Field Study 1 Answers Episode 3
Field Study 1 Answers Episode 3
Episode 3
My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be competent in determining a school environment
that provides social, psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning.
4 3 2 1
Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and
clear, supported clearly supported by shallow and are
by experiences supported by experiences not supported
from the experiences from the by experiences
episode. from the episode. from the
episode. episode.
4 3 2 1
My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has
complete, clear; complete, clear; incomplete; many lacking
well-organized well-organized supporting components; is
and all and most documentation unorganized
supporting supporting is organized and unclear.
documentations documentations but is lacking.
are located in are available
sections clearly and/or in logical
designated. and clearly
4 3 2 1
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day before Two days of
the deadline more after the
4 3 2 1
Sub Totals
Overall Score (Based on
Signature of FS Teacher Date
Transmutation to grade/rating
Score Grade Score Grade
20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 81
16 - 1.75 - 90 7 below - 5.00 - below
15 - 2.00 - 87
14 - 2.25 - 84
My Map
To reach your target, do the
following tasks:
My Tools
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.
We are assigned to the lower section of the fourth year. The students were seemed
that their age were not appropriate to the level that they were taking of. Some seemed
mature and some appeared to be at the right age. To calculate, there are almost 22 girls in
the class and 26 boys.
The behavior of every student varies with their seatmate. If the student sitting with
boys who were noisy, the possibility that they will be influenced with such acts is big. They
cannot yet manage their own behavior because of such encouragement.
1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids,
books, students’ belongings, supplies, etc.) Describe these areas.
Yes. That involves storage of instructional materials located at the back just at
the side of the comfort room. The folders and other papers were arranged
very well.
The procedures and rules are posted just at the side of the door. As I have read
the content of it, it is about the general rules guiding the students to make the
room clean and neat. It is also written there the daily routines that the students
should follow.
3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? (Ask the Resource
Yes. In every move of the teacher about making the rules and procedures in
the room, the presence of the student must also take place.
4. What are the daily routines done by the teacher (prayer, attendance, assignment
monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?
The sitting arrangement that they have is complex. Since the students-move
Is implemented on the school, the students had no permanent seats.
6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. Hoe is this managed?
In managing the noise inside the room, the teacher just tell the student to listen.
Consequently the student just stops his noise. But after a few minutes the student will
again create a noise.
7. If a learner is not following instructions or if off-task, what does the teacher do?
Describe the behavior and strategies used.
The teacher just saying: “From the class, who can help him?” and let the student take his
To reinforce the positive behavior of the student, the teacher never admire him too much
so that her other students will not get jealous. She is also avoiding that her student will
mold that their teacher has favoritism in one of the learners.
Observation notes:
The teacher Mrs. Mari Sol Jamog, was really a good teacher. She masters how to be a good
teacher as well as a good model to her students. On her teaching strategies, she make sure
that she will not step the ego of every student.
My Analysis
1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?
The classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behavior. By the help of
the organizations that they have, they can develop their capabilities to be a
responsible member of their group. The daily routines such as praying can develop
the children’s spiritual life to be a good citizen of the society.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
On every decision that the teacher would choose, it has an impact on his students.
That Is indeed that the if he will decide, consultation among his students or clients
should take place first. On a design, he should consider the maturation development
and level of understanding of the learners so that they will become more
productive citizen of the society aided with scholastic motivation.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?
Corporal punishment is not the answer in managing the behavior of each student but
with an integration of values and religious concept. In motivating students, the
teacher should be aware that there some limitations beyond this. Since the child
believes in the Supreme God, it is easy to discipline them because to be feared with
wrong acts is to be feared with God.
My Reflections
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/ year level do
you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level?
I want to teach fourth year to mold their selves in preparation to their crucial college
life. I would implement strict no cheating rule so that they can answer independently
their examinations in college life and to motivate theirselves that is applicable to the
real-life situation.
2. Make a list of rule you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose
these rules?
Strictly no cheating so that they can work independently with their selves. Second,
be neat because being neat contributes so much to learners in regard their concen-
tration while studying. Third, be friendly because friends are someone who can
Lean on when there are problems.
Yes, the learners should be involved in making the class rules. The class is a part of
the legislative council inside the classroom, thus the teacher should seek the
help of students when making class rule but it is the obligation of the teacher to defy
what something wrong is being agreed by all.
My Portfolio
Include here the pictures of the classroom/s you observed. Write descriptions/
annotations about what you observed in each photo.
Students were listening to their teacher The back portion of the classroom
during the lecture. where the bulletin board was placed
The comfort room for every student. The blackboard divided into two.