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Gender AND Society: Jerrylyn Alegre Btvted-2C GFD

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Jerrylyn Alegre

Ms. Joriza Trillanes

Chapter 5-6 : History, Global Perspectives and the Construction of
Gender Roles
Activity 1
1. What can I see men and women doing in this painting?
- Obviously, men are fighting, causing troubles, chaos
and trauma to women and children, while women are
the ones who are trying to stop the violence that men
had made.
2. What can I infer about men and women’s lives?
- I inferred that men brings trouble, problems and
chaos, while women are weak, pitiful, and the
innocent one. Most men are fighters and women are
left at home taking care of her children.
3. What would I like to ask the artist/ painter?
- I would like to ask the artist/painter, what message
does he want to convey to his audience? Is this
something to deal with their gender roles?
4. What would I like to ask a gender historian about the
- I would like to ask the gender historian, what is the
power relation between men and women?

Activity 2
Direction: Summarize in the table below the changes in gender
perspective throughout the years.
Middle Ages - Women were excluded from the few covenant
communities teaching reading and writing.
- witch hunts; the woman who deviated from
gendered norms generated the greatest distrust
- feudalism; at marriage, the bride would be
given in exchange for a dowry of money or
jewelry, and in some places, the custom
required her to kneel in front of her husband-to-
be to symbolize his power over her.
The Renaissance - had generally positive effects on women of all
social standing. Educated aristocratic women
became patrons of literature and art, many of
them as authors in their own right
- women were inferior to men.
The Colonial Era - Males were subordinate to God as females
were subordinate to males
- brides were independent, respected, and
- women were also vital for their economic
productivity in the family
- the tasks that were largely confined to women
includes: vegetable gardening, weaving,
canning, and candle and soap making
contributed to the family’s economic.
World War II - altered gender roles, it opened up
employment for women
- feminists are more diverse; are interested in
the links between race, class, gender, and
sexuality; and offer no one definition of

Pop – Out Question!

What can you say about the gender roles here in the
Philippines? Has it changed for the better? What makes you
say so?
- The gender roles in the Philippines has gone better,
though some women are still strongly tied to their
traditional role as a mother, wife, and housekeeper,
while some women are already part in politics and
economics. They are free to speak and voice out their
side. Women can do men’s work ,and men can do
women’s work.
1. Considering the profound consequences of Islamization
and controversial practices such as FGM (female genital
mutilation) and veiling customs for women in the Muslim
world, what advice would you give to NGOs
(Nongovernment organization) and feminists both inside
and outside Muslim nations working to elevate the status
of women? Make sure you account for the role of religion
in this advice.
- The religious politics of gender has become one of the
most important issues facing humanity worldwide
and is likely to remain an issue of increasing relevance
for the foreseeable future. I would give an advice to
the NGOs(Non-government Organization) and
feminists both working inside and outside nations to
raise awareness about specific issues facing a specific
population. Sometimes, the lack of information is not
only from the citizens side, but also from the nation.
One major part of NGOs work is to deliver the
messages of the underprivileged categories and to
train the latter to advocate for their rights.
Women’s empowerment is today a key pillar of
international development agencies work and of local
NGOs. Empowerment is the ability of an individual or
a community to control its environment. In order to
improve women’s status, the socio-economic
empowerment should be put on top of the list
because it is the first step to autonomy,
independence, and to take power over the resources.
Moreover, through political and cultural
empowerment, women can make their voices heard,
they can defend their rights and ideas, they can
gather together and advocate, as they can also exist
through their art, and deliver their messages through
music and dance.
1. Research one country that you think should be a role
model in displaying the best practices in terms of gender
roles. Support with facts and explain why you chose that
- I chose Scandinavia. Scandinavia has the highest
global rank on gender equality. In Norway, the gender
perspective is central to all government decisions. In
Sweden, gender equity is advanced by focusing on
ways to change men’s roles. Social and welfare
benefits serving gender equity initiatives may suffer if
costs rise too quickly. I chose this country to be a role
model in displaying the best practices in terms of
gender roles because this country has long been a
strong promoter of gender equality. Their principle is
that everyone, regardless of gender, has the right to
work and support themselves, and to live without
fear of abuse or violence.
2. Below is the list of some of the famous feminist in the
world. Choose one of the feminist and watch a video that
talks about her life and works. After watching, make a one-
page insight paper by integrating the concepts we have
discussed here. (15pts)

Roxane Gray

As I’ve finished watching the video about the life

and works of Roxane Gray I can tell that even though
she’s funny sometimes, she inspires many women and
helps them to grow and understand themselves and
their society. Roxane Gay takes us through the journey
of her evolution as a woman of color while also taking
readers on a ride through culture of the last few years
and commenting on the state of feminism today. The
portrait that emerges is not only one of an incredibly
insightful woman continually growing to understand
herself and our society, but also one of our culture.
Bad Feminist is a sharp, funny, and spot-on look
at the ways in which the culture we consume becomes
who we are, and an inspiring call-to-arms of all the
ways we still need to do better, coming from one of
our most interesting and important cultural critics.
Chapter 7: Gendered Love, Marriage, and Emerging Lifestyles
My friend is called KYLIE SAMONTE
She is 19 years old.

➢ She’s tall
What does your friend look ➢ Her weight is 52 kg
like? ➢ She has brown hair
➢ Her blood type is type O
➢ A good friend that I can
What is your friend’s easily connect with
personality? ➢ She’s friendly and nice
➢ She’s easy to talk to

➢ She likes to talk a lot

What does your friend like?
➢ She likes to write stories

➢ She likes to ride a bicycle

➢ She don’t like plastic friends
What does your friend not ➢ She don’t like to too much
like? sweets
➢ She don’t like cutting

1. Name 1 friend that you have and write how you became
friends with them and what made you consider them as a
- I have a friend named Kylie Samonte. We became
friends since elementary. She’s my childhood friend. We play a
lot during our childhood days. I considered her as my friend
because we have many things in common, we play together
always, she tell her secrets to me and I will do the same, she
also considered me as her friend.
1. Which among these myths do you agree the most? Explain
why and cite some example.
- Among these myths I agree that “Love Conquers All”
because I believe that love overcomes all obstacles in
life. We are made by the love of our parents, we live
because of love. Love heal us and conquers all
problems in life. Like for example a lover is
committed to conquering all that is not love and all
that is not lovely. That Lover is God Himself, the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, whose life together is
always one of mutual love. Love conquers all because
God is love and God has already won.

ACTIVITY: What makes you like a person?

✓ Desire for Home and ✓ Passionate
Children ✓ Trustworthy
✓ Good Looks ✓ Loyal
✓ Education and ✓ Compromising
Intelligence ✓ Honest
✓ Emotional Stability and ✓ Humorous
Maturity ✓ Respectful
✓ Dependable Character ✓ Decisive
✓ Mutual Attraction and ✓ Kind
Love ✓ Chivalrous
✓ Indulgent
1. What can you infer from their answer?
- I infer that the preferences of male and female in
choosing their marriage partner helps them to find
the right person in their future life.

2. How about you? What is the most important determinant

characteristic that makes you like a person? Why?
- Faithful, caring, loyal, understanding, humorous, kind,
smart, chivalrous, respectful, honest, and
trustworthy. These are the characteristics that makes
me like a person. I’m so lucky to have this kind of
man. It makes me feel important and secure for my
happy future.

1. Create 2-3 stanza of poem that shows how you perceive

You can’t find it,
You can’t even admit it.
Some people search for it,
Some people didn’t expect to have it.

It’s meaning is universal,

And it’s controversial.
That’s how I perceive love;
And it is given from the man above.
2. Find 2 songs (local/international) that shows how love is
interpreted by the male gender and the other for the
female gender. Write the lyrics and then explain why you
choose the songs. (20pts)
Love Is by Rod Stewart Love Is by Alannah Myles
And so you come to me with your questions Hard to get
On a subject on which I’m well-versed Impossible to hold
Straight and narrow
Though I’m still as dumbfounded as the first time I found her
Like a burning fuse
It’s either a blessing or a curse
In a long cold dawn
Although I cannot offer solutions By the side of the road
It would be reckless of me to try A hopeless case
‘Cause it’s mystified man ever since time began A perfect thing
But hold on to your hat and I’ll try
Love is (love is)
Love is like a burning arrow What you want it to be
It can pierce the coldest heart Love is (love is)
Love is warm, love is patient Heaven to the lonely
Show me
And the craziest thing you’ll ever start
What you want me to do
All right
Cause love is
What I got for you
I recall when I was a young man
A day I’m never allowed to forget I close my eyes
There was a girl that I met who I dreamed I would wed Search the stars
Forever our lives entwined Call for help
She said you gotta stop worrying about the future Wake up cold
You know we’re far too young for that You’re in my system
I wanna spread my wings like a willow in the spring Under my skin
Raw emotion
I never saw her pretty face again
Please don’t go

Love is life, love is yearning Love is (love is)

It does not boast, but speaks the truth What you want it to be
Love is fair and knows no boundaries Love is (love is)
And the craziest thing you’ll ever do Heaven to the lonely
Oh, yeah Show me
What you want me to do
I wish you well in all of your travels Cause love is
And may you find what you’re searching for What I got for you
It’ll hit you like thunder when you find one another
And stay in your heart forevermore Can’t live on promises
Won’t sleep at night
Love is like a four-leaf clover Don’t understand the things you say
Hard to find and hold onto Till I read them in your eyes
Love is blind, love is tender Got to run on instinct
Got to go by feel
And the craziest thing you’ll ever do
Got to trust my senses
So crazy
Know it is for real
Can’t live on promises
Answer: Won’t sleep at night
Don’t understand the things you say
I chose this songs because they have Till I read them in your eyes
Got to run on instinct
different interpretation of what love Got to go by feel
Got to trust my senses
is. Love has so many different Love is (love is)
meanings and it is the most What you want it to be
Love is (love is)
precious thing that God has made. Heaven to the lonely
Show me
Chapter 8-9 : Gender and Family Relations

My Family Tree




Diseased Diseased Diseased





Mother Father
- Housekeeping/house - Works for the family
cleaning - Protects the family
- Feeding the children - Helps his children to stand
- Do the house chores on their own feet
- Educate the children - Repairing appliances in the
- Take care of the children house
- Budgeting - Provides money for our
LGBTQ family Heterosexual family

Adolescents with same-sex Likewise, many of the

parents reported feeling parenting tasks faced by
more connected at school. same-sex parents are
They are more likely to talk similar to those faced by
about emotionally difficult heterosexual parents, such
topic and they are often as providing appropriate
more resilient, structure for children, while
compassionate and also being warm and
tolerant. accepting, setting limits,
teaching open and honest
communication, healthy
conflict resolution, and
monitoring of child’s peer
network and extracurricular

LGBTQ family Heterosexual family

These families has recently Heterosexual couples is less

been touted as the ultimate advantageous to human
healthy and functional growth and development
environment for both adults than previously believed.
and children.

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