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General Reporting ProtocolV3

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A. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
ABOUT THE CLIMATE REGISTRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

B. INVENTORY BOUNDARIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

DEFINING OPERATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
GEOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
GREENHOUSE GASES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
GHG SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
REPORTING PERIOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7
MINISCULE SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7
DATA GRANULARITY FOR PUBLIC REPORTING TO TCR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8

C. GHG EMISSIONS QUANTIFICATION METHODS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1

INTRODUCTION TO QUANTIFYING EMISSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1
DIRECT EMISSIONS FROM STATIONARY COMBUSTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3
DIRECT EMISSIONS FROM MOBILE COMBUSTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-5
INDIRECT EMISSIONS FROM ELECTRICITY USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-9
INDIRECT EMISSIONS FROM NON-ELECTRIC ENERGY USE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-16
DIRECT FUGITIVE EMISSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-17

D. ADVANCED METHODS FOR QUANTIFYING EMISSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1

QUANTIFYING DIRECT CO2 EMISSIONS WITH SITE-SPECIFIC DATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2
CHARACTERISTICS, FUEL DENSITY, AND HEAT CONTENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-6
QUANTIFYING INDIRECT EMISSIONS FROM ELECTRICITY USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8

E. REPORTING AN INVENTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1

ADDITIONAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1
OPTIONAL REPORTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2
THIRD-PARTY VERIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-4
REPORTING DATA IN CRIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-4




The Climate Registry (TCR) designs and operates
voluntary and compliance greenhouse gas
(GHG) reporting programs globally, and assists
organizations in measuring, reporting, and
verifying (MRV) the carbon in their operations in
order to manage and reduce it. TCR also consults
with governments nationally and internationally
on all aspects of GHG measurement, reporting,
and verification.

TCR’s Carbon Footprint Registry is aligned with

international standards and provides a nexus
between business, government, and non-
governmental organizations to share policy
information and exchange best practices.

For more information, please visit:


GRP v. 3.0
About This Document GHG Accounting and
The Climate Registry’s General Reporting Protocol Reporting Principles
(GRP) Version 3.0 outlines GHG accounting policies
The GRP adheres to five overarching accounting and
and calculation methods for reporting an organizational
reporting principles that are intended to help ensure
carbon footprint, or GHG inventory. The GRP was
that GHG data represent a faithful, true, and fair
developed through a comprehensive public stakeholder
account of an organization’s GHG emissions. These
process that included over 1,275 individual comments
principles are the basis for the requirements and
from 124 respondents representing industry,
guidance in the GRP.
environmental non-governmental organizations,
regulatory agencies, and consulting firms. »» Relevance: Ensure that the GHG inventory
appropriately reflects an organization’s GHG
TCR’s GRP embodies GHG accounting best practices emissions and serves the decision-making
drawn from the following existing GHG standards and needs of users—both internal and external to the
guidance: organization.
»» The World Resources Institute and the World »» Completeness: Account for and report all relevant
Business Council for Sustainable Development GHG emissions and activities within the defined
(WRI/WBCSD) GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting inventory boundary.
and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition);
»» Consistency: Use consistent methods to allow for
»» The GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance: An meaningful comparisons of emissions over time.
amendment to the GHG Protocol Corporate Clearly document any changes to the data, inventory
Standard; and, boundary, methods, or any other relevant factors.
»» The GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain »» Transparency: Address all relevant issues in a
(Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard: factual and coherent manner, based on a clear
Supplement to the GHG Protocol Corporate audit trail. Disclose any relevant assumptions and
Accounting and Reporting Standard. make appropriate references to the quantification
»» International Organization for Standardization methods and data sources used to allow intended
(ISO) 14064-1:2018, Greenhouse Gases – Part 1: users to make decisions with reasonable confidence.
Specification with guidance at the organization level »» Accuracy: Ensure that the quantification of GHG
for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions is neither systematically overstating nor
emissions and removals; and, understating true emissions, and that uncertainties
»» U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Center for are reduced as much as practicable. Achieve
Corporate Climate Leadership Greenhouse Gas sufficient accuracy to enable users of the data to
Inventory Guidance. make decisions with reasonable assurance of the
integrity of the reported information.

GRP v. 3.0
GRP Structure Additional sector-specific protocols and metrics are
available for certain sectors at www.theclimateregistry.
The GRP is presented as a series of individual topic- org and contain additional methods and requirements
specific modules, which may be viewed separately or to the GRP. Supplemental guidance documents will
downloaded together as a combined document. The provide further examples, background material, or
GRP modules provide the key reporting requirements tips for reporting. Members should report emissions
for TCR’s Carbon Footprint Registry and are designed to to the Carbon Footprint Registry following a step-wise
be used as a set. reporting process, starting with the GRP, progressing
to sector-specific protocols and metrics if relevant, and
The GRP is comprised of the following modules, which
referring to guidance documents as needed.
mirror the chronology of the reporting process:


A. Introduction »» Provides an overview of the
TCR may update this document in the future to reflect
(this module) GRP. changes in international best practices and to provide
additional clarity and guidance.
B. Inventory »» Outlines the GHGs and types
Boundaries of GHG sources that may be Updates to the GRP will be incorporated into the
included in the inventory, relevant GRP module(s) as needed. TCR will inform
provides requirements for stakeholders of changes to the GRP in a timely manner,
defining organizational and and will provide explicit direction for when new
reporting boundaries, and reporting and verification policies or procedures will be
describes various levels of required.
granularity at which emissions
data may be publicly reported.

C. GHG Emissions »» Provides methods for

Quantification quantifying emissions for the
Methods following source categories:
»» Direct emissions from stationary
»» Direct emissions from mobile
»» Indirect emissions from non-
electric energy use; and,
»» Direct fugitive emissions.

D. Advanced »» Provides advanced methods

Methods for quantifying emissions.
References to advanced
methods are available
throughout the GHG Emissions
Quantification Methods

E. Reporting an »» Provides additional required

Inventory and optional information
to include alongside GHG
emissions quantification to
complete and report a GHG

All GRP modules are available to download at


GRP v. 3.0

DEFINING OPERATIONS boundary: operational control, financial control, or

equity share.
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting activities within an Operational Control: Reflects the activities where the
inventory are based on the intersection of the selected organization or its subsidiaries has the full authority
organizational boundary and reporting boundary to introduce and implement operating policies. The
as defined below. While an organizational boundary organization that holds the operating license for an
encompasses all of an organization’s business activities, activity typically has operational control.
organizations may define their own reporting boundary
to include all activities (matching the organizational Financial Control: Reflects activities where the
boundary), or a subset of activities. organization has the ability to direct the financial
policies of the activity with an interest in gaining
economic benefits from the activity. An organization
Organizational Boundaries has financial control over an activity if the activity is fully
Businesses, government agencies and non-profits can consolidated in the organization’s financial accounts.
utilize a range of organizational structures to define the
degree of ownership or control they exert over different Equity Share: Reflects activities that are wholly owned
activities. Some examples of these structures include and partially owned according to the organization’s
wholly owned operations, divisions, subsidiaries and equity share in each.
joint ventures. When added together, the activities Organizations must apply the same organizational
within these structures define the organizational boundary approach consistently to all activities. If
boundary. an organization wholly owns and controls all of its
GHG emissions inventories can be constructed to activities, its organizational boundary will be the same
reflect three different views of an organizational using each approach.

GRP v. 3.0
Inventory Boundaries
Organizations with more complex owner or operator organization’s financial statements;
structures should take into account their individual »» Governing the financial policies of a joint venture
situation and select an approach that best reflects the under a statute, agreement or contract; or,
actual level of control and the standard practice within the
industry. Organizations may also elect to compile separate »» Retaining the rights to the majority of the economic
inventory reports reflecting different approaches. benefits and/or financial risks from an activity or
facility that is part of a joint venture or partnership
Operational Control (incorporated or unincorporated), however these
rights are conveyed.1
Operational control is the authority to develop and carry
out the operating or health, safety and environmental Equity Share
(HSE) policies of an activity. One or more of the following
conditions establishes operational control: Under the equity share approach, an organization
accounts for GHG emissions from activities according to
»» Wholly owning and controlling an activity, operation, its share of equity in each activity.2
facility, or source; or,
»» Having the full authority to introduce and implement The equity share reflects economic interest, which is
operational and HSE (including both GHG- and non- the extent of rights an organization has to the risks
GHG related policies). The authority to introduce and rewards flowing from an activity. Typically, the
and implement operational and HSE policies is share of economic risks and rewards in an activity is
often explicitly conveyed in the contractual or legal aligned with the organization’s ownership percentage
structure of the partnership or joint venture. In most of that activity, and equity share will normally be the
cases, holding an operating license is an indication same as the ownership percentage. Where this is not
of the organization’s authority to implement the case, the economic substance of the relationship
operational and HSE policies. If an organization the organization has with the activity always overrides
holds an operating license and believes it does the legal ownership form to ensure that equity share
not have operational control, it must explicitly reflects the percentage of economic interest.
demonstrate that the organization’s authority
to introduce operational and HSE policies is Reporting Boundaries
significantly limited or vested with a separate entity.
Organizations may define their own reporting boundary
It should be noted that an organization need not control to include the GHG sources that are relevant to their
all aspects of an activity to have operational control. operational and sustainability goals in accordance
For instance, an organization with operational control with the principles of GHG accounting. The reporting
may not have the authority to make decisions on major boundary may match the organizational boundary
capital investments without the approval of other (i.e., all the emission sources within the organizational
parties in a joint venture. boundary are included), or may be a subset of the
organizational boundary.
Financial Control
Organizations must publicly define and disclose their
Financial control is the ability to dictate or direct the own inventory reporting boundary using the following
financial policies of an activity with the ability to gain parameters, which are described in the following
the economic rewards from the activity. One or more of sections:
the following conditions establishes financial control:
»» GHGs;
»» Wholly owning an activity, operation, facility, or source;
»» GHG Sources;
»» Considering an activity to be, for the purposes of
financial accounting, a group company or subsidiary, »» Reporting Period; and,
and consolidating its financial accounts in an »» Geography/business units.

1 These rights may be evident through the traditional conveyance of equity interest or working/participating interest or through nontraditional
arrangements. The latter could include an organization casting the majority of votes at a meeting of the board of directors or having the right to appoint/
remove a majority of the members of the board in the case of an incorporated joint venture.
2 Organizations need not include emissions from fixed asset investments, where the parent company has neither significant influence nor financial control.

GRP v. 3.0
Inventory Boundaries
Organizations may use geography as a parameter
To fulfill the GHG accounting principle of in defining their reporting boundary. For example,
completeness, the inventory must include all organizations can choose to include specific countries,
relevant direct and indirect emissions within the states, provinces or territories in their reporting
defined reporting boundary. For the purposes of boundary. Similarly, parameters can include specific
reporting to The Climate Registry (TCR), all Scope business units or facilities. When organizations are
1 and Scope 2 emissions, combustion-based defining their reporting boundary to include a subset
direct biogenic emissions, and combustion- of facilities in their operational boundary, they must
based indirect biogenic emissions associated disclose any facilities that are excluded from the
with the consumption of energy are relevant3, reporting boundary. Members will make this disclosure
and must be included within the reporting in the Self-Defined Boundary Form.
boundary for TCR to consider the inventory
However, all members reporting to TCR GREENHOUSE GASES (GHGs)
have the flexibility to define their reporting
boundary to report specific GHG sources that Organizations may define their reporting boundary to
they deem relevant to their individual business include all internationally-recognized GHGs regulated
and sustainability goals. Thus, members may under the Kyoto Protocol, or a subset of these gases.
decide that some sources deemed relevant by These are:
TCR are not relevant for their organization, or »» Carbon dioxide (CO2);
that additional sources beyond TCR’s criteria
»» Methane (CH4);
are relevant for their organization. Members
reporting in conformance with TCR’s program »» Nitrous oxide (N2O);
that exclude GHG sources that TCR has defined »» Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs);
as relevant from the reporting boundary must
»» Perfluorocarbons (PFCs);
identify the excluded sources and explain the
reason for their exclusion.4 »» Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6); and,
Members may also refer to TCR’s guidance on »» Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).
conforming to ISO 14064-1: 2018 and the GHG
Organizations must disclose whether they are
Protocol if they are seeking to conform to these
excluding any of the gases above from the reporting
boundary. Members will make this disclosure in the Self-
Defined Boundary Form.

A complete list of the Kyoto GHGs, including individual

HFCs and PFCs, is provided in Tables 5.1 and 5.2.5

Organizations must account for emissions of each gas

separately, in metric tons of each gas.6

3 TCR does not consider the following emission sources relevant: approved miniscule sources, biogenic emissions other than those associated with the
combustion of biomass, and emission sources identified as optional in the protocols.
4 TCR provides an explanation for the exclusion of miniscule sources included on the Exclude Miniscule Sources Form.
5 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.
6 Emissions totals of the HFC and PFC categories are reported in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) of each respective category.

GRP v. 3.0
Inventory Boundaries
Reporting Emissions in Carbon GHG SOURCES
Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e)
Direct and indirect emissions are categorized as
In addition to reporting GHG emissions by gas, follows: 11
organizations must also report emissions from non-
»» Scope 1: Direct anthropogenic GHG emissions.
CO2 gases in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).
Converting emissions of non-CO2 gases to units of »» Scope 2: Indirect anthropogenic GHG emissions
CO2e allows the ability of each GHG to trap heat in the associated with the consumption of purchased
atmosphere to be compared on a common basis. or acquired electricity, steam, heating, or cooling
(collectively referred to as consumed energy).
Tables 5.1 and 5.2 include the Global Warming
»» Scope 3: All other (non-Scope 2) indirect
Potential (GWP) of each GHG, which is used to calculate
anthropogenic GHG emissions that occur in the
the carbon dioxide equivalent of the individual gases.7,8
value chain.12
GWP factors represent how much heat each GHG is
able to trap in the atmosphere relative to the heat- »» Additional GHGs: Biogenic GHG emissions are
trapping ability of CO2. excluded from the scope categories and are reported
separately. Non-Kyoto GHG emissions are also
GWP defaults are published by the Intergovernmental outside of the scopes.
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC.) As part of its activities,
the IPCC revisits and updates these defaults in periodic Together these categories provide a comprehensive
Assessment Reports. Organizations may use GWPs accounting framework for managing and reducing
from the Assessment Report that is most relevant to direct and indirect emissions.
their operations providing the following conditions are
Figure 1 below provides an overview of the relationship
between the scopes and the activities that generate
1. All GWPs must be 100 year values; direct and indirect emissions along the value chain. An
2. Where possible within an inventory, all GWPs must organization reports anthropogenic emissions within
come from a single Assessment Report. If a GWP its organizational boundary directly in Scope 1, and
for a particular gas is not provided in the chosen anthropogenic emissions that result indirectly from its
Assessment Report, organizations must select the activities in Scope 2 and Scope 3.
more recent GWP for that gas; and,
3. The source of all GWP values must be disclosed

It is best practice to use GWP values from the most

recent Assessment Report.10 However, when a base
year has been set, it is best practice to use the same
GWP values for the current inventory and the base year

7 Ibid.
8 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.
9 Organizations must also publicly disclose whether GWPs from multiple Assessment Reports have been used.
10 Organizations that select a GWP that is not from the most recent Assessment Report must justify their selection in order to conform with ISO 14064-1: 2018.
11 Scopes 1, 2, and 3 align with WRI/WBCSD’s GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. ISO 14064-1: 2018 categorizes emissions into direct and indirect
12 Examples of Scope 3 emissions include emissions resulting from employee commuting and business travel, use of sold products and services, and waste

GRP v. 3.0
Inventory Boundaries
Figure 1: Overview of Scopes and Emissions throughout an Organization’s Operations


Source: Adapted from WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard.

Direct Emissions: Scope 1 »» Fugitive sources, i.e., intentional or unintentional

releases from the production, processing,
Direct GHG emissions are emissions from sources transmission, storage, and use of fuels and other
within the organizational boundary. substances, that do not pass through a stack,
chimney, vent, exhaust pipe or other functionally-
Scope 1 emissions are all direct emissions resulting
equivalent opening (such as releases of SF6 from
from the impact of human beings on nature. These
electrical equipment; HFC releases during the use
generally result from the use of fossil fuels or other man-
of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; and
made chemicals and must be subdivided within the
CH4 leakage from natural gas transport or landfills).
inventory into the four types of sources they result from:
»» Stationary combustion of fuels in any stationary
equipment including boilers, furnaces, burners,
Indirect Emissions: Scope 2
turbines, heaters, incinerators, engines, flares, etc.; Indirect GHG emissions are a consequence of activities
»» Mobile combustion of fuels in transportation that take place within the organizational boundary of
sources (e.g., cars, trucks, marine vessels and the reporting organization, but occur at sources owned
planes) and emissions from non-road equipment or controlled by another organization. For example,
such as those in construction, agriculture and emissions that occur at a natural gas power plant as a
forestry; result of providing electricity to a local manufacturing
company contribute to the manufacturer’s indirect
»» Physical and chemical processes other than fuel emissions. Scope 2 is a special category of indirect
combustion (e.g., for the manufacturing of cement, emissions and refers only to indirect anthropogenic
aluminum, adipic acid, ammonia, etc.); and, emissions associated with consumed energy.

GRP v. 3.0
Inventory Boundaries
Scope 2 emissions are reported in two ways, using the calculating sources of Scope 3 emissions in many of our
location-based method and the market-based method. sector-specific resources.
»» The location-based method reflects the GHG
emissions from locally-generated energy delivered Additional Gases
through the grid. It transparently demonstrates local
conditions and the impacts of energy conservation. Emissions from Biomass
»» The market-based method reflects the GHG Biogenic CO2 emissions are generated during the
emissions associated with choices an organization combustion or decomposition of biologically-based
makes about its energy supply or product. It allows material. Organizations must track and report biogenic
organizations to claim the specific emission rate CO2 emissions separately from other emissions because
associated with their energy purchases, as well the carbon in biomass was recently contained in living
demonstrate the impacts of energy conservation.13 organic matter. This sets it apart from the carbon in
fossil fuels that has been trapped in geologic formations
Indirect emissions reported by one organization for millennia, the release of which can be attributed
may also be reported as direct emissions by another. directly to human activities.15
For example, the company that owns and operates
the power plant described above would report Only combustion-based direct biogenic emissions
the emissions resulting from the generation of the and combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions
electricity it provided to the manufacturing company as associated with the consumption of energy are relevant
its own direct emissions. This dual reporting does not for the purposes of reporting to TCR, and must be
constitute double counting because the organizations included within the reporting boundary for TCR to
report the emissions associated with the electricity consider the inventory “complete.” TCR does not
production and its consumption in different scopes include other biogenic emissions in its definition for
(Scope 1 for the power provider and Scope 2 for the relevance due to a lack of scientific consensus around
manufacturing organization). The scope framework the methods used to quantify these emissions.
allows for a broader assessment of an organization’s The separate reporting of CO2 emissions from
GHG emissions impact within an inventory, but biomass combustion applies only to CO2 and not to
emissions can only be aggregated meaningfully across CH4 and N2O, which are also emitted during biomass
organizations within a single scope.14 combustion. Unlike CO2 emissions, the CH4 and N2O
emitted from biomass combustion are not of a biogenic
Indirect Emissions: Scope 3 origin and are therefore classified as Scope 1 or Scope
2 emissions. When biomass is combined with fossil fuel
Scope 3 is a broad category of indirect emissions that combustion, the biomass-based CH4 and N2O emissions
includes all anthropogenic indirect emissions other should be reported together with fossil-fuel based CH4
than emissions associated with consumed energy. and N2O emissions.
Reporting Scope 3 emissions provides opportunities
for identifying and reducing emissions across the
value chain, and communicating innovation in GHG Non-Kyoto GHGs
management. Members are encouraged to report Non-Kyoto GHG emissions may be disclosed alongside
Scope 3 emissions in accordance with the GHG the inventory, outside the scopes, as part of a separate
Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting public document.16
and Reporting Standard. TCR provides guidance for

13 Refer to the GHG Emissions Quantification Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use section for more information about using the location-based and
market-based methods.
14 Reporting of direct and indirect biogenic emissions mirrors the scopes framework (e.g., emissions from the combustion of biogas to produce electricity
would be reported as direct biogenic emissions for the power generator and indirect biogenic emissions for the power consumer).
15 Because of this difference, the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories requires that CO2 emissions from biogenic sources be reported
16 Organizations seeking to conform with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard may report non-Kyoto GHGs outside of the inventory provided
that the organization includes a list of these gases, and provided that 100-year Global Warming Potential (GWP) values for these GHGs have been defined
in IPCC Assessment Reports.

GRP v. 3.0
Inventory Boundaries
Organizations must disclose the period for which emissions are reported. Members must report emissions on an
annual basis (i.e., calendar year or fiscal year).17

The year in which the emissions occurred is known as the reporting year (RY). For example, if an inventory is
reported in 2019 for an organization’s 2018 emissions, the reporting year is 2018.

Organizations must include emissions from the activities within their organizational boundary for the part of the
year each activity is within its control. For most activities, this will be the total annual emissions from the operation.

Miniscule sources are very small sources of emissions
in a member’s inventory that represent a high

reporting burden, such as hand-held fire extinguishers,
refrigerant in office water coolers, or CO2 from soda The Criteria Icon identifies
fountains. Miniscule sources should not: criteria that must be met to use a
»» Compromise the relevance of the reported particular quantification method
inventory; or reporting option.
»» Significantly reduce the combined quantity of Scope
1, Scope 2,18 and biogenic CO2e emissions reported;
»» Impact the ability to identify the member’s viable
opportunities for emissions reduction projects;
»» Impact the ability to ascertain whether the member
has achieved a reduction (of five percent or greater)
in total entity emissions from one year to the next;
»» Impact the ability to assess the member’s climate
change-related risk exposure; or,
»» Impact the decision-making needs of users (i.e.,
is not expected to be deemed critical by key

Whenever possible, members are encouraged to report

emissions from miniscule sources using TCR approved SEMS ICON SEM
methods or Simplified Estimation Methods (SEMs).
However, members may opt to exclude miniscule The SEMs Icon identifies emission
sources from their inventory by completing and publicly sources commonly calculated with
disclosing TCR’s Exclude Miniscule Sources Form for each SEMs and methods that must be
reporting year. reported as SEMs.

Sources identified on the form can be excluded without

further action. Information on how to request the
exclusion of a new miniscule source is available at
17 The fiscal year may be defined by the member.
18 The higher Scope 2 total.

GRP v. 3.0
Inventory Boundaries
Members may enter their GHG data at the source,
facility, or entity level in the Climate Registry
Information System (CRIS), and choose whether to
report publicly at the facility-level or entity-level.19

Source-Level Reporting
Members are encouraged to report emissions data at
the source level, if data is available. Reporting data
at this level of granularity is valuable for internal data
management and can help streamline verification.
Source-level data is not made available publicly through
TCR, but members will have access to this information
in private reports.

Facility-Level Reporting
Reporting of facility-level information enables tracking
of GHG emissions at a disaggregated level, including
emission changes associated with discrete business
operations or facilities. It is also typically the required
reporting boundary for mandatory GHG reporting
programs. Emissions information will be presented
in public reports at the facility-level by GHG type and
source category.20

Entity-Level Reporting
Entity-level reporting provides a public summary of
the inventory emissions totals by GHG type and source
category. Members may choose to enter pre-calculated
entity-wide emissions totals, or may enter facility-level
or source-level data, which will be available to the
member in private reports.

19 In public reports, source-level data is aggregated to the facility-level. Members seeking verification must be prepared to provide source-level information
for each sampled facility to their verification body upon request.
20 Source categories include stationary combustion, mobile combustion, process emissions, fugitive emissions, Scope 1 purchased electricity, Scope 2
purchased heating, direct combustion-based biogenic emissions, and indirect combustion-based biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy.

GRP v. 3.0
Inventory Boundaries

INTRODUCTION TO Within each section, the most commonly used methods

are listed first.
QUANTIFYING EMISSIONS Guidelines for using Simplified Estimation Methods
(SEMs) to conservatively calculate emissions from
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are quantified using
small sources are provided in this module. Additional
either direct measurement or calculation methods. The
quantification methods for less common sources are
selection of a quantification method will depend on
provided in the Advanced Methods Module and TCR’s
the information that is available for each source. Once
sector specific protocols. If TCR has not provided
a method has been chosen, it is best practice to use it
guidelines for quantifying emissions from a particular
year after year to ensure the comparability of emissions
emission source, organizations may use existing
data over time.1
international or industry best practice methods, which
This module provides step-by-step methods to are published, peer reviewed methods or emission
calculate emissions from common activities within the factors.4
following source categories:2
»» Stationary combustion;3
»» Mobile combustion;
»» Electricity use;
»» Non-electric energy use; and,
»» Fugitive emissions.

1 A change in the employed method could trigger a base year recalculation. View the Tracking Emissions Over Time Guidance for more information on base
year recalculation.
2 Refer to the Inventory Boundaries Module section on GHG sources for descriptions of the types of direct and indirect emissions.
3 Direct measurement methods for stationary combustion are available in the Advanced Methods Module.
4 Emission factors must be gas-specific (i.e., not in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)).

GRP v. 3.0
TCR also accepts GHG emission quantification methods
mandated by a state, provincial, or federal GHG
reporting program that conform to the principles of
corporate GHG accounting.5 Default emission factors may be updated when
the attributes of energy (electricity, fuel, etc.)
Calculation-Based Methods change and as emission factor quantification
methods are refined. TCR publishes up-to-
Most organizations will use calculation methods to date emission factors on an annual basis.
quantify their GHG emissions. Calculation methods Organizations reporting emissions data from
use activity data and emission factors to estimate GHG previous years must use the most recent
emissions. Activity data is a measure of a level of activity emission factors available9 when the inventory
that results in GHG emissions (e.g., gallons of fuel or is being reported, except when quantifying
kWh of electricity consumed). Emission factors reflect emissions associated with electricity use. For
the average GHG intensity per unit of activity data for electricity, organizations must use the factor
a given source. Most organizations will use default corresponding to the reporting year, or when
emission factors to estimate emissions. Organizations unavailable, the most recent previous year.10 11
may also develop their own site-specific emission
factors based on the specific characteristics of the GHG
source and fuel or unit of energy consumption.

Calculating emissions from GHG sources generally

Measurement-Based Methods
involves the following six steps:6 Emissions may be measured directly through systems
1. Determine annual consumption of each combusted that monitor the concentration of the GHGs and
fuel or annual energy consumption; output flow rate. Direct measurement may be relevant
to entities with facilities using Continuous Emissions
2. Determine the CO2 emission factor for each fuel or Monitoring System (CEMS), such as power plants,
unit of energy consumption; industrial facilities with large stationary combustion
3. Determine CH4 and N2O emission factors for each units, or landfills with landfill gas collection systems.
fuel or unit of energy consumption;7
4. Calculate CO2 emissions by multiplying the emission

factor by annual fuel or energy consumption; ADVANCED METHOD
5. Calculate CH4 and N2O emissions by multiplying »» Quantifying direct CO2 emissions
emission factors by annual fuel or energy with site-specific data
consumption;8 and,
6. Convert CH4 and N2O emissions to CO2e.

5 Please note: where mandatory requirements exclude certain emission sources, members may quantify emissions from those sources in accordance with
TCR’s reporting requirements, or may exclude them from the reporting boundary, provided the exclusion is documented and justified.
6 Different processes are used to calculate fugitive and process emissions. Guidance on calculating emissions from refrigeration systems is outlined in the
section on fugitive emissions.
7 CH4 and N2O emissions from mobile combustion are calculated using mileage data rather than fuel consumption data.
8 Ibid.
9 From TCR’s annual update or a more recent peer-reviewed publication.
10 The most recent supplier-specific emission factor (meeting TCR’s eligibility criteria for electricity) may be used in lieu of a more recent residual mix or grid-
average emission factor to calculate market-based Scope 2 emissions, provided the supplier-specific emission factor is no more than five years older than
the most recent residual mix or grid-average emission factor.
11 Members may elect to use eGRID2012 or eGRID2014 for EY 2014 through EY 2016.

GRP v. 3.0
Simplified Estimation Methods
Organizations must quantify emissions using SEMS ICON SEM

TCR-accepted methods. However, in some cases The SEMs Icon identifies emission
organizations may have difficulty applying these sources commonly calculated with
methods to every source within their boundaries— SEMs and methods that must be
either because it is not possible or not efficient to use reported as SEMs.

Therefore, TCR accepts emissions estimated using

simplified methods in certain cases. Members may
use Simplified Estimation Methods (SEMs) for any
combination of emission sources and/or gases, 10% SEMS THRESHOLD
provided that corresponding emissions do not
exceed 10% of the CO2e sum of reported Scope Emissions calculated with SEMs must not exceed
1, Scope 2,12 combustion-based direct biogenic 10% of the CO2e sum of reported Scope 1, Scope
emissions and combustion-based indirect biogenic 2, combustion-based direct biogenic emissions
emissions associated with consumed energy13 and combustion-based indirect biogenic
(hereafter referred to as the 10% SEMs threshold). emissions associated with consumed energy.
In developing SEMs, members should follow the
principle of conservativeness (i.e., erring on the
side of overestimating rather than underestimating
emissions). Members must document emissions that
have been estimated using SEMs for verification. Refer
to the Accounting for Small Emission Sources Guidance
for more information.


STATIONARY COMBUSTION »» Quantifying CO2 emissions with
direct measurement systems
Stationary combustion refers to the combustion of »» Quantifying biogenic emissions
anthropogenic or biogenic-based fuels or biomass from co-firing units
in any stationary equipment.14 Common large
stationary sources exist in power plants, refineries, »» Quantifying direct CO2 emissions with
and manufacturing facilities. Examples of stationary measured fuel characteristics
combustion units include boilers, burners, turbines, »» Optional: Allocating emissions from
furnaces, and internal combustion engines. combined heat and power
»» Eligibility of contractual instruments for
renewable fuels

12 The higher Scope 2 total must be used to total Scope 1, Scope 2, combustion-based direct biogenic emissions and combustion-based indirect biogenic
emissions associated with consumed energy. See the section on Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use for more information on the location-based and
market-based methods.
13 Consumed energy refers to purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heating, or cooling.
14 Due to their biogenic origin, organizations must report CO2 emissions from the combustion of biomass or biogenic-based fuels separately from fossil fuel
CO2 emissions. Refer to the advanced method for determining the eligibility of contractual instruments for renewable fuels.

GRP v. 3.0
Emissions may be quantified through direct measurement, or calculated based on fuel use data. This section
provides a calculation method using fuel use data. The Advanced Methods Module provides methods for
quantifying emissions with direct measurement systems and using measured fuel characteristics. It also includes
methods for allocating biogenic emissions from co-firing units, an optional method to allocate emissions from
combined heat and power, and guidance on determining eligibility of contractual instruments for renewable fuels.

Calculating Emissions from Stationary Combustion Using Fuel Use Data

To calculate emissions from stationary combustion using fuel use data, organizations will need to:
1. Determine annual consumption of each fuel combusted at the facility, and
2. Determine the CO2, CH4, and N2O emission factors for each fuel.

1. Determine Annual Consumption of Each Fuel Combusted at the Facility

For each type of fuel,15 determine the actual annual consumption, measured in units of energy, mass, or volume.
The most accurate method is to read individual meters located at the fuel input point of each combustion unit.
For solid fuels, fuel use may be back calculated from steam generation rates.16 If self-producing fuels, such as
biomass, organizations may rely on internal records that identify the site-specific methods used, the measurements
made, and the calculations performed to quantify fuel usage. Alternatively, organizations may use fuel receipts, or
purchase and storage records.

Use the equation below to estimate annual fuel consumption based on fuel purchase and storage data.


Total Annual Fuel – Annual Fuel + Fuel Stock at – Fuel Stock at

Annual Fuel = Purchases Sales Beginning of End of Year
Consumption Year

2.a. Determine the CO2 Emission Factor for Each Fuel SEM

Use the default CO2 emission factors provided by fuel type in Tables 1.1 to 1.3.17 Emission factors
are provided in units of CO2 per unit energy and CO2 per unit mass or volume. For fuels that are
combusted in small quantities, it may be acceptable to use SEMs.

If heat content and/or carbon content is known or can be directly measured, organizations may use an advanced
method to derive an emission factor for CO2 based on that information. If combusting a fuel that is not listed in the
tables, organizations may use a relevant published, peer-reviewed emission factor.

Organizations that have purchased a contractual instrument that includes the environmental attributes of a biofuel
(e.g., biogas for thermal use) should refer to the advanced method to determine eligibility for claiming the emission
attributes of the contractual instrument.

2.b. Determine the CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Each Fuel
Estimating CH4 and N2O emissions from fuel combustion depends not only on fuel characteristics, but also on
technology type and combustion characteristics; usage of pollution control equipment; and maintenance and
operational practices.

15 Examples of common fuels used for stationary combustion include natural gas, diesel, and wood.
16 For example, as indicated in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program §98.33(a)(2)(iii) corresponding to Tier 2 methodology, EquationC-2c.
17 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

GRP v. 3.0
Facilities that use direct monitoring to obtain
specific emission factors based on periodic

exhaust sampling should use these emission
factors. If either the specific type of combustion »» Eligibility of contractual instruments
equipment used at a facility or a facility’s for renewable fuels
specific sector can be determined, use factors
from Tables 1.4 to 1.8.18 If only the type of fuel
is known, use Tables 1.9 and 1.10 to obtain REPORTING EMISSIONS FROM
emission factors by fuel type and sector.19 For
example, emission factors for natural gas-fired BIOFUELS
turbines greater than 3 MW for the electricity Biofuels such as ethanol, biodiesel, and various blends
sector are available in Table 1.5. Less specific of biofuels and fossil fuels are frequently combusted
emission factors for natural gas used in the energy in mobile sources. Due to their biogenic origin,
sector are available in Table 1.9. organizations must report CO2 emissions from the
combustion of biofuels separately from fossil fuel CO2
emissions. For biofuel blends such as E85 (85% ethanol
DIRECT EMISSIONS FROM and 15% gasoline), E10 (10% ethanol and 90% gasoline)
and B20 (20% biodiesel and 80% diesel), organizations
MOBILE COMBUSTION must apportion emissions as fossil CO2 and biogenic CO2
based on the blend composition.
Mobile emissions come from sources capable of
emitting GHGs while moving from one location to In many cases, standard gasoline is blended with some
another. These include both on-road and non- biofuel. However, fuel mixes can vary with location and
road vehicles such as automobiles, trucks, buses, the time of year. When using default emission factors
trains, ships and other marine vessels, airplanes, to quantify CO2 emissions, unless documentation
SEM of
tractors, construction equipment, forklifts, ride- specific information about the particular gasoline blend
on lawn mowers, snowmobiles, snow blowers, is available, organizations should use TCR’s default
chainsaws, and lawn care equipment. The emission factor for motor gasoline. This will result in all
combustion of fuels in mobile sources emits CO2, CO2 emissions being reported in Scope 1.
CH4 and N2O.

Refer to the advanced method for
CO2 emissions, which account for the majority determining the eligibility of contractual
of emissions from mobile sources, can be instruments for renewable fuels.
calculated using fuel consumption data. CH4 and
N2O emissions depend more on the emission
control technologies employed in the vehicle
and the distance traveled. Mobile sources may also emit HFCs and PFCs from mobile air conditioning and transport
refrigeration leaks. See the fugitive emissions section for guidance on estimating these refrigerant emissions.

Calculating CO2 Emissions from Mobile Combustion

To calculate CO2 emissions from mobile combustion, organizations will need to:
1. Determine annual fuel consumption for each type of fuel used, and
2. Select the appropriate CO2 emission factor.

1. Determine Annual Fuel Consumption by Fuel Type

For each type of fuel, determine actual annual consumption, or estimate the annual consumption based on distance

18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.

GRP v. 3.0
Method A: Actual Fuel Use
Using data on actual fuel consumption for each type of fuel will result in the most accurate emissions quantifications.
These data include direct measurements of fuel use (e.g., official logs of vehicle fuel gauges or storage tanks);
collected fuel receipts; and purchase records for bulk fuel purchases.

Method B: Estimation Based on Distance

Organizations that cannot obtain fuel use data, but have information on annual mileage and fuel economy, may
estimate fuel consumption using the following procedure:
1. Identify the vehicle make, model, fuel type, and model year for all operated vehicles;
2. Identify the annual distance traveled by vehicle type;
3. Determine the fuel economy of each vehicle; and,
4. Convert annual mileage to fuel consumption using the equation below.


Fuel Use Distance (miles)

Fuel Use =(gallons) =
(gallons) (City FE x City percentage) (mpg ) + (Highway FE x Highway percentage) (mpg )

FE = Fuel Economy
City percentage = percentage a vehicle’s annual mileage that is city driving
Hwy percentage = percentage of a vehicle’s annual mileage that is highway driving

Sources of annual mileage data include

odometer readings or trip manifests that USING DEFAULT FUEL ECONOMY
include distance to destinations. EMISSION FACTORS
The most accurate method for estimating If direct access to fuel economy information for vehicles
fuel economy is to use company records is unavailable, organizations may obtain fuel economy
by specific vehicle, such as the miles per factors for passenger cars and light trucks from the U.S. EPA
gallon (mpg) values listed on the sticker website www.fueleconomy.gov, which lists city, highway, and
when the vehicle was purchased, vehicle combined fuel economy factors by make, model, model year,
manufacturer documentation, or other and specific engine type. If accurate information about the
company records.20 driving patterns of the fleet is available, organizations should
apply a specific mix of city and highway driving, using the
For heavy-duty trucks, fuel economy data equation above. Otherwise use the combined fuel economy
may be available from vehicle suppliers, factor, which assumes 45% of a vehicle’s mileage is highway
manufacturers, or in company records. driving and 55% is city driving.
If no specific information is available,
organizations should assume fuel economy
factors of 8.0 mpg for medium trucks
(10,000-26,000 pounds (lb)) and 5.8 mpg for
heavy trucks (more than 26,000 lbs).21
»» Quantifying direct CO2 emission factors for
Organizations must calculate the fuel use mobile combustion based on actual fuel
for each vehicle type separately and then characteristics, fuel density and heat content
sum them together by fuel.

20 This method should be used to determine fuel economy for non-road vehicles, since default fuel economy information for non-road vehicles is not available.
21 Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Transportation Energy Data Book, Ed. 36, 2018, Table 5.4

GRP v. 3.0
2. Select CO2 Emission Factor
Most organizations will use the default CO2 emission SEM FOR MOBILE CH4 AND N2O
factors by fuel type in Table 2.1 (U.S.) and Table 2.2
(Canada).22 If information on actual fuel characteristics
is available, organizations may use an advanced AND DIESEL
method based on heat content or fuel density. PASSENGER CARS AND
Calculating CH4 and N2O Emissions
This SEM estimates CH4 and N2O
from Mobile Combustion emissions by applying an emission

To calculate emissions of CH4 and N2O from mobile factor that describes a default ratio of CH4 or N2O
sources, organizations will need to: to corresponding CO2 emissions.24
1. Identify the vehicle type, fuel type, and technology 1. Determine the total annual quantity of
type or model year of each operated vehicle; gasoline and diesel fuel gallons consumed, by
2. Identify the annual mileage by vehicle type;
2. Calculate the CO2 emissions using the
3. Select the emission factor for each vehicle type; and,
methods above;
4. For each vehicle type, multiply the annual mileage
3. To calculate the CH4 and N2O emissions,
by the emission factor for CH4 and N2O to estimate
multiply the metric tons of CO2 by the CH4 and
CH4 and N2O emissions.
N2O emission factor from Table 2.9.25
There are several possible methods to complete the
steps above, based on available information. Emissions
calculations will be most accurate if there is data on
the type of emissions control technology actually used
for each vehicle, but organizations can also use the
vehicle’s make and model year to determine which CALCULATING CH4 AND N2O FOR
control technology is typically used. Organizations will NON-HIGHWAY VEHICLES
also need mileage data for each vehicle type, but if this
is not available, mileage can be estimated based on fuel The procedure described in this section applies
consumption. Default emission factors are provided to highway vehicles and alternative fuel
in Tables 2.4 to 2.7 based on the available data (e.g., vehicles, but not to non-highway vehicles such
specific control technologies or model years).23 as ships, locomotives, aircraft, and agricultural
equipment. For these types of vehicles, use the
When mobile emissions of CH4 and N2O are sufficiently same fuel consumption data used to estimate
small, organizations may consider using a SEM CO2 emissions in the previous section, along
to estimate those emissions based on annual fuel with default emission factors for CH4 and N2O
consumption. provided in Table 2.7.26 Organizations reporting
emissions from jet fuel combustion in jet aircraft
can also quantify CH4 and N2O emissions using
the number of landing and takeoff (LTO) cycles by
aircraft type provided in Table 2.8.27

22 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

23 Ibid.
24 The default ratio is based on GHG emission trend data reported as part of the U.S. National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks every year to
estimate CH4 and N2O emissions.
25 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.

GRP v. 3.0
1. Identify the Vehicle Type, Fuel Type, and Technology Type or Model Year of All Owned
and Operated Vehicles
Organizations must identify all owned and operated vehicles, their vehicle type (e.g., passenger car or heavy-duty
truck), their fuel type (e.g., gasoline or diesel), and either the emission control technology or model year for each

The most accurate approach is to determine the actual control technology employed in each vehicle. Table 2.4
provides the names of control technologies for each vehicle type.28 Information on the control technology type for
each vehicle is posted on an under-the-hood label.


If it is not feasible to check each vehicle’s under-the-hood label, organizations can estimate vehicle control
technologies using each vehicle’s model year. Table 2.5 provides emission factors for highway vehicles by model
year and vehicle type based on a weighted average of available control technologies for each model year.29

2. Determine Annual Mileage for Each Vehicle Type

Unlike CO2 emissions, CH4 and N2O emissions depend more on distance traveled than volume of fuel combusted.
Therefore, organizations will need to identify vehicle miles traveled by vehicle type.

If mileage data is unavailable, but fuel consumption data for each highway vehicle type is available, organizations
can estimate the vehicle miles traveled using fuel economy factors by vehicle type. (This is the reverse of the method
to estimate fuel consumption based on mileage data to quantify CO2 emissions.) If more than one type of vehicle is
operated, organizations must separately calculate the fuel use for each vehicle type. If only bulk fuel purchase data
is available, organizations should allocate consumption across vehicle types and model years based on usage data.
Then use the equation below to estimate distance.


= Fueluse (gallons)×[(City FE xCity percentage)(mpg )+(Highway FE xHighway percentage)(mpg )]

FE = Fuel Economy
City percentage = percentage a vehicle’s annual mileage that is city driving
Hwy percentage = percentage of a vehicle’s annual mileage that is highway driving

3. Select the Emission Factor for Each Vehicle Type

Next, select an emission factor for each vehicle type based on the vehicle’s model year or control technology.

If data on vehicles’ model years is available, obtain emission factors for highway vehicles from Table 2.5. Use Tables
2.6 and 2.7 for alternative fuel and non-highway vehicles.30

If data on vehicles’ specific control technologies is available, obtain emission factors for highway vehicles from Table
2.4. Use Tables 2.6 and 2.7 for alternative fuel and non-highway vehicles.31

28 Ibid.
29 Ibid.
30 Ibid.
31 Ibid.

GRP v. 3.0
Organizations reporting emissions associated with impacts of energy conservation. It does not reflect
jet fuel combustion in jet aircraft can use the emission any purchasing choice(s) made by an organization.
factors based on LTO cycles by aircraft type in Table 2.8 »» Market-based method: The market-based method
to quantify CH4 and N2O emissions.32 quantifies emissions from electricity generated and
consumed that organizations have purposefully
4. Calculate CH4 and N2O Emissions by purchased, using emission factors conveyed through
Vehicle Type contractual instruments between the organization
For each vehicle type, multiply the total annual mileage and the electricity or product provider.33 This
by the emission factors for CH4 and N2O to calculate method reflects the GHG emissions associated
CH4 and N2O emissions. with the choices an organization makes about its
electricity supply or product. It allows organizations
Please note: When calculating Scope 1 or direct to claim the specific emission rate associated with
biogenic emissions from mobile combustion, these purchases, for instance, a utility-specific
organizations must only account for emissions resulting emission factor from TCR’s Electric Power Sector
from their own activities (e.g., tailpipe emissions from (EPS) delivery metrics. Energy conservation (i.e.,
fuel combustion) rather than taking into account the reduced energy consumption) also impacts the GHG
indirect emissions that are part of a fuel’s life cycle, such emissions reflected in the market-based method.
as the CO2 sequestered during the growing of crops or
These two methods are referred to throughout the GRP
emissions associated with producing the fuels. The life
as the Scope 2 methods.34
cycle impacts of combusting fuels are Scope 3 emissions.
1. Determine Annual Electricity Consumption
INDIRECT EMISSIONS FROM There are several methods to determine electricity
consumption depending on available information:
ELECTRICITY USE »» Known electricity use method;
The generation of electricity through the combustion of »» Area method;
fossil fuels typically yields CO2, and to a smaller extent, »» Cost method; or,
CH4 and N2O. To calculate indirect emissions from »» Average intensity method.
electricity use, organizations will determine annual
electricity consumption and calculate a location-based
Scope 2 total and a market-based Scope 2 total for ADVANCED METHODS

»» Sample data method
Emissions from purchased or imported energy are »» Proxy data method
reported in two ways as follows:
»» Location-based method: The location-based
method quantifies the average emissions from Method A: Known Electricity Use
electricity generated and consumed in an
organization’s geographic region(s) of operations Monthly electric bills or electric meter records provide
within the organization’s defined boundaries, the number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) or megawatt-hours
primarily using grid-average emission factors. This (MWh) of electricity consumed. Record the electricity
method reflects the GHG emissions from locally- consumed each month at each facility. Then, aggregate
generated electricity delivered through the grid and monthly bills to determine annual electricity use (in
transparently demonstrates local conditions and the kWh or MWh) for each facility.35

32 Ibid.
33 Examples of markets with contractual instruments include the U.S., the European Union, Australia, most Latin American countries, Japan, and India. The
market-based method is applicable when contractual instruments are present in the market.
34 The Scope 2 methods also apply to combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions that are reported outside the scopes.
35 When an electric bill does not begin exactly on the first day of the reporting year and end on the last day of the reporting year, members must prorate utility
data in the first and last month’s electricity bills (for those two months only) to determine annual electricity use.

GRP v. 3.0
Method B: Area

The area method allows organizations to estimate ADVANCED METHOD
energy use based on their share of the building’s floor »» Using energy audit data to
space and total electricity consumption. This method is estimate electricity consumption
less accurate than the known electricity use method.

Organizations will need to collect the following

information from the building’s property manager:
»» Total building area (square feet);
»» Area of organization’s space (square feet);
»» Total building annual electricity use (kWh); and,
»» Building occupancy rate (e.g., if 75% of the building is occupied, use 0.75).

Use this information and the equation below to estimate the organization’s share of the building’s electricity use.


Electricity Use Organization′ s Area (ft 2 ) × Building Electricity Use (kWh)

(kWh) Building Area (ft 2 ) × Occupancy Rate

Method C: Cost (U.S. Commercial Facilities and Warehouses Only)

If it is not feasible to obtain kWh data for commercial facilities and warehouses,36 organizations can estimate
electricity consumption using electricity expenditures and average kWh costs.37

To use this method, first determine annual electricity expenditures for each facility. This data is often found in utility
bills or financial records. Then, to estimate annual kWh, divide the annual facility-level electricity expenditures by
the average electricity cost by U.S. state from Table 3.5, as shown in the equation below. 38


Electricity Use Facility Expenditures (dollars) × 100

(kWh) Average Kilowatt Hour ( cents
kWh )

Method D: Average Intensity

Organizations may need to use the average intensity

method for calculating indirect emissions from leased
space if they do not receive information about electricity »» Developing an operation-specific
use from an electric utility and they are unable to obtain electricity use model to estimate
information about the building’s electricity use from electricity use
the landlord/property manager. The average intensity
method is less accurate than methods A-C.

This method involves the following steps:

1. Determine the leased space’s square footage;

36 This method is accepted for commercial facilities and warehouses only. It is not accepted for industrial facilities.
37 The cost method may not be used to calculate indirect emissions for on-site generation in which energy attributes are sold to another organization.
38 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

GRP v. 3.0
2. Determine the average annual electricity intensity for the building space; and,
3. Estimate electricity consumption.

1. Determine the Leased Space’s Square Footage

First, review the lease to determine the leased space’s usable square footage. Usable square footage is the space
contained within the walls of the leased space, including storage space. It does not include other ‘rentable’ areas
such as building bathrooms, common areas, etc.

2. Determine the Average Annual Electricity Intensity for Building Space

Next, select the most appropriate average electricity intensity according to the operations of the building space
using Table 3.6 (Canada) and Table 3.7 (U.S).39,40

3. Calculate Electricity Consumption

Use the equation below to estimate the electricity consumption for each leased space.


Annual Electricity
Leased Space (useable space) (ft2) x Annual Electricity Intensity (kWh/ft2)
Consumption (from landlord) (from table)

Select Emission Factor

to Calculate Location- GUIDANCE
Based Emissions
An electricity emission factor represents the
»» Alternative accounting methods if
certificates are transferred to a third party
»» Choosing a default emission factor
amount of GHGs emitted per unit of electricity
consumed. Emission factors for the location- when the generator does not provide an
based method reflect the GHG emissions emissions rate
intensity from locally-generated electricity »» Prorating emissions when power is received from both
delivered either through the grid or through a a direct line generation source and the electric grid
direct line transfer.

Organizations must select an emission factor

for each unit of electricity consumed. Three LOCATION-BASED EMISSION FACTOR HIERARCHY
categories of location-based emission factors
1. Location-A: Direct line emission factors (if available)
are listed in order from most specific to least
specific in the location-based hierarchy and 2. Location-B: Regional or subnational emission factors
are described in the sections that follow.
Organizations should use the most specific 3. Location-C: National production emission factors
emission factors available.41

Please note: When a standalone biogenic CO2 emission factor is not available for combustion-based indirect
biogenic emissions (e.g., when relying on grid average factors), the member must publicly disclose that indirect
biogenic emissions are or may have been excluded.42

39 Ibid.
40 Members with facilities in another country may submit a Member-Developed Methodology Approval Request Form to TCR for review if they are able to find
a similar default electricity intensity.
41 Location-based emission factor hierarchy is from WRI’s GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, Table 6.2.
42 Members that demonstrate that no biomass was combusted to generate consumed electricity are not subject to this requirement.

GRP v. 3.0
Location-A: Direct Line Emission Factors national borders.
(If Applicable) If applying national production emission factors, use
Direct line emission factors represent emissions from the value for the reporting year, or the most recent year
electricity purchased directly from a generation source available.
with no grid transfers. The emissions factor is ineligible
to be claimed when energy attribute certificates are For Mexican facilities, use emission factors from Table 3.3.46
transferred to a third-party.
Country-specific Scope 2 emission factors can be
Examples: obtained from the International Energy Agency (IEA) for
»» Landfill waste-to-energy generator that sends power operations outside of North America.47, 48
to nearby organization without connecting to the
grid; and, Select Emission Factor to Calculate
»» Solar or wind generator that sends power to
organization without connecting to the grid.
Market-Based Emissions
Emission factors for the market-based method reflect
Location-B: Regional or Subnational the emission factor from electricity that organizations
Emission Factors have purposefully purchased, through the use of
contractual instruments between the organization and
Regional or subnational emission factors represent
the electricity or product provider.
average emissions from all electricity produced in a
defined grid distribution region. These emission factors Types of contractual instruments that convey specific
should reflect net physical energy imports and exports emissions factors for the market-based method are
across the grid boundary.43 listed in order from most specific to least specific in the
hierarchy below and are described in the sections that
To find the appropriate emission factors for a facility in
follow. Organizations should select the most specific
the U.S., use the U.S. EPA Power Profiler tool, available
emission factor available to them given their eligible
at: www.epa.gov/cleanenergy/powerprofiler.html
contractual instruments for each unit of electricity that
to determine the facility’s Emissions & Generation
they consume.49, 50, 51
Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) subregion.
Then, based on the subregion, find the emission factors Organizations must publicly disclose the category or
for each gas in Table 3.1.44 categories of contractual instruments used to calculate
emissions using the market-based method (e.g., energy
For Canadian facilities, use emission factors for each
attribute certificates, contracts, utility-specific emission
province from Tables 3.2. 45
factors). Organizations are encouraged to specify the
Location-C: National Production Emission energy generation technologies (e.g., coal, solar, nuclear).
Factors Please note: As with the location-based method, when a
National production emission factors represent average standalone biogenic CO2 emission factor is not available
emissions from all energy produced within state or for combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions (e.g.,

43 Members with facilities in the U.S. using this approach should use emission factors specific to each facility’s regional power pool rather than the state it is
located in, because transmission and distribution grids do not adhere to state boundaries. However, state-specific emission factors that reflect net imports
and exports across the grid boundary are acceptable.
44 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.
45 Ibid.
46 Ibid.
47 See: http://www.iea.org/statistics/onlinedataservice/.
48 International Energy Agency (IEA) emission factors do not adjust for imports/exports of energy across national boundaries.
49 Organizations centrally purchasing energy attribute certificates on behalf of all their operations in a single country or region should indicate how they
match these purchases to individual site consumption.
50 Organizations must ensure that any contractual instrument from which an emission factor is derived meets the TCR Eligibility Criteria outlined in the next
section. Where contractual instruments do not meet these criteria, emission factors from either Market-D or Market-E must be used.
51 Market-based method emission factor hierarchy adapted from WRI’s GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, Table 6.3

GRP v. 3.0
when relying on grid average factors),
the member must publicly disclose that
indirect biogenic emissions are or may 1. Market-A: Energy attribute certificates (or equivalent instruments)
have been excluded.52
2. Market-B: Contracts
Contractual instruments for electricity,
such as renewable energy certificates 3. Market-C: Supplier/utility-specific emission factors
(RECs), can only be used to calculate
4. Market-D: Residual mix
Scope 2 emissions or combustion-based
indirect biogenic emissions associated 5. Market-E: Other grid-average emission factors
with consumed energy, and not Scope 1
or 3 emissions.53

Market-A: Energy Attribute Certificates
»» Role of energy attribute certificates in
(or Equivalent Instruments)
the market-based method
Energy attribute certificates convey information
»» Renewable Energy Certificates in the
about energy generation to organizations involved
market-based method
in the sale, distribution, consumption, or regulation
of electricity. They provide proof of electricity
generation from a specific energy source and
represent the rights to claim the environmental, social, Market-B: Contracts
and low or zero emissions characteristics resulting Contracts can convey electricity generation attributes
from the use of that electricity generation. Certificates where energy attribute certificates do not exist or where
can be unbundled, bundled with electricity, conveyed attributes or certificates are not required to claim use.56
in a contract, or delivered by a utility. Where energy These may apply to specified sources of electricity, from
attribute certificates are issued, the certificates both renewable and fossil fuels.
themselves serve as the emission factor for the market-
based method.54 Contracts are also commonly present when electricity
is conveyed from a specific source through a direct line
Examples include: transfer. The guidance on direct line emission factors for
»» Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) (U.S., Canada, the location-based method also applies to the market-
Australia, others); based method.

»» Electricity contracts that convey RECs; Examples:

»» Certificates for non-renewable generation in »» Power purchase agreements (PPAs) or contracts
regions where all-generation tracking systems are in for electricity from specific nonrenewable sources
operation;55 and, (e.g., coal, nuclear) outside of regions where all-
generation tracking systems are in operation;
»» Any other energy certificates that meet the TCR
Eligibility Criteria. »» Direct line transfers;57

52 Members that demonstrate that no biomass was combusted to generate consumed electricity are not subject to this requirement.
53 With the exception of Scope 3 or biogenic end-use electricity consumption.
54 Most contractual instruments for renewable energy will have an emission factor of zero. However, depending on the renewable resource employed, some
may have non-biogenic emissions that must be reflected in Scope 2 or indirect biogenic emissions totals. In cases where a contractual instrument employs a
biomass fuel type but does not provide a corresponding emission factor for biogenic CO2, members must publicly disclose that indirect biogenic emissions
are or may have been excluded from their emissions inventory.
55 In the U.S., the New England Power Pool Generation Information System (NEPOOL GIS), New York Generation Attribute Tracking System (NYGATS), and
the Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland (PJM) regional transmission organization have all-attribute tracking systems. Therefore, in these regions, certificates are
needed to convey the attributes (emission rates) of all specified purchases. If certificates that meet the TCR eligibility criteria are not available for specified
purchases, organizations must use emission factors from either Market-D or Market-E.
56 This may also refer to cases where attribute ownership is not explicit but where the contract can nevertheless serve as a proxy for attributes due to
reasonable certainty that the attributes are not otherwise conveyed.
57 See Location-A in the location-based method section for more information on direct line transfers.

GRP v. 3.0
»» Contracts that convey attributes to the power consumer where certificates do not exist; and,
»» Contracts for power that are silent on attributes, but where attributes are not otherwise tracked or claimed.

Market-C: Supplier/Utility-Specific
Emission Factors
Supplier/utility-specific emission factors quantify indirect »» Using supplier-specific delivery
emissions associated with a standard product offer, green metrics that are publicly
power program, or a customized power product. disclosed or certified
Organizations may use electric delivery metrics reported
and verified in accordance with TCR’s EPS Protocol,58 or other publicly certified delivery metrics developed by a
supplier or utility as described in the advanced methods.
»» Retail emission factor, representing a delivered energy product (e.g., TCR EPS delivery metrics, Table 3.8);59
»» Special power product (SPP, also known as green power products or green energy tariffs); and,
»» Voluntary renewable electricity program or product.

Market-D: Residual Mix

Residual mix emission factors quantify subnational or ADVANCED METHOD
national energy production, factoring out voluntary »» Validating residual mix emission
purchases to prevent double counting of these claims. factors
Many organizations will either be unable to obtain
supplier-specific or utility-specific emission factors and/
or will purchase some electricity exclusively from the grid. In these cases, organizations should use a residual mix
emission factor, or must publicly disclose if a residual mix emission factor is not available.60

Refer to the advanced method for requirements for use of residual mix emission factors.

Market-E: Other Grid-Average Emission Factors

Refer to the location-based emission factor hierarchy for the subnational/regional or national production emission
factors. Organizations using a grid-average emission factor in the market-based method must publicly disclose the
lack of an available residual mix emission factor if one is not available.

»» Regional or subnational emission factors (Tables 3.1, 3.2).61
»» National production emission factors (Table 3.3).62

58 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

59 Ibid.
60 Members may contact TCR at [email protected] to assess the applicability of a residual mix emission factor.
61 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.
62 Ibid.

GRP v. 3.0


TCR defines certain eligibility criteria that are designed to ensure that emission factors used
to calculate the market-based method Scope 2 total are consistent with GHG accounting best
practices. Only emission factors that meet the criteria in the table below are eligible to be
claimed. Where contractual instruments do not meet these criteria, emission factors from either Market-D or
Market-E must be used.
Members must upload a public document identifying the contractual instrument certification program(s) or
other documentation that demonstrates clear and explicit ownership and TCR eligibility in CRIS (e.g., REC
certification document, self-attestation form).
TCR Eligibility Criteria for Electricity63


1. Convey GHG »» Convey the direct GHG emission rate attribute associated with produced electricity.

2. Prevent double »» Be the only instrument that carries the GHG emission rate attribute claim associated with
counting that quantity of electricity generation. Clear and explicit ownership must be demonstrated
by either third-party verification that includes a chain of custody audit, or documentation
of permanent retirement in an electronic tracking system in a dedicated, named retirement
subaccount for a particular TCR reporting year.
»» Be distinct from offsets. A MWh generated by a renewable energy project and claimed as an
offset cannot also be claimed as a contractual instrument (e.g., REC).

3. Be retired »» Be tracked, redeemed, retired, or canceled by or on behalf of the reporting organization.

4. Be of recent »» Have been generated within a period of six months before the reporting year to up to three
vintage months after the reporting year.

5. Be sourced »» Be sourced from the same market in which the reporting organization’s electricity consuming
from same market operations are located and to which the instrument is applied. Market boundaries are
as operations assumed to match national boundaries, except where international grids are closely tied.


6. Calculated »» Calculated based on contractually-delivered electricity, incorporating RECs or other

based on instruments sourced and retired on behalf of customers.


7. Convey GHG »» Ensure that all emission claims are transferred to the reporting organization only.
claims to the


8. Residual mix »» Adjusted, residual mix emission factor characterizing the GHG intensity of unclaimed or
publicly shared electricity. Organizations must disclose the lack of an available residual mix
emission factor if one is not available.

63 TCR’s Eligibility Criteria are based on the Scope 2 Quality Criteria in the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance and additional international best practices.

GRP v. 3.0

»» Calculating indirect emissions
The consumption of non-electric energy such as from imported steam or heating
imported steam, heat, and cooling is another category from a conventional boiler plant
of Scope 2 emission sources and is reported similarly to »» Calculating indirect emissions from heat and
electricity consumption. Emissions from non-electric power produced at a CHP facility
energy consumption are calculated in two ways, using »» Calculating indirect emissions from cooling
the location-based and market-based methods.

Some facilities purchase steam or heating, for example,

to provide space heating in the commercial sector or
process heating in the industrial sector. An advanced Calculating Indirect Energy Use
method is provided for calculating emissions from from Imported Steam, Heating,
imported steam or heating transferred on a direct line
from a conventional boiler plant. or Cooling in Leased Spaces
An advanced method is also provided for estimating Imported Heating or Steam
indirect emissions from heat and power produced Organizations who lease space that is heated by units
at a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. Because located outside of their organizational boundaries
CHP simultaneously produces electricity and heat must report anthropogenic emissions associated
(or steam), attributing total GHG emissions to each with consumed energy in Scope 2 (imported heat).
Combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions
product stream would result in double counting. Thus,
associated with consumed energy must be reported
when two or more parties receive the energy streams separately outside of the scopes.64 In both cases,
from CHP plants, GHG emissions must be determined organizations must use the area method or average
and allocated separately for heat production and intensity method to calculate emissions.
electricity production.
Organizations with operational control of heating units
Some facilities purchase cooling, such as chilled water, in leased space (typically those with heating units
for either cooling or refrigeration when they do not located within the leased space, or organizations who
operate cooling compressors on-site. Conceptually, pay their own gas bill directly to the utility) are required
purchased chilled water is similar to purchased heat or to report the emissions from such heating units as
steam, with the primary difference being the process Scope 1 (stationary combustion) emissions.
used to generate the chilled water. When organizations
purchase cooling, the compressor system that produces Often in leased spaces, tenants do not separately
the cooling is driven by either electricity, fossil fuel, or contract for imported heat and are unable to obtain
biofuel combustion. An advanced method is provided for that information from their landlords. In these cases,
calculating emissions from imported cooling. organizations can utilize default consumption rates
such as the natural gas consumption defaults from the
In many cases, organizations that lease space (such U.S. Energy Information Administration Commercial
as office space) use heat, steam, or cooling that is Building Energy Consumption Survey or the Natural
generated within the facility in which they are located, Resources Canada Commercial and Institutional
where the heat or cooling generation unit is outside of Building Energy Use Survey to determine the energy
their organizational boundary. The rest of the methods used to generate the heat they consume and use the
in this section estimate indirect emissions resulting average intensity method to calculate emissions.
from non-electric energy consumption in leased spaces.

64 When a standalone biogenic CO2 emission factor is not available for combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions (e.g., when relying on grid average
factors), the member must publicly disclose that indirect biogenic emissions are or may have been excluded. Members that demonstrate that no biomass
was combusted to generate consumed electricity are not subject to this requirement.

GRP v. 3.0
Imported Cooling
Organizations who lease space with air conditioning or cooling units that are located within their organizational
boundaries are required to report the emissions from such cooling units as Scope 1 (fugitive) emissions and Scope
2 (electricity use). Anthropogenic emissions associated with consumed energy must be reported in Scope 2.
Combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy must be reported separately
outside of the scopes.65


This section provides guidance on calculating direct fugitive emissions of HFCs and PFCs from refrigeration and
air conditioning systems. Refrigeration and air conditioning systems include motor vehicle air conditioning,
chillers, retail food refrigeration, cold storage warehouses, refrigerated transport, industrial process refrigeration,
commercial air conditioning systems, household refrigeration, and domestic air conditioning and heat pumps.

Emissions of HFCs and PFCs from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment result from the manufacturing
process, leakage over the operational life of the equipment, and disposal at the end of the useful life of the
equipment. This section addresses emissions from the use of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment only
(including installation, use, and disposal).

Two methods for estimating emissions of HFCs and PFCs from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment are
provided in this section:
»» Simplified mass balance method; and,

»» Screening method, which may be used as a SEM ADVANCED METHOD
provided that total emissions estimated with SEMs fall »» Quantification of direct
below the 10% SEMs threshold. fugitive emissions using the
An advanced mass balance method is provided for advanced mass balance method
organizations that have access to detailed data on
refrigerant purchases, sales, storage, and changes in total equipment capacity.


Please note: some refrigerant blends include both HFCs and PFCs. When reporting emissions associated with
these blends, the HFC and PFC components must be reported by gas. To report the emissions from these
blends, organizations must multiply the amount of each refrigerant used by the percent composition of each
HFC and PFC listed in Table 5.2. Use the equation below and the GWP factors from Table 5.2 to convert each
HFC and PFC to units of CO2e.66


HFC Type A Emissions

HFC Type
Type A Emissions (mt
A Emissions (mt HFC
HFC Type
Type A)
(mt CO2e)

PFC Type A Emissions

= HFC Type
PFC Type A
AEmissions (mt PFC
Emissions (mt HFC Type
Type A)
A) ×
(mt CO2e)

65 Ibid.
66 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

GRP v. 3.0
Common refrigerants R-2, R-12, and R-11 are not part of the GHGs required to be reported to TCR because
they are either HCFCs or chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The production of HCFCs and CFCs is being phased
out under the Montreal Protocol and as a result, HCFCs and CFCs are not defined as GHGs under the Kyoto
Protocol. Emissions of non-Kyoto-defined GHGs must not be reported as emission sources in the inventory,
regardless of the GWP of the gas. Members that opt to disclose emissions of these refrigerants must include
that information in a supplemental document.

Method A: Simplified Mass Balance

If the necessary data to use the advanced mass balance method is not available, organizations should use the
simplified mass balance method. This method may be used either by organizations that service their own equipment
or by organizations that have contractors service their equipment.

1. Determine the Types and Quantities of Refrigerants Used

For each refrigerant used, determine the following quantities used or recovered during the reporting year, if applicable:
»» Quantity of refrigerant used to charge new equipment during installation (if new equipment was installed that
was not pre-charged by the manufacturer);
»» Total full charge (capacity) of new equipment using this refrigerant (if new equipment was installed that was not
pre-charged by the manufacturer);
»» Quantity of refrigerant used to service equipment;
»» Total full charge (capacity) of retiring equipment (if equipment was disposed during the reporting year); and,
»» Quantity of refrigerant recovered from retiring equipment (if equipment was disposed during the reporting year).

Organizations who have contractors that service refrigeration equipment should obtain the required information from
the contractor. Always track and maintain the required information carefully in order to obtain accurate emissions data.

Note that “total full charge” refers to the full and proper charge of the equipment rather than to the actual charge,
which may reflect leakage. For more information, see the description of “Net Increase in Total Full Charge of
Equipment” in the advanced mass balance method.

2. Calculate Annual Emissions of Each HFC and PFC Gas

Use the equation below to calculate emissions for each refrigerant used.


(PN − CN + PS − PR + CD − RD )(kg )
Total Annual = kg
Emissions (mt) 1, 000 ( mt )

PN = Purchases of refrigerant used to charge new equipment*
CN = Total full charge (capacity) of the new equipment*
PS = Quantity of refrigerant used to service equipment
PR = Quantity of refrigerant recycled
CD = Total full charge (capacity) of retiring equipment
RD = Refrigerant recovered from retiring equipment
* Omitted if the equipment has been pre-charged by the manufacturer

GRP v. 3.0
Method C: Screening SEM
The screening method is a SEM which may be used to estimate HFC and PFC emissions from
refrigeration and air conditioning systems by multiplying the quantity of refrigerants used by default
emission factors. Because default emission factors are highly uncertain, the resulting emissions
estimates are not considered accurate.

Organizations may only use the screening method if total, entity-wide emissions estimated with SEMs do not exceed
10% of the CO2e sum of reported Scope 1, Scope 2, combustion-based direct biogenic emissions and combustion-
based indirect biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy (i.e., the 10% SEMs threshold).

1. Determine the Types and Quantities of Refrigerants Used

To estimate emissions, organizations must determine the number and types of refrigeration and air conditioning
equipment, by equipment category; the types of refrigerant used, and the refrigerant charge capacity of each piece
of equipment (see Table 4.1). 67 If the refrigerant charge capacity of each piece of equipment is unknown, use the
upper bound of the range provided by equipment type in Table 4.1.68

2. Estimate Annual Emissions of Each Refrigerant

For each refrigerant, use the equation below to estimate annual emissions. Default emission factors are provided
in Table 4.1 by equipment type. 69 The equation includes emissions from installation, operation, and disposal of
equipment. If an organization did not install or dispose of equipment during the reporting year, it should not include
emissions from these activities in the estimation.


For each refrigerant: (CN × k) + (C × w × T ) + [CD × y × (1 − z)] (kg )

Total Annual Emissions (mt) = kg
1, 000 ( mt )

CN = Quantity of refrigerant charged into the new equipment*
C = Total full charge (capacity) of the equipment
T = Time in years equipment was in use (e.g., 0.5 if used only during half the year and then disposed)
CD = Total full charge (capacity) of equipment being disposed of **
k = Installation emission factor*
w = Operating emission factor
y = Refrigerant remaining at disposal**
z = Recovery efficiency**
Omitted if no equipment was installed during the reporting year or the installed equipment was pre-charged by the manufacturer
Omitted if no equipment was disposed of during the reporting year

If the sum of HFC and PFC emissions, in units of CO2e, plus any other emissions estimated with SEMs, do not exceed
the 10% SEMs threshold, organizations may use these estimates to report HFC and PFC emissions from the use of
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. Members must mark these emissions as SEMs in CRIS.

67 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

68 Ibid.
69 Ibid.

GRP v. 3.0

This module provides advanced methods to measure The module also provides a method to allocate biogenic
or calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from less and anthropogenic emissions from co-firing stationary
common emission sources and calculation methods combustion units, and an optional method to allocate
that use measured or site-specific data. Advanced emissions from CHP. Detailed guidance is provided for
methods for calculating the following categories of selecting emission factors to calculate market-based
emissions are provided: Scope 2 emissions, and determining the eligibility of
»» Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from contractual instruments for renewable fuels combusted
stationary combustion using site-specific data or in stationary and mobile equipment.
measured fuel characteristics; More common quantification methods for many
»» Direct CO2 emissions from mobile combustion using sources are available in the GHG Emissions
actual fuel characteristics; Quantification Methods Module. If TCR has not
»» Indirect emissions from electricity use using sample, provided guidelines for quantifying emissions from
proxy, or energy audit data or an operation-specific a particular emission source, organizations may
electricity use model; use existing international or industry best practice
methods, which are published, peer-reviewed
»» Indirect emissions from heat and power produced at calculation and measurement methods or emission
a combined heat and power (CHP) system; factors.1
»» Indirect emissions from imported heat, steam, and
cooling; and,
»» Direct fugitive emissions from refrigeration using
purchase, retirement, and storage data.

1 Emission factors must be gas-specific (i.e., not in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)).

GRP v. 3.0
QUANTIFYING DIRECT CO2 operating time of the unit.
2. A monitor measuring CO2 concentration percent
EMISSIONS WITH SITE- by volume of flue gas and a flow monitoring
SPECIFIC DATA system measuring the volumetric flow rate of flue
gas, combined with theoretical CO2 and flue gas
production by fuel characteristics, can be used
GHG emissions are quantified using either direct
to determine CO2 flue gas emissions and CO2
measurement or calculation methods. Direct
mass emissions. Annual CO2 emissions are then
measurement systems monitor GHG concentration
determined based on the operating time of the unit.
and flow rates. Calculation-based methods use activity
data and emission factors to estimate GHG emissions. Direct measurement may be used to quantify and
Most organizations will use default emission factors, but report both anthropogenic and biogenic emissions,
organizations with more specific data available may also depending on the activity being monitored.
develop their own site-specific emission factors based on
the specific characteristics of the GHG source and fuel.
Quantifying Biogenic Emissions
This section provides instruction for measuring direct from Co-Firing Units
emissions using the following advanced methods:
For facilities that combust blended fuels, such as
»» Direct measurement of CO2 emissions;
municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment facilities,
»» Allocating anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 organizations must calculate or monitor CO2 emissions
emissions from co-firing units; resulting from the incineration of waste of fossil fuel
»» Developing site-specific CO2 emission factors to origin (e.g., plastics, certain textiles, rubber, liquid
quantify emissions with calculation-based methods; solvents, and waste oil) and include those emissions
and, as direct CO2 emissions (Scope 1). CO2 emissions from
combusting the biomass portion of the fuel or feedstock
»» Optionally allocating emissions from combined heat
(e.g., yard waste or paper products for MSW) must
and power.
be separately calculated and reported as biogenic
CO2 emissions (reported separately from the scopes).
Quantifying CO2 Emissions with Methods are provided for the allocation of emissions
Direct Measurement Systems from blended fuels in units without CEMS and in units
with CEMS below.
CO2 emissions may be measured directly with
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS), Allocating Emissions from Blended Fuels
that monitor GHG concentration and flow rates based
on periodic exhaust sampling. CEMS can be found
in Units Without Cems
in facilities such as power plants,2 industrial facilities Information on the biomass portion of fuels and
with large stationary combustion units, or landfills with feedstocks are often site-specific. MSW facilities without
sensors to monitor emissions from landfill gas collection CEMS should obtain biomass/fossil fuel breakdown
systems. information from a local waste characterization study.
Organizations may also use the method described
Organizations may use either of the two following in ASTM D6866-06a, “Standard Test Methods for
CEMS methods to measure and calculate annual CO2 Determining the Biobased Content of Natural Range
emissions:3 Materials Using Radiocarbon and Isotope Ratio Mass
1. A monitor measuring CO2 concentration percent Spectrometry Analysis.” For further specifications
by volume of flue gas and a flow monitoring system on using this method, see CARB Regulation for the
measuring the volumetric flow rate of flue gas can Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
be used to determine CO2 mass emissions. Annual Section 95125(h)(2).
CO2 emissions are then determined based on the

2 For organizations in the electric power sector, additional specifications on using CEMS can be found in TCR’s EPS Protocol.
3 All methods of direct monitoring using CEMS pursuant to 40 CFR Parts 60, 75, 98 or Environment Canada’s Report EPS 1/PG/7 (Revised) are consistent
with the method in this section.

GRP v. 3.0
Allocating Emissions from Blended Fuels »» 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix G Continuous Emissions
in Units with Cems Monitoring, Determination of CO2 Emissions;

Where biomass and fossil fuels are co-fired and »» California Air Resources Board Regulation for the
emissions are monitored through a CEMS, the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
emissions associated with each combustion activity Section 95125(c)-(e);
may be mixed in the exhaust stack and measured »» European Union, Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines
collectively by the same CEMS device. To determine for the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (2006), Section
the share of biogenic CO2 emissions measured by the 13, “Determination of Activity-Specific Data and
CEMS, calculate the CO2 emissions from fossil fuel or Factors;” and,
biomass combustion by using a fuel-specific emission »» WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Guidance: Direct
factor applied to the amount of fuel or biomass Emissions from Stationary Combustion, Version 3.0
combusted.4 After calculating these CO2 emissions (July 2005), Annex D (www.ghgprotocol.org).
from either fossil fuel or biomass combustion, subtract
the calculated value from the total CEMS measured The carbon content of each fuel can be expressed in
CO2 value to identify the remaining (anthropogenic or mass of carbon per mass of fuel (e.g., kilogram (kg) C/
biogenic) CO2 emissions. short ton), mass of carbon per volume of fuel (e.g., kg
C/gallon), or mass of carbon per unit energy of fuel
Alternatively, organizations may use the method (e.g., kg C/MMBtu).
described in ASTM D6866-06a (see above for more
information). The heat content of each fuel is expressed in units of
energy per unit mass or volume (such as MMBtu/short
Quantifying Direct CO2 Emissions ton or MMBtu/gallon) and should be calculated based
on higher heating values (HHV).5
with Measured Fuel Characteristics
If carbon content is expressed in mass of carbon per unit
Organizations that have access to measured energy (e.g., kg C/Btu), multiply by the heat content of
characteristics of combusted fuels may derive that fuel per unit mass or volume (such as Btu/ton or
an emission factor for CO2. This method requires Btu/gallon) to determine the mass of carbon per physical
information on the heat content and/or carbon content unit of fuel (such as kg C/ton or kg C/gallon).6
of the fuels. This information can be determined
either through fuel sampling and analysis or from
data provided by fuel suppliers. Fuel sampling
and analysis should be performed periodically, the
frequency depending on the type of fuel. In general,
the sampling frequency should be greater for more
variable fuels (e.g., coal, wood, solid waste) than for
more homogenous fuels (e.g., natural gas, diesel fuel).
Organizations should collect and analyze fuel data
according to applicable industry-approved, national, or
international technical standards regarding sampling
frequency, procedures, and preparation.

For additional resources on sampling rates and

methods, refer to:
»» 40 CFR Parts 86, 87, 89 et al. Mandatory Reporting of
Greenhouse Gases;

4 Emission factors may be derived using measured fuel characteristics or default values from Tables 1.1 to 1.3. Emission factor tables are available at
5 Outside of the U.S. and Canada, lower heating values (LHV) are more commonly used. Refer to TCR’s guidance on converting from LHV to HHV.
6 If carbon content data is expressed in mass of carbon per mass or volume of fuel, skip this step.

GRP v. 3.0
To account for the small fraction of carbon that may not be oxidized during combustion, multiply the carbon content
in physical units of fuel by the fraction of carbon oxidized. Organizations may use a site-specific oxidation factor,
or where site-specific data is not available, apply a default oxidation factor of 1.00 (100% oxidation). Then convert
from units of carbon to units of CO2 by applying the molecular weight ratio of CO2 to carbon (44/12) as shown in the
equation below.


Emission Factor = Heat Content × Carbon Content × Percent Oxidized ×

Combining Measured Data and Default Factors

Organizations should use measured fuel characteristics of combusted fuels to quantify emissions whenever
possible. In some cases, heat content information may be available (for example, from the fuel supplier), while
measured carbon content data is not, and vice versa. In these cases, organizations should combine the more specific
data with default emission factors from Tables 1.1 to 1.3.7

Optional: Allocating Emissions from Combined Heat and Power

Accounting for the GHG emissions from a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system that captures the waste heat
from the primary electricity generating pathway and uses it for non-electricity purposes is unique because the
system produces more than one useful product from the same amount of fuel combusted, namely, electricity and
heat or steam.8 As such, apportionment of the GHG emissions between the two different energy streams may be

Please note: While allocating the emissions generated by a CHP system between the two energy product streams is
optional, absolute emissions from CHP systems included within the reporting boundary must be reported.

The most consistent approach for allocating GHG emissions from CHP systems is the efficiency method, which
allocates emissions of CHP systems between electric and thermal outputs on the basis of the energy input used
to produce the separate steam and electricity products. To use this method, the organization must know the total
emissions from the CHP system, the total steam (or heat) and electricity production, and the steam (or heat) and
electricity production efficiency of the system.

Use the following steps to determine the share of emissions attributable to steam (or heat) and electricity
1. Determine the total direct emissions from the CHP system;
2. Determine the total steam (or heat) and electricity output for the CHP system;
3. Determine the efficiencies of steam (or heat) and electricity production; and,
4. Determine the fraction of total emissions allocated to steam (or heat) and electricity production.

7 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

8 Note that a combined cycle (or bottoming cycle) system that uses waste heat to generate electricity should be treated no differently from stationary
combustion emissions as described in the previous section.

GRP v. 3.0
1. Determine the Total Direct Emissions from the CHP System
Calculate total direct GHG emissions using the methods for quantifying direct emissions from stationary
combustion. Like the guidance for non-CHP stationary combustion, calculating total emissions from CHP systems is
based on either CEMS or fuel input data.

2. Determine the Total Steam and Electricity Output for the CHP System
To determine the total energy output of the CHP system attributable to steam production, use published tables
that provide energy content (enthalpy) values for steam at different temperature and pressure conditions.9 Energy
content values multiplied by the quantity of steam produced at the temperature and pressure of the CHP system
yield energy output values in units of MMBtu. Alternatively, determine net heat (or steam) production (in MMBtu)
by subtracting the heat of return condensate (MMBtu) from the heat of steam export (MMBtu). To convert total
electricity production from MWh to MMBtu, multiply by 3.412 MMBtu/MWh.

3. Determine the Efficiencies of Steam and Electricity Production

Identify steam (or heat) and electricity production efficiencies. If actual efficiencies of the CHP system are not
known, use a default value of 80% for steam and a default value of 35% for electricity. The use of default efficiency
values may, in some cases, violate the energy balance constraints of some CHP systems. However, total emissions
will still be allocated between the energy outputs. If the constraints are not satisfied, the efficiencies of the steam
and electricity can be modified until constraints are met.

4. Determine the Fraction of Total Emissions Allocated to Steam and Electricity

Allocate the emissions from the CHP system to the steam (or heat) and electricity product streams by using the
equation below.


eH × ET
eH + eP

STEP 2: E P = E T − EH
EH = Emissions allocated to steam production
H = Total steam (or heat) output (MMBtu)
eH = Efficiency of steam (or heat) production
P = Total electricity output (MMBtu)
eP = Efficiency of electricity generation
ET = Total direct emissions of the CHP system
EP = Emissions allocated to electricity production

9 E.g., the Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam published by the International Association for the Properties of
Water and Steam (IAPWS).

GRP v. 3.0
To calculate CO2 emissions from mobile combustion, organizations will need to determine annual fuel consumption
for each type of fuel used in the fleet and select the appropriate CO2 emission factor. Most organizations will use
the default CO2 emission factors by fuel type in Table 2.1 (U.S.) and Table 2.2 (Canada) to calculate emissions from
mobile combustion.10 More accurate CO2 emission factors can be derived by measuring the fuel characteristics of
the specific fuel consumed, or obtaining this data from the fuel supplier. Specific emission factors can be determined
from data on either the fuel density and carbon content of fuels, or heat content and carbon content per unit of
energy of fuels.

If only measured heat content data is available and measured carbon content data is missing (or vice versa),
organizations may use a combination of their own data and a default heat content or carbon content factor from
Table 2.1 (U.S.) or Table 2.2 (Canada).11

Fuel Density Method

Multiply the fuel density (mass/volume) by the carbon content per unit mass (mass C/mass fuel) to determine the
mass of carbon per unit of volume of fuel (such as kg C/gallon). To account for the small fraction of carbon that may
not be oxidized during combustion, multiply the carbon content by the fraction of carbon oxidized. If oxidation
factors specific to the combustion source are not available, use a default oxidation factor of 1.00 (100% oxidation).
To convert from units of carbon to CO2, multiply by 44/12. Refer to the equation below.


Emission 44
Factor (kg = Heat Content
Fuel (Btu/gallon)
Density × Carbon Content (kgC
(kg /gallon)×CarbonContent /kg fuel)× Percent
(kg C/kgfuel)×Percent Oxidized 44
Oxidized× (CO2 /C
× (CO2/C ) )
12 12

Heat Content Method

If the heat content and carbon content of each fuel can be obtained from the fuel supplier, multiply the heat content
per unit volume (e.g., Btu/gallon) by the carbon content per unit energy (e.g., kg C/Btu) to determine the mass
of carbon per unit volume (e.g., kg C/gallon). To account for the small fraction of carbon that may not be oxidized
during combustion, multiply the carbon content by the fraction of carbon oxidized. If oxidation factors specific to
the combustion source are not available, use a default oxidation factor of 1.00 (100% oxidation). To convert from
units of carbon to CO2, multiply by 44/12. Refer to the equation below.


Factor (kg = Heat 44
Content (Btu/gallon)
Content × Carbon
× Carbon Heat(kg
Content (kg
ContentC /kg
C /kg Percent
(Btu/gallon) Oxidized
× Carbon Content
× (CO 2 /C
(kg C ) fuel)×
CO2/gallon) 12

10 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

11 Ibid.

GRP v. 3.0
Organizations that have purchased a contractual instrument that includes the environmental attributes of a
biofuel (e.g., biogas) should consult the TCR Eligibility Criteria for Steam and Heating in the advanced method for
Calculating Indirect Emissions from Imported Steam or Heating from a Conventional Boiler Plant to evaluate if the
instrument may be claimed in the inventory.12 If eligible, the most specific market-based emission factors available
should be used to report biogenic CO2 and Scope 1 methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. If the
contractual instrument is ineligible, organizations should report using the appropriate default emission factor of the
fuel consumed.13


To calculate indirect emissions from electricity use, organizations will determine annual electricity consumption and
calculate a location-based Scope 2 total and a market-based Scope 2 total for electricity.

Determining Electricity Consumption

There are several advanced methods to determine electricity consumption depending on available information.
These methods involve the following types of information:
»» Sample data;
»» Proxy data;
»» Energy Audit data; and,
»» Operation-specific electricity use data to develop a model.

Sample Data Method

Organizations can use sample data to estimate total electricity consumption if they can demonstrate that:
»» Hours of use of the equipment have been metered or tracked; and,
»» The equipment is operating continuously (or on a schedule that they can account for) at a constant rate.
To use the sample data method to estimate electricity consumption, multiply the sample by the amount of time the
equipment was in use.

Proxy Data Method

Organizations can use existing data on equipment operations as a proxy for unavailable data at another site as long
as they can demonstrate that:
»» The equipment is identical;
»» Equipment operations where site-specific data is unavailable consume the same amount of energy as identical
equipment where site-specific data is available;
»» The equipment operates on the same schedule; and,
»» The same maintenance procedures are followed.

12 The Eligibility Criteria for Steam and Heating also apply to contractual instruments for other renewable technologies, such as solar thermal and geothermal.
13 If TCR does not provide a default emission factor for the consumed fuel, organizations may use existing international or industry best practice methods,
which are published, peer-reviewed calculation and measurement methods or emission factors. Emission factors must be gas-specific (i.e., not in units of
carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

GRP v. 3.0
Organizations may use make and model information, The GHG Emissions Quantification Methods Module,
manufacturer specifications, or testing to determine Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use section
that both pieces of equipment consume the same describes five categories of emission factors that
amount of electricity. could be applied to each unit of electricity consumed
to calculate market-based emissions. In this section,
Using Energy Audit Data to Estimate Electricity advanced methods are provided for organizations
Consumption that use supplier-specific emission factors that are
publicly disclosed and certified (from the Market-C:
As an alternative to the area method to estimate
Supplier/utility-specific emissions rate category), and
electricity use (see the GHG Emissions Quantification
for validating residual mix emission factors (from the
Methods Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity
Market-D: Residual mix category).
Use section), organizations with access to a
comprehensive energy audit can use the audit findings
Using Supplier-Specific Delivery Metrics
to apportion total building electricity use to the
organization’s space, provided electricity use has been That Are Publicly Disclosed or Certified
consistent since the date of the audit. Organizations Supplier-specific and utility-specific emission factors
may also use a combination of energy audit findings quantify indirect emissions associated with a standard
and the area method to allocate total emissions to product offer, green power program, or a customized
different operations. power product.

Developing an Operation-Specific Electricity Use Organizations may use electric delivery metrics
reported and verified in accordance with TCR’s EPS
Model to Estimate Electricity Use
Protocol,14 or other publicly certified delivery metrics
In certain circumstances, organizations may have developed by a supplier or utility. To demonstrate the
sufficient information to develop operation-specific validity of factors that are not reported and verified
electricity use models for their operations. For example, through TCR, members must upload a public document
if an organization has several retail stores where they in CRIS that identifies where the emission factor is
use a consistent lighting design and lighting makes up publicly disclosed or the utility’s certification of the
the majority of the electricity load, they may develop emission factor. The utility’s certification must describe
a member-specific electricity consumption model the methodology used to develop the emission factor
to estimate electricity use based on square footage. and, as applicable, include references to publicly
Members should contact TCR if they are interested in available data used in its development.15
developing their own operation-specific electricity use
model to estimate electricity use. Validating Residual Mix Emission Factors
Emissions estimated using these approaches will not Residual mix emission factors quantify subnational or
contribute to the Simplified Estimation Methods (SEMs) national energy production, factoring out voluntary
threshold. purchases to prevent double counting of these claims.

TCR accepts residual mix emission factors that

Selecting Emission Factors to are publicly documented and are industry expert-
Calculate Market-Based Emissions developed or have been through a regulatory or peer
review process. To validate these emission factors,
Emission factors for the market-based method reflect members must upload public documentation of
the emission rate from electricity that organizations the source data in CRIS. This should include the
have purposefully purchased, through the use of methodology used to calculate the residual mix and
contractual instruments between the organization and where the data is publicly available.
the electricity or product provider.

14 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

15 These emission factors are expected to be compiled in a manner comparable to TCR’s requirements in the EPS Protocol. Specifically, these factors must
reflect purchased power delivered to customers and treatment of RECs should be consistent with the TCR Eligibility Criteria.

GRP v. 3.0
This section provides advanced methods for quantifying indirect emissions from imported steam, heating, cooling,
and a CHP system.

Calculating Indirect Emissions from Imported Steam

or Heating from a Conventional Boiler Plant
Some facilities purchase steam or heating, for example, to provide space heating in the commercial sector or
process heating in the industrial sector. This section provides guidance on calculating emissions from imported
steam or heating that is produced with a conventional boiler.16

To estimate a facility’s GHG emissions from imported steam or heating, follow these steps:
1. Determine energy obtained from steam or heating;
2. Calculate location-based Scope 2 total for steam or heating; and,
3. Calculate market-based Scope 2 total for steam or heating.

1. Determine Energy Obtained from Steam or Heating

First, determine the quantity of acquired steam or heating. Use metered records of energy use, purchase records, or
utility/supplier energy bills to determine annual consumption. Monthly energy bills must be summed over the year
to obtain annual consumption.

Consumption data should be expressed in units of million British thermal units (MMBtu). If consumption data is
expressed in therms, convert the values to units of MMBtu by multiplying by 0.1, as shown in the equation below.


Energy Consumption
= Energy Consumption (therms) × 0.1 (MMBtu/therm)

If steam consumption is measured in pounds, either monitor the temperature and pressure of the steam received, or
request this data from the steam supplier. This information can be used with standard steam tables to calculate the
steam’s energy content.
Calculate the thermal energy of the steam using saturated water at 212°F as the reference.17 The thermal energy
consumption is calculated as the difference between the enthalpy of the steam at the delivered conditions and the
enthalpy (or heat content) of the saturated water at the reference conditions.

16 If heating is generated using electricity, refer to the advanced method on Calculating Indirect Emissions from Cooling to calculate emissions from heating.
17 Source: American Petroleum Institute, Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimation Methodologies for the Oil and Gas Industry, 2001.

GRP v. 3.0
The enthalpy of the steam can be found in standard steam tables.18 The enthalpy of saturated water at the reference
conditions is 180 Btus/lb. The thermal energy consumption for the steam can then be calculated as shown in the
equation below.


Energy Consumption [Enthalpy of Delivered Steam − 180]( Btu

lb ) × Steam consumed (lb)
(MMBtu) Btu
1, 000, 000 ( MMBtu )

2. Calculate Location-Based Scope 2 Total for Steam or Heating

Organizations must publicly report Scope 2 emissions for imported steam or heating in two ways, using both the
location-based method and the market-based method.

A. Select a Location-Based Emission Factor

Location-based Emission Factor Hierarchy
First, select the emission factors that apply to the location-
based method. For steam or heating, an emission factor 1. Location-A: Direct line emission factors (if available)
represents the amount of GHGs emitted per unit of
2. Location-B: Regional or subnational emission factors
energy consumed. It is usually reported in amount of GHG
(in metric tons or pounds) per MMBtu of heat generated.

Organizations must select an emission factor for each unit of energy consumption, as identified in step one. Two
categories of location-based emission factors are listed in order from most specific to least specific in the location-
based emission factor hierarchy. Organizations should use the most specific emission factors available.19 A
description of each category is described in the sections that follow.

Anthropogenic emissions associated with consumed energy must be reported in Scope 2. Combustion-based
indirect biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy must be reported separately outside of the scopes.20

Location-A: Direct Line Emission Factors

Direct line emission factors represent emissions from steam or heat purchased directly from a generation source,
from direct line transfers where the organization receives energy directly from a generator with no grid transfers.
Emission factors may be obtained directly by the supplier, or may be estimated based on boiler efficiency, fuel mix,
heat content, and carbon content.

Examples include:
»» Connected facilities where one facility creates heat or steam and transfers it directly to a facility owned or
operated by an organization; and,
»» Heat or steam produced by a central boiler within a multi-tenant leased building and sold to organizations that
are tenants who do not own or operate the building or equipment.21

Direct line emission factors should be in units of mass per unit of energy (e.g., metric tons of CO2 emitted per
MMBtu of heat generated). See the advanced method for Quantifying Direct CO2 Emissions with Measured Fuel
Characteristics for information on deriving CO2 emission factors.

18 E.g., Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam published by IAPWS.
19 Location-based emission factor hierarchy is adapted from WRI’s GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, Table 6.2.
20 When a standalone biogenic CO2 emission factor is not available for combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions (e.g., when relying on grid average
factors), the member must publicly disclose that indirect biogenic emissions are or may have been excluded. Members that demonstrate that no biomass
was combusted to generate consumed electricity are not subject to this requirement.
21 The GHG Emissions Quantification Methods Module, Indirect Emissions from Non-Electric Energy Use section provides methods for calculating indirect
energy use from imported steam, heating, and cooling in leased spaces.

GRP v. 3.0
Refer to the GHG Emissions Quantification Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use section and the Accounting
for Renewable Energy Guidance for more detail on direct line emission factors and for guidance on their applicability to
the location-based Scope 2 total.

If emission factors are not available from suppliers of heat or steam, organizations can estimate an emission factor
based on boiler efficiency, fuel mix, and emission factors specific to the fuel type using a source-specific efficiency
factor. Organizations should proceed to Location-B if they cannot obtain heat and carbon content from the supplier
and are not able to estimate the emission factor.

Efficiency Approach Using a Source-Specific Efficiency Factor

Because emissions vary with fuel type, organizations must know the type of fuels that are burned in the plant
supplying the steam or hot water or, for leased spaces, in the boiler supplying the natural gas. This information
can be obtained from the plant’s energy supplier. Once the fuels combusted to generate the steam or hot water
are known, determine the appropriate emission factors for each fuel combusted. The most accurate approach,
assuming a direct line, is to obtain CO2 emission factors based on measured characteristics of the fuels combusted,
including measured heat content and measured carbon content, from the supplier.

Next, determine the efficiency of the boiler used to produce the steam or hot water and any transport losses that
occur in delivering the steam, and calculate a total efficiency factor using the equation below. Boiler efficiency is
the ratio of steam output to fuel input, in units of energy, which should be obtained from the steam or heat supplier.
If transport losses or boiler efficiency vary seasonally, these factors should be calculated on a monthly or seasonal
basis and summed to yield total annual factors.


Total Efficiency Factor (percentage) = Boiler Efficiency × (100 Percent × Transport Losses)

Calculate CO2, CH4, and N2O emission factors that reflect the efficiency and fuel mix of the boiler employed to generate
the steam or hot water or, for leased spaces, in the boiler supplying the natural gas, using the equation below.


kg CO2
Fuel Specific Emission Factor ( MMBtu )
CO2 Emission Factor (kg CO2 / MMBtu) =
Total Efficiency Factor (percent)
kg CH4
Fuel Specific Emission Factor ( MMBtu )
CH4 Emission Factor (kg CH4 / MMBtu) =
Total Efficiency Factor (percent)
kg N2 O
Fuel Specific Emission Factor ( MMBtu )
N2O Emission Factor (kg N2O / MMBtu) =
Total Efficiency Factor (percent)

Efficiency approach using a default efficiency factor

If the specific system efficiency of the boiler that generated the steam or heat is unavailable, apply a default total
efficiency factor—boiler efficiency and transport losses combined—of 75% in the equation above.22

Location-B: Fuel-Specific Emission Factors

If measured heat content and measured carbon content from the supplier is not available, use the appropriate
default fuel-specific emission factors for CO2, CH4, and N2O from Tables 1.1 to 1.9.23 Refer to Location-A above and
use the equations in that section to calculate emission factors.

22 When using the CRIS calculator to report emissions from heating in leased spaces in CRIS, the default efficiency factor will automatically be applied.
23 Ibid.

GRP v. 3.0
B. Calculate Emissions from Imported Steam and Heating Using the Location-Based Method
Next, use the equation below to calculate GHG emissions from imported steam or hot water or, for leased spaces,
from the natural gas supplying the boiler, for the location-based method.


Energy Consumed Emission Factor 0.001

Total CO2 Emissions (mt) =
(MMBtu) x (kg CO2 / MMBtu) x (mt/kg)

Energy Consumed Emission Factor 0.001

Total CH4 Emissions (mt) =
(MMBtu) x (kg CH4 / MMBtu) x (mt/kg)

Energy Consumed Emission Factor 0.001

Total N2O Emissions (mt) =
(MMBtu) x (kg N2O / MMBtu) x (mt/kg)

3. Calculate Market-Based Scope 2 Total for Imported Steam or Heating

A. Select the Appropriate Emission Factors that Apply to the Market-Based Method
If only direct line transfers are used for steam or heating, the location-based and market-based Scope 2 totals will be
the same. In this case, report the location-based Scope 2 total for the market-based method.

Each unit of energy consumption must be matched with an emission factor appropriate for each facility’s market.24
Four types of contractual instruments that convey specific emissions rates for steam or heating are listed in
order from most specific to least specific in the hierarchy below and are described in the sections that follow.
Organizations should use the most specific emission factor available given the contractual instruments in their

Market Based Emission Factor Hierarchy

1. Market-A: Energy attribute certificates (or equivalent

2. Market-B: Contracts

3. Market-C: Residual mix

4. Market-D: Fuel-specific emission factors

These contractual instruments can only be used to calculate market-based Scope 2 emissions, and not Scope 1 or
Scope 3 emissions.

Anthropogenic emissions associated with consumed energy must be reported in Scope 2. Combustion-based
indirect biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy must be reported separately outside of the scopes.27

Organizations must publicly disclose the category or categories of contractual instruments used to calculate

24 Organizations centrally purchasing energy attribute certificates on behalf of all their operations in a single country or region should indicate how they
match these purchases to individual site consumption.
25 Organizations must ensure that any contractual instrument from which an emission factor is derived meets the TCR Eligibility Criteria. Where contractual
instruments do not meet these criteria, emission factors from either Market-C or Market-D must be used.
26 Market-based method emission factor hierarchy adapted from WRI’s GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, Table 6.3.
27 When a standalone biogenic CO2 emission factor is not available for combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions (e.g., when relying on grid average
factors), the member must publicly disclose that indirect biogenic emissions are or may have been excluded. Members that demonstrate that no biomass
was combusted to generate consumed electricity are not subject to this requirement.

GRP v. 3.0
emissions under the market-based method (e.g., »» PPAs or contracts for energy from specific non-
energy attribute certificates, contracts), where possible renewable sources (e.g., coal, nuclear) outside of
specifying the energy generation technologies (e.g., regions where all-generation tracking systems are in
natural gas, coal, solar, nuclear). operation.

Market-A: Energy Attribute Certificates (or Market-C: Residual Mix

Equivalent Instruments) Residual mix emission factors quantify subnational or
Energy attribute certificates convey information about national energy production, factoring out voluntary
energy generation to organizations involved in the sale, purchases to prevent double counting of these claims.28
distribution, consumption, or regulation of steam or
heating. Refer to the GHG Emissions Quantification Organizations must publicly disclose the lack of an
Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use section available residual mix emission factor if one is not
for more detail on energy attribute certificates and for available. Refer to the GHG Emissions Quantification
guidance on their applicability to the market-based Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use section
Scope 2 total. for more detail on residual mix emission factors and
for guidance on their applicability to the market-based
Examples include: Scope 2 total.
»» Heat or steam contracts that convey attributes, Market-D: Fuel-Specific Emission Factors
or certificates for non-renewable generation in
If none of the preferred market-based emission factors
regions where all-generation tracking systems are in
are available, refer to the location-based emission factor
operation; and,
categories for steam or heating. Examples of fuel-
»» Any other energy certificates that meet the TCR specific emission factors include:
Eligibility Criteria for steam or heating.
»» U.S. fuel-specific default emission factors (Tables
Market-B: Contracts 1.1, 1.9);29
Contracts include direct contracts between two parties »» Canadian fuel-specific default emission factors
for steam or heating as well as contracts from specific (Tables 1.2-1.4); and,30
sources, where energy attribute certificates do not »» International sector-specific default emission factors
exist or are not required for a usage claim and are not by fuel type (Tables 2.5-2.8, 1.10).31
transacted or claimed in any other way, either for that
resource or in that market.

Contracts are also commonly present when steam

or heat is conveyed from a specific source through a
direct line transfer. Organizations that have a direct line
transfer for a portion of their emissions from steam or
heating should refer to the location-based emission
factor categories.

Refer to the GHG Emissions Quantification Module,

Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use section for
more detail on contracts and for guidance on their
applicability to the market-based Scope 2 total.

Examples include:
»» Direct line transfers; and,

28 No annual, grid-average third-party developed residual mix emission factors were available at the time GRP v. 3.0 was published. Members may contact
TCR at [email protected] for updated information or to assess the applicability of a regional residual mix emission factor.
29 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.
30 Ibid.
31 Ibid.

GRP v. 3.0

B. Ensure Contractual Instruments Meet TCR Eligibility Criteria for Steam and Heating

TCR defines certain eligibility criteria that are designed to ensure that emission factors used
to calculate the market-based Scope 2 total for steam and heating are consistent with GHG
accounting best practices.

Members must upload a public document identifying the contractual instrument certification
program(s) or other documentation that demonstrates clear and explicit ownership and TCR eligibility in CRIS (e.g.,
self-attestation form).

TCR Eligibility Criteria for Steam and Heating32



1. Convey GHG information »» Convey the direct GHG emission rate attribute associated with produced steam or
heat, to be calculated based on its characteristics.

2. Prevent double counting »» Be the only instrument that carries the GHG emission rate attribute claim associated
with that quantity of produced steam or heat. Clear and explicit ownership must
be demonstrated by either third-party verification that includes a chain of custody
audit, or documentation of permanent retirement in an electronic tracking system
in a dedicated, named retirement subaccount for a particular TCR reporting year.
»» Be distinct from offsets. A MWh generated by a renewable energy project and
claimed as an offset cannot also be claimed as a contractual instrument.

3. Be retired »» Be tracked, redeemed, retired, or canceled by or on behalf of the reporting


4. Be of recent vintage »» Have been generated within a period of six months before the reporting year to up
to three months after the reporting year.

5. Be sourced from same »» Be sourced from the same market in which the reporting organization’s steam or
market as operations heat consuming operations are located and to which the instrument is applied.
Market boundaries are assumed to match national boundaries, except where
international grids are closely tied.


6. Convey GHG claims to the »» Ensure that all emission claims are transferred to the reporting organization only.


7. Residual mix »» Operate in markets with an adjusted, residual mix emission factor characterizing
the GHG intensity of unclaimed energy. Organizations must disclose the lack of an
available residual mix emission factor if one is not available.

32 TCR’s Eligibility Criteria for steam and heating are based on the Scope 2 Quality Criteria in the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance and have been adapted for
steam, heating, and gas transactions. They may also reflect additional requirements from international best practice.

GRP v. 3.0
C. Calculate Emissions from Imported Steam or Heating for the Market-Based Method
Refer to the location-based method for guidance on calculating emissions using total energy consumed and the
appropriate emission factors.

Calculating Indirect Emissions from Heat and

Power Produced at a CHP Facility
Combined heat and power (CHP) systems simultaneously produce electricity and heat (or steam). When two or
more parties receive the energy streams from CHP systems, indirect GHG emissions must be determined and
allocated separately for heat production and electricity production. Allocation avoids double counting of the same
GHG emissions in each product stream.

Since the output from CHP results simultaneously in heat and electricity, organizations can determine what “share”
of the total emissions is a result of electricity and heat by using a ratio based on the energy content of heat and/or
electricity relative to the CHP system’s total output.

The process for estimating indirect emissions from heat and power produced by a CHP system involves the
following three steps:
1. Obtain total emissions and power and heat generation information from CHP system;
2. Determine emissions attributable to net heat production and electricity production; and,
3. Calculate emissions attributable to the portion of heat and electricity consumed according to the location-and
market-based methods.

1. Obtain Emissions and Power and Heat Information from the CHP System
Organizations will need to obtain the following information from the CHP system owner or operator to estimate
indirect GHG emissions:
»» Total emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O from the CHP system, based on fuel input information;
»» Total electricity production from the CHP system, based on generation meter readings; and,
»» Net heat production from the CHP system.

Net heat production refers to the useful heat that is produced in the CHP system, minus whatever heat returns to the
boiler as steam condensate, as shown in the equation below. (Alternatively, refer to Step 2 of the advanced method
for Allocating Emissions from Combined Heat and Power for guidance on determining net heat production from
steam temperature and pressure data.)


Net Heat Production

= Heat of Steam Export (MMBtu) – Heat of Return Condensate (MMBtu)

2. Determine Emissions Attributable to Net Heat Production and Electricity Production

Refer to the GHG Emissions Quantification Module, Direct Emissions from Stationary Combustion section and the
advanced method for Quantifying Direct CO2 Emissions with Site-specific Data.

Refer to the advanced method for Allocating Emissions from Combined Heat and Power to calculate emissions
attributable to net heat and electricity production.

GRP v. 3.0
3. Calculate Emissions Attributable to the Portion of Heat and Electricity Consumed
According to the Location-Based and Market-Based Methods
Once the total emissions attributable to heat (or steam) and electricity production have been determined,
organizations will need to determine the portion of heat or electricity they have consumed, and thus their indirect
GHG emissions associated with heat or electricity use. Indirect emissions associated with this heat or electricity use
must be reported according to both the location-based and market-based methods (refer to the GHG Emissions
Quantification Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use section).

This section assumes there is a direct line transfer between the generator and the user. When this is the case,
methods in the GHG Emissions Quantification Module, Direct Emissions from Stationary Combustion section or
the advanced methods for Quantifying Direct CO2 Emissions with Site-specific Data section in this module will be
sufficient for calculating indirect emissions associated with the generation according to both the location-based and
market-based methods. In the case of grid-connected CHP, refer to the location-based and market-based emission
factor categories for electricity in the GHG Emissions Quantification Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use

First, obtain electricity and heat (or steam) consumption information, and then use the equations below to calculate
the share of emissions according to both the location-based and market-based methods, as appropriate.


Indirect Emissions
Attributable Total CHP Emissions Attributable to Electricity Production (mt) × Your Electricity Consumption (kWh)
to Electricity Total CHP Electricity Production (kWh)
Consumption (mt)


Indirect Emissions
Attributable to Total CHP Emissions Attributable to Heat Production (mt) × Your Heat Consumption (MMBtu)
Heat Consumption CHP Net Heat Production (MMBtu)

If contractual instruments are purchased and eligible to be claimed, these may only be applied to the portion of the
facility’s emissions that are consumed by the organization.

Calculating Indirect Emissions from Cooling

Some facilities purchase cooling, such as chilled water, for either cooling or refrigeration when they do not operate
cooling compressors on-site. Conceptually, purchased chilled water is similar to purchased heat or steam, with
the primary difference being the process used to generate the chilled water. When organizations purchase cooling
services using cooling, the compressor system that produces the cooling is driven by either electricity, fossil fuel
combustion, or biofuel combustion.

Organizations reporting emissions from purchased cooling must report Scope 2 emissions in two ways, using both
the location-based and market-based methods.

Anthropogenic emissions associated with consumed energy must be reported in Scope 2. Combustion-based
indirect biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy must be reported separately outside of the scopes.33

33 When a standalone biogenic CO2 emission factor is not available for combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions (e.g., when relying on grid average
factors), the member must publicly disclose that indirect biogenic emissions are or may have been excluded. Members that demonstrate that no biomass
was combusted to generate consumed electricity are not subject to this requirement.

GRP v. 3.0
Organizations must first determine the total cooling use by summing the total cooling from monthly cooling bills.
Then, use either the detailed approach or simplified approach to estimate GHG emissions from cooling based on the
data that is available.

Detailed Approach to Calculate Indirect Emissions from Cooling

The detailed approach allows organizations to determine the total cooling-related emissions from the cooling plant
and the facility’s fraction of total cooling demand.

Cooling plants take a variety of forms and may produce electricity, hot water, or steam for sale in addition to cooling.

The process for calculating combustion emissions from cooling plants is described in the GHG Emissions
Quantification Module, Direct Emissions from Stationary Combustion section and the advanced methods for
Quantifying Direct CO2 Emissions with Site-specific Data in this module. Organizations will need to obtain
the emission values from the cooling plant, or calculate the emissions based on the fuel consumption or any
contractual instruments using emission factors from the location-based and market-based emission factor
categories (refer to the GHG Emissions Quantification Methods Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use
section. If only direct line transfers are used for cooling and any certificates are retained, the location-based and
market-based Scope 2 totals will be the same.

In the simplest case, all of the fuel consumed by the plant is used to provide cooling. In that case, organizations will
be able to determine Scope 2 cooling emissions based on total direct emissions from cooling plant fuel combustion
(metric tons).

Simplified Approach to Calculating Indirect Emissions from Cooling

The simplified approach uses an estimated value for the ratio of cooling demand to energy input for the cooling
plant, known as the “coefficient of performance” (COP).34 This approach allows organizations to estimate the
portion of energy used at the cooling plant directly attributable to the organization’s cooling. This involves the
following steps:
1. Determine annual cooling demand;
2. Estimate COP for the plant’s cooling system;
3. Determine energy input; and,
4. Calculate GHG emissions resulting from cooling.

1. Determine Annual Cooling Demand

Cooling demand is typically reported in ton-hours. Convert ton-hours of cooling demand to MMBtu using the
equation below. If billed monthly, sum together monthly cooling demand to yield an annual total.


Cooling Demand (ton − hour ) × 12, 000 ( ton−hour )
Cooling Demand (MMBtu) =
1, 000, 000 ( MMBtu
Btu )

34 Note that this approach is not considered a Simplified Estimation Method (SEM).

GRP v. 3.0
2. Determine COP for the Plant’s Cooling System Table 1. Typical Chiller Coefficients of Performance
The most accurate approach is to obtain the source- CHILLER TYPE COP ENERGY SOURCE
specific COP for the cooling plant. Organizations that
can obtain the COP for the cooling plant should proceed Absorption Chiller 0.8 Natural Gas
to Step 3. If organizations cannot obtain the COP for
Engine-Driven 1.2 Natural Gas
the plant itself, determine the type of chiller used by the Compressor
cooling plant. With that information, a rough estimate of
the COP may be selected from the default values shown Source: California Climate Action Registry General Reporting Protocol
Version 3.1, January 2009.
in Table 1.

3. Determine Energy Input

To determine the energy input to the system resulting from cooling demand, use the equation below.


Energy Input Cooling Demand (MMBtu)


4. Calculate GHG Emissions Resulting from Cooling

To calculate the location-based and market-based Scope 2 totals for indirect emissions using the simplified
approaches, refer to GHG Emissions Quantification Module, Indirect Emissions from Electricity Use section.


In this case, calculate the compressor’s emissions using the stationary combustion methods outlined in
the GHG Emissions Quantification Module, Direct Emissions from Stationary Combustion section and the
advanced methods for Quantifying Direct CO2 Emissions with Site-specific Data. If the type of fuel used
is known, multiply the energy input by source-specific or default emission factors for CO2, CH4, and N2O
from Tables 1.1 to 1.9.35 If the fuel type cannot be determined, assume the fuel used is natural gas. Use the
equation below to calculate emissions.


Total CO2 Emissions Energy Input Emission Factor 0.001

(MMBtu) x (kg CO2 / MMBtu) x (mt/kg)

Total CH4 Emissions Energy Input Emission Factor 0.001

(MMBtu) x (kg CH4 / MMBtu) x (mt/kg)

Total N2O Emissions Energy Input Emission Factor 0.001

(MMBtu) x (kg N2O / MMBtu) x (mt/kg)

35 Emission factor tables are available at www.theclimateregistry.org.

GRP v. 3.0
The advanced mass balance method is the most accurate method for determining HFC and PFC emissions. To
calculate HFC and PFC emissions using this method, organizations will need to determine the amount of refrigerant
in storage at the beginning of the year, and account for any changes based on refrigerant purchases and sales and
changes in total equipment capacity. Table 2 is a template that lists various aspects of changes to the base year

Table 2. Base Inventory and Inventory Changes


Base Inventory

A Refrigerant in inventory (storage) at the beginning of the year

B Refrigerant in inventory (storage) at the end of the year

Additions to Inventory

1 Purchases of refrigerant (including refrigerant in new equipment)

2 Refrigerant returned to the site after off-site recycling

C Total Additions (1+2)

Subtractions from Inventory

3 Returns to supplier

4 HFCs taken from storage and/or equipment and disposed of

5 HFCs taken from storage and/or equipment and sent off-site for recycling or

D Total Subtractions (3+4+5)

Net Increase in Full Charge/Nameplate Capacity

6 Total full charge of new equipment

7 Total full charge of retiring equipment

E Change to nameplate capacity (6-7)

GRP v. 3.0
1. Determine the Base Inventory for Each HFC It also accounts for the fact that if the amount of
and PFC refrigerant recovered from retiring equipment is less
than the full charge, then the difference between
For each facility, first determine the quantity of the the full charge and the recovered amount has been
refrigerant in storage at the beginning of the year emitted. Note that this quantity will be negative if the
(A) and the quantity in storage at the end of the year retiring equipment has a total full charge larger than
(B), as shown in Table 2. Refrigerant in storage (or in the total full charge of the new equipment.
inventory) is the total stored on site in cylinders or other
storage containers and does not include refrigerants If the beginning and ending total capacity values are
contained within equipment. not known, this factor can be calculated based on
known changes in equipment. The total full charge of
2. Calculate Any Changes to the Base Inventory new equipment (including equipment retrofitted to
Next, include any purchases or acquisitions of each use the refrigerant in question) minus the full charge of
refrigerant, sales, or disbursements of each refrigerant, equipment that is retired or sold (including full charge
and any changes in capacity of refrigeration equipment. of refrigerant in question from equipment that is retrofit
Additions and subtractions refer to refrigerants placed to use a different refrigerant) also provides the change
in or removed from the stored inventory, respectively. in total capacity.

Purchases/Acquisitions of Refrigerant. This is the 3. Calculate Annual Emissions of Each HFC and
sum of all the refrigerants acquired during the year PFC Gas
either in storage containers or in equipment (item C in
For each refrigerant or refrigerant blend, use the
Table 2). Purchases and other acquisitions may include
equation below and data from Table 2 to calculate total
annual emissions of each HFC and PFC gas at each
»» Purchased from producers or distributors; facility.
»» Provided by manufactures or inside equipment;
»» Added to equipment by contractors or other service CALCULATING EMISSIONS OF EACH OF HFC OR
personnel (but not if that refrigerant is from the METHOD
organization’s inventory); and,
»» Returned after off-site recycling or reclamation. Total Annual
Emissions [A − B + C − D − E ] (kg )
Sales/Disbursements of Refrigerant. This is the =
(mt of HFC 1, 000 kg
sum of all the refrigerants sold or otherwise disbursed mt
or PFC)
during the year either in storage containers or in
equipment (item D in Table 2). Sales and disbursements
may include refrigerant:
»» In containers or left in equipment that is sold;
»» Returned to suppliers; and,
»» Sent off-site for recycling, reclamation, or

Net Increase in Total Full Charge of Equipment.

This is the net change to the total equipment volume
for a given refrigerant during the year (item E in Table
2). Note that the net increase in total full charge of
equipment refers to the full and proper charge of the
equipment rather than to the actual charge, which
may reflect leakage. It accounts for the fact that if new
equipment is purchased, the refrigerant that is used to
charge that new equipment should not be counted as
an emission.

GRP v. 3.0

This module describes additional information that

members must include with their emissions to
complete their greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory. REQUIREMENTS
Members may also report optional information to
better illustrate their emissions management strategy, GHG emissions data is the primary information that
goals and achievements. Optional information can members report to the Carbon Footprint Registry.
include purchased offsets, a net inventory, performance However, TCR also requires members to publicly
metrics, or other supplemental information. disclose the following additional information:
Members interested in publicly disclosing their »» Information about the entity (address, key contacts,
inventory must have their inventories third-party etc.);
verified. Members can choose which optional »» Any member-defined criteria for defining relevant
information to disclose to stakeholders and which they indirect emissions, if different from TCR’s criteria for
would like to keep private to use for internal purposes, relevance;1,2
and can choose to report with different levels of »» A description of the reporting boundary, including
granularity in The Climate Registry Reporting System any excluded emissions and explanation of the
(CRIS). reason for their exclusion;3

1 For the purposes of reporting to TCR, all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions as well as combustion-based biogenic direct emissions and combustion-based
biogenic indirect CO2 emissions associated with energy consumption are relevant. The following emission sources are not relevant: approved miniscule
sources, biogenic emissions other than those associated with the combustion of biomass, and emission sources identified as optional in the protocols.
2 Members seeking to conform to ISO 14064-1:2018 should refer to TCR’s guidance on the meeting additional requirements of the ISO standard, since ISO
14064-1: 2018 criteria for relevant emissions includes significant Scope 3 emissions.
3 Members are not required to include a description of the reporting boundary and/or an explanation of why TCR-approved miniscule sources are excluded
for inventories that include all relevant emissions.

GRP v. 3.0
Reporting an Inventory
»» If combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions the primary inventory totals. If offsets are applied to
associated with energy consumption are included Scope 2 emissions, the same offsets must be applied to
in the reporting boundary but are not reported, a both the location-based emissions SEMand market-based
statement that a standalone biogenic CO2 emission emissions totals.
factor is not available;
Offset credits applied to an adjusted inventory must
»» The reporting year (e.g., calendar year or fiscal year); meet TCR’s offset requirements, below:
»» The set of Global Warming Potential (GWPs) »» Real: GHG reductions must represent

applied;4 actual emission reductions quantified
»» The consolidation approach(es) employed (e.g., using comprehensive accounting
operational control, financial control, equity share); methods.
»» Industry type based on North American Industry »» Additional: GHG reductions or
Classification System (NAIC) Code; removals must be surplus to regulation and beyond
»» If the member is reporting as a subsidiary and the what would have happened in the absence of the
parent company is also reporting, the identity of the incentive provided by the offset credit.7
parent company as it appears in CRIS; and, »» Permanent: GHG reductions must be permanent
»» Explanation of any change to or recalculation of a or have guarantees to ensure that any losses are
base-year or previous GHG inventory.5 replaced in the future.
»» Transparent: Offset projects must be publicly and
transparently registered to clearly document offset
OPTIONAL REPORTING generation, transfers and ownership.
TCR encourages members to exceed reporting »» Verified: GHG reductions must result from projects
requirements by providing optional data in addition whose performance has been appropriately
to the required data in the Additional Reporting validated and verified to a standard that ensures
Requirements section. Reporting optional data reproducible results by an independent third-
enhances the value of the inventory to stakeholders party that is subject to a viable and trustworthy
and the transparency of the emission report and the accreditation system.
member’s environmental leadership. »» Owned Unambiguously: No parties other than the
project developer, must be able to reasonably claim
Offsets ownership of the GHG reductions represented by
the offset credits.
Offsets represent the reduction, removal, or avoidance
of GHG emissions from a specific project that is used to Offset credits that are applied to a net inventory total or
compensate for (i.e., offset) GHG emissions occurring disclosed as additional information can only be used once
elsewhere, for example, to meet a voluntary GHG and must be retired prior to the date they are reported to
target. A carbon offset represents one ton of carbon TCR. Members that wish to apply offset credits to a net
dioxide equivalent. Some regulatory and voluntary inventory total or disclose offsets as additional information
programs generate carbon credits from certified carbon must also disclose the offset program or GHG scheme
offsets projects, which can then be tracked, traded under which the offsets were generated.
and retired for compliance or voluntary purposes.
TCR recognizes offset credits that have been issued or
The purchase and retirement of offset credits may be
recognized by the following offset programs:
disclosed as additional information items.6 Offsets
may be applied to Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 or »» State, province, territorial, or federal regulatory
biogenic emissions in a net inventory, separately from agencies in North America;

4 Members seeking to conform to ISO 14064-1:2018 must provide justification for the GWP selected if the latest IPCC GWP is not used.
5 Members seeking to conform to ISO 14064-1:2018 must also document any limitations to comparability resulting from a recalculation of a base year or
previous GHG inventory.
6 Members seeking to report in accordance with ISO 14064-1 should refer to TCR’s guidance on the treatment of offsets in ISO 14064-1:2018.
7 Offsets quantified using a project vs. performance standard methodology may establish slightly different requirements for demonstrating additionally.

GRP v. 3.0
Reporting an Inventory
»» American Carbon Registry; Electric Power Generation and Deliveries
»» Clean Development Mechanism; Metrics
»» Climate Action Reserve; The Electric Power Sector (EPS) Protocol contains
»» The Gold Standard; requirements for developing both electricity generation
and delivery metrics, which provide helpful information
»» Joint Implementation; for other members working to better quantify market-
»» Verified Carbon Standard; and, based Scope 2 emissions. Load serving entities (e.g.,
»» Other programs meeting equivalent standards upon electric power utilities) publicly reporting to TCR are
TCR staff evaluation.8 required to quantify and report generation metrics and
may opt to develop delivery metrics. Published delivery
Members purchasing carbon offsets in the retail market metrics are available at www.theclimateregistry.org,
can gain assurance about the validity of their purchases and published generation metrics are available in the
by seeking out retail offset certification. One such Public Reports section of https://www.cris4.org within
certification program is Green-e. supporting documents.

Performance Metrics Transit Agency Performance Metrics

TCR has developed a set of performance metrics that
Performance metrics provide information about an provide transit agencies with a reliable, transparent,
organization’s direct and indirect emissions relative to a and clear communication tool that can be used to
unit of business activity, input, or output. Members may explain carbon efficiency to policymakers, the public
use performance metrics to serve a range of objectives, and other stakeholders. Reporting of these metrics are
including: optional. For more information on the transit agency
»» Evaluating emissions over time in relation to targets performance metrics, visit www.theclimateregistry.org.
or industry benchmarks;
»» Facilitating comparisons between similar
Water and Wastewater Agency
organizations, process or products; and, Performance Metrics
»» Improving public understanding of the emissions TCR has developed two sets of reporting guidance
profile over time, even as an organization’s activity for members of the water sector in California. The
changes. Water-Energy Nexus Registry (WEN Registry) Protocol
includes standards and guidance for WEN Registry
Many organizations track environmental performance participants to report their entity-wide carbon footprint
with GHG intensity metrics, which measure GHG and water-related performance metrics. Water-Energy
emissions per economic unit or unit of physical activity. GHG (WEG) Metrics: Performance Metrics for Water
Managers in Southern California provides additional
TCR currently has standards for several performance guidance to water managers with operations in
metrics specific to different sectors. These metrics can Southern California. These documents define system
sometimes be used as inputs to the GHG inventories average and product-specific metrics that measure the
of other organizations in the supply chain, including GHG intensity of water-related operations or deliveries.
customers or suppliers. For example, an electric utility Product-specific metrics may be used to communicate
customer may use a power delivery metric from their the emissions associated with water-related products
utility (e.g., emissions per megawatt hour of electricity purchased by distinct customer groups, while the
product sold) as the emission factor to calculate and system average reflects the total emissions related
report market-based Scope 2 emissions. to water management across the system. Members
may elect to report some or all of the water-related
performance metrics alongside their GHG inventory.

8 Contact TCR at [email protected] to request evaluation of additional offset programs.

GRP v. 3.0
Reporting an Inventory
Optional Data multipliers or pairing undertaken for regulatory
or voluntary purposes);
Members may include supplemental data or
»» Scope 2 method used to calculate Scope
information with the emissions report. Among a wide
3 emissions from fuel- and energy-related
array of optional data, TCR encourages members to
emissions not included in Scopes 1 and 2 (if this is
consider including the following:
reported); and,
»» Unit-level emissions (for stationary combustion »» Role of member’s procurement practices in
units); driving new projects.
»» Emissions based on more than one of the
consolidation approaches described in the Inventory »» Scope 3 emissions and description of relevant Scope
Boundaries Module (i.e., report emissions on both 3 calculation methods;
an equity share and operational control basis, or »» Information on any GHG management or reduction
both an equity share and financial control basis); programs or strategies, such as purchases of offsets
»» Scope 2 disclosure; (including information on whether they are verified
or certified); and,
»» Key features of contractual instruments, such as
instrument certification labels, characteristics of »» Descriptions of unique environmental practices.
energy generation facilities, GHG type reported
that does not have a specific emission rate under
a contractual instrument (e.g., CH4 or N2O), and THIRD-PARTY VERIFICATION
policy context;
Third-party verification is defined as an independent
»» Total annual energy consumption reported
expert assessment of the accuracy and conformity
separately from the scopes (e.g., in kWh, BTU),
of an emissions inventory based on the reporting
including any energy consumed from owned/
requirements contained in the GRP, and the verification
operated energy producing facilities;
requirements described in TCR’s General Verification
»» Percentage of overall electricity consumption Protocol.
reported in the market-based method that
reflects markets without contractual information Third-party verification provides confidence to
available; users that the emission report represents a faithful,
»» Scope 2 totals for each method disaggregated by true, and fair account of emissions—free of material
country; misstatements and conforming to the accounting
and reporting rules in the documents listed above.
»» Estimation of avoided emissions from contractual Verification ensures that all data published by
instrument purchases, reported separately from The Climate Registry is accurate, consistent and
the scopes; transparent.
»» Advanced grid studies or real-time information if
it is available, reported separately from the Scope Verification is optional for members, but is required for
2 totals as a comparison to the location-based publication of emissions inventories in CRIS.
Members can refer to TCR’s guidance for more
»» Contractual instrument purchases that do not information on the member’s role in the verification
meet TCR Eligibility Criteria, including details on process.
which criteria were not met and why;
»» Relationship to emission trading programs
(e.g., cap-and-trade or emission rate trading), if REPORTING DATA IN CRIS
applicable, and Scope 2 totals calculated by other
regulatory methods; CRIS is TCR’s proprietary online platform for members
»» Additional certificate or other instrument to calculate, report, verify, and disclose GHG emissions.
retirements performed in conjunction with CRIS provides multiple options to calculate and report
a member’s voluntary claim (e.g., certificate GHG emissions on an annual basis, and produces

GRP v. 3.0
Reporting an Inventory
user-friendly reports for both TCR members and the raw activity data in the emissions calculator, or a
public. Since organizations have different approaches combination of each. The sections that follow describe
for collecting and tracking GHG emissions data, CRIS the different approaches that organizations can take
provides a number of data entry options to allow when reporting emissions in CRIS.
organizations to easily report GHG data in a way that
aligns with their own internal processes. Entity-Level Reporting
Members that decide to report emissions at the entity
Getting Started in CRIS level submit either raw activity data or pre-calculated
data for one or more facilities in CRIS. If the inventory is
User Accounts reported according to both a control and entity share
TCR members are able to create two different types of consolidation methodology, the member must report
user accounts with distinct permissions, an Entity Editor additional facilities to accurately reflect the equity
or an Entity Administrator account. More information share. Public reports contain only aggregated entity-
on the features and permission levels for each user type level data.
can be found in the CRIS User Guide available in CRIS.
Facility-Level Reporting
Inventory Details Members also have the option to report pre-calculated
Each year, members will update information about their data at the individual facility level, or by aggregating
organization and the annual emission inventory being like facilities. This provides more transparency to public
reported. These updates include selection of the Global stakeholders than entity-level reporting. Public reports
Warming Potentials (GWPs) used to calculate carbon will display the emissions totals of each emission source
dioxide equivalents, the public base year or period used category for each facility.9
for tracking emissions over time, addresses and contact
information, and the TCR-recognized verification body Source-Level Reporting
that will review the inventory. Members may choose from the following options to
report GHG emissions at the source-level:
Global Warming Potential »» Use the CRIS emissions calculator to perform GHG
Members may choose which IPCC Assessment Report emissions calculations. This involves inputting
and associated GWP set will be applied to each activity data (e.g., kWh of electricity consumed
inventory reported in CRIS. The default GWP standard or gallons of fuel combusted) and selecting the
at the time of publication is “AR5,” the IPCC’s Fifth appropriate default emission factor supplied by
Assessment Report. The GWP standard will have a the CRIS calculator to calculate emissions. TCR
direct impact on the calculations that are completed compiles default emission factors from publicly
in CRIS and members may update the standard at any available sources and updates the factors in CRIS
time. annually. Emission factors can also be customized in
the emissions calculator if a more specific factor is
Data Entry available.
»» Perform emissions calculations offline and submit
Members can report data at three different levels
pre-calculated data at the source level.
of granularity in CRIS: entity level, facility level and
source level. Entity-level reporting refers to total »» Submit emissions from sources monitored with
organization-wide emissions. Facility-level emissions CEMS, PART 70 CEMS, and PART 60 CEMS as pre-
are total emissions for a given facility. Members may calculated data.
report emissions for individual sources within a facility
Public reports will only display the emissions totals
(e.g., electricity and natural gas for offices or gasoline
by emission source category for each facility, not raw
and diesel for vehicles) at the source level. Members
activity data.
have the option to report pre-calculated data or enter

9 Emission source categories include stationary combustion; mobile combustion; process emissions; fugitive emissions; indirect emissions from consumed
energy; combustion-based direct biogenic emissions and combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy.

GRP v. 3.0
Reporting an Inventory
Forms and Documents factors, and the inclusion or exclusion of indirect
biogenic emissions in an inventory. The form also
CRIS contains built-in forms designed to disclose allows members to disclose either the market-based
supplemental information and provide more context or location-based Scope 2 total for an inventory if they
about an inventory. Depending upon a member’s have chosen exclude either category of emissions from
inventory, certain forms will be required and made the public emissions report. Once the inventory has
public after verification. Members can submit optional been verified, this form will be publicly available.
forms for internal tracking purposes, which will remain
private. Supporting Documents
Members may upload additional required and optional
Self-Defined Boundary Form documentation to CRIS, such as sector-specific reports
Members that choose to define their own reporting (e.g., EPS report, LGO standard inventory report,
boundary (i.e., define a reporting boundary that does transit agency metrics), spreadsheets of calculations
not meet TCR’s criteria for relevance10) must document performed offline, energy attribute certificates or
the activities included in their inventory by completing contracts for contractual instruments (e.g., power
the Self-Defined Boundary Form. Members can disclose purchase agreements), and inventory management
the selected geographic boundary of the inventory, the plans. Documents should be marked as public if they
GHGs included, and which activity types are included provide supporting information for the public emissions
or excluded from the inventory. Once the inventory has inventory, or marked as private if they are for internal
been verified, this form will be made publicly available. tracking and verification body review only.

Exclude Miniscule Sources Form

Submitting an Inventory
TCR has designated a list of small sources of emissions
that represent a high reporting burden for particular Once a member has finished reporting an inventory,
sectors. Members may exclude miniscule emission they may submit it to a verification body to complete
sources relevant to their sector by disclosing that the verification and make the emissions report public. The
sources exist, but are not quantified and reported, using following tools are available to assist members prior to
the Exclude Miniscule Sources Form. Once the inventory submitting inventories for verification.
has been verified, this form will be publicly available.
Inventory Submission Checklist
Apply Purchased Offsets Form The Inventory Submission Checklist is a tool that
Members may apply purchased carbon offset credits to members can use to check that they have completed
Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 and biogenic emissions in an all of the required steps in the reporting process and
adjusted inventory by using the Apply Purchased Offsets uploaded all necessary supporting documentation.
Form. When reported, offsets will appear as a line item Completing the checklist is optional, and is only
in the member’s entity emissions summary grids (mt intended to assist members in preparing their
CO2e) on both public and private reports. Adjusted submission. Verification bodies can review this list, but
emissions totals for each scope are displayed separately will not make any assessments about the accuracy of
from the primary emissions totals. an inventory based on the member’s responses on the
Indirect Emissions Disclosure Form
The Indirect Emissions Disclosure Form is required for
Activity History Log
members undergoing verification and communicates The Activity History Log contains information on each
additional information about the contractual step of the inventory submission process, including
instruments associated with specific facilities and who changed the workflow and when, and the date that
sources, the availability of residual mix emission the inventory reporting process initially began.

10 For the purposes of reporting to TCR, all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions as well as combustion-based direct biogenic emissions and combustion-based
indirect biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy are relevant. The following emission sources are not relevant for reporting to TCR: approved
miniscule sources, biogenic emissions other than those associated with the combustion of biomass, and emission sources identified as optional in the

GRP v. 3.0
Reporting an Inventory
Quality Assurance Check Generating Reports
As a part of the inventory submission process, CRIS CRIS allows both members and the general public to
runs a number of checks on an inventory to identify any generate reports on emissions data. Members can view
potential issues with the reported data. CRIS checks their own reported emissions data in CRIS at any time
whether or not a member has: by running private reports. Any member of the public
»» reported emissions for each of the active sources with a CRIS login can access reports that have been
and facilities; verified and published.
»» included all of the sources from the previous Please view the CRIS Terms of Use for more information
reporting year in the current inventory; on the storage of reported data in CRIS (public and
»» added any new facilities; private). The Terms of Use can be viewed by selecting
»» reported CH₄ and N₂O for all of the combustion “Register for a new account” on the CRIS home page.
Public Reports
»» exceeded the 10% limit for estimating emissions
After an emissions inventory is successfully verified by
using simplified estimation methods (SEMs); and/or,
a third-party verification body, it is published in CRIS.
»» selected a verification body. Verified reports are available to the general public
and display emissions totals at either the entity- or
There are two types of notifications that the Quality
facility-level. CRIS users can customize the information
Assurance Check may generate: warnings and errors.
included in public reports by selecting a specific Region
Warnings are non-critical messages notifying a member
(Global or North America Only), Level of Detail (Detail or
that there may be potential issues with the inventory.
Summary), and the Organizational Boundary (Control,
Members are advised to address the warnings before
Equity Share and Control, or Equity Share Only).
submitting an inventory, but they will not prevent
members from moving to the verification process.
Private Reports
Errors are critical issues that must be addressed before
members can submit an inventory to the verification Members have the ability to generate reports
body. containing more information about an inventory
than the public reports. The Detail Report—Control
(Private) and the Data Extract Report are the most
Verification comprehensive reports available. Members can
Once a member has selected a verification body customize the information included in reports by
and submitted an inventory, the verification body is selecting a specific Region (Global or North America
automatically notified of the submission. Verification Only), Level of Detail (Detail or Summary), and the
bodies have access to all reported data, supporting Organizational Boundary (Control, Equity Share and
documentation and forms, and are able to submit Control, or Equity Share Only).
requests for members to make corrections directly in
CRIS. Detail Report—Control (Private)
The Private Detail Report provides a summary of
entity-level emissions totals, as well as emissions at the
facility- and source-levels if that level of data granularity
is reported in CRIS. It is best to download this report
from CRIS as a PDF file.

Data Extract
A Data Extract provides a line-by-line spreadsheet of
all of the data a member has entered into CRIS, which
can then be filtered and sorted using Excel. It is best to
download this report from CRIS as an Excel file.

GRP v. 3.0
Reporting an Inventory
AR5 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report

Btu British thermal unit(s)

C Carbon

CARB California Air Resources Board

CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring System

CFC Chlorofluorocarbon

CHP Combined heat and power

CH4 Methane

COP Coefficient of performance

CO2 Carbon dioxide

CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent

CRIS Climate Registry Information System

eGRID Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database

EPS Electric Power Sector

EU ETS European Union Emission Trading Scheme

FE Fuel economy

GCV Gross caloric value

GHG Greenhouse gas

GPP Green Power Product

GRP General Reporting Protocol

GVP General Verification Protocol

GWP Global warming potential

HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbon

HFC Hydrofluorocarbon

HHV Higher heating value

HSE Health, safety, and environmental

HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

IAPWS International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam

ICLEI International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IEA International Energy Agency

ISO International Organization for Standardization

kg Kilogram(s)

kWh Kilowatt-hour(s)

lb Pound

LGO Local Government Operations

LHV Lower heating value

LPG Liquefied petroleum gas

LTO Landing and takeoff

MMBtu One million British thermal units

mpg Miles per gallon

MRV Measurement, reporting and verification

MSW Municipal solid waste

mt Metric ton

MWh Megawatt-hour(s)

NAIC North American Industry Classification System

NCV Net calorific value

NEPOOL GIS New England Power Pool Generation Information System

NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation

NF3 Nitrogen trifluoride

N2O Nitrous oxide

NYGATS New York Generation Attribute Tracking System

PFC Perfluorocarbon

PPA Power purchase agreement

PJM GATS Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland Generation Attribute Tracking System

RECs Renewable energy certificates

RY Reporting year

scf Standard cubic foot

SEM Simplified Estimation Method

SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride

T&D Transmission & distribution

TCR The Climate Registry

U.S. United States

U.S. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

VB Verification Body

WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development

WEG Water-Energy Greenhouse Gas

WEN Water-Energy Nexus

WRI World Resources Institute

Activity Data Measure of a level of activity that results in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (e.g.,
gallons of fuel or kWh of electricity consumed).

Anthropogenic GHGs emitted into the atmosphere as a direct result of human activities (i.e., the
Emissions burning of fossil fuels).

Base Year (or base A benchmark against which an organization’s current or future emissions are
period) compared. A base period is referred to as a base year for simplicity.

Base Year Emissions GHG emissions in the base year.

Biofuel Fuel made from biomass, including wood and wood waste, sulphite lyes (black
liquor), vegetal waste (straw, hay, grass, leaves, roots, bark, crops), animal materials/
waste (fish and food meal, manure, sewage sludge, fat, oil and tallow), turpentine,
charcoal, landfill gas, sludge gas, and other biogas, bioethanol, biomethanol,
bioETBE, bioMTBE, biodiesel, biodimethylether, fischer tropsch, bio oil, and all other
liquid biofuels which are added to, blended with, or used straight as transportation
diesel fuel. Biomass also includes the plant or animal fraction of flotsam from water
body management, mixed residues from food and beverage production, composites
containing wood, textile wastes, paper, cardboard and pasteboard, municipal and
industrial waste, and processed municipal and industrial wastes.

Biogenic Emissions Carbon dioxide (CO2) generated during the combustion or decomposition of
biologically-based material.

Biomass Non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants,

animals, and micro-organisms, including products, byproducts, residues and waste
from agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non-fossilized and
biodegradable organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes, including gases
and liquids recovered from the decomposition of non-fossilized and biodegradable
organic material.

Calculation-Based Emission quantification methods that involve the calculation of emissions based on
emission factors and activity data such as input material flow, fuel consumption, or
product output.

Capital Lease A lease which transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the
lessee and is accounted for as an asset on the balance sheet of the lessee. Also known
as a finance lease or financial lease. Leases other than capital or finance leases are
operating leases. Consult an accountant for further detail as definitions of lease types
differ between various accepted financial standards.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2e) The universal unit for comparing emissions of different GHGs expressed in
Equivalent terms of the global warming potential (GWP) of one unit of carbon dioxide.

Combined Heat and An energy conversion process in which more than one useful product (e.g., electricity
Power and heat or steam) is generated from the same energy input stream.
Consumed Energy Purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heating, or cooling.

Continuous Monitors installed in energy and industrial operations to continuously collect, record
Emission Monitoring and report emissions data.
System (CEMS)

Contractual Any type of contract between two parties for the sale and purchase of energy bundled
Instrument with energy generation attributes, or for unbundled attribute claims. Contractual
instruments applied to an inventory must meet the TCR Eligibility Criteria.

Control Approach An emissions accounting approach for defining organizational boundaries in which
an organization reports the GHG emissions from operations under its financial or
operational control.

Direct Emissions Emissions from sources within the reporting organization’s organizational boundaries
that are owned or controlled by the reporting organization, including stationary
combustion emissions, mobile combustion emissions, process emissions, and
fugitive emissions.

Direct Line Energy purchased and received directly from a generation source, with no grid

Emission Factor GHG emissions expressed on a per unit activity basis (e.g., metric tons of CO2
emitted per million Btus of coal combusted, or metric tons of CO2 emitted per kWh of
electricity consumed).

Energy Attribute A category of contractual instruments that conveys information about energy
Certificate generation to organizations involved in the sale, distribution, consumption, or
regulation of electricity (e.g., renewable energy certificates).

Equity Share An emissions accounting approach for defining organizational boundaries that
Approach reflects activities that are wholly owned and partially owned according to the
organization’s equity share in each.

Finance Lease Same as capital lease.

Financial Control The ability to direct the financial and operating policies of an operation with an
interest in gaining economic benefits from its activities. Financial control is one of two
ways to define the control approach.

Fugitive Emissions Intentional or unintentional releases from the production, processing, transmission,
storage, and use of fuels and other substances, that do not pass through a stack,
chimney, vent, exhaust pipe or other functionally equivalent opening (such as
releases of sulfur hexafluoride from electrical equipment; hydrofluorocarbon releases
during the use of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; landfill gas emissions;
and CH4 leakage from natural gas transport).

Geography A physical parameter that is used to define the reporting boundary.

Global Warming The ratio of radiative forcing (degree of warming to the atmosphere) that would result
Potential (GWP) from the emission of one unit of a given GHG compared to one unit of carbon dioxide

Greenhouse Gases (GHG) For the purposes of TCR, GHGs are the internationally recognized gases
identified in the Kyoto Protocol: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane
(CH4), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) A group of manmade chemicals with various commercial uses (e.g.,
refrigerants) composed of one or two carbon atoms and varying numbers of
hydrogen and fluorine atoms. Most HFCs are highly potent GHGs with 100-year
GWPs in the thousands.

Indirect Emissions Emissions that are a consequence of activities that take place within the
organizational boundaries of the reporting organization, but that occur at sources
owned or controlled by another organization. For example, emissions of electricity
used by a manufacturing company that occur at a power plant represent the
manufacturer’s indirect emissions.

Industry Best Existing international or industry best practice methods, which are published, peer
Practice reviewed calculation and measurement methods or emission factors.

Intergovernmental International body of climate change scientists. The role of the IPCC is to assess the
Panel on Climate scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to the understanding of
Change (IPCC) the risk of human-induced climate change (www.ipcc.ch).

Inventory A comprehensive, quantified list of an organization’s GHG emissions and sources.

Inventory Report The summary of emissions and related information reported as part of an inventory.

Location-Based Scope 2 method that quantifies the average emissions from energy generated
Method and consumed in an organization’s geographic region(s) of operations within the
organization’s defined boundaries, primarily using grid average emission factors.

Market-Based Scope 2 method that quantifies emissions from energy generated and consumed
Method within the organization’s defined boundaries, that the organization has purposefully
purchased, using emission factors conveyed through contractual instruments
between the organization and the electricity or product provider.

Measurement- Emission quantification methods that involve the determination of emissions by

Based means of direct measurement of the flue gas flow, as well as the concentration of the
relevant GHG(s) in the flue gas.

Member An organization that submits an emissions inventory based on the requirements in

the General Reporting Protocol to TCR.
Miniscule Sources Emissions sources listed on TCR’s Exclude Miniscule Sources Form which TCR has
deemed may be excluded from an inventory without:
»» Compromising the relevance of the reported inventory;
»» Significantly reducing the combined quantity of Scope 1, Scope 2, and biogenic
CO2e emissions reported;
»» Impacting ability to identify the member’s viable opportunities for emissions
reductions projects;
»» Impacting the ability to ascertain whether the member has achieved a reduction
(of five percent or greater) in total entity-wide emissions from one year to the next;
»» Impacting ability to assess the member’s climate change related risk exposure; or,
»» Impacting the decision-making needs of users.

Mobile Emissions Emissions from the combustion of fuels in transportation sources (e.g., cars, trucks,
buses, trains, airplanes, and marine vessels), emissions from non-road equipment
such as equipment used in construction, agriculture, and forestry and other mobile

Mobile Source Emissions sources designed and capable of emitting GHGs while moving from
one location to another. An emissions source is not a mobile source if it is a piece of
equipment that is designed and capable of being moved from one location to another
but does not combust fuel while it is being moved (e.g., an emergency generator).

Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 is used as a replacement for PFCs (mostly C2F6) and SF6 in the electronics industry.
It is typically used in plasma etching and chamber cleaning during the manufacture
of semi-conductors and LCD panels (Liquid Crystal Display). NF3 is broken down into
nitrogen and fluorine gases in situ, and the resulting fluorine radicals are the active
cleaning agents that attack the poly-silicon. NF3 is also used in the photovoltaic
industry (thin-film solar cells) for “texturing, phosphorus silicate glass (PSG) removal,
edge isolation and reactor cleaning after deposition of silicon nitrate or film silicon.”
NF3 is further used in hydrogen fluoride and deuterium fluoride lasers, which are
types of chemical lasers.

Non-Electric Energy Consumption of energy other than electricity (i.e., steam, heat, cooling).

Offsets Represent the reduction, removal, or avoidance of GHG emissions from a specific
project that is used to compensate for (i.e., offset) GHG emissions occurring

Operating Lease A lease which does not transfer the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee
and is not recorded as an asset in the balance sheet of the lessee. Leases other than
operating leases are capital, finance, or financial leases.

Operational Control Full authority to introduce and implement operating policies at an operation.
Operational control is one of two ways to define the control approach.
Organization A business, corporation, institution, organization, government agency, etc.,
recognized under national law. A reporting organization is comprised of all the
facilities and emission sources delimited by the organizational boundary developed
by the organization, taken in their entirety.

Organizational The boundaries that determine the operations owned or controlled by the reporting
Boundaries organization, depending on the consolidation approach taken (either the equity share
or control approach).

Perfluorocarbons (PFC) A group of man-made chemicals composed of one or two carbon atoms and
four to six fluorine atoms, containing no chlorine. PFCs have no commercial uses and
are emitted as a byproduct of aluminum smelting and semiconductor manufacturing.
PFCs have very high GWPs and are very long-lived in the atmosphere.

Process Emissions Emissions resulting from physical or chemical processes other than from fuel
combustion. Examples include emissions from manufacturing cement, aluminum,
adipic acid, ammonia, etc.

Purchase Power (PPA) A type of contract that allows a consumer, typically a large industrial or
Agreement commercial entity, to form an agreement with a specific energy generating unit. The
contract itself specifies the commercial terms including delivery, price, payment, etc.
In many markets, these contracts secure a long-term stream of revenue for an energy
project. In order for the consumers to say they are buying the electricity of the specific
generator, attributes must be contractually transferred to the consumer with the

Relevant GHG Categories of emission sources that must be included within the reporting boundary
Sources for TCR to consider the inventory “complete” for the purposes of reporting to TCR.
Relevant emissions consist of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, combustion-based
direct biogenic emissions, and combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions
associated with the consumption of energy. Approved miniscule sources, biogenic
emissions other than those associated with the combustion of biomass, and emission
sources identified as optional in the protocols are not considered relevant.

Renewable Energy (REC) A type of energy attribute certificate. In the U.S. a REC represents the property
Certificate rights to the environmental, social and other non-power qualities of renewable
electricity generation.

Reporting Boundary The boundary that determines the direct and indirect emissions associated with
activities within the inventory.

Reporting Year The year in which the emissions occurred. Members must report emissions on an
annual basis (i.e., calendar year or fiscal year).

Residual Mix Subnational or national emission factor that uses energy production data and factors
out voluntary purchases.

Scope 1 Emissions Direct anthropogenic GHG emissions.

Scope 2 Emissions Indirect anthropogenic GHG emissions associated with the consumption of
purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heating, or cooling (collectively referred to
as consumed energy).

Scope 3 Emissions All other (non-Scope 2) indirect anthropogenic GHG emissions that occur in the value
chain. Examples include upstream and downstream emissions, emissions resulting
from the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-
related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting organization,
use of sold products and services, outsourced activities, recycling of used products,
and waste disposal.

Simplified (SEMs) Rough, upper-bound methods for estimating emissions. Members may
Estimation Methods use SEMs for any combination of emission sources and/or gases, provided that
corresponding emissions do not exceed 10% of the CO2e sum of reported Scope
1, Scope 2, combustion-based direct biogenic emissions and combustion-based
indirect biogenic emissions associated with consumed energy. The higher Scope
2 total must be used to total Scope 1, Scope 2, combustion-based direct biogenic
emissions and combustion-based indirect biogenic emissions associated with
consumed energy.

Special Power (SPP) A consumer option offered by an energy supplier distinct from the standard
Product offering. The electricity associated with SPPs is often derived from renewable or other
low-carbon energy sources, demonstrated by energy attribute certificates or other

Stationary Emissions from the combustion of fuels in any stationary equipment including boilers,
Combustion furnaces, burners, turbines, heaters, incinerators, engines, flares, etc.

Stationary Source An emissions source that is confined to a distinct geographic location and is not
designed to operate while in motion.

Verification The process used to ensure that an organization’s greenhouse gas emissions
inventory has met a minimum quality standard and complied with TCR’s procedures
and protocols for calculating and reporting GHG emissions.

R www.theclimateregistry.org
[email protected]
(866) 523-0764

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