Drug Study Cefazolin and Vit K
Drug Study Cefazolin and Vit K
Drug Study Cefazolin and Vit K
Name of Student: APRESTO, Francis Lawrence Alexander B. Group and Year Level: BSN-III
Affiliating Agency/Area: _____________________________ Month/Year of Exposure: ________________________
Generic Name: Cephalosporins ● Infections ● Diarrhea ● Skin rash ● Watch for hypersensitivity reaction
Cefazonil ● Acute uncomplicated urinary ● Oral candidiasis ● Stevens-Johnson syndrome and prothrombin time
tract infections
● Vomiting ● Neutropenia
● Pneumonia ● Precaution patients with
● Prophylaxis of surgical ● Nausea ● Leucopenia hypersensitivity to penicillins
Brand Name: infections ● stomach cramps, ● Thrombocytopenia
Fazonil anorexia; ● Thrombocythemia ● Monitor diarrhea, abdominal pain,
eosinophilia, itching ● transient elevation in SGOT, fever, pus or mucus in stool and
immediately notify the physician
● Drug fever SGPT and alkaline
Dosage, Route, phosphatase levels ● Teach patient signs and symptoms of
Frequency: ● Hepatitis hypersensitivity reaction and
1g, Intravenous ● increased BUN and creatinine immediately report to health care
levels providers.
● renal failure
Mechanism of Action Contraindication ● Phlebitis
● Induration
Cefazolin binds to 1 or more of the ● Hypersensitivity ● Genital and anal pruritus (e.g.
penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) vulvar pruritus, genital
which inhibits the final transpeptidation moniliasis, vaginitis).
step of peptidoglycan synthesis in
● Anaphylaxis
bacterial cell wall, thus inhibiting
biosynthesis and arresting cell wall ● Pseudomembranous colitis.
assembly resulting in bacterial cell
Drug Classification Indication Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Haemostatics ● hypoprothrombinemia ● Pain, swelling and tenderness ● Anaphylaxis ● Parenteral drug products should be
Phytomenadione ● Anticoagulant-induced prothrombin at the injection site ● Hyperbilirubinemia inspected visually for particulate
(Vitamin K) deficiency ● Kernicterus matter and discoloration prior to
● hypoprothrombinemia secondary to ● Liver function depression administration
factors limiting absorption or ● Hypoprothrombinemia ● It should be stored in a dark place
synthesis of vitamin K and protected from light at all
Brand Name: ● cystic fibrosis of the pancreas and times. Phytomenadione need not
Hema-K/Cycomin regional enteritis be refrigerated.
● prophylaxis and treatment of ● It should be stored in a dark place
hemorrhagic disease of the newborn and protected from light at all
times. Phytomenadione need not
Dosage, Route, be refrigerated.
Frequency: ● Monitor hypersensitivity reactions.
5-10mg, Slow IV
2.5-25 mg, Oral