CIE-AZ Teacher Preparation Lesson Unit Plan Template

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CIE- AZ Teacher Preparation


Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Name: Mrs. Stefania Paz

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Unit/Subject: Language Arts
Title of Unit and Brief Summary: Create a title for each lesson and 1-2 sentences summarizing the lesson, identifying the central focus based on the
content and skills you are teaching.


Students will be face different scenarios where they will describe different kinds of characteristics.

Students will compare and analyze fact from assumptions, identifying main ideas in different descriptions.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs,
504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners), and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning
for all students. This should be limited to 2-3 sentences and the information should inform the differentiation components of the lesson.

The group has a total of 25 students, 3 have IEPs, (learning disorder, emotional disabilities, development delay)
3 student has a behavior plan intervention, 8 are ELLs, 16 have English as first language. Different instructional
strategies and accommodations are used.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

National/State 4.RI.1 Refer to details and 4.RI.1 Refer to details and 4.RI.1 Refer to details and
Learning Standards examples in a text when examples in a text when examples in a text when
explaining what the text says explaining what the text says explaining what the text says
List specific grade- explicitly and when drawing explicitly and when drawing explicitly and when drawing
level standards that inferences from the text. inferences from the text. inferences from the text.
are the focus of the
lesson being
Specific Learning The student is capable of The student will be able to The student will be able to
Target(s)/Objectives draw inferences of the text. share details and explain detect details and main ideas
(SMART) inferences
Based on state The student has vocabulary
standards, identify to describe details
what is intended to
be measured in
Pre-requisite Skills Vocabulary Reading comprehension Comparing
Needed Describing Adjectives Counting
Counting Colors/ size/shape

Language General Forest Stressful Exploring
academic Humidity Joyful Passionate
vocabulary and Dry Hectic Caring
content-specific Wide Exhausting Sporty
vocabulary Small Rainy Delicate
included in the unit. Cloudy Formal
Unit Resources, Posters Visual materials Posters of shoes
Materials, Computer Markers Markers
Equipment, and Proyector Construction paper
Technology Computer
List all resources,
equipment, and
technology to be
used in the unit.
Depth of Knowledge What is the risk of making early
Lesson Questions Are you familiar to this How can you tell what assumptions?
What questions can picture? emotion is the person
be posed experiencing? What are objective facts?
throughout the What country do you think is
lesson to assess all is? What is a poker face? What is the difference
levels of student between an assumption and a
understanding? How the weather does What does the quote: the fact?
 Level 1: Recall looks? map is not the territory
 Level 2: means.
 Level 3: Strategic
 Level 4:

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Anticipatory Set Picture of the day What kind of day is the person having? Guess the
How will students’ prior personality by the
knowledge be We will use a collection of shoe
activated as well as famous paintings and
gain student interest in students will recall on
the upcoming content? colors, meaning of the
painting, style etc.
Presentation of Content
Multiple Means of Visuals Visuals Visuals
Representation Dialogue Verbal instruction Verbal instruction
Describe how content Written instruction Written instruction Written instruction
will be presented in One to one instruction One to one instruction One to one
various ways to meet Color codes Color codes instruction
the needs of different Color codes
Multiple Means of
Representation What kind of day
Differentiation Shoes
Explain how materials We will use visuals such as This activity assists all kinds of special
will be differentiated for posters and photographs. education needs. This activity assists
each of the following Instructions will be giving all kinds of special
groups: verbally as in written on the We will use visuals such as posters and education needs.
 English Language board. photographs. Instructions will be giving
Learners (ELL) verbally and written on the board. We will use visuals
 Students with Seats will be assigned in such as posters
special needs small groups Seats will be assigned in small groups and
 Students with photographs.
gifted abilities If necessary, we will use If necessary, we will use class helpers Instructions will be
 Early finishers class helpers. giving verbally
(those who finish and written on
early and may the board.
need additional
sources/support) Seats will be
assigned in small
If necessary, we
will use class

Application of Content
Multiple Means of Picture of the day What kind of day is the person having? Guess the
Engagement personality by the
How will students We will use a collection of Students will be explore different shoe
explore, practice, and famous paintings and situations and analyze the characters
apply the content? students will recall on emotions, background, and make
colors, meaning of the assumptions. Students will
painting, style etc. review different
Behind the image will be the real kind of shoes to
description wear and will
describe them

Students will be hand out a worksheet After they will also

with a reading comprehension describe their
assessment. owners.
Multiple Means of The activities for
Engagement The activities for this this standard are
Differentiation standard are adapted for The activities for this standard are adapted for the
Explain how materials the population of the adapted for the population of the population of the
will be differentiated for classroom. classroom. classroom.
each of the following
groups: Oral instructions Oral instructions
 English Language Written instruction Written instruction
Learners (ELL) Smalls groups Smalls groups
 Students with Class helpers and one to one Class helpers and
special needs assistance. one to one
 Students with assistance.
gifted abilities
 Early finishers
(those who finish
early and may
need additional
Assessment of Content
Multiple Means of
Expression Class participation will be Reading comprehension worksheet. Class
Formative and taken in students record participation
summative assessments Attendance
used to monitor student
progress and modify
Multiple Means of
Expression Differentiation
Explain how materials
will be differentiated for Describing chart
each of the following Students with learning We will use the list “100 words for facial Written
groups: disorders will use a expressions” instructions
 English Language describing chart Visual material Classroom
Learners (ELL) helpers
 Students with Flexible seating will be Dictionaries will be available for those Signals
special needs assigned to students with who need.
 Students with special education needs.
gifted abilities
 Early finishers
(those who finish
early and may
need additional
Extension Activity and/or Homework
Activities Identify and Biological tree The student will
describe any extension Students will add words to read “The giving
activities or homework the adjectives chart. The students will share voluntary tree” and write a
tasks as appropriate. information about their families in a reflection
Explain how the family biological tree. answering the
extension activity or following
homework assignment Sharing questions:
supports the learning
targets/objectives. As Origins Why do you think
required by your Common careers the tree keep
instructor, attach any waiting for the
copies of homework at boy?
the end of this template.
What phases did
the bot go
through in his life?

Write an

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