A Review of Chemical Leaching of Coal by Acid and Alkali Solution S.K. Behera, U. Kumari, B.C. Meikap

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Journal of

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 Mining and




S.K. Behera1#, U. Kumari1, B.C. Meikap1,2

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, Department of Chemical Engineering,
West Bengal-721302, India
Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, Howard College, University of Kwazulu-Natal
(UKZN), Durban 4041, South Africa

(Received: March 3, 2018; Accepted: June 11, 2018)


Low rank or low-grade (LRC or LGC) coals are most abundant distribute around the several regions in the
world. The contribution of low-rank coal is a significant role in the energy sectors and chemical feedstock to the
industries. The hard coal reserves are gradually depleting, and the mining operation at deeper coal seam with
greater difficulties as well as the cost of exploration is so high, which has a significant issue for plant economics.
Therefore, the low-grade coal can be used as an alternative energy source to minimize these problems. Low-rank
coals are usually associated with high mineral matter and moisture content, which exerts substantial impacts on their
consumption including pyrolysis, liquefaction, gasification and combustion process. In order to understand the
essential treatment of coal for efficient removal of mineral matters and improve coal properties by beneficiation
techniques are crucial to developing advanced technologies. The present article provides a comprehensive overview
of the various processes concerning demineralization of coal by chemical beneficiation technique. It has been found
from the study; the degree of demineralization was greater in chemical beneficiation compared to physical
beneficiation. It is because the chemical reagents are attacked to the interior of coal which removes the inorganic
materials and finely dispersed minerals from the coal matrix. The chemical methods have separated all types of
minerals from the coal matrix. However, the separation of minerals by the physical method depends on the mineral
properties. Chemical beneficiation is an appropriate method to reduce both organic and inorganic mineral
constituents from the LGC by leaching method. The chemical reagents are diffusing to the interior of coal matrix
through the pores and subsequently dissolute the minerals. Throughout the study challenges, the chemical cleaning of
low-grade coal has been efficient techniques for reducing the minerals to a minimum level that can be upgraded to
high rank coal.

Key words: low grade coal; mineral matter; beneficiation; chemical method; demineralization.

1. Introduction emission of a large quantity of solids, and

gaseous pollutants like CO2, SOX, NOX and
Coal is the world’s most prevalent and other noxious compounds [1-3]. Coal plays a
abundantly distributed fossil fuel. Coal has to vital role in power production and as a feed to
continue being to contribute as an energy the iron, cement and steel industries, etc.
source, aid global efforts, eradicate poverty, From IEA report 2012, it has been observed
expand economic growth and meet climate that out of total resources in the world,
change goals. Coal plays a vital role in power accounting 64% of recoverable fossil
production and as a feed to the iron, cement resources, compared to 19% for oil and 17%
and steel industries, etc. The utilization of for natural gas [4]. According to International
coal in different purposes results in the Energy Outlook, 2016 [5] coal remains the

Corresponding author: [email protected]

doi: 10.5937/JMMA1801001B
2 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

second-largest energy source worldwide rank/grade coal (LRCs or LGCs) have low
behind petroleum and other fuels. Throughout specific energy because the coal incorporates
the estimation, more than 70% of world coal with various mineral in different forms. Indian
used by the top three countries are China, the coals are drift origin and have greater
United States, and India. The world coal drawbacks. The presence of mineral
consumption out of total coal in 2012 about constituents in the LGCs are not only high but
59% is accounted for generation of electricity, also closely associated with different type of
36% accounted for the industrial sector, and minerals in the coal matrix. According to
4% used other sectors (residential and mineralogical analysis, the occurrence of
commercial). The world’s energy consumption mineral matter in the Indian coal found the
is purely correlated with the global economic various form of silica (quartz, opal, cherts),
growth. clay minerals (kaolinite and illite) and sulfide
The hard coal reserves are gradually type. It restricts to large-scale utilization and
depleting, and the mining operation at deeper processing in various units due to presence of
coal seam with greater difficulties and cost of high ash and sulfur content in the LGCs by
exploration is so high, which has a significant according to environmental concern. On the
issue for plant economics. The low grade coal other hand, it has a number of advantageous
can be used as alternative source to eradicate characteristics such as (i) low phosphorus and
the energy caused issues. Low-grade coals or sulfur content (<1%), (ii) high ash fusion
low quality coals include not only low rank temperature (1500 °C), (iii) low iron content
coals (sometimes called brown coals). Low- in the ash, (iv) low chlorine content, (v) low
grade coals could be important to both the trace elements, (vi) refractory nature of the
energy demand and economic development ash [7]. Therefore, it is necessary to
for the industries. However, the low-rank demineralize and desulfurize the LGC prior to
coals have not been utilized to nearly the same utilization by reducing the minerals and to
extent as higher rank coals due to its poor make them environment friendly and
quality and undesirable characteristics. The consequently cost-effective. Efficient coal
undesirable characteristics of low grade coals cleaning method is key to any utilization
are mainly produces high ash content routes for low-grade coals. There are some
(typically ranging from 30% to 50%), low upgrading technologies used for cleaning of
sulfur content (0.2% to 0.7%), high moisture coals. There are different types of coal
content (typically ranging 4% to 20%), low cleaning methods present like physical,
calorific values (between 2500 and 5000 chemical and biological cleaning method. The
kcal/kg), low Hardgrove Grindability Index physical cleaning methods are mainly dry
(HGI), express to high milling power cleaning and wet cleaning type. The dry
consumption and increased mill wear and cleaning methods include the air jig,
maintenance costs [6]. Although the low aerodynamic classifier, electrodynamics
quality coals have a huge potential for separator, magnetic separator, air-dense
providing an affordable and abundant energy medium fluidized bed and the FGX separator
resource, so it can be used as feedstock etc. These coal cleaning methods are based on
instead of high rank coal. In some places of according to the difference in physical
India like northeast region, have found the properties between the coal and refuse. The
better quality of coal which contains very low physical properties of coal cleaning are like
ash content (around 5-10%) but these coals density, size, electrical and magnetic
contain high sulfur content (2-5%). Low conductivity, radioactivity and the frictional
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 3

coefficient. Similarly, wet cleaning methods of the best method for effective removal of
are mainly based on their specific gravity and both organic and inorganic minerals from
surface properties of coal and coal-bearing coal. The leaching process is faster for
minerals. The cleaning of coarse coal particles liberation of minerals and which directs affect
are used the dense medium (specific gravity the coal minerals without harm to the original
typically ranges between 1.3 and 1.8), the structure of coal.
intermediate coal particle (0.6–6.35 mm) used The chemical cleaning of coal method
water only hydrocyclone and for fine coal adequately reduces ash content and remove
particle used froth flotation process or oil the deleterious minerals which avoid
agglomeration. The surface properties of the problems associated with gasification,
coal minerals are mainly followed the carbonization, liquefaction, combustion
difference in hydrophobicity or oleophobicity efficiencies and minimize the emissions of
between coal and minerals. Naturally, the hard airborne pollutants. This is the real situation
coals are hydrophobic, oleophilic, while for both old and new coal cleaning
minerals are mostly hydrophilic, or technologies. The physical methods are not
oleophobic. When the collectors (oily or suitable to coals for inherent ash-related
frothers) are added into a coal-water slurry, minerals and are finely disseminated minerals
preferentially coals are attach to air-filled in the coal matrix. In contrast, the chemical
froth bubbles or oil droplets, while minerals cleaning methods are more suitable to remove
are as reject with air or oil. These separation both organic and inorganic ash-bearing
principles are difference of the slightly minerals efficiently from coal. Due to this,
hydrophobic pyrite minerals and the oil- chemical cleaning of coal is an alternative
adsorbing clay minerals. The current technique to physical cleaning; allowing for
commercial physical cleaning methods are achieving the efficient ash removal rates that
become inefficient separation for the inherent cannot be achieved in the physical cleaning.
bound minerals to the coal matrix and The several literature studies revealed the
accordingly more expensive. Besides, the great potential for chemical cleaning of coals,
physical cleaning of coal is ineffective to with better ash removal was obtained from the
separate the sulfur or finely dispersed mineral coal. Chemical cleaning method has not
and organically bound to the coal structure. widely employed on a commercial scale due
The other separation method for of the to huge cost related to the requirements of
minerals from coal is the biological cleaning chemicals and the need for dewatering of the
method which have the potential for removing post-demineralization and regeneration of
substantial amount of both minerals and reagents from spent solution [8-10]. It can be
organic sulfur, but the separation process is seen from literature only a few studies about
very slow. Therefore, the above reason caused the regeneration of chemical reagents from the
the inefficient to separation of minerals by the spent solution by adding a suitable chemical
physical and biological methods. The low- reagent. . In the regeneration methods, the
grade coals are incorporated with the spent alkali solution can be regenerated by
significant fraction of the inorganic reacting with lime, whereas acid can be
constituents and finely dispersed into the regenerated by treating silicic acid (H2SiO3),
organic structure. Consequently, many produced with gypsum.
conventional coal cleaning methods provide The following possible reactions (1), (2)
little or no benefit when applied to low grade and (3) occurs during the regeneration of
coals. Therefore, the chemical method is one chemical reagents.
4 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

Na2SiO3+Ca(OH)2→2CaSiO3+2NaOH (1) occurs in between solid constituents or inside

Na2SiO3 + H2SO4 → H2SiO3 + Na2SO4 (2)
pore of the coal. Prior to mining, the fluids in
coal are mainly moisture and methane. The
H2SiO3 + CaSO4 → CaSiO3 + H2SO4 (3) term mineral matter is comprehensive of
inorganic elements bonded with the various
Regeneration of spent alkali and acids ways to the organic (C, H, O, N, S)
reduces the cost of chemicals in the cleaning components. There are various species of
method. The spent solution which contain not minerals bound to the coal structure.
only silicate and aluminates but also contains However, the most common mineral species
Fe, Al, and trace elements of Zn, Cr, Mn, Ni, found in the coal are clay minerals, which
Cu, Ba, Ti etc. The regenerated reagents from distribute widely and are major content in the
spent solution can be reused which is likely to coal matrix. Comparatively the common
be the best way to develop a commercial minerals found in the coals are silica, quartz,
process for removal of minerals from the coal. pyrite, calcite, dolomite, siderite, and ankerite,
Several researchers have been worked on etc. The mode of occurrence and aggregates
the cleaning of coal by chemical leaching of minerals in coal seam appears in the form
method, which proved that the efficient of dispersed grains, nodules, and bands. In
demineralization was obtained by chemical maceral, the presence of mineral species is in
beneficiation method. The objective of the scatter and smaller than several microns. The
current review article represents a coal associated mineral matter exists in
comprehensive knowledge of different various forms and sizes, like true minerals,
leaching process; the possible reaction occurs dissolved salts in pore water and elements
during leaching of minerals in the coal with associated with hydrocarbonaceous matrix
various aqueous chemical reagents and the and are micro sizes [11]. The origins and the
effect of physical parameters, which can be formation of minerals or ages are co-existed
magnified the degree of demineralization. The different in the same seam. The minerals in
concept and understanding of leaching, which the coal are the geochemical indicator of coal.
allows the calculations to make on; how The petrographic and mineralogical methods
specific coal may act under certain leaching are employed for identification and separation
conditions and follow an optimum leaching of minerals from the coal, and also chemical
sequence. The leaching techniques can be analytical methods are used to analyze the
customized to different coal and subsequent trace elements in coal. The minerals in the
scaled-up the processes can be used to study a coal are the important factor for quality of
pilot and large scale. The suitable method and coal which assessing mining exploration,
processes can further be applied to the communition, storage, coking, gasification,
development of approaches for the retrieval of liquefaction, and other application. Coal with
leaching reagents from the spent solution. a high content of mineral matters is the source
of metals and nonmetals, which is the serious
2. Mineral matters in coal cause of the environmental problem.
Mineral matter in coal is broadly classified
Coal is a sedimentary rock and is into two types, extraneous and inherent or
composed of three categories of substances: included minerals. The minerals in coal also
(1) organic carbonaceous matter called exist in different forms like discrete type,
macerals, (2) inorganic (crystalline type) dispersed type and organically bounded type
minerals which are non-combustible resulted as shown in Figure 1.
in the ash formation and (3) fluids. The fluid
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 5

Figure 1. Modes of occurrence of minerals and other constituents in coal [15]

The included minerals are bound to coal residue, in which the inert mineral matter of
matrix or structure; such minerals are clay both organic and inorganic parts of coal is
quartz, carbonate and pyrite group and those chemically changed during combustion. The
minerals are not associated or bounded to conventional physical methods are widely
coal matrix called extraneous or excluded used in large-scale units to remove ash-
mineral matter. The extraneous mineral bearing mineral from the coal matrix, but the
matter is due to contamination occurred degree of demineralization is up to a certain
during coalification, mining and handling of limit. The high ash content (minerals) of coal
coal [12-14]. The rank of coal plays a key role leads to technical difficulties in utilization,
in mineral characteristics and properties of the and it produces a lot of ash. That causes
matter. A large number of minerals that have pollute the environment and simultaneously
been recognized in the coals over world-wide reduce the efficiency resulted increased the
have wide-range of applications in the production cost of the industries. Many
instrumental and microscopic techniques. The problems are arises due to the large utilization
list of minerals in coal is summarized as of high ash coal includes more amount of ash
shown in Table 1. The presence of inorganic disposal, fouling of economizers, corrosion of
components in higher rank coal is found in the boiler walls, and high amount of fly ash
form of mineral phases like illite, chlorite, emission. It may also be a source of abrasion,
dolomite, siderite and to some extent corrosion, stickiness, fouling, or pollute to the
kaolinite, quartz and iron oxides. Whereas, the environment by the generation of solids or
presence of inorganic components in the gaseous pollutants during coal handling and
lower rank coals are associated with discrete use [16-18].
mineral phase, coordinated metal ions Coal ash also called coal combustion
(cations) or in clay. The major mineral found product consists of fine particles, which
in lower rank coals includes carbonates, contain an assortment of minerals such as
montmorillonite (clay particle), calcite, clays, quartz, iron oxides, aluminosilicate
feldspars, pyrite, and metal sulphate. The formed by melting of mineral matter at the
major components of silica, alumina is found high temperatures of combustion, and
in clay or kaolinite minerals, silicon found in unburned carbon remains after the combustion
quartz. The organic mineral components of process. The mineralogical analysis of coal
coal consist of carboxylic acid, phenolic indicates the mineral in the coal is not
hydroxyl, mercapto and amino groups are able uniform. The number of trace elements is
to bond with several mineral constituents. intimately associated with the organic matter
Coal contains mineral matter, not 'ash,' but [19], and mostly the trace elements are
ash is widely used term that measures the associated with major minerals like quartz,
6 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

pyrites, kaolinite, and illite [20-21]. The ash elements may mix in the environment with
forming behaviour of mineral phases in the ash leaching [24-25]. The degree of ash
coal varies with cleaning method. Trace content depends on the concentration of trace
element in a coal is an important role for elements as well as major mineral contents of
formation ash [22-23] while some of the trace coal.

Table 1. Different minerals found in coal [28-30]

Minerals Composition Occurrence
dant Rare ()
on ()
Kaolinite AI4Si4O10(OH)8 
Al4(Si4O10)2(OH)4.xH2O 
Illite, sericite,
K2Al4 (Si6AI2)O20(OH)4 
Halloysite Al4Si4O10(OH)8 
Chlorite Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8 
Mixed layer
variable 
clay minerals
Pyrite FeS2 
Marcasite FeS2(orthorhombic) 
Sphalerite ZnS 
Galena PbS 
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 
Pyrrhotite Fe1-xS 
Bronite Cu5FeS4 
Millerite NiS 
Quartz SiO2 
halcedony SiO2 
Hematite Fe2O3 
Magnetite Fe3O4 
Rutile TiO2 
Anatase TiO2 
Brookite TiO2 
Limonite Fe2O3.nH2O 
Goethite Fe2O3.H2O 
Lepidocrocite Fe2O3.H2O 
Diaspore Al2O3.H2O 
Ca5(PO4)3 (F, Cl, OH) 
Goyazite SrAl3(PO4)2(OH)5.H2O 
Gorceixite BaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5.H2O 
Crandallite CaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5.H2O 
Monazite CePO4 
Xenotime YPO4 
Calcite CaCO3 
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 7

Table 1. Different minerals found in coal [28-30]. (continue)

Siderite FeCO3 
(ferroan (Ca, Fe, Mg)CO3 
Witherite BaCO3 
Dawsonite NaAl(CO2)(OH) 
Strontionite SrCO3 
Aragonite CaCO3 
Magnesite MgCO3 
Barite BaSO4 
Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O 
Anhydrite CaSO4 
Bassanite CaSO4.1/2H2O 
Jarosite (Na, K)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6 
Szomolnokite FeSO4.H2O 
Rozenite FeSO4.4H2O 
Melanterite FeSO4.7H2O 
Coquimbite Fe2(SO4)3.9H2O 
Rosmerite FeSO4.Fe2(SO4)3.12H2O 
Mirabilite Na2SO4-I0H2O 
Kieserite MgSO4.H2O 
Thenardite Na2SO4 
Sideronatrite Na2SO4.Fe2(SO4)3.7H2O 
Hexabydrite MgSO4.6H2O 
Halite NaCl 
Sylvite KCI 
Bischofite MgCI2.6H2O 
Bauxite 
Gibbsite Al(OH)3 
Diaspore 
Plagioclase (Na, Ca)Al(AI, Si)Si2O8 
Albite NaAISi3O8 
Anorthite CaAl2Si2O8 
Sanidine KAISi3P8 
Biotite K(MgFe)3(AISi3O10)(OH)2 
Zircon ZrSiO4 
Tourmaline Na(Mg,Fe)3AI6(BO3)3(Si6O18)(OH)4 
Garnet (Fe, Ca, Mg)3(AI, Fe)2(SiO4)3 
Kyanite AI2SiO5 
Staurolite AI4FeSi2O10(OH)2 
Epidote Ca2(AI, Fe)3Si2O12(OH) 
Augite Ca(Mg, Fe, Al)(AI, Si),O6 
Hornblende NaCa2(Mg, Fe,AI)5(SiAI)8O22(OH)2 
Topaz AI2SiO4(OH, F)2 
Prochlorite 2FeO.2MgO.AI2O3.2SiO2.2H2O 
Penninite 5MgO.Al2O3.3SiO2.2H2O 
Analcime NaAISi2O6.H2O 
Native Platinum, gold, Iron, mercury,

elements sulfur, selenium, graphite
8 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

Major chemical constituents of coal ash depending on its origin, rank and the
typically include silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), prevailing environment during coalification
and iron (Fe), with lesser amounts of oxides process. It is a heterogeneous mixture of
of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium organic macerals usually combustible and the
(K), sulfur (S), titanium (Ti), and phosphorus inorganic matter most are in mineral form.
(P). The minor amount of trace elements in Coal beneficiation is consist of different
coal ash, including chromium (Cr), nickel operation and processes which can upgrade
(Ni), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), the quality of coal by reducing the mineral
cadmium (Cd), antimony (Sb), mercury (Hg), matters (ash) and regulating the size of coal.
and lead (Pb) etc. Trace elements are The mineral matters in the coal called as
associated with the coal minerals during of its gangue or impurities, which must be removed
natural formation processes of the parent coal. before utilization. The objective of
These inert elements are found in coal ash beneficiation of coal is to (1) reduce the inert
after combustion of coal. During combustion, mineral matter (2) improved combustion
most trace elements in the parent coal are behavior (3) reducing slagging and fouling
retained in the residual coal ash and are characteristics (4) improved by grindability
concentrated in the smaller volume of the ash characteristics and compatibility with
compared to the original coal. Trace element emission control equipment (5) minimize
concentrations in coal ash are higher capital, operating and maintenance costs of
compared to the parent coal because of most coal utilized industries (6) reduce the
of the bound minerals and trace elements are pollutants and gas emission.
directly formed ash after combustion. So, the Coal beneficiation technologies are usually
residual ash contains major and minor mineral classified as physical, chemical and microbial
with trace elements higher as compared to beneficiation techniques. Beneficiation
original coal [26-27]. The affinities of trace processes are upgrading the quality of coal by
elements and minerals in the coal affect the reduction of mineral matter (expressed as ash)
quality of the coal. The organically bounded as well as regulate its size. Physical
trace elements are difficult to remove from the beneficiation of coal is based on the physical
coal by cleaning processes such as crushing characteristics of coal and impurities. Physical
and washing. Organically bound trace coal cleaning (PCC) can be eliminate the ash-
elements may be released only by combustion forming elements and inorganic sulfur from
or by the chemical leaching processes. coal without chemical alteration of the coal or
Hence, chemical beneficiation is one of the properties. The physical methods of coal
best methods that strongly dissociates or beneficiation have a simple operation for
reacts to the bounded mineral in the coal separation of coarse impurities but inefficient
matrix and demineralized to a desirable limit, for removal of ash and sulfur. In a marketable
which generates low ash coal. The produced coal preparation plant, the cleaning process is
low ash clean coal by the chemical method is typically limited to physical processes. The
suitable for steel and metallurgical units and separation method of these processes is based
reduces the environmental problems. upon the difference in the specific gravity
(density) and surface properties (wettability)
3. Coal Beneficiation of minerals in the coal. The lumped raw coal
is subjected to crushing, sizing and screening,
Coal is a complex mixture of organic and cleaning (washing or beneficiation), and
inorganic matter to a variable extent thermal dewatering [31]. However, coal
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 9

cleaning by the physical method is limited to generated. The high ash in coal causes
removal all types of mineral and trace increase the ash resistivity, reduce the
elements. Physical treatments are particularly efficiency of equipment and pollutes the
those minerals are in magnetic properties, that environment due to the generation of solids
removes in magnetic separator and those and gaseous pollutant. Therefore, prior to
based on conductivity or electrostatic utilization of such coal must be upgrade the
separator are used to separates the minerals of coal. The upgrading method of low-grade coal
electric properties [32]. Froth flotation cell is is best by chemical leaching method because
removed only inorganic sulfur whereas these method efficiently removes the
organic sulfur removed require by microbial inorganic and organic mineral and all type of
or chemical beneficiation method. It is minerals are dissolute with chemical acids and
difficult to reduce the mineral matter to a alkali solution.
certain limit by conventional physical
beneficiation method. The following 4. Chemical beneficiation of coal
drawbacks in conventional physical methods
results limited demineralization possible by It is hard to demineralize the low rank coal
due to which does not remove the minerals to below a permissible limit by conventional
bound to the coal matrix, only inorganic sulfur physical beneficiation techniques due to poor
(pyrite) can be removed. These methods washability characteristics. It is difficult to
required larger feed size (>500µm) and which demineralize the kinds of mineral from coal
is not suitable to demineralize the all types of by a specific chemical reagent or solvent due
minerals from the feed coal. These are to an enormous number of mineral associated
separated based on the specific gravity and for within the coal matrix. Therefore, to establish
separation of very fine size, follows surface a procedure for the production of clean coal
properties of the mineral matter, which and knowledge about the chemical reaction of
require additional cost for grinding operation. specific minerals for a particular solvent
The drift origin of Indian coals are low quality during the course of leaching. The up-
and contains high ash content varies from gradation of low-grade coal for efficient
15% to 50% although the washability demineralization by chemical beneficiation
characteristics of Indian coal is effectively follows various method. Chemical
remove the mineral matter. It is difficult to beneficiation mainly consists of leaching steps
remove the mineral matter by the washing of like alkali and acid leaching or combined
such coal is invariably practiced to bring method alkali and acid leaching. Both steps
down the ash content to a desirable limit. are formed by mixing the coal with a chemical
Low-grade coals are contained major quantity solvent called slurry is heated up to an
of silica (57%, SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3, experimental temperature which causes the
27%). Removal of the extraneous inert and rise in the rate of reaction and consequently
mineral matter from coal prior to combustion leached out the ash-bearing minerals. The
is the necessary benefit to the environment as leaching of coal with different types of the
well as the efficiency of operation and chemical reagent such as alkali, mineral acid,
process. Reduction of the aluminosilicate clay and some organic acids are most productive in
minerals, which typically 60–90% of the total reducing the amount of ash-bearing minerals,
mineral matter in coal, are cause to decrease inorganic sulfur (pyrite) and organic sulfur
the boiler erosion and fouling, and decrease (thioketone, thiols, thiophenes, sulfide)
the amounts of fly ash and bottom ash without affecting the original carbon content
10 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

of coal. The demineralization of coal by within the coal matrix, these are not easily
chemical techniques has been investigated by removed. Therefore, the extent of
several authors. The leaching of coal with [33- demineralization was reduced by the rise of
34] aqueous KOH-acid solution [35-36] NaOH concentration. The Second case, at
mineral acids like H2SO4 [37-38] and higher alkali concentration the coal containing
sequential leaching by NaOH-H2O2/NaOH- major minerals constituents formed sodium
HCl/NaOH-H2SO4/NaOH-HF [39] organic compounds of silicate and aluminate and
acids like carboxylic acid [40]. Several simultaneously formed aluminosilicates. The
researchers have been investigated by the raw following reaction is shown in (4) (5), (6)
coal of high and low ash or sulfur treated with and (7). The decrease in the degree of
different acids or alkali reagents, and these are demineralization of the coal samples at higher
summarized in Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4. alkali concentration is attributed to formation
sodium aluminosilicate formation [61]. It is
4.1. Alkali Leaching because the of the silicate and aluminate ions
concentration exceeds the solubility product
Alkali leaching is an effective method for of sodium-aluminosilicate. It may be like the
demineralization of coal by reducing most of common ion effect of the silicate and
the mineral-rich constituents. It may be due to aluminate ion. So only formed the sodium
the synergistic effect of alkali reagents, which complex of a silica-alumina compound like
have high affinity towards coal minerals and gel type which sticks to coal surface and
the ability to penetrate the interior of coal restricts further demineralization process. The
matrix. During alkali leaching, alkali reacts coal surface as shown in Figure 2.
with the silica, alumina, and clay-bearing The mechanism of adsorption complex
minerals in the coal and reaction product silica to the following possible reactions
converted into hydrated alkali-bearing silicate, during leaching process as shown below.
aluminate and aluminosilicate complexes
(sodalite) [59]. The reason for attacking the 2NaOH+SiO2 →Na2SiO3+H2O (4)
alkali into the major minerals may be due to
the presence of hydroxyl ion in the leachants, 2NaOH+Al2O3→2NaAlO2+H2O (5)
which has high affinity towards the clay- NaOH(aq)+NaAl(OH)4(aq)+Na2SiO3(aq)→
bearing minerals [60]. The experimental (Naa(AlO2)b (SiO2)NaOH.H2O) (6)
results found that the degree of Sodium aluminosilicate complex gel

demineralization increases steadily as a 2NaOH+clay→sodalite+H2O (7)

unction of alkali concentrations up to a certain
concentration then the demineralization rates Ca(OH)2+SiO2→v(CaO)x(SiO2) y(H2O)z (8)
slow down.
Two possible cases may be obtained by the Ca(OH)2+Al2Si2O5→(CaO)x(Al2O3)y(SiO2)(H2O)z (9)
Mono/di calcium silicate hydrate
decrease degree of demineralization at higher
NaOH concentration. The first case, the Where a, b, c and x, y, z accordingly in
leaching occurs likely due to an initial equations (6), (8) and (9) are the
dissolution of the easily accessible minerals, stoichiometric coefficient among different
which occurs at lower NaOH concentrations. element while R is the hydrocarbon groups in
While at higher caustic concentration the coal matrix.
leaching starts to affect tightly bound minerals
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 11

Table 2. Demineralization/ desulphurization of some high ash/sulfur coal

Sl Coal Seams Coal type Coal Chemical The quantity of Physical Demineralization/ References
No. and ash and particle solvent coal and parameter Desulfurization
sulphur (%) size ( used Solvent (T, P, t) (%)
µm) concentration or Ash%
1 Indraprastha High ash 250 µm NaOH or 5 g of coal and 100 °C, 60 75 wt% DM [41]
thermal power (27.5% ash Na2CO3 100 ml of min
station and in or aqueous
NTPC, Indraprastha Ca(OH)2 solution of
Badarpur New and 32.3% in and NaOH or
Delhi NTPC power H2SO4 or Na2CO3 or
plant coal ) HCl Ca(OH)2 and
washing with
10% aqueous
H2SO4 or HCl
2 Emma mine, Medium <0.25 HNO3 50 g of coal and 10 to 90 °C , 90% inorganic and [42]
Puertollano, rank coal mm 500 ml of 20 2 hr 15% organic sulfur
Spain (40.6% wt% HNO3 removed
sulfur 1.18%
and organic
3 Western coal High ash Not Aqueous 50 g of coal, 350 °C , 100 1St stage: 70% DM [43]
field, Nagpur coal (32.9% reported NH3, 25% (w/w) aq. hr with NH3
ash) H2SO4, NH3 followed treatment.
and CaF2 by H2SO4,CaF2 2nd stage: treated
coal followed with
HCl up to 13%
4 Asphaltite High ash 3.36 Acidic 5 g asphaltite 70-120 °C , 72.2% sulfur and [44]
samples 40.8% 0.07 mm Fe(NO3)3. sample mixed 2-12 h 96.6% pyritic
Simak and and 18.8%. 9H2O with 50ml of sulfur removed
Hazro, Turkey 0.05-1 M
5 Amasra High ash low 140-500 NaOH, 5 g coal, 10, 20, 20 min 46.33% , 32.13%, [45]
bituminous sulphur (44- µm HF, HCl, 30% (HF, HCl, 30.02% DM in
coal Turkey 69% ash and HNO3, HNO3 and 10% HCl, 10%
0.21- 0.73% and H2SO4), HNO3, and 10%
S) H2SO4 washing with H2SO4 respectively
alkali (0.5 N
NaOH) than
followed by
10% of
6 High-sulfur High ash, -35 and - hydrogen Desulfurization 23°C, 50°C 45% and 85% of [46]
Turkish (34% and 60 mesh peroxide, (ASTM method 104 °C, and sulfur removed
lignites 39%) acetic 3177) 72 h from Geidz and
High sulfur acid Cayirhan lignite
(7.6 and sample
5.2% S)
7 Nigerian High ash ±250 H2O- 3 g of coal, 75 95 °C, 25 38.66% DM [47]
Lafia-Obi coal coal (32.5% µm Na2CO3- ml 0.019M of min
ash) H2O NaOH, 1:20
mass ratio of
solvent to coal

8 Bhubaneswari High ash -16+100 NaOH, 50 g of coal 50 1-2 hr, 27% DM [48]
coal, Orissa. coal (26.25% mesh H2SO4 to 150g/L of aq. temperature achieved at 100g/l
ash) size NaOH followed range 65- NaOH
by 20% H2SO4 150 °C Concentration,
47%– 100g/l
NaOH followed
20% H2SO4 acid
DM- Demineralization, DS- Desulfurization, T- Temperature (°C), P- Pressure, t- Time, µm- Micrometer
12 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

Table 3. Demineralization/ desulphurization of some low ash/sulfur coal

Sl Coal Coal Coal Chemic The quantity Physical Demineralization/ References
No Seams type and partic al of coal and parameter Desulfurization (%)
. ash and le solvent Solvent (T, P, t)
sulphur size used concentration
(%) (µm)
1 Two 21.39% <200 H2O2 , 1 :- 30% 1:- 30°C,120 1:- 70% reduction [49]
Turkish and µm 0.l N H2O2, 0.l N min (Beypazari Lignite) 35
lignites 16.71% H2SO4 H2SO4 2:- 45 °C, 60 % reduction (Tuqbilek
(Beypazari ash 2 :-15% min lignite) 2:- 65 %
and respecti H2O2, 0.l N reduction (Beypazari
Tunqbilek) vely H2SO4 Lignite) 31 %
reduction (Tuqbilek
2 Subbitumi 14.7% 500- Methan 2% Methanol 150°C, 60 58% Sulfur and 24% [50]
nous HV ash, 1000 ol, & 0.025 g min ash
coal, 4.2%S) µm KOH KOH/g coal removed
3 Khushab Medium 212- HNO3, 1 g sample 25 °C , 2hr 3.09 % ash [51]
northern ash 180 HCl was dropwise
Punjab, content µm (3M percolated
Pakistan 20.4%, HCl +3 with different
2.98% M molar
sulfur. HNO3 ) solution of
4 Ledo (L) 10.35%, -72 Water 50 g coal 120 h at 77.59% pyritic sulfur [52]
and 5.70% mesh samples and varying removed with an
Baragolai ash and 250 mL of temperatures aqueous leaching
(B) 3.57%, deionized of 15, 25, 35,
collieries 5.37% S water in a 1 L and 45 C
of Makum in Ledo
coal fields, and
in Assam Baragol
ai coal
5 Three 6-8.27 Not HF,HN 25 g coal 3hr,ambient Ash content of coal [53]
mines of %, low report O3 sample and to 70°C (HF samples was reduced to
the ash ed 100 ml sol of & HNO3) a range of 0.12–0.41%
Turkish content, 2M HF, then 80°C (dried)
hard coal low dried out in a
enterprise sulfur 1 drying oven ,
% second
with 2 M
7 Yanzhou 3.15% 0.19 Aeratio 21 g of coal 4h 73%, 83% and 84% of [54]
(Eastern ash and mm n+ in 500 ml of organic sulfur, sulfide
China) total NaOH, 0.25 M sulfur pyritic sulfur
sulfur HCl NaOH with removed respectively.
3.15% an aeration
rate of 0.136
m3/hr and 0.1
DM- Demineralization, DS- Desulfurization, T- Temperature (°C), P- Pressure, t- Time, µm- Micrometer
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 13

Table 4. Demineralization/desulphurization of some low ash/sulfur coal

Sl Coal Coal type Coal Chemical The quantity Physical Demineralization/ References
No Seams and ash particle solvent of coal and parameter Desulfurization
. and size used Solvent (T, P, t) (%)
sulphur (µm) concentration
1 Nallihan, Low ash 250 µm HCl, 4 g coal, 80ml 20, 40,50, 6.98% ash obtained [55]
Ankara, (17.12% HNO3 of 5 and 10 and 60°C by 5% HF
Turkey ash and H2SO4, vol% of HCl, for 20 min treatment was best
6.99% S HF HNO3, other values are
in H2SO4, acid sequenced as HCl,
Nallıhan and HF of 5, HNO3, and H2SO4
Lignite 10, 20, 30, acid experiments
coal and 40 vol%
2 Tata 14.3 and -0.5mm NaOH, 300 g of coal 85 °C and 5.5% ash produced [56]
Steel’s 23% ash HCl and 30-40% 135 °C at Coal A, coal B is
captive (w/v) NaOH, atmospheri 7%, Silica, and
mines, maintain 1:10 c and 5 bar alumina content
Coal A- ratio of pressure, reduces by nearly
from aqueous 4hr 51.3% and 58.8%.
washery solution later
and Coal washed 20%
B-ROM (v/v) HCl
3 Coal Low ash 500 µm NaOH, 30 g coal, varying Ash content [57]
from 15.3 % HCl 10% to 50% residence reduced from
flotation ash (w/v) varying time, initial about 8.85%
cell, S/L ratio then temperature by NaOH
Tata followed with treatment and
Steel, 10% HCl(v/v) 6.10% by Alkali-
India solution treated & acid-
washed coal
4 Lakhra 10.5% -60 NaOH, 60 g coal of 250°C, 60 Removal of ash to [58]
coal, ash, mesh, HCl, three mesh min, up to 80% and
Pakistan 7.38% -80 Purged size, in the atmospheri sulfur to about
total mesh nitrogen ratio1:1, 1:2, c pressure 40%.
sulfur and -100 (30ml/mi and 1:3 coals
mesh n) to caustic
DM- Demineralization, DS- Desulfurization, T- Temperature (°C), P- Pressure, t- Time, µm- Micrometer

Figure 2. Mechanism of gel formation during leaching process [48]

14 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

The following reactions (10) and (11) reduction was increased from 70.6 to 80.1%
indicate the part of pyrite and organic sulfur by the leaching process [66].
can remove during alkali treatment. Mukherjee and Borthakur (2003) studied
the leaching effect of KOH on coal samples
30NaOH+8FeS2→4Fe2O3+14Na2S2O3+15H2O (10) from Boragolai and Ledo collieries of
2NaOH+R-S→R-SNa2 (11) Makum coal fields, Assam. They reported
demineralization and desulphurization were
Numerous researchers [62-63] stated the obtained 2-19% and 16-30% at 95°C and
demineralization of coal with an aqueous 150°C from the coal by the effect of
alkali solution. Wang et al., (1986) potassium hydroxide solution. The degree of
investigated that the removal of mineral demineralization of the coal decreases with
matter from Miler Blend (high ash, 15.5%) higher temperature (150 °C) while
and Wandon (low ash, 7%) coal of Australia desulphurization increases to 26-43%. The
by treatment with the alkali solution at 460 K. demineralization was decreased due to
The researchers showed that it is easier to increase the precipitation of potassium
reduce mineral rich components like quartz aluminosilicates, and it restricts the leaching
and kaolinite by alkali treatment although the process, later the precipitation was dissolute
elimination of Ca and Fe bearing mineral by the acid washing of 10% hydrochloric acid
depends on the type of composition in coal concentration. This treatment nearly removed
[64]. the inorganic sulfur completely, and up to
Waugh (1984) reported that the most of the 37% organic sulfur was removed from the
ash forming minerals from bituminous coal coal [67]. Balaz et al., (2001) investigated the
are insoluble in water or acid, while 90% of chemical cleaning of coal by grinding and
the mineral can be removed by caustic aqueous caustic leaching (GACL) process. In
treatment, at 200 °C to 300 °C under pressure. GACL process, the two different coals from
They reported from the experimental results, Novaky (28.2% ash, 2% sulfur) and
most of the major minerals (like silica and Pittsburgh No. Eight (7% ash and 3% sulfur)
kaolinite) is converted into sodium alumino- were treated with 5% NaOH concentration.
silicates (or at higher temperature forms They reported the percentage of sulfur was
sodalities, zeolites) which form a distinct reduced to 1.5% and 0.9% for both coal and
insoluble phase in interaction with water or deashing of coal was not improved by the
alkali, but which are readily dissolute in leaching effect. This was due to the glass wear
mineral acids. The low mineral content and while grinding and alkaline chemical leaching
trace elements are also partly liberated during (GACL) process, which contributes the ash-
leaching [65]. Removal of the pyritic sulfur forming constituents in the treated coal [68].
and some of the organic sulfur by caustic They found from the investigation; the GACL
wash was studied by Çulfaz et al., F(1996) process is the best favour of economic
applied two diverse lignite coal from Soma suitable and high ash removal efficiency as
(low ash coal) and Beypazari (high ash coal), compared to the MCL (molten caustic
of Turkey. The maximum mineral was about leaching) process because in GACL process
90% removed from both types of coal at high the consumption of NaOH concentration was
temperature (460 K) by caustic leaching six times less than MCL process. Lee and
followed with acid washing. In addition, they Shon (1997) investigated the combustion
reported with decrease the particle size from characteristics and structure of Korean
0.9 to 0.16 mm, which causes the ash anthracite and bituminous coal by leaching
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 15

with molten caustic. The effect of caustic 9.2% to 2.2% [73]. Wang and Tomita (1998)
treatment was increased four times reactivity investigated four places of the coal seam and
of anthracite coal and marginal increase in the leached with Ca(OH)2 at 300 °C, followed by
reactivity of bituminous coal. The greater dilute HCl concentration. The investigation
extent of ash and sulfur reduction were suggested the ash contents declined from 8.8–
obtained during MCL process. This process 15.4% to 1% of Blair, Newlands, Athol, and
was reduced to 70% and 60 % sulfur and 85% Warkworth coals, and for Ebenezer coal, it
and 99% of ash reduction from anthracite and was decreased from 14.9% to 2.8% [74].
bituminous coal [69]. Chriswell et al., (1989)
and Chriswell et al., (1991) investigated an 4.2. Acid leaching
advanced chemical coal-cleaning process, it
referred as MCL process. They reported the Acid leaching makes the most significant
MCL process was removed about 90% of effect on the demineralization of coal. This
sulfur and over 95% of the ash-bearing leaching process demineralizes some mineral
minerals reduced from the coal. However, this like carbonates, Fe2O3, and sulfides, while it
process was loosed the original carbon content does not dissociate the clay-bearing minerals.
of coal due to the formation of unwanted Steel et al., (2001) investigated the leaching
carbonate byproducts, consumed a significant behaviour of the mineral matter in low-
amount of caustic concentration and difficult temperature ashing (LTA) of Australian black
to the regeneration of spent caustic solution coal by the effect HF and HCl. They
[70-71]. reported, HCl was dissolving simple
The effective demineralization of coal is compounds such as carbonates and
also possible by Ca(OH)2 leaching reagent as phosphates, but it was less dissolute the clay
compared to other alkali reagents. The minerals. HF can react with all types of
replacement of leaching agent CaO (lime) mineral matter, except pyrite, and mostly all
instead of NaOH are following the number of reaction products are water-soluble. The
favourable features. The advantage of leachant soluble the major clay minerals and
leaching by lime follows (1) less effect to the the aluminosilicate mineral compounds and
organic matter of coal (2) high corrosion other mineral matter but at higher HF
resistant to the reactor and equipment concentration, most of the mineral forms
materials and (3) low fouling effect was insoluble compound like CaF2, MgF2 [75].
produced during the combustion or Hydrofluoric acid is a strong oxidizing agent
gasification process. Coal demineralization by due to the presence of fluorine atom, and it
Ca(OH)2 leaching is an effective method for can easily react with the mineral matter of
removal of the major minerals, and the coal. It can effectively dissolve the quartz and
magnitude of deduction of the Ca-bearing kaolinite. Quartz is easily dissolute than
products from coal was highly dependent on kaolinite during HF treatment. Therefore, the
the experimental leaching conditions [72]. degree of demineralization depends on the
Wang et al., (1996) investigated the presence of quartz to kaolinite proportion in
demineralization of Newstan coal seam from the coal. Steel and Patrick (2001) reported that
Australia treated with lime. They reported the the production of ultra-clean coal (UCC) by
coal leached with 5% CaO at 340 °C for 120 chemical demineralization of high volatile UK
min, followed by the hydrochloric acid wash, coal. These coals were leached with HF at
the ash reduction result 76% was obtained in leaching temperature 65 °C and contact time 3
the meantime the ash content reduced from h, followed by HNO3 at similar condition
16 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

[76]. The ash content of coal reduced from 29.5 MJ/kg, and the nitrogen content
7.9% to 2.6% and 67% demineralization was increased 2.0% to 2.8% by weight, due to the
obtained by HF treatment alone and outbreak of the carbonaceous matrix
successive treatment of HF-treated coal with throughout the HNO3 leaching and also
HNO3, which decreases the ash content up to dissolved the pyrite [61,79]. The reaction
0.63% by dissolution of residual mineral between pyrite and nitric acid is sensitive to
compounds such as (CaF2, MgF2, AlF3, temperature dependent and concentration of
NaAlF4) and FeS2 (pyrite) from HF acid, which produce the different products
treatment. Mukherjee et al., (2001) under different condition. The possible
investigated the effect of hydrogen peroxide reaction occurred during leaching effect
and diluted sulfuric acid on the desulfurization explained by Yang et al., (1985) as follows.
and demineralization of coal from Makum
FeS2+2HNO3→Fe(NO3)2+H2S+S (12)
Coalfield, Assam, India. The coal treated with
15% concentration of hydrogen peroxide at 25 2Fe2+6HNO3→2Fe(NO3)+3H2S+S (13)
°C and the results showed that over 76%
pyritic sulfur, 70% sulfate sulfur and 5% 6FeS2+30HNO3→3Fe2(SO4)3+3H2SO4+30NO+12H2O (14)
organic sulfur and 14% ash reduced by this The use of weak acids (EDTA and citric
leaching effect. Again, the residual H2O2 acid) showed the effective demineralization.
treated coal was subsequent leached with Wijaya et al., (2011) had proven the use of
0.1N H2SO4 treatment results found that weak acid like pyroligneous acid and citric
complete removal of inorganic sulfur, over acid for the preparation of ultra-clean coal by
26% organic sulfur and 43% ash reduced from leaching method [80]. Except this, several
the coal. The large desulphurization was researchers studied the leaching effect of
found due to the used sulfuric acid behaves major minerals from coals by the effect of
like as a catalyst for the reaction between the organic acid. The review of dissolution
oxygen and pyrite molecules [77]. behaviour towards silicate, carbonate and
Nabeel et al., (2009) studied the stepwise phosphate minerals with organic acid was
leaching of low-grade coal using 20% reported by Lazo et al., (2017) [81]. The
aqueous NaOH treatment followed by 10% review stated that the silica (major minerals in
H2SO4. The three-step leaching process effect the coal), carbonate and phosphate minerals
on coal by using 1% or 5% NaOH treatment were significantly dissolute in the low
followed with 1% or 5% H2SO4 was molecular organic acids. They also stated the
developed. The experimental investigation acid like formic and acetic acid had
achieved more than 75% to 80% effectively removed the minerals of group I
demineralization of coal, and various toxic and II elements and the acids like citric,
elements were removed [78]. oxalic, EDTA and salicylic acids reduced
Steel et al., (2003) and Yang et al., (1985) the transition metal and lanthanide-based
investigated a two-stage leaching effect of minerals.
aqueous HF followed by aqueous HNO3 were
treated with UK bituminous coal of particle 4.3. Alkali-acid leaching
size <62 µm and was containing 5.0 % ash by
weight and 2.4 % sulfur by weight. The ash The use of acid-alkali or alkali-acid
and sulfur contents reduced to 0.2% ash and leaching is an effective method for
1.3% sulfur from the original coal. Besides demineralization of coal. Several authors have
the calorific value (CV) fallen from 31.5 to reported the combined treatment method of
coal. The mutual leaching process is a benefit
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 17

to obtain a higher degree of demineralization, concealed mineral forms of silica and alumina
may be caused due to the dissolution of the in coal matrix which are not soluble during
unreacted part and residual minerals from the acid leaching only soluble the iron and
first stage treatment. The leaching agents like sulphur minerals which are less amount in the
NaOH and KOH treated with coal particle coal. Then these residual of acid treated coal
which reacts with sulphur and major minerals followed with alkali leaching and which
in the coal (silica, alumina, kaolinite, difficult to dissolute due to the high
dolomite, quartz) which form hydrated alkali composition of silica-alumina minerals in the
compounds of silicate, aluminate. Then, it alkali concentration. On the other reason, the
acidified with H2SO4 or HCl remove the coal associated with the major amount of
unreacted minerals and complex compounds inorganic minerals (mostly silica, alumina),
from the alkali treated coal. The unreacted which are easily reacted with alkali reagents
product formed during alkali leaching may be and the insoluble minerals of the residual coal
due to the concentration of soluble ion from an alkali leaching, which are soluble in
exceeds than the solubility product of its acidic treatment. Therefore, the alkali-acid
byproducts, which results in decreases the leaching process is better than the acid-alkali
solubilization of coal mineral. Later the leaching.
residual formed to precipitate and adsorbed to Molten caustic leaching (MCL) process is
coal surface, which results in restriction to one of the effective technique for deashing of
further demineralization process. These coal, which by remove pyritic and organic
byproducts are easily dissolute in the acidic sulfur from fossil fuels. Duz et al., (2008)
leachant. Hence, the effective stated the effect of leaching of asphaltite from
demineralization was possible during alkali Turkey with molten sodium hydroxide and
followed acid or combine leaching methods. followed by mild acid [82]. Chemical
The main difference between the use of demineralization and desulfurization of
acid-alkali or alkali-acid leaching was the asphaltite increased with increase in alkali to
possibility of efficient demineralization in asphaltite ratio and ash and total sulfur
both processes. The low grade coals are increases with leaching temperature and time.
naturally associated with a major quantity of They reported that completely removal of
clay minerals, and these are highly composed pyritic sulfur, 70% organic sulfur and ash, and
of silica, alumina and other silica material 70–79% volatile matter from asphaltites by
bound with the coal matrix. The mineral-rich treated with alkali at 1:1 ratio at 400 °C for 45
silica-alumina constituents of coal are highly min followed with 1 M HCl solution. The coal
reacted by the caustic leaching due to the high from Hazro field, Turkey leaching with
affinity of hydroxyl ion of leachant and molten caustic and the ash content reduced
formed soluble sodium hydrated silicate and from 18.3% to 6.8% and 70% of combustible
aluminate and sodium aluminosilicate was recovered. It was also removed the total
compounds in the solution. Later, the residual sulfur from 7.54 to 1.01% and volatile matter
minerals from alkali treated coal easily content from 47.80 to 12.41% respectively. In
dissolute in the acidic solution, in this way spite of this most of the inorganic sulfur and a
efficient demineralization was obtained by the significant portion of the organic sulfur were
alkali-acid leaching. While during acid-alkali removed [83]. Dash et al., (2013) reported the
leaching, the existence of clay mineral physical beneficiated of coal leached with
composition (silica, alumina and other forms caustic solution followed by acid washing
of silica) of coal is increased because the [84]. The extent of demineralization was
18 S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24

improved by increase with reaction time, 5. Application of clean coal

alkali concentration, temperature and the
decrease of coal particle size. They also The demineralization method is used for
reported that minor amount of sulfur reduction the production of ultra-clean from low ash
and significant reduction of phosphorous from coal, which is not achieved through the
coal was observed during acid treatment. existing process. It also has been used to
Baruah and Khare (2007) investigated the upgrade the low-grade coal by removing the
leaching effect on two high sulphur and ash mineral matter from coal, which enhanced the
coal from the North-east region of India. The similar characteristics of high rank coal. The
two coal samples were selected one from coal-bearing less than 1% ash called ultra-
Baragolai coal seam with high organic sulfur clean coal, which obtained from the coal by
and low ash and the other from Ledo coal removing all the mineral impurities by
seam with low organic sulfur and high ash chemical leaching technique. White Mining
coal from the Assam region. They reported Limited is currently running a pilot plant
the samples of different size fraction were produced ultra-clean coal from Australian
desulfurized in an oxidative medium (H2O2 coal in the Hunter Valley of New South
and HCOOH) followed by solvent extraction Wales, which is developed by CSIRO. The
(dimethylformamide, DMF) and alkali process consumables are mainly sulphuric
(NaOH) treatment separately. In an oxidative acid, and lime; caustic soda is regenerated in
medium, Ledo and Baragolai coals were the process.
removed up to 28% and 18.5% of organic The main application of chemical cleaned
sulfur and 84% of inorganic sulfur coal (ultra-clean coal) is used as fuel in an
respectively. After solvent extraction, the internal combustion engine (ICE), which used
desulfurization increases for the oxidized in advanced power technologies like direct
Baragolai and Ledo coals up to 95 and 93% of firing in the gas turbine, or used as fuel when
inorganic sulfur and 31 and 23% organic it mixing with LNG and diesel engine. This
sulfur respectively. It was observed during the high-purity of coal can be used directly fired
investigation; the alkali treatment was into gas turbines to provide electricity with
completely removed the inorganic sulfur and a high-efficiency, reduce the emission of
maximum of 33% and 26.4% organic sulfur pollutants from the power generation. The
removed from Baragolai and Ledo coals [85]. performance of ultra-clean coal (UCC) makes
Doymaz et al., (2007) investigated the effect an environmentally preferable and alternative
of sodium hydroxide in sequential leaching to use as feed in conventional coal power
followed by numerous mineral acids such as generation, which can emit fewer greenhouse
HNO3, H2SO4, HCl and HF for removal of gases to the environment.
mineral matter from asphaltite. The
investigation reported the optimum method 6. Conclusions
for chemical cleaning of the asphaltite was
The review of literature study has been
5% NaOH followed by leaching with 10%
revealed that the efficient demineralization
H2SO4 and 40% HF and result showed that
was possible by chemical leaching technique.
59.56% degree of demineralization was
The efficient degree of demineralization
obtained. It was also seen from investigation
depends on the leaching process conditions
the calorific value of coal increased with
and type of minerals present in the coal.
extent of demineralization and it increases to
The demineralization of coal by chemical
20.86% from the parent coal [86].
beneficiation technique is a cost-effective
S.K. Behera et al. / JMM 54 A (1) (2018) 1 - 24 19

compared to the conventional physical [2] Yamauchi, Y., Akiyama, K. (2013)

beneficiation techniques although the Innovative zero-emission coal
effective demineralization is not achieved by a gasification power generation project.
physical method. This may be due to the not Energy Procedia, 37, 6579–6786.
removal of associated or bound mineral and [3] Rubiera, F., Arenillas, A., Arias, B., Pis,
organic minerals from the coal matrix. J.J., Sua´rez-Ruiz, I., Steel, K.M.,
However, chemical leaching method is the Patrick, J.W. (2003) Combustion
most efficiently demineralize both organic behaviour of ultra clean coal obtained by
and inorganic minerals from the coal matrix. chemical demineralization. Fuel, 82,
In another way, it could be possible to 2145–2151.
upgrade the low grade coals to high-grade by [4] IEA, (2012) Coal information.
the combined approach in conjunction of the International Energy Agency – Coal
physical and chemical method for Industry Advisory Board, Paris Cedex.
beneficiation of coal follows a great potential [5] https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/ieo/pdf/048
for significant reduction of mineral matters 4(2016).pdf
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S.K. Behera1#, U. Kumari1, B.C. Meikap1,2

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, Department of Chemical Engineering,
West Bengal-721302, India
Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, Howard College, University of Kwazulu-Natal
(UKZN), Durban 4041, South Africa

(Primljen: 3. Mart 2018.; Prihvaćen: 11. Jun 2018.)


Niskokalorični ugljevi mogu se naći u izobilju u nekoliko regiona na svetu. On ima značajnu ulogu u energetskom
sektoru i kao hemijska sirovina u industriji. Zalihe kamenog uglja postupno se iscrpljuju, a rudarske operacije u
dubljim ugljenim slojevima se odvijaju sa velikim poteškoćama, a i sami troškovi eksploatacije istraživanja su tako
visoki, što bitno utiče na ekonomiju postrojenja. Stoga, niskokalorični ugalj može se koristiti kao alternativni izvor
energije da bi se ovi problemi sveli na minimum. Niskokalorični ugljevi uglavnom sadrže veliki procenat minerala i
povećanu vlažnost, što značajno utiče na njihovu potrošnju, uključujući postupke pirolize, gasifikacije i likvefakcije i
sagorevanja. Suštinsko razumevanje postupka tretiranja uglja, za efikasno uklanjanje mineralnih materija i za
poboljšanje osobina uglja tehnikama oplemenjivanja, polazna je osnova za razvoj naprednih tehnologija. Ovaj
članak pruža sveobuhvatni pregled različitih postupaka demineralizacije uglja putem hemijske tehnike
oplemenjivanja. Tokom ovog istraživanja se došlo do zaključka da je stepen demineralizacije veći hemijskim
postupcima oplemenjivanja u poređenju sa fizičkim oplemenjivanjem. Ovo iz razloga što hemijski reagensi napadaju
unutrašnju strukturu uglja, a što dovodi do uklanjanja neorganskih materijala i fino dispergovanih minerala iz
strukture uglja. Hemijskim metodama izdvajaju se svi tipovi minerala iz uglja. Medjutim, separacija minerala
fizičkim metodama zavisi od osobina minerala. Hemijsko oplemenjivanje luženjem je pogodan metod za redukovanje
sadržaja i organskih i neorganskih konstituenata iz uglja. Hemijski reagensi difunduju u unutrašnju strukturu uglja,
krećući se kroz pore i pritom razlažu minerale. Tokom ispitivanja, došlo se do zaključka da hemijsko čišćenje
niskokaloričnog uglja predstavlja efikasnu tehniku za smanjenje sadržaja minerala na minimum, što omogućava
njegovo obogaćivanje do uglja boljeg kvaliteta.

Ključne reči: niskokalorični ugalj; mineralna materija; oplemenjivanje; hemijski metod; demineralizacija.

Kontakt adresa autora: [email protected]

doi: 10.5937/JMMA1801001B

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