Grade 2 DLL English 2 q4 Week 8
Grade 2 DLL English 2 q4 Week 8
Grade 2 DLL English 2 q4 Week 8
B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation: Motivation: Motivation: Motivation: Orient pupils on the
lesson Get Set Get Set Play the song of As A Filipino. Get Set directions.
Here is a picture of a Using the word web below, The pupils sing along then show the Recall the characteristics of Filipinos
great flood in the city. write words you think are pupils a photo of a boy raising the learned from
Tell the class what you related with the word Philippine flag. the previous lesson by filling in the
feel after looking at it. TEAMWORK. chart below.
What are the good things we
get if we work
together as a team?
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Work: Group Work: Group Work:
practicing new skills #2 Read again the Read again the selection Valuing: Valuing:
selection Boatman to the Rescue Show a picture of a pedestrian crossing Show a picture of a pedestrian crossing
Philippines: Typhoon By Dali Soriano where people are waiting for the right where people are waiting for the right
'Ondoy' Death Toll time to cross. Then, she ask the time to cross. Then, she ask the
Reaches 243 following questions. following questions.
By: Leo Reyes/ October
1, 2009
1. Have you ever been in a pedestrian 1. Have you ever been in a pedestrian
lane? What is a pedestrian lane? lane? What is a pedestrian lane?
2. What should we observe in crossing 2. What should we observe in crossing
a pedestrian lane? a pedestrian lane?
Show the traffic lights then ask: Show the traffic lights then ask:
1.. When is the right time to cross the 1.. When is the right time to cross the
street? What are the three colored street? What are the three colored
traffic traffic
lights? What does each color mean? lights? What does each color mean?
2. Why is it important to put traffic 2. Why is it important to put traffic
lights along streets and highways? lights along streets and highways?
3. What would probably happen if 3. What would probably happen if
there are no traffic lights in the city? there are no traffic lights in the city?
Tell pupils to color the box using the Tell pupils to color the box using the
correct color that indicates the correct correct color that indicates the correct
action to be taken in crossing the action to be taken in crossing the
street. street.
Worksheet: Worksheet:
F. Developing mastery We Can Do It We Can Do It We Can Do It We Can Do It Testing
( Leads to formative Draw a line to connect Study the pictures below. Write Using the word web below, write Match the word with the picture it
assessment ) the word at the left that a simple sentence words that you symbolizes.
is related to the words about each of the pictures. think are related with the word Connect them by drawing a line.
on the fish. Then, arrange them in PATRIOTISM.
the order that they are likely to
UNITY As a Filipino, I will be fair.
As a Filipino, For what is right,
you and I are one. I’ll always care.
We work together I will be just and
in toil and fun. not oppress,
All together as a team, Or take advantage
We are true partners, of the rest.
this I have seen.
As a Filipino,
I’m truly proud.
For this rich country,
I sing aloud.
Wherever I go, FREEDOM
I bring with me As a Filipino, I will defend
My country’s name, My right to be until the
beloved and free. end.
And with this freedom
comes a price
My country where my
duty lies.
As a Filipino, I study hard.
I read, I write to
move forward.
I study so when
I grow up
I’ll help my country
reach the top.
H. Making generalizations and Remember This: Remember This: Remember This: Remember This: What did you learn?
abstractions about the lesson Meronym is a word What are the parts of a simple Valuing: Valuing:
which is a part of story? Ask the following questions: Ask the following questions:
something and is used 1. How will you show your faith in God? 1. How will you show your faith in God?
to refer to the whole. 2. How will you show that Filipinos are 2. How will you show that Filipinos are
Example: “Finger” is a united? united?
part of the hand and 3. Who among you have experienced 3. Who among you have experienced
“wheel” is a part of the helping other Filipinos who are in helping other Filipinos who are in
car. need? What did you feel after doing need? What did you feel after doing
so? so?
4. How will you show your love for the 4. How will you show your love for the
country? country?
5. How does studying hard help the 5. How does studying hard help the
country to become progressive? country to become progressive?
I. Evaluating Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Checking the test
Write simple sentences from Directions: Match the picture in I. List the words related to the word paper.Noting item missed.
your ideas of column A with the characteristic it freedom.
teamwork. shows in column B.
(for the illustrator to draw in
each of the boxes)