The Making of Promotional Video of Tourism in Rupat Island

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1, June 2018 ISSN: 2528-3804



Elfera Rosianta1, and M. Sabri2

State Polytechnic of Bengkalis
State Polytechnic of Bengkalis
Jl. Bathin Alam, Sei.Alam, Bengkalis – Riau, 28721 Telp: +6277-24566
email: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The aim of this study was to make a video to promote Rupat
Island to the international tourists as a tourism destination. The
method used in this study was a descriptive research. There were
several steps in making this video; starting from collecting the
materials, creating the video script, shooting process, recording the
voice for the video. converting the files, until editing the video. The
result of this study is a promotional video narrated in English that
contains both natural and cultural tourism objects and attractions in
Rupat Island such as: Beting Aceh Beach, Lapin Beach, Makeruh
Beach, Suku Akit Tradition, Mandi Safar Festival, Zapin Api Dance,
etc. This video is expected to help the government of Bengkalis
Regency in promoting Rupat Island as a tourism destination in the

Keywords : Promotional Video, Tourism, Rupat Island

INTRODUCTION international tourists in Indonesia is

still left behind compared to other
Indonesia is a rich country countries in South East Asia such
with great potency that can be as Thailand, Malaysia and
developed for tourism industry. Singapore.
From Aceh to Papua, Indonesia is
Table 1. Number of tourist arrivals among
rich with all natural beauty and South East Asian Countries in
cultural diversity to support
Number of
No Country
tourism business which expected to Arrivals
1 Thailand 12.024.000
attract more tourists visits, both 2 Malaysia 26.757.000
3 Singapore 12.913.000
domestic and international. 4 Indonesia 12.024.000
However, despite of having Source: Asia Tourism Trends 2017

those all potency, the number of Rupat Island is an island that

tourist arrival, especially is located in Bengkalis Regency of

Riau Province. It has an area of the local tourists, not to the
approximately 1.500 km2 and international.
inhabited by about 47.000 people. Video has several
This island has various natural and advantages in advertisement
cultural tourism objects and because the combination of visual
attractions. There are several well- and audio and it works well in
known beaches in Rupat Island delivering the messages and
such as Beting Aceh Beach, Pesona attracting viewers' attention.
Beach, Ketapang Beach, Lapin Therefore, visual and composition
Beach, Alohong Beach, and mix of colors, sounds, and motions,
Makeruh Beach. Not only rich in the video's view apparently alive so
natural, Rupat Island is also gifted the information will be easier to be
with cultural and traditions. Among accepted by the viewers. Therefore,
well known cultural attractions making a video to promote tourism
including Suku Akit Tradition, in Rupat Island can be very helpful
Zapin Api Dance, Mandi Safar for the government of Bengkalis
Festival, etc. Besides, there are Regency to promote tourism
some historical places that must be objects and attractions in Rupat
visited while in Rupat, such as Island.
Putri Sembilan Tombs and also the By promoting the natural
Twin Light Houses. beauty and cultural diversity of
Although the government of Rupat Island, it is expected that a
Bengkalis Regency has made some lot of people getting to know about
promotional items to promote the existence of the Rupat Island,
tourism in Rupat Island, such as and the more people who want to
books, brochures, profile, etc, visit this island.
however, written promotional items Based on the above
are of course not as interesting as background, this study will be
the audio-video ones. In addition, focused on the making of
most of promotional items were promotional video in English to
made only in Bahasa. It means that promote tourism objects in Rupat
the promotion is only directed to Island.

tourism is an activity which a
person/group of people traveling to
LITERATURE a new place for temporarily for fun,
getting new experience and to
Related Theory
develop mind - not to making
The Nature of Tourism
money, but to spend money
Definition of Tourism
Tourism is the activities of
The Nature of Video
persons traveling to and staying in Video is an electronic medium
places outside their usual for the recording, copying, play
environment for not more than one backing, broadcasting, and
consecutive year for leisure, displaying of moving visuals and
business and other purposes (WTO, audio media.
2003 in Pitana & Diarta, 2009) The form of direct advertising
According to the Leiper, in involves the use of electronic
Richardson & Flicker, (2004: 6): devices to present audio visual
“Tourism comprises the ideas and advertising messages that have
opinion people hold which shape
been captured in the form of
their decision about going on trips,
about where to go (and where not video-tapes, CDROMs, or DVDs.
to go) and what to do or not to do,
This form of advertising involves
about how to relate to other
tourists, locals, and service capturing key visual and audio
personnel. And it is all the
information about a brand and
behavioral manifestations of those
ideas and opinions”. distributing the information to
AJ Burkart and S. Malik in
business customers or to final
Soekadijo (2000: 3), stated that
consumers for projection on
tourism means the displacement of
computer monitors or television
people for a while and in a short
time period to the destinations
One of the fastest growing
outside the places where they live
forms of advertising is video ads in
and work.
internet, called websites, which are
Based on the above
videos advertisements that run as a
definitions, it can be concluded that
series of episodes on websites. As

noted earlier, video advertisements are some social medias that mostly
are audiovisual advertisements that used to promote products in media
are compressed into manageable such as through WhatsApp,
file sizes and range in length from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
15 seconds to several minutes. BBM, etc.
(Shimp, 2008).
The Nature of Speaking
One of popular videos is a
Tarigan (1990:3-4) defines
marketing video. Marketing videos
that speaking is a language skill
are used to promote an
that is developed in child life,
organization or products and to
which is produced by listening
create awareness among
skill, and at that period speaking
consumers. Marketing videos
skill is learned.
production ranges from television
Based on Competence
advertisements to internet
Based Curriculum, speaking is one
commercials and viral videos.
of the four basic competences that
the students should gain well. It has
The Nature of Promotional
an important role in
communication. Speaking can find
Promotion through media
in spoken cycle especially in Joint
such as mass media, electronic
Construction of Text Stage
media and social media is popular
(Departmen Pendidikan Nasional,
in this internet area, but the using
2004). In carrying out speaking,
of social media as promotional
students face some difficulties -
strategy can be said more effective.
one of them is about the language
Nowadays, people make interaction
its self. In fact, most of students get
and connection with the others
difficulties to speak even though
through social media. Therefore,
they have a lot of vocabulary and
the opportunity to introduce the
have written them well. The
object/product to number of
problems are afraid for students to
viewers in social media is
make mistakes.
continuously increasing.
Harmer in Tarigan, 1990:
According to Chianasta and
12 writes that when teaching
Wijaya (2014:2) states that there

speaking or producing skill, we can beauty of its nature and culture,
apply three major stages, those are: this research had been able to
1) Introducing new language provide complete information
2) Practice about Ambon for the tourists.
3) Communicative activity. Goenawan, (2013) in
Verderber and Sellnow their study entitled “The Design of
(2008) explains that public Promotional Video of Bawean and
speaking is defined as a It’s Supporting Media”. Bawean
conversation-oral presentation that Island is one of the remote islands
is usually delivered formally-in which is located in the middle of
conditions of the audience gathered the waters of the Java Sea, and has
in a formal context for listening or a lot of natural potency to be
during informal conversations. In developed in many aspects,
the making of a video, besides including tourism. This study
having good quality of the video concluded that in fact, there are
and audio, the capability of the still many remote areas throughout
presenter in delivering speech is Indonesia which received less
also necessary. attention from the government.
Therefore, for the purpose The above studies show that
of making promotional video, a through watching the documentary
good quality presenter who masters videos, people (tourists) are able to
skills related to the art of public know clearly the destination that
speaking is really necessary. they have never known before.
Related Study Different from the studies above,
William Jauw, (2012) this video was made by using
in their study entitled “The Design English language. This promotional
of Promotion of the Beauty and video can also indirectly help the
Culture of Ambon through Audio Department of Tourism and
Visual Media” concluded that Culture of Bengkalis Regency in
people need to know that Ambon their efforts to promote tourism and
also has its beauty which deserves culture of Rupat Island.
to be exposed and seen by others
(the tourists). By exposing the Related Product

The first related product is a The product produced
documentary video about tourism through this study is something
in Bengkalis Regency made by one different from the related products
of students of State Polytechnic of mention above. This study was
Bengkalis, Maya Sari (2015). This focused on promotional video
video contains information about making in English to promote
tourism objects in Bengkalis tourism objects in Rupat Island,
regency to promote them to the Bengkalis Regency of Riau
international tourists. The duration Province.
of this video is 10 minutes and use
English as its narration language.
The next similar product is Method of the Study
The method used in this
a video entitled "Bawean Island,
study is a descriptive research.
Your Own Hidden Paradise ". The
According to Sugiyono (2012: 13)
video was made to promote the
descriptive research is a research
tourism in Bawean Island, Ambon.
conducted to determine the value
This promotional video contains
of an independent variable either a
several tourism objects as potential
variable or more (independent)
destinations for the tourists in
without making comparisons or
Bawean, such as Noko island of
connecting to the other variables.
Gili, the atmosphere of sunset over
For this study, the
the Djukong (Bawean’s
descriptive method was used to
transportation), Turkish Meshes
explain every step in creating the
Lanjheng, Mayangkara Beach,
product (the video).
Lake Kastoba, Sumberlaras
Equipment and Material
Waterfall, and many more. In
addition to natural attractions, this Equipment
The equipments that used in
video also contains footage of the
this study including hardware and
distinctive culture of the island of
Bawean, namely Pencak Silat

There were several hardware photos. This application was
equipment used in making the used to convert the files of this
product of this study. The study.
following were the equipment and
c. Movie Maker Application
their use for this study:
Movie Maker is an application
a. A computer to edit the picture
used to process the video in
and the video and search the
materials, order to the video will be more
b. A microphone for the dubbing
interesting. It was used to edit
c. A video camera to capture the the video of this study.
pictures and videos, and
d. A flash disk to save the files of
d. Internet
Internet was very helpful to
Software find various information
There were several software related to the objects and other
used to create this video. info related to the product.
a. Adobe Premiere Pro
Application The materials that were needed
Adobe Premiere Pro is a video to create the product, such as:
editing program. It is part of a. Pictures and videos related to
the Adobe Creative Suite, a tourism objects and attractions
in Rupat Island
suite of graphic design, video b. Literatures (books, magazines,
editing, and web development and articles) about tourism
objects and attractions in
applications made by Adobe Rupat Island
Systems. This application was c. Verbal information from the
local people related to tourism
used to edit the video of this objects and attractions in
study. Rupat Island.

b. Format Factory Application Procedure of the Study

Format Factory is an
application that serves to Data Collection Technique

change the format of a file The data collection techniques

from one format to another as which were used in this study
desired. Format Factory works including:
for audio files, video and 1. Literature Study

The first data collection This video is mixed of movie
technique for this study is a (motion) and pictures (non-motion)
literature study. The data collected which are also supported with short
for this study was taken from description about the objects or
books, articles, magazines, and also attractions.
internet. The duration of the video is
2. Interview about 16 minutes and it was guided
Interview that has been by a presenter/narrator.
conducted in this research was by The whole 16 minutes of the
asking the questions to the video can be described through the
respondents who live around the following outlines:
tourism objects. In this method, the Table 2 Outlines of the Video
interview was used to support and Scene
(in minutes)
clear the data about tourism in 00:00-00:10 Title of the Video
Rupat Island. 00:10-00:40 Introduction by Presenter
00:40-02:10 Beting Aceh Beach
3. Observation 02:10-03:40 Pesona Beach
The observation for this study 03:40-04:10 Ketapang Beach

was done through coming and 04:10-05:40 Lapin Beach

05:40-07:10 Medang Beach
seeing directly the tourism objects
07:10-08:40 Makeruh Beach
and attractions in Rupat Island.
08:40-09:10 Akit Tribe Culture
09:10-10:40 Fire Zapin Dance
Product Design
10:40-12:10 Mandisafar
a. Audio (sound and background)
b. Video (motion) 12:10-13:40 Sembilan Dara Tombs
c. Pictures (non-motion) 13:40-15:10 Twin Light Houses
d. Presenter 15:10-15:30 The Closing
e. Description

The product of this study was RESULT AND DISCUSSION

The Process of Making
in the form of a promotional video
Promotional Video in English
presented in English about tourism In making promotional
objects (nature) and attractions video in English to promote Rupat
(culture) in Rupat Island of Island, there were some steps had
Bengkalis Regency. been done. The steps including:

Collecting the Materials video. After collecting the
The first step was collecting materials and videos, the script
the materials. The materials were needed to be done before recording
taken from the Department of the voice. The script described each
Cultural, Tourism, Youth and tourism object in Rupat Island,
Sports of Bengkalis Regency, such as the attraction in each
making interview with people who tourism object, what special thing
live around the tourism objects, tourism object has, how to get to
doing direct observation towards the objects, and other description of
the tourism objects, using internet the tourism objects.
and written literatures to find
Shooting Process
various information for the study.
Video of tourism objects in
The materials needed for making
Rupat Island was directly taken
this promotional video including
from several tourism objects,
pictures, videos and information of
including Pesona Beach, Lapin
tourism objects especially
Beach, Makeruh Beach, Ketapang
information about the attractions,
Beach, Twin Light Houses, and
accessibility, and other information
Putri Sembilan Tombs. In shooting
related to tourism objects in Rupat
the video, the writer used video
camera tools such as Canon EOS
digital 600d. For the culture
tourism, the writer took several
videos from youtube and other
sources because of those events
were implemented only in specific
Figure 1
A Picture for the Promotional Video of
time. While shooting the video,
Rupat Island there were few tourists who came
Creating the Video Script to the tourism objects because it
Video script is a written text was not holiday time. The shooting
that explains more about the of video took time about three
tourism objects that will be days.
informed by the narrator of the Recording the Voice

The next step was recording The English Promotional
the voice. Recording the voice is video about tourism objects in
one of the process in making the Rupat Island has the duration
video. The media used in recording around 16 minutes.
the video is a hand phone. 1. The opening of the video
Someone with good pronunciation The opening of the video
was needed to be the narrator. The contains pictures to introduce the
narrator explained more about each creator of the video written in
tourism object. The process of English and Bahasa Indonesia.
recording the voice was done in a. In English: “This video is a
final project product created
quiet room in order to have a clear
by: Elfera Rosianta, a student
voice recording. of Business English Study
Program of State Polytechnic
Converting the Files of Bengkalis”.
b. In Bahasa Indonesia: “Video
The program used for ini adalah hasil karya Tugas
editing video does not support any Akhir yang di buat oleh: Elfera
Rosianta, Mahasiswa program
types of file, so it needs to be studi Bahasa Inggris Bisnis
converted before editing the video. Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis.

Application used for converting the 2. The title of video

files was Format Factory. The title of the video comes
up at the beginning of the video.
Editing the Video
The title is ‘Rupat Island,
This step was to combine
Paradise of the Sea’.
the video, voice, and music
3. The First Minute of the video
background together. The process
The first minute of the
of editing the video was done using
video showed the opening of the
Movie Maker Program as explain
video that was opened by the
in chapter III before. The process
narrator named Zulkarnaen. He
took such a long time to be done
explained what would be showed
because the writer has very limited
and explored in this video.
skills in editing a video.
Table 3
The First Minute of the Video
The Result of the Product Exact
Title Narration

00:00:26 Opening “Tak kenal maka tak
– cinta” Figure 3
00:01:40 It is the perfect word to A Scene at the Second Minute of the
say about this moment. Video
Assalamu’alaikumwr.wb 5. The third and the fourth minute
and welcome to Rupat of the video
Island, the Paradise of
the Sea. This video is
The third and fourth minute
made for promoting of the video showedBeting Aceh
Rupat Island as …. (up
to minute 00:01:40). Beach the video contained the
information of this beach that was
described by the narrator.
Table 5
The Third and Fourth Minute of the Video

Exact Tourism Narration

Duration Object
Figure 2 00:03:20 Beting Beting Aceh
A Scene at the First Minute of the Video – Aceh beach is one of
00:04:59 Beach the tourism
4. The second minute of the video destination that
offers a thousand
The video shows Rupat of beauty. This
beaches located
Island in general along with in Rupat island.
This wonderful
narrator voice and background island is … (up to
minute 00:04:59).
Table 4
The Second Minute of the Video
Except Title Narration
00:01:40 – Tourism Rupat Island is an
00:03:20 Objects island that is located
in in Bengkalis
Rupat Regency of Riau
Island Province. This island
has an area of
1524.84 km2, it is
actually a Figure 4
combination of four A Scene at the Third and the Fourth
islands that … (up to Minute of Video
minute 00:03:20).

4. The fifth minute of the video

Pesona and Lapin Beach
showed at the fifth minute of the
video. The video showed Pesona
and Lapin Beach along with the

narrator’s voice and background Exact Tourism Narration
Duration Object
music. 00:06:06 Ketapang Wonderful! It is
– Beach a perfect word
Table 6
00:07:27 to say about this
The Fifth Minute of the Video
beach. It is
Exact Touris Narration named as
Duration m Ketapang Beach
Object which is located
00:04:59 Pesona Guys, this one of in Sungai
– and the beaches exists Cingam village.
00:06:05 Lapin in Rupat Island It is also one of
Beach what we call as the favorite
Pesona Beach. It tourism
is located in destinations in
Tanjung Medang, Rupat Island.
Rhu village, This beach
Rupat Utara offers … (up to
District of minute
BengkalisRegency 00:07:27).
. This beach
keeps the different
beauty from …..
(up to minute

Figure 6
A Scene at the Sixth and Seventh Minute
of the Video
6. The eighth minute of the video
Figure 5
A Scene at the Fifth Minute of the Video Makeruh Beach showed in
the eighth minute. This house
5. The sixth and seventh minute of
the video described by narrator with the
The sixth until the seventh background music.
minute of the video Table 8
The Eighth Minute of the Video
showedKetapang Beach. The video Exact Tourism Narration
showedeverything that is existat Duration Object
00:07:28 Makeruh
Ketapang Beach. The video of – Beach Makeruh beach
00:08:11 is located in
motocross event was gotten from Rupat
one of photographers in Rupat beach is known
Island that works in a studio named as the richest
biodiversity in
‘Potrait Studio’. Rupat Island.
There are many
Table 7 kinds of sea
The Sixth and Seventh Minute of the Video birds which

are…. (up to
Figure 8
A Scene at the Ninth Minute of Video

8. The tenth minute of the video

The tenth minute of the
video showed Mandi Safar Festival
with the narration’s voice to tell
Figure 7
about history of this festival.
A Scene at the Eighth Minute of the Video
Table 10
7. The ninth minute of the video The tenth Minute of the Video
The ninth minute of the Exact Tourism Narration
video showed Akit Tribe Culture Duration Attraction
00:09:50– Mandi Mandi Safar
with the narration’s voice to tell 00:10:50 Safar festival is the
Festival most
about history of this tribe. prestigious
event in
Table 9 Rupat Island.
The Ninth Minute of the Video It has become
one of annual
Exact Tourism Narration events held
Duration Attraction by Minister
00:08:12 Akit Tribe Do you know of Cultural
– Culture guys? Rupat and Tourism
00:09:49 Island not of Riau
only has Province.
many This event
wonderful held on ….
beaches, but (up to minute
it has also 00:10:50).
various of
One of them
is the Suku
Tradition. At
the 17th
century, …
(up to minute
Figure 9
A Scene at the Tenth Minute of Video

9. The eleventh minute of the


The eleventh minute of the
Exact Tourism Narration
video showed Zapin Api Dance Duration Object
00:11:26– Sembilan Sembilan Putri
with the narration’s voice to tell 00:12:35 Putri tombs is a
about history of this festival. Tombs historical site in
RupatIsland.It is
located in Putri
Table 11 Sembilan village
The Eleventh Minute of the video of Rupat Utara
District. This
Exact Title Narration site has been
Duration opened since
00:10:51– Zapin Zapin Api dance 2005. There are
00:11:25 Api is one of the nine tombs in
Dance cultural exist in this grave yard
this island. This complex which
kind of dance is is … (up to
really attractive. minute
The dancers use 00:12:35).
fire as the media
of the dancing.
This dance are
performed by
men. This
dancing is one
part of Malay
tradition that
shows… (up to
00:11:25). Figure 11
A Scene at the Twelfth Minute of Video

11. The Thirteenth to fifteenth

minute of the video
The Thirteenth to fifteenth
minute of the video showed Twin
Figure 10 Light Houses with the narration’s
A Scene at the Eleventh Minute ofthe
Video voice to tell about history of this
10. The twelfth minute of the video
Table 13
The twelfth minute of the The Thirteenth to fifteenth minute
of the Video
video showed Putri Sembilan Duration Title Narration
Tombs with the narration’s voice to 00:12:36– Twin Twin light
00:15:23 Light houses are
tell about history of this place. Houses usually called as
Twin Towers
which used for
Table 12 shipping code
The Twelfth Minute of the video for

International the editing of the video, so that the
shipping system.
It used to … (up video will be better . The angle of
to minute
00:15:23). the video shooting is not good, so
that it doesn’t show the beauty of
the beach in a whole. Since the
video has been made by taking
some videos from Youtube, it
makes the quality is not the same,
so that the quality is not good.
Figure 12 Furthermore, the video has many
A Scene at the Thirteenth to fifteenth
Minute of Video interesting contents to watch.

12. The End of the Video Department of Tourism, Culture,

Youth and Sport of Bengkalis
The end of the video has the
duration from minute 00:15:47 up
Mrs. Umi Suryani, the head of
to 00:16:22. The last part of the
Tourism Devision of Culture,
video contains the closing word,
Youth and Sports Department of
the title of the video, the narrator,
Bengkalis Regency said that this
the editor, the source of the videos,
video is good enough and can be
and some thank-you notes for
received as a media to promote
several villages/villagers who had
Rupat Island in the future.
given their contribution and
Unfortunately, there were still
information towards the movie.
some weaknesses exists in this
Evaluation and Suggestion video, such as low quality of the

The Videographer of RTV video and there are some tourism

Bengkalis objects and events that are not

The videographer of RTV showed in this video.

Bengkalis, Mr Didi Zayadi said Furthermore, she suggested

that this video will be better if it that it needs to be added some

was edited by other applications tourism objects and attractions such

because there are many new as Rumah Pengintai Burung and

applications that can be used for

Rupat Beach Festival that will be Problem in shooting the video
conducted on July 14th-16th 2017. Another problem wasthe
process of shooting the video.The
The Lecturer of Business English
distance and the accessibility
Study Program
The lecturer of Business weresome of the problems facing
English Study Program of State in shooting the video directly in
Polytechnic of Bengkalis, Mrs. each tourism object.
Aprizawati, gave positive response Problem in editing the video
to this video. The making of this The less skill in editing the
video was good and interesting to video was also the problem in
promote and introduce Rupat making this promotional video, it
Island to local, regional and needed much time to edit the video
international tourists.We can really in order to the video better.
see the beauty of Rupat Island
through watching this video. SUGGESTION
However, she also stated some
weaknesses of this video, such as The product of this study is in
the background music/sound which form of promotional video narrated
is not clear enough, the fonts and in English. This video has the
color of the video that should be duration of about 16 minutes
improved, and also a suggestion to contained motion pictures and
add another background music in description/narration in purpose of
the opening of the video. promoting tourism objects and
Problems attractions in Rupat Island of
In making thispromotional
Bengkalis Regency of Riau
video, the writer faced some
Province. There are several natural
problems, as follows:
tourism objects showed in this
Problem in collecting material
video such as: Beting Aceh Beach,
The first problemwas limited
Pesona Beach, Ketapang Beach,
information available related to
Lapin Beach, Medang Beach and
each the tourism objects. It made
Makeruh Beach. For cultural
difficulty in creating the script for
tourism attractions including: Suku
the video narration.

Akit Tradition, Zapin Api Dance, For the tourists both
Mandi Safar Festival, Sembilan national and international, it is
Dara Tombs and the Twin Light suggested for them to enjoy the
Houses. attraction of tourism objects in
Suggestions Rupat Island directly since the
After doing the research and
video that had made can only show
making and evaluating the product,
you little pieces of the whole
some suggestions can be drawn as
paradise - Rupat Island.
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