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Oral. Com
Lesson-4 Controlling stage fright
Actuvity-1 let's begin!
Based on my understanding the pictures shows stage fright. The fear of public
speaking or performance, often called stage fright, exacts a huge toll on self-confidence
and self-esteem and causes some people to leave school or a job or pass up a
promotion. Many, including seasoned professional performers, suffer in silent terror.

Activity-2 How Far Have We Gone?

True or False
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. T
Activity-3 Walk the Extra Mike!
1. As a future teacher , why is it important to overcome stage fright.?
As a future teacher it is very important to overcome stage fright because this is
the ways how the teacher thech students and one part of responsibility to present
in a front of many students, and also it is relevant to explain well and proper
presentation in order to discuss the students.One of the greatest advantages of
communicating in the classroom is that you are well acquainted with your
audience. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your students can help you
prepare your lesson in a way that can benefit students at different levels of
2. What is the importance of public speaking in your life as a student and a
future teacher?
It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change.
Public speaking is one of the most important and most dreaded forms of
communication. In the working world, public speaking is a vital skill to have.
3. Explain this quote by Nelson Medela- The brave man is not he who does
not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fight. It simply courage was not the
absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not

feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Education is the most powerful
weapon which you can use to change the world.

Lesson-5 Audiovisual Aids

Activity-1 Let's Begin!
1. Write the words or idea thats defines the term " Audiovisual aids" inside the

Activity-2 How Far Have We Gone?

1. Differentiate audio and visual aids?
It simply, Audio Aids examples are Radio, Tape-recorder, Gramophone,
Linguaphone, Audio cassette player, Language laboratory. Visual Aids examples
are Chart, Black and while board, Maps, Pictures, Models, Text-books, Slide
projector, Transparency, Flash-cards, Print materials etc.
2. What is the importance of Audiovisual aids in oral Communication? How
does it it help you as a speaker?
Audio- visual aids are instructional devices which are used to communicate
messages more effectively through sound and visuals. Audio-visual aids help in
stimulating the sensory organs like ears and eyes and facilitate quick
comprehension of the message by the audience.In Addition, They are important
because they help the audience understand and remember, increase audience
interest, and act as notes or reminders for the speaker. The best visual aids are
simple, the right size, attractive, appropriate for both the topic and the audience,
and practiced.
3. What are the things that you should consider in using audiovisual aids?
It simply, Visual aids must be clear, concise and of a high quality. Use graphs and
charts to present data. The audience should not be trying to read and listen at

the same time - use visual aids to highlight your points. One message per visual
aid, for example, on a slide there should only be one key point.Audio -visual aids
are the best tool for making teaching effective and the best dissemination of
knowledge .
Walk the extra mile!
Evaluate audio and visual aids using the SWOT format
Audio Aids Visual Aids

S It much easier to It is convenient for

make an audio clip or group teaching
bodcast than a video
or simulation

W Learning is difficult Can be messy

for people with
hearing disabilities .

O Free career Leaning process

counseling facility for

T It does not care for It makes students

the individual need of dependent on the
the students teachers.

Lesson-6 Debate
Activity-1 Let's Begin!
1. Have you ever found yourself in this situation before? Who were you arguing
with? What
Were you arguing about it?
Yes I have, she's my friend and we are arguing about one thing only which is
insecurity. When she have a new things, new friends, and she bonding her other
friends, she always talking to me for what is happening with them and as a friend im
listening to her properly, but the only one thing that do not like was about she talk to to
me to give her attention with attitude, and i tried to respond her my compliment words
then she replied me a negative words. Shortly we started an argumentative
conversation because my patience is full for her about her attitudes with other friends. I
don't like that kind of attitude because I don't have an insecurity of what is happening to
her because I just mind my own business.

2. Who won in the argument? You? What made you win? Or if you lost, why did
you lose?
Of course i won from the argument cause i know myself, and i know that i am right , the
way i win is i talk to her frankly about her bad attitude since we're friends and i told her
that anything what you got, i'm not insecure because i find my own happiness and i find
my own ways to make myself better without bad attitudes.
3. From your experience, what are the challenges that confront one in
About my anger , with higher confidence while I am talking to her. Because I am the
type of person that easily adjusts for those who have bad attitudes and I am also kind
and friendly, and most of all I don't want trouble, arguments and everything that makes
me feel bad. That's why the challenge that I confront in an argument is my anger
because I don't really want to express my anger.

answer in your notebook.

Topic: The dumping of dolomite on Manila bay has become an issue across the country.
environmental group is calling for the termination of the plan to fill the stretch of Manila
Baywalkwith artificial white sand while an online protest has been initiated against the
project. Many have also claimed that the problem on Covid 19 should be addressed
first. On
the other hand, thousands have also expressed their joy because the bay that was filled
trash is now becoming a tourist destination.

Topic: The dumping of dolomite on Manila bay has become an issue across the
country. An environmental group is calling for the termination of the plan to fill the
stretch of Manila Baywalkwith artificial white sand while an online protest has been
initiated against the controversial project. Many have also claimed that the problem on
Covid 19 should be addressed first. On the other hand, thousands have also
expressed their joy because the bay that was filled with trash is now becoming a
tourist destination.

Assertion Reasoning Evidence

(Claim) (Because) (Proof)

1.Manila bay has always Manila Bay's waters are Aside from the
been famous for its heavily polluted by oil and environmental impact, the

breathtaking views. trash from nearby UP MSI said that the finer
residential areas and ports particles of dolomite can
be “problematic”— with
prolonged dust inhalation
seen to cause chronic
health effects to the public.
These risks include
discomfort in the chest,
shortness of breath, and

2.Many criticized the hounded the move to use But the DENR emphasized
project, throwing crushed dolomite boulders that the beach nourishment
allegations at the DENR, along a portion of the with the use of dolomite is
calling the project a health Manila Bay beach, a vital a significant component of
hazard and a waste of part of the bigger Manila the rehabilitation aimed to
public funds. Bay rehabilitation project protect the coastal
resources in the area and
prevent coastal flooding,
erosion, and pollution.
Being a mineral, a naturally
occurring chemical
compound that is calcium
magnesium carbonate,
DENR said the dolomite is
not detrimental to the
ecosystems of Manila Bay,
and is a known neutralizer
that lessens the acidity of
seawater making it popular
for use in fish aquariums.

Topic: Debates on many aspects of human lives are ongoing on how to best approach
this COVID 19. One of these aspects is education. A lot of students have been very
vocal on social media about the option of having an academic freeze. On the contrary,
experts have claimed that the said option would bring negative effects.

Assertion Reasoning Evidence

(Claim) (Because) (Proof)

1.The current coronavirus During the coronavirus The following sections

(COVID-19) pandemic is crisis, many countries have describe OECD Member
having a profound impact, been using digital Countries’ initiatives to
not only on people’s pedagogical tools and address the different needs

health, but also on how virtual exchanges between of vulnerable students

they learn, work and live. students and their during the COVID-19
teachers, and among pandemic. Beyond school
students, to deliver closures, this Policy Brief
education as schools also examines the issue of
closed. school re-openings by
presenting countries’
current measures and
providing policy pointers
aimed to ensure that the
pandemic does not further
hinder the inclusion of
vulnerable students in
education systems.

2.countries have Teachers’ role and skills Teachers can help these
nonetheless taken some are irreplaceable and their students to remain
measures to foster daily contact with students connected during school
equitable and inclusive places them among the closures by providing
access to good learning most important agents of Internet hotspots, hosting
conditions. inclusion in education. video chats, sharing videos
with closed captioning,
providing translated
material and engaging with
the students’ families or

Lesson-7Body language and vocal variety

Activity-1 let's begin!

Usually Sometimes Seldom Never

1. I use an appropriate
type of speech delivery

2. I am aware of different
speaking situations.

3. I use a conversational
style in my speech.

4. I establish and
maintain eye contact

5. I adjust the volume of

my voice depending on
the size of the audience.

6. I vary my speed.

7. I modulate my voice.

8. I use pauses

9. I pronounce words

10. I avoid mannerisms or



How Far Have We Gone?

Activity 2. IDENTIFICATION. Give what is asked.
Sound1. It is perceived as the loudness of the speaker.
Pitch 2. It refers to the relative highness or lowness of a tone as perceived by the
ear, which
depends on the number of vibrations per second produced by the vocal cords.
Gesture3. It is a form of non-verbal communication or non-vocal communication
in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place
of, or in conjunction
with, speech.
Diaphragmatic Breathing4. A type of breathing a downward movement of the
diaphragm is accompanied by an
expansion of the lower ribs.
Articulation 5. It is the ability to physically move the tongue, lips, teeth and jaw to
sequences of speech sounds, which make up words and sentences.
Diction 6. It refers to the style of speaking or writing determined by the choice of
words by a

speaker or a writer.
Clenched or closed fist7. A strong and forceful gesture used by emotional
speakers in political campaigns to
show determination and a fighting spirit.
Sign of the cross8. A gesture that was popularized by Jesus Christ.
Sitting 9. An “S” form posture that must be avoided.
Pointing with the index finger10. This gesture is considered impolite, provided it
is used to point at something.

Walk the extra mike!

Activity-3 video presentation through "Millennial generation"

Lesson-8 Proper microphone use

Activity-1Let's begin!
Directions. Write the word or idea that defines the term “microphone” inside the cloud.
Your answer should be based on your understanding and should not be taken from the
book and other sources.
2. Deliver sound
3. Converting sound
4.produce electric sound waves
6.electric energy

Complete the statement below using the words or ideas you presented above.

A microphone is a device that translates sound vibrations in the air into electronic
signals or scribes them to a recording medium. Microphones enable many types of
audio recording devices for purposes including communications of many kinds, as well
as music and speech recording.

The use of a microphone is important in public speaking because it is an essential

tool for many public speakers, and dynamic, high-quality sound can add dimension,
emotion and excitement to a speech or an event. If not used correctly, however,
microphones can cause problems that distract speakers, irritate audiences and ruin

Activity 2.How Far Have We Gone?

Directions. Think of a person who you think is a good public speaker. Try to watch

his/her talks and observe his/her manner of speech delivery. Write your observations
based on
the following:

Elements of Delivery Observation/s

1 voice and articulation Clear vocal expression

2Breathing Relax the back of his tongue

on inhalation to avoid a
gaspy, noisy air intake.

3 Voice control Voice recognition has gained

prominence and use with the
rise of AI and intelligent

4 Level of loudness used interchangeably, which

is confusing

5.Microphone Placement reduce the likelihood of

feedback by placing the
speakers ahead.

6. Microphone control He can adjust and control it

very well.

7 What is the strength of the Confidence, passion,

speaker? authenticity and excitement
are all desirable traits to
speak with.

8 What are the weaknesses Interruptions.

of the speaker?

Walk the Extra Mile!

Activity 3.

My speech deliver resolution

1. I got a clear vocal expression

2. I can adjust very well the microphone

3. My loudness i very well achieved


4.My voice is good and recognized

5.speak about what i know and care about

Lesson-9 Importance of storytelling in a speech

Activity-1 let's begin!
Tennessee Williams once told us, "There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you
realize that what you see is all you'll ever be, and then you accept it or you kill yourself,
(Laughter) or you stop looking in mirrors." (Laughter) And speaking of mirrors, someone else
once said, "If we spend too much time scrutinizing what's in our rearview mirror, we're certain to
crash into a light post.'' I've spent the last four years of my life studying people who look in
mirrors, rearview and otherwise in their search for self-awareness. I wanted to know what
self-awareness really is, where it comes from, why we need it, and how to get more of it. My
research team surveyed quantitatively thousands of people. We analyzed nearly 800 scientific
studies. And we conducted dozens of in-depth interviews with people who made dramatic
improvements in their self-awareness. Now, initially, we were actually so worried that we
wouldn't find any of these people that we called them self-awareness unicorns. (Laughter) True.
But thank goodness, we did find them. Because what these unicorns taught me would create a
ground-breaking revelation for how all of us can find genuine self-awareness. And that's what I
want to share with you. Today, I want you to reflect on how you're reflecting. I know that's a
mouthful. And to get there, we're going to need to shatter one of the most widely held beliefs
about finding self-awareness. But first things first. What is this thing we call self-awareness
anyway? It's the ability to see ourselves clearly, to understand who we are, how others see us
and how we fit into the world. Self-awareness gives us power. We might not always like what we
see, but there's a comfort in knowing ourselves. And there's actually a ton of research showing
that people who are self-aware are more fulfilled. They have stronger relationships. They're
more creative. They're more confident and better communicators. They are less likely to lie,
cheat, and steal. They perform better at work and are more promotable. And they're more
effective leaders with more profitable companies. In the world of self-awareness, there are two
types of people: those who think they're self-aware, (Laughter) and those who actually are. It's
true. My team has found that 95% of people think they're self-aware, (Laughter) but the real
number is closer to 10 to 15%. You know what this means, don't you? (Laughter) It means that
on a good day - on a good day - 80% of us are lying to ourselves (Laughter) about whether
we're lying to ourselves. (Laughter) Pretty scary, right? So you can imagine the challenge we
had in figuring out who was truly self-aware.

How Far Have We Gone?


Outcomes Your answer

1.Who is the author of Amy Purydy/ Amelia Michelle Purdy

the speech? Who is the


2.What was the speech When she was 19, Amy Purdy lost both her
all about legs below the knee. And now ... she's a pro
snowboarder (and a killer competitor on
"Dancing with the Stars"!). In this powerful talk,
she shows us how to draw inspiration from life's

3.what was the story Pathosis an appeal to emotions (everything

mentioned in the from humor to horror) in order to sway an
speech? audience, while logosis the use of
data/evidence to prove one's case.

4.Was the story related Yes because when one person stands in front
to the topic of the of many people to give a message it is
speech? Explain considered as speech.In addition it is the
expression of or the ability to express thoughts
and feelings by articulate sounds.

5.What can you say The speech is proper in delivering the message
about the speech? and she announced the main point very well.
The way she talks, she moves , and to express
her feelings is getting attention to the audience.

Walk the extra mile!

In eighth grade, I wore tons of make-up to Catholic school. I was a rebel. Trying to hide my
outbreaks, I covered them with a layer of Clearasil beneath my beige foundation and powder.
But it wasn’t just about my bad complexion. Oh no. I wanted to look like a movie star, like
Elizabeth Taylor or Sophia Loren. I penciled in my eyebrows with black eyebrow pencil, jet-black
eyeliner thickly lining my eyes, and I topped it all off with jade green eye-shadow that came in a
long tube, something like lipstick. My mouth I left blank. This made my eyes stand out more.

The fact that we weren’t allowed to wear make-up to school created all this excitement in me,
and one day when Sister Jocelyn was walking down the aisle in her long black robe, her
wire-rim glasses perched on her nose and her skin the color of oatmeal, she stopped at my
desk, moved in closer and slowly ran her index finger across my eyelid. The tip of her finger
came back green.

“I’m not wearing make-up,” I said defiantly. Oh, the thrill of it. This was the beginning of my long
career as a liar.

Lesson-10 mock interview


Activity-1 Let's begin!

Definition What is its use?

1.Reaume A resume is usually accompanied Is to introduce your qualifications

by a customized cover letter in and skills to employers. It's an
which the applicant expresses an informational document that tells
interest in a specific job or your career story, outlining all
company and draws attention to details in an easily read format.
the most relevant specifics on the

2.Cover letter A cover letter is a document Simply, Cover letters allow

attached to your job application recruiters and hiring managers to
that shows why you're the best develop a better understanding of
candidate. your suitability for a position.

3.Job Interview An interview is essentially a Preparing for an interview can help

structured conversation where one clarify a position's responsibilities. It
participant asks questions, and the is also designed to assist the pupil
other provides answers. to understand himself and his
environment, so as to be able to
solve his problems or modify his

4.Mock interview A mock interview mirrors an actual shows the employer what you can
job interview. It gives you an do for the company, and it gives you
opportunity to practice what to say an opportunity to assess whether
and do during an interview and get your qualifications and career
feedback. ambitions align with the position.

How Far Have We Gone?

Activity-2 Swot analysis.

Strength Weakness
•Ability to pick up skills •Difficulty following
easily. rather than leading
•Ability to work well in a •Cannot focus well on
team. independent work
•Effective leadership skills •Ineffective written
•Great attention to detail communication skills

•Pride in a job done well •Poor time-

•Strong interview skills management skills

Opportunity Threats
•A Manager is in a related •A colleague may also
department is retrieving be interested in the
soon management position
•Workplace offers that will soon be
resources to improve available.
communication and time • The next
management skills performance review
•Many receive a pay raise may not go well if
in the next quarter. time-management
skills do not improve
• The position may
involve a great deal of
independent works

Activity-3 Writing a Resume

P-1 Pakwan Lanuza S.D.S


Hardworking, and I have experienced during my senior high school

level in a high volume of competition in multi-taking and following
directions. And I'm always hired for wedding events.
My knife skills, grace under pressure, and intensive kitchen
background ensure that I always put out high- quality plates even
during the busiest rushes.


-Free to choose designs and menu

-Effective leadership skills can promote my position
-Pride in a job done well
-Great attention to the details

Surigao Del sur State University

Cantilan Campus

— Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education

Specifically in Food and Services Management






August 31, 2021

Mathew Dave Ova

Zone- Lanuza Surigao Del Sur
MDO- Mavea Restaurant Company
[email protected]

Dear Mr. Mathew Dave Ova

I’m writing to you regarding the position of Head Chef, which I discovered on MDO-Mavea's
website. I have over 2 years of related work experience, as well as training from two notable,
Tandag–based restaurants and a specialization in Tandag City cuisine. I’m capable of leading a
team of kitchen staff in addition to offering world-class cuisine.

I’m currently the chef at Shoinbuea in Tandag City where I’ve worked since 2019. One of my
first tasks was to redevelop the entire menu, which increased sales revenue by 150%. I’ve also
interviewed, hired, and trained all kitchen staff since 2019, and my hires improved operational
flow by 47%. Thus far, I have maintained a 100% employee retention rate at the restaurant. In
addition, I’ve developed a process that has reduced waste by 40% and improved supply
turnover by 70%. For my strength is Being a good chef that requires use of both hard and soft
skills. I need to show attention to detail, be able to multitask, have an excellent understanding of
cleanliness and allergens as well as cooking techniques and as much as i can.

I’m confident that I have all the leadership and food preparation skills necessary to fulfill the role
of Head Chef at MDO-Mavea restaurant. I look forward to learning more about the opportunity

and to discussing details with you. You can reach me by phone at 09093356744 or via email at
[email protected] I appreciate your time and consideration.


Jeffrey Daging Abao

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