Multiple Agency Working Procedure
Multiple Agency Working Procedure
Multiple Agency Working Procedure
Document Number:
Title : Multiple Agency Working Procedure ABG/CB/SHE 3011.00
Issue Date:
August 09, 2012
00 New Document August 09, 2012
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Cement Business
Aditya Birla Group
Table of Content
1.0 Purpose 3
2.0 Scope and field of application 3
3.0 References 3
4.0 Management Responsibilities 3
5.0 Definitions 3
6.0 General requirement Standards/ Guidelines 4
7.0 Deviations 5
8.0 Corrective and Preventive Actions: 5
9.0 Records 5
Annexure -1 Handing Over Protocol (Form # ABG/CB/SHE/4035.00) 6
Annexure -2 Multitasking Job Planning (Form No. ABG /CB/SHE/4034 . 00) 7
1. Purpose
The Project construction, often involved multi contractor (agency) working in same building during
construction period. Multi tasking can be done at the same floor or at different floors in same building
by more than one team from single or multiple working agencies , for example in Pre heater building
Civil construction and Mechanical erection are carried out simultaneously at different floor levels while
Electrical/Instrumentation work and Refractory work are carried out simultaneously on the same floor.
Multiple agencies working at same building is associated with high level of potential risk due to poor
communications as well as influencing risk levels due to each other activities. This procedure outlines
basic framework for eliminating, reducing or controlling risk associated with multitasking activities.
2. Scope
This procedure is primarily applicable across UltraTech Cement project sites involving multitasking
activities. The system outlined in procedure may also be utilized for controlling risks during multitasking
at operation sites as part of maintenance / or any other condition involving multitasking activities.
3. Reference standards:
ABG Contract Safety Plan, Doc. No. ABG/CB/SHE 2008.00 Sr No
ABG PTW Standard
4. Management Responsibilities
a) Line management at project site across the cement businesses of ABG has responsibility to
implement this procedure.
To properly apply this procedure in all circumstances, one must understand the intent of the
procedure, which is to ensure safety of personnel who will be exposed to risks arising out of work by
other working agencies besides risks involved in performing his/her own work.
Personnel using this procedure must assume responsibility for ensuring safety of their individual,
people from multiple agencies and that of fellow employees and always remember that doing the
job in a safe manner is more important than such things as saving time, avoiding effort, increasing
Site Project Head and Functional Head – Technical / Civil (Project) shall be accountable and
responsible respectively to implement this procedure.
b ) Role of UTCL Area Safety Committee Sponsor
Adherence to requirement of this procedure when allowing multitasking involving multiple team
from multiple agency at single building or influencing safety of people working at or under other
In case of any non-compliance of the above policy, UTCL Engineer In-charge/Supervisor assigned to
work on building involving in multiple contractors working should stop the work immediately and
ensure that concerned contractor should correct condition before start of work.
c ) Role of UTCL Engineers / Supervisors and Contractor Engineer In- charge/Supervisor
UTCL and Contractor Engineers and Supervisors of multiple working agencies, working on any
projects in same buildings must read, understand, implement and comply relevant procedural
requirement outlined to ensure safety of people involved in multiple jobs under different possible
5. Definitions
a) Working Agency: Contractors involved in executing any project activities Examples are:
Civil Construction
Document No: ABG/CB/ SHE 3011.00
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Tite: Multiple Agency Working Procedure Issue Date: 09/08/2012
Doc. No. ABG/CB/SHE 3011.00 Page 4 of 7
Mechanical Erection
Refractory work
Electrical work
Instrumentation work etc.
b) Examples of Multiple working – single or multiple working agencies involved in project execution
work in same building which are having interrelated hazards and risk, examples are:
Civil person working at pre-heater fifth floor and Mechanical erection work at third floor.
Mechanical person working at Pre-heater third floor and Refractory person working at Pre-
heater second floor. Along with these work, Electrical & Instrumentation persons are also
working at third floor.
6. General requirements
6.1 The process to initiate multitasking in single building or at same floor of building shall ensure following,
a. Clear cut communication among different working agencies on nature of jobs being undertaken
by them on daily basis.
b. Safe Work Procedure (SWP) prepared for individual job must identify potential hazard created
from six different directions (East, west, south, north, up-side and down side) besides hazard
associated with job itself, along with control measures.
c. Work site shall be free from,
1. Unprotected floor openings ( in line with structural floor hole cover procedure –
refer ABG/CB/SHE/ 3012.00 )
2. Unprotected work place edges
3. Trip and slip hazards from laid cables, slings, pipes, scaffold material etc.
4. Electrical hazards due to naked wires and unprotected panels
5. Material / welding / cutting spatters falling from heights
6.2 In line with job planning / scheduling, concerned Area Safety committee shall list out different type of
activities being planned involving different working agencies at same floor or different floors in a
particular building at least a week in advance.
6.3 UTCL Area Safety committee sponsor shall coordinate and aligned work plan with different working
agencies and use enclosed format ABG/CB/SHE/4034.00 to assess gap at site and adequate control
measures in place through involvement of concerned Sectional Heads (SH)/ Front Line Engineers (FLE’s).
He /She shall be authorized to reschedule or cancel any scheduled work at particular floor or different
floors based on potential risk which can be foreseen due to involvement of specific machinery or
6.4 Respective SH / FLE’s will assess hazard with respect to requirement outline in section 6.1 of this
6.5 Based on this assessment (Multitasking job planning format ABG/CB/SHE/4034.00) respective SH / FLE’s
will issue integrated work permit to contractor / multiple working agencies.
6.6 Handing over protocol : When a particular floor of a building or a particular area or structure is being
handed over by Civil Team to Mechanical or Electrical & Instrumentation team or Refractory Team, or
any one of the team to other, Form # ABG/CB/SHE/4035.00 will be used for the purpose as “Area
Handing Over Protocol”. The intent is to validate specific requirements so that safe place is provided to
other team coming in to work as per plan outlined in Work Plan detailed in Form #
6.7 Specific provision :
Document No: ABG/CB/ SHE 3011.00
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Tite: Multiple Agency Working Procedure Issue Date: 09/08/2012
Doc. No. ABG/CB/SHE 3011.00 Page 5 of 7
a) While allowing for multi activities at different floors of same building, following conditions shall be
i. Two floor difference between Civil team and Mechanical Team
ii. One floor difference between Mechanical to others team
These conditions are specific to high rise building like Pre-heater, CCR, TPP- Boiler & TG, however
When site conditions have limited options, least floor level difference should preferably be maintained
to avoid risks to other team. Any deviations with respect to this requirement must be documented and
authorized by concerned site Project In-charge.
b) After de-shuttering of a particular floor and before start of any work, UTCL area in-charge/ supervisor
responsible for Civil /Mechanical work of that building should ensure that permanent hand railing with
toe guards are installed and all holes are covered as per Floor Hole Cover procedure. Simultaneously,
during de-shuttering work, proper edge protection should be ensured by providing vertical net for
minimum two floors. For providing vertical net, adequate hooks should be casted in the beam. The
agencies putting vertical net should ensure regular removal of debris.
c) Vertical net should be provided on sides of the floor till next floor level to prevent falling of any object
from higher floor to lower floor.
d) During Critical lifting only one agency allowed to work on a particular floor. (Refer lifting by Crane
procedure) Actvities will be controlled by the Area Safety Committee Sponsor in line with attached
e) Specific risk control measures for Pre-heater building.
o A walk-way approaching to construction passenger lift and permanent stair case will be made. Walk-
way will be covered from top with 3.15 mm MS plate to ensure safe access to workers for going up
through lift and stair case. Respnsibility - Work by Civil contractor & material to be provided by
o In addition to toe guard of hand rails, one meter high (GI) sheet / ms plate will be tied to hand rails
to ensure that there is no falling of foreign object from height. Respnsibility - Mechanical contractor
and material to be provided by UTCL.
o For pulling of equipment lifted by crawler cranes, extended platform from edge of the floor will be
erected on floor for movement of manpower wherever required.Resposibility-Mechanical
contractor, detailed design of extended platform and method for fixing it with the floor will be
designed by Mechanical contractor and will be approved by UTCL well prior to start of the work.
o Deatil of agencies working at floors will be displayed at the entry point.
o Any work around 10 m from Pre-heater building should be started after takeing necessary safety
precautions / making proper shed and as approved by Area Safety Team.
f) In order to avoid double handling of material used for covering floor/wall opening, material will be
handed over through document only from civil team to mechanical with adequate authorization from
UTCL engineers.
7. Deviations: Any deviations from the requirement shall automatically invalidate issued work permit.
8. Corrective and Preventive Actions: Any observation on deviations from requirement of this procedure
as part of normal site round, safety inspection, individual safety observation round, contractor field
safety audit must be recorded and attended with immediate effect and till correction, all work should
remain suspended.
9. Records:Records on format (enclosed) must be preserved till completion of project as proof of learning.
Annexure 1
Handing Over Protocol
Form # ABG/CB/SHE/4035.00;
Date : 09th August 2012
Name of Project Site :
Name of Building / Structure :
Exact Location / Floor :
Specific Drawing Numbers :
Reference to Work Plan (Refer Form# ABG/CB/SHE/4034.00) :
Specific Validation with respect to site checks list criteria:
S.N. Checks list criteria OK Not OK Not Remarks
1 Floor holes are covered
2 Entry and exit available and communicated to
team coming in
3 Hand railing / barricading and toe boards on all
4 Protection of material fall from cyclone / duct
to lower floor
5 Vertical net provided at the edges (For pre-
heater/Other high rise building
6 Access to staircase or lift is secured (covered)
from falling objects (For pre-heater)
7 Shed is provided at work place in 10meter
vicinity of pre-heater building
8 All pockets are clear
9 Level marking on structures
10 Center line marking on structure
Note : Status as OK, Not OK will be in line with requirement of floor opening procedure or other such requirement.
Special Remarks if any;
1 st
2nd Mechanical
Week Refractory
3rd Mechanical
Week Refractory
4th Mechanical
Week Refractory