Cagayan State University
Cagayan State University
Cagayan State University
Republic of the Philippines
Caritan, Tuguegarao City
The current global scenario firmly emphasizes the needs to adopt eco-friendly agricultural practices for sustaining
the needs of every individual in the society. Chemical agriculture has an adverse effect or impact on the health care not
only soil but also beneficial microbes and plants that are being cultivated in the soil (V. Sangeetha et. al, 2010). Chemical
fertilizers have degraded the fertility of soil in which the soil becomes acidic that make it unsuitable for the crop to grow in
some certain soil areas. In addition to this, due to excessive amount of chemical fertilizer being applied in the soil it causes
soil erosion, water contamination, pesticide poisoning, falling ground water table, water logging and depletion of
biodiversity. (S. Savisangari Ramya et. al, 2015)
The fast rate of population has been affecting the increase in the agrobased products. Fertilizer bound to grow as it is
one of the major components for increasing food production. The food consumption increases as the population increases
and due to chemical fertilizer has an adverse effect not only in human but also in environmental aspects, the used of
organic fertilizer is highly in demand (S. T. Zodape, 2001). Nutrient availability in soil plant system is dictated by complex
interactions between plants roots, soil microorganisms, chemical reactions and pathways of lose. In order to sustain the
production system, it is essential that the nutrient demand of a crop to produce a target yield and the amount removed
from the soil be perfectly matched. Biofertilizer is 100% natural. The best quality organic fertilizer is known to provide all
the nutrients required by the plants and helps to increase the quality of the soil with natural microorganism environment.
Biofertilizer contains a wide range of naturally chelated plant nutrients and trace elements, carbohydrates, amino acids,
and other promoting substances.
Seaweeds are monoscropic algae, growing in intertidal and subtidal region of the sea, serve as an excellent source of
food, fodder, fertilizer and industrial raw material for the production of phycocolloids like agar, carrageenan and
antimicrobial agents. Seaweed biofertilizer checks the leaching of minerals from field to a considerable content. Seaweed
enhances the potash and mineral contents in soil because presence of potassium content in soil is generally poor. They
improve physical and chemical properties of the soil due to its gelatinous substance. The calcium carbonate present in the
seaweeds increase the pH of the soil. Kelp is one type of seaweeds which acts as a soil conditioner by stimulating microbial
activity in the soil which results in improved air water relationships in soil, improves fertility and makes soil less prone to
compaction and erosion. Addition of seaweeds to soils has improved the binding properties and the water retaining
capacity of the soil. Seaweed is beneficial as it has proved to have increased the nitrogen amount in the fields and also the
soil phosphorous, potassium, exchangeable sodium and hydrogen ion concentration. (C. Kalidass et. al, September 2010)
Furthermore, many studies show that seaweed extract can be used as a foliar spray, application to soil and soaking
of seeds before sowing. It enhances the germination of seeds, increases uptake of plant nutrients, and give resistance to
frost and fungal diseases. Seaweed extract is effective for ripening of fruits, increasing shelf-life of the produce, improves
the quality of the produce, and serve as an excellent soil conditioner. (S.T. Zodape, 2001)
(3) Objectives
Generally, the study aims to determine which among the selected non-edible seaweeds with different microbial
fermenters is considered as biofertilizer.
a) Determine which among the non-edible seaweed wastes from the bioethanol production has the highest
Nitrogen component.
(4) Methodology
The waste of non-edible seaweeds from the bioethanol production will be converted as a biofertilizer. Before
applying to the plants or seed samples, the wastes will undergo analysis to determine which among them has the highest
percentage of nitrogen and other components and will push through the production of biofertilizer.
The seaweed liquid fertilizer will be prepared in different doses (0, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 100%). The
sowing seeds will be soaked in particular doses of Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer (SLF) for 24 hours and thereafter, they
will be places in various Petri plates and will be watered with tap water regularly. Water soaked seeds will be used
as controls. Samples will be taken from each set on 15 th day after sowing. The growth parameter including
germination percentage, shoot length and root length will be calculated. The biochemical constituents such as
protein, amino acids, reducing and total sugar content will be estimated. (C. Kalidass et. al, September 2010)
Polyethylene bags (32x24cm) will be used for raising the crops. The bags will be filled with 5 kg of garden soil
which will be evenly mixed with recommended level of chemical fertilizer (N 0.080:P 0.101: K 0.060) g/kg in one
set up of experimental bags. Ten seeds will be sown @ a depth of 1.5cm in each bag. They will be kept in a net
house to prevent damages caused by birds, rats, squirrels and other animals. The polyethylene bags will be labeled
in particular doses and rearranged at regular intervals so as to ensure uniform environment impact on the plants
growth. The weeds will be removed regularly and watering will be done once in 2 days for the test plants. All the
experiments will be conducted in triplicates.
The crop plants will be treated with or without chemical fertilizers at different doses.
Plants from each treatment will be randomly drawn for various analyses. Plants from the bags will be
uprooted carefully and washed in tap water. They will be then processed for different analyses. All the parameters
such as growth and yield characters and soil profile (NPK and trace elements) will be analyzed only at the end of
the 45th days after seed sowing and after harvest. (G. Thirumaran, 2009)
(6) Project Duration (months): Target Start Date: Target Completion Date:
(7) Expected Output (specify products to be patented, processes for utility model, services, publication and how these can
be used. Indicate quantity)
1. Determination which among the non-edible seaweeds with different microbial fermenters has the highest Nitrogen
2. Determination which among the different concentration of Seaweed liquid fertilizer has the highest impact in
enhancing the growth of the plants.
3. Production of biofertilizer based on the results of the conducted study.