Niu 2015

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Enabling earthworm-like soft robot development using bioinspired IPMC-

scissor lift actuation structures: Design, locomotion simulation and
experimental validation

Conference Paper · December 2015

DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2015.7418817


7 494

4 authors, including:

Yudong Luo



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Proceedings of the 2015
IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics
Zhuhai, China, December 6-9, 2015

Enabling Earthworm-like Soft Robot Development Using

Bioinspired IPMC-Scissor Lift Actuation Structures: Design,
Locomotion Simulation and Experimental Validation*
Sanku Niu, Yudong Luo, Yantao Shen†, and Kwang J. Kim

CEs are flexibly connected axially and each CE consists of a

Abstract—The paper parents our recent development on the

earthworm-like soft robot. The robot is designed through servomotor and a crank. Servomotor-crank can be controlled
combination of smart electro-active polymer (EAP) materials to produce contraction-extension of each segment [3]. The
and the efficient expandable structure. The employed EAP developed robot is extending its applications to medical
material, called ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) that can endoscope, space exploration such as digging on the moon’s
directly provide the actuation to the expendable scissor-lift surface in the search for underground resources, and industrial
structure, so as to enable the robot to mimic locomotion pipe inspection [4].
mechanism of the earthworm. To reach the goal of the project, in
this paper, we firstly developed a high performance IPMC driver
for the IPMC actuators embedded in the mimicking robot
system, and then based on the proposed three 2-D earthworm-
like locomotion structures that consist of different complex forms
of IPMC actuators and expendable lift-scissor structures, several
peristaltic motion behavior simulations were conducted in order
to compare the locomotion advantages of three designed soft
robot structures. In addition, preliminary experimental results
on one of designed structures are demonstrated and all
simulation and experimental results validate the feasibility and Fig. 1 Earthworm travling on the soil surface.
effectiveness of our biomimetic design. Ongoing work is focusing
on the dynamic modeling and control of the more segmented and Boxerbaum et al. from Case Western Reserve University
dimensional earthworm-like robot using the designed actuation recently presented their earthworm-like robot, called
mechanism. Softworm, which is a robot made of a continuously
deformable mesh that interpolates the positions of
I. INTRODUCTION circumferential cables spaced at intervals along the long axis.
As shown in Fig.1, earthworms are a soft, tube-shaped, As the cables are pulled, the diameter (height) decreases and
segmented worms who move underground by the means of the mesh expands in the longitudinal direction. A return spring
waves of muscular contractions which alternately shorten and combined with the mesh bending stiffness ensures that
lengthen the body, called peristalsis. The shortened part is segments return to a rest length following actuation. When the
anchored to the surrounding soil by tiny claw-like setae cables are pulled in sequence, the robot body translates. A
(bristles) set along its segmented length. In all the body single drive motor turning a cam at the posterior of the robot
segments except the first, last and clitellum, there is a ring of generates smooth waves of cable tension offset by fixed angles
S-shaped setae embedded in the epidermal pit of each around the cam [5]. Moreover, in 2013, a multi-segment
segment. The whole burrowing process is aided by the earthworm-like locomotion robot designed and fabricated by
secretion of lubricating mucus [1]. Chenghao Wang in the SURE program of University of
Michigan was demonstrated on YouTube. Its mechanism is
Earthworms move through soil by expanding crevices with similar to the robot developed by Taro Nakamura at Chuo
force; when forces are measured according to body weight, University, but is more compact by using driving cables
hatchlings can push 500 times their own body whereas large between the servomotor and crank [6]. The common point of
adults can push only 10 times their own body weight [2]. all above mentioned earthworm-like robots is that they are
These biological locomotion features mentioned above are driven by the motors and cables. None of them have a compact
attracting and inspiring robotic researchers to mimic its and low power consumption design and multiple motor-cable
structure and functions for new robots design and applications. driven control mechanism can be either complicated or rigid,
In 2006, Taro Nakamura at Chuo University, Japan reported which indicate that there are limitations for using them in the
their development of a multi-segmented earthworm-like robot confined space or narrow and curved environments.
[3]. The mechanism of their earthworm-modeled robot is
based on contraction-extension units (CEs) and a controller. In this paper, our design is inspired by earthworm
longitudinal and circular muscle movements that produce

* The research is partially supported by NASA EAP grant # NNX13AN15A. Yantao Shen is with University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557 USA (e-mail:
Sanku Niu and Yudong Luo are with University of Nevada, Reno, NV [email protected]). † Corresponding author.
89557 USA. Sanku Niu is also with Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Kwang J. Kim is with University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154-4027
100081, China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

978-1-4673-9675-2/15/$31.00 © 2015 IEEE 499

extension and contraction of each segment when they is B. Our Mimicking Soft Robot Design and Structure
relaxed and contracted. These muscle movements can be Inspired by the earthworm muscle structure and locomotion
mimicked using a soft IPMC-scissor lift actuator structure that mechanism, a complex earthworm-like multi-segment soft
can greatly reduce size and complication of the earth-worm robot structure including IPMC actuators and scissor-lift
like robot. The novelty of the robot is its simple but effective expandable mechanical structures was designed, as illustrated
mechanism that combining advantage of both smart electro- in Fig. 3.
active material IPMC and the efficient expandable structure,
i.e. scissor lift structure. To reach the goal of the design, we
firstly developed a high performance IPMC driver for the
IPMC actuators in the mimicking robot system, and then based
on the designed three earthworm-like locomotion structures
that consist of multiple complex forms of IPMC actuators and
expendable lift-scissor structures, three locomotion
simulations were conducted in order to compare the peristaltic
motion advantages of three designed soft robot structures. In
addition, preliminary experimental results on one designed
structure are demonstrated and all simulation and
experimental results validate the feasibility and effectiveness
of our biomimetic design.
The paper is structured as follows. Section I reviews the
earthworm biological mixing and locomotion features and
related work on the earthworm-like robot. In Section II, the
mimicking locomotion mechanism and structure of both Fig. 3 A complex earthworm-like multi-segment soft robot structure.
earthworm and the mimicking robot are described in details,
including the design, components such as IPMC and scissor- In the figure, one robot segment consisting of 4 core IPMC-
lift structure and their functions. To effectively and efficiently scissor-lift actuation 2D structures is illustrated. Each core
driven IPMC, a driver was designed and tested in Section III. IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 2D structure mimics partial
Section IV presents our peristaltic locomotion simulation on earthworm’s circular and longitudinal muscle structure and its
three models of the designed earthworm-like robots, the contraction-extension mechanism. Fig. 4 illustrates the design
comparison results and analysis are given for further selection
(a) and contraction-extension mechanism (b) of the core 2D
purpose. Section V reports our preliminary experimental
results on the selected design. Finally we conclude our work
in Section VI. B.1. Scissor-lift Expandable Structure
In the designed robotic segment structure, we employed the
II. EARTHWORM LOCOMOTION MECHANISM AND OUR scissor-lift expandable structure as the partial actuation
MIMICKING DESIGN mechanism. A scissor lift mechanism is the device used to
extend or position a platform by mechanical means. The terms
A. Earthworm Locomotion Mechanism "Scissor" comes from the mechanism utilized which is
An earthworm’s body is formed of many, mostly identical configured with linked, folding supports in a crisscross 'X'
body segments. Each segment has its own discrete fluid-filled pattern. The extension or displacement motion is achieved
coelomic compartment. Coordinated contractions of circular applying of force to one of the supports resulting and an
and longitudinal muscles among adjacent segments generate elongation of the crossing pattern. The motion is achieved by
muscular waves for locomotion. Setae (bristles) extend or the application of force to the outside of the lowest set of
retract as segment diameter changes. Secretions of coelomic supports, elongating the crossing pattern, and propelling the
fluid lubricate the worm’s epidermis as it burrows [7], as working structure vertically/horizontally. Extension is
illustrated in Fig. 2. produced by applying pressure to the outside of a set of
supports located at one end of the mechanism, elongating the
crossing pattern. This can be achieved through hydraulic,
pneumatic, mechanical or simply muscular means like IPMC
actuation [9]. The advantages of scissor-lift expandable
structure are its high movement efficiency, small volume, and
simple actuation. Note that, when it is contracted, the far
expanded points (i.e. thereafater friction blocks described in
Section IV) are functioned as the setae (bristles) of
B.2. IPMC Actuators
IPMCs are synthetic composite nanomaterials that display
artificial muscle behavior under an applied voltage or electric
Fig. 2 Earthworm Locomotion Mechanism (adapted from [8]) field.

transistor Q1 and Q2 while the input signal is zero. Precision
Resistor R5 with 1 Ohm value is used for measuring the
feedback current value from the driven IPMC. The driver is
capable of working on two modes, one is voltage mode and
another is current mode. The modes can be switched through
a mechanical switch by user. Once switched, two different
color led indicators will be lighted and help to indicate the
current working mode: voltage mode or current mode.

(a) The far expanded point

Fig. 4 The design (a) and contraction-extension mechanism (b) of the core
IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 2D structure.

IPMCs are composed of an ionic polymer like Nafion or

Flemion whose surfaces are chemically plated or physically
coated with conductors such as platinum or gold. Under an Fig. 5 The designed IPMC driver schematic.
applied voltage (1–5 V for typical 10mm×40mm×0.2mm
samples), ion migration and redistribution due to the imposed Fig. 6 demonstrates the simulation results of input and
voltage across a strip of IPMCs result in a bending output signals of IPMC driver under voltage mode. Three
deformation. If the plated electrodes are arranged in a non-
waves such as 1Hz, 4V peak to peak sine, triangle and square
symmetric configuration, the imposed voltage can induce all waves were simulated and plotted.
kinds of deformations such as twisting, rolling, torsioning, Similarly, Fig. 7 displays the simulation results of input and
turning, twirling, whirling and non-symmetric bending output signals of IPMC driver under current mode. Three
deformation. Alternatively, if such deformations are
waves such as 1Hz, 1A peak to peak sine, triangle and square
physically applied to an IPMC strips they generate an output
waves were simulated and plotted. As demonstrated, two
voltage signal (few millivolts for typical small samples) as
simulation results demonstrate that all the outputs follow the
sensors and energy harvesters. IPMCs are a type of
inputs very well and no crossover distortion is shown in the
electroactive polymer. They work very well in a liquid
simulation results.
environment as well as in air. They have a force density of
about 40 in a cantilever configuration, meaning that they can
generate a tip force of almost 40 times their own weight in a
cantilever mode. IPMCs in actuation, sensing and energy
harvesting have a very broad bandwidth to kilo HZ and higher
Based on its excellent miniature actuation properties, in this
paper, we have chosen IPMC beams as the actuators in the
designed earthworm-like multi-segment soft robot structure. Fig. 6 Simulation: input and output signals under voltage mode:
(a) Sine wave, (b) Triangle wave, and (c) Square wave
To implement IPMCs, a high performance driver has to be
designed firstly. The next section will detail our IPMC driver
design and testing results.


A. Design, Simulation and Test of a Custom-built Multi-
channel IPMC Driver
Fig. 5 illustrates the schematic diagram of the designed
Fig. 7 Simulation: input and output signals under current mode:
IPMC driver. In the schematic, a negative feedback loop of (a) Sine wave, (b) Triangle wave, and (c) Square wave
output voltage or current signal is designed to keep dynamic
equal between the input and output values. Diodes D1 and D2 As shown in Fig. 8, both the PCB layout and the fabricated 4-
are used to cancel output crossover distortions of the power channel IPMC driver prototype are displayed. Based on the

current design, the driver is connected to a PC via a DAQ
board and has 8-channel extension capability for
simultaneously driving 8 IPMC actuators. It can also be made
as a standalone driver board by integrating with a high
performance microcontroller.

Fig. 10 Input-output relationship of the driver with the IPMC load

Fig. 8 4-channel IPMC driver: (left) PCB layout and (right) assembled

Without the IPMC load, Fig.9 (a) demonstrates the

relationship of input and output of the voltage-mode IPMC
driver under three different waveforms. Fig.9 (b) plots the
linear relationship between input and output without IPMC
load. As shown in the figure, the linearity is around 99.82%.
In addition, Fig. 10 displays the experimental results showing
the linear relationship between input and output of the voltage-
mode driver with the IPMC load. Its linearity reaches 99.97%.
Both results shown in Figs. 9 and 10 indicate that input-output
of the driver has excellent linearity and stable results
regardless if it connects with IPMC loads or not.
Fig. 11 plots the deflection displacement of the IPMC beam
driven by the voltage-mode IPMC driver. In the figure, three
1Hz, 4 V peak to peak input waveforms including (a) sine
wave, (b) triangle wave, and (c) square wave were applied on
the IPMC beam through the voltage-mode driver, Fig. 11 Deflection displacement of the IPMC beam driven by the
respectively. All deflection displacements were measured voltage-mode IPMC driver under 1Hz (a) sine wave, (b) triangle wave, and
(c) square wave.
using Baumer OADM laser distance sensor (Range: 70mm,
Resolution: 20μm). The 10-second results demonstrate the
actuation behavior of the IPMC beam and agree with the IV. PERISTALTIC LOCOMOTION SIMULATIONS ON
published results of actuating the IPMC beam using the THREE ROBOTIC SEGMENTED STRUCTURES
existing commercial drivers. The core IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 2D structures were
After the extensive tests, the specifications of the developed studied and locomotion simulations on three selected multi-
IPMC driver can be summarized as below: segment IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 2D structures were firstly
1) Working modes: voltage mode and current mode; conducted and analyzed by SimWise 4D. The SimWise 4D is
2) Channel number: 4 to 8; a commercial simulation software platform made by Design
3) Dual Supply: ±4V to ±30V; Simulation Technologies. It provides 3D kinematic and
4) Max continue output current: 3A; dynamic motion simulation and linear static, normal modes,
5) Max continue power output: 80w. steady state thermal, and buckling FEA analysis.
In all simulations, the motion functions of all three
earthworm-like robot structures were described as Equation
(1) [11].
i  A sin(t  (i  1) )  0 (1)
where  i is the segment reference angle for segments
i  1, , n  1 and A is the amplitude of oscillation. Phase 
presents the phase shift between each segment and  0
determines the initial orientation of the robot.  is the angular
frequency of oscillation, The parameters in all stimulations of
Fig. 9 Input-output results of IPMC driver under three waveforms (sine, three different structures were the same. A equals to 0.2269,
square and triangle) in voltage mode without the IPMC load: (a) raw data of 2
three waveforms, (b) input-output relationship and linearity.
 is 4 𝜋 ,  is set as 𝜋, and 0 is input as -0.0349 𝜋. In

addition, the friction coefficient of all the base were set as 0.01 behavior and peristaltic displacement of BaseB in the robot
and the friction coefficient of all friction blocks (mimic the shown in Fig. 16.
setae) was set as 1. In the simulation, each segment is actuated
by four pieces (two pairs) of IPMCs and two pairs have 180
degrees phase shift during the actuation.
Fig. 12 demonstrates the simulation model of a two-
segment earthworm-like 2D robot with the connected spring.
Note that, in each segment, a single scissor-lift (only one
cross) is utilized.

Fig. 15 Simulation result of peristaltic displacement of BaseA shown in

Fig. 14.

The total peristaltic displacement of two-segment robot with

Ground the dual scissor lift in one period is 29.9 mm, and the average
Fig. 12 Two-segment earthworm-like 2D robot model with the peristaltic displacement of each segment is 14.9 mm per
connected spring. period, which is about two times of the displacement per
period generated by the three-segment robot using the single
Fig. 13 plots the simulated locomotion behavior and scissor-lift, as illustrated in Fig. 14.
peristaltic displacement of BaseA in the robot shown in Fig.
12. The total peristaltic displacement of two-segment robot in
one period is 10.0mm, and the average peristaltic
displacement of each segment is 5.0 mm per period.

Fig. 16 Simulation model of two-segment 2D robot with the dual


Fig. 13 Simulation result of peristaltic displacement of BaseA.

Fig. 14 displays the simulation model of a three-segment

earthworm-like 2D robot. Each segment is directly connected
to other segments. Note that, in each segment, a single scissor-
lift is employed. Fig. 15 plots the simulated locomotion
behavior and peristaltic displacement of BaseA in the robot
shown in Fig. 14. The total peristaltic displacement of three- Fig. 17 Simulation result of peristaltic displacement of BaseB shown in
segment robot in one periods is 22.2mm, and the average Fig. 16.
peristaltic displacement of each segment is 7.4 mm per period.
In summary, all locomotion simulation results verify that
the designed multi-segment IPMC-scissor-lift actuation
structures work well to mimic the earthworm locomotion.
Based on the results, the robot using the dual scissor-lift
demonstrates good peristaltic motion behavior and can be used
as a test platform for further studies and applications.
Fig. 14 Three-segment earthworm-like 2D robot model. V. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION
Encouraged by the simulation results, we have further
Fig. 16 demonstrates the simulation model of a two-
fabricated the IPMC-scissor-lift 2D actuation structure.
segment earthworm-like 2D robot. Note that, in each segment,
Preliminary experiments on a half structure were implemented
a dual scissor-lift (two crosses) is used. Two segments are
to validate the feasibility of the designed actuation and motion
directly connected. Fig. 17 plots the simulated locomotion

Fig. 18 demonstrates the experimental set-up with the half directly provide the actuation to the expendable scissor-lift
actuation structure. Fig. 19 illustrates the diagram of the structure, so as to make the robot to mimic locomotion
experimental set-up. In the diagram, the driver command in mechanism of the earthworm.
sine, triangle or square waveform is generated by Tracer-
DAQPro in PC and the driver input signal is then produced by
USB 1208-IS-4AO DAQ board. The IPMC driver outputs
voltage or current signal to driving IPMCs. Meanwhile, the
voltage and current on IPMCs are sensed by the driver board
and acquired by USB 1208-IS-4AO DAQ board to PC. The
laser sensor is used to monitor the horizontal motion
displacement of scissor lift structure actuated by IPMCs. The
IPMCs are driven with the square waveforms which have 180
degree phase shift. The IPMC driver worked in current mode
and the max current value is 800mA.
Fig. 20 plots input voltage, voltage and current on one of
the IPMCs, and measured horizontal motion displacement of
scissor lift structure actuated by IPMCs. Experimental results
validate the actuation and motion performance of the designed Fig. 20 Scissor-lift horizontal displacement under IPMCs actuation with
IPMC-scissor-lift 2D actuation structure. Ongoing work 0.65Hz square input.
includes testing and controlling (1) a full 1-segment IPMC-
scissor-lift 2D actuation structure, (2) a selected 3-segment To reach the goal of the project, in this paper, we firstly
IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 2D structure, and (3) a 1-segment developed a high performance IPMC driver for the IPMC
IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 3D structure. actuators in the mimicking robot system, and then based on
the designed three earthworm-like locomotion structures that
consist of multiple IPMC actuators and expendable lift-scissor
Half scissor structures, three model simulations were conducted in order to
lift structure compare the functional advantages of three designed soft robot
Laser structures. Preliminary experimental results on one designed
spotting structure are demonstrated and all simulation and
patch experimental results validate the feasibility and effectiveness
of our biomimetic design. One of the applications of the
developed soft robot mechanism is expected for aerospace and
planetary exploration.
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