High-Efficiency Two-Stage Three-Level Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter
High-Efficiency Two-Stage Three-Level Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter
High-Efficiency Two-Stage Three-Level Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter
3, MARCH 2021
Abstract—This paper proposes a high-efficiency two- the grid from the PV source’s dc power is essential [4]. Gen-
stage three-level grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) inverter. erally, conventional two-level configuration circuits have been
The proposed two-stage inverter comprises a three-level used as grid-connected inverters in various industrial environ-
step-up converter and a three-level inverter. The three-level
step-up converter not only improves the power-conversion ments because of their simplicity [5]–[7]. However, these two-
efficiency by lowering the voltage stress but also guaran- level inverters require large filter values and high-voltage-rated
tees the balancing of the dc-link capacitor voltages using a semiconductor devices; they demonstrate drawbacks associated
simple control algorithm; it also enables the proposed in- with their filter sizes and power losses [8], [9]. To overcome
verter to satisfy the VDE 0126-1-1 standard of leakage cur-
these drawbacks, various multilevel inverters have been intro-
rent. The three-level inverter minimizes the overall power
losses with zero reverse-recovery loss. Furthermore, it re- duced; we defined the name of multilevel inverter from divided
duces harmonic distortion, the voltage ratings of the semi- grid voltage level before filtering step during half-cycle of grid
conductor device, and the electromagnetic interference by period. Such circuit configurations not only have small filters
using a three-level circuit configuration; it also enables the but they also improve power-conversion efficiency and qual-
use of small and low-cost filters. To control the grid current
ity with their reduced voltage stress and harmonic components
effectively, we have used a feed-forward nominal voltage
compensator with a mode selector; this compensator im- [10]–[12]. However, this only multilevel inverters require a high
proves the control environment by presetting the operating input voltage that covers the grid peak voltage. Therefore, a large
point. The proposed high-efficiency two-stage three-level number of series-connected PV modules are used to generate
grid-connected PV inverter overcomes the low efficiency the required high voltage; inverters with such a configuration
problem of conventional two-stage inverters, and it provides
are called single-stage inverters. These lots of series-connected
high-power quality with maximum efficiency of 97.4%. Us-
ing a 3-kW prototype of the inverter, we have evaluated the PV module configurations have several drawbacks such as the
performance of the model and proved its feasibility. imbalance of hot spots during partial shading, low safety fea-
tures, and poor maximum power point tracking (MPPT) perfor-
Index Terms—Transformerless, multilevel, dc-ac power
conversion, single-phase. mance [13]. For this reason, a dc–dc power-conversion stage
that increases a low PV-source voltage to a high dc-link volt-
I. INTRODUCTION age was added to the single-stage inverter. Inverters with this
NERGY consumption rises with the increase in industri- configuration are called two-stage inverters; these inverters can
E alization worldwide, thereby leading to sustained use of
fossil-fuel consumption [1]. Increasing carbon dioxide emis-
use the MPPT algorithm efficiently [14]–[17]. Thus, two-stage
inverters have the advantage of fewer series-connected PV mod-
sions caused by the fossil fuels have stimulated global warm- ules and higher MPPT performances in comparison with single-
ing, leading to grave environmental concerns [2]. To replace the stage inverters. These two-stage inverters can step up the volt-
energy generated from fossil fuels, photovoltaic (PV) power- age using a transformer. However, it is more advantageous to
generation systems can be used [3]. For such systems, design- eliminate the transformer because this would reduce the pro-
ing a grid-connected inverter that provides reliable ac power to duction cost and size and increase power efficiency [18], [19].
Therefore, transformerless two-stage inverters have become a
typical object of study as a grid-connected inverter circuit con-
Manuscript received April 27, 2021; revised July 12, 2021; accepted figuration. However, such inverters have two problems: leak-
July 30, 2021. Date of publication August 17, 2021; date of current ver-
sion December 15, 2021. This work was supported by the National age current and low efficiency. Depending on the switching
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant by the Korean Government strategy and the topology, the common mode voltage appears
(MISP) (NRF-2016R1C1B1014543). (Corresponding author: Jung-Min between the PV source and the ground, and it injects leakage
J.-S. Kim and B.-H. Kwon are with the Department of Electronic and current through a parasitic capacitor, thereby causing power
Electrical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, losses, low grid-power quality, severe electromagnetic interfer-
Pohang 790-784, South Korea (e-mail: wnstjrdl1206@postech.ac.kr; ence (EMI), and personal-safety problems [20]. As such, the
J.-M. Kwon is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hanbat leakage current should be limited to below the VDE 0126-1-1
National University, Daejeon 305-719, South Korea (e-mail: jmkwon@ standard of 300 mA. Therefore, transformerless two-stage in-
hanbat.ac.kr). verters should be able to limit the leakage current to be less
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. than 300 mA, and the efficiency problem should also be im-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2021.2740835 proved; two-stage inverters have low efficiency problem because
0278-0046 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
of their each low efficiencies of two separate power-processing The proposed two-stage inverter is composed of a three-level
stages. step-up converter and a three-level inverter, as shown in Fig. 1.
This paper proposes a high-efficiency two-stage three-level The proposed three-level step-up converter performs MPPT and
grid-connected PV inverter. The proposed inverter solves two balances the dc-link capacitor voltages Vdc1 and Vdc2 . Unlike
main problems of transformerless two-stage inverters; it not only conventional step-up converters, as shown in Fig. 2, the input
limits the leakage current to less than 300 mA, but also provides capacitor is split into two halves. The midpoints of the input
high power-conversion efficiency by ensuring high efficiency of capacitors and the dc-link capacitors are directly connected.
each stage. As shown in Fig. 1, the proposed two-stage inverter The proposed three-level inverter controls the grid current ig ;
comprises a three-level step-up converter and a three-level in- the reverse-recovery problems of the switches are reduced by
verter. The input capacitor of the three-level step-up converter the advantages of the proposed circuit configuration.
is split into two halves, and the midpoint of the input capacitors
and the midpoint of the dc-link capacitors are directly connected.
This connection enables the proposed two-stage inverter to limit A. Proposed Three-Level Step-Up Converter
the leakage current to less than 300 mA. Also, as dc–dc power For the proposed three-level step-up converter, Fig. 3
conversion stage, the proposed three-level step-up converter not shows the equivalent circuits of each operating mode, and
only improves the power-conversion efficiency with reduced Figs. 4 and 5 indicate block diagram of control algorithm
voltage stress but also guarantees the balancing of the dc-link and theoretical waveforms. The proposed step-up converter, as
capacitor voltages by means of a simple control algorithm. Fur- shown in Fig. 2(a), comprises two input capacitors C1 and C2 ,
thermore, as dc–ac power conversion stage, the proposed three- two input inductors L1 and L2 , two primary switches S1p and
level inverter minimizes the overall power loss by reducing the S2p , two primary diodes D1p and D2p , and two dc-link capacitors
reverse-recovery problems of the metal–oxide–semiconductor Cdc1 and Cdc2 . To simply analyze the converter, the half of dc-
field-effect transistor (MOSFET) body diodes; this inverter also link voltages Vdc1 and Vdc2 is given the same value Vdc /2 with
reduces voltage ratings, harmonic components, and EMI, and the steady-state condition. As shown in Fig. 5, S1p and S2p have
allows the use of small and low-cost filters. For the control sys- the same step-up duty ratio D with a 180◦ phase difference.
Fig. 6. Simple simulation result to verify the validity of balancing duty ratio Δd for balancing of v C 1 and v C 2 and V d c 1 and V d c 2 . (a) Control
algorithm result with balancing duty ratio Δd. (b) Control algorithm result without balancing duty ratio Δd.
capacitors Cdc1 and Cdc2 , respectively. In this mode, iL 1 and iL 2 Because C1 and C2 have the same value (C1 = C2 = Ci ) for
decrease with the slope given in (9). The converter can be in simple analysis, (12)–(14) can be rearranged as
M ode 2 only if D is less than 0.5.
iC 1 = − iC 2 (15)
M ode 3 [t2 − t3 ]: In this interval, only S2p is turned ON,
and the energy from the PV source is stored in L2 . Thus, the iL 1 + iL 2
iPV = . (16)
current iL 2 increases with the slope given in (8). The current 2
iL 1 decreases with the slope given in (9). By using (13) and (16), top input-capacitor current iC 1 is derived
M ode 4 is enacted only if D is greater than 0.5. Positive volt- as
ages are applied to both L1 and L2 during this mode; therefore,
iL 2 − iL 1 dvC 1
the inductor currents increase with the slope VPV /2Li . iC 1 = = C1 . (17)
2 dt
Fig. 4 shows the control algorithm of the three-level step-up
converter. The converter performs MPPT with a step-up duty Also, by using (8), (9), and (17), the variation of top input-
ratio D and uses the balancing duty ratio Δd to balance the capacitor voltage ΔvC 1 during one switching period can be
dc-link capacitor voltages. The simple P&O method described calculated as
in [21] is used to extract the maximum power from the PV 1
ΔiC 1 = DTs (Vdc2 − Vdc1 ) + ΔdTs (−Vdc1 − Vdc2 )
sources. This MPPT algorithm directly provides the step-up 2Li
duty ratio D from the PV source voltage VPV and current iPV .
Fig. 7. Operation circuit diagrams of the proposed three-level inverter under the following conditions: (a) vc d = V d c at mode 1 (ig > 0).
(b) v c d = V d c /2 at mode 1 or mode 2 (ig > 0). (c) v c d = 0 at mode 2 (ig > 0). (d) v c d = −V d c at mode 4 (ig < 0). (e) v c d = −V d c /2 at mode 4 or
mode 3 (ig < 0). (f) v c d = 0 at mode 3 (ig < 0). Current flows only along the black lines.
Fig. 12. Bode plot of filter circuit of Fig. 11(b) for open-circuit voltage
of voltage source v an .
Meanwhile, in the inverter stage, the three-level high-frequency Parameters Symbols Value
voltage vnc between node n and node c is determined based Rated power Po 3 kW
on the three-level switching operation of four high-frequency PV voltage V PV 180–350 V
switches S1 –S4 DC-link voltage Vd c 350 V
Grid voltage vg 220 Vrms
⎧ Switching frequency fs 20 kHz
⎪ V
⎪ − dc , for S1 and S2 on-time
⎪ Grid frequency fg 60 Hz
⎨ 2 Input capacitances C1 , C2 6.6 µF
vnc (t) = 0, for S2 and S3 on-time (35) Input inductances L1 , L2 0.25 mH
⎪ DC-link capacitance Cd c 1 , Cd c 2 2.04 mF
⎪ V
⎩ dc , for S3 and S4 on-time.
Filter inductance Lf 1 mH
Components Symbols Part number
2 High-frequency switches S1p , S2p , and S1 –S4 IRFP4668PbF
Hybrid switches S5 , S6 FCA76N60N
Also, the hybrid voltage vnd between node n and node d is Diodes D1p , D2p , D1 , and D2 DSSK60-02A
determined based on the hybrid switching operation of the two
Fig. 15. Simulation results for the leakage current using a conventional
three-level step-up converter of Fig. 2(b) as dc–dc power conversion Fig. 17. Experimental results for the dc-link voltage V d c and the dc-link
stage of two-stage inverter. capacitor voltages V d c 1 and V d c 2 during steady-state condition.
hybrid switches S5 and S6 The parasitic capacitances in the PV panel can be split into
⎧ three parts: cell-to-frame capacitance Ccf ; cell-to-rack capaci-
⎪ Vdc
⎨ , (vg > 0) tance Ccr ; and cell-to-ground capacitance Ccg . This paper uses
vnd (t) = 2 (36)
⎪ characteristics of these parasitic parameters of glass-faced pan-
⎩ − Vdc , (vg < 0). els. For a glass-faced panel with 50-mm cell-to-ground distance,
the total parasitic capacitance Cp is approximately 2.95 nF/kW
Unlike the high-frequency voltages van , vbn , and vnc , which [22]. The grounding resistance Rg is usually not zero; it is 15 Ω,
have the switching frequency, vnd has the grid frequency. By as considered in [23]. Thus, at the proposed two-stage inverter
the superposition principle and Thevenin’s theorem, the high- operation, the leakage current ip and the common mode voltage
frequency voltage sources van and vnc do not affect vp . Only vnd vp across the parasitic capacitor Cp can be simulated by using
and vbn affect the common mode voltage vp ; vbn is filtered by PSIM, as shown in Fig. 14. The simulation conditions are as
the LC low-pass filter and is obtained from the high-frequency follows: PV voltage VPV = 180 V, dc-link voltage Vdc = 350 V,
voltage vbn , as shown in Fig. 9(b). By using MATLAB, as shown parasitic capacitance CP = 10 nF, grounding resistance Rg =
in Fig. 10, it is checked that the open-circuit voltage of vbn is fil- 15 Ω, respective input and filter inductances Li = 0.25 mH and
tered by low-pass filter (Transfer function = 1/(1 + L2 C2 s2 )). Lf = 1 mH, rated power Prated = 3 kW, and grid voltage vg =
However, when a conventional three-level step-up converter in 220 Vrms . The detailed system conditions are listed in Table I. In
Fig. 2(b) operates at the dc–dc power conversion stage, the fil- this simulation result, the leakage current iP is quite low, with
ter cannot work as low-pass filter because there is no midpoint a measured rms value of 7 mA that satisfies the leakage current
connection. Thus, the high-frequency components of vbn and standards VDE-0126-1-1. However, as shown in Fig. 15, when a
even van is added to the common mode voltage vp , as shown in conventional three-level step-up converter in Fig. 2(b) operates
Fig. 11(b); it can be checked at bode plot of Fig. 12 at the dc–dc power conversion stage, vP changes rapidly on the
and Fig. 13. basis of the high-frequency switching operation. Therefore, a
voltage Vdc and the half of dc-link voltages Vdc1 and Vdc2 during
steady-state condition. As shown in this figure, the dc-link volt-
age Vdc is divided equally between the input capacitors Cdc1 and
Cdc2 ; the difference between Vdc1 and Vdc2 is almost zero. From
Fig. 17, it can be observed that the proposed topology can well
balance the dc-link capacitor voltages with the proposed simple
balancing algorithm of the three-level step-up converter. Fig. 18
shows the experimental results of common mode voltage vP and
the leakage current iP . As shown in Fig. 18, the proposed in-
verter has only grid frequency voltage variation, which occurred
at the parasitic capacitor Cp . Consequently, the leakage current
iP is low with a maximum measured rms value of 70 mA, which
satisfies the leakage current standards VDE-0126-1-1. The ex-
Fig. 18. Experimental results for the common mode voltage v P and perimental results show that the high-frequency switching oper-
the leakage current iP .
ation of the proposed inverter does not affect the common mode
voltage vP . Therefore, the leakage current iP is significantly re-
duced; this feasibility is also verified in Section III. Finally, with
the rated PV voltage of 180 V, the measured efficiency of the
proposed inverter under each load condition is shown in Fig. 19.
This experimental results verify that the proposed inverter even
provides high efficiency. The measured maximum efficiency
is 97.4%.
A high-efficiency two-stage three-level grid-connected PV
inverter and control system were introduced. Also, a theoretical
analysis was provided along with the experimental results. By
using the novel circuit configuration, the proposed two-stage in-
verter performs power conversion with low leakage current and
high efficiency; in dc–dc power conversion stage, the connection
of midpoints of capacitors enables the proposed two-stage in-
Fig. 19. Measured efficiency of the proposed inverter under each load verter to limit the leakage current below 300 mA; in dc–ac power
conversion stage, the overall power losses were minimized by
eliminating the reverse-recovery problems of the MOSFET body
diodes. Besides, the proposed inverter with three voltage levels
severe leakage current occurs in this conventional circuit con- reduces the power losses, harmonic components, voltage ratings,
figuration, which cannot satisfy the standards VDE-0126-1-1. and EMI; it also enables using small and low-cost filters. For
the control system, the feedforward nominal voltage compen-
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT sator also improves the control environment by presetting the
The prototype for the proposed inverter shown in Fig. 1 is operating point. This developed control algorithm makes the
implemented to show the validity of the system. The PV voltage proposed inverter feasible. Thus, the proposed high-efficiency
VPV , the dc-link voltage Vdc , the grid voltage vg , the switching two-stage three-level grid-connected PV inverter provides high-
frequency fs , the grid frequency fg , and the rated power Po power quality with high power-conversion efficiency. By using
are 180 V, 350 V, 220 Vrms , 20 kHz, 60 Hz, and 3 kW, respec- a 3-kW prototype, this experiment verified that the proposed
tively. For the glass-faced PV panel with 50-mm cell-to-ground inverter has high efficiency, and the developed control system is
distance, the total parasitic capacitance Cp is set to 10 nF. A suitable for the proposed inverter.
resistance of 15 Ω is connected in series with the leakage capac-
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