Celebrating Our Milestones in International School Library Month (ISLM)
Celebrating Our Milestones in International School Library Month (ISLM)
Celebrating Our Milestones in International School Library Month (ISLM)
Celebrating our
milestones in
International School
Library Month (ISLM)
In October every year, school libraries take the spotlight as their contributions to
schools and society at large are highlighted and celebrated. The first International
School Library Day was celebrated on 18 October 1999.
As society continues to navigate the pandemic and our school community balances
onsite and online learning, the library staff stands committed to
diligently serving the educational, social, recreation and overall INSIDE THIS ISSUE
developmental needs of our users. We believe that we make a
Expanding our online presence . 2
difference and no child should be forgotten! Inspiring the love of
NALIS’ Services.......................... 3
reading and learning early in a child’s life helps to develop
strong literacy skills. Chaguanas South Secondary School School Community
Library’s many successes are possible because of the engage- Engagement ............................... 3
ment of our aspiring young adults. Achievement in Motion ............. 6
Our Students’ Success Stories.... 6
The theme ‘Let’s Work Together – Libraries enable, inspire, include, innovate and sustain’, was
virtually promoted between 17 to 19 August 2021 at https://www.ifla-wlic2021.com/
“The library has supported the school with a smooth transition from onsite to
online presence” - School Administration
Prior to this, our contributions were highlighted via the School’s website and Social Media
Pages of Facebook and Instagram.
From then till present, we have successfully engaged our page visitors with exciting activities
Daily Segments: Week Day WINspiration, AIM– Achievement in Motion, Adulting 101,
Get Booked, Eat/Play/Grow
Students’ Subject e-resources and tutorials, Library skills worksheets and service
2 updates
In 2021, when faced with an increased school intake of reluctant/remedial readers, the library staff of SERVICES OF
Chaguanas South Secondary School undertook a ‘Digital Connection Project’. COVID-19 has been
pretty tough on our students during home-study so this Project aimed at making literacy fun and NALIS
accessible whilst inspiring our youngsters to ' Tap, Click, Read, Get Involved'.
VISION—An internationally
recognized, agile leader in
On a normal school day or week (pre-COVID-19), the library was lively with in-house activities. library and information services
However, with the extension of online learning and virtual classes, isolation and limited onsite
functional equipment in such a crucial time, prompted staff to ‘Educate, Advocate and Innovate’ in MISSION—The national
service delivery. From then till present, it has been an exciting, challenging and vibrant period where provider of reliable, equitable
we embraced the integration of traditional library services and resources with technology to become and inclusive library and
‘change adopters’. information services.
Students’ Recreational Needs – Audiobooks and Storytelling; Monthly Student Activity Packs, 3
Library Jeopardy Boards and a Virtual Gaming Arcade (6 games) which supports students' liter-
acy and numeracy development
Students’ Social Needs - The Power of ONE Campaign; ‘Weekday WINspiration’ and ‘AIM –
Achievement in Motion Segments; Sign Language Skills Tutorials; and Career Guidance
Support, especially Resume/CV Writing and Interview Skills for students seeking employment to
help their families during this time. How can NALIS help YOU?
Our physical space does not limit our virtual impact as we honour our library’s objective in ‘creating Access to the website at
an exciting, flexible, student-centered and energizing environment for a wide range of learning https://www.nalis.gov.tt/
activities.’ Our services provide avenues for cognitive stimulation, connection, learning, socialization,
and a creative outlet to reduce stress and anxiety during COVID-19. Free Online Membership
Registration at https://
Visit us at https://chaguanassouthseco.wixsite.com/home and https://www.facebook.com/ www.nalis.gov.tt/Services/
ChaguanasSouthSecSchoolLibrary/ Online-Registration
access to
resources at https://
Ask NALIS at
Contribution by: Laura Kissoon, Library Technician II
Well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental
health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and ability to manage stress. Well-being
is something sought by just about everyone, because it includes so many positive things: feeling
happy, healthy, socially connected, and purposeful.
Increasing your well-being is not always easy but general well-being has been proven to increase
with reading and creative engagement through prolong studies conducted with various Universities
around the World.
Physical Well-Being-The ability to improve the functioning of your body through healthy liv-
ing and good exercise habits.
Social Well-Being- The ability to communicate, develop meaningful relationships with others,
and maintain a support network that helps you overcome loneliness.
A proven way to improve your general well-being is through reading which is a multifaceted
process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.
Losing yourself in a good book has been shown to reduce your levels of stress, can slow cognitive
decline, improve sleep, enhance social skills and may boost intelligence. As Dr. Seuss once wrote,
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the
more places you’ll go.”
Also, proven to improve your well-being is creative expression, such as art-making, dancing, or act-
ing, can offer participants a unique way to share thoughts or feelings about an issue. Creativity al-
lows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation. Creativity opens the mind. A
society that has lost touch with its creative side is an imprisoned society, creative engagement
“opens a path to a stronger sense of self in a community.”
Health and well-being (adults) - How engagement in the ‘arts’ can support health and well-
being at http://resource.download.wjec.co.uk.s3.amazonaws.com/vtc/2018-19/HSC18-19_2-
There’s never a dull moment at the library, where our favourite activity is READING.
Within the year, reading initiatives were splendidly blended (physically and virtually) to become
the catalyst for change through literacy development - One book at a time, One Child at a time
learning the Power of Words. We believe that Education leads to Understanding leads to Com-
passion leads to Empowerment!
This year, with the theme of ‘Educate, Advocate and Innovate’, the library undertook several
noteworthy activities which highlight and encourage students’ love for reading:
- Reading Rockets Initiative 2020—2021 (promotion of West Indian Literature): launched for
the academic term with focus on the book ‘Folklore and Legends of Trinidad and Tobago’ by
Gerard Besson
- Look, Take a Book and Read Initiative – Conducted with school community members who are
onsite and also via telephone/email queries
- Power of ONE Campaign – Promotes students’ self-confidence and tied in with Reading Rock-
ets Initiative in encouraging students in their journey to be life-long learners/readers
- World Read Aloud Day 2021 – Small-scale pop-up read aloud session highlighting the story of
‘The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns” to community members ages 5 to 11.
- Storytelling - Featured Stories and Audiobooks of the Month – Folklore stories, Poetry,
Children and Young Adult Reads
- Reading Circles – Continued discussion with proposals for an online program which will be
tied to the Storytelling page on the School’s Website
- Creative Reading Posters, Library Jeopardy Games (Junior, Family and Community), Fun Lit-
eracy worksheets, Bookmarks and Presentations
- Sharing our work with NALIS’ Educational Library Services Division (ELSD) where our activity
sheets, bookmarks and presentations reached a wider national audience as they were highlight-
ed on NALIS’ ELSD Facebook Page
- Storytelling on i95.5 FM Radio where the literary work of Paul Keens-Douglas , ‘Ah Love Yuh
Island’ from the book Tanti at the Oval was done for Independence Day
- A growing Digital Library Collection which offers e-books for Easy Readers, Young Adult
Fiction, Inspiration, Self-Improvement, Leadership, Foreign Languages, and many other topics
What a year it has been for our school community. We are very proud of the strides made in the
promotion of literacy . Though things have changed, the memories will surely live on. Let’s look at
our Motivational Moments over the years:
Quality library programs,
resources, services and service
delivery encourage student
achievement and aid School
Administration in their
administrative practice. These
powerful instruments
demonstrate that school
libraries DO work.
This successful
resulted in a rich resource hub
which was appreciated and
shared amongst our students
and staff. All were afforded free
electronic access to resource
materials (guides, notes, past
papers, eBooks, tutorials, and
NALIS’ website).
With all the recent COVID-19 Pandemic anxiety in the world, it’s easy to become confused. That’s
quite natural because many things we were accustomed to changed so suddenly. So what now? You
might have asked yourself, where do you go from here or how do you move forward from this sudden
stress on your life and your well-being.
Like a quiet walk into a forest, spend time with yourself and observe all the changes. Take note of
what is still the same and identify those little things that bring you joy, which you still have. You see,
surviving change requires you to be positive, and being positive means making a conscious choice to
see hope and goodness in everything! At our SLMC, there is a variety of books you can read to im-
prove your state of mind. Recreational reading can also be a great way to take your mind to another
place, which can in turn add to improvement in your outlook.
You should take advantage right now of your free access to the personal development books available
in the school library! Among them is:
Rhonda Byrne’s Best Seller ‘Hero.’ It is a fascinating, easy to read compilation of 12 of the most
successful people living on Earth! It explains our individual uniqueness, our special purpose in life
and living our dreams regardless of hardships. It’s a great book for young minds with vibrant hopes,
just like yours!
When you keep a positive perspective on life, you flow with ease and grace. Good things also flow
towards you like a great waterfall of blessings and you are happier and healthier in every way. So keep
a positive perspective and look forward to wonderful things yet to come, despite the changes all
around us! After all the Earth and life itself are still sustaining us happily, to this day!
We offer hearty congratulations and welcome to our Form 1 students as they begin their secondary
school journey.
The library came on board to assist with the Student Registration Process which was highlighted on
the Library’s Facebook Page, with queries fielded from anxious Parents and Guardians via our
email and Messenger service.
With the support of School Administration, an Official Orientation Package was offered to this
grouping which included:
Library Information Brochure 2021
Student Services and Resources Presentation (a thorough step-by-step guide in navigating the
school’s website)
Library Services and Resources Booklet (highlighting of NALIS’ Services and Resources)
COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures in staying safe
NALIS Online Registration / Mass Registration Process where required
Within this period of time, the library staff have pursued the perfect blend of information, literacy
and life skills in it’s offerings to our Form 1 students. Not daunted by no scheduled library classes/
sessions, we provided engaging tutorials for students and their families to learn together.
Questions fielded from Form and Subject Teachers are answered in a timely manner.
In the first school term (September –December), we promote the Library Pledge which helps
students better understand themselves and the care of library materials.
We encourage the holistic development of each student and as such, they enjoy:
a Monthly Student Activity Pack (10—20 literacy and numeracy activity sheets)
Smart Craft Tutorials
Weekly Class Activity Schedule —'Mentorship Mondays', 'Turn the Page Tuesdays', 'Wellbeing
Wednesdays', 'Techno Thursdays' and 'Family Time Fridays'
Storytelling and Audiobooks
Virtual Tours
Learning a new language - Sign Language
Virtual Gaming Arcade and Library Jeopardy Online Boards with 3 levels (Junior, Family,
Digital Library Collection—Fiction for Easy Readers and Young Adults, Subject resources to
help with home assignments, Presentations on Festivals, Languages, Food and Healthy
Lifestyles and Theatre Arts
Homework Assistance Program
Reading, Dictionary and Word Wheel Challenges
When the official news broke that the Minster of Education had announced the return of Forms 4 and
5 students onsite, it was met with mixed feelings nationwide.
As the physical space was already prepared, the library staff sprung into action to officially welcome
our students via virtual portals.
Similar to their Form 1 counterparts, an Official Orientation Package was shared, which included: HUMOUR
Library Information Brochure 2021
Welcome with Student Services and Resources Presentation (a thorough step-by-step guide in A laugh a day takes the stress
navigating the school’s website) away!
Library Services and Resources Booklet (highlighting of NALIS’ Services and Resources)
COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures in staying safe
As focus is placed on research within these Form Levels, the library has provided:
an in-depth Presentation on the EBSCOhost Database and NALIS’ Online Services.
Bibliographic Formats and Tutorials for MLA and APA Styles
Onsite researching Tutorials for Subject Teachers and their classes
One-on-One guidance in citation and bibliographies
Digital Library Collection—Subject e-resources, SBA Guides and Articles
E-copies of Past Papers
Research Assistance Initiative via onsite visit, email and telephone
Furthermore, Career Guidance Support, especially Resume/CV Writing and Interview Skills for
students seeking employment to help their families during this time are being offered.
Whilst onsite supervision are provided to students whose teachers are absent, the library staff further
engages students with recommended reads, interactive games and activity sheets from our Activity
Team work makes the dream work so we are fully onboard to ensure that our teachers and students
are well-prepared for the upcoming term’s work and School Administration is provided with
much-needed support.
This October is definitely one to remember as we are serving our school community fully onsite
and virtually.
In this action-packed month, the library honours the 2021 ISLM Theme: ‘Fairy Tales and Folk
Tales around the World’ by celebrating the link amongst books, reading, school libraries,
fairytales and folktales.
Students and staff can enjoy (onsite and virtually):
Bookmark creations
Poster creations
12 Literacy Activity Sheets - each uniquely created by each member of the library staff:
Word Searches, Spot the Difference, Wordoku, Word Unscramble, Secret Code, Word Fit,
Create your own home library
3 Library Jeopardy Board Games which highlighted books, authors and local folklore
Storytelling and Audiobooks featured on the school’s website
Reading posters
Activity Corner and Makerspace
Colouring pages
As we continue to navigate this global pandemic, the Health and
Safety of the staff and our school community was a fore-runner in
every discussion with School Administration.
Soft Surfaces
Computer Equipment
As of October 2021, our Forms 4 and 5 students and their teachers, with guidance by the
library staff, are encouraged to practice the 3S (SANITIZE, SIGN and SEAT).
Chaguanas South Secondary School
Library is located in Block D of the As the local saying goes ‘one hand can’t clap’ and this rings true as our success over the years
school compound at Helen Street, was made possible by a myriad of stakeholder support.
Lange Park, Montrose, Chaguanas.
In the face of limited funding, growing participation in our literacy activities and successful
student achievement, the library sought support.
Library’s Objective: Our school community has benefitted from reading resources for our remedial learners,
prize tokens and refreshments for participants in our activities, furniture and equipment to
To create an exciting, flexible,
maintain a clean and safe learning space, stationery and food hampers for students and their
student-centered and energizing
environment for a wide range of
learning activities which can become The library acknowledges these difference-makers:
the hub of the school.
School Administration, All staff, Students and their Families
Library Assistant I - Mrs. Alana Kling CTS College of Business and Computer Science Ltd.
Massy Stores
Facebook Page:
https://www.facebook.com/ ‘Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about
making a difference’ - Kathy Calvin