Maxwell Equations Rewritten in Differential Forms and Clifford Algebra
Maxwell Equations Rewritten in Differential Forms and Clifford Algebra
Maxwell Equations Rewritten in Differential Forms and Clifford Algebra
In Minkowskian four-spacetime with the metric ηµν = diag(−1, 1, 1, 1), we denote Fµν as the
E ∼ B field tensor, i.e. the Faraday. The covariant form of the four-force vector is
where Greek letters µ, ν run over {0, 1, 2, 3}, and E = (E1 , E2 , E3 ) = (Ex , Ey , Ez ), B =
(B1 , B2 , B3 ) = (Bx , By , Bz )1 . Expand Eq1 into componential formalism, thus
d mv 1
= e E1 + B3 v 2 − B2 v 3 ,
p (4b)
dt 1 − β 2
Hereafter in this letter in the proposition-1,2,3, for convenience, we use both {1,2,3} and {x,y,z}
in the subscripts to label the vectoric components.
d mv 2
= −e E2 + B1 v 3 − B3 v 1 ,
p (4c)
dt 1 − β 2
d mv 3
= −e E3 + B2 v 1 − B1 v 2 .
p (4d)
dt 1 − β 2
Eqs2 and Eqs3 together give rise to
0 −E1 −E2 −E3
E1 0 B3 −B2
Fµν =
. (5)
E2 −B3 0 B1
E3 B2 −B1 0
Recall that
dxµ ∧ dxν = dxµ ⊗ dxν − dxν ⊗ dxµ , (6)
where the two vertical lines in F|µν| mean the summation over µ < ν. Hence Eq7 becomes,
In correspondence to the four-current of the charge density ρ and the current density J,
we would define the three-form for the electromagnetic source that3
Θ = −ρdx ∧ dy ∧ dz + J1 dy ∧ dz ∧ dt + J2 dz ∧ dx ∧ dt + J3 dx ∧ dy ∧ dt (12)
As in Eq8, Eq10 and Eq12, Φ, Ξ and Θ are the three elementary quantities for the realization
of the differential-form expression of Maxwell’s equation.
Proposition 1
∇ × E = − ∂B ,
dΦ = 0 V ∂t (13)
∇ · B = 0.
∂Bx ∂By ∂Bz
+ + =0 V ∇ · B = 0.
∂x ∂y ∂z
∇ × E = − ∂B ,
dΦ = 0 V ∂t
∇ · B = 0.
Proposition 2
∇ × H = ∂D + J,
dΞ + Θ = 0 V ∂t (14)
∇ · D = ρ.
dΞ = dHx ∧dt∧dx+dHy ∧dt∧dy +dHz ∧dt∧dz +dDx ∧dx∧dy +dDy ∧dx∧dz +dDz ∧dy ∧dz.
∇ × H = ∂D + J,
dΞ + Θ = 0 V ∂t
∇ · D = ρ.
1.1.3 Remarks
The two propositions above have compacted Maxwell’s equations into two using exterior cal-
culus. Indeed, based on the quantity Θ, we could rewrite the conservation law of the electric
charge using differential forms.
Proposition 3
dΘ = 0 V ∇·J+ = 0. (15)
Magnetic monopoles (MAMO) play an important role in standard model of particle physics and
cosmic inflation, for example, the origin of the quantization of electric charge. When discussing the
phase transition of an isolated particle, Dirac (1931) found that MAMO may exist, and its magnetic
charge g is related to the unit electric charge e via g = n , where α ≈ 1/137 is the fine structure
constant of electromagnetism. The existence of MAMO within the frame of standard model is proved
independently by t’ Hooft and Polyakov (1974). [Ref-1] G ’t Hooft. Magnetic Monopoles in Unified
Gauge Theories. Nuclear Physics B79(2), 276-284 (1974); But I hasn’t read Polyakov yet: [Ref-2] A
M Polyakov, JETP Letter 20, 194 (1974).
2 Maxwell Equations Rewritten in Clifford Algebra
2.1 Mathematical Preparations
2.2 Applying Clifford Algebra to Maxwell’s Equations
Outlines and principal conclusions:
P = E1 e0 e1 + E2 e0 e2 + E3 e0 e3 − (H1 e2 e3 + H2 e3 e1 + H3 e1 e2 ). (16)
J = −ρe0 + J1 e1 + J2 e2 + J3 e3 . (17)
Proposition 4
∇ × E = − ∂B
∇×H= + J,
DP = 4πJ V ∂t (19)
∇ · D = ρ,
∇ · B = 0.
♠ The proof of Proposition 4, and an outline of Clifford algebra and its bibliography are be added.
(One could learn about the theory and mathematical applications of exterior calculus at quite
a high level with this book. The author Chern was father of modern global analysis, and his
work relies significantly on exterior calculus and moving frames.)
Here are two more books which must be helpful for reading and recalculating this letter, although
I haven’t been able to get them for reference.
[14] Cornelius von Westenholz . Differential Forms in Mathematical Physics. Amsterdam: North-
Holland, 1981.
[15] William Eric Baylis. Electrodynamics: a Modern Geometric Approach. Birkhäuser, 1999.
[3] Harold M Edwards. Advanced Calculus. Birkhäuser, 1994 (Reprint version).
[4] Shigeyuki Morita. Geometry of Differential Forms. AMS, 2001. Chapter-2, Chapter-3,
[5] Peter Szekeres. A Course in Mathematical Physics – Groups, Hilbert Space and Differen-
tial Geometry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Chapter-16, Chapter-17.
[8] Charles W Misner, Kip S Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler. Gravitation. San Francisco:
W H Freeman AND Company, 1973. Chapter-4: Electromagnetism and Differential Forms.
(The authors made lots of interesting calculations to reexpress the classical electrodynamics
using exterior calculus. The mathematics is junior; this chapter is pretty readable and has
enlightened considerable further discussion.)
[12] Harley Flanders. Differential forms – with Applications to the Physical Sciences. New
York: Dover Publications INC., 1989 (Revised version). Section-4.6: Maxwell’s Field Equa-
tions, P44.
(This thin book has been a classic ever since its first publication (Dover, 1963). It’s quite
readable, with interesting applications to physics, geometry, group and differential equations.)
[13] Ismo V Lindell. Differential Forms in Electromagtics 6 . IEEE Press, 2004.
(This is the most difficult and rigorous monograph on the applications of geometric methods
to classical electromagnetism. The exterior calculus in this book is of the most advanced level
I ever encounter to date. I’m quite impressed by this book.)
[14] N Schleifer. Differential Forms as a Basis for Vector Analysis – with Applications to
Electrodynamics. American Journal of Physics, 1983, 51(12): 1139-1145.
The author himself utilizes ’Electromagnetics’ rather than ’electromagnetism’.