02 - A Display Technique For Preventing Electromagnetic Eavesdropping Using Color Mixture Characteristic of Human Eyes - 2008
02 - A Display Technique For Preventing Electromagnetic Eavesdropping Using Color Mixture Characteristic of Human Eyes - 2008
02 - A Display Technique For Preventing Electromagnetic Eavesdropping Using Color Mixture Characteristic of Human Eyes - 2008
1 Introduction
After Van Eck published his paper [1] in 1985, the risk of information leakage
through electromagnetic radiation from a display unit, not only cathode-ray tube
(CRT) but also liquid-crystal display (LCD) [2], has been widely known. The
technique to capture information through electromagnetic (EM) radiation is now
referred to as “TEMPEST” (transient electro-magnetic pulse emission surveil-
lance technology) or “compromising emanations”. However, little information on
guidelines or requirements for preventing TEMPEST has been unveiled, though
some companies have been selling TEMPEST testing devices.
The most significant literature on TEMPEST that is publicly available is a
thesis by Markus Kuhn [3]. He states that million-dollar devices were required
K. Solanki, K. Sullivan, and U. Madhow (Eds.): IH 2008, LNCS 5284, pp. 1–14, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
2 T. Watanabe, H. Nagayoshi, and H. Sako
digital form to analog form in order to transmit the analog value to the CRT
through the analog RGB cable. The CRT receives the analog value and activates
a regulator to modulate the strength of an electron beam to an adequate level.
The electron beam then activates the phosphorogen coated layer on the screen
so that the luminance at the position reaches the expected value corresponding
to the picture. In some CRTs, the regulator is directly controlled by the input
analog signal. On the other hand, various CRTs buffer incoming analog values
in digital form by an analog-to-digital converter. Then, after digital filters are
applied, a digital-to-analog converter is used to activate the electron beam. In
either case, analog voltages corresponding to the luminance of the pixels in the
picture are transmitted in the system.
A conventional desktop PC and a CRT are connected by an analog RGB cable,
which transmits luminance information pixel-by-pixel. Each pixel is made up of
three colors: red, blue, and green of the RGB color system. Color information
is represented by a 0.7-Vpp analog signal and is divided into 256 levels so that
each level has a 30-mV margin. Pixels are transmitted in order from the top
left to the bottom right by raster scanning, which is illustrated in Fig. 1, where
the addresses (0,0) and (w − 1, h − 1) are respectively located at the top left
and bottom right parts of the screen. Here, w and h are the width and height
of the screen. In raster scanning, the pixel at (0,0) is transmitted first, followed
by (1,0), (2,0), etc. Once the scan reaches the rightmost address (w − 1, 0), the
scan goes to the next line (0,1), (1,1), (2,1), etc. After (w − 1, h − 1), the scan
goes back to the top left, (0,0). This scanning sequence of one screen is called
Fig. 1. Leakage sources (thick black lines) in system of computer and CRT or LCD
connected by analog RGB cable
4 T. Watanabe, H. Nagayoshi, and H. Sako
a “frame”. In ordinary PCs and CRTs, the frame rate is set to between 60 and
85 Hz. The human visual system cannot follow such high-frequency images and
thus identifies them as smooth motion pictures.
As illustrated in Fig. 1, sources of information leakage, represented by thick
black lines, are spreading nearly throughout the system. The leakage spreads
from the output of the graphic board’s VRAM to the CRT’s regulator of the
electron beam and the LCD drivers. If an attacker can couple an antenna to the
leakage source, they can retrieve information from a distance without having to
be near the target device. Even worse, EM analysis is passive and so evidence of
information leakage is not detectable.
1. Through an input port, analog RGB, horizontal sync, and vertical sync sig-
nals are received.
2. The pixel clock, the horizontal sync, and the vertical sync signals locate the
angle of the electron beam at the target position.
3. At the target position, depending on the RGB signal, the electron beam
stimulates phosphorogen on the screen, resulting in the material glowing
with corresponding luminance.
CRT System. In a CRT system, most of the power consumption is used by the
electron beam, which is controlled by a power regulator of which input depends
on a pixel value. For the regulator, a 100-V power source is boosted to about
a few thousands of voltage to activate the electron beam. Because the power
level of the electron beam corresponds to the pixel value, the resultant EM
radiation also depends on the pixel value and thus an attacker monitoring the
EM radiation can retrieve information on this value.
If a screen size becomes larger, decreasing the transition speed of the electron
beam is necessary. When an interval between spotting times of adjacent pixels is
A Display Technique for Preventing Electromagnetic Eavesdropping 5
Fig. 2. Encoding of digital (a) 24-bit parallel bus, (b) digital DVI, (c) 24-bit LVDS
and analog, (d) RGB
long, the beam is controlled by the ZR (zero return) method, which zeroizes the
voltage of the beam before the next pixel value is charged. In this case, the pixel
value itself leaks. On the other hand, if the interval is short, zeroizing the beam
is difficult, thus the beam keeps the voltage and starting from it, changes to the
next voltage level. In this case, the differences of two successive pixel values leak.
The latter case is common today, and in a system with an analog RGB cable
and a CRT, the difference of pixel values in the raster scanning order is the basic
leakage information.
Fig. 4. Displayed image (left) and eavesdropped images (center and right)
Fig. 5. Frequencies of image leakage (represented by lines and arrows) and eaves-
dropped images
8 T. Watanabe, H. Nagayoshi, and H. Sako
w (f ) = a · |pXt ,Yt − pXt−1 ,Yt−1 | = a · |cXt ,Yt − αXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 |
w (f ) = a · |pXt ,Yt − pXt−1 ,Yt−1 | = a · |cXt ,Yt + αXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 |
10 T. Watanabe, H. Nagayoshi, and H. Sako
Here, cXt ,Yt is set to cXt ,Yt = pXt ,Yt − pXt−1 ,Yt−1 , which is equivalent to the
leakage without a countermeasure.
If the horizontal and vertical sync signals match those of the target device,
the image visible to the attacker corresponds to the average value of w (t) and
w (t). The result is divided into the following four cases.
i) cXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 ≥ 0, cXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 ≥ 0
w (f ) + w (f )
a · (cXt ,Yt − αXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 ) + a · (cXt ,Yt + αXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 )
= a · cXt ,Yt
ii) cXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 ≥ 0, cXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 < 0
w (f ) + w (f )
a · (cXt ,Yt − αXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 ) − a · (cXt ,Yt + αXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 )
= a · (αXt−1 ,Yt−1 − αXt ,Yt )
iii) cXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 < 0, cXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 ≤ 0
w (f ) + w (f )
−a · (cXt ,Yt − αXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 ) + a · (cXt ,Yt + αXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 )
= a · (αXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 )
iv) cXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 < 0, cXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 < 0
w (f ) + w (f )
−a · (cXt ,Yt − αXt ,Yt + αXt−1 ,Yt−1 ) − a · (cXt ,Yt + αXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 )
= −a · cXt ,Yt
In ii) and iii), the results only depend on the random value, and there is
no image leakage, whereas in i) and iv), the result is equivalent to the original
leakage without a countermeasure, so the attacker sees the information related
to the original picture on his/her screen.
The above equations imply that ii) or iii) tends to be satisfied if a smaller
cXt ,Yt is achieved. If we are not informed in advance about the original picture,
one strategy is to accomplish such a situation by generating αXt ,Yt , αXt−1 ,Yt−1
to let |αXt ,Yt − αXt−1 ,Yt−1 | be a larger value. As illustrated geometrically in Fig.
7, the right strategy is better than the one on the left.
A Display Technique for Preventing Electromagnetic Eavesdropping 11
Fig. 7. Example of picture value allocation to first and second sub-images (right case
is preferable)
Fig. 9. Magnified images of character “S” in (a) original image, (b) 1st sub-image,
(c) 2nd sub-image and (d) visible image on human eyes. (d) is calculated virtually by
averaging (b) and (c).
Table 3. Comparison of eavesdropped images from the target system with or without
countermeasure in analog system
A Display Technique for Preventing Electromagnetic Eavesdropping 13
The right columns in Table 3 show the results of applying our method. The
edges of characters found in the left columns are dismissed, implying that re-
trieving any information about the original image is not possible.
The last row in Table 3 contains estimated leak images made by the leakage
model described in the second section. The left picture shows information on the
edges of the characters, whereas the right picture shows only noise. Both seem
to well explain the test results.
LCD System. The same test was conducted for a system in which a CRT was
replaced by an LCD. Table 4 shows the results of this test. Although, as we
pointed out for Fig. 5, leakage is seen at lower frequencies, the results for these
regions are the same as those in Table 3.
14 T. Watanabe, H. Nagayoshi, and H. Sako
4 Conclusion
We developed a signal reduction and noise generation technique that uses human
visual characteristic related to an additive mixture of colors, which is what occurs
during continuous exposure to quickly changing colors. We tested the technique
using a system of a computer and CRT or LCD connected by an analog RGB
cable with an image conversion hardware that is realized by a FPGA board.
With the same goal, Kuhn [3] suggested a technique that randomizes lower
significant bits of pixel value that do not significantly affect the quality of an
image. Our method introduces a significantly larger amount of noise with less of
an image quality penalty.
Although our technique has the drawback of contrast reduction on a displayed
image, this can be done at a low cost using software. Furthermore, our method is
independent from previously proposed methods, and thus, our method combined
with others will effectively improve security against electromagnetic eavesdrop-
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2. Kuhn, M.: Electromagnetic Eavesdropping Risks of Flat-Panel Displays. In: 4th
Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, pp. 1–20 (2004)
3. Kuhn, M.: Compromising emanations: eavesdropping risks of computer displays.
University of Cambridge Technical Report Number 577 (December 2003)
4. Kuhn, M., Anderson, R.: Soft Tempest: Hidden Data Transmission Using Electro-
magnetic Emanations. In: Aucsmith, D. (ed.) IH 1998. LNCS, vol. 1525, pp. 124–142.
Springer, Heidelberg (1998)
5. Tanaka, H., Takizawa, O., Yamamura, A.: Evaluation and Improvement of TEM-
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457–469. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
6. Shiwei, D., Jiadong, X., Chenjiang, G.: Bit error rate of a digital radio eavesdropper
on computer CRT monitors. In: IEEE International Symposium on Communications
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