National Institute of Technology Delhi (Nit Delhi) : Scheme of Instruction and Syllabi
National Institute of Technology Delhi (Nit Delhi) : Scheme of Instruction and Syllabi
National Institute of Technology Delhi (Nit Delhi) : Scheme of Instruction and Syllabi
Total 21 0 9 24
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, KREYSZIG E, Wiley Eastern.
1. Network Analysis, 3/e, M.E.VAN VALKEN BERG, Prentice Hall.
1. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, MARK ALLEN WEISS, Pearson, 2000
- 7 -
and high frequency models. rectifiers: diode as a rectifier, half wave, full wave and bridge
rectifiers. electron dynamics: motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields. principle of
CRT , deflection sensitivity.
1. Integrated Electronics, MILLIAN & HALKIAS, Mc Graw Hill.
Networks: image and iterative impedances. Insertion loss. attenuators & pads. lattice network and its
parameters. impedance matching networks. filters: low pass, high pass, band pass and band elimination
filters. constant K and m derived sections. composite filters. equalisers: inverse impedances. series & shunt
equalizers. T & bridged T equalisers. the lattice equalisers. transmission line theory: primary & secondary
constants. phase & group velocities. transmission line equations. characteristics of LF lines. RF lines: RF
lines, lossless lines, reflection coefficient & VSWR. smith chart. impedance matching with single and
double stub.
1. Transmission Lines and Networks, JOHNSON, Mc-Graw Hill, 1950.
Introductory digital design concepts: numbersystems, base conversion methods. switching algebra and
switching functions: boolean algebra, minimisation of boolean functions. combinational logic: principles
and practices: logic design of combinational circuits. sequential logic: review of flip-flops, finite state
model of sequential circuits, tabulation methods, state assignment and hazards in asynchronous
sequential circuits. fault detection: static and dynamic hazards. fault detection methods. logic design:
binary addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. digital system design methods: introduction to
VHDL: ASM chart notations, development of respective VHDL models.
1. An engineering approach to digital design, FLETCHER, P.H. India.
Numerical Analysis: Curve fitting by the method of least squares. Newton’s forward & backward
interpolation formulae, Numerical differentiation at the tabulated points with forward backward
¢ral differences, Numerical Integration with Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 3/8 rule and Romberg
nd th
integration. Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method of 2 & 4 orders for solving first order ordinary
differential equations. Graph Theory:Introduction to Queuing Theory: Poisson process and exponential
distribution. Poisson queues - Model (M/M/1):(/FIFO) and its characteristics.
1. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S.C.GUPTA AND V.K.KAPOOR
Operating systems: introduction: early history, buffering and spooling, batch, time-sharing & real time
systems. protection.
operating system structure: system components, operating system services, system structure. concurrent
processes: process concept. the producer/ consumer problem. the critical section problem. semaphores.
deadlocks: system model. dead lock characterisation, prevention. recovery from deadlock. file systems:
file concept. operations. access methods. directory systems. directory structure organisation. object
oriented programming: introduction-data hiding and member functions-object creation-adhoc
polymorphism-visitation: iterators and containers-inheritance: subtyping and code reuse-parametric
1., Operating Systems Concepts, A SILBERSCHATZ AND GALVIN, 4th Edition, Addison Wesley.
Multistage amplifiers: analysis of multistage amplifier. frequency response of amplifiers: high frequency
response of a CE stage, frequency response of cascaded stages, analysis of difference amplifiers. feedback
amplifiers: properties of negative feedback amplifiers, general analysis of multistage feedback amplifiers.
stability and response of feedback amplifier: effect of feedback on bandwidth, stability, test of stability,
compensation, phase margin and gain margin. oscillators: phase shift oscillator, wein bridge oscillators,
crystal oscillators. power amplifer: class A, B, & AB power amplifier: push-pull amplifier, efficiency, cross
over distortion. tuned amplifier: single tuned and double tuned interstage design. class b and class c tuned
power amplifiers.
1. Integrated Electronics, J.MILLMAN & HALKIAS, TMH.
Signals & systems: continuous time & discrete time signals, exponential & sinusoidal signals, continuous &
discrete time systems. linear time invariant systems: discrete time LTI systems, continuous time LTI
systems, properties of LTI systems. fourier series representation of periodic signals: response of LTI
systems to complex exponentials, fourier series representation of CT periodic signals. continuous time
fourier transform: representation of a periodic signals by continuous FT, FT of periodic signals, time and
frequency characterization of signals and systems: magnitude and phase representation of FT, magnitude
and phase response of LTI systems. discrete time fourier transform & discrete fourier transform: properties
of DTFT and DFT. sampling: sampling theorem, reconstruction of signal from its samples using
interpolation. z-transform: inverse z transform, properties of ZT, signal flowgraphs: impulse response and
transfer function of linear systems, block diagrams, signal flow graphs, basic properties of SFG, & SFG
1. Signals & Systems- AV OPPENHEIM, AS WILLSKY, S HAMID NAWAB, PHI, 2000
2. Signals & Systems- S HAYKIN, J Wiley, 2000
3. Signals & Systems- MJ ROBERTS, TMH, 2003
4. Signals, Systems and transforms, 3/e, CL PHILLIPS et al, Pearson, 2004
Static electric field: introduction, the electric dipole and dipole moment, gauss's law, boundary relations,
divergence theorem. static magnetic field: magnetic field of current carrying element- biot savart law,
magnetic flux & flux density, analogies between electric and magnetic fields. maxwell's equations: the
equation of continuity for time varying fields, maxwell's
equations, conditions at a boundary surface. electromagnetic waves: plane waves: wave equations, plane
waves in conducting media, skin effect and surface impedance. poynting vector and the flow of power:
poynting theorem, power flow for a plane wave and power loss in a plane conductor. guided waves:
waves between parallel planes, te and tm waves, characteristics of te and tm waves, tem waves,
attenuation in parallel plane guides. wave guides: rectangular wave-guides, te & tm modes in wave-
guides, impedance and attenuation in rectangular waveguides.
1. Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems, E.C.JORDAN & K.G.BALMAIN, PHI.
Probability: probability through sets, joint and conditional probability , bayes theorem. random variable:
definition, distribution function, density function, gaussian uniform, rayleigh distributions. operations on
one random variable: expectation, moments, characteristic function, transformations of a random
variable. multiple random variables: joint distribution joint density, conditional distribution & density.
operations on multiple random variables: joint moments, transformations of multiple random variables.
random processes: time averages & ergodicity , auto correlation & cross correlation functions, properties.
spectral characteristics of random processes: power density spectrum and it’s properties, bandwidth.
linear systems with random inputs: random signal response , auto correlation functions of the response,
cross correlation functions of input and output, power density spectrum of the response.
1. Probability, Random Variables & Random Signal Principles, PZ PEEBLES JR., MGH, 3/e, 2003
2. Probability, Random Variables & Random Signal Principles, A PAPOULIS., MGH, 3/e, 2003
3. Probability, Random Variables & Random Signal Principles, STARK et al, Pearson, 2002
Linear and non-linear wave Shaping Circuits, Bootstrap and Miller sweep circuits, principle of current
sweeps, Voltage and current controlled negative resistance switching circuits, Applications using Tunnel
diode and UJT only, Transistor multi-vibrator and Schmitt trigger circuits, Triggered transistor blocking
oscillators- base timing and emitter timing, Astable diode controlled and RC controlled.
1. Pulse and Digital and Switching Waveforms, MILLMAN AND TAUB – TMH, 1995
2. Wave Generation and shaping, L. STRAUSS, TMH, 1995.
Communication channels, Transmission of Random Process through an LTI Filter, Noise types,
Representation of Narrow Band noise In phase and Quadrature Components, Noise Figure, Noise
Bandwidth, Noise Temperature, Linear modulation schemes,
noise in AM receivers, Angle modulation schemes, Noise in FM receiver, Pulse analog and pulse digital
modulation schemes, Noise performance, Source Coding Theorem, Information Capacity Theorem,,
Huffman Coding.
1. Communication Systems, S.HAYKIN, 4/e, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2001.
2. Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems, B.P. LATHI, 3/e, Oxford University Press, 1998.
3. Communication Systems Engineering, JG PROAKIS, Pearson, 2003
4. Principles of Communications, 4/e, ZIEMER and TRANTER, Houghton Mifflin, 1995
1. Operational Amplifiers, G.B. CLAYTON,
2. Applications of Operational Amplifiers, G.B. CLAYTON
Course No. EC 304 DIGITAL I.C. APPLICATIONS Credits:
RTL, DTL, TTL , CMOS logic families, circuit analysis, noise considerations, Multiplexer, comparators,
Adders, ALU’s Counters, Shift Registers, Combinational PLD’s Drivers for LCD and 7 segment displays.
ROM, RAM, Static RAM, Dynamic RAM, Principles and implementation schemes of DAC’s and ADC’s, study
of standard ICs
1. Digital Design Principles & Practices, JOHN F. WAKERLY, 3rd Ed.,Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
2. Digital Integrated Electronics, TAUB AND SCHILLING, MGH, Singapore, 1994
1. The Art of Digital Design, PROSSER AND WINKLE, Prentice-Hall, 1996.
2.Hand Outs on EDA tools
Basic signal processing operations in Digital communications, Detection of known signals in noise,
Correlation receiver, Matched
filter receiver, Estimation, Discrete PAM signals, Nyquist criterion for zero ISI, Adaptive equalizers,
Baseband M-ary PAM, Digital modulation formats, M-ary modulation techniques, : Linear block codes,
Cyclic codes, Convolutional codes and Trellis codes.
1. Digital Communications- S.HAYKIN, John Wiley & Sons, 1988.
2. Digital Communications- B.SKLAR, Pearson Education, 2002
3. Digital Communications- J.G. PROAKIS, 4/e, MGH, 2001
4. Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 6/e, LEON W COUCH, Pearson, 2001
1) Electromagnetic waves & Radiating Systems, E.C. JORDAN & K.G. BALMAIN, PHI, 1986.
2) Transmission and Propagation, E.V.D. GLAZIER and H.R. LAMONT, HMSO, 1990.
Credits: 4
Introduction to 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit microprocessors, 80X86 family assembly language
programming, 8086 Minimum mode, Timing and Bus cycles, Addressing memory banks and I/O, Timing
parameters, Design and testing of a simple 8086 based system, 8086 Interrupts, Interfacing peripheral Ics-
8255, 8254, 8251A, 8257, Interfacing Centronics Printer, Keyboard and Displays, 8051 family 8-bit
microcontrollers, Architecture, Simple programming, Applications.
1. Microprocessors and Interfacing, DOUGLAS V.HALL ,TMH, 2000.
2. 8051 Micro controller and Embedded systems, MAZIDI, Pearson Education, 2002.
Computer interconnection structure, Computer memory systems, Modes of I/O data Transfer, I/O channels
and Processors, Operating Systems Overview, Scheduling and memory management, Computer arithmetic,
Instruction Sets - Machine instruction characteristics, Control Unit Operation, Parallel organisation -
Multiprocessing, Vector Computation, Fault tolerant Systems.
1. Computer Organization and Architecture - Principles of structure and function, W.STALLINGS, II Ed,
Maxwell Macmillan Int. Edition, 2003
2.Computer Architecture and Organization, J.HAYES, McGraw Hill Int. Edition.,2001.
DFT algorithms, Computation of DFT, Design of FIR filters and IIR filters, Bilinear transformation, Matched
z-transform, Digital filter structures, Quantization of filter coefficients, Decimation by a factor D,
Interpolation by a factor I, Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor I/D, TMS 320X/ ADSP 21XX
Architectures and Applications.
1. Digital Signal Processing - Principles, algorithms & Applications, J.G.PROAKIS & D.G.MANOLAKIS, PHI,
2. Digital Signal Processing- S.K. MITRA, TMH, 2003
3. DSP Processors and Architectures, VENKATA RAMANI, TMH, 2002
4. Handouts on DSP Processors.
Static and Dynamic Characteristics of instruments . Different Analyzers Analog and Digital
Multimeters, Digital Frequency Meter. Impedance Measurement instruments l,Q meter, . Noise and
Interference reduction techniques in Measurement Systems.;Study of Different Types of Oscilloscopes,
Transducers, Introduction to Data Acquisition Systems, GPIB.
1. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, OLIVER AND CAGE, Mc Graw Hill.
2. Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement techniques - W.D.COOPER & FELBRICK, PHI, ( ch.2
& 7)
Elements of a Communication Systems, Low Level and High Level AM, AM Detector, SSB Modulator,
Synchronous Detector, FM Modulators, FET Phase Modulator, Foster-Seeley FM Discriminator, Ratio
Detector, AM Transmitter, FM Transmitter, SSB Transmitter, TRF Radio Receiver, Superheterodyne
Receiver, RF Section, Mixer, IF Section, Image Frequency, AGC, SSB Transceiver, Special Features in
Communication Receiver. Television Broadcasting, TV Channels, TV Scanning, Indian TV Standards,
composite video Signal, H and V Scanning, Synchronization, Blanking Signal, video Signal Frequencies, TV
Cameras, RGB Video Signals, Color Matrix, I and Q Signals, Chrominance Modulation, Color Sub-Carrier
Frequency, VSB Transmission, FM Sound Signal, Tricolor Picture Tubes, Y Matrix, Functional Blocks of TV
Receiver, Video Detector and Amplifier, Sound IF section, Synch Separator, Chroma Section
1. Communication Electronics: Principles and Applications – LOUIS E FRENZIL, 3/e, MGH., 2001.
2. Electronic Communication Systems, GEORGE KENNEDY &BERNARD DAVIS, TMH, 4/e, 2000.
3. Basic Televison and Video Systems, BERNARD GROB, 6/e., MGH, Singapore, 2000.
4. Electronic Communication Modulation & Transmission, R.J. SCHOENBECK, 2/e, PHI, 1999.
5. Modern Television Practice, Principles, Technology and Servicing, R.R. GULATI, 2/e., New Age Intl.,
Review of micro electronics and introduction to MOS technology, Introduction to IC technology, MOS
technology and VLSI, basic MOS transistor, fabrication of NMOS, CMOS and BiCMOS transistors, thermal
aspects of processing and production of E-beam marks MOS AND BICMOS CIRCUIT DESIGN PROCESSORS:
Basic Circuit Concepts: Sealing Of Mos Circuits: Subsystem Design And Layout: Basic Cmos Analog Ic
Building Blocks: System Design And Design Methods: Cmos Testing.
1. Douglas A.Pucknell and Kamran Eshraghian, “Basic VLSI Design”, IIIrd Ed., Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd. (Cha
2. Neil H.E.Weste and Kamran Eshraghian,“Principles of CMOS VLSI Design”, IInd Ed., Addison Wesley
publishing company
Klystron amplifier, reflex Klystron oscillator. Travelling Wave tube amplifier, backward wave
oscillator, cavity magnetron and crossed field amplifier, study Of Different Microwave Tubes,
Microwave Solid State Devices, Microwave Components, Microwave Circuits, Microwave Measurements,
Scattering matrix and its properties, Scattering matrix of transmission lines, three port and four port
microwave junctions
1. Microwave devices and circuits, 3 rd Edn , S.Y.LIAO, Prentice Hall of India 1991
2. Microwaves Systems , 2 Edn, K.C.GUPTA, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1979
3. Microwave technology, DENNIS RODDY, PH , 1986
Data Communication, Networks, Protocols and Standards, Topology, Categories of Networks, OSI &
TCP/IP Protocol suites, Detailed study of Physical layer, Data Link Layer, LANS AND MANS, NETWORK LAYER,
1. Data Communications and Networking, BEHROUZ A. FOROUZAN, 3/E, TMH, New Delhi, 2003
2. Computer Networks, ANDREW S. TANENBAUM, 4 Ed., Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2000
3. Computer Networks and Internet, DOUGLAS E COMER, Pearson Education, Asia, 2000
4. Data and Computer Communications,6/e, W STALINGS, Pearson, 2002
Digital Image Representation, Fundamental Steps in Image Processing, Elements of Digital Image
Processing Systems, Simple
image model, Neighborhood of Pixels, Pixel Connectivity, Labeling of Connected Components, Distance
Measures, Arithmetic
and Logic Operations, Image Transformations, Stereo Imaging, image enhancement, Point processing,
Intensity Transforms, Histogram Processing, Smoothing and Sharpening Filters, Enhancement in the
Frequency Domain, Homomorphic filtering, Pseudo-Coloring, Image Compression Model, Error free
Compression, Lossy Predictive Coding, Transform Coding, Detection of Discontinuities, Lines and Edges,
Edge Linking, Boundary Detection, Thresholding, Region Growing , Region Splitting, Chain Codes,
Polygonal Approximations, Signatures, Skeleton, Boundary Descriptors, Shape Numbers, Fourier
descriptors, Moments, Topological Descriptors, Image Analysis, Pattern and Pattern Classes, Minimum
Distance Classifier, Baye’s Classifier, Neural Network Training, Structural methods.
1. Digital Image Processing: RC GONZALEZ & RE WOODS, Pearson Education, 2000.
2. Digital Image Processing and Analysis: B. CHANDA, D. DUTTA MAJUMDER, PHI, 2000.
3. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A.K. JAIN, PHI, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Image Processing, analysis, and machine vision, M SONKA, V HLAVAC, and R BOYLE, Thomson ITP, 1999
Overview of satellite System Engineering, Orbital Mechanics, satellite orbit, Lo0k Angles,: Subsatellite
point, Azimith and Elevation, orbital perturbation, satellite eclipse, sun transit outage, satellite
subsystems, AOCS, TT&C, Power System, Antennas, System noise temperature and G/T ratio, Design
of down link, Up link design, satellite modulation, and multiplexing, FM with multiplexed telephone
signals, Analog FM SCPC, TDM, multiple access, FDM/FM/FDMA, TDMA-Bits, Symbols, and
channels, Frame structure, synchronization, CDMA- Spread spectrum transmission and reception,
forward error correction - Convolution codes, Implementation of error detection on satellite links.
1. Satellite Communication - PRATT & CW BOSTIAN, J.Wiley & Sons, NY, 1986.
2. Satellite Communication - M RICHHARIA, BS publishers, 2003
3. Satellite Communication - WL PRITCHARD, Pearson, 2003
1. Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation, L.A.GEDDES AND WILEY, L.E.Baker (2nd Ed.)
2. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, L.CROMWELL, Prentice Hall.
Books :
1. Users Handbook of D/A and A/D Converters- E.R. HNATEK
2. Data Converters - G.B. CLAYTON
Basic telephone system, Telephone exchange, Telephone network - structures, services, standards, trunking,
message, circuit and packet Switching, electronic switching, Digital Switching, space switches, Time
switches, hybrid switching, time division switching networks, single stage, two stage, three stage and four
stage networks, non blocking networks, Functions of control unit, call processing functions, common
control, SPC control software, Telephone circuit, electronic telephone, Feature phone, speaker phone, ISDN
phone, key telephone system, PBX, PC answering machine, 2 wire , 4 wire circuits, echoes, digital
transmission, PCM – TDM, trans-multiplexer, synchronous digital hierarchy, Customer line signaling, PCM
signaling, Common Channel signaling, CCITT signaling system No.7, ISDN- rates, channels and user
interfaces, Applications, broadband networks, SONET rates and benefits, optical components,
SONET/SDH network topology and hierarchy, broadband services and rates, path, line and section, STS-1
frame structure, floating frames, overhead.
1. Telecommunications switching, Traffic and Networks.– JE FLOOD, Pearson Education, 2002.
2. ISDN and B-ISDN, W. STALLINGS, 3/e, PHI, 1995.
3. Introduction to Telecommunications: Voice, data & Internet, MARION COLE, Pearson, 2002.
4. Digital Telephony, J BELLAMY, 2nd edition, John Wiley, 2001.
State Equations and State Transition Equations of Continuous and Digital Systems , Solution of the Time –
Invariant Discrete State Equation by the Z – Transformation, Relation Between State Equation and Transfer
Function, state Diagram, stability of digital control systems: Comparison of Time Responses of Continuous
– Data and Digital Control Systems, Correlation between time response and Root Locations in the S-Plane
and the Z-Plane, Effect of the pole – Zero configurations in the Z-plane Upon the Maximum Overshoot and
peak time of transient Response of Sampled – Data Systems, Root Loci for Digital Control Systems.
Steady State Error Analysis or Digital Control Systems, Nyquist plot, Bode diagram , Gain margin and
Phase Margin, Gain – phase diagram and Nichols Chart, Digital Controller, Design of Digital Control
Systems with Digital Controllers through the Bilinear transformation, Root Locus diagram, Digital PID
Controller, Design of Digital Control systems with deadbeat response.
1. Digital Control Systems, BENJAMIN C.KUO Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1980.
2. Digital Control Systems, M.GOPAL, New Age. Int., 1992.
Programmable DSP architectures, multiport memory, Special addressing modes, on chip peripherals,
Architecture of TMS 320
C5X, Bus structure, programme controller, CALU, IDEX, ARCER, ALU, BMAR, onchip memory, TMS320C5X
Assembly language, Instruction pipelining in C5X, Applications programs in C5X, Least Square methods
for system modeling and filter design, Signal analysis with higher order spectra, Adaptive transversal
1. DSP Architectures and Algorithms- B. VENKATRAMANI and M. BHASKAR, TMH, 2002
2. Algorithms for Statistical Signal Processing- JG PROAKIS et al, Pearson, 2002
3. Algorithms for Comm. Systems & Applications - N. BENVENUTO and G. CHERUBINI, John Wily, 2005.
4. Advanced Signal processing Hand book - S. STERCVOPOULOS, CRC Press, 2001
5. Signal Processing, The Model based approach – JANES V.CANDY, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
Overview Of Optical Fiber Communications Optical Fibers,: Signal Degradation In Optical Fibers:
Optical Sources: Leds, Laser Diodes : Structure, Materials And Modulation. Optical Coupling:
Photodetectors: - Physical Principles, Photo Detector Noise, Detector Response Time, Photodiode
Materials. Optical Receiver: Transmission Link Analysis:
1. Optical Fiber Communications, G.KEISER , 3/e, MGH, 1998.
2. Fiber Optic Communication, MYANBUEV, Pearson, 2001
3. Fiber Optic Communication, AGRAWAL, John Wiley, 2002
4. Fiber Optic Communication, PC GUPTA, PHI, 2000
Radar and Radar Equation: Introduction, Radar block diagram and operation, frequencies, applications,
CW Radar – Doppler Effect, , FM – CW radar, Pulse Radar Tracking Radar Phased Arrays –
Navigational Aids: Direction Finder, VOR, ILS, Loran
1. Introduction Radar Systems,- M.I. SKOLNIK, 2/e, Mc Graw Hill Book Co.,1981
2. Radio Engineering- F.E. Terman, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. (for Chapter 7 only) , 4/e, 1955
Wireless communication principles, 1G cellular systems-AMPS, 2G cellular systems- DAMPS, CDMA, GSM,
CDPD, GPRS, 3G cellular systems- service classes and standards, IMT 2000, future 4G systems-OFDM and
services, fixed wireless access- WLL, IEEE 802.16 standards, WLAN- concepts, applications, topology,
physical and MAC layers, IEEE 802.11a,b and g, wireless ATM and Adhoc routing- HIPERLAN, Personal area
networks(PAN)- Bluetooth and Home RF, wireless geolocation systems, E-911 services, cordless telephony
and PCS, Wireless application Protocol (WAP), wireless enterprise networks
1. Wireless networks- R NICOPOLITIDIS et al, John Wiley 2003
2. Wireless networks- PAHLAVAN, P KRISHNA MURTHY, PHI, 2003.
3. Wireless and mobile network architectures- YB LIN & I CHLAMTAC, John Wiley 2001
4. Cellular and mobile Communication Systems, WCY LEE, MGH, 2004
Review of Combinational Logic Gates in CMOS: Designing Sequential Logic Circuits: Implementation
Strategies for Digital ICs: Coping with Interconnect: Capacitive Parasitics, Resistive Parasitics, Inductive
Parasitics,Advanced Interconnect Techniques, Perspective: Networks–on–a–Chip.Timing Issues in Digital
Circuits: -Designing of Arithmetic Building Blocks: Designing memory and Array structures:
1. Digital Integrated Circuits - JAN M RABAEY, A. CHANDRAKASAN, B. NIKOLIC , Pearson, 2002
A Basic Cellular System, Why Cellular Mobile Telephone Systems, Service Quality, Mobile Radio
Transmission Medium, Mobile Fading, Delay Spread And Coherence Bandwidth, Operation Of Cellular
Systems, Hexagonal Shaped Cells, Analog And Digital Cellular Systems.Elements Of Cellular Mobile
Radio System Design: Ell Coverage For Signal And Traffic: Cell Site And Mobile Antennas : Cochannel
Interference (Cci) Reduction : Frequency Management And Channel Assignement : Hands Offs And Cell
Splitting : Digital Cellular Networks :
1. Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: WILLIAM C Y LEE, MGH, 2004
2. Wireless Communications : Principles and practice, 2/e., T. S. RAPPAPORT, Pearson Education Asia,
3. Mobile Radio Communication, 2/e, R STEELE, John Wiley, 1999
4. Wireless Communication and Networking, JW MARK and W ZHUANG, PHI, 2005.
Introduction to RF and wireless technology, complexity comparison, design bottle necks, applications,
analog and digital systems, basic concepts in RF design, nonlinearity and time variance, ISI, random
process and noise, sensitivity and dynamic range, passive impedance transformation, multiple access
techniques and wireless standards, mobile RF communication, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, wireless standards,
transceiver architectures, general considerations, receiver architecture, transmitter architectures,
transceiver performance tests, case studies, amplifiers, mixers and oscillators, LNAs, down conversion
mixers, cascaded stages, oscillators, frequency synthesizers, power amplifiers, linear and nonlinear power
amplifiers, high frequency power amplifiers, large signal impedance matching,
1. RF Microelectronics”, Behzad Razavi , Prentice Hall , 2001.
2. The Design of CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits, Thomas H. Lee, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Introduction to Personal communication Systems(PCS), New wireless technology, PCS, Unlicensed PCS
(UPCS )devices, UPCS applications, LANs using UPCS band, cellular spectrum efficiency, micro cell design in
PCS environment, Adaptive mobile network, WLAN technology and standardization, future cellular speech
encoding, antennas and power for mobile PCS system, multiband mobile antennas, PCS channel
propagation in maritime environments, satellite based mobile communication systems, LEO systems, LEO
signal processing design for TELSTAR I satellite, mobile cellular CDMA application and implementation,
CDMA in mobile satellite service,
1. Personal Communications Systems Applications: FRED J RICCI, Prentice Hall PTR, 1997
2. Mobile Satellite Communication Networks – RE SHERIFF, YF HU, John Wiley, 2001
3. Wireless and Cellular telecommunications, 3/e, WILLIAM CY LEE, MGH, 2006
Linear Prediction and Optimum linear filters:,Power spectrum estimation: Adaptive Filter theory:
Discrete cosine transforms (DCTs), Discrete sine transforms (DSTs), KL transforms, Hadamard
transforms, Walsh transforms and Wave let transforms. Applications of DCTs and Wavelets.
1. DSP – Principles, Algorithms and Applications -- JG PROAKIS, DG MANOLAKIS, 3/e, PHI.,
2. Adaptive Filter Theory – S.HAYKIN, 2nd Edition, PRENTICE HALL. 2001
3. Signal Processing, The Model based approach – JANES V.CANDY, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
1. VLSI Fabrication Principles, S.K.GANDHI , John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1994
2. VLSI Technology, S.M.SZE, McGraw-Hill Book Company, NY, 1988.
3. Principles of Microelectronics Technology, D. NAGCHOUDHURI, Wheeler (India), 1998.
Natural and human-induced disasters - Disaster Classification and Statistics – Disaster Management –
Prevention, preparedness and relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction – hazard vulnerability and Risk
Mapping - International Decade of Natural Disaster Management – Need for the study. Remote Sensing
and GIS applications in natural disaster management Post disaster management – concept of risk – relief
operations – community education and involvement
1. Environmental Risks and Hazards, CUTTER S.L.,(Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi, 1999)
2. Remote Sensing of Environment, LINTZ J JR AND D.S. SIMONETT , Addison Wesley, . (1976)
Entrepreneur And Entrepreneurship Establishing The Small Scale Enterprise: Operating The Small Scale
Industry: : Management Performance Assessment And Control; Strategies For Stabilisation And Growth;
Managing Family Enterprises.
1. Entrepreneurial Development: Principles, Policies and Programmers, ESS Pec Key Publishing House,
1. Solar Energy – Thermal Collection and Storage, S. P. SUKHATME , Tata- McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1984 –
2. Non-conventional Energy Sources, G. D. RAI , Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999 –
Credits: 3
1. Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence, LIMIN FU, McGraw Hill Co., 1994.
2. Neural Networks & Fuzzy systems, B.KOSKO, Prentice Hall (India) Ltd., 1992. Chapters: 7, 8, 9, 10,
Scope, concept and significance of surface engineering, development of the technology of surface
improvement in structural materials, geometrical, mechanical and physico- chemical concept of the surface,
surface energy and surface phenomena.Coatings and evaluation of coatings. Techniques for producing
surface layers: Process fundamentals and applications of newest techniques of producing surface layers:
1. Surface Engineering of Metals – Principles, Equipment, Technologies, CRC Press, 1999 – T.
Burakowski and Wierzchon.
2. Surface Engineering for wear Resistance, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1998 - K. G. Budinski.
General Management, marketing Management: Productivity And Work Study: Quality Management:
Inventory Management: Project Management:
1) Donald J Clough. “Concepts in Management Science”, Prentice Hall of India.
2) Philip Kotler, “Marketing Management”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2000