Success Story of Indigo Airlines A Case

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Volume 3, Number 4, October – December’ 2014

ISSN (Print):2319-9032, (Online):2319-9040

PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2012): 3.562, SJIF (2013): 5.074


Dr. Asha Nagendra37 L. Karthik38 Prabhudass F. J.39 Revathy M.40 Sonu Kumari41 Timri Ravi Mohan Priyadarshini 42


This research paper reveals the internal and external factors, which contributed to the grand success of Indigo airlines. The
purpose of our study was to conduct an analysis on the ‘Success Story of Indigo Airlines.’ and to study the factors, which are
responsible for its success. The sample size selected was 200 respondents from Pune. Stratified Random Sampling was done
to select the respondents from the upper middle class who prefer flying frequently in Low Cost Carriers. The primary data was
collected by means of a questionnaire, which was mailed to respondents in Google doc format. The secondary data was
collected from various research papers, journals, newspapers and internet. The results of the study indicated that the services
provided by Indigo airlines with its sale-and-leaseback transactions helped Indigo earn higher profits than its competitors.
Apart from these, Indigo’s Punctuality to be on time with quick turnarounds of less than 30 minutes between flights has aided
Indigo for positioning itself with best in connectivity between cities. The benefit of such a study is an endeavor to review the
Success Story of Indigo Airlines and compare it with other competitors who failed to survive profits in the aviation industry.


Indigo Airlines, Sale-and-Leaseback Transactions, Low Cost Carriers etc.


Aviation has always been a thorny industry, one as is said only half in jest that makes millionaires out of billionaires, but Indian
aviation has stood out as notoriously brutal owing to high taxes and costly airport charges. The year to March 2013 also happened
to be the worst in recent years due to a steep increase in fuel prices and weakening rupee. Amidst all these turmoil’s Indigo
emerged as India is largest airline by passengers carried, reported a profit of Rs 787 crore in the 2013 financial year. It stunned
many in a manner unusual for an earnings broadcast. During the year, Kingfisher Airlines shut shop and IndiGo's competitors
made losses of more than $1 billion. However, IndiGo emerged unaffected from the wreckage. The latest numbers, revealed by
IndiGo burnished the airline's reputation as the lone Indian carrier to prosper in a troubled industry.

IndiGo was set up in early 2006 by Rakesh Gangwal and Rahul Bhatia of InterGlobe Enterprises, with InterGlobe as the parent
company holding 51.12 per cent of the stake while Rakesh Gangwal’s Caelum Investments, a Virginia, and US-based Company
hold 48 per cent. Many reasons are trotted out for the success but there are some moves that IndiGo has played just right. One of
the chief reasons for IndiGo’s success is its sharp focus - “on-time performance, clean, neat aircraft, and good service”. IndiGo
started life as a low-cost carrier and has stayed there firmly, sticking to its business model even in the worst economic crises, a
move that has paid off brilliantly. Paid-for on-board meals, a single flying class with no-frills service, high aircraft utilization, and
optimal use of space (150 seats to the 190 that a full-fare airline carries) are just some of the cost control methods that IndiGo


 To understand the factors that contributed towards the grand success of the Indigo airlines.
 To compare the performance of Indigo airlines with its competitors and derive lessons to be learnt.


Suganthlakshmi in 2011 conducted a study on “Challenges and Strategies for Successful Airline Operation.” The paper is an
analysis of Airline operations in domestic sector, which gives an overview on barrier, development, and the changes need to be
done in operations and other related functions. According to her, the basic factors that can attract more people are effective
operation, efficient service and the brand name. From the study, we understood that people select airlines based on the service and
the trust created by brand name. Diggines in August 2010 conducted a study on “Passenger Perceptions And Understanding Of
The Low-Cost and Full-Service Airline Models and the Implications for Service Strategy”. The study found out that although low-
cost airline passengers have a highly favorable perception of low-cost airlines, they are highly price sensitive and would readily

Professor, S.I.M.S., Symbiosis International University, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]
Student, S.I.M.S., Symbiosis International University, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]
Student, S.I.M.S., Symbiosis International University, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]
Student, S.I.M.S., Symbiosis International University, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]
Student, S.I.M.S., Symbiosis International University, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]
Student, S.I.M.S., Symbiosis International University, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 1428 |P a g e
Volume 3, Number 4, October – December’ 2014
ISSN (Print):2319-9032, (Online):2319-9040
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2012): 3.562, SJIF (2013): 5.074

switch to a full-service carrier should the full-service carrier offer a lower fare. From his study, we understood that, Fare was an
important issue for low-cost passengers, with full-service passengers indicating that quality and safety were more important than
the fare.


Sample size of 40 customers was chosen who have travelled through Indigo Airlines and 10 employees working in Indigo
Airlines. To test the feasibility of the research topic, two test questionnaires were prepared. These were administered to 10
respondents for the passenger survey and 1 respondent for the airline staff survey. From the results obtained, certain alterations
and modifications were made and final questionnaires were prepared. Indigo employees were interviewed to find out the internal
work environment and other factors leading to the success of Indigo airlines through the questionnaire mailed to them in the form
of a Google document. Airline passengers were surveyed to analyze and access their perception about Indigo airlines and other
low cost carriers. Secondary data was collected from Internet, articles from magazines and newspapers.

Hypothesis 1

H0 - All the low cost carriers have the same operating model and generate similar profits.
H1- All low cost carriers have different operating models and generate different profits.

Hypothesis 2

H0- The consumers are more quality conscious rather price conscious.
H1- The consumers are more price conscious rather quality conscious


Table-1: Most Important Factor for Choosing Indigo Airlines

S. No. Response n=40 Percentage

1 Price 12 30%
2 On board service provided 8 20%
3 Flight’s punctuality 10 25%
4 Baggage handling 10 25%
Sources: Authors Compilation

Discussion: From Table-1 data shows that consumers choose Indigo mainly because of the Competitive prices (30%) followed by
the Flight punctuality of the Indigo Airlines. The above results are in agreement with Diggines Colin who in year 2010 also found
that although low-cost airline passengers have a highly favorable perception of low-cost airlines, they are highly price sensitive
and would readily switch to a full-service carrier as it offers a lower fare.

Table-2: Ranking given to LCC based on Select Factors (All figures are in Percentages)

Airline Ranking 1 2 3 4 5
Indigo Promotions Offered 0 15 20 40 20
Indigo Speed Of Service Offered 0 0 15 50 35
Indigo Flight Punctuality 0 0 20 30 50
Indigo Flight Cancellation By The Airlines 0 15 15 30 40
Spice jet Promotions Offered 0 10 45 35 10
Spice jet Speed Of Service Offered 0 15 45 30 10
Spice jet Flight Punctuality 0 40 40 10 15
Spice jet Flight Cancellation By The Airlines 15 60 15 5 5
Jet lite Promotions Offered 0 20 40 20 20
Jet lite Speed Of Service Offered 15 0 30 20 35
Jet lite Flight Punctuality 0 20 15 45 20
Jet lite Flight Cancellation By The Airlines 0 20 15 30 35
Air Asia Promotions Offered 0 20 20 20 40
Air Asia Speed Of Service Offered 0 15 35 30 20
Air Asia Flight Punctuality 20 15 25 20 20
Air Asia Flight Cancellation By The Airlines 20 20 30 20 10
Sources: Authors Compilation

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 1429 |P a g e
Volume 3, Number 4, October – December’ 2014
ISSN (Print):2319-9032, (Online):2319-9040
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2012): 3.562, SJIF (2013): 5.074

Discussion: The above data from Table-2fulfills the second objective of study, which was “To compare the performance of Indigo
airlines with its competitors and derive lessons to be learnt.”

Table-3: Rating Given by the Respondents to the Features of Indigo Airlines (All Figures Are In Percentages)

S. No. Features 1 2 3 4 5
1 Connectivity of Indigo Airlines to various cities 0% 0% 20% 25% 55%
2 Online booking service of Indigo Airlines 0% 0% 20% 45% 35%
3 Frequency of flights in Indigo Airlines to a particular destination 0% 0% 20% 55% 25%
4 Customer care services in response to your queries 0% 0% 20% 50% 30%
5 Inflight cabin crew behaviour 0% 0% 15% 50% 35%
6 Inflight food service 0% 5% 20% 45% 30%
Sources: Authors Compilation

Discussion: From the data in Table 3, it is seen that 55 percent of the respondents favour the most Connectivity of Indigo Airlines
to various cities and 25 percent of the respondents favour the least Frequency of flights in Indigo Airlines to a particular
destination which fulfills the first objective which was “To understand the factors that contributed towards the grand success of
the Indigo airlines.”

Table-4: Different Operating Models Used by following LCC Affecting their Profit Margin

S. No. Response n=10 Percentage

1 Air Asia (Single type fleet i.e. Airbus A320) 1 10%
2 Jet lite (mixed owned- leased Boeing 737s) 2 20%
3 Indigo(sale-and- leaseback model) 4 40%
4 Spice jet(lean operating model) 3 30%
Sources: Authors Compilation

Discussion: From the data in Table 4 and Figure 4, the null hypothesis of hypothesis 1 which states that “All the low cost carriers
have the same operating model and generate similar profits” is rejected. Hence, the alternate hypothesis, which states, “All low
cost carriers have different operating models and generate different profits” is accepted.


The objective of research was to determine the factors contributing towards Success of Indigo Airlines. It was found that most of
the passengers are more price conscious than quality conscious. The combination of operational performance and financial
engineering has amplified Indigo’s valuation.

Based on the parameters of cost, punctuality, baggage handling, queries handling, Speed of Service Offered and Less Cancellation
by The Airlines, passengers perceive Indigo as the best Low cost Airline. However, throughout the research it was seen that Spice
jet is in close competition with the leading carrier Indigo with other Airlines following. This is in agreement with Diggines Colin
who also found that although low-cost airline passengers have a highly favorable perception of low-cost airlines, they are highly
price sensitive and would readily switch to a full-service carrier as it offers a lower fare.

In conjunction with above research finding, frequency of flights in Indigo Airlines to a particular destination were the least due to
which passengers were not able to travel from Indigo. However, in terms for least waiting time to check in, passengers chose Indi
Go as most effective as compare to other airlines and this finding is in agreement with Suganthlakshmi whose study reveals that
the basic factors that can attract more people are effective operations, efficient service and the brand name.

The second objective of the research was to compare the performance of Indigo airlines with its competitors and derive lessons to
be learnt. It was found that Indigo uses six-year sale and leaseback agreements, so the airline is constantly replacing its aircraft.
This prevents the need for overall checks and major repairs. Indigo’s on time performance, with providing consistently low fares
and Courteous and Hassle free travel are the reasons for its immense success. It focused on inorganic expansion by adding a plane
every six weeks with turnaround time of less than 30 minutes.

Hence, it can be concluded that Indigo has the leanest work force with the staff trained in every aspect of customer experience at
their fly learning and development Centre. Employees are recognized as Individuals in Indigo Airlines with majority of
implementation of suggestions given by them to Indigo Airlines. This is beneficial to both employees as well as Indigo.

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 1430 |P a g e
Volume 3, Number 4, October – December’ 2014
ISSN (Print):2319-9032, (Online):2319-9040
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2012): 3.562, SJIF (2013): 5.074


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