Data Structure Using C Lab (KCS351) : Programming Language/Tool Used: C and Mapple
Data Structure Using C Lab (KCS351) : Programming Language/Tool Used: C and Mapple
Data Structure Using C Lab (KCS351) : Programming Language/Tool Used: C and Mapple
1. Write a program in C to create two sets and perform the Union operation on sets.
2. Write a program in C to create two sets and perform the Intersectison operation on sets.
3. Write a program in C to create two sets and perform the Difference operation on sets.
4. Write a program in C to create two sets and perform the Symmetric Difference operation.
5. Write a program in C to perform the Power Set operation on a set.
6. Write a program in C to Display the Boolean Truth Table for AND, OR , NOT .
7. Write a C Program to find Cartesian Product of two sets
8. Write a program in C for minimum cost spanning tree.
9. Write a program in C for finding shortest path in a Graph