Niu 2015
Niu 2015
Niu 2015
7 494
4 authors, including:
Yudong Luo
All content following this page was uploaded by Yudong Luo on 28 December 2020.
* The research is partially supported by NASA EAP grant # NNX13AN15A. Yantao Shen is with University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557 USA (e-mail:
Sanku Niu and Yudong Luo are with University of Nevada, Reno, NV [email protected]). † Corresponding author.
89557 USA. Sanku Niu is also with Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Kwang J. Kim is with University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154-4027
100081, China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). USA (e-mail: [email protected]).
transistor Q1 and Q2 while the input signal is zero. Precision
Resistor R5 with 1 Ohm value is used for measuring the
feedback current value from the driven IPMC. The driver is
capable of working on two modes, one is voltage mode and
another is current mode. The modes can be switched through
a mechanical switch by user. Once switched, two different
color led indicators will be lighted and help to indicate the
current working mode: voltage mode or current mode.
Fig. 4 The design (a) and contraction-extension mechanism (b) of the core
IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 2D structure.
current design, the driver is connected to a PC via a DAQ
board and has 8-channel extension capability for
simultaneously driving 8 IPMC actuators. It can also be made
as a standalone driver board by integrating with a high
performance microcontroller.
Fig. 8 4-channel IPMC driver: (left) PCB layout and (right) assembled
addition, the friction coefficient of all the base were set as 0.01 behavior and peristaltic displacement of BaseB in the robot
and the friction coefficient of all friction blocks (mimic the shown in Fig. 16.
setae) was set as 1. In the simulation, each segment is actuated
by four pieces (two pairs) of IPMCs and two pairs have 180
degrees phase shift during the actuation.
Fig. 12 demonstrates the simulation model of a two-
segment earthworm-like 2D robot with the connected spring.
Note that, in each segment, a single scissor-lift (only one
cross) is utilized.
Fig. 18 demonstrates the experimental set-up with the half directly provide the actuation to the expendable scissor-lift
actuation structure. Fig. 19 illustrates the diagram of the structure, so as to make the robot to mimic locomotion
experimental set-up. In the diagram, the driver command in mechanism of the earthworm.
sine, triangle or square waveform is generated by Tracer-
DAQPro in PC and the driver input signal is then produced by
USB 1208-IS-4AO DAQ board. The IPMC driver outputs
voltage or current signal to driving IPMCs. Meanwhile, the
voltage and current on IPMCs are sensed by the driver board
and acquired by USB 1208-IS-4AO DAQ board to PC. The
laser sensor is used to monitor the horizontal motion
displacement of scissor lift structure actuated by IPMCs. The
IPMCs are driven with the square waveforms which have 180
degree phase shift. The IPMC driver worked in current mode
and the max current value is 800mA.
Fig. 20 plots input voltage, voltage and current on one of
the IPMCs, and measured horizontal motion displacement of
scissor lift structure actuated by IPMCs. Experimental results
validate the actuation and motion performance of the designed Fig. 20 Scissor-lift horizontal displacement under IPMCs actuation with
IPMC-scissor-lift 2D actuation structure. Ongoing work 0.65Hz square input.
includes testing and controlling (1) a full 1-segment IPMC-
scissor-lift 2D actuation structure, (2) a selected 3-segment To reach the goal of the project, in this paper, we firstly
IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 2D structure, and (3) a 1-segment developed a high performance IPMC driver for the IPMC
IPMC-scissor-lift actuation 3D structure. actuators in the mimicking robot system, and then based on
the designed three earthworm-like locomotion structures that
consist of multiple IPMC actuators and expendable lift-scissor
Half scissor structures, three model simulations were conducted in order to
lift structure compare the functional advantages of three designed soft robot
Laser structures. Preliminary experimental results on one designed
spotting structure are demonstrated and all simulation and
patch experimental results validate the feasibility and effectiveness
of our biomimetic design. One of the applications of the
developed soft robot mechanism is expected for aerospace and
planetary exploration.
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