Published: January 2018 ISBN (Digital) : 978-1-4533-8682-8

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Strategic Management
Course Number: BUS 4795
Section Number: 1GW
Room Location: Online
Days and Times: Online
Course Credits: 3
Course Description: This Capstone Course is a study of strategic
planning. The importance of environment scanning and identifying
strategic factors in external and internal environments are stressed.
Course examines the present state of the national economy, the impact
of stakeholders in the task environment, common methods of portfolio
analysis, and possible significance of technological change to individual
firms and entire industries. Individual research or case analysis is
required. Prerequisite: Senior standing.
Instructor Information:
Name:  Jennifer Kalla, DM
Room number:  Online
Office telephone:  330.322.6845
Email address:
Office hours:  By Appointment
Required Texts and Materials:

Published:  January 2018

ISBN (Digital): 978-1-4533-8682-8
Students please be aware that some of your required texts and materials
may be available for rental or as e-books for reduced cost compared to
buying the print version.
Instructional Methods: The course will be a combination of lectures,
videos, powerpoints, and discussions.
Course Objectives, Topics, and Other Content:   
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
1.  Explain the importance of environmental scanning-the search for
threats and opportunities in the environment—as a necessary
prerequisite to further steps in the strategic planning process.
2. Identify the factors that make strategic decisions different from
routine managerial decisions.
3. List and provide examples of the six environments making up the
total external environment (or outside world) that can affect the
4. Evaluate the possible impact of important factors in each of these
six environments in a world in which uncertainty must be taken into
5. Discuss the necessity of internal scanning to find the strategic fit
between external. 
Learning Outcomes and Key Assessments:
Learning Outcomes Level of Assessment
(examples*) Learning (examples)
1. Students will demonstrate a Mastery Exams, Homework,
strong understanding of Discussion
strategic management. 
2. Students will communicate Introductory Homework,
clearly using vocabulary Discussion
specific to the business world.
3. Students will explain and Moderate Homework, Final
describe the need for strategic Assessment,
planning.  Discussion

Grading Policy
(Cf. CSU Course Catalog 2012-2014, p. 37.)
(The student’s final grade for the course should be illustrated as
follows: )
Evaluation Methods. Activitie Type Percentage
s s
Discussion Individua 20 %
Weekly Homework Individua 25 %
Assignments l
Quizzes Individua 25%
Strategic Audit Paper Group 25%
Peregrine Exam Individua 5%
Total   100% 
The final letter grade will be based on the following scales:
Percentages (or Letter Grade Interpretation
90 – 100 A Superior (Very High)
80 – 89 B Above Average (High)
70 – 79 C Average (Satisfactory)
60 – 69 D Below Average (Low/Poor Work)
Below 60 F Failure
Incomplete Grade Policy:
(Cf. CSU Course Catalog 2012-2014, p. 39.)
Class Demeanor
Be Respectful of your classmates and Professor. 
Attendance Policy
 Students MUST participate on three separate days each week. 
To establish attendance in an online class, students must do at least one
of the following:
 Submit an assignment, quiz, or exam. 
 Participate in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted
 Post in an online study group that has been established by the
 Post in a discussion board that is assigned by the instructor.
 Contact the faculty member to ask a question about an assignment
or something studied in the course. 
Late Assignment Policy

 Discussion posts must be submitted each week - NO LATE

 Homework assignments submitted 1 - 7 days late will receive a
20% reduction in the grade
 Homework assignments submitted 8 - 14 days late will receive a
50% reduction in the grade
 After 15 days, late homework assignments cannot be submitted for
a grade
 Midterm and Final Exams cannot be submitted late for a grade

Academic Integrity/Honesty Policy
All work submitted by a student must be the product of his or her own
efforts. Academic dishonesty, which includes cheating on exams and
plagiarism (presenting someone else's work or ideas as one's own or not
giving proper credit for the work or ideas of others). Students engaging
in any form of academic dishonesty could receive a failing grade on
assigned work, an exam, or even for the course itself. Academic
dishonesty may be reported to the Dean of Students for adjudication and
disciplinary action. (Cf. The Student Handbook, in re 'Academic
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy:
Central State University is committed to including students with
disabilities as full participants in its programs, services, and activities
through compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. If you need an
accommodation based on the impact of a disability, I encourage you to
contact the Office for Academic Empowerment & Accessibility (OAEA) to
arrange an appointment as soon as possible. The ADA Compliance
Coordinator will verify your needs for accommodations and collaborate
with you to develop your academic supports. Your instructors will be
notified by letter of the accommodation(s) needed to support your
learning. The OAEA is located in the Student Health & Wellness Center.
To setup an appointment, call (937) 376-6479 or e-
Amendments to Syllabus: 
The instructor reserves the right to amend the syllabus. All changes to
the syllabus will be announced in class (face-to-face when applicable)
and through the university-sanctioned learning management system
(D2L) and updated in the syllabus posted in the university-sanctioned
LMS (D2L).  The students are responsible for receiving such changes.
Notes on Corona and its impact on the course, the potential for changing
course delivery, and need for PPE (as needed, through the 2020-2021
academic year).
Course and Faculty Evaluation:
Every student will be given the opportunity to evaluate the course and
instructor at the end of the semester. The evaluation assists the
instructor, the academic program, and the University in improving the
effectiveness of teaching and the enhancement of learning. Students are
strongly urged to participate.
Schedule of Assignments and Due Dates

 Module 1 Assignments due 05/30/2021

 Module 2 Assignments due 06/06/2021
 Module 3 Assignments due 06/13/2021
 Module 4 Assignments due 06/20/2021
 Module 5 Assignments due 06/25/2021

Addendum 1
Health and Safety Syllabus Statement
The COVID-19 pandemic is still present and serious. Before entering
class, you complete your daily health assessment. If any symptoms are
present, you should not attend class and should contact student health
services.  While you are in class on campus, you are required to: sit in
your designated seat, maintain physical distance, wear your facial
covering (e.g., masks or face shields), always cough or sneeze into your
elbow or tissue, use the materials provided to clean your desk and chair
before and after use, and adhere to other public safety protocols and
directives for your specific classroom/lab/studio.
Students who do not follow these health and safety requirements will be
instructed to leave the classroom immediately and MAY be marked
absent. Students who appear for class and exhibit visible symptoms may
be asked to leave and contact student health services.  Failure to
comply with a request to leave the classroom is a violation of the Student
Code of Conduct and will be referred to the Dean of
Students.  Repeated violations of these health-saving protocols may
lead to sanctions, up to and including suspension or expulsion. The CSU
community thanks you for your cooperation!
Addendum 2
Recorded Class Sessions
Our class sessions will all be audio visually recorded for students in the
class to refer back and for enrolled students who are unable to attend
live. Students attending face-to-face sessions are agreeing to be audio
visually recorded.  If you are not willing to be recorded in the live setting,
you will need to seat yourself out of the recording view of the camera. 
Students attending remotely who participate with their camera engaged
or utilize a profile image are agreeing to have their video or image
recorded.  If you are unwilling to consent to have your profile or video
image recorded, be sure to keep your camera off and do not use a
profile image. Likewise, students who participate in person or unmute
during class and participate orally are agreeing to have their voices
recorded.  If you are not willing to consent to have your voice recorded
during class, you will need to keep your mute button activated and
communicate exclusively using the "chat" feature, which allows students
to type questions and comments live.

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Innovation is in our DNA®

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