Mathematics: Quarter 2 - Module 4: Algebraic Expressions
Mathematics: Quarter 2 - Module 4: Algebraic Expressions
Mathematics: Quarter 2 - Module 4: Algebraic Expressions
Quarter 2 – Module 4:
Algebraic Expressions
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
Mathematics – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 4: Algebraic Expressions
First Edition, 2020
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Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
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In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
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Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
exercises and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing
each task.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the Algebraic Expressions. The scope of this module permits it to
be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes
the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow
the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
Algebraic Expressions
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
What I Know
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
6. What is the degree of (3x – 2y)5?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
13. What is the degree of the polynomial 6x6 + 5x5 + 4x4 + 3x3 +
2x2 + 1?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
Algebraic Expressions
Mathematical concepts, rules and properties of numbers will not be
easy to understand without knowledge of algebraic symbols and expressions.
A single variable or a combination of mathematical symbols, variables and
constant constitute an algebraic expression. In this lesson, we will learn
related terms in algebra and evaluates the algebraic expressions. Mastery of
these concepts is fundamental to learn algebra.
What’s In
+ =5
x+y =5
In the last expression, x and y may take values from the set of
integers that make the statement true. For example:
5+0=5 2+3=5 -1 + 6 = 5 -4 + 9 = 5
4+1=5 1+4=5 -2 + 7 = 5 -5 + 10 = 5
3+2=5 0+5=5 -3 + 8 = 5 -6 + 11 = 5
There is an infinite number of values that can take the places for x
and y. These letters are called variables and the number 5, which
remains unchanged, is called constant.
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
What’s New
Try This!
A. Find the numerical value of each name:
1. BEN
3. Find the value of your name. Compare it with the values of the names
of others. Are there two names with the same value?
x+2 1+2 3
𝒙+𝟖 =𝟑+𝟖 = =
𝑦−1 2−1 1
= 𝟏𝟏 =3
=1 = -2
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
Try This!
5. Evaluate if x = 1, y = -1 ____________ = _______________
= _______________
= _______________
Great! You were be able to answer the activity. Let us now define related terms and
how to evaluate algebraic expressions.
What is It
Terms in Algebra
1 1 1 1
( )2 = ( ) ( ) = ( )
2 2 2 4
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
An exponent of 1 can be omitted in a term such as in 2y, xy, and -8x
which means 2y 1, x1 y 1, and -8x 1, respectively.
In the term 3x2, 3 is called the numerical coefficient and x2 is called the
literal coefficient.
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
D. Algebraic Expressions, Terms and Polynomials
Algebra is a branch of mathematics which generalizes the facts of
arithmetic. The result of combining symbols such as letters, numbers,
punctuations and operations of arithmetic is called an algebraic expression
or simply an expression.
Some examples of algebraic expressions are:
𝑥 2 √3 1
7, 2x, -3y + 4, √4b2, +(xy – 1), πr2, 4x-3yz, (𝛼 + 𝛽)
4 2
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
D. 𝑥+1
- x2 + x-3 + 1 - There are four terms.
The degree of a term is the exponent of its variable while the degree of
the polynomial is the highest degree appearing in any of the terms in that
polynomial. For example, in the polynomial 3x4 + x2 – 9x + 7, the degree of
the terms are as follow:
3x4 has degree 4, x2 has degree 2, -9x has degree 1, and 7 has degree 0.
If a term consists of two or more variables, the degree of that term is the sum
of the exponents of the variables. For example, in the polynomial xy2 + 7x2y4 – 5y4,
we have the degree of each term as follow:
Since 6 is the highest sum of the exponent from the term 7x2y4, the
polynomial xy2 + 7x2y4 – 5y4 has a degree 6.
Note that √4𝑥 is not a monomial since it is not a polynomial in the first
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
Kind of polynomial according to its degree
Example 1. Evaluate
a. x + 3y if x = 2, and y = -1.
b. 2x -3xy + 4y
2 if x = -1, and y = 2.
a. Replacing the values for x and y and simplifying, we get
x + 3y = 2 + 3(-1)
= 2 -3
= -1
b. Upon substituting the values of x and y and simplifying, we obtain
2x2 -3xy + 4y = 2( -1)2 – 3(-1)(2) + 4(2)
= 2(1) + 6 + 8
= 16
b. x3 – 3x – 4; x = 0 d x3 – 3x – 4; x = 2
= (0)3 – 3(0) – 4 = (2)3 – 3(2) – 4
= 0–0–4 =8–6–4
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
= -4 = -2
What’s More
1. 3x ______________
2. 12x + 3y – 1 ______________
3. 5y – 1 ______________
4. 7x – 11y ______________
5. x(6xy) ______________
6. 4
7. 2
ab + 4 ______________
8. 2 (x + y + z) ______________
9. 5 (y- 3) ______________
_____2. z–2 b. -5
_____3. 2z c. -2
_____4. 𝟐
d. -1
_____5. 3z e. 0
_____6. 2z + 1 f. 1
_____7. -2z – 1 g. 2
_____8. 4 – 3z h. 3
_____9. 3z – 1 i. 4
_____10. 𝟐
j. 5
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
k. 6
What I Can Do
Here is another activity that will let you apply what you have learned about
terms and concepts on polynomials.
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
Great work! You did a good job in applying what you have learned.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
6. What is the degree of (7x – 8y)2?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
8. What is the value of 4x2 + 3 when x = ?
A. 72
B. -7
C. 4
D. -4
11. What is the degree of the polynomial 3x4y3 – 3x2y -5x -7?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
D. 4
14. The number of terms in the expression 23x4 + 2x3– 3x2 +11.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
Additional Activities
B. Let us make use of your newly acquired skill! Accomplish each task
box below. The first box was done for you.
= (𝟏)(𝟏)(𝟏)
Box 3. Given the algebraic Box 4. Given the algebraic
expression 4𝑘 + 𝑘 2 + 2, what is expression 3𝑘, what is its:
1. degree
1. degree __________
__________ 2. classification
2. classification _________________
_________________ 3. Its value if 𝑘 = 5.
3. Its value if 𝑘 = 1.
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
Additional Activities
What I Can Do A.
1. false 3. false 5. false
1. 2. true 4.false
A1. Polynomial, degree two, B.
monomial Box 1 Box 2
2. polynomial, degree two, binomial 1. 3 1. 1
2. Monomial 2. Binomial
3. polynomial, degree zero, 3. 1 3. -12
4. polynomial, degree three, Box 3 Box 4
multinomial 1. 2 1. 1
2. Trinomial 2. Monomial
5. not, negative exponent
3. 7 3. 15
6. not, rational exponent
7. polynomial, degree 7, trinomial Assessment What’s More
1. B
8. not, radical exponent 2. B A. B.
9. polynomial, degree three, 3. A
1. M 1. h
trinomial 4. C
2. T 2. e
5. B
10. not, variable is in denominator 3. B 3. i
6. B
4. B 4. f
7. D
5. M 5. k
What's New 8. C
6. B 6. j
A. 9. B
7. B 7. b
BEN = 21 10. D
8. T 8. c
2. LAURA= 53 11. D
9. B 9. j
3. answers may vary 12. C
10. MT 10. a
13. D
B. 14. D
1. x + 5 = 10 + 5 15. D
= 15
2. 5 – x = 5 -1 What I Know
=4 What I Have 1. C
Learned 2. B
3. 4x2 + 3 = 4 (3)2 + 3 1. e 3. A
= 4(9) + 3 2. g 4. A
= 36 + 3 5. C
3. a
= 39 6. D
4. c 7. D
4. x3 - 3x - 4 = (-2)3 – 3(-2) - 4
= (-8) + 6 - 4 5. b 8. D
6. h 9. C
= -6
10. C
7. i
3x+2 3(1)+2
11. C
5. = 8. j 12. D
5𝑦−3 5(−1)−3
3+2 5 9. d 13. D
= −5−3
= −8 10. f 14. A
15. A
Answer Key
CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 4
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