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Domain 3

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The role of the teachers requires them to be knowledgeable not only of the content of their

subject matter but also other essential information such as relevant details about their diverse
learners. The domain that covers this lesson emphasizes the central role of teachers to establish
learning environments that are responsive to the diversity of learners. Knowing and
understanding the diverse background of learners is pertinent to the design and planning of
learning opportunities that teachers do.
Diversity is celebrated and is considered to play an important role in the success of every
learning activity. Recognizing diversity of learners will help lead teachers to differentiate
teaching and learning activities that will ensure the production of productive citizens
contributing to national growth and in turn the global village.
Specifically, this lesson aims to make the pre-service teachers:
1. Describe learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experience;
2. Determine the context of their learners in difficult situations; and
3. Reflect on the diversity of their learners based on their gender, needs, strengths,
interests and their situation.

At the end of the session, the practice teachers (PTs) will be able to:
 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differentiated teaching to suit the
learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.
Go to the link below and read the article entitled: Indigenous people’s education during COVID-
19: An environmentalists’ perspective https://arete.ateneo.edu/connect/indigenous-

What were the notable experiences of the teachers?

The most remarkable experience of the teachers teaching Indigenous people is that they are
able to share their knowledge to locals as well as learning from them. Teaching them is a
privilege and opportunity for us to help preserve our cultural heritage and also helping them
to build their self-esteem. Letting them feel valued and belong is a very nice feeling because
they really deserved it.

What struggles did the teacher describe?

The struggles continue as the pandemic arise. First is the language of instruction in
which the locals are not familiar and have an difficulty to understand the instruction. Second,
in IP areas cellphone and signals are rare to find that is very essential to learning materials.
Lastly, parents of the IP’s students have difficulties to help their children on their modules
as they are also not engage in formal schooling.

Why do you think that teachers should address the challenges described?

These challenges mentioned above should be addressed by the teachers as learning

should continue amidst the pandemic. And all children are deserved to learn regardless of
their age, gender and cultural identity. Learning should continue as knowledge is the key for
everyone’s success and by helping our students to have a brighter future, we also help our
beloved country to fly high prosper.
1. Study the observation guide for diversity of learners. Be familiar with the areas and
statements you will need to consider in taking notes of your observations.
2. Your supervisor will facilitate any of the following activities for appreciation of the
diversity of learners:
a) Actual online synchronous lesson;
b) Video clip of a class showcasing diversity of learners; and
c) Allow you to interview teachers on how they address diversity of learners that are
not observable in the video and online classroom observation.
3. During the session, you are expected to take notes related to how the following factors
contributing to the learners’ diversity are addressed in class:
a) Gender
b) Needs
c) Strengths
d) Interests
e) Experiences
f) Difficulties
4. Use the template that follows to take note of your observations. Answer the guide
questions that follow.

Observation Guide for Diversity of Learners

Instructions: Consider the video clip you have seen or class observation/s you had and the
interview you have conducted. Read the following statements and evaluate if they are evident in
the classes. If the statements are evident in the classes you have seen or as attested by the
teacher you have interviewed, put a tick mark (/) on the appropriate column. Provide additional
details of observations you have noted.

Table 1. Observation Guide for Diversity of Learners

Statement Evident (/)
Teaching Learning Process
1. The teacher effectively uses a variety of teaching methods that meet different learning /
2. The learner assessment is fair and does not discriminate against any learner. /
3. The language used by the teacher is non-discriminatory, inclusive and appropriate. /
4. Discussion and comments within the learning environment are managed to ensure /
learner language is appropriate, inclusive and non-discriminatory.
5. The class is well-managed to ensure a safe learning environment. /
6. Materials and topics are sensitively presented. /
7. Resources utilized are accessible (easy to read, visual/symbols, auditory, large print, /
8. Provision is given to help learners access information needing additional resources. /
Classroom Interactions
1. Discriminatory behavior is always dealt with in accordance with the provider’s /
disciplinary and harassment policy and charter
2. Learners treat each other with respect, and listen to one another’s views, even if they /
do not agree with them. Learners respect the teacher.
3. The teacher addresses the needs of individual learners, for example the potential /
isolation of a learner who is the only male or female in the group, or requests to observe
religious practices or holidays
4. Discussion and small group work ensures that a range of views are represented and /
cliques do not develop.
5. Learners are encouraged to work with others with differing abilities and from
different backgrounds.
6. Alternative approaches are naturally considered when group activities present /
communication difficulties who find social interaction difficult
7. The lesson plan gives evidence of how the teacher and learning support staff have
liaised together. Learning support staff are allocated and deployed to meet student’s
8. Behavior of all students is fairly and consistently managed always taking into account /
the severity/level of their disability
9. Respect is shown for religious beliefs and practices, for example appropriate break /
times are given during Ramadan

Teacher Qualities and Disposition

1. The teacher role models and champions good equality and diversity practice, for /
example modelling language and behaviour that promotes inclusivity and respect for
2. Prejudiced or inappropriate language, views or behaviour are always appropriately /
challenged to promote understanding and bring about behavioural change
3. In their behaviour, teachers, encourage harmonious relationships between different /
groups of learners
4. No assumptions are ever made about students, for example the assumption that /
students are white, middle class, English speaking, non-disabled, living in a house owned
by two biological heterosexual parents with internet access, broadband and PC’s
5. The teacher creates an atmosphere of mutual trust where each learner feels valued /
regardless of background, identity or personal circumstances
6. The teacher sets high expectations for all students. /
7. The teacher is confident in talking about equality and diversity and tackling equality /
and diversity issues
Note: Items adapted from: http://equalityanddiversity.net/docs/observation-of-teaching-and-learning-2014.pdf
Analyze the data you have gathered in the Observation activities that you have done. Reflect on
the data that you have gathered and answer the questions that follow.

What are the common evidence of teachers’ conscious efforts to ensure that diversity of
learners is properly addressed?

To ensure that diversity of learners is properly addressed, teacher Ed dimply make his
students discussion active. He always encourages his students to participate, allow them to think
and he always maintain communication for students to ask him whenever they have a confusion
about the topic. It was also evident that when his students ask him a question, he will answer it
clearly with a smile on his face.

What are the effective ways to ensure that diversity of learners will be properly addressed?

I think the keys to ensure the diversity of learners will be properly addressed are
respect and communication. Know your students and let them feel that they belong. Allow
them to communicate even if they have different perspectives in a certain topic. Also,
integrate relevant word problems that they can relate for them to have an appreciation on
the topic.

Should teachers always be able to effectively address concerns on diversity of learners? What
are their common difficulties/challenges?

Yes, they should. Teachers should able to address concern on diversity of learners to
have a good and effective learning environment. Though, it’s not that easy because we have
difficult cultural backgrounds and etc. we’re not born in the same time so there are many
instances that we can’t relate to each other. We also have unique personalities, religions,
practices and so much more. But I guess, with respect and understanding for each and every one
we can overcome those challenges.
In your future practice, how do you see yourself ensuring that diversity of learners will be
properly dealt?

I guess, I can see myself as one of the role models of respect and a multicultural teacher
that shows a wide understanding of our differences. I will try to make sure that forms of
violence. I will always encourage them to speak to be heard and I will also promote respect to

Consider the following pictures and illustrations depicting diversity of learners. Accomplish the
second and third column by: 1) Describing the diversity of learners shown (column 2) and 2)
Identifying the issues and concerns related to the picture (column 3). Answer the guide
questions that follow.

Table 2. Picture Analysis of Learners’ Diversity

Picture Description Diversity issues and concerns

Learners have different skin

color which is evident that Students are not given an equal
they have different race. It opportunity to participate to
was also shown that the black solve the problem that given to
students are on the back of them.
Source: the privilege students.


I guess its shows the picture of

unprivileged learners who Financial capabilities of students
have taught outside by the

Learners in a nice uniform into
a beautiful classroom filled
with good tables and Economic situation of the
appliances that can help to students family
faster learning among

It shows a picture where men Sexual orientation of the

are raising their hands and students doesn’t mean he/she
woman who’s just sitting is dominant
source: around.


Picture of students in a Students with disability should

classroom where there’s a boy be given a chance to learn and
with a wheelchair. go to school

source: https://www.alamy.com/non-


Religion may cause

Picture of students with misunderstanding among
different beliefs and worships. individuals and may result to
bullying and etc.

What are the common factors that you have identified that differentiate a learner from

The common factors that I have identified are their race, language, economic
background, cultural background, sexual orientation, disability and their religion.

What issues have you identified based on the given pictures?

The issues I’ve identified based on the pictures above is that students are really
have differences and unique backgrounds. Hence, they are really different that teachers,
students and anyone should understand and respect. Because in the end, we are still the
same. We’re all God’s children.

As a future teacher, how would you address these issues?

As a future educator, I would address this by embracing the differences of my

learners and by promoting respect to each and every one. It is the vital keys for the students
to learn freely even if they have different beliefs, ethnicity, economic background and etc.
what important is that they have respect. Because if there’s respect, it also begets respect.
Recall your encounter with children and site a specific challenge that you have experienced.
How did you manage the said challenge? Post an evidence of the said experience (if there is).


I have experienced to teach a child who belongs to Seventh Day Adventist church.
I believed that during Fridays they have they called their Sabbath day. So even if our
tutorial schedule is from 4pm to 6pm every school day, we moved it into 5pm every
Friday, for him to go home early and can prepare for their holiday. Yet, we still have a
quality time and made an experience that I guess really help him into his studies. And I
learn as a future educator that we should know our students, for us to avoid
misunderstanding and have a good and effective learning environment free from chaos
and etc.
Teachers are expected to understand that learning environments must be responsive of
learners’ diversity. These diverse characteristics and experiences of learners become inputs to
an effective planning and development of learning opportunities. Diversity is shown in different
constructs such as culture, religion, socio-economic status, ethno-linguistic background,
disability, and giftedness. Hence, the celebration of learner diversity is shown through inclusivity
in classrooms, which presupposes a purposeful design, teaching, and assessment that is
engaging, meaningful, and accessible to all.
In this lesson, you will explore the tenets of diversity and inclusive teaching that will foster
success of learners with various linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds;
disabilities, giftedness, and talents; and learners from indigenous groups.
Specifically, this lesson aims to make the pre-service teachers:
1. Implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the learner’s linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds and;
2. Use strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and

At the end of the session, the practice teachers (PTs) will be able to:
 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are inclusive of learners from
indigenous groups.
To understand diversity, one must be keen on identifying social identities and reflect on the
various ways these identities become visible or more keenly felt at different times, and how
these identities impact the ways others perceive and treat them. By doing so, as teachers, we
are able to translate these in our classroom to become more inclusive.
In this activity, you are to accomplish your own identity wheel and become aware of your
own social identities (e.g. race, gender, sex, ability, disability, sexual orientation, etc.) and
further categorize these identities based on which matter most in your own perception and
which matter most in others’ perception.

1. Accomplish your own Social Identity Wheel by using the image below. The chart below
features a circle that is separated into 11 sections. Each section is labeled: (starting at the
top and moving clockwise around the circle) ethnicity; socio-economic status; gender; sex;
sexual orientation; national origin; first language; physical, emotional, developmental
(dis)ability; age; religious or spiritual affiliation; race.

2. After answering all of the 11 sections, identify the following prompts by putting the
corresponding number beside the social identifier section. These prompts are in the center
of the circle: (1) Identities you think about most often; (2) Identities you think about least
often; (3) Your own identities you would like to know more about; (4) Identities that have
the strongest effect on how you perceive yourself; (5) Identities that have the greatest
effect on how others perceive you.

Note: You can download the pdf version of the Social Identity Wheel at

3. Accomplishment of activity may be done electronically/online or you can print the image
and have your answers handwritten.




My race

My sex

Socio-economic status
After accomplishing you Social Identity Wheel, answer the following questions for
discussions. These questions will guide you on how critical social identities are and how these
are more or less keenly felt in different social contexts. You can write your answers on the space
provided below each question.

1. What part of your identity do you think people first notice about you?
- I think my first language. Since it is the one I used when I communicate.

2. What part of your identity are you most proud of?

- My Ethnicity. I’m proud to be a Bisaya.

3. What part of your identity did you struggle the most with growing up?
- I guess there’s no such thing in my identity that makes me struggle while growing up.
Though, we are poor, my parents can still provide my daily needs.

4. For what part of your identity do you feel you receive privilege for most often?
- I guess, it’s my gender. Because as I experienced, boys can easily find a job as they are
flexible and can do lot of things. Though girls can also do that things, it is boys who
usually got the job.

5. For what part of your identity do you feel you face oppression for most often?
- I guess it’s my socio-economic status. I believed here in our country, money is a power.

6. What part of your identity do you see having the most effect on your interactions with
- I guess it’s my first language and ethnicity. Because most of my students are also Bisaya
and we share almost same beliefs, practices and etc.

7. What part of students’ identities do you most often see effecting their interactions with
- I guess there’s none. Because if I will become and educator, whatever my students is I
will them all equal.


In the previous activity, the Social Identity Wheel, you may have noticed that our own
identities are a double-edged sword when it comes to understanding diversity. Oftentimes,
these identities are a privilege that we use as a gateway to have access in the teaching and
learning process. In order to design effective strategies that are responsive to learners’
diversity and incorporating inclusion in the classroom, understanding privilege is essential. The
LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative of the University of Michigan identified ways on how our
privilege may impact us and how instructor or teacher privilege impact students.

A. Some ways that your privilege may impact you:

 If your students read you as white, gender-conforming, male, able-bodied, and affluent,
they likely perceive you as a person of intelligence and authority, which may benefit you in
student course evaluations and the ways your students engage with you in class.
 If you experience privilege, you can assume that many of your students, if not most, likely
share your identity and privilege, and that they won’t be biased against you.
 If you do not experience disabilities or language barriers, you are likely better able to meet
the expectations of workload and grading turn-around than some of your colleagues who
lack those kinds of privilege.
 If you experience privilege, the standard canon for your field of study is likely written by
people who share your identity or identities. And you can teach that canon without
students or peers suggesting that your course is political or overly topical.

B. Some ways instructor privilege may impact students who don’t share that

 Students who don’t experience privilege may worry that their instructor and peers are
biased against them and their worldview.

 If a student’s identity is not well represented in the syllabus or shared among their peers,
they may fear that their experiences, interests, and perspectives will be treated as marginal,
off topic, or overly political. And they may worry that they will be asked to speak for their
entire social group (for example, that they may be called on to provide “the Muslim
perspective” or have their experience objectified as a “teachable moment” or
“inspirational story”).

 Students may worry that they can’t depend on the instructor to identify harmful
comments or behavior in the classroom and that you may not support them if they call-out
those harmful comments and behavior themselves.
 If a student has language barriers (such as from speaking English as a secondary language,
having a disability that impacts their processing of written or spoken language, or having
grown up speaking a dialect of English that is not commonly valued in the college
classroom), they may be concerned that the instructor and their peers will think that they
are underprepared for the course or that the instructor might not take those obstacles into
account when they evaluate their work.
 If a student requires an accommodation in order to manage the course requirements, they
may fear that the instructor will doubt the validity of their needs, demand documentation
that they don’t have, judge them adversely for needing an accommodation, or express
other resistances to providing an accommodation that the student will have to defend

1. Study the observation guide for diversity of learners. Be familiar with the areas and
statements you will need to consider in taking notes of your observations.
2. Your supervisor will facilitate any of the following activities for appreciation of the
diversity of learners:
a) Actual online synchronous lesson;
b) Video clip of a class showcasing diversity of learners; and
c) Allow you to interview teachers on how they address diversity of learners that are
not observable in the video and online classroom observation.
3. During the session, you are expected to take notes related to how the following factors
contributing to the learners’ diversity are addressed in class:
a) Culture
b) Religion
c) socio-economic status
d) ethno-linguistic background
e) Disability
f) giftedness/talent
4. Use the Observation Checklist template from Domain 3 Lesson 1 to take note of your

Table 1. Observation Guide for Diversity of Learners

Statement Evident (/)
Teaching Learning Process
1. The teacher effectively uses a variety of teaching methods that meet different learning /
2. The learner assessment is fair and does not discriminate against any learner. /
3. The language used by the teacher is non-discriminatory, inclusive and appropriate. /
4. Discussion and comments within the learning environment are managed to ensure /
learner language is appropriate, inclusive and non-discriminatory.
5. The class is well-managed to ensure a safe learning environment. /
6. Materials and topics are sensitively presented. /
7. Resources utilized are accessible (easy to read, visual/symbols, auditory, large print, /
8. Provision is given to help learners access information needing additional resources. /
Classroom Interactions
1. Discriminatory behavior is always dealt with in accordance with the provider’s /
disciplinary and harassment policy and charter
2. Learners treat each other with respect, and listen to one another’s views, even if they /
do not agree with them. Learners respect the teacher.
3. The teacher addresses the needs of individual learners, for example the potential /
isolation of a learner who is the only male or female in the group, or requests to observe
religious practices or holidays
4. Discussion and small group work ensures that a range of views are represented and /
cliques do not develop.
5. Learners are encouraged to work with others with differing abilities and from
different backgrounds.
6. Alternative approaches are naturally considered when group activities present
communication difficulties who find social interaction difficult
7. The lesson plan gives evidence of how the teacher and learning support staff have
liaised together. Learning support staff are allocated and deployed to meet student’s
8. Behavior of all students is fairly and consistently managed always taking into account /
the severity/level of their disability
9. Respect is shown for religious beliefs and practices, for example appropriate break
times are given during Ramadan

Teacher Qualities and Disposition

1. The teacher role models and champions good equality and diversity practice, for /
example modelling language and behaviour that promotes inclusivity and respect for
2. Prejudiced or inappropriate language, views or behaviour are always appropriately /
challenged to promote understanding and bring about behavioural change
3. In their behaviour, teachers, encourage harmonious relationships between different /
groups of learners
4. No assumptions are ever made about students, for example the assumption that /
students are white, middle class, English speaking, non-disabled, living in a house owned
by two biological heterosexual parents with internet access, broadband and PC’s
5. The teacher creates an atmosphere of mutual trust where each learner feels valued /
regardless of background, identity or personal circumstances
6. The teacher sets high expectations for all students.
7. The teacher is confident in talking about equality and diversity and tackling equality /
and diversity issues
Note: Items adapted from: http://equalityanddiversity.net/docs/observation-of-teaching-and-learning-2014.pdf
Analyze your accomplished observation checklist. Reflect on the data that you have gathered by
answering these probing questions based on the identified practices for meeting learners’

Practice1 How did the teacher How do I What can I do to

demonstrate this demonstrate this better implement
practice? practice in my own these practices with
class? fidelity?
Models, encourages, and The teacher role I will lead by example To exercise fairness
practices respect for diversity models and to my students who and promote
in background, champions good respect and valued respect among the
identity, preferences, and all their cultural students whenever
equality and diversity
other areas. background and etc. there’s a meeting, a
practice, for example decision should be
modelling language made not just by the
and behaviour that teacher but with
promotes inclusivity also the
and respect for participation of the
others students.

Creates an environment that The class is well- In creating a safe Students should
is safe and respectful of all managed to ensure a learning environment, know the things that
cultures and safe learning I will promote respect are stricter in the
backgrounds in my class and allow classroom to
them to be expressive maintain a peaceful
and encouraging to environment. Thus, I
others. will create a list of
guidelines that will
encourage students
to be good and
respectful at all
Supports and encourages a Teachers encourage During my discussion, In doing their works,
diverse learning community harmonious I will include group teachers should
engaged in relationships activity where observe that all
common interests or students are free to students are
between different
activities choose their cooperating in their
groups of learners groupmates where activity and should
they feel comfortable maintain proper
and interested to behavior.
Considers students’ diverse The teacher creates Before my lesson During the
backgrounds, identities, an atmosphere of planning, I should discussion, the
strengths, and mutual trust where know my students language I should
challenges during lesson background, strength use should be
each learner feels
planning, instruction, and etc. first, for me inclusive and non-
assessment, and valued regardless of to incorporate discriminatory to my
classroom management background, identity relevant knowledge in students especially
or personal my lesson proper in discussing
circumstances sensitive topics like
religion and etc.
Involves all participants in Learners treat each During discussion, I I will let students
whole-class discussions in a other with respect, will encourage share their ideas
supportive, and listen to one students to stand and and opinions about
encouraging way, allowing another’s views, even speak their ideas or a certain topic, even
students to “take a pass” or if they do not agree opinions about a if it disagrees
to “recover” as with them. Learners certain topic to let his/her classmates
necessary respect the teacher. them engage and idea but with
focus on the restriction to still
discussion. maintain proper
decorum among
When appropriate, invites Provision is given to Before discussion, I During discussion,
students to share unique help learners access will inform students students are
experiences, information needing the guidelines that if encourage to raise
backgrounds, and histories there’s someone who their hands if they
additional resources
and models active listening will speak, everybody were going to
and positive, will listen to answer a question
responsive questioning, understand and also for them to share
commenting, and giving and share their ideas if their ideas and
receiving feedback their name is called. everyone should
also listen to have
an active
among the students
to have a better
Varies the social demands The teacher I will encourage my I will create a
required for learning or effectively uses a students to sit learning
performance depending variety of teaching properly, feel environment where
on student comfort level. comfortable, listen students will feel
methods that meet
and participate In my relax, safe and have
different learning discussion a good and healthy
styles. relationship to
his/her classmate
for them to be more
focus on the lesson
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (2020). The Educator Effectiveness Guidebook for Inclusive Practice. Retrieved from:


Addressing learners’ diversity can be a bit tough as a task but by being aware of these
differences, it opens up a new perspective in designing and implementing responsive teaching
At this point, you are now, at least, ready to apply these diversity and inclusion practices in
a scenario. You will be involved in an interactive case study that threads in creating inclusiveness
and belonging in the classroom.

Directions: You will be needing a computer or smartphone with internet connection for this
1. Go to the website: https://teachermoments.teachingsystemslab.org/equity?web
2. Once the web page is loaded, scroll down to the “Field-tested practice spaces” and
click “Gendered or racialized student comments”
3. Read carefully the scenarios presented in the case and respond accordingly based on
your understanding of learner diversity and personal judgment.

What were the notable experiences of the teachers?

Teachers play a vital role in our life. They are our leader who guide us into the right
path and teach us selflessly for us to have a brighter future. They are heroes as they also fight
for us, for the betterment of our country. Just like in the scenarios presented in the website,
where teachers patience is tested by his students. Though the teacher was not respected, the
teacher will still teach that students with all his heart. Even how hardheaded the students are,
teachers will still fought their fight and will not surrender till their last breath. That’s how
notable their profession is. Their efforts to give knowledge and wisdom to their students are
incomparable. Their love to their job is TRULY unconditional.
General ideas to consider:
 Think ahead about how you might handle difficult classroom dynamics — and what aspects
of your course content might produce them.
 If tensions arise, do acknowledge them, in the moment or later.
 Be flexible with your plans: if students are intensely attuned to an issue, let it have the time
and attention it needs. Use the intensity to facilitate students’ learning.
Adapted for use by The Center for Research on Language and Teaching, University of Michigan.
Resource hosted by LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative, University of Michigan (http://sites.lsa.umich.edu/inclusive-teaching/).


Applying knowledge on learner diversity and inclusion requires certain level of
understanding, paradigm shift, and proficiency. To help you use, implement, and demonstrate
necessary skills that will celebrate a learners’ diverse background, reflect and annotate these
inclusive teaching strategies in every lesson planning and implementation you do. Let this be
your guide to remind you that every time you teach, there will always be an opportunity to
celebrate and embrace diversity.

Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory Resource

Do you or would you use the following strategies?
✓ =I use this in my teaching
~ =I sort of use this in my teaching
X =I do not use this in my teaching
✩ = I would like to try this, though I may need more information or
Inventory of Inclusive Teaching Strategies. Adapted for use by The Center for Research on Language and Teaching, University of Michigan. Some content adapted from Linse &
Weinstein, Shreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Penn State, 2015.
Resource hosted by LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative, University of Michigan (http://sites.lsa.umich.edu/inclusive-teaching/).

Instructor-Student Interactions
 Learn and use students’ names — what they choose to be called and how they pronounce
 Clarify how you want students to address you, especially if you teach students from a
range of educational and cultural backgrounds. ✓
 Distribute a student background questionnaire early in the term to learn about
students’ experience with the course topics, educational background, professional
ambitions, general interests, etc. ✩
 Encourage students to visit office hours, and use that time to ask about their
experiences with course topics as well as their interests outside the class. ✩
 Communicate high expectations and your belief that all students can succeed.
 Allow for productive risk and failure. Make it known that struggle and challenge are
important parts of the learning process, not signs of student deficiency. ✩
 Seek multiple answers or perspectives to questions. ✩
 Avoid making generalizations about student experiences. ~
 Avoid making jokes at students’ expense. ~
 Refrain from asking individual students to speak for a social identity group. ~
 Communicate concern for students’ well-being, and share information about campus
resources. ✓
 Communicate in writing and person your goal of making learning equally accessible to
all students. Welcome requests for documented accommodations as a chance to
include everyone more fully in learning. ✓
 Carefully frame objectives when raising potentially sensitive or uncomfortable topics.
 Model productive disagreement, showing how to critique a statement or idea rather
than the speaker.
 Stop or intervene in a discussion if comments become disparaging or devalue other
students’ experiences. ~
 Avoid giving verbal instructions without a written corollary. (Multiple modes can be
helpful to students with processing disabilities as well as non-native English speakers.)
 Allow ample time for any in-class activities that require substantial reading, and provide
guidance that reflects the fact that processing times will vary (e.g., how to approach the
task given you may not finish reading, or what to do if you do finish it before the time is up).

 Elicit formative feedback from students about their learning experiences in the course (e.g.
facilitated Mid-Semester Feedback session or survey). ✓
 Ask a trusted colleague or CRLT consultant to observe your class and collect data about how
you include or interact with different students. ✩

Student-Student Interactions
 Encourage students to learn and use one another’s names. ✩
 Use icebreakers regularly so students can learn about one another. ✓
 Establish guidelines, ground rules, or community agreements for class participation. ✓
 In class, have students work in pairs, triads, or small groups. ✓
 Have students write and share about how their background can contribute to a particular
class activity. ✓
 For long-term teams, structure check-ins and opportunities for peer feedback about group
process. ✩
 On the syllabus, identify collaboration or perspective-taking as skills students will build in
the course. ✩
 In class, explain the value of collaboration for learning. Speak of students’ diverse
perspectives as an asset. ✩
 Provide students opportunities to reflect on what they learned through collaborative
activities (formal or informal). ✩
 Deliberately assign students to small, heterogeneous groups that do not isolate
underrepresented students. ✩
 Set up study groups that deliberately group students with different strengths. ✩
 Have students complete a self-assessment inventory and discuss with peers. ✩
 Have students complete low-stakes small group activities that help them see and value the
contributions of others. ✩
 Establish ways for students to intervene if they feel a certain perspective is being
undervalued or not acknowledged. ✩

 Choose readings that deliberately reflect the diversity of contributors to the field. ✓
 Use visuals that do not reinforce stereotypes but do include diverse people or perspectives.

 Use diverse examples to illustrate concepts, drawing upon a range of domains of
information. ✓
 Avoid references that are likely to be unfamiliar to some students based on their
backgrounds (e.g., citing American pop culture from ‘when you were in high school’ in a
class with many international students). ✩
 Emphasize the range of identities and backgrounds of experts who have contributed to a
given field. ✩
 Use varied names and socio-cultural contexts in test questions, assignments, and case
studies. ✩
 Teach the conflicts of the field to incorporate diverse perspectives. ✩
 Deliberately choose course materials with a range of student physical abilities in mind. ✩
 Deliberately choose course materials with students’ range of financial resources in mind.

 Analyze the content of your examples, analogies, and humor; too narrow a perspective may
alienate students with different views or background knowledge. ✩
 Include authors’ full names, not just initials, in citations. (This can help emphasize gender
diversity or unsettle assumptions about authorship). ✩

Instructional Practices
 Assess students’ prior knowledge about your field and topics so that you can accurately
align instruction with their needs. ✩
 Help students connect their prior knowledge to new learning (e.g., before introducing a
new topic ask students individually to reflect on what they already know about the topic). ✩
 Invite students to identify examples that illustrate course concepts. ✩
 Use a variety of teaching methods and modalities (verbal, visual, interactive, didactic, etc.)
rather than relying on one mode of engagement. ✩
 Ask students for concrete observations about content (e.g., a reading, image, set of data)
before moving to analytical questions. (This can give everyone a common starting point and
model analytical processes you want to teach). ✩
 Use a pace that lets students take notes during lecture. ✩
 Clarify the expectations and grading scheme for each assignment. ✩
 Create time in class for students to discuss and ask questions about assignments or
assignment expectations. ✩
 Emphasize the larger purpose or value of the material you are studying. ✩
 Structure discussions to include a range of voices: e.g., take a queue, ask to hear from those
who have not spoken, think-pair-share activities. ✩
 Use brief in-class writing activities to get feedback on what students are learning and
thinking ✩
 Use blind grading methods, when appropriate ✩

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