Objective Questions: Paymeni. Receipts
Objective Questions: Paymeni. Receipts
Objective Questions: Paymeni. Receipts
given below. as
Concept as
compared to balance of payments.
3. Write the correct sequence of options in (b) broader
(a) narrower
Column Il by matching them with (c) similar (d) None of the ato
options of Column I.
8. If trade deficit is
1,500 crores and
Column I Column I
import of goods are? 3,500 crores,
A. Visible items Items consistingof value of export of goods will be 72.00=
capital receipts and crores.
capital payments (a) True (b) False
B. Invisible (1) All types of (c) Partialy true (d) Can't be predicta
items physical goods
9. Trade deficit refers to the situation
C. Capital ii) All types of
transfers services
a) export of goods is more than import of
Codes goods.
(b export of goods is less than import
A BC goods
(a) (i) (i) (ii) than import
(C) export of services is more
(b) (ii) (ii) 6)
(c) (ii) (i) (i)
(d) (i) (ii) (i) (d export of services is less than import o
BSE N ew Po
P attern ~ Economics XII (Term 1) 41
import of
of BoP voice-based services
goods 15. India outsources scale.
and record keeping o n a large
This will be considered
A BC (a) Export of visible
(b) (i) (ii) (i) merchandise
(a) (i) (ii)
(i) (b) Export of
(d) (ii) (i) (ii) invisibles
(c) (i) (i)
(ii) (c) Export of
transfers are included in (d) Both (b) and (c)
Uni-lateral balance of
11. shows a
BoP 16. If trade deficit
of goods is
(a) crores and export
account BoP T1,500 of goods
(b) capital (d) None of these value of import
and (b) T5,500 crores,
(c) Both (a)
and will be
of exports is 5,000 crores
12. If value
(a) T6,000 crores
balance of
ofR 3,050 crores, (b) 7 , 0 0 0 crores
trade shows (c) 75,00 crores
ofR 1,950 crores
(d) Can't be
(a) Surplus more
exporting goods
Deficit ofT 1,950 India is
(b) 17. Suppose this
(c) Surplus
ofT5,000 c r o r e s
to importing
ascompared of trade.
3,050 c r o r e s balance
(d) Deficit of F will lead to
. . . .
13. Identify the
correct pair of (a) surplus
column I and II.
from the following eoaan*********
(b) deficit
Column I
(c) Either (a)or(b)
**********e ************************************************************************** above
(d) None of the
A. Current account ) Receipts< be covered by
Payments in... can
surplus 18. A deficit while the reverse
i) Receipts> surplus
B. Current a c c o u n t cannot be done.
surplus # (a) BoP, BoT
Balance current
(i) Receipts
C. Payments (b) BoT, BoP account
account account, capital
s Current
iv) Receipts (c) account
account current
D. Current account,
Payments (d) capital
deficit (CBSE S Q P 2 0 2 0 - 2 1 )
CBSE New Pattern Economics Xu
u (Term
i s the state of balance of payments 36. Which of the following types of deficit
30. Hov
when government is directly is/are common in case of India?
a f f e c t s
in foreign trade? (a) Trade deficit
in BoP improves
(b) Capital account deficit
al Balance (c) Current account deficit
in BoP deteriorates
In) Balance
upon trade balance
(d) Both(a) and (c)
ic) Depends
None of
the above 37. During the outbreak of the second
(d) wave of Covid-19 in the country, India
'surplus refer to
ot payments
Balance received medical equipments from
31. excess o f
which account and
account payment over current
many countries. On
(al Current which side it will be recorded?
account receipts
payment over capital (a) Capital account, credit side
Capital account
/b) account receipts (b) Current account, credit side
payments Over
autonomous (c) Capital account, debit side
(d) Current account, debit
receipts over of
d) Autonomous
38. Autonomous transactions/items
are recorded in
balance of payments
depreciation leads
to a) Current account
2. on balance of trade. (b) Capital account
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(a) True
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(b) False
of Make in
(c) Partially true 39. What will be the impact India's BoP?
on the
Cant be
predicted India Programme
of (a) Improve
What will be the likely impact
33. tariff o n balance
of trade (b) Deteriorate
of the accounts.
better? (c) No change
c o n s i d e r e d as (b)
account will be
(b) Capital account
(d) Both(a)and
s t a t e m e n t s given
(a) Current account
Neither (a) nor (b) From the set of
(d) 41. choose the
Both (a) and (b) Column II.
(c) column I and
to be in
**** ***
software ()
happen current
account equals to
deficit A. Export of
current account
l3) Surplus in
to France i Capital account
in capital account
deficit B. Import of of balance of
account equals to
(b) Surplus in capital machinery from
in current account
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b)
CBSE New Pattern »
Economics Xu
44 XIl CTerm
ColumnI Column I Alternatives
Debit side of (a) Both Assertion (A)and Reason
C. Remittances to (iii) R)are
curent account correct and Reason (R)is the
relative staying
abroad of balance of explanation of Assertion (A) corred
payments (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason
correct, but Reason(R) is not the
D. Investment by iv) Credit side of
current acount
explanation of Assertion (A) COrrect
Apple phones (c) Assertion (A) is correct, but
firm in India of balance of
incorrect Reason (Rl
(d) Both Assertion (A)and Reason
(CBSE SQP 2019-20 incorrect
(R) e
(a) A-i) (b) B-ii) 45. Assertion (A) Purchase of
(c)Cii) (d) D-iv)
from rest of the world is an
42. 'Charity from Abroad' will be transaction of capital account of Bop
recoreded on ........ side of the Reason (R) Any transaction that
balance of payments accounts. impacts the assets or liabilities of a
(CBSE 2020, Modified) country are recorded on current
(a) debit (b) credit account of BoP.
(c) Either (a) or (b) (d) Not recorded Alternatives
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are
Assertion-Reasoning MCOs correct and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A)
43. Assertion (A) Accommodating (b) Both Assertion (A)and Reason (R) are
transactions are undertaken to make correct, but Reason (R)is not the correct
equilibrium in BoP account. explanation of Assertion (A)
Reason(R) Accommodating items are (c) Assertion (A) is correct, but Reason (R)is
also called above the line items. incorrect
Alternatives (d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason
(R) are
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are
correct and Reason (R) is the correct
46. Assertion (A) A
explanation of Assertion (A) country always triest
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are balance the BoP, i,e. balance in current
account equals to balance in
correct, but Reason (R) is not the correct capital
explanation of Assertion (A) account.
c) Assertion(A) is correct, but Reason (R) is Reason (R) Balanced BoP indicates
incorrect stable economic relation with rest of th
(d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are world.
44. Assertion (A) Balance of Payments is (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true
the and Reason (R) is the correct explanation o
accounting record of economic
transactions only. Assertion (A)
Reason (R) Surplus balance of (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true
but Reason(R)is not the correct
payments is an indicator of excess of
outflows over inflows of explanation of Assertion (A)
foreign trade. (c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R)IS tr
lconomics XII (Term ) 45
New Pattern
of balance of Alternatives
A s s e r t i o n
(A) Capital (a) Assertion(A)is true and Reason (P) is a
payment is non recurring in nature.
correct reason of Assertion (A)
transfers affects the
Reason (R)lhabilities (b) Assertion (A) is true but Peason (P) is not a
macroeconomic variables.
maintain foreign exchange
wo income is (c) Both (a) and (b) are true
model, national
an open
of all the sectors of (d) Both are false
of expenditures
sum total
GDP is probably the
most be recorded on
an economy. 52. Foreign investment will
and closely monitored account of BoP?
widely reported which of the following
aggregate statistic. (b) Capital account
(a) Current account
of the size of an economy. (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Not recorded in BoP
GDP is a measure
total amount of 'stuff the
It tells us the
change in the
Any Direction Read the following case study.
economy produces. the
leads to change and questions 53 to 57 on
demand for domestic goods
in national income
of the country. Also, basis of the same.
rate affects India's BoP was
changes in foreign exchange The growing strength of
since the
between countries. observed in the post reform period,
trading relation in 2005-2006. This
of crisis of 1991 continued
48. What will be the likely impact trade? inspite of a widening
growing strength
balance of
increase in exports on
current account deficit to the tune of US
(b) Deteriorate
(a) Improve to 1.1 per
(d) Can't be predicted dollar 9.2 million that is equivalent
(c) No change 2005-2006. Rising foreign
cent of GDP in
Improvement in balance with a sharp revival of
49. Assertion (A) investment, together amaintained
of payments has an incremental impact inflows of non-resident deposits,
of a period. account vis-à-vis
onthe national income strong balance in the capital
of foreign exchange Given such robust,
Reason (R) Inflow high level of reserves.
is by caused of RBI had deemed it
in the domestic country external position
around the the issue of full capital
rate of returns opportune to revisit
account convertibility.
46 CBSE New Pattern ~
Economics XIT
e e en enee
XII (CTerm
In this
scenario, Indian companies hand 55. transaction of BoP is