AVA Food Factory Grading System

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Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority

of Singapore
Food Factory Grading System



Singapore is recognised internationally for its high standards of food hygiene

and safety. The Food Factory Grading System developed by AVA (former Primary
Production Department) was is to ensure that food manufacturers observe good
manufacturing practices so as to produce safe and wholesome quality food in
their factories.

All food factories in Singapore will be graded by AVA prior to the expiry of their
factory licences and re-assessed annually. They are categorised into four grades:
Grade A (Excellent); Grade B (Good); Grade C (Average) and Grade D (Pass),
based on their food hygiene and food safety standards. The main objective of
the system is to assist food factories of lower grades to upgrade and improve
on their factory layout and food hygiene practices. This system also allows
identification of the lower grade factories so that more regulatory efforts could
be directed at them. Grade C and D factories are inspected more frequently
than Grade A and B factories.

Food manufacturers should take a pro-active approach in ensuring food safety

and achieve a higher food factory standard. This would include, implementing
food safety systems such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP),
incorporating batch marking on food products, putting in place food recall
procedures, appointing food hygiene officer and providing food hygiene training
programmes for workers.

Besides helping the food manufacturers meet with the required standards, this
guide serves as a tool for them to strive for food excellence in the 21st century.

Food Factory Grading System

System of Grading

• All food factories are graded as follows:

A (Excellent)

B (Good)

C (Average)

D (Pass)

• The grading system is based on the percentage of points

obtained according to an assessment checklist.

Criteria for Assessment

• Food factories are assessed based on a checklist. The criteria

for assessment are as follows:

1) Premises - General cleanliness and housekeeping

2) Food Storage
3) Food Processing Equipment and Facilities
4) Food Handling and Facilities
5) Product Identification and Transportation
6) Food Safety System
7) Food Hygiene Training
8) Documentation
9) Violation History

• Past performance of the premises will be taken into account.

The details of the checklist are given in Annex 1.

Food Factory Grading System

Conduct of the Grading Assessment

• The food factory grading system is based on a continual
assessment. This means that food factories can be upgraded
or downgraded at any time based on findings of the inspections
conducted. A licensee is allowed to request for a review of
the grade if his premises undergoes major
upgrading/improvement works. However, the review of grading
will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

• For factories where there are more than one production line,
the assessment will be based on the overall findings.

Award of Certificate of Commendation

• Food factories which obtained an 'A' grading for 2 consecutive

years and are free from any violation will be awarded with a
certificate proclaiming "Excellence in Food Hygiene, Sanitation
and Processing".

Food Factory Grading System

Annex 1


Aspects Assessed

1 1.2.6
PREMISES Activities are conducted in properly demarcated
areas which are adequately separated by
1.1 partitions or other effective physical means
1.1.1 Buildings/rooms/areas and facilities are designed
General (satisfactory cleanliness & general to facilitate hygiene operations by means of a
maintenance, no overgrown veget ation, regulated process flow from the arrival of raw
unauthorised storage, illegal discharge, no smell materials to the storage of finished products,
or other nuisances created) with no criss-crossing of process lines

1.1.2 1.3
Drains, roads etc are properly maintained Lighting

1.2 1.3.1
Design, construction & maintenance Lighting is adequate such that the intended
production or inspection activity can be carried
1.2.1 out effectively
Size and facilities are adequate and suitable for
production e.g. air-conditioned processing room 1.3.2
Lighting fixtures located in areas where there
1.2.2 are exposed food or packaging materials are
Floors, walls, ceilings and doors are constructed protected with shatter-proof covers, to prevent
of materials that are durable, impervious, smooth breakage and contamination
and suitable for the conditions and activities in
the area and are clean and properly maintained 1.3.3
All lighting fixtures are clean, in good working
1.2.3 condition and well maintained
Floors are properly graded to drain liquid to
gullies - no stagnation 1.4
Overhead structures, piping are designed, 1.4.1
constructed and maintained to prevent dust and Ventilation provides sufficient air exchange to
dirt accumulation and contamination prevent unacceptable accumulation of steam,
condensation, dust, odour or heat
Premises are well protected from contamination; 1.4.2
all openings are to be equipped with close fitting All ventilation equipment and fixtures are clean,
screens or kept closed in good working condition and well maintained

Food Factory Grading System

1.5 2.1.5
Waste disposal Proper stock rotation (First-In-First-Out) is
practised to prevent deterioration and spoilage
1.5.1 of raw materials and finished products
Unprotected effluent or sewerage lines do not
pass directly over or through food production 2.1.6
and storage areas Returned defective or suspect products are
clearly identified and isolated in designated areas
1.5.2 or containers for appropriate disposition
Adequate and appropriate refuse containers are
provided for the storage of waste prior to removal 2.2
from the establishment. All waste is removed Storage Facilities & Practices – Non Food Items
at regular frequency to minimise contamination
1.5.3 Adequate and appropriate rooms/areas with
Containers used for waste are clearly identified, racks and containers are provided
covered, leak-proof and internally lined with a
plastic bag 2.2.2
Chemicals, detergents and other cleaning
1.5.4 materials are stored in designated areas away
Refuse containers are cleaned and sanitised from food items
i m m e d i a t e l y a ft e r d i s p o s a l o f w a s t e
2 Storage areas are clean, free from pest
STORAGE infest ation and are properly maint ained

2.1 3
Storage Facilities & Practices – Food Items FOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT

2.1.1 3.1
Adequate, well designed storage rooms/areas Design, Installation & Maintenance
with appropriate storage facilities (racks and
containers, etc) are available and which are 3.1.1
impervious to moisture, clean, free from pest All food processing equipment are resistant to
infestation and well maintained. All food items corrosion and impervious to moisture, clean and
must be covered in proper working condition

2.1.2 3.1.2
All chilled/frozen ingredients, intermediate and All food processing equipment are easily
finished products are stored and maintained at accessible for cleaning, sanitising, maintenance
appropriate temperatures and inspection

2.1.3 3.1.3
Appropriate segregation of all cooked and ready- Food contact surfaces of food processing
to-be consumed products from raw and semi- equipment are clean, smooth and free from rust
processed food or other possible contaminants

Ingredients, intermediate and finished products
are handled and stored in a manner to prevent
damage, contamination and spoilage

Food Factory Grading System

3.2 4.2
Washing & Sanitising Facilities Food & Personal Hygiene Practices

3.2.1 4.2.1
Washing and sanitising facilities are adequately Control in the movement of personnel and
segregated from food storage, processing and visitors within food processing areas to prevent
packaging areas to prevent contamination any possible contamination

3.2.2 4.2.2
Washing and sanitising facilities are constructed All food production personnel remove all personal
of corrosion resistant materials capable of being belongings before entering food processing
easily cleaned; to provide potable water at areas. Personal belongings are kept in proper
t e m p e r a tu r e s a p p r o p r i a t e fo r c l e a n i n g lockers in the changing room

3.2.3 4.2.3
Washing and sanitising facilities are clean, in All food preparation and food containers, utensils
good working order and well maintained (including trays, baskets etc) are
conducted/placed appropriately off the floor
Process Automation 4.2.4
All washing and sanitising of equipment and
3.3.1 facilities are conducted away from food products
Degree of Automation - Continuous automated or processing operations
process; Semi automated process; or Manual
operation 4.2.5
Food production personnel use disinfection and
4 hand washing facilities whenever they enter or
FOOD HANDLING & FACILITIES re-enter food processing areas

4.1 4.2.6
Food Safety Measures Food production personnel are appropriately
attired in clean clothing or in clean uniform and
4.1.1 utilise appropriate protective wear
Food production personnel are provided with
clean protective clothing, hair covering, footwear, 4.2.7
gloves, facial mask, etc, which are appropriate Restriction to unhygienic practices such as
to the operation that they are engaged in eating, smoking, spitting etc, within the food
processing premises are adhered to and strictly
4.1.2 enforced
Provision of disinfection facilities for food
production personnel prior to entry into food
processing areas

Provision of an adequate number of conveniently
located hand washing facilities equipped with
non-hand operated taps, liquid soap, disposable
p a p e r t owe l s a n d c ove r e d wa s t e b i n s

Food Factory Grading System

4.3 5.2.4
Facilities for Food Production Personnel An effective loading/unloading system should
be provided. Loading/unloading areas are
4.3.1 segregated from food processing areas and
Sufficient changing rooms/lockers are provided activities
which are clean and properly maintained
4.3.2 Separate food vehicles should be used for raw
Toilets are well ventilated, segregated from and and finished products
do not open directly into the food processing
and storage areas 6
Toilets are provided with hand washing facilities 6.1
equipped with non-hand operated taps, liquid Hygiene Officer
soap, disposable paper towels and covered
waste bins 6.1.1
Performance of food hygiene officer in carrying
4.3.4 out his assigned duties
Toilets are kept closed, clean and well
maintained; toilet fittings and facilities are clean 6.2
and in working order Implementation of Quality Control/Food Safety
TRANSPORTATION Implementation of preventive quality control
measures or food safety assurance programmes
5.1 (e.g. HACCP)
Product Identification

Final products are appropriately labelled, batched
or date marked

Product recall capability – Capability to identify
and rapidly recall affected products


Food vehicles are internally lined with appropriate
material and provided with suitable facilities

Chilled/frozen meat, fish and food products are
transported at appropriate regulated

Vehicles are clean, free from pest infestation
and other contamination

Food Factory Grading System

7 and maintenance of general cleanliness of the


7.1 8.2.2
Training Programmes Pest control records for premises (including floor
plan indicating pest control points) and vehicles
Continual food hygiene training for food 8.2.3
production personnel Equipment maintenance and servicing schedules
and records
Trained Personnel 8.2.4
Food vehicles’ cleaning and maintenance
7.2.1 schedules and records
Pe r c e n t a g e o f p r o d u c t i o n f l o o r
managers/supervisors undergone appropriate 9
food hygiene training (supported by records) VIOLATION HISTORY

7.2.2 9.1
Percentage of food production personnel Premises Shortcomings
undergone appropriate food hygiene training
(supported by records) 9.1.1
Written warnings and summons, if any
Hygiene Practices
Operational Documents 9.2.1
Written warnings and summons, if any
Daily inspection records on cleanliness/sanitation 9.3
of premises/facilities and personal hygiene Product Defects

8.1.2 9.3.1
All product and process control monitoring Written warnings and summons, if any

Food supplier and distribution records

Food recall and destruction standard operating
procedure and records

Medical records of all food production personnel

Maintenance Documents

Proper sanitation standard operating procedures
(SSOPs) and records including cleaning schedule

Published in March 2006

Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority

5 Maxwell Road, #18-00 Tower Block,
MND Complex,
Singapore 069110

If you have any enquiry concerning food factory grading matters, please contact us at:
Tel: 6325 7100 or 6325 5483 Fax: 6325 7641 or 6324 4563
Email: [email protected] Website: www.ava.gov.sg
Source: Food & Veterinary Administration

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