Combustion Advancements in Gasoline Engines: Alex C. Alkidas

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Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761

Combustion advancements in gasoline engines

Alex C. Alkidas *

Oakland University, Mechanical Engineering Department, School of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Rochester, MI 48309-4478, USA

Available online 11 September 2007


This paper presents a critical review of the recent combustion advancements made in gasoline engines for the reduction of fuel con-
sumption and engine-out emissions, and the technologies associated with these advancements. For optimum combustion throughout
their speed/load range, engines should operate in three combustion modes: stratified-charge spark-ignited (SCSI), homogeneous-charge
spark-ignited (HCSI), and homogeneous-charge compression-ignited (HCCI). Key technologies to achieve this, with maximum reduction
in fuel consumption and emissions, are spray-guided direct-injection system, flexible variable-valve actuation, and, cylinder-pressure
based engine controls.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gasoline engines; Spark-ignition; DISI; HCCI; HCSI; HCSI; Direct injection; Homogeneous combustion; Stratified combustion

1. Introduction Limitations (a)–(c) result in significant increase in the

fuel consumption of the engine. On the other hand, the
Port-fuel injection (PFI), spark-ignition (SI), gasoline high, engine-out, HC and NO emissions are not a problem
engines power the great majority of passenger cars in the because the stoichiometric operation of the engine allows
world. Despite the many advancements made, so far, limi- for high conversion efficiencies of the 3-way catalyst.
tations, fundamental to this type of engine, could not be The two gasoline engine combustion technologies,
overcome, and therefore we have sought other types of gas- which overcome some of the above limitations and have
oline engines, which can overcome one or more of these great potential for passenger-car engine application, are
limitations. The fundamental limitations that plague the the direct-injection (DI) stratified-combustion spark-igni-
PFI, SI, gasoline engine are (a) throttle load control, which tion (SCSI) engine, and the homogeneous-charge compres-
results in significant pumping losses during part-load oper- sion-ignition (HCCI) engine. Both of these technologies
ation; (b) propensity of the gasoline to knock under low employ overall lean combustion, under highly diluted,
speed/high load conditions, which results in lowering the unthrottled operation. In comparison to the PFI gasoline
compression ratio of the engine; (c) stoichiometric opera- engine, the DI SCSI engine offers significantly lower fuel
tion of the engine, required by the 3-way exhaust after- consumption and engine-out NO emissions, and equivalent
treatment system, which results in unfavorable mixture levels of engine-out HC emissions. The HCCI engine offers
properties (low ratio of specific heats) due to the produc- reductions in fuel consumption of similar magnitude to the
tion of high concentrations of CO2 and H2O; (d) high DI SCSI engine and it offers dramatic reductions in engine-
engine-out unburned hydrocarbon (HC) emissions mainly out NO emissions (greater than 90%, which may eliminate
due to crevice HC; and (e) high engine-out NO emissions the need for NO-exhaust after-treatment), but produces
due to the high combustion temperatures caused by the significantly higher engine-out, HC emissions.
stoichiometric combustion. The main disadvantages, which are common to the above
two engine technologies are their limited speed/load (low-
Tel.: +1 248 649 0180. to-medium) range, which dictates that the engines operate
E-mail address: [email protected] in mixed combustion modes, and the lean-composition

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2752 A.C. Alkidas / Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761


AFR air–fuel ratio HCCI homogeneous-charge compression-ignition

BMEP brake mean effective pressure HCSI homogeneous-charge spark-ignition
BSFC brake specific fuel consumption HT heat transfer
bTDC before top-dead-center IMEP indicated mean effective pressure
CI compression ignition IVC intake valve closing
COMB combustion NEDC new European driving cycle
COV coefficient of variation NMEP net mean effective pressure
CR compression ratio NO nitric oxide
DI direct injection NSFC net specific fuel consumption
DISI direct-injection spark-ignition NVO negative valve overlap
EGR exhaust gas recirculation PUMP pumping losses
EVC exhaust valve closing SI spark ignition
FE fuel economy VVT variable-valve timing
HC hydrocarbons

and low temperature of their exhaust streams, which DISI engines. With lean combustion, pumping losses and
require after-treatment technology, which unlike the 3- heat transfer losses are reduced and the cycle efficiency is
way catalytic converters, is yet to be matured. An example improved because of the improved thermodynamic condi-
of a simple, mixed combustion mode engine is the mixed, tions. Moreover, with DISI engines, the engine compres-
2-mode DISI, where the mixture is stratified with an overall sion ratio could be raised by a couple of ratios, because
lean equivalence ratio composition during low load and of the extra charge-cooling effect offered by directly inject-
speed operation, while at the higher loads, and at all loads ing the fuel into the cylinder. This increase in compression
at higher speeds, the engine is operated in the homoge- ratio obviously will raise the cycle efficiency further.
neous/stoichiometric mode. More complex mode switching An example of the operational modes of a DISI engine
will be presented later in the paper. is shown in Fig. 1. As mentioned previously, the mixed-
This paper reviews the advancements made on DISI mode DISI engine runs with a stratified charge and with
engines, operating under stratified conditions, to increase lean mixtures during low load/speed operation, and runs
fuel economy, improve combustion stability, and reduce with a ‘‘homogeneous’’ charge at higher load/speed points.
engine-out emissions, and the advancements made in The homogeneous-charge operation could be split into
HCCI combustion for the control of auto-ignition and medium load regions where the charge is overall lean, or
the excessive rates of heat release, and to expand the limits highly diluted stoichiometric, and higher load regions
of HCCI combustion. Additionally, this paper discusses where the charge is stoichiometric or even rich. In some
the technologies needed for advanced gasoline engines to cases the medium load region is eliminated, and the engine
operate throughout their speed/load range, by employing is run either in the lean stratified mode, or in the stoichiom-
various combustion modes. The focus of this study is solely etric/rich homogeneous mode during the whole load/speed
gasoline engines; therefore the discussion is limited to range. With the exception at the highest loads, exhaust gas
engines with compression ratios below, say 13:1, although
occasionally it was necessary to reference works, which this
limitation was not observed. Furthermore, since the
emphasis is on combustion, exhaust after-treatment tech-
nology will not be treated here.

2. Direct-injection spark-ignition engines (DISI)

There are two main variants of DISI technology cur-

rently of interest – the ‘‘homogeneous’’ DISI operated with
stoichiometric mixtures, and the mixed mode DISI, where
the mixture is stratified with an overall lean equivalence
ratio composition during low load and speed operation,
while at the higher load and speed the engine is operated
in the ‘‘homogeneous’’ mode. The mixed mode DISI, has
the highest fuel-economy (FE) benefit potential, and there-
fore we limit our discussion to the mixed mode type of Fig. 1. Operational modes of a DISI engine [1].
A.C. Alkidas / Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761 2753

Fig. 2. Classifications of DISI combustion systems [6].

recirculation (EGR) is used extensively to control NOx stratified-combustion systems, is advanced, which will
emissions. The level of excess-air and EGR dilution used result in an increase in negative work, and consequently a
is determined primarily by the need to maximize fuel econ- reduction in the efficiency of the engine. Fig. 3 also shows
omy, while maintaining emissions and combustion stability the phasing advantage of the spray-guided system relative
at acceptable levels. to the wall-guided system, discussed earlier.
The combustion system of the direct-injection spark- Engine simulation computations, comparing a DISI
ignition engines may be classified into three broad catego- engine with a compression ratio of 11.2:1 and an equivalent
ries, shown in Fig. 2, according to the mechanism which PFI engine with a compression ratio of 9.4:1, showed that
dominates the mixture formation: air-guided, wall-guided the DISI engine had an overall 15% brake efficiency advan-
and spray-guided. In the air-guided and wall-guided com- tage, and consequently a 15% fuel-economy advantage
bustion systems the injector is placed a long distance from over the PFI engine on the FTP cycle. Fig. 4 shows the
the spark plug, and the fuel spray is directed towards the individual contributions of the various factors, which affect
spark plug by a well-defined, in-cylinder air motion or by the fuel economy. Positive contributions to the fuel
the interaction of the spray with the piston combustion economy of the DISI engine were obtained from the
cavity. In the spray-guided combustion system, the close
arrangement of the injector and the spark plug provides
a strong coupling between fuel preparation and ignition.
The development of the first generation of DISI engines
for production was mainly focus on the wall-guided com-
bustion system [2], however, most likely, the second gener-
ation of DISI may employ a spray-guided system because
of potentially additional FE improvements, wider stratified
combustion operation, and improved engine-out emissions
For the wall/charge-motion guided SIDI engines the
main contributors to their fuel-economy advantage over
port-fuel injection (PFI) engines are [7]: lower pumping
losses, favorable mixture properties due to lean/dilute
operation, lower heat losses due to the lower charge tem-
peratures, and higher compression ratio enabled by the Fig. 3. Typical heat release histories of stratified and homogeneous
charge cooling effects of direct injection. The fuel-economy combustion systems [26].
advantage of the SIDI engine would have been even greater
but for the lower combustion efficiency, combustion-phas-
ing losses, and the higher friction losses. In the case of the
spray-guided SIDI engines, both combustion-efficiency
losses and combustion phasing losses are lower, with the
result of a significant improvement of the fuel economy
of the spray-guided system over that of the wall/charge-
guided system.
The sub-optimal phasing of stratified DISI combustion,
observed by many investigators (e.g. [7–9]), is illustrated
very clearly in Fig. 3, which shows comparisons of heat
release histories of various stratified- and homogeneous-
combustion systems. In comparison to the homogeneous Fig. 4. The contributions of the various factors to the % fuel-economy
SI combustion (optimum phasing), combustion for both, improvement of a DISI engine over a baseline PFI engine [7].
2754 A.C. Alkidas / Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761

compression ratio (CR), heat transfer (HT) mixture prop- ing, followed by mixture properties and heat losses. Com-
erties (PROP) and pumping (PUMP); while negative con- bustion and friction have a large negative impact on FE
tributions were obtained from combustion (COMB), and at these conditions. At the light-load conditions, the gains
friction (FRICT). The results of Fig. 4 show that the big- in FE improvements with the DISI engine contributed by
gest positive contributor to the FE advantage of the DISI pumping is reduced due to the reduction in throttling losses
engine in comparison to the PFI engine was pumping, in the PFI engine as the load is raised. However, the con-
which represented about 10% FE advantage, followed by tributions of the mixture properties to the FE gains of
mixture properties (7.5%), heat transfer (2%), and, the DISI is seen to increase in comparison to that at the
compression ratio (3%). On the other hand, combustion near-idle loads, and it is here approximately equal to the
and friction, each resulted in about 4% deficiency in the pumping contribution. The positive influence of heat trans-
fuel economy of the DISI engine. fer with the DISI is still evident, while the negative contri-
The break down of the 4% FE deficiency due to DISI butions from combustion and friction are reduced. Finally,
combustion is that 1% is attributed to phasing losses (i.e., at the medium-load conditions, where early-injection strat-
non-optimal phasing of the heat release history) and 3% egy was employed, mixture properties has the largest con-
is due to the decrease in combustion efficiency, primarily tribution to FE, followed by compression ratio and
due to the deterioration of the engine-out HC emissions. pumping. As expected, the influence of friction, heat trans-
On the other hand, the breakdown of the 2% positive con- fer and combustion are very small. It is to be noted that,
tribution of heat transfer is as follows: a loss of 4.3% in FE other than CR and the different piston areas, the main dif-
because of the larger surface area in the DISI engine, ference between the DISI and PFI engines, that could affect
caused by the piston bowl and the non-flat piston crown the indicated efficiency at these conditions, is the use of
(40% higher piston surface area), and a 6.3% FE gain high levels of EGR in the DISI engine.
due to the lower in-cylinder gas temperatures. The latter From the above results, it is very clear that by eliminat-
is in spite of the fact that the in-cylinder convective heat ing the combustion losses, through nearly optimal phasing
flux in DISI engines should increase relative to that in and improvement in the engine combustion efficiency to a
the PFI engine due to the larger heat transfer coefficients level comparable to that of the PFI engine, and by reducing
caused by the higher in-cylinder motions and the larger heat losses through reduction of the combustion chamber
densities occurring in the DISI engine. surface area and reduction in the in-cylinder air motion,
Table 1 shows the 7-point steady-state test series used to one may expect additional fuel-economy improvements of
simulate the FTP cycle during warmed-up conditions. the order of 5–7%.
These points were selected based on matching the engine The stratified-charge, spray-guided DISI engine offers
to a 2400-kg vehicle and a four-speed automatic transmis- much promise for achieving and surpassing the aforemen-
sion. The test points were divided into three categories tioned goals [3,4,7]. The advantage of this system, which
according to the test conditions: near idle, light load and its injector placement is in the vicinity of the spark plug,
medium load. At near idle, and light load conditions, com- is that combustion phasing is less advanced than the
bustion was stratified, by employing a late-injection strat- corresponding wall-guided system [26], thus its combustion
egy. At the medium load conditions, combustion was phasing is closer to optimal phasing, it has better
homogeneous, stoichiometric, by employing an early-injec- containment of the fuel in the piston bowl, which ensures
tion strategy. Table 1 also shows the % fuel-economy lower engine-out hydrocarbons, and consequently, higher
improvement achieved at each test point. As expected, DI combustion efficiency, it requires shallower and simpler
stratified combustion resulted in a 19–23% fuel-economy piston bowl design, with significantly lower surface area
improvement over the PFI engine, and the DI homoge- [3,4,10] and it requires little or no in-cylinder air motion
neous, stoichiometric combustion resulted in about 7% [11,12].
improvement. Fig. 5 shows a sectional view of the piston bowl, spark
For the near-idle conditions, the largest contributor to plug and injector, and the fuel spray and vapor distribution
the FE advantage of the DISI over the PFI engine is pump- in the combustion chamber of a spray-guided DISI optical

Table 1
Steady-state, 7-point simulation of FTP testing for the single-cylinder DISI engine [7]
Near-idle Light-load Medium-load
Test points: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Speed, rev/min 600 846 1133 1357 1400 1520 1736
BMEP, kPa 136 115 204 401 260 445 549
NMEP, kPa 158 133 232 291 431 484 590
Time weighted, % 19.7 38.98 15.29 9.91 6.09 4.97 3.28
Combustion mode Stratified Stratified Homogeneous
FE % improvement 20.2 19.4 20.4 22.9 5.6 6.7 7.3
A.C. Alkidas / Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761 2755

Fig. 5. Photo showing the combustion geometry, and fuel spray and
vapor distribution for a stratified operating condition [10].

engine, for a stratified operating point. The piezo-electric, Fig. 6. Combustion stability for different injection timings as a function of
outwards opening, fuel injector (fuel pressure up to spark timing [12].
20 MPa), delivered two sequential injections. A very
important point, presented in this photo, is that there is
no evidence of liquid fuel present on the floor of the bowl. Based on the results of the above studies, it is clear that
This agrees with the findings of Raimann et al. [13], and is the spray-guided SIDI combustion system has a fuel-econ-
probably due to the low penetration of the piezo-electric omy advantage over the corresponding wall-guided and
fuel spray [5]. The presence of liquid fuel on the piston sur- air-guided combustion systems, but it has somewhat infe-
face is a source of HC and smoke exhaust emissions [14]. rior combustion stability (higher COV of IMEP), and like
Frohlich and Borgmann [15] demonstrated that a vehi- the other SIDI systems, produces higher engine-out hydro-
cle powered by an engine employing a spray-guided-com- carbon (HC) emissions than PFI spark-ignition engines. A
bustion system with piezo-electric injectors could have a problem, that may have significant negative influence on
fuel-economy improvement potential of more than 20% the potential application of the spray-guided combustion
over a corresponding vehicle powered by a standard PFI SIDI system, is that the ignition timing range for robust
engine, and a specific power potential that exceeds combustion is relatively narrow. Fig. 6 shows that, for a
60 kW/L. Wirth et al. [3] performed tests on a 2-L, I4, given end-of-injection (EOI) timing, the range of ignition
spray-guided, SIDI engine employing multi-hole injectors. timings, for which an acceptable combustion-stability level
Based on a full mapping of the engine in the relevant (COV of IMEP < 5%) is obtained, is only 4°; indeed a very
speed/load region they projected the following New Euro- narrow window. If however, injection and ignition timings
pean Driving Cycle (NEDC) fuel-economy gains, over an are swept together such that a difference between the end-
equivalent PFI engine, without EGR: 4% for PFI with twin of-injection and ignition is maintained near 4° or 5°, the
VCT, 11% for wall-guided SIDI, and 15.5% for spray- acceptable operating range, based on combustion stability,
guided SIDI. Van Der Wege et al. [4] developed a spray- is much broader (ignition timing range 15°). The COV
guided, SIDI combustion system, which employed a results of Fig. 6 show that the optimum occurs near an
wide-cone angle (80°), outward opening, pintle injector EOI timing of 37° bTDC with an ignition timing near
operating at a nominal pressure of 20 MPa. In this com- 33° bTDC. At this set of timings for optimum COV, the
bustion system, which was dubbed vortex-induced stratifi- fuel consumption and engine-out HC emissions are min-
cation combustion (VISC), the optimum ignition location ima, and a sampling of 30,000 cycles showed no misfires.
is in the recirculation zone outside of the fuel spray, which The dramatic rise in COV, a few degrees away from the
provides the benefit of avoiding any fuel wetting of the optimum ignition timing, is attributed to misfires, the fre-
spark plug. In contrast to the expected behavior of spray- quency of which rapidly increases, especially for over-
guided systems [11,12], they found that increasing the in- advanced ignition timings. Here, it should be stated that
cylinder swirl ratio to about 1.5 resulted in improved com- the misfire frequency may not be zero (1 in 10,000 cycles,
bustion stability and combustion efficiency, a reduction in or less), even for well developed spray-guided DISI systems
the fuel consumption and elimination of misfires (based operating at optimum stratified conditions.
on 300 cycles). The spray-guided SIDI engine had an
18% reduction in fuel consumption in comparison to a 3. Homogeneous-charge compression-ignition (HCCI)
baseline PFI engine, and a 6% reduction in comparison engines
to a wall-guided SIDI engine, over a simulated steady-state
test cycle, which neglects cold starts and transients. Com- In a homogeneous-charge, compression-ignition engine
parisons of the spray-guided engine to the wall-guided the fuel and air are premixed to form a homogeneous
engine, at a part load condition, resulted in reductions of mixture, which is then auto-ignited by compression.
11.2% in NSFC and 60% in HC. The ignition and subsequent combustion of the charge is
2756 A.C. Alkidas / Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761

predominantly controlled by chemical kinetics, which, in Intake preheating is an effective way to promote and
turn, implies that the gas–temperature and gas–pressure his- control auto-ignition. Fig. 8 shows the stable combustion
tories, to a lesser degree, strongly influence the combustion region for HCCI combustion as a function of preheating
process. Also, auto-ignition occurs at various locations in intake temperature and air–fuel ratio (AFR), for a com-
the combustion chamber (multi-point ignition), which may pression ratio (CR) of 15:1. For these conditions, the max-
cause extremely high rates of heat release, and consequently, imum indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) achieved
high rates of pressurization, if left unchecked. For HCCI was 400 kPa for an AFR of about 30 and a preheating tem-
engines, ignition cannot be controlled directly, similar to perature of 415 K.
the spark for SI engines or in-cylinder injection for diesel In most studies, intake preheating was done using elec-
engines. Thus, a key challenge is controlling the start of com- trical energy, which in a vehicle application would be a par-
bustion and the rate of heat release, for a wide range of oper- asitic energy loss. However, recently, two investigations
ational conditions of the engine. employed the exhaust-stream, waste, thermal energy
The HCCI-combustion mode of an engine is limited to a [20,21] to preheat the intake air. In the case of Yang
middle-load range. At light loads, because of low gas tem- et al. [20], the waste thermal energy of the coolant system
peratures and low equivalence ratios (low fuel concentra- was also utilized. In a related matter, the work of Milova-
tions) the engine experiences ignition difficulties and novic et al. [38] is notable for employing coolant-tempera-
reduction in its combustion efficiency. The latter is caused ture control to expand the limits of HCCI operation.
by the decrease in the in-cylinder oxidation of the crevice Increasing the coolant temperature from 90 °C to 125 °C
hydrocarbons and the decrease in the rate of the conversion extended the lower limit by 28%; decreasing the coolant
of CO to CO2. At the high loads, the engine experiences temperature from 90 °C to 65 °C extended the upper limit
difficulties in controlling auto-ignition, which result in by 14%.
excessive in-cylinder pressure rise that may cause combus- Increasing the compression ratio facilitates auto-ignition
tion noise, knock and engine damage. Fig. 7 shows the and expands the range of HCCI-combustion mode, thus
region of HCCI-combustion mode of a 4-cylinder engine
and presents comparisons relative to the SI-combustion
mode of the percent change in (a) brake specific fuel con-
sumption (BSFC), (b) NOx emissions and (c) unburned
hydrocarbons (HC) emissions. It is clear that the HCCI-
combustion mode achieved large reductions in fuel con-
sumption, dramatic decreases in NOx emissions, but,
equally dramatic, increases in HC emissions.
The methods employed for controlling auto-ignition in
gasoline engines and expanding the HCCI-combustion
mode are

1. preheating of intake charge [16–21];

2. compression ratio [21];
3. exhaust-gas recirculation (EGR) [17,18];
4. residuals (internal EGR) [37,22–28];
5. direct injection [21,29–32];
6. direct injection during the NVO period [33–36]; Fig. 8. Stable HCCI-combustion region showing constant-IMEP lines
7. spark-assisted ignition [21,26,28,35]. [19].

Fig. 7. BMEP vs rpm showing % reductions of (a) BSFC; (b) NOx; (c) HC [37].
A.C. Alkidas / Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761 2757

one expects that the HCCI engines should favor higher which, most popularly, is termed the negative valve overlap
compression ratios. This, however, may not be the case. strategy (NVO), the residual gases are trapped in the cylin-
Both, Najt and Foster [16] and Thring [17] found that der and undergo recompression during the final stages of
lower-compression-ratio engines were a better compromise the exhaust stroke. This is achieved by closing the exhaust
for smooth HCCI combustion. Corroborating evidence valve relatively early in the exhaust stroke. In the rebreath-
was also provided by Christensen et al. [39], who found ing strategy, a portion of the already exhausted gases from
that the combustion efficiency of a variable-compression the cylinder is readmitted into the cylinder during the
ratio, HCCI engine, fuelled with reference fuels (mixtures intake stroke. This strategy may be accomplished in several
of isooctane and n-heptane) of octane number (ON) rang- ways. For example, the exhaust valve after closure, reopens
ing from 0 to 100, decreased linearly with increasing com- during a segment of the intake process to admit (rebreath)
pression ratio. This decrease in combustion efficiency, a portion of the exhaust gases, which is residing in the
which directly effects negatively the fuel consumption of exhaust port and manifold [22], or the exhaust valve clo-
the engine, was attributed to the increase of crevice HC sure (EVC) is retarded, beyond intake-valve closing
and the decrease in oxidation rates of HC and CO with (IVC), which allows exhaust gases to reenter the cylinder
increasing compression ratio. The decrease in these oxida- [24,27].
tion rates, in turn, was attributed to the resulting lower gas Both residual-control strategies were employed by Law
temperatures during the post-combustion period of the et al. [22], in a single-cylinder gasoline engine with flexible
expansion stroke. valve actuation, which operated in the HCCI-combustion
Charge dilution by combustion products, either by regime. These strategies were found to be equivalent,
exhaust gas recirculation or by trapping in-cylinder, resid- although in the recompression method there is some pump-
ual gases, is probably the most effective method for facili- ing of the residual gases, which, however appears to be very
tating and controlling auto-ignition and for expanding small [22]. On the other hand, a comprehensive study per-
the load/speed range of HCCI-combustion mode. Zhao formed by Caton et al. [27], in a single-cylinder engine with
et al. [40], following the work of Ladommatos et al. [41] flexible valve actuation, but at a compression ratio of
for diesel engines, examined the role of recycled burned 15.5:1, showed that rebreathing strategies resulted in signif-
gases on controlling auto-ignition in 4-cycle gasoline icantly lower fuel consumption and NO emissions, but
engines. The effects considered were (a) increase in intake higher HC emissions than recompression strategies. They
charge temperature (heating effect); (b) reduction of oxygen concluded that a rebreathing strategy, which employed var-
concentration (dilution effect); (c) increase in specific heat iable-intake-lift control, produced the best combination of
of the mixture (heat-capacity effect); (d) chemical interac- load range, fuel consumption and emissions.
tions involving the CO2 and H2O species of the recycled Recompression or NVO strategies for residuals control
burned gases (chemical effect); and (e) stratification of the in gasoline engines was employed by Law et al. [22], Li
recycled burned gases (stratification effect). They found et al. [37], Kaahaania et al. [24], Koopmans and Denbratt
[40] that the dilution and heat capacity effects are responsi- [23], Hiraya et al. [19], Fuerhapter et al. [26] and Caton
ble for reducing the heat-release rates and extending the et al. [27], to name a few. Rebreathing strategies were
combustion duration, which, substantially is in agreement employed by Law et al. [22], Kaahaania et al. [24], Fue-
with computational results obtained by Dec [42]. Addition- rhapter et al. [26,30], and Caton et al. [27].
ally, they reported [40] that the heating effect is mainly A computational study performed by Dec [42] to inves-
responsible for the advance timing of auto-ignition, and tigate aspects of HCCI combustion, showed that at light
the residuals-stratification effect facilitates HCCI combus- loads, say, idle and near-idle conditions, bulk-gas quench-
tion. In contrast, Law et al. [43] suggested that reactive spe- ing of the CO and HC oxidation reactions due to low com-
cies, present in the residuals, facilitate auto-ignition, and bustion temperatures, causes substantial combustion
the inert species slow down the combustion rate (dilution inefficiency, and consequentially increase in fuel consump-
effects). tion, and CO and HC emissions. This result, as pointed out
As mentioned earlier, HCCI combustion is controlled by Dec [42], suggests that there is a fundamental low-load
by chemistry, which suggests that is strongly affected by limit to HCCI combustion. Also, Dec [42], offered a possi-
the in-cylinder temperature and composition. The role of ble method to expand this low-load limit: fuel stratification
the recycled burned gases is to provide high enough tem- to maintain high local equivalence ratio, which may result
perature to facilitate auto-ignition but keep the combustion in no engine-efficiency penalty, and possibly minimizing the
temperatures sufficiently low and provide enough dilution effect on engine-out emissions.
of the oxidation species, such as to reduce the rates of heat Direct injection, potentially, could be an ideal
release. For engines with flexible valve-actuation mecha- approach to fuel stratification. Marriott and Reitz [44],
nism, trapping of large amounts of residual gases may be in a heavy-duty, single-cylinder, diesel engine converted
achieved by different methods, which broadly, may be clas- to a high-compression ratio (16.1:1), gasoline, DI engine,
sified into two categories, namely: the recompression or showed that fuel stratification may be use to control CI
exhaust retention strategies and the rebreathing or exhaust combustion, but not solely, over the speed/load range of
reinduction strategies. In the recompression strategy, the engine. Stratification improved slightly fuel efficiency,
2758 A.C. Alkidas / Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761

due to lower HC emissions [45], but NO emissions were sumption. However injecting all the fuel (about 12 mm3)
significantly higher. Sjoberg et al. [29], also using a during the NVO period, increases significantly fuel con-
high-compression ratio diesel engine converted to gasoline sumption, which was attributed to non-optimal auto-igni-
(85% gasoline/15% ethanol) DI engine, showed that fuel tion timing, and contracts the low load limit. Single
stratification causes a trade-off between combustion effi- injection during the intake process has the highest fuel con-
ciency and NO emissions. In a subsequent study, Dec sumption for most of the load range, with the exception at
and Sjoberg [30] found that that fuel stratification is only the highest load.
effective as control knob to HCCI-combustion for fueling Guohong et al. [36] found that split injection in the
levels below that, which causes quenching of the oxidation NVO period extended the load range, not only at the
reactions. low-load limit, but also at the high load limit. Also, they
Multiple injections, is one of potential methods in die- observed improvements in combustion stability. Koop-
sel engines to control combustion and emissions [46,47]. mans et al. [33], found that the magnitude of advance-
In the case of a gasoline DI CI engine, Marriott and ment of the auto-ignition of the fuel injected during
Reitz [44] found that split injection was very effective main-injection process was dependent on the amount of
in reducing the heat-release rates and expanding the oxygen available during the NVO period and the amount
acceptable speed/load range of the engine. In the past of pilot fuel.
few years, several different investigations [33–36] were A likely method to expand the low load limit of the
made on HCCI engines employing a split-injection strat- HCCI combustion is spark assist. One may expect that
egy. In this strategy, the first injection, the pilot injec- the extra ignition energy provided by the spark should
tion, occurred prior to TDC, during the negative-valve- ignite fuel–air mixtures that are borderline non-ignitable;
overlap (NVO) period, and the main injection occurred therefore, one may expect to see improvements in misfire
after TDC, during the intake period. During the NVO frequency and combustion stability, but only at light loads,
period, the combustion chamber of the engine contains and, consequently a lowering of the low load limit of the
only hot, combustion products (residuals). The injected engine. On the other hand, at higher loads, the effects are
pilot fuel undergoes reforming, thus producing radicals not so clear because the spark may initiate flame-propaga-
and other intermediate species, which promote auto- tion combustion.
ignition of the fuel injected during the main injection In agreement with the above speculation, Fuerhapter
period. et al. [26] found that spark assist improved the combustion
Urushuhara et al. [34] found that a single injection during stability of their DI HCCI engine, especially at the lower
the NVO period expanded significantly the low load limit of loads, despite the fact that the highly lean mixtures in the
the engine. A further expansion of this low load limit was chamber could not be ignited by the spark. On the other
achieved with a split injection strategy. This is demonstrated hand, they found that the 50%-mass-burned fraction was
clearly in Fig. 9, which shows the amount of fuel injected not significantly affected by the spark. Hyvonen et al. [21]
during the NVO period (injection time: hinj = 390°) on concluded that spark-ignition could be effectively used to
the variation of fuel consumption with engine load. Also control auto-ignition of fuel–air mixtures of equivalence
superimposed in this figure are the results of a single injec- ratio in the range 0.26–0.42 (k-range: 2.4–3.8). They found
tion during the intake process (hinj = 290°), which serve that, for the same auto-ignition phasing, spark-assisted
as a reference for evaluating the split-injection strategy. combustion requires lower intake preheating or lower com-
Injecting 3 mm3 of fuel, in comparison to 1 mm3, expands pression ratio. For higher load conditions (1500 rpm,
the low load limit of the engine without affecting fuel con- k = 1.2, and around 45% residuals), Kalian et al. [35] found
that spark assist could control the HCCI combustion of a
DI engine. Fig. 10 shows that spark assist could advance
the start of HCCI combustion. The influence of spark assist
is more pronounced in the retarded-injection-timing case
(hinj = 90° aTDC), where fuel stratification is expected to
be stronger. Recently, in a related topic to spark assist,
Urushihara et al. [48] proposed a new engine-combustion
concept, called SI–CI combustion where a small quantity
of fuel, sufficiently large to sustain SI stratified combustion
(AFR = 300 at 1200 rpm), is directly injected into the
chamber, and port injection of the main body of the fuel
is employed to generate a homogeneous lean mixture in
the chamber for HCCI combustion. The SI combustion
‘triggers’ the HCCI combustion. Preliminary results
showed a significant extension of the high load limit, how-
Fig. 9. ISFC vs IMEP for various injection timing strategies (IT = hinj) ever, this was accompanied with a large increase in NO
[34]. emissions.
A.C. Alkidas / Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 2751–2761 2759

Fig. 10. Spark-assist control of HCCI combustion in a DI gasoline engine: (a) hinj = 30° aTDC and (b) hinj = 90° aTDC [35].

4. Overview most of the speed range and for all loads at very high
speeds, the engine operates under homogeneous-charge
A gasoline engine operating under stratified, spray- rich combustion (HCSI).
guided DISI conditions offers a significant fuel-economy Thus, to optimize combustion throughout the speed/
advantage with similar engine-out HC emissions, and load range of an engine, the engine should be able to oper-
lower NO emissions, over an equivalent PFI, SI engine. ate in three combustion modes, namely: (a) stratified-
Correspondingly, a gasoline HCCI engine with, however, charge SI combustion, (b) homogeneous-charge SI com-
more technology content than the DISI engine, may have bustion and (c) homogeneous-charge CI combustion.
equally good fuel economy as the DISI engine, but with Key technology requirements to achieve this combus-
dramatically lower engine-out NO emissions. Additionally, tion flexibility are
the HCCI engine has significantly higher engine-out, HC
emissions. 1. spray-guided direct-injection system and
The problem however is that the great fuel-economy 2. flexible, variable-valve actuation.
advantage of both of these engine combustion systems,
could not be realized fully, because of their limited speed/ To optimize these choices, one may employ a high
load range of application. Therefore, to operate through- pressure (20 MPa) low penetration injector (e.g., piezo-
out its required speed/load range, an engine will be electric) to minimize soot or HC emissions resulting from
required to operate under dual or multiple modes of com- liquid spray impingement on the piston surface, and a
bustion. To illustrate, Fig. 11, shows a proposed speed/ high energy ignition system, for reducing the chance of
load map of an engine with multiple combustion modes misfires at very light loads. Additionally, thermal manage-
of operation [31]. At near idle conditions, the DI engine ment of the cooling system may assist in ignition and
operates in a stratified overall lean combustion mode combustion at very light loads, and may further expand
(SCSI). At low and medium speeds and low loads, the the high load limit of the fuel-efficient modes of combus-
engine operates in a lean HCCI combustion mode. At an tion, namely SCSI, and HCCI combustion. Likewise,
intermediate-to-high load and speed range, the engine intake-pressure boosting (e.g., turbocharging, supercharg-
operates at homogeneous-charge/stoichiometric combus- ing) may increase the high load limit of SCSI and HCCI
tion with residual dilution (HCSI), and at high loads for combustion.
Cold start, transients, smooth transitions (switching)
from one mode of combustion to another, aggressive cali-
bration for optimum fuel economy and emissions all
require excellent engine control, which may only be
achieved by cylinder-pressure-based engine control.
It is clear that an advanced gasoline engine, whose
development was such as described above, may have fuel
consumption and gaseous emission levels equivalent or bet-
ter to that of to-day’s technology diesel engines, but with-
out the serious problem of particulate emissions, which
plague diesels.


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