Educ 3 - Module 4
Educ 3 - Module 4
Educ 3 - Module 4
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Analyze different curriculum development models
2. Familiarize with the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum
3. Demonstrate knowledge of curriculum development
A curriculum is a plan of Education. This plan transforms ideas into the curriculum which is
related to the life, needs, aspirations, and problems of people. This makes the curriculum a
powerful and dynamic instrument for the social, economic, cultural transformation of society.
In curriculum development, different models will be discussed for the students to examine how
it works based on the needs of the learners. Students will also acquire knowledge of how the
curriculum develops which has several steps to complete in a logical sequence. For example,
the curriculum development team is involved in all the steps. Evaluations should occur in most
of the steps to assess progress.
Linear/Rationale Models
Emphasize the fixed sequence of curriculum elements, beginning with objectives and following a
sequential pattern from objectives to the content, method and finally evaluation.
Objectives serve as a basis for devising subsequent elements, with evaluation indicating the
degree of achievement of those objectives.
deductive approach, starting from general and building to the specifics. Taba’s grassroots model has
seven steps as listed below, advocating a major role for teachers. These are:
Step 1: Diagnosis of the Needs (Identify needs of students for whom curriculum is to be
Step 2: Formulation of Objectives (Specify the objectives by which needs will be fulfilled)
Step 3: Selection of Content (Select subject matter based on objectives and determine the
validity of the chosen content)
Step 4: Organization of Content (Arrange the content in a particular sequence keeping in
mind the maturity of learners, academic achievement, interests etc.)
Step 5: Selection of Learning Experiences (Facilitate interaction of learners with content
through the appropriate instructional methodology.)
Step 6: Organization of Learning Experiences (The learning activities be organized in a
sequence depending both on the content sequence and learner characteristics.)
Step 7: Determination of what to Evaluate & how to do it (To assess the achievement of
learning objectives, evaluation procedures needed to be devised.)
Cyclical Models
These models are essentially logical and sequential in approach.
They consider elements of the curriculum as interrelated and interdependent.
They have a new element known as situational analysis, which requires an analysis of
those factors into which a curriculum is to be introduced.
Wheeler's model is rational, but each phase is a logical development of the preceding one. It
cannot proceed to the next phase unless the preceding phase is done. He emphasizes the most
important phase which is the aims, goals, and objectives in curriculum development.
Wheeler model presents the curriculum design process as:
Continuing activity.
Incorporates new information into the curriculum.
Views curriculum elements as interrelated and interdependent.
Has feedback mechanism.
Emphasize situational analysis.
Evaluate at a stage where its findings are feedback into the objectives.
The Wheeler model has received criticism.
It is time-consuming.
It is difficult to locate.
It is not different from the objective model.
It seems to lack of procedure between organizing and integrating learning experiences,
content, and evaluation.
1. In this situation as it means
that educators can
2. Continually come back to
their work and make changes,
3. Then go back to the
beginning and start again every
time there
Curriculum process does not follow a linear, sequential pattern. Instead, curriculum
development can begin with any curriculum element and proceed in any order.
In Walker’s model of curriculum development, the curriculum elements are seen as flexible,
interactive, and modifiable. Changes can be initiated from any point in the process, unlike the
objectives model where the beginning is always the setting of objectives. I this model, the
curriculum is not considered linear or sequenced; it can start with any element and proceed in
any order. This may bring confusion later as different planners can start and end with whatever
element they want. People seem to be claiming rationality even in this that they do not even
Skilbeck’s model locates curriculum design and development firmly within a cultural
framework. It views such design as a means whereby teachers modify and transform
learner experience through providing insights into cultural values, interpretative
frameworks, and symbolic systems. It is flexible, adaptable, and open to interpretation
in the light of changing circumstances.
PHASE 1. Organization. Curriculum presage considers the nature of those participants involved
in the curriculum development task and the curriculum planning they undertake before the
development phase begins.
The answers to the following questions will reveal a most interesting insight into the product
most of us would recognize as a curriculum:
Who is involved in this curriculum development and what, if anything, do they
What conceptions of curriculum do they bring with them?
What underlying forces or foundations have influenced the developers’ thinking?
PHASE 2. Development. In this phase, the group of curriculum developers devises the
curriculum development, materials, or project. This is achieved following the cyclical procedure
in the model.
PHASE 3. Application. In this stage, three sets of activities are incorporated, namely:
Implementation of the curriculum
Monitoring of and feedback from the curriculum
The provision of feedback data to the presage group
Curriculum development models follow a scientific and logical process. Curriculum
development's essential parts are situational analysis, selection of objectives, selection of
content, selection of learning experiences, and evaluation. Study shows that evaluation cannot
be separated from any phases of curriculum development but a part of it to ensure to come up
with a better plan, design, development, implementation, and improvement of it. Today, the
Philippine educational system involves different stakeholders, teachers, and industries in
developing curriculum. Curriculum development models are clustered into three: Linear
models, cyclical models, and dynamic models. Foremost, curriculum developers/makers should
develop a model that is relevant and responsive to the academic needs and contexts of the
I. Choose the best answer.
1. This concept includes the sub-processes of curriculum planning, organization,
implementation, and evaluation. Which concept is this?
a. Curriculum development
b. Curriculum assessment
c. Curriculum management
d. Curriculum and instruction
2. It is the curriculum development process model which emphasizes the planning phase.
a. Ralph Tyler Model
b. Hilda Taba Model
c. Murray Print Model
d. Decker Walker Model
3. This model of curriculum development is called the "grassroots approach", which means
that teachers who teach or implement the curriculum should participate in developing it?
a. Ralph Tyler
b. Hilda Taba
c. Murray Print
d. Decker Walker
4. Which of the following is not a reason why the basic education curriculum has been
a. To become globally competitive during this industrial age
b. To be relevant and responsive to a rapidly changing world
c. To empower the Filipino learners for self-development throughout their life.
d. To help raise the achievement level of students
5. Which is NOT a provision for the development of each learner in a good curriculum?
a. Extensive arrangements are made for the educational diagnosis of individual learners.
b. Self-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable.
c. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the
learning opportunities of the school.
d. The program provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals with the same
abilities, needs, and interests.
6. The Filipino learners envisioned by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the light of K-12
Curriculum is
a. Technologically literate or logistically developed Filipino
b. Functionally literate or logistically developed Filipino
c. Scientifically Advanced and Values Oriented Filipino
d. National Oriented and Internationally Competitive Filipinos
7. This concept includes the sub-processes of curriculum planning, organization,
implementation, and evaluation. Which concept is this?
a. Curriculum development
b. Curriculum assessment
c. Curriculum management
d. Curriculum and instruction
8. To ensure success in curriculum development, which of the following specific actions should
a curriculum leader avoid?
a. Work with people over them.
b. Use your status frequently to establish discipline
c. Keep channels of communication open
d. Show that you too desire to improve
9. Which of the following is a reason for the continuous appraisal of the existing curriculum at
all levels?
a. New national policies in government.
b. Changing needs and conditions of society
c. Economic status of the people
d. Political trust of the country
10. Which of the following best defines curriculum development?
Educ 3- The Teacher and The School Curriculum
1st Semester 2021-2022
II. Essay
Why is it essential to develop the curriculum in the Philippine context? (10 points)
The Teacher and the School Curriculum by Greg Tabios Pawilen