Total Wind Power Consultancy
Total Wind Power Consultancy
Total Wind Power Consultancy
ed effect
shore of windcyclic loads from
turbines and wind in combi-
farms. We
. Design
have created Basis
with current,
integrated tides,solutions
waves and forice. design and
Design certification of onshore
stations, switchboards,
and manufacturing of wind and sign which is in the comfort zone for the
BestWe Available
wind use thelayout,
farm Methods
latest computer
foundation, technology
materials offshore foundations.
turbines, and control
foundations, Weand provide
blades consul-
load and
calls contractors, adapted to the operating
(and Finite
for tower, Method
and fou- to ting in
for the entire
newquality design process
approaches, – from
etc. For small-scale
and conditions of the wind turbines and
es, The Design
include Basis
ndation,non-linear outlines
production effects all of
processes, cracked con-
logistics, geotechnical
wind farms recommendations
rethinking or the
of single turbines in
structures. to soil
Increased based on best available and known tech-
- ons, crete
quality and evaluation
control and methodologies
of Eigen frequencies.
and transportation to the analysis
size ofand
we to theturbines,
offshore design
hybrid andsystems certification
and off-
in particular, nologies as well as optimised foundation
and for the design of the
construction site.primary structures. of the
challenges design.designs and engi-
traditional concepts, site assessment and layout.
The design basis defines how the Site neering to be adapted to deeper and
Assessment parameters are to be ap- Wemore
the leading expert
waves and knowledge
harsher wind for
e pliedGrid
Site Connection
in theAssessment
design of wind turbines and Tender
both shallow
conditions. Design
andWe deep
have water
a well
periods and increased focus on QA. We installations,
proven track Innovation
we support you through power grid ana-
Optimised Electrical
Since Input Power
the first tolarge-scale
your Get
take the
including allof Right
costs Bids
factors manufacturers
of into
the (often critical)
consideration, and Intelligent Solutions
lysis, including power quality and stability
offshore wind farm, we have developed wind
effect of developers
cyclic loads with
from the
identify layout opportunities and ensureutilisation
in combi- of analysis, load flow calculations and short
leading to to
Priorexperience design in the
of thedetermina-
structures for new
nation materials,
the inspire
most current,
cost optimisation
contractors to
efficient waves ofproduction
optimise struc-
and the
ice. Design and manufacturing
circuit calculations as required. of wind
- tion Our
the onshore wind farm,experience
of team
loads has
and extensive
load combinations.
the physical in the Wetures,
use new
the innovative
latest through
without compromising requirements.designs,
a tender
de- turbines, foundations, and blades calls
By choosing experienced
conditions andintelligent team
on the selected is
of onshore to
siteand back
must be you of knowledge is infrom
the other
with Finite Element Method modelling the
sign which comfort engineering
zone for to for
Wenew approaches,
provide consultancy innovation
and design and
up through
assessed aswe the
well process
minimise We of
as the effects grid
your riskconnection
on the sectors,
We have new
non-linear principles
supported effectsto for
of the
developers, construc-
operating con-
manu- rethinking
support forof the structures.
cabling Increased
and grid connection
sed and
ensure electrical
in the
structures. theentire
The power
Design management.
foundation process – from
is structures
ready Prior
for tion
crete process
facturers ofand
and the much
of Eigen
operators more.
turbines and
in identifying size of offshore
for the turbines,
onshore wind farm in particular,
site, subsea
i- to drafting
certification. power purchase
of offshore wind farms, in particular, are agreements,
to soil based
areas for optimisation regarding off tech-
on best available and known challenges traditional
cabling, internal cabling,designs
and shore andtoengi-
We analysis
costlysupport andare
and to the
you the design
parts that andare
power certification
mostana- nologies
shore wind as well as optimised
turbines and windfoundation
farms. We neering to be We
shore linkage. adapted to deeper in
have experience and
n, of the
lysis, foundation
including powerdesign.
exposed to the physical environment. quality and stability concepts, site assessment
have created integrated solutions and layout. for transformer stations, switchboards,
more strenuous waves and harsher wind
ure analysis, loadthe flow calculations and short
To optimize
circuit the
it is essential
required. knowledge
farm layout, foundation, materials monitoring and
conditions. We control
have a systems,
well proven loadtrack
You choose
water installations,
costs) for tower,
Innovation Power
blades and fou- power of
record quality analysis manufacturers
supporting etc. For small-scaleand
Valuegeotechnical information, wind, waves,
processes, logistics, wind farms or single turbines in
wind developers with the utilisation of remote
We waterevaluation
ice, provide andof
levels the
otherand (often
site critical)
conditi- quality control
Power to Connect and transportation to the areas,
new we analyse
materials, hybrid systems
optimisation and off-
of struc-
u- effect
ons. of cyclic
for loads
Our experienced from
and wind
grid in combi-
team optimize and construction site. grid solutions.
for the with
onshore gowind
current, fortides,
farm waves
site, solu-
subsea ice. Design and manufacturing of wind tures, new innovative designs, transfer
tions,Webut we on
can these
help parameters,
you do better. taking Ourturbines,
experienced team is ready to back you of knowledge from other engineering
cabling, the
A successfully
shore to
in the upfor
the process of
and blades
grid connection
sectors, new principles for the construc-
We with
standards and guidelines. We provideto
can non-linear
have modelling
costs, increased
new approaches, innovation and
electrical of power management. Prior
Tender Design
tion process and much more.
and include
you with stations,
a Site effects of cracked
Assessment ready for con- rethinking
Latest Technology the structures.
to your Increased Get the Right Bids
als energy
monitoringand shorter
and construction
controlof Eigen
systems, frequencies.
load and to drafting
size of power purchase
offshore turbines, agreements,
in particular,
certification. Advantage
power quality analysis etc. For small-scale challenges traditional designs and engi- We inspire contractors to optimise the
cs, wind farms or single turbines in remote neering
Our teamtohas beextensive
adapted to deeper and
experience in the price and quality through a tender de-
the Design
areas, we analyseBasis hybrid systems and off- more strenuous waves
design and certification of onshore and harsherand wind sign which is in the comfort zone for the
n Grid
grid Connection
Best Available Methods conditions. We have a well
offshore foundations. We provide consul- proven track contractors, adapted to the operating
and Electrical Power record of supporting
ting in the entire design manufacturers
process – fromand conditions of the wind turbines and
The Design Basis outlines all assumpti- wind developers with
geotechnical recommendations the utilisation
to soilof based on best available and known tech-
Power Design
to Connect
ons, specifications and methodologies new materials, optimisation
analysis and to the design and certificationof struc- nologies as well as optimised foundation
- Get the
for the RightofBids
design the primary structures. tures,
of the new innovative
foundation design. designs, transfer concepts, site assessment and layout.
The design basisteam
experienced is ready
defines how to theback
Siteyou of knowledge from other engineering
We through
inspire the process
contractors of
to grid
Assessment parameters are to be ap- connection
optimise the sectors,
We havenew principles
the leading for the
expert construc-
knowledge for
he and
priceelectrical power management.
plied in the design of wind turbinesde-
and quality through a tender Prior
and tion process and much more.
both shallow and deep water installations, Innovation
d to drafting
sign whichpower
foundations. is in purchase
Since the firstagreements,
comfort zone for the
large-scale including evaluation of the (often critical) Intelligent Solutions
ul- contractors,
offshore wind adapted
farm, weto have
the operating
developed effect of cyclic loads from wind in combi-
conditions of the wind
leading experience turbines
in the and
determina- nation with current, tides, waves and ice. Design and manufacturing of wind
tion of loads and load
on best available and known We use the latest computer technology turbines, foundations, and blades calls
tion nologies as well
By choosing as optimised
intelligent methodsfoundation
and with Finite Element Method modelling to for new approaches, innovation and
concepts, site assessment
specifications, we minimise your and layout.
risk and include non-linear effects of cracked con- rethinking of the structures. Increased
ensure that the Design Basis is ready for crete and evaluation of Eigen frequencies. size of offshore turbines, in particular,
e for certification. challenges traditional designs and engi-
ons, Innovation neering to be adapted to deeper and
al) Intelligent Solutions more strenuous waves and harsher wind
bi- WTG Layout Optimisation Grid Connection conditions. We have a well proven track
e. Design
Savingand Youmanufacturing of wind
Money and Creating and Electrical Power record of supporting manufacturers and
y turbines,
Value foundations, and blades calls Management wind developers with the utilisation of
to for new approaches, innovation and Power to Connect new materials, optimisation of struc-
on- rethinking of the go
Most developers structures. Increased
for standard solu- tures, new innovative designs, transfer
ies. size of offshore turbines, in particular,
tions, but we can help you do better. Our experienced team is ready to back you of knowledge from other engineering
challenges traditional
A successfully designs
delivered and engi-
optimisation up through the process of grid connection sectors, new principles for the construc-
neering to be adapted to deeper and
process can reduce O&M costs, increased and electrical power management. Prior tion process and much more.
energy output, shorter constructionwind
strenuous waves and harsher to drafting power purchase agreements,
conditions. We have a well proven track
record of supporting manufacturers and
Design Basis design and certification of onshore and sig
Best Available Methods offshore foundations. We provide consul- con
ting in the entire design process – from con
The Design Basis outlines all assumpti- geotechnical recommendations to soil bas
ons, specifications and methodologies analysis and to the design and certification nol
for the design of the primary structures. of the foundation design. con
The design basis defines how the Site
Assessment parameters are to be ap- We have the leading expert knowledge for
plied in the design of wind turbines and both shallow and deep water installations, In
foundations. Since the first large-scale including evaluation of the (often critical) Int
offshore wind farm, we have developed effect of cyclic loads from wind in combi-
leading experience in the determina- nation with current, tides, waves and ice. De
tion of loads and load combinations. We use the latest computer technology tur
By choosing intelligent methods and with Finite Element Method modelling to for
specifications, we minimise your risk and include non-linear effects of cracked con- ret
ensure that the Design Basis is ready for crete and evaluation of Eigen frequencies. size
certification. cha
Site Assessment
Optimised Input take
all costs
You Money
focus on QA. We
and Creating
into consideration,
Valuelayout opportunities and ensure
you through power grid ana-
power quality and stability
identify analysis, load flow calculations and short
Prior to the design of the structures for the most cost efficient power production Power
circuit to Connect
calculations as required. new
the onshore wind farm, the physical Most compromising
without developers go for standard solu-
requirements. tur
conditions on the selected site must be tions, but we can help you do better. WeOur experienced
provide teamand
consultancy is ready
designto back you of k
assessed as well as the effects on the WeAhave
supported delivered optimisation
developers, manu- up through the process of grid
support for cabling and grid connection connection sec
structures. The foundation structures process can reduce O&M
facturers and operators in identifyingcosts, increased for and electricalwind
the onshore powerfarmmanagement.
site, subsea Prior tion
of offshore wind farms, in particular, are energy
areas output, shorter
for optimisation construction
regarding off to drafting power purchase
cabling, internal cabling, and shore agreements,
costly andAssessment
are the parts that are most periods and increased focus
shore wind turbines and wind farms. on QA.WeWe shore linkage. We have experience grid
we support you through power in ana-
exposed to the Input
Optimised physical environment. take all costs factors into
have created integrated solutions forconsideration, lysis, including
transformer power
stations, quality and stability
To optimize the costs, it is essential to identify
wind layout opportunities
farm layout, and ensure
foundation, materials analysis, load flow calculations
monitoring and control systems, load and and
Prior tochoose
carefully the design of the structures
safe parameters for for thecosts)
(and mostfor cost efficient
tower, power
blades andproduction
fou- circuit
power calculations
quality analysisasetc.
For small-scale
the onshoreinformation,
geotechnical wind farm, the
waves, without
ndation, compromising
production requirements.
processes, logistics, wind farms or single turbines in remote
ice,conditions onand
water levels the other
sitesite must be
conditi- quality control and transportation to the We we
areas, provide consultancy
analyse and design
hybrid systems and off-
ons. Our experienced team optimizethe
assessed as well as the effects on and We have supported
construction site. developers, manu- support for
grid solutions. cabling and grid connection
evaluate The foundation
on these parameters,structures
taking facturers and operators in identifying for the onshore wind farm site, subsea
into offshorethe
wind farms, in particular,
requirements in the are areas for optimisation regarding off cabling, internal cabling, and shore to
costly and are the parts that
standards and guidelines. We provide are most Foundations
shore wind turbines and wind farms. We Tender Design
shore linkage. We have experience in
exposed to the physical environment.
you with a Site Assessment ready for have Technology
Latest created integrated solutions for
to your Get the Right Bids switchboards,
transformer stations,
To optimize the costs, it is essential to
certification. wind
Advantagefarm layout, foundation, materials monitoring and control systems, load and
carefully choose safe parameters for (and costs) for tower, blades and fou- Wepower
inspirequality analysistoetc.
contractors For small-scale
optimise the
geotechnical information, wind, waves, Ourndation,
team hasproduction processes, logistics,
extensive experience in the wind farms or single turbines
price and quality through a tender in remote
ice, waterBasis
levels and other site conditi- design and certification of onshore andto the
quality control and transportation areas,
sign which weisanalyse hybrid systems
in the comfort zone for and
ons. Our experienced
Best Available Methods team optimize and construction
offshore site. We provide consul-
foundations. grid solutions.
contractors, adapted to the operating
evaluate on these parameters, taking ting in the entire design process – from conditions of the wind turbines and
Theinto account
Design Basisthe requirements
outlines in the
all assumpti- geotechnical recommendations to soil based on best available and known tech-
ons, and guidelines.
specifications We provide
and methodologies Foundations
analysis and to the design and certification Tender
nologies Design
as well as optimised foundation
the with a Site
design Assessment
of the ready for
primary structures. Latest
of the Technology
foundation design. to your Get thesite
concepts, Right Bids and layout.
The design basis defines how the Site Advantage
Assessment parameters are to be ap- We have the leading expert knowledge for We inspire contractors to optimise the
plied in the design of wind turbines and Ourshallow
both team has andextensive
deep waterexperience in the
installations, Innovation
price and quality through a tender de-
Design Basis
foundations. Since the first large-scale design and certification of onshore
including evaluation of the (often critical) and sign whichSolutions
Intelligent is in the comfort zone for the
Best Available
offshore wind farm,Methods
we have developed offshore
effect foundations.
of cyclic loads fromWe provide
wind consul-
in combi- contractors, adapted to the operating
leading experience in the determina- nation with current, tides, waves and from
ting in the entire design process – ice. conditions
Design of the wind turbines
and manufacturing of windand
tion of Design Basis
loads and outlines
load all assumpti-
combinations. Wegeotechnical
use the latestrecommendations
computer technology to soil based on best available and
turbines, foundations, and blades knowncallstech-
ons, specifications and methodologies
By choosing intelligent methods and analysis
with Finite and to the
Element designmodelling
Method and certification
to nologies as well as optimised
for new approaches, innovation and foundation
for the design
specifications, weofminimise
the primaryyourstructures.
risk and of the foundation design.
include non-linear effects of cracked con- concepts,
rethinking ofsite
structures. and layout.
The design basis defines how
ensure that the Design Basis is ready the Site
for crete and evaluation of Eigen frequencies. size of offshore turbines, in particular,
Assessment parameters are to be ap-
certification. We have the leading expert knowledge for challenges traditional designs and engi-
plied in the design of wind turbines and both shallow and deep water installations, Innovation
neering to be adapted to deeper and
foundations. Since the first large-scale including evaluation of the (often critical) Intelligent
more strenuousSolutions
waves and harsher wind
WTG Layout
offshore Optimisation
wind farm, we have developed Grid
of cyclic loads from wind in combi- conditions. We have a well proven track
Saving experience
You Money and in theCreating
determina- and Electrical
nation with current,Power
tides, waves and ice. Design
record and manufacturing
of supporting of windand
Value of loads and load combinations. Management
We use the latest computer technology turbines, foundations, and blades
wind developers with the utilisation of calls
By choosing intelligent methods and with Finite
Power to Connect Element Method modelling to for new approaches, innovation
new materials, optimisation of struc- and
Most developers gowefor
standard your risk and
solu- include non-linear effects of cracked con- rethinking
tures, of the structures.
new innovative Increased
designs, transfer
tions, but we can help you do better. for
ensure that the Design Basis is ready Ourcrete and evaluation
experienced team isofready
back you size of offshore turbines, in
of knowledge from other engineeringparticular,
certification.delivered optimisation
A successfully up through the process of grid connection challenges
sectors, traditionalfor
new principles designs and engi-
the construc-
process can reduce O&M costs, increased and electrical power management. Prior neering to be adapted
tion process and much more. to deeper and
energy output, shorter construction to drafting power purchase agreements, more strenuous waves and harsher wind
WTG Layout Optimisation Grid Connection conditions. We have a well proven track
Saving You Money and Creating and Electrical Power record of supporting manufacturers and
An important and cost saving aspect of Working environments for wind farm
the construction phase is well planned activities are high risk construction
logistics and optimised transportation areas with large construction materials
of all equipment from the manufac- and a large scale investment, so prioti-
turer’s site to the construction site. sation on health and safety is essential.
Close and efficient monitoring at the Health and safety management is an
manufacturer’s site can also increase the integral part of managing wind con-
overall efficiency of the whole project, struction, partly in relation to creating
ensuring timely delivery and budget a culture of safe working practices and
performance. at the same time safeguarding the
future success of the wind farm. Legal
We have demonstrated on several wind requirements for health and safety dif-
farm projects (incl. large scale offshore fer from country to country, but have
projects) that savings can be made to be fully respected and integrated
through detailed and efficient planning into project implementation.
of logistics, optimisation of harbour
facilities, availability of the right vessels, We support in establishing health &
and close monitoring of the manufactu- safety management procedures and
ring process. guidelines, performing audits, analy-
sing and reporting on incidents and in
following up on causes. We also carry
Project and Interface out audits at manufacturers’ sites.
Your Success on Our Competences
Description Services
In Denmark commercial wind farming Limfjorden, in the northern part of Denmark. • Design basis, geotechnical studies
has existed for some 20 years. As the The project consists of a replacement of 77 • Detailed design, access and site
development of wind turbines in terms wind turbines installed from 1988 to 1990 roads
of effect and dimensions has been with a combined capacity of 17 MW. The • Detailed design, 13 pile supported/
gradually increased since the beginning turbines are replaced with 13 Siemens 2,3 direct gravity based foundations
of commercial wind farming initiated in the MW turbines with a combined capacity of 30 • Clearance of all permits with
80’s, some 175 MW of the installed Danish MW, equivalent to the energy demand of ~ authorities
wind energy capacity today is produced by 30.000 households. • Tender documents, contract
wind turbines subject to replacement by negotiation
modern MW range wind turbines. Grontmij | Carl Bro has designed and • Preparation of foundation design
provided the documentation for a DNV documentation for DNV certification
With the wind turbine scrap and certified foundation design for the wind • Project management
replacement act of 2004, the Danish turbines. The foundations are customized • Total works site supervision
government has made way for a to the soil conditions on site, calling for a
modernisation and effect improvement combination of pile supported and direct Client:
of the existing Danish onshore wind farm gravity based foundations. The foundation Vattenfall A/S
capacity, without introducing new onshore design is performed in accordance with
wind farm sites. The act allows for old, less IEC 61.400-1 code. Grontmij | Carl Bro Period:
effective wind turbines to be replaced with has provided all tender documents and 2008–2009
modern and more effective ones. conducted the negotiations with the involved
contractors on behalf of the client, Vattenfall
Grontmij | Carl Bro has provided A/S.
consultancy services to Vattenfall A/S in the
complete design and project management During 2009 Grontmij | Carl Bro has
of the Nørrekær Enge Onshore Wind supervised all works on site, and managed
Farm, on the coast of the inland waters, the project in total.
Rødsand 2 Offshore Wind Farm, Denmark
Project Description
Rødsand 2 Offshore Wind Farm is situated The project consists of: Sea depth is 6-12 m.
in Denmark, south of the island Lolland , • 90 pcs. SWP 2.3 MW, total 207 MW Sea bed consists of clay till.
approximately 3 km west of Nysted Offshore • Gravity based concrete foundations
Wind Farm. from Aarsleff Bilfinger JV Offshore works were initiated in August
• Internal MV electrical grid is supplied 2008 with pre-trenching for cables. Foun-
Owner is EON. Owners consultant is Grontmij by NSW dation manufacture in Poland started in
| Carl Bro. • Wind turbines installed by A2SEA January 2009. Dredging for foundations
• Substation and grid to coast started January 2009.
contracted by
Commissioning of wind farm with 207 MW
in operation will be end of 2010.
Consultancy Services:
Consultancy and basic design for wind farm • Basic design of inter turbine grid • Study of collision friendly foundation
owner during tender and production period. connection design
The services include: • Offshore sub station: Interface • Planning of construction site in Rødby
• EIA presentation at public meeting planning and negotiation between and Nyborg
and assistance in adapting project to owners of 36 kV system and 132 kV • Review of contractors detailed design
public comments on EIA system of foundations
• Preparation and initialization of • Planning and supervision of complete • Interface management
compensation negotiations with geotechnical investigations including
Danish Fishermen’s Association laboratory testing for 90 wind turbines Client:
• Layout optimization of wind farm • Tender assistance for wind turbines, EON Vind AB
including production prediction, foundations and grid
screening of geotechnical information • Site assessment and design basis for Project period:
and grid cost evaluation foundation (incl. DNV certification) 2007-2010
Photographer: Petri & Betz
Foundations in Deeper Water, UK
Offshore Wind Accelerator
Project Manager
Carbon Trust in corporation with Airtricity,
DONGEnergy, RWE Innogy, Scottish
Power and Statoil/Hydro.
Kriegers Flak Offshore Wind Farm, Sweden
Middelgrunden Wind Turbine Cooperative
Clogher Head Offshore Wind Farm
Pre-feasibility Study in the Irish Sea
Examples of assignments:
• Aapua 7 x 1,5 MW
• Långåvålen 5 x 2 MW
• Hunflen 2 x 1,5 MW
• Valsås 2 x 600 kW
Nysted Offshore Wind Farm, Denmark
Belwind Off Shore Wind Farm, Belgium
2010 Foundation Concept Development Offshore Wind N.of Shanghai, China Denmark
Establishments of Design Basis including
• Metocean conditions
• Soil condition
• Combined wind and wave loads for selected foundation structures assessment
Foundation concept review including
• Screening of selected potential feasible foundation structures
• Preliminary sizing and check of determining parameters
• Cost estimate
• Recommendation of most feasible foundation structures
2010 Detailed Foundation Design Hagesholm Wind Farm Denmark
Engineering of roads and foundations for difficult soil for the wind farm and tender of:
• Design basis, geotechnical studies
• Detailed design, access and site roads
• Detailed design, 3 pile supported/direct gravity based foundations
• Clearance of all permits with authorities
• Tender documents, contract negotiation
• Preparation of foundation design documentation for DNV certification
• Project management
• Total works site supervision
2010-2011 Moray Firth Foundation Concept Development UK
Moray Firth is the 1500 MW zone 1 of the UK round 3 offshore wind zones. The
Client is EDPR and SERL which has formed the limited company MORL. MORL
intends to develop 1500 MW of offshore wind by 2020 within the zone.
Grontmij shall undertake the foundation development, and the services are:
• Site Assessment, Design Basis and Loads
• Foundation screening for WTG and Substation incl. installation
• Conceptual design of 3 foundations for WTG
• Conceptual design of 3 foundations for Substation
• Cost and Risk assessment
• Preliminary structural Basis of Design for FEED
• Scope of Work for FEED
2010 O&M Management Belwind Offshore Wind Farm Belgium
Belwind is a 330 MW off shore wind farm on the Bligh Bank, a sandbank located 46
km from the Belgian coast. Phase 1 was commissioned December 2010. Grontmij |
Carlbro has assisted with development of the O&M tasks and organisation, including:
• Training of the permanent O&M team
• Development and implementation of monitoring and reporting tools
• Development and implementation of an O&M plan and budget
• Development and implementation of a document control system
• Registration and mitigation of risks
• Development and implementation of a production forecast system
• Development and implementation of a QHSE management system
• Take over as build documentation and manuals and filing it
• Refining and management of the O&M contracts
2010 O&M Planning, Amrumbank Offshore Wind Farm Germany
The maximum 400 MW Wind-farm of Helgoland is being worked to financial close by
E.on Germany. GMCB was procured to asses O&M concepts:
• Detailed O&M budget
• Concept screening including offshore accommodation
• Compare Service Agreements proposal and recommend improvements
2010 Due Diligence Assistance Forest Wind Farm Sweden
E.on is bidding on 200 MW onshore in middle Sweden. GMCB to asses terms and
conditions for O&M and optimize concept with matching 25 year O&M budget.
Services provided include:
• O&M concept
• Detailed O&M budget
2010 Preliminary Wind Farm Layout Södra Midsjöbankarna Offshore Wind Sweden
Södra Midsjobankarna are situated at 10-20 m sea depth south of Sweden. EON
plans to construct up to 1000 MW offshore wind in 2015-16. The services provided
• Suggestions for Site Layout
• Design Evaluation of Meteorology mast
2010 Tender Design Concrete Foundations Kaarehamn Offshore Wind Farm Sweden
Kaarehamn is a planned 50 MW offshore wind farm North East of Öland. EON plans
to construct the wind farm during 2012-13. The services provided are:
• Evaluation of Site Layout
• Site assessment for design purpose
• Design Basis for Design purpose
• Tender Foundation Loads – estimate of wave and wind load and combination
• Tender foundation design – concrete design including evaluation and quantities
for price determination
• Technical requirements for foundation
• Geotechnical evaluation and tender documents for detailed site survey
2010 Low Frequency Noise – Wind Estate Wind Farm Denmark
Review of recent research on low frequency noise from wind turbines with special
relevance for danish conditions.
2010 Conceptual Design Concrete Gravity Base of Steel Jacket Foundation France
Conceptual Design of concrete gravity base for a Steel Jacket Structure for offshore
wind turbines for a French offshore wind farm.
2010-2011 Post Construction Bird Monitoring Rødsand 2 Offshore Wind Farm Denmark
Consultancy for wind farm owner E.ON on post-construction monitoring programme
on migrating land birds. The project consists of 90 pcs. 2.3 MW SWP wind turbines in
the Fehmarn Belt south-west Baltic Sea.
The services include:
• Planning
• Implementation
• Analyzing and reporting Radar- and laser optical as well as TADS (Infrared-
Camera system) surveys of migrating land birds
2010-2011 Post Construction Bird Monitoring Horns Rev 2 Offshore Wind Farm Denmark
Consultancy for wind farm owner DONG on post-construction monitoring programme
on resting waterfowl in the Horn Rev 2 Offshore Wind Farm.
The services include:
• Planning
• Implementation
• Analyzing and reporting of Aerial surveys of foraging waterfowl in a c. 600 km2
area of the North Sea around the Horns Rev
2010-2011 Monitoring Birds&Bats at National Testcenter for Large Wind Turbines Denmark
Consultancy for Danish Ministry of Environment on developing a +5 years monitoring-
programme on birds- and bat for a new large National Testcenter for Large (up till
250 m) wind-turbines. The services include:
• Preparation of tender material, evaluate teqnical proposals and selection of
consultant to carry out the task
• Assist on a following group on the monitoring programme on the impacts on
birds and bats
2009-2010 EIA for Large Test Turbines near Måde Wind Farm, Esbjerg Denmark
Consultancy for site owner planning to erect 4, up to 200 m high, test turbines in an
existing wind farm close to the Wadden Sea, which is a protected Natura 2000 area
housing large quantities of resting and breeding birds. The services covered were:
• Field surveys of resting and migrating birds using radar and laser optical
equipment to chart flyways and flying heights in order to assess future collision
• Assessment of impacts on protected habitats and species (mainly birds) in the
nearby Natura 2000 site.
• Writing of the EIA-report on subjects other than visual impacts
2009-2010 Engineering Assistance for Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm UK
Mainstream Renewable Power (MRP) is developing a 450MW wind farm
approximately 15km offshore of the east coast of Scotland. The site has a water
depth in the range 40m-50m. Our services includes:
• Procurement of Geotechnical Investigations
• Supervision Geotechnical Investigations
• Design of Anemometry Mast & Foundation
• Preliminary Wind Turbine Foundation Design
2009-2010 Concrete Tripod Foundation Development (R&D project) Sweden
With reference to Dan-Tysk Offshore Wind Farm the Conceptual design study for a
Concrete Tripod is made as a R&D project including:
• Installation issues
• Combined design loads
• Conceptual foundation considerations
• Risk and cost
• Comparison with existing foundation types (monopile and GBS)
2009-2010 Foundation Load Measuring Project, Rødsand 2 Denmark
In cooperation with EON and Risoe, GMCB has developed a project for
measurement of foundation loads and collection of load data for wind farm load
model validation. The project covers:
• Corrosion Surveillance
• Combined Wind and Wave loads
• Wake induced loads deep in large Wind Farm
2009-2016 200 MW Wind Farm in El Zayt, KfW, EU and EIB for NREA Egypt Egypt
Total consultancy on the establishment of a 200 MW Wind Farm in El Zayt, Egypt
• Total Consultancy on the Design and Construction contract on turbines,
electrical work, civil works and grid connection.
• Project Management and coordination
• CDM project design
• Detailed design
• Tendering of turbines, civil works and grid connection
• Supervision during implementation and commissioning
• Supervision and follow-up during Warranty period
• Wind resource estimates
• Production estimates and micro-siting
• Power performance verification
• Factory inspection of components and assembly
• Supervision during erection, installation and commissioning
• Final Acceptance inspections
• O&M planning and follow up during warranty period
2007-2010 Consultancy, Rødsand 2 Offshore Wind Farm Denmark
Consultancy for wind farm owner E.ON during tender and production period. The
project consists of 90 pcs. 2,3 MW SWP wind turbines on concrete gravity
foundations from Aasleff Bilfinger JV with internal grid from NSW. Commissioning of
207 MW by end of 2010.
The services include:
• EIA Presentation at public meeting and assistance in adapting project to public
comments on EIA
• Preparation and initialization of compensation negotiations with Danish
Fishermen’s Association
• Layout optimization of Wind Farm including production prediction, screening of
geotechnical information and grid cost evaluation
• Basic Design of Inter Turbine grid connection
• Offshore Sub Station: Interface planning and negotiation between owners of 36
kV system and 132 kV system
• Planning and supervision of complete geotechnical investigations including
laboratory testing
• Tender assistance for wind turbines, foundations and grid
• Site assessment and design basis for foundation (incl. DNV certification)
• Load calculation, documentation and Project certification (DNV)
• Optimized geotechnical design on 3 location with difficult soil conditions
• Evaluation of chalk properties and cyclic induced settlements for clay
• Study of collision friendly foundation design
• Planning of construction site in Rødby and Nyborg
• Review of contractors detailed design of foundations
• Interface management
• Coordinate project certification at DNV according to IEC 61400-22.
• Supervision of foundation manufacture on sites in Denmark and Poland
• Supervision of marine foundation implementation
• Maintenance Manual on Foundations
• Planning assistance and Certification of O&M
• Transfer to operation
2009-2010 Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), UK Round 3 Offshore Foundations UK
Project manager on the program Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA). The aim is to
develop 5-8 new platform concepts on water depth 30-60 meter for multi-MW turbines
with participation of Airtricity, DONG Energy, RWE Innogy, Scottish Power and
Statoil/Hydro. Phase 2 plans for tests of some foundation concepts. Technical
Delivery Consultant including:
• Development of site assessment and design basis.
• Technical Tender documents preparation
• Evaluation of 100+ offers
• Technical Management of 8 design companies work including review and
• Concepts for 30-60 meter sea depth
• Jackets, supported monopiles, tensionleg platform, tripods, suction buckets,
gravity structures.
2009-2010 Expert assistance on Offshore Wind Farm Tenders Netherlands
Expert assistance for utility on tenders of several offshore wind farms in the Dutch
sector of the North Sea.
2009-2010 Feasibility Study and Tender Documents, 50 MW Wind Farm Thailand
Consultant on the feasibility study and preparation of tender documents for
establishment of a 50 MW Wind Farm in Thailand including:
• Project Management and coordination
• Full feasibility study
• Wind resource estimates
• Production estimates and micro-siting
• Civil works design
• Electrical grid connection design
• CDM project design
• Tender documents for turbines, foundation and grid connection
2009-2010 Preliminary Foundation Design on Offshore Wind Farm, Atlantic Ocean France
• Design Basis on deeper water and 5 MW turbine
• Harbour feasibility study
• Recomendations & installation methods
2009 Monopile Tender Design for 400 MW Offshore Wind Farm Netherlands
Tender design for monopile foundation for 400 MW project including:
• Preliminary Site Assesment
• Preliminary Design Basis
• Metocean data; hydrography, wind, waves, currents and water depths.
• Impact of different soils profiles
• Energy for ship impact.
• Review on Design Basis & Basic Design.
• Propose possible optimization
• Value Engineering and alternative solutions
• Define the design Risks
• Drivability analysis
• Scour Protection Design
New improved ice design conditions and design ice loads to monopole
2008 Shanghai Donghai Bridge Offshore Wind Farm China
2008 Bird Studies for Large Onshore Wind Farm North Africa
2008 Geotechnical Investigation and Design Basis, Krieger’s Flak 1 Offshore Germany
• Calculation/Estimation of production
2008 Proposal for 350 MW Offshore Wind Farm USA
Technical assistance to major North American energy utility on preparation of
proposal for concession of 350 MW offshore wind farm 30 km off the coast.
The services include validation and recommendation of:
• Foundation engineering
• Construction schedule
• Wind resources
• Environmental scoping
And preparation of:
• Loads analysis
• Operation and maintenance plan
• Decommissioning plan
2008 Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm UK
Assistance to owners Engineering Team:
• Review of site assessment
• Calculation of wave loads and combined wind turbine and wave loads
2008 Trolleboda Design Basis, Offshore Wind Farm Sweden
Feasibility Study for Mohammed Abdulmohsin Al-Kharafi & Sons, Kuwait. Study
• Wind resource assessment
• Location and evaluation of site proposals
• Elaboration of farm layout
• Grid connection assessment
• Evaluation of potential wind turbines
• Budgeting and Financial analysis
• Assessment of potential CDM contribution to project output
2007 Site Screening Guide for Offshore Wind Farm Developer Sweden
Developing and editing screening note which ranks offshore sites according to cost
implications of sea bed conditions
2007 Due Diligence Wind Power Portfolio UK, N, PL
Due diligence for major European energy company on potential purchase of a
renewable energy developer with portfolio of 1,400 MW onshore wind power in the
United Kingdom, Norway and Poland.
Carrying out owner’s pre-tender basic design for a large wind farm in Egypt.
The study include:
• Contracting supply and installation of 2 met mast
• Preparing mine clearance of site
• Wind Resource Study
• Planning and contracting Soil Investigation Campaign on Site
• Basic Design covering layout, cabling, grid connection, foundations and O&M
Design Basis, Borkum West Offshore Wind Farm Germany
Support for owner in development of design basis to be used for foundation design.
The Services include:
• Review of site assessment
• Prediction of wave loads and combined wind and wave loads on monopiles as
well as concrete gravity structures
Design Basis, Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm UK
Support for owner in development of design basis to be used for foundation design.
The Services include:
• Review of site assessment
• Prediction of wave loads and combined wind and wave loads on monopiles as
well as concrete gravity structures
2006-2007 Geotechnical Investigation, Krieger’s Flak 640 MW Offshore Wind Farm Sweden
Specialized software for in-situ measurement of wind speed and direction, suitable for
use in connection with sound power determination
Pre-feasibility Study for Mohammed Abdulmohsin Al-Kharafi & Sons, Kuwait. Study
• Wind resource assessment
• Location and evaluation of site proposals
• Elaboration of farm layout
• Grid connection assessment
• Evaluation of potential wind turbines
• Budgeting and Financial analysis
• Assessment of potential CDM contribution to project output
Noise measurements carried out for the wind turbine manufacturer Vestas on four
V80 wind turbines in South Korea:
• Measurement and analysis according to standard IEC 61400-11
• Measurements of sound power for on-shore and off-shore gear
2006 Foundation Design, SIWT EU-supported Offshore Wind Demo Project Denmark
Contract Preparation of Offshore Wind Farm project for Energy Company. The project
consists of joint installation of foundation and 3.6 MW wind turbine at Nysted Wind
Farm for up to 4 wind turbines
The actual services include:
• Revision of Project Budget
• Review of contract with EU on demonstration support
2006 Foundation Design, Lynn and Inner Dowsing Offshore Wind Farm UK
2005 Design Basis, London Array and Scarweather S. Offshore Wind Farms UK
Supply of permanent staff for Danish Power Company Energi E2’s design team for
offshore wind farms. During 2005 work was concentrated on preparation of London
Array West where first project phase shall consist of around 86 wind turbines of 3-5
MW at water depths ranging from 0-30 m, and on Scarweather Sands, where 30 3-4
MW turbines shall be installed at water depths ranging from 5-25 m.
The tasks included:
• Evaluation of met-ocean conditions
• Evaluation of optimal foundation concept
• Determination of wave forces on monopiles and gravity base foundations
• Combination of nature loads with advanced load model
• Development of Design Basis for Foundations
Building and reporting of joint standard for naming of components and systems in
Wind Plants.
2004-2005 Capacity Credit Analysis and Performance Study for Wind Farms Egypt
The analysis was carried out for the Egyptian Ministry of Energy & Electricity, New &
Renewable Energy Authority (NREA)
The services included:
• Selection of model for analysis of large-scale incorporation of Wind Power into
existing grid
• Training staff in use of load carrying and power production simulation models
• Power Capacity load / Power Production analysis
• Evaluation of yearly productions compared to simulations
• Evaluation of wake effects through the wind farms
• Recommendations regarding optimal spacing in wind farms
• Training in wind resources and wind power production analysis
Noise measurements carried out for the wind turbine manufacturer Enercon on the
wind turbine E-33 in northern Germany. Measurement and analysis according to
standards IEC 61400-11.
Capacity Building for African and Asian managers in two SIDA financed projects
regarding small-scale energy. Training in development of wind turbines,
aerodynamics, rotors, tender processes, environmental impact, economy and
Research project carried out in cooperation with Risø, DHI, Elsam, SEAS and wind
turbine manufacturer Bonus. The research included physical model tests of ice loads
and improved methods for defining the determining load combination for offshore
wind turbine foundations.
For the wind turbine manufacturer GAMESA Eólica a user-friendly system for field
measurements was developed for sound power measurements and tonality analysis
based on 15 years of experience and according to Danish and international noise
measurement standards.
The system features:
• Compact, portable equipment based on laptop computer
• User-friendly graphical user-interface
• Continuous on-screen evaluation of measurement parameters and
• sound power results
• Choice between several standards
• Automatic chart generation in several languages via the Windows clipboard for
direct insertion into other applications
• Handling of various user-defined channels
• Measurement of turbulence intensity
Noise measurements carried out for the wind turbine manufacturer NEG Micon on a
wind turbine of the type NTK 600/43 in north-western Spain. Measurement and
analysis according to standards IEC 61400-11 and FGW-1.
2002-2003 Screening of Potential Sites for Wind Power in Southern Italy Italy
Screening and evaluation of 60 different locations for wind power potential for the
Power Company EOS Energia. An area of about 300 km2 of the mountainous
Basilicata, Southern Italy, was covered.
The services included:
• Physical inspection and assessment
• Recording of geographical, meteorological and technical features and site-
specific properties.
• Processing of maps and other technical, legal and financial information
• Pre-feasibility analysis
• Visualization of potential wind farms
• Proposal for a site specific one-year measuring program covering four sites.
2001-2003 Project Implementation, Wind Farms in Cap Verde (II) Cap Verde
Establishing for World Bank and Government of Cap Verde of 3 wind farms on sites
of existing wind farms (1.2 - 4.8 MW for each farm). Services are carried out as sub
consultant to Risoe National Laboratory.
The services included:
• Meteorological measurements
• Power systems analysis
• Performance Design
• Prequalification
• Tender documents (World Bank, EPC)
• Tendering, including evaluation of wind turbines and Contracting
• Contract Management
• Supervision
• Performance evaluation
• Operation and maintenance assistance
Composition of proposal for Kuling Energi AB for 4 wind turbines outside Falkenberg.
Annual reports to environmental authorities for the three wind farms 1) Vindön Wind
Farm, 2) BO 01 wind turbine Boel and 3) the wind farm at Trelleborg, Solvik. Client
was Sydkraft Vind AB.
Expert assistance to a joint venture of Göteborg Energi AB, Nordex and ABB in
preliminary evaluation of tripod concept for foundation of wind farm comprising 150
turbines at water depths of 12-17 m.
Establishing for the wind project developer Dansk Vindenergi ApS the near shore
wind farm comprising of 8-16 wind turbines (2.0-2.5 MW) at Roenland in NW Jutland,
Denmark. The wind farm was erected in 2002.
The services included:
• EIA regarding ornithological investigations and marine benthic fauna, impact on
fishing, bottom flora, risk of ship collision, hydraulics, sedimentation and marine
• Establishing design basis
• Conceptual and detailed design of gravity based foundations
• Preparation of Tender Documents
• Supervision
• Design of and negotiations with authorities on the development of ornithological
and marine monitoring programmes for operational phase
For the Danish Energy Authority writing of manual for reporting of EIA’s on land
based wind farms. The manual is a description of the administrative processes,
legislative background, tools for the process, and formal demands for reporting EIA’s
on land based wind farms and is exemplified with text and figure from various EIA-
reports on wind-farms.
2001 Due Diligence, Sun ‘n’ Sand Beach Hotels Ltd. Kenya
The project was carried out for IFC/African Project Development Fund as part of a
technical/financial due diligence in connection with a loan application.
The services included:
• Wind resources, present and future power capacity demand and consumption,
and energy pricing
• Technical/financial analyses
• Environmental Impact Assessment
2001 Owners Tender Design Foundation Nysted Offshore Wind Farm Denmark
Preliminary Design of grid connection for Utgrunden Offshore Wind Farm for wind
turbine manufacturer Enron Wind AB, and evaluation of insurance conditions for
Utgrunden Offshore Wind Farm.
Task Management for grid connection onshore for Eurowind on the offshore wind
farm Lillgrund as well as SCADA and electricity in the project.
Sweden Germany
Box 47303 Friedrich-Missler-str. 42
100 74 Stockholm 28211 Bremen
Mejerivägen 1 +49 421 20 32 6
+46 10 480 00 00 Peter Weinem
Ann-Britt Östberg [email protected]
[email protected]
Stationsstraat 51
2800 Mechelen
+32 1545 1300
Herman D’hoedt
[email protected]