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Nicolas, khianna Aphrodite 12, HUMSS PR 2 PETA 2


Background of the research

Considering the properties of banana peels as potential organic fertilizer, the researchers will combine
these main ingredients such as: tap water and the banana peel. Wherein the study says that banana
peel scientifically proven rich in protein, 20 to 30 percent fiber and other components such as starch,
sugars, lignin, tannins and minerals in varying amounts. The researchers believe that if a fertilizer is rich
in nutrients it can help grow a plant. Banana peel also helps add healthy organic material, which help
the soil retain water and lighter when added to your garden.

Research Questions

1. What is the level of efficacy of Musa paradisiaca L. (Saba) peel extract as organic fertilizer in terms of:

1.1 Height

1.2 Number of leaves

1.3 Number of stem

1.4 Growth rate

2. What is the level of efficacy of Musa paradisiaca L. (Saba) peel extract as compared to inorganic

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Based on the research questions, the researchers formulated the following null hypotheses:

1. Musa paradisiaca L. (Saba) peel extract is not an effective organic fertilizer.

2. Musa paradisiaca L. (Saba) peel extract is not an effective organic fertilizer as compared to inorganic

The efficacy of using banana peel as organic fertilizer

main materials:

1. the peel of Musa paradisiaca L.

2. tap water

other materials:
1. Ramgo’s Groviota Bloom Booster fertilizer

2. Monggo seed

Experimental method of research is used to measure the efficacy of banana peel extract as fertilizer. In
an experimental study, the researchers manipulate the variables involved and controls the relevant
ingredients and conducted the laboratory experimentation. Experimental method of research is used to
measure the efficacy of banana peel extract as fertilizer. In an experimental study, the researchers
manipulate the variables involved and controls the relevant ingredients and conducted the laboratory

To test the efficacy of banana peel extract as organic fertilizer, the researchers will prepare three pots
labeled Pot A, Pot B and Pot C. Each pot will be planted with three Monggo seeds, two inches deep in
the soil. Organic and inorganic fertilizers will not be used in plants planted in Pot A, organic fertilizer will
be used in plants planted in Pot B and inorganic fertilizer will be used in plants planted in Pot C. The
researchers will then observe the growth and development of the plants in two to three weeks.

The data revealing the growth and development of plants in pots A, B and C will be presented in tabular
form to measure and compare the efficacy of banana peel extract as to inorganic fertilizer.

For ethical consideration, the researcher will consult and seek approval of the Research Teacher and
Principal of the Basic Education Department, in experimenting, prior to data gathering so as to
determine if the study has potential harmful impact and risk to the researchers and the institution they

Figure 1: Diagram showing the relationship of the variables in the study.

This study will be based on the concept that banana peel is a potential ingredient in formulating organic
fertilizers as it is scientifically proven to generally contain 6 to 9 percent protein, 20 to 30 percent fiber
and other components such as starch, sugars, lignin, tannins and minerals in varying amounts. Banana
peel will help add calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphates, potassium and sodium, all of which are
important to the healthy growth of both flowering and fruiting plants. Bananas peel also helps add
healthy organic material, which help the soil retain water and lighter when added to your garden.

This study was limited on banana peels only used as fertilizer.

Significance of the study

The researcher aimed to let others to become creative in many ways like using banana peels as paper. It
is better to used this because it is cheaper the value but it’s very worth it.

The pandemic and isolation are causing many people to “go bananas,” because the phrase “going
bananas” probably comes from the earlier idiom of “going ape,” meaning acting crazy or wild as apes
sometimes do.

Bananas are unusual in many ways, not the least that bananas, like watermelons, botanically speaking,
are actually berries, which develop one flower with one ovary and often several seeds. Yes, bananas
have seeds, but they are so small and edible that we forget about them.
Because of the oil in them, rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your skin will reduce the itching from
mosquito bites and poison ivy. You can even use banana peels to polish silver by rubbing it with the
inside of the peel.

Potassium aids plants in moving nutrients and water between cells. Potassium strengthens plants’ stems
and also fights off disease. It is especially important to creating flowers, and even makes fruits (and
berries!) taste better. Potassium will even make your plants more resistant to drought. Without enough
potassium, plants grow poorly in general. It even increases the protein content of your plants.

In short, potassium helps plants grown for their fruiting and flowering, including rose bushes and fruit
trees, rather than plants grown for their foliage, such as spinach, lettuce and Swiss chard.

Banana peels are good fertilizer because of what they do not contain. They contain absolutely no
nitrogen. While plants need nitrogen (remember the NPK on fertilizers), too much nitrogen will create
lots of green leaves but few berries or fruits. This means potassium-rich banana peels are excellent for
plants like tomatoes, peppers or flowers. Banana peels also contain calcium, which prevents blossom
end rot in tomatoes. The manganese in banana peels aids photosynthesis, while the sodium in banana
peels helps water flow between cells. They even have traces of magnesium and sulfur, elements that
help make chlorophyll.

You can simply bury banana peels near your plants where they will release their nutrients as they break
down. You can also brew banana peel tea by putting banana peels in a jar and covering with water. Let
this steep for a week or two and you will have a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer. Unlike powdered or solid
fertilizers, this liquid fertilizer goes directly to the roots and helps the plants immediately. Toss the used
peels into a compost heap or bury them in the garden

Make some banana peel tea, and your garden just might go ape for it.

Banana peel as organic fertilizer

Nowadays, commercial fertilizers are very costly and may contain harmful substances that is detrimental
to fruit-bearing plants. The researchers decided to conduct this study because (scientific name) (saba) is
a fruit that is locally produced in the country. It can be easily found mostly on street vendors who sell
turon. Saba has the highest content of nutrients because it has the deepest roots among other banana
plants which can absorb more nutrients in the soil. Like all bananas, it is rich in potassium which is
essential for a plant's photosynthesis.Banana Peel as Organic Fertilizer.

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