Digital Twin-Based Energy Modeling of Industrial Robots
Digital Twin-Based Energy Modeling of Industrial Robots
Digital Twin-Based Energy Modeling of Industrial Robots
of Industrial Robots
1 Introduction
The world has witnessed the continuous development of manufacturing in past dec-
ades. As the backbone of the modern industrialized society, manufacturing always
plays an important role in promoting the growth of national economy [1, 2]. Industrial
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018
L. Li et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2018, CCIS 946, pp. 333–348, 2018.
334 K. Yan et al.
robots (IRs), which enable the end products produced more efficiently and intelligently,
are widely utilized in various manufacturing process since they provide high precision,
repeatability, programmability and high automated capability. However, the massive
application of IRs is often accompanied with high level of energy consumption, a
recent research showed that the energy consumption of IRs is approximately 8% total
electrical energy consumed in manufacturing process [3]. At this point, it is in urgent
need of energy consumption optimization and energy efficient improvement of IRs.
With the need of energy minimization of IRs, the accurate monitoring, evaluating
and prediction for energy consumption of IRs should be taken into account firstly, and
energy modelling of IRs is an effective way to meet these demands. However, there
exist many challenges on the modelling of robot energy consumption, the application
of which is also limited. New methods for energy consumption modeling of IRs are
required to be developed.
Digital twin, a novel concept that refers to virtual substitutes of real world objects
[4], has aroused broad concern along with the amazing growth and advancements in
computer science and information technologies. The idea of digital twin is to create a
digital counterpart to mimic the characteristics and behaviors of its corresponding twin.
As an important aspect driving the future of manufacturing, digital twin has many
remarkable advantages and provides a new way for robot energy modeling, which can
assist in visualization, simulation and prediction for energy consumption of IRs as well
as decision support for enterprises.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The next section gives a review
of related works. Section 3 describes the system framework of the proposed method.
The details for energy modelling of IRs based on digital twin is explained in Sect. 4. In
Sect. 5, a case study is presented to validate the proposed method. Finally, the con-
clusion and the future work is discussed in Sect. 6.
2 Related Works
The robotic energy consumption reduction has become a major objective for many
researchers and groups, there have been plenty of studies that focus on it. For instance,
the work described in [5] aims at improving energy efficiency of pneumatic drive by
hardware modification. The research introduced in [6] emphasizes the energy con-
sumption optimization for multi-robot system rather than an individual robot. In
another respect, many researchers are interested in minimizing energy consumption of
IRs by means of robotic energy-efficient trajectory planning [7–9]. Others such as [10]
focus on optimizing operating parameters for energy saving of IRs, in which experi-
mental investigations are conducted by using a specific IR.
As for the modeling and evaluation of robot energy consumption, there are little
literature concerned with it. Some researches such as [11, 12] focus on processing and
analyzing the real data from direct measurement of robot energy consumption, which
combines the direct energy measurement and computer evaluation. In [13], a mathe-
matical approach which follows from a specific expression of an energy consumption
equation is represented. Because of the advanced computer and information tech-
nologies, the application of simulation tools for energy modeling of IRs is also studied.
Digital Twin-Based Energy Modeling of Industrial Robots 335
In [14], the power consumption is calculated and dynamic behavior is analyzed for a
six axis IR in assembly system by the combination of simulation and experiment.
Literature [15] proposes a computer-aided modelling approach to model the energy
consumption of industrial articulated robots. In [16], an energy modeling method based
on the simulated power data and parameter identification is proposed to calculate the
energy consumption of IRs whose torques are difficult to be directly measured.
Digital twin has received much attention in academic circles at present. The concept
of digital twin emerged from the course on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in
2002 [17]. As an effective way to link the cyber space with the physical space, digital
twin has gained further research and applications in some fields. The U.S. Air Force
Research Laboratory utilized Digital Twin for the maintenance and lifetime prediction
of aerocraft [18]. Dassault built an 3D platform based on Digital Twin to optimize the
product entities in physical world [19]. In [20], the digital twin workshop is proposed
which consist of physical workshop, cyber workshop, workshop service system and
digital twin data. A digital twin-driven method is presented in [21] to support and
improve the efficiency and intelligence in product design, manufacturing and service
phases. In [22], it studies the modeling method for digital twin workshop on the base of
physical perception data to drive the workshop more intelligent.
In this paper, a novel method which combines the energy modeling of IRs with
digital twin is proposed and the system framework is developed, which may aid to
robot energy consumption simulation and prediction.
3 System Framework
Digital twin is an effective way to realize the communication and interaction between
physical and cyber world. Applying the digital twin to robotic energy modeling will
enable the simulation and data visualization for energy consumption of IRs as well as
facilitate the comprehensiveness and accuracy of energy consumption prediction.
Based on digital twin, a novel system framework for energy modeling of IRs is built, as
shown in Fig. 1.
There are mainly four parts contained in the system framework, including the
physics-based energy model of the physical IRs, the virtual robot model, the ontology-
based unified digitized description model and the digital twin data. In the physical
space, the physical energy model is responsible for energy consumption calculation of
IRs. For the establishment of physical energy model, the dynamic parameters identi-
fication is important and the data like angle, velocity, acceleration, torque etc. are all
necessary. Hence the multi-source data are collected and stored firstly by using data
perception devices like robot controller, smart meter and torque sensor, etc. After data
pre-processing, the parameter identification is conducted with the help of Denavit-
Hartenberg (D-H) notation, robotic kinematics and dynamics, thereby the physical
energy model can be obtained by parameter identification based on the perception data.
In the cyber space, the 3D virtual robot should be built to carry out the visualization,
simulation and prediction of robot energy consumption. Besides, an unified digitized
description model of IRs based on ontology should be developed, which is significant
to provide knowledge support for the virtual robot and map it to the corresponding
336 K. Yan et al.
physical energy model. Finally, the digital twin data refers to all data both from
physical space and cyber space, including the multi-source perception data, calculating
data, inference data, data of virtual model and simulation data, etc. which provides data
driving for the digital twin-based energy model.
Robot status
controller Kinematics
Smart meter Joint torque
Data Parameter
D-H notation Ontology Knowledge description
pre-processing identification
Forward Association
kinematics Association rules
Energy Mapping
dynamics model Inference
Priori Knowledge of IR
L4 L5
Danevit-Hartenberg Rigid Body Forward Inverse
Notation Dynamics Kinematics Dynamics x
Data L3 Z Y
Linear Model of Processing 3 Z
Data Acquisition Y
x x x
Parameter Trajectory Design
x 5 Y
Identification L2 Z Y
Robot dynamic
4,6 Z
parameters Objective Z
identification Physics-based Z
Energy model
and Constraints Y
1 x
Validate Model
Not Satisfied L1
Satisfied Z
Fig. 2. (a) Procedure of physics-based energy modeling of IRs. (b) Robot’s frame system.
_ /Þ þ Gðq; /Þ ¼ s
M ðq; /Þ€q þ Cðq; q; ð1Þ
_ €qÞ/linear
s ¼ H ðq; q; ð2Þ
Where s is the joint torque vector, H is the nk observation matrix which is
determined by the robot motion data only. /linear represents the k-vector of base
parameters. Friction, which influences significantly on robot dynamic behavior, is not
considered in (1) and (2). Hence it is greatly necessary to compensate the friction effect.
Friction is usually complicated and high nonlinear, a simplified friction model which is
a combination of Coulomb and viscous friction is commonly used for robotic appli-
cations [24]. As shown in (3), note that friction torque sf is linear in unknown
338 K. Yan et al.
parameters fc and fv , which is in line with the structure in (2). fc an fv are the coefficients
of Coulomb and viscous friction respectively.
sf ¼ fc signðq_ Þ þ fv q_ ð3Þ
Where xf is base frequency which is the same for all joints, t represents time, qi;0 is
the initial position of joint, the Fourier series of each joint includes 2N + 1 parameters.
In order to reduce the estimation error, the input trajectory need to be optimized and the
condition number of observation matrix can be a criterion for optimization, reducing
the condition number will help to improve the identification accuracy. By solving the
nonlinear optimization problem, the coefficients ai;k and bi;k can be obtained. Mean-
while, there exists limitations on robot joints like position, velocity, acceleration as well
as the Cartesian space, these constraints should be considered for solving the opti-
mization problem.
Data Acquisition and Parameter Identification. The calculated optimized excitation
trajectory will be programmed in the robot controller so that the robot can execute the
trajectory continuously. Meanwhile, the data will be collected with a constant fre-
quency. Joint positions and torques are monitored by joint encoder, angle velocities and
accelerations can be calculated by the differential of positions. After denoising and
smoothing process for measured data, the observation matrix and vector of torques can
be calculated, thus the over determined equations showed in (5) can be obtained.
2 3 2 3
s1 H ðq1 ; q_ 1 ; €q1 Þ
6 . 7 6 .. 7
C ¼ 4 .. 5 ¼ 4 . 5/linear ¼ W/linear ð5Þ
sr H ðqr ; q_ r ; €qr Þ
Where for k ¼ 1; . . .; r, sk and H ðqk ; q_ k ; €qk Þ are the torque vector and identification
matrix respectively based on the data from the kth sampling. By using the least square
method, the estimated value of parameters is
T 1 T
/ linear ¼ W W W C ð6Þ
Digital Twin-Based Energy Modeling of Industrial Robots 339
Energy Consumption Calculating. After the robot dynamic parameters has been
identified, the joint torques can be calculated based on (2). The power calculation of
each joint is performed by (7).
Pout;i ¼ si q_ i ð7Þ
Here, Pconstant is the power consumption when the robot is in standby mode. Then
the process ends in computing robot energy consumption as shown in (9).
Z tf
E¼ Ptotal dt ð9Þ
Unified Digitized Description of IRs Based on Ontology. The linkage and correct
mapping between the virtual model and corresponding physical energy model is crucial
for the bidirectional interaction. Hence a unified digitized description model of IRs is
built to provide knowledge support for the virtual robots. According to the physical
energy model of IRs explained above, the factors that affect energy consumption
significantly in the running process of IRs include joint speed, acceleration, joint
torque, payload, etc. We organize the digitized description model of IRs in terms of
robot basic information and running process information. Robot basic information
mainly presents the information which determines a specific robot. Running process
information includes the real-time and dynamic parameters of a running IR, which is
mainly used to reflect the current running status and energy consumption of IR.
Ontology is the formal specification of conceptual models which has well-machine-
understanding performance to enable the interacting and knowledge-transmission
easily. We utilized OWL (Web Ontology Language) in this paper to build the ontology
model for the unified digitized description of IRs explained above. Protégé, a general
ontology editor, was used to realize the ontology structure.
The formal description of robot basic information ontology is shown in (10),
IR_Information is defined as a class which describes the basic information of IR. The
ontology model of IR_Information is given in Fig. 3(a).
Fig. 3. (a) Ontology of robot basic information. (b) Ontology of running process information.
IR RunProcess ¼ ðCurrent State; Joint Position; Joint Speed; Joint Acc; Joint Torque;
Payload; Run Power; Energy Consumption; Run time; . . .Þ
Where IR_Information and IR_RunProcess reflect the robot basic information and
running process information introduced above respectively. Industrial_Robot is defined
as a class that has IR_Information and IR_RunProcess. By doing this, a virtual robot
which is linked to the corresponding individual of Industrial_Robot can obtain the two
kinds of information. The ontology model of Industrial_Robot is shown in Fig. 4(a).
RobotName IR_Name
Robot basic Mapping
RobotType IR_Type IR_Information
ControlledAxes Controlled_Axes
JointPosition Joint_Position
JointSpeed Joint_Speed
Running process JointTorque Joint_Torque
Mapping IR_RunProcess
information RunTime Run_Time
EnergyConsumption Energy_Consumption
Mapping Relationship Between Digitized Model and Physical Model. In this paper,
the mapping relationship between the ontology attributes and real-time data is
Digital Twin-Based Energy Modeling of Industrial Robots 341
established, as shown in Fig. 4(b). The developed knowledge structure above plays a
critical role to give a bond of interaction between the virtual model and respective
physical energy model. Since the data and information from the physical energy model
are changeable in the running process of IRs, the ontology attributes should be altered
accordingly so as to reflect the current status of IRs effectively and precisely. However,
the ontology editor Protégé just creates the initial structure of ontology and it can only
modify ontology manually. In this respect, it is required to build the mapping rela-
tionship which associates the ontology attributes and real-time data. Jena, a free and
open source Java framework for building semantic applications, is used to read and
modify the established ontology. The data from the physics-based energy model will be
stored in database firstly, in the light of the established mapping relationship, the value
of these parameters stored in database can be added to the instance of ontology model
dynamically using Jena, then the instance of ontology will be updated over time to get
the current information of IRs according to the real-time data.
Digitized description Mapping
model layer relationship
Ontology description
Basic Joint Joint Energy
information position torque consumption
energy model layer
Energy modeling of physical IR
Robot Shape Manipulation 3-D model
Robot Size Motion Planning
Robot Color Motion Controll
3-D Perception simulation
URDF Description of IR MoveIt! RViz
Fig. 7. (a) The URDF specification of KUKA KR6 R700. (b) The corresponding 3-D virtual
model in RViz.
The rationality and effectiveness of the proposed method is verified in this section and a
set of experiments are investigated. We take KUKA KR6 R700 sixx as IRs’ instance,
as shown in Fig. 8. It is a compact, versatile and flexible six-axis articulated robot
manufactured by KUKA Company for particularly high working speeds. KUKA KR6
R700 sixx not only works efficiently with high speeds but also provides high-precision,
which makes it do well in many fields.
The physical energy model of this KUKA KR6 R700 sixx robot is established
firstly based on parameter identification. There are mainly three steps:
1. MATLAB software is used to build the dynamics program of robot and deduce the
symbolic expression of actuator torque, then the linear model of torque for
parameter identification can be obtained base on it. After that, the excitation tra-
jectory will be calculated in MATLAB.
2. The computed excitation trajectory from MATLAB is programed and executed by
the robot, simultaneously, the motion data and torques of robot are sampled in each
time interval of 0.012 s by joint encoders.
344 K. Yan et al.
3. The obtained motion data from joint encoders can be used to calculate the coeffi-
cient matrix in the linear model of torque, and then we can identify the dynamic
parameters using the least-square method.
It is necessary to validate the correctness of the established physical energy model.
The verify experiment is conducted to compare the modeling power with the mea-
surement power from the developed smart electric meter when the robot moves with a
random trajectory. Figure 9 gives the trajectory for validation and the compared result
between the modeling power and measurement power. Since energy consumption is a
function of power based on time integral, the modeling and measurement energy
consumption are computed respectively as shown in (13) and (14). The relative error
between the modeling and measurement energy consumption is calculated by (15).
Fig. 9. (a) The trajectory while joint2, joint3 and joint4 move for validating the physical energy
model. (b) The compared result between the modeling power and measurement power.
Z t2
EnergyModel ¼ PModel dt ¼ 559:59 J ð13Þ
Z t2
EnergyMeasure ¼ PMeasure dt ¼ 598:78 J ð14Þ
kEnergyModel EnergyMeasure k
Error ¼ 100% ¼ 6:54% ð15Þ
The compared result reveals that the modeling power is approximately associated
with the trend of measured power. Analyzing the energy consumption from the
physical energy model and measurement, there are mainly two reasons for the differ-
ences between the model and measurement. The first one is that the measurement
power includes the power consumption of the motor torque, and the power loss of the
motor. However, the power loss of the motor is regarded as constant in the physical
energy model while it actually varies from the payload, temperature, velocity, etc. The
other reason for the differences is the simplification of the used linear friction model.
For the linkage between the physical energy model and virtual model, the KUKA
KR6 R700 sixx is described in the proposed ontology model by inserting individuals,
including the basic information and running status information. Jena, a java API for
ontology, is used to handle ontology. An individual of Industrial_Robot: KUKA_
KR6_R700 is built, as shown in Fig. 10. The connection between KUKA_KR6_R700
Digital Twin-Based Energy Modeling of Industrial Robots 345
For achieving the simulation and data visualization on the energy consumption of
the KUKA KR6 R700 sixx robot, the corresponding 3D virtual model is implemented
in ROS. At the basis of the established physical energy model and knowledge
description model, the developed 3D virtual model can perform moving with a spec-
ified trajectory and displaying the relevant data during the running process. To illustrate
the feasibility and effectiveness of the integrated energy model of IRs, the trajectory
shown in Fig. 11 is taken as an instance of process in robot movement, the KUKA KR6
R700 sixx robot is programmed to perform the process that is to move the robot from
the initial configuration as shown in Fig. 12(a) to the final configuration as shown in
Fig. 12(b). The total power and energy consumption are calculated by the physical
energy model and stored in database, with the established individual of
KUKA_KR6_R700, the related information during the process for executing this tra-
jectory is read and loaded to ROS, thereby we can run the virtual robot model based on
the obtained information, Fig. 13 gives the simulation result after the running process
has finished. We could see that the virtual robot can move with the desired trajectory, in
addition, the information including energy consumption in the process can be displayed
dynamically as well in the interface. Our experiment shows that the developed virtual
model can simulate correctly on robot energy consumption, which can contribute in
energy consumption monitoring and prediction of IRs.
Fig. 13. The simulation result of the process, the related information is shown in the interface.
In this paper, a novel system framework focused on energy modeling of IRs based on
digital twin is proposed. In the light of that, the physical energy model of IRs based on
parameter identification is built firstly, then we propose the unified description model
for IRs using ontology, and the linkage between the physical energy model and
description model is built based on the mapping relationship. Besides, the 3D virtual
model for visualization and simulation is realized in ROS. Finally, to illustrate the
effectiveness of the proposed method, a case study on a KUKA KR6 R700 sixx
industrial robot is demonstrated. In general, the digital twin-based energy model is
effective in energy consumption prediction and simulation for IRs. In the future, further
Digital Twin-Based Energy Modeling of Industrial Robots 347
research will be investigated to improve the accuracy of energy model and perfect the
virtual model. Energy optimization for IRs based on the proposed approach is also
planned in the following study.
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