Fronius IG Series User Manual

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FRONIUS IG GB Operating Instructions

15 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 60 / 60 HV Grid-connected inverters for

photovoltaic systems

42,0410,0828 012011
Dear Reader

Introduction Thank you for choosing Fronius - and congratulations on your new, technically high-
grade Fronius product! This instruction manual will help you get to know your new
machine. Read the manual carefully and you will soon be familiar with all the many
great features of your new Fronius product. This really is the best way to get the most
out of all the advantages that your machine has to offer.

Please also take special note of the safety rules - and observe them! In this way, you
will help to ensure more safety at your product location. And of course, if you treat your
product carefully, this definitely helps to prolong its enduring quality and reliability - things
which are both essential prerequisites for getting outstanding results.

ud_fr_st_et_00493 012004
Safety rules

“DANGER!” indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury. This signal word must be
limited to the most extreme situations. This signal word is not used for
hazards relating to property damage unless there is also a risk of personal
injury appropriate to this level.

“WARNING!” indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury. This signal word is not used
for hazards relating to property damage unless there is also a risk of perso-
nal injury appropriate to this level.

“CAUTION!” indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avo-
ided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to draw
attention to unsafe practices that may cause damage to property.

NOTE! “NOTE!” indicates a situation which implies a risk of impaired results and
damage to the equipment.

Important! “Important!” indicates practical hints and other particularly useful informati-
on. It is not a signal word for a harmful or dangerous situation.

Whenever you see any of the symbols shown above, pay close attention to
the contents of the manual!

General Remarks This equipment has been manufactured in accordance with the state of the
art and general safety-engineering principles. Nevertheless, incorrect opera-
tion or misuse may still endanger
- the life and well-being of the operator or of third parties,
- the equipment and other tangible assets belonging to the owner/operator,
- working efficiently with the equipment.

All persons involved in any way with starting up, servicing and maintaining
the equipment must
- be suitably qualified
- have good knowledge of dealing with electrical installations and
- read this instruction manual thoroughly and follow the instructions to the

The instruction manual must be kept at the machine location at all times. In
addition to the instruction manual, it is important to comply with both the
generally applicable and local accident prevention and environmental protec-
tion regulations.

All the safety instructions and warning signs on the machine itself:
- must be kept in a legible condition
- must not be damaged, must not be removed
- must not be covered, pasted or painted over

I ud_fr_se_sv_00923 022009
General Remarks For information about where the safety instructions and warning signs are
(continued) located on the machine, please refer to the section of your machine’s in-
struction manual headed “General Remarks”.

Any malfunctions which might impair machine safety must be remedied

immediately before the machine is switched on.

Your safety is at stake!

Utilisation for The machine may only be used for jobs as defined by the “intended purpose”.
Intended Purpose
Only Utilisation for any other purpose, or in any other manner, shall be deemed "not
in accordance with the intended purpose". The manufacturer shall not be
liable for any damage resulting from such improper use.

Utilisation in accordance with the “intended purpose” also comprises

- thorough reading of and compliance with all the instructions, safety in-
structions and warnings given in this manual
- performing all stipulated inspection and servicing work
- installation in accordance with the instruction manual

Where appropriate, the following guidelines should also be applied:

- regulations of the power supply company for input to the grid
- information provided by the manufacturer of the solar modules

Ambient Operation or storage of the machine outside the stipulated range is deemed
Conditions “not in accordance with the intended use”. The manufacturer shall not be
liable for any damage resulting therefrom.

Please refer to the technical data in your instruction manual for accurate
information about the permissible ambient conditions.

Qualified Staff The servicing information provided in this instruction manual is only intended
for qualified staff. An electric shock can be fatal. Please do not carry out any
activities other than those referred to in the documentation. This also applies
even if you are suitably qualified.

All cables and other leads must be firmly attached, undamaged, properly
insulated and adequately dimensioned. Have loose connections, scorched,
damaged or under-dimensioned cables and wires repaired immediately by
an authorised specialist company.

Maintenance and repair may only be carried out by an authorised specialist


There is no guarantee in the case of parts sourced from other suppliers that
these parts have been designed and manufactured to cope with the stresses
and safety requirements that will be placed on them. Use only original spare
parts (this also applies to standard parts).

Do not carry out any alterations, installations or modifications to the machine

without first getting the manufacturer’s permission.

Replace immediately any components that are not in perfect condition.

ud_fr_se_sv_00923 022009 II
Safety Precauti- Ensure when installing machines with cooling-air vents that the cooling air can flow freely
ons at the Machi- through the air vents without obstruction. Only operate the machine with the degree of
ne Location protection specified on the rating plate.

Information on The inverter generates a maximum sound power level of <80 dB(A) (ref. 1pW)
noise emission when operating under full load in accordance with IEC 62109-1.
The device is cooled as quietly as possible with the aid of an electronic tempe-
rature control system, and depends on the amount of converted power, the
ambient temperature, the level of soiling of the device, etc.

It is not possible to provide a workplace-related emission value for this device

because the actual sound pressure level is heavily influenced by the installati-
on situation, the power quality, the surrounding walls and the properties of the
room in general.

EMC device Devices with emission class A:

classifications - are only designed for use in an industrial setting
- can cause conducted and emitted interference in other areas.

Devices with emission class B:

- satisfy the emissions criteria for residential and industrial areas. This
also applies to residential areas in which power is supplied from the
public low-voltage grid.

EMC device classification as per the rating plate or technical specifications

EMC measures In certain cases, even though a device complies with the standard limit
values for emissions, it may affect the application area for which it was
designed (e.g. when there is sensitive equipment at the same location, or if
the site where the device is installed is close to either radio or television
If this is the case, then the operator is obliged to take appropriate action to
rectify the situation.

Mains connection High-performance devices (> 16 A) can affect the voltage quality on the mains
network because they can feed powerful current into the main supply.
This may affect a number of types of device in terms of:
- connection restrictions
- criteria with regard to maximum permissible mains impedance *)
- criteria with regard to minimum short-circuit power requirement *)

at the interface with the public mains network

see Technical Data

In this case, the plant operator or the person using the device should check
whether or not the device is allowed to be connected, where appropriate
through discussion with the power supply company.

III ud_fr_se_sv_00923 022009

Electrical Installa- Electrical installations may only be executed in accordance with the relevant
tions national and regional standards and specifications.

ESD Protective Danger of damage to electronic components due to electrostatic discharge.

Measures Take appropriate protective measures when replacing and installing the

Safety Precau- Only operate the machine if all its protective features are fully functional. If
tions in Normal any of the protective features are not fully functional, there is a danger to:
Operation - the life and well-being of the operator or other persons
- the equipment and other tangible assets belonging to the owner/operator
- working efficiently with the equipment.

Have any safety features that are not fully functional repaired by an autho-
rised specialist company before switching the machine on again.

Never bypass or disable safety features.

Safety markings Equipment with the CE mark fulfils the basic requirements of the Guideline
Governing Low-Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility. (More detailed
information about this may be found in the Annex or in the section of your
documentation headed “Technical Data”.)

Disposal Do not dispose of this device with normal domestic waste!

To comply with the European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment and its implementation as national law, electrical
equipment that has reached the end of its life must be collected separately
and returned to an approved recycling facility Any device that you no longer
require must be returned to our agent, or find out about the approved collec-
tion and recycling facilities in your area.
Ignoring this European Directive may have potentially adverse affects on the
environment and your health!

Data security The user is responsible for backing up data relating to changes made to
factory settings. The manufacturer will not accept liability if personal settings
are deleted.

Copyright Copyright to this instruction manual remains the property of the


The text and illustrations are all technically correct at the time of going to
print. The right to make modifications is reserved. The contents of the
instruction manual shall not provide the basis for any claims whatever on the
part of the purchaser. We should be most grateful for your comments if you
have any suggestions for improvement, or can point out to us any mistakes
which you may have found in the manual.

ud_fr_se_sv_00923 022009 IV
Table of Contents
Safety of persons ................................................................................................................... 4
Safety ............................................................................................................................ 4
Housing unit .................................................................................................................. 4
Galvanic insulation ........................................................................................................ 4
Monitoring the electrical mains network ........................................................................ 4
Photovoltaic generator .................................................................................................. 5
Mains connection .......................................................................................................... 5
DC plugs ....................................................................................................................... 5
AC plugs ....................................................................................................................... 5

The Safety Concept ............................................................................................................... 6

Standards and Regulations ........................................................................................... 6
Conformity Declaration ................................................................................................. 6

General Introduction ............................................................................................................... 7

How a photovoltaic system works ..................................................................................... 7
General information ...................................................................................................... 7
Your roof is your power generator ................................................................................. 7
Electricity is converted under the roof ........................................................................... 8
The FRONIUS IG Unit in the Photovoltaic System ........................................................... 9
General information ...................................................................................................... 9
Transforming DC into AC electricity .............................................................................. 9
Fully automatic operation management ........................................................................ 9
Voltage transformation and galvanic insulation ............................................................. 9
Monitoring the mains network ..................................................................................... 10
Display function and data communication .................................................................. 10
Your advantage ............................................................................................................ 11

Product description .............................................................................................................. 12

The FRONIUS IG Unit ..................................................................................................... 12
How it functions ........................................................................................................... 12
Startup phase .............................................................................................................. 12
Overview for FRONIUS IG (for indoor housing) ......................................................... 14
Overview for FRONIUS IG Outdoors .......................................................................... 15
LED for operating status ............................................................................................. 16

Operating scheme ................................................................................................................ 18

The Display ..................................................................................................................... 18
General information .................................................................................................... 18
Functions of the keys .................................................................................................. 18
Symbols ...................................................................................................................... 18
Navigating in the Display ................................................................................................. 19
Display illumination ..................................................................................................... 19
Menu level ................................................................................................................... 20
Select display mode .................................................................................................... 20
Scrolling between display functions ............................................................................ 21

Display Modes ................................................................................................................. 21
Scheme of display modes ........................................................................................... 21
Scheme of display readings ........................................................................................ 22
Display mode „Now“ .................................................................................................... 23
Display mode „Day / Year / Total“ ................................................................................ 26
The Setup Menu .............................................................................................................. 29
List of menu items ....................................................................................................... 29
Display mode „Setup“ ................................................................................................. 30
Enter the setup menu ................................................................................................. 30
Scroll among menu items ........................................................................................... 30
Setting the menu items ............................................................................................... 31

Additional information ........................................................................................................... 41

Upgrading the system ................................................................................................. 41
Forced ventilation ........................................................................................................ 42

Installation manual ............................................................................................................. 43

Open the housing ................................................................................................................. 44

FRONIUS IG (installation of the indoor housing) ........................................................ 44
FRONIUS IG Outdoors ............................................................................................... 45

Installation ............................................................................................................................ 46
Choosing the location general .................................................................................... 46
Choosing the location - indoor housing ....................................................................... 46
Choosing the location - outdoor housing..................................................................... 47
Fixing the wall mounting frame for indoor housing...................................................... 48
Fixing the wall mounting frame for FRONIUS IG Outdoors ....................................... 49

Connection ........................................................................................................................... 52
Connection to the Solar Modules and to the Public Mains .............................................. 52
Solar modules ............................................................................................................. 52
Mains network monitoring ........................................................................................... 52
Schemes with more than one inverter ........................................................................ 52
AC-side overcurrent protection ................................................................................... 53
Connection alternatives .............................................................................................. 53
1. Terminal block ......................................................................................................... 53
2. DC plug ................................................................................................................... 54
3. AC plug connection and DC plug ............................................................................ 55
4. FRONIUS IG Outdoors ........................................................................................... 57

Start up Operation ................................................................................................................ 59

Configuring your Inverter ................................................................................................. 59
Factory pre-set configuration ...................................................................................... 59
Your personal configuration ........................................................................................ 59

LocalNet ............................................................................................................................... 60
System upgrading /slot-in board system ..................................................................... 60
Data recorder .............................................................................................................. 60
COM Card ................................................................................................................... 60
Insert slot-in boards, FRONIUS IG (Installation for indoor housing) ........................... 61

Configuration............................................................................................................... 62
Example ...................................................................................................................... 62

Status diagnosis and repair .................................................................................................. 64

Service-Codes Displayed ................................................................................................ 64
Service display ............................................................................................................ 64
General service codes ................................................................................................ 64
Complete failure .......................................................................................................... 65
FRONIUS IG with several power stage sets ............................................................... 65
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................ 66
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................ 67
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................ 68
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................ 69
Class 5 ........................................................................................................................ 71
Customer service ........................................................................................................ 72

Annex ................................................................................................................................... 73
Technical Data ................................................................................................................. 73
Fronius IG 15 / 20 / 30 ................................................................................................ 73
Fronius IG 40 / 60 / 60 HV .......................................................................................... 74
Our product complies with the following standards and regulations ........................... 75
Warranty and Liability ...................................................................................................... 76
Warranty terms and liability ......................................................................................... 76
Scope of warranty ....................................................................................................... 76
Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 77
Warranty period .......................................................................................................... 77
Warranty evidence ...................................................................................................... 77
Maintenance and disposal of obsolete equipment .......................................................... 77
Recycling .................................................................................................................... 77

EC-Declaration of conformity ............................................................................................... 78

Safety of persons
Safety Warning! Incorrect operation and work performed incorrectly can
cause serious injury & damage! Only qualified staff are authorized to
put your FRONIUS IG unit into operation and only within the scope
of the respective technical regulations. Do not start operation or
carry out maintenance works before you have read the chapter
„Safety Conditions“!

Housing unit Only qualified installers are authorized to open the connection area.

Opening the connection area is only permitted when it is not under voltage.

The separately insulation encased power stage shall only be opened

when not under voltage and only by Fronius-trained service staff.

Galvanic insu- The design and function of the FRONIUS IG unit offer a maximum of safety,
lation both during installation as well as in operation. A complete galvanic insulati-
on between DC and AC side guarantees maximum safety.

The FRONIUS IG takes over the tasks of galvanic insulation and network
monitoring. The passive and active measures for the protection of per-
sons and equipment are understood by this.

Monitoring the Whenever conditions in the electric mains network are inconsistent with
electrical standard conditions (for example mains switch-off, interruption), your
mains net- FRONIUS IG unit will immediately stop operating and interrupt the supply
work of power into the mains.

Your FRONIUS IG unit can monitor the situation in the mains in several
ways, by
- monitoring voltage
- monitoring cycle frequency
- ENS (optional)

The ENS option is compulsory in only a few countries, and only for them
the FRONIUS IG unit is available with this option. In any case however
will the monitoring and safety systems integrated in the FRONIUS IG unit
be available as standard equipment.

Monitoring the The permanent ENS mains monitoring scheme is an additional link in its
electric mains safety chain. One of the signs by which ENS identifies abnormal situati-
network ons in the mains is a sudden increase of the impedance in the mains
(continued) network.

Both the permanent mains monitoring by your FRONIUS IG unit directly

as well as ENS make sure that in case of a mains blackout (due to being
switched off by the utility company or due to a defect in the transmission
line) it stops feeding power into the mains.

This scheme definitely prevents dangerous voltages at the AC lines and

constitutes an essential contribution towards avoiding hazards for the
maintenance staff.

Photovoltaic Before connecting the solar modules, you must check whether the voltage
generator parameters laid down in the manufacturer’s data correspond with reality.

When checking the voltage reading, please take into account that solar
modules supply a higher no-load voltage when temperatures are low and
insolation remains unchanged.

At an outside temperature of -10 degrees centigrade the no-load voltage

of the solar modules must in no case exceed 500 V - or 530 V for the IG
60 HV. The data sheet of the solar module will tell you the temperature
factors applicable for ascertaining the theoretical no-load voltage at -10
degrees centigrade.

In case the solar modules exceed a no-load voltage of 500 V - or 530 V

for the IG 60 HV - the FRONIUS IG unit will be completely damaged and
all warranty rights will cease to exist.

Mains connec- Only a licenced electricity installer is authorized to carry out the connec-
tion tion works to the public mains network.

DC plugs Note! If DC plugs are provided, they must never be disconnected

from the sockets of the solar modules as long as the FRONIUS IG
unit is feeding power into the mains. Before disconnecting the DC
plug you must always disconnect in the fuse for the house distribu-

AC plugs Note! Disconnect AC plug connections only when the equipment

is not under voltage, after having disconnected the fuse for the in-
house distribution panel.

The Safety Concept
Standards and Your FRONIUS IG unit complies with all applicable standards and regula-
Regulations tions.

They comprise in particular:

- Guideline 89/336/EEC electromagnetic compatibility

- Guideline 93/68/EEC CE-marking
- European standards EN 50 081-1, EN 50 082-2, EN 61 000-3-2
- „Guideline for parallel operation of self-owned photovoltaic generating
systems with the low voltage mains network of the utility supply compa-
ny“, issued by the Association of German Electric Utility Supply Compa-
nies (VDEW)
- „Technical Guidelines for parallel operation of self-owned photovoltaic
generating systems with the low voltage mains network of the utility
supply company“, issued by the Association of Electric Utility Supply
Companies of Austria
- „Safety requirements for photovoltaic energy generation plants“
(ÖNORM/ÖVE E2750), to the extent that these regulations are applica-
ble for the inverter.

Conformity The respective conformity declarations you will find in the appendix to
Declaration these operating instructions.

General Introduction
How a photovoltaic system works

General infor- The energy from worldwide insolation amounts to a total of about
mation 1,540,000,000,000,000,000 kWh/year (1,540 Peta kWh/year). This is
15.000 times as much as the electricity consumption worldwide. We
congratulate you on your decision to actively use world’s biggest energy
pool. By the way, it was a scientist in the field of of physics, Alexandre-
Edmond Bequerel, who first discovered the photo-voltaic effect in 1839.
The name photo-voltaic comes from the driving force behind this techno-
logy, which is the ray of light. The ray of light consists of unimaginably tiny
particles, the photons.

Your roof is Let us simply start our explanation with a straight silicon solar cell. Re-
your power membering our physics class in school, we know that there are four elec-
generator trons in the outside electron shell of a silicon atom arranged around its
atomic nucleus, they are the so-called peripheral valency electrons. The
sunlight’s photons enter the solar cells and concentrate energy in the
valency electrons. The electron eventually separates from the silicon atom
and leaves behind it an atom with a positive charge.

So that the free electrons will flow in one direction and thus generate
electricity, the poles on the front and back side of the cell must be diffe-
rent from each other.

The silicon atoms of the front must be packed with a slight quantity of
phosphor atoms which contain an additional valency electron. On the
back of the cell, atoms of boron having only three valency electrons are
added to the silicon atoms.

The result is an imbalance which makes the electrons flow, and this is
how electric power is generated.

Many such solar cells united together and packed behind glass form one
of your solar modules.

Your roof is + Power output and voltage are

module 1
your power increased by combining a number

generator of solar cells. If solar modules are
(continued) mod. 1 connected in series like on a string,

total string tension

both the output potential as well as

module 2
the voltage will increase.

mod. 2

module 3
mod. n

In a parallel connection of several

such strings the potential output

tension module 1, 2, ... n

string 1

string 2

string 3
and the modular electric power will

total string tension =

increase, while the voltage will
remain unchanged. The total of all
mod. 1 mod. 2 mod. n solar modules connected parallel
and in series is called solar genera-

Electricity is The direct current generated in the solar modules can be fed into the
converted public mains network or put to home use after having been transformed in
under the roof an inverter.
This is the basic purpose of your FRONIUS IG unit.

The FRONIUS IG Unit in the Photovoltaic System

General infor- Your FRONIUS IG unit is the latest generation of solar inverters. It is the
mation highly complex link between solar modules and the public electricity
mains network.

As such it is in charge of a number of highly qualified tasks.

Transforming The FRONIUS IG unit transforms the direct current generated by the solar
DC into AC modules into alternating current. This alternating current is fed into your
electricity home system or into the public mains synchronically with the voltage
which is used there. The FRONIUS IG has been designed exclusively for
use in mains connected photovoltaic schemes. It cannot generate electric
power independent from the public mains network.

Fully automa- The operation of the FRONIUS IG unit is fully automatic. Starting with
tic operation sunrise, as soon as the solar modules generate enough power, the auto-
management matic control unit starts monitoring voltage and frequency. As soon as
there is a sufficient level of insolation, your solar inverter starts supplying
and feeding power. A few Watts of solar power output are sufficient to
achieve this, depending on which version the unit is!

The operation of the FRONIUS IG unit ensures that at any time the maxi-
mum possible power output is drawn from the solar modules.

This function is called MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking). It opera-

tes with extremely high precision. As dusk starts there is no more suffi-
cient energy available to feed power into the mains, the FRONIUS IG unit
shuts the mains connection completely and stops operating. All settings
and data recorded are of course saved.

Voltage trans- The FRONIUS IG has been designed for use with solar modules of a wide
formation and range of input voltages. This allows the use of the greatest variety of
galvanic insu- types of solar modules. Important notice: the parameters indicated for
lation maximum DC voltage (total voltage of the solar cells connected) must at
no time be exceeded!

By its design and operation, the FRONIUS IG offers a maximum of safety

during installation as well as in operation.

Voltage trans- The FRONIUS IG is equipped with an HF-transformer (HF = high frequen-
formation and cy) which assures a galvanic insulation between the DC side and the
galvanic insu- mains. In addition, the HF principle results in a drastic reduction of the
lation transformer’s size, which means that it requires less space and has consi-
(continued) derably less weight. In spite of its full galvanic insulation, the FRONIUS IG
unit achieves a high degree of efficiency, due to its innovative circuit

Monitoring the The FRONIUS IG unit is in charge of monitoring the mains network. This
mains network responsibility comprises all measures necessary for the protection of
persons and machines in case of a power blackout.

The FRONIUS IG unit is programmed to stop operation immediately and

stop supplying power whenever conditions in the mains network deviate
from standard (for example when power is switched off or in case of any
other kind of interruption).

There are several ways how the FRONIUS IG unit can identify a mains-
cutoff, it can do so for example by monitoring:
- voltage
- frequency
- resistance (only FRONIUS IG with ENS)

For this purpose it is important that the specific monitoring procedures

applicable for the respective countries are carried out directly by the FRO-
NIUS IG unit without the use of additional electronic monitoring devices.
This will result in a substantial reduction of the installation work and cost.

Display func- The complex technical systems of innovative solar inverters make it ne-
tion and data cessary to design the display which is the interface with the user very
communicati- carefully. It is an unwavering design aiming at ease of operation and
on permanent availability of the system’s data.

The FRONIUS IG unit is equipped with a basic recording function for

monitoring minimum and maximum data on a daily and a cumulative
basis directly from the display. There is also an option to allow the reading
of the following weather data on the display:
- two different temperature readings (for example temperature at the
solar modules as well as the outside temperature in the shade)
- insolation

In additition to the functions installed in the FRONIUS IG unit, a wide

choice of elements offered for data communication allows for many possi-
bilities of recording and visualising data. The respective components
required to upgrade the system are easy to install using the FRONIUS IG
DatCom operating instructions. The installation of system upgrades, such
as DatCom components, allows for possible remote system monitoring

Display func- via modem, text messages to mobile phones in the event of faults, data
tion and data visualisation and data comparison on the PC.

Your advan- With each additional task, as described above and controlled directly by
tage the inverter, installation becomes easier and less costly because no addi-
tional peripheral equipment will be required. Based on our experience and
the use of the most innovative technologies, the FRONIUS IG unit is able
to manage all these tasks simultaneously.

In addition, the FRONIUS IG unit complies with a whole number of requi-

rements established for the safety of people and other household ap-
pliances, as well for its own safety.

Some of these requirements are:

- ability to monitor the mains network
- the quality of the electricity supplied
- detection of outside disturbance and interference (for example mobile

Annexed you will find the respective certificates.

Product description


How it func- The FRONIUS IG unit is designed for fully automatic operation. Basically
tions no personal control is necessary for feeding the power it generates into
the mains network.

The FRONIUS IG unit starts operating automatically as soon as the solar

modules produce sufficient power output after sunrise. From this point
onwards, you will also receive system information from the FRONIUS AG
graphic display.

During its operation the FRONIUS IG unit maintains the voltage of the
solar modules at any time within the range of optimal power withdrawal.
- the optimal voltage for any particular status of operation of the solar
modules is called MPP voltage (MPP = maximum power point)
- exactly maintaining the MPP voltage guarantees an optimal level of the
efficiency factor of your solar modules at any time (MPP-tracking).

As soon as dusk begins there is no more sufficient energy available to

feed into the mains network, the FRONIUS IG unit fully shuts off the
mains connection.
- during the night the FRONIUS IG unit does not draw any energy from
the public mains
- the data and parameters set remain available
- it is also possible to shut the unit off manually

Startup phase After having switched on automatically, the FRONIUS IG unit goes throu-
gh a self-test, and after that through a test of the public mains network.

This test takes between only few seconds up to several minutes, depen-
ding on the regulations in your country. During startup the LED illuminati-
on is yellow.

(1) Segment test

- all display elements light up for about one second

(2) TEST
- self test of important components of the FRONIUS IG unit
- The FRONIUS IG unit goes through a master check list for a period
of only a few seconds
- the display says „TEST“ and indicates the respective component
which is being tested (for example „LED“)

Startup phase

(3) Synchronisation with mains

- The screen displays „SYN-
- „WAITPS“ is displayed: The
FRONIUS IG is waiting for all - „SYNCAC“ is displayed subse-
power supplies in the network quently.
to be on stand-by. This proce-
dure takes place dependent
on the DC-voltage.

(4) Startup test

- Before the FRONIUS IG unit starts supplying power into the mains,
the conditions of the mains network are tested in detail in accor-
dance with the regulations of your country.
- the screen displays „STARTUP“

Depending on the regulations of each country, the startup test can take
between just a few seconds up to several minutes. The time elapsed is
indicated by a bar shrinking from top down.

Whenever two scale divisions stop flashing and disap-

pear, 1/10 of the total duration of the test is over

(5) Synchronisation ENS (option)

- if the FRONIUS IG unit is equipped with the ENS option, every
detail of the ENS will be tested and synchronized
- the screen displays „SYNCENS“

Depending on the operating status of the ENS, test and synchronization

may take up to several seconds.

(6) Operation of feeding power supply into the mains network

- After termination of the tests, the FRONIUS IG unit starts feeding
power into the mains network.
- The LED lights up green, and the FRONIUS IG unit starts operating

Overview for (1) storage area for operation and installation manual
(for indoor (2) ventilation grill
housing) (3) LED for operation status
(4) display
(5) keyboard
(6) slot -in board area
(7) various versions of connection plate
(8) connection area - to be opened only by licensed electricity installers
(9) power stage, separately insulation encased - to be opened only by
Fronius trained service staff





(7) (5)

Overview for
Outdoors (1)


(8) (2)


(1) (7) (6) (5)

(1) tightening screws for housing

(2) cooling bonnets
(3) LED for operation status
(4) display outside
(5) keyboard outside
(6) covering for AC connection and slot-in board area
(7) connection rail Multicontact
(8) cover slide to protect the buttons and the display from the sun’s rays.

Note! We recommend that the cover slide is pushed in front of the

display in cases of direct sunshine.

LED for opera-
ting status


Depending on the operating status, the LED assumes different colours

(1) LED lights up green:

- a green light starts as soon as the FRONIUS IG unit has completed
the startup phase, it stays green as long as the operation of feeding
power into the network continues
- it indicates faultless operation of the photovoltaic equipment

(2) LED flashes green:

- as long as the photovoltaic equipment is operating without fault
- and an additional message is displayed on the screen

Note! A message appears for example if there is an insulation

fault, which however does not affect the function of the FRONIUS
IG. However for safety reasons we recommend that the insulation
fault is remedied as soon as possible.
Depending on the country setup, the inverter can also disconnect
from the public grid when there is an insulation error and stop
feeding energy into the grid.

The FRONIUS IG with display shows a status message. A message is

displayed in the FRONIUS IG.access software for the FRONIUS IG wit-
hout display.

If a message (e.g. „502“, Section „Status diagnosis and remedy) is shown,

rectify the relevant status and acknowledge this by pressing the „Enter“

(3) LED lights up orange:

- The FRONUS IG unit will enter the automatic startup-phase, as soon
as after sunrise the photovoltaic modules yield sufficient power output

LED for opera- (4) LED flashes orange:
ting status - when a warning is being displayed on the screen
(continued) - or the FRONIUS IG unit has been set to standby operation in the
setup menu = manual shutoff of power supply operation
- after the next day sunrise, power supply operation will be resu-
med automatically
- during the time while the orange LED keeps flashing, the power
supply operation can be resumed manually at any time (see
chapter „Setup Menu“)

(5) LED lights up red:

- general status: the respective service code is displayed on the
Inverter does not feed energy into the public grid.

A list of all service codes, the corresponding status informations, their

status causes and repair measures can be found in the chapter „Sta-
tus Diagnosis and Repair“ of the installation and service manual.

(6) LED remains dark:

- there is no connection to the solar modules
- no power output from module due to darkness

Operating scheme

The Display

General infor- The FRONIUS IG unit is pre-configured to be ready for operation, therefo-
mation re it is not necessary to make any adjustments in order to be able to get it
to operate fully automatic and feed power into the mains.

The display is powered by the solar module and is therefore available

throughout the day.

Important! The display of the FRONIUS IG is not a calibrated measuring

device. A slight deviation by a few percent is inherent in the system.
Therefore, a calibrated meter is required for accurate settlement of data
with the electricity supply company.

Functions of Key (A) and (B):

the keys - for scrolling

key (C):
- for switching to the menu level
(„Menu“) or exit from the setup
menu („Esc“) key „Enter“ (D):
- for confirming a choice
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(2) (12) (11) (10) (9)


(1) (3)

(1) symbols for keys (A) through (D)

(2) symbols for the display modes „Now“ through „Setup“

Symbols (3) area for data display ... for displaying the data value measured
(4) area for unit display ... for displaying the measuring unit applicable

(5) segment bar ... indicates at any time the power output fed into the
mains at a given time - independent from the display mode chosen.
The screen displays % of the maximum possible power supply out
put of your solar inverter

(6) ... appears with data readings which are directly related to the
public mains network

(7) ... appears with data readings which are directly related to
the solar modules

(8) ... appears with data readings which are related directly to the

(9) ... appears with data readings which are related to environment
conditions, like insolation and temperature (optional)

(10) ...appears with data readings which are transmitted by the con-
sumption sensor (optional)

(11) Max ... the data reading indicates the maximum within the period of
observation (depending on the display mode chosen)

(12) Min ... the data reading indicates the minimum within the period of
observation (depending on the mode of display chosen)

Important! The Min. and Max. values do not correspond to the absolute
extreme values, as the measuring data value capture takes place at two
second intervals

Navigating in the Display

Display illumi- Press any key to activate the display lighting. If no key is pressed during
nation 30 seconds, the display lighting stops. At the same time the setup menu
offers a choice between permanently lit or permanently dark display.

Menu level From the menu level you enter the
display mode or the setup menu.
Move into the menu surface by
pressing key (C)

- the screen displays „Menu“
- the display is operating in the
menu level

Select display (1) (2) (3) (4) - move into the menu level
mode - select the desired display mode
(1) to (4) by pressing keys (A) or
- enter the display mode selected:
press key „Enter“ (D)

(A) Note! for the menu item

„Year“ a real time clock is
(A) (B) (D) required. The menu item
(B) „Year“ is only supported
when the option data recor-
der is connected. This
system upgrade is equipped
with a real time clock.

between dis-
play functions

(A) (B) (A) (B)

(A) (B)

- select the desired display mode (see above)

- scroll between the display functions available with keys (A) or (B)

Display Modes

Scheme of The following display modes are available:

display modes
display mode „Now“ ...shows present data

display mode „Day“ ... shows data for supply into the mains for the
current day

display mode „Year“ ...shows data for supply into the mains in current
calendar year - only in combination with data recorder option

display mode „Total“ ... shows data for supply into the mains since your
FRONIUS IG unit has been first operating

Scheme of The following scheme contains a brief list of the display readings available.
display rea-
dings Display readings without footnote are shown when the setting „standard“
is chosen (factory setting).

* optional - if the required option card is not available, the message

„N.A.“ (nicht angeschlossen = not connected) is displayed.

Mode „Now“ Mode „Day“ / „Year“ / „Total“

output supplied energy supplied
(W) (kWh / MWh)
voltage yield
(V) (set applicable currency)
electricity supplied CO2-reduction
(A) (kg / t)
mains frequency power output supplied (maxim.)
(Hz) (W)
* mains impedance mains voltage (maximum)
(Ohm) (V)
module voltage mains voltage (minimum)
(V) (V)
module power module voltage (maximum)
(A) (V)
* module temperature * energy as read by consumption
(°C;alternatively also °F) meter
(kWh / MWh)
insulation resistance * module temperature (maximum)
(MOhm) (°C; alternat. also °F)
* output reading of consumption * module temperature (minimum)
meter (°C; alternat. also °F)
* ambient temperature * ambient temperature(maximum)
(°C; alternnatively also in °F) (°C; alternat. also °F)
* insolation * ambient temperature( minimum)
(W/m²) (°C; alternat. also °F)
* time * insolation (maximum)
(HH:MM) (W/m²)
operating hours of FRONIUS IG

Display mode
Displays present readings

- select display mode „Now“ (chapter „The Display“)

- the first display function of the display mode „Now“ appears

* optional - in case the card for the required option is not available, the
message „N.A.“ is displayed

power supplied .. power

supplied to mains at this mo-
ment (Watt)

- for the next item press key (B)

(A) (B) - to scroll back press key (A)

mains voltage

power supplied ...power

supplied to mains at the parti-
cular moment (Ampere)

mains frequency

* mains impedance ... resi-

stance of mains - parameter for
safe power supply to mains
(Ohm; optional ENS)

The resistance of the local low voltage mains up to the next transformer
station is metered.

Whenever the local low voltage mains network is switched off for repair
works, the mains impedance will increase substantially, in this case the
FRONIUS IG unit will interrupt power supply for safety reasons.

Display mode module voltage... voltage in
„Now“ the solar modules at the mo-
(continued) ment of data display

The voltage indicated during power supply into mains is equal to the so-
called MPP voltage (MPP = maximum power point). The FRONIUS IG
unit keeps the module voltage always within the maximum possible power
output withdrawal from the solar modules. This always guarantees an
optimum efficiency performance of your photovoltaic generator..

module power ... power supp-

lied by solar modules at the
moment of data display (Am-

The FRONIUS IG unit keeps the module voltage always within the range
of the maximum possible power withdrawal from the solar modules. This
results in the optimum for the module electricity.

* module temperature ... tem-

perature at solar modules
(degrees centigrade; can also
be set for degrees Fahrenheit;
temperature sensor No.1;
sensor card optional)

isolation resistance of photo-

voltaic generator (MOhm)

Isolation resistance is the resistance between the positive pole or the

minus pole of the photovoltaic generator and the grounding potential.
Whenever an isolation resistance higher than 500 kOhm is shown, the
photovoltaic generator is sufficiently insulated.

Warning! An isolation resistance < 500 kOhm can be caused by an

insufficiently insulated DC cable or by defective solar modules. In
case of an insufficient isolation resistance you must in any case
contact your Fronius service partner.

Important! Only an isolation resistance of less than 500 kOhm indicates

that there is an error. Whenever a higher insulation reistance is shown it is
not to be interpreted as an error.

Whenever there is an isolation resistance of less than 10 MOhm, the

display differentiates between the negative potential and the earthing
(minus sign „-“) and the positive potential and the earthing (plus sign „+“)

Display mode Display example for negative po-
„Now“ tential (sign „-“)
(continued) Short circuit between DC- line and

Display example for positive poten-

tial (sign „+“)
Short circuit between DC+ line and

* power output drawn from

mains supply... present con-
sumption (Watt; sensor card

* ambient temperature (°C;°C;

can also be set for °F in setup
menu; temperature sensor
Nr.2; sensor card optional)

* insolation ... insolation power

output impact per square meter
(Watt/m²; sensor card option)

* time of the day (data recorder

is optional)

Display mode
„Day / Year /
Total“ Display mode „Day“ ... shows readings for mains supply feed-in of current
day - only in combination with bus-master option

Important! For the FRONIUS IG unit, the day begins with the moment it
switches on. In case the DC supply line is disconnected, the following
parameters will be re-set after repeating the start-up:

- power supplied (kWH)

- yield (currency can be selected)
- CO2-reduction (kg)
- maximum power supplied (Watt)
- maximum mains voltage(Volt)
- minimum mains voltage (Volt)
- energy drawn from mains supply (kWh)
- operating hours for FRONIUS IG unit

The information given above does not apply for the data recorder option.
If the data recorder option is available the display values listed always
apply for the whole of the mains supply feed day.

Display mode „Year“ ...shows readings of power supply for the current
calendar year (only in conjunction with data recorder)

Display mode „Total“ ...shows readings of power supply since original start
of operation of the FRONIUS IG unit.

- select display mode „Day“ / „Year“ / „Total“ (chapter „The Display“)

- the first display function of the display mode selected will appear

* optional - in case the required sensor card is not available, the mes-
sage „N.A.“ is displayed.

Display mode Energy supplied ... energy
„Day / Year / supplied during period monito-
Total“ red (kWh / MWh)

(A) (B)

Due to different monitoring systems there can be deviations in compari-

son with readings of other metering instruments. For invoicing of the
energy supplied only the readings of the calibrated meter supplied by the
electric utility company are relevant.

- press key (B) for next item

- to scroll back press key (A)

Yield ... money earned during

period monitored (set currency
in setup menu)

Important! As was the case for the energy supplied, also here readings
may differ from those of other instruments.

Chapter „Setup Menu“ tells how to set currency and rate applicable for
invoicing. The factory setting is 0,48 Euro/kWh.

CO2-reduction ... CO2 emissi-

on saved during monitored
period (kg/t)

Indication of CO2 emission (in kg/t) which would be released during gene-
ration of same amount of electricity in a thermal power station. Set for
0,59 kg/kWh in the factory (source of information: DGS - German Society
for Solar Energy).

Maximum power input ..

highest power input into main
during observation period (W)

Maximum mains voltage ...

highest reading of mains volta-
ge (V) during observation

Display mode Minimum mains voltage...
„Day / Year / lowest reading of mains volta-
Total“ ge (V) during observation
(continued) period

Maximum module voltage...

highest reading of module
voltage (V) during observation

* Energy consumption meter

energy consumed during ob-
servation period (kWh / MWh;
applicable for consumption

* maximum temperature at
module... highest temperature
reading at solar modules du-
ring observation period (°C;
can also be set for°F in setup
Note! Fit the temperature
menu; temperature sensor No.
probe on the rear side of
1; applicable for sensor card)
the solar module.

* minimum temperature at
module...lowest temperature
reading at solar modules du-
ring observation period (°C;
can also be set for°F in setup
menu; temperature sensor No.
1; applicable for sensor card)

* maximum ambient tempera-

ture ... highest temperature
reading during observation
period (°C; can also be set for
°F in setup menu; temperature
sensor No. 2; applicable for
sensor card)

* minimum ambient tempera-

ture...lowest temperature
reading at solar modules du-
ring observation period (°C;
can also be set for °F in setup
menu;temperature sensor No2;
applicable for sensor card)

Display mode * maximum insolation... high-
„Day / Year / est insolation during observati-
Total“ on period (W/m²; sensor card
(continued) optional)

operating hours ... duration of

operation of FRONIUS IG unit

Duration of operation is shown in hours and minutes upto 999 h and 59

min (display: „999:59“). From then on only full hours are displayed.

Although the FRONIUS IG unit is not operating during the night, all data
required for the sensor card option are monitored and saved around the

The Setup Menu

List of menu The following brief scheme shows the menu items provided for readju-
items sting preset parameters of the FRONIUS IG unit

0 ... 7
currency rate / kWh
01 ... 99 (100. FRONIUS IG = 00)
Date Time
Iso_Warn ON OFF
Status display - power stage sets
MainCtrl PS01 ENS

Display mode
The setup menu allows easy readjustment of the preset parameters of the
FRONIUS IG unit in order to adapt to your needs and requirements in the
best possible way.

Enter the (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) - move to to the menu level (chap-
setup menu ter „Navigating in the Display“)
- select mode „Setup (5)“ with keys
(A) or (B)
- enter the mode „Setup“ (5) :
press key „Enter“ (D)


(A) (B) (D)


- „Standby“, the first item on the

menu, is displayed

Scroll among
menu items

(A) (B) (A) (B)

(A) (B)

- select the desired display mode (see above)

- scroll with keys (A) or (B) among the menu items available

Setting the - „Standby“ ...activate/deactivate
menu items the standby operation by pres-
sing the „Enter“ key


The menu item „Standby“ allows manual activation of the standby operati-
on of the FRONIUS IG unit.

During standby operation the electronic system of the power stage is

switched off. No power is fed into the mains. There is an orange flash on
the LED. The following message is flashed intermittently on the screen::


- The orange flashing LED stops with dusk arriving.

- After the subsequent sunrise, the power supply operation into the mains
is resumed automatically (after termination of the startup phase the
LED is illuminated green)
- mains supply operation can be resumed at any time whenever the LED
is flashing orange (deactivate „standby“)

- LED with green light: activate „standby“ =manual shutoff of operation

supplying power into mains system:
- press key „Enter“ (D)
- LED with orange flash: deactivate „standby“ = resuming operation
supplying power into mains system
- press key „Enter“ (D)

- „Contrast“ ... set contrast on
LCD display

- enter „Contrast“: press key „En-

ter“ (D)
(C) (D)
As contrast depends on tempera-
(D) ture, it may be necessary to adjust
the menu item „Contrast“ when
- select from settings „0“ to ambient conditions change.
„7“ - press key (A) or (B):

Settings for minimum possible

contrast (0) upto maximum possib-
le contrast (7):

(C) (D) - accept: press key „Enter (D)“


- maintain previous setting: press

(B) key „Esc“ (C)

(C) (D)

- „Menu Mode“ ... cannot be



- „Light Mode“ ... pre-setting of
display illumination

- to enter „Light Mode“: press key

„Enter“ (D)
(C) (D)

(D) - To switch between settings

Auto 1., On 2. and Off 3.
- press keys (A) or (B):

1. The display illumination will stop

30 seconds after the last time a
key has been pressed
- accept: press key „Enter“ (D)
(C) (D) - maintain previous setting: press
key „Esc“ (C)

2. The display will remain perma-
nently illuminated for the duration
of the operation of power supply
into the mains
(A) (C) (D) - accept: press key „Enter“ (D)
- maintain previous setting: press
key „Esc“ (C)
3. The display illumination will be
permanently off:
- accept: press key „Enter“ (D)
- maintain previous setting: press
(C) (D) key „Esc“ (C)

Important! These instructions are only applicable for the display back-
ground illumination. It is not necessary to deactivate the display itself
because its energy consumption is less than one mW (1/1000 W).

- „Cash“ ... setting of currency

and rate for invoicing the energy
- enter „Cash“ by pressing key
„Enter“ (D)
(C) (D)

1 2

1 2 1. Enter currency (factory pre-set
for EUR)

- first digit starts flashing

- select a character for the first
(A) (B) (C) (D) digit by pressing key (A) or (B)
(D) - confirm by pressing key


- next digit starts flashing

- follow same procedure as descri-

bed above for subsequent digits
- accept the currency selected by
pressing key „Enter“ (D)
- to maintain previous setting,
(A) (B) (C) (D) press key „Esc“ (C)

2.Enter rate per kWh according

currency selected (preset rate:
0,48 EUR/kWh)

- first digit starts flashing

(A) (B) (C) (D) - select a figure for the first digit by
(D) pressing key (A) or (B)
- confirm by pressing key „Enter“


- next digit starts flashing
- for subsequent digits, follow
same procedure as described
above for first digit

(A) (B) (C) (D)

- decimal point starts flashing
- move the decimal point to the
position desired by pressing keys
(A) or (B)
- accept the rate set by pressing
(A) (B) (C) (D) key „Enter“ (D)
- to maintain previous setting,
Note! numbers between press key „Esc“ (C)
000,1 and 99,99 may be

- „IG-NR“ ...Setting the number
(=address) of the FRONIUS IG
unit in a setup comprising more
than one photovoltaic inverter
linked with each other
(C) (D)
- enter „IG-NR“ by pressing the
key „Enter“ (D)

enter address (01 ... 99)

(factory setting: 01)

- first digit starts flashing

- select a figure for the first digit by
(A) (B) (C) (D) pressing key (A) or (B)
- confirm with key „Enter“ (D)
(D) - subsequent digit starts flashing

- for second digit follow procedure

as described above for first digit

(A) (B) (D)

- accept the IG-No. selected: press key „Enter“ (D)

- maintain previous setting: press key „Esc“ (C)

Note! Allocate an own address to each FRONIUS IG when con-

necting several FRONIUS IG into a data communication network
using data recorders.

It is important to give each FRONIUS IG an own address, so that the data

recorder can differentiate between the individual static inverters. If two
FRONIUS IG are in the system with the same address, they cannot com-
municate with the data recorder. Set another address on the FRONIUS IG
showing the status-message 504.

(C) (D)

(A) (B) (A) (B)

(B) If a successful data link has been „Error“ is displayed if DatCom is

set up then „OKCOM“ is displayed. not installed or the data link is
not functioning correctly.

- Press key (B) to call up the Sig-

nal Card test

(D) (C)

(D) - Start the Signal Card test by Signal Card not installed
pressing the „Enter“ key (D)

Signal Card active
- The Signal Card‘s acoustic signal sounds for confirmation.

Important! Check the signal lines if the signal fails to sound.

Important! The menu item „Year“ is
only supported when the option
data recorder is connected.

- „Time“ ... setting of date and

(C) (D)
(D) - enter „Time“ by pressing key
„Enter“ (D)

1. Enter date (e.g.: 03.10.2003)

- first digit starts flashing

- select a character for the first
digit by pressing key (A) or (B)
(A) (B) (C) (D) - confirm by pressing key „Enter“
- next digit starts flashing

- follow the same procedure as

described above for subsequent
- accept the date selected by
pressing key „Enter“ (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D) - to maintain previous setting,
press key „Esc“ (C)

2. Enter time (e.g.: 15:47)

- first digit starts flashing

- select a figure for the first digit by
pressing key (A) or (B)
(A) (B) (C) (D) - confirm by pressing key „Enter“
- next digit starts flashing

- for subsequent digits, follow

same procedure as described
above for first digit
- accept the time set by pressing
key „Enter“ (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D) - to maintain previous setting,
press key „Esc“ (C)

- „Extended“ ... Isolation warning
activation and deactivation
- Press „Enter“ (D)

(D) (D)

- Isolation warning menu display

- Press „Enter“ (D)

(D) (D) (C)

- Use button (A) or (B) to selected
the „Off“ or „On“ setting
- Press „Enter“ (D) to apply the
When the setting is „Off,“ the „State
502“ Isolation warning is deactiva-
(B) ted.

„Off“ is recommended for solar

modules with a high ohm grounded
DC+ and DC- connection.

(D) (C)

- „STATE_PS“ ... Status display of
power stage sets
- Press „Enter“ key (D)


- In this case for example the first

power stage set (PS00) is on
- „Standby“ means no electricity is
(D) being fed into the public mains
(D) - Press „Enter“ key (D)

- Display of the most recently

stored service code (e.g. „State
Important! The most recently
stored service code and the display
„State Load“ appear alternately.

- Press „Esc“ key (C)


- The display for the first power

stage set (PS00) re-appears
- Change over to the second po-
wer stage set by pressing key (B)
(B) (B)

- In this case for example the

second power stage set (PS01)
is on „Run“
- „Run“ means intact delivery of
(D) electricity to the public mains
(D) - Press „Enter“ key (D)
- Display of the most recently
stored service code (e.g. „State---
Important! The most recently
stored service code and the display
„State Load“ appear alternately.

2x (C) - Escape: Press „Esc“ key (C)

Important! Status displays 306 (Power Low) and 307 (DC-Low) appear
naturally every morning and evening due to low solar irradiation. These
status messages are not the result of a fault.

- „Version“ displays version num-
ber and serial number of the IG
control unit and the power stage

- enter „Version“by pressing key

(D) - To switch between displays
MAINCTRL1., PS01 2. and ENS
3. - press key (A) or (B)
1. For displaying version number of
the IG control unit : press key
„Enter“ (D)
- exit by pressing key „Esc“ (C)
(C) (D) - to switch into display of serial
number for the IG control unit:
(A) press keys“ (A) or (B)“
- exit with key „Esc (C)“
version number
(B) (C)
(A) (B)
serial number 2
2.To display version number of
power stage, press key „Enter
(D)“ - exit with key „Esc (C)“
- to switch into display of serial
number of the power stage,
(C) (D)
press keys „(A) or (B)“ - exit with
key „Esc (C)“
(A) display
version number
3.To display type number of ENS:
(B) (C)
(A) (B) press key „Enter“ (D)
display - exit with key „Esc“ (C)
serial number - to switch into display of version
number for ENS:
press keys (A) or (B)
- exit with key „Esc“ (C)

Note! in case the FRONIUS

(C) (D) IG unit is not equipped with
the ENS option, type num-
display ber and version number
type number cannot be displayed.

(A) (B) (C) - after the „Enter“ key (D) has

display been pressed, the message
version number „N.A.“ is displayed on the screen
- exit by pressing key „Esc (C)“

Additional information
Upgrading the The FRONIUS IG unit is prepared for a whole series of system upgrades,
system such as:
- for communicating between FRONIUS IG and outside system extensi-
ons, for example with other FRONIUS IG units
- Data logger (for recording and managing data from your photovoltaic
system by PC) including datalogger and modem connection
- Various large displays (FRONIUS IG Public Display)
- Actuators / Relays / Alarm (FRONIUS IG Signal Card)
- Sensors (Thermo sensors / Irradiance / Metering)

The system upgrades are offered in slot-in boards, similar to those on

your personal computer.

For increased flexibility, all upgradings are also available in a version with
external housing

For an unlimited individual use of system upgradings, Fronius has de-

veloped the LocalNet. LocalNet is a data network which allows linking
more than one FRONIUS IG units with the system upgrade elements.

LocalNet is a bus system. One single cable is sufficient to allow communi-

cation between one or several FRONIUS IG units with all system upgrade
elements. This reduces the cable requirement to a minimum.

Upgrading the Please take further details from the chapter „LocalNet“ of the installation
system and service manual.

Forced venti- The FRONIUS IG unit is equipped with a temperature and rotation con-
lation trolled air circulator which provides for the following features:
- smaller heat sinks - more compact housing
- components are better cooled - efficiency increases / longer life
- least possible energy consumption / noise level, due to rotation control
and ball bearing support
- should there not be sufficient heat discharge in spite of maximum rotati-
on of the ventilator (for example no adequate heat transfer away from
the control panels) the power will be derated for auto-protection of the
- derating the power reduces the output of the FRONIUS IG unit for a
short period sufficient to ensure that the temperature will not exceed
the admissible parameter.
- your FRONIUS IG unit will remain ready for operation as long as
possible without any interruption.
- Even if the FRONIUS IG is frequently used at full load the fan can
be expected to last approx. 20 years.

Installation manual

Open the housing

FRONIUS IG Warning! Hazard due to supply voltage and DC-voltage from the
(installation of solar modules. Only licenced electricity installers are authorized to
the indoor open the connection area. Only Fronius-trained service staff are
housing) authorized to open the separately insulation-enclosed power stage
on condition that it is not under voltage.

Opening connection area



- insert screwdriver into the borehole (1) at the bottom of the FRONIUS IG
- unlock cover (2) of connection area by lifting the screwdriver carefully at
the end of its handle
- pull cover (2) of connection area downwards and away


Important! To close the connection area put on cover (2) and push it
forward until it reaches the locking position.

FRONIUS IG (3) connection section is open
(installation of (4) power stage
the indoor
housing) Warning! Hazard due to
(continued) supply voltage and DC-volta-
ge from the solar modules.
Only Fronius-trained service
staff are authorized to open
the separately insulation-
enclosed power stage
(5) (3) (4)

- loosen securing screw (5) and remove wall mounting frame

FRONIUS IG - loosen four screws (1)

Outdoors - remove cover (2)


Choosing the Make the best possible use of your FRONUS IG unit by additionally ob-
location gene- serving the following conditions:
- mains impedance should not be unnecessarily increased by a too nar-
row AC conductor cable cross section between the FRONIUS IG unit
and the in-house distribution panel. The AC conductor cable resistance
between the FRONIUS IG unit and the house distribution panel must
not exceed 0,5 Ohm.
- install it only on a solid vertical wall
- The ambient temperature should not be under minus 20 degrees or
over 50 degrees centigrade.
- No objects must be located within a distance of 15 cm around the air
vents on both sides of the FRONIUS IG unit
- Keep a lateral distance of 20 cm between individual FRONIUS IG units.
- The air flow direction within the inverter is from left to right (cold air
intake left, hot air exit right).
- When installing the FRONIUS IG unit in a switch panel cabinet (or
similar closed sections) it is necessary to make sure that the hot air
which develops will be discharged by forced ventilation.

Choosing the The FRONIUS IG unit can only be installed inside buildings or on outside
location - locations provided that they are protected from rain or snow.
indoor hou-
sing - During certain operation phases the FRONIUS IG unit may develop a
slight noise level, for this reason it should not be installed in the immedi-
ate vicinity of living areas
- the FRONIUS IG unit is not to be set up in areas where there is heavy
dust development
- the FRONIUS IG unit is not to be set up in areas where there is heavy
incidence of conducting dust particles (for example iron filings)
- the FRONIUS IG unit is to be installed at a height which keeps the
display slightly below the position of your eyes in order to secure best
possible readability of the display.
- The distance between the top edge of the FRONIUS IG and the ceiling
should be approx. 30 cm.

Do not install the inverter in:

- areas with large amounts of dust
- areas with large amounts of conducting dust particles (e.g., iron filings)
- areas with corrosive gases, acids or salts
- areas where there is an increased risk of accidents, e.g., from farm
animals (horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, etc.)
- stables or adjoining areas
- storage areas for hay, straw, chaff, animal feed, fertilizers, etc.

Choosing the - storage or processing areas for fruit, vegetables or winegrowing pro-
location - ducts
indoor hou- - areas used in the preparation of grain, green fodder or animal feeds
sing - greenhouses

Choosing the - The IP 45 protection system means that the FRONIUS IG can be ex-
location - posed to moisture. However we recommend if possible that direct mois-
outdoor hou- ture is avoided.
sing - In spite of the IP 45 protection system the FRONIUS IG Outdoors
should if possible not be exposed to the effects of the sun as there is no
display film worldwide that is resistant to UV-Rays over a period of time.
However to achieve a long life the FRONIUS IG Outdoors has an exteri-
or casing and a display with a cover slide.
- The protection of the display unit provided by the cover slide also incre-
ases the life of the film. (The ideal situation is choosing a partially pro-
tected fitting position for the FRONIUS IG Outdoors with exterior casing
e.g. in the area of the solar module, or under a projecting roof).
- FRONIUS IG can be installed vertically as well as horizontally - accor-
ding to chapter „Fixing the wall mounting for FRONIUS IG Outdoors“.
- For use in environments with heavy dust development: If necessary
remove the fan plates and clean the integrated fly screen

Do not install the inverter:

- where it can be exposed to ammonia, corrosive gasses, acids or salts
(e.g., fertilizer storage areas, vent openings of livestock stables, chemi-
cal plants, tanneries)

Fixing the wall Hazard due to supply voltage and DC-voltage from the solar modu-
mounting les. Only licensed electricity installers are authorized to open the
frame for connection area.
indoor hou-
sing (1)


(2) (3)

IG 30: 130 mm
IG 60: 373 mm
(4) (1x)

(2) (3)

Fixing the wall Important! Dowels and screws are

mounting not included as there are too many
frame for different types on the market to suit
indoor hou- different wall surfaces.
(continued) - fix wall mounting frame (1) with
suitable screws (2) and dowels
(3) on to a solid base.
- Open the connection area of the
FRONIUS IG unit (chapter „Ope-
ning the Housing“)

Caution! There is a danger of the machine toppling over. Hang

the FRONIUS IG unit into the wall mounting frame and secure it
with screw (4) in the connection area.

- install AC and DC cable as described in chapter „Connection“.

- close connection area and mount cover by means of tightening screw.

The housing is designed for a cable channel of up to 50 mm height which

can be located directly below the connection area, without
- cables visible below the FRONIUS IG unit
- impairing access to the connection area and the slot- in board area

Fixing the wall Important! Should a cable channel
mounting be located below the FRONIUS IG
frame for unit, the following must be obser-
indoor hou- ved:
sing - lower edge of FRONIUS IG unit
(continued) will be located exactly 26 mm
beneath the wall mounting frame
26 mm

Fixing the wall

frame for

vertical mounting horizontal mounting position


Important! According to the illustration above the wall mounting frame

can be mounted for horizontal position as well as for vertical position of

For draining seeped-in water:

- Vertical mounting position: remove draining screw (1)
- Horizontal mounting position: remove draining screw (2)



Fixing the wall The following illustration shows both parts (1) and (2) of the wall bracket.
mounting Both parts are included with the FRONIUS IG. The illustration shows how
frame for the FRONIUS IG is hung in part (1).
Outdoors Part (2) is fitted as follows:
(continued) - Slacken the screws (3) on the bottom of the FRONIUS IG
- Fit part (2) using the screws (3)




Fixing the wall
frame for (2x)
(4) (5)

IG 30: 434 mm
IG 60: 677 mm


Note! Rawl plugs and screws are not included as every base
surface requires different ones.

- Fit part (1) of the wall mounting to a solid base surface using suitable
screws (3) and rawl plugs (4)
- Open on the FRONIUS IG connecting area (section „Open housing“)

Caution! There is a danger of the machine toppling over if the

FRONIUS IG is not secured using part (2) of the wall bracket. Hang
the FRONIUS IG into part (1) of the wall bracket and secure using
part (2) of the wall bracket.

- Fit part (2) of the wall bracket using suitable screws and rawl plugs.

- Fit AC and DC cables as described in the section „Connection“

Important! Pay attention to the

following if a cable duct is fitted
underneath the FRONIUS IG:
- The bottom edge of the FRONI-
US IG is exactly 26 mm underne-
ath the top edge of part (2) of the
wall bracket

26 mm


Connection to the Solar Modules and to the Public


Solar modules The following points are important for the most economic use of the FRO-
NIUS IG unit when choosing suitable solar modules:

- the no-load voltage increases when temperature decreases with insola-

tion remaining unchanged. Therefore the no-load voltage must not
exceed 500 V - or 530 V for the IG 60 HV.

Whenever the no-load voltage of the solar modules exceeds 500 V - or

530 V for the IG 60 HV - the FRONIUS IG unit will be destroyed, and all
warranty rights will become null and void.

- More exact data for dimensioning the solar modules for the location
chosen can be obtained using calculation schemes such as the FRONI-
US configurator (available on

Mains network As your FRONIUS IG unit need be connected to only one phase of the
monitoring mains network, in can be installed in almost any part of the house.

Warning! In order to ensure the best possible functioning of the

mains monitoring system, it is important to make sure that there is a
minimum of resistance in the feeding lines to the connection point.
The AC conductor resistance between the FRONIUS IG unit and the
house distribution panel must not exceed 0,5 Ohm.

Warning! Hazard due to supply voltage and DC-voltage from the

solar modules. Only licenced electricity installers are authorized to
open the connection area and only provided that it is not under

Schemes with For larger photovoltaic schemes it is possible to connect several FRONI-
more than one US IG units in parallel without any problems.
In order to secure a symmetric feed-in of the power supply, the FRONIUS
IG units should be connected evenly to all 3 phases.
If you have any doubt you should approach your specialized dealer whe-
never there are technical problems.

AC-side over- Important! We recommend the following for AC-side overcurrent protec-
current pro- tion:
tection - A separate 16 A fuse for each Fronius IG 15 and 30
- A separate 25 A fuse for each Fronius IG 40 and 60
- Alternative for Fronius IG 40 and 60: 32 A automatic circuit breaker,
type „C“

Note! A residual current circuit breaker for the AC connecting

cable may be required depending on local regulations, the power
supply company as well as other conditions. A type A residual
current circuit breaker is generally sufficient in this case. However,
false alarms can be triggered for the residual current circuit brea-
ker in individual cases and depending on local conditions.
For this reason, Fronius recommends that you use a residual
current circuit breaker suitable for a frequency converter.
The residual current circuit breaker for each individual inverter
must have a rated current of at least 30 mA.

Connection Depending on the options installed in your FRONIUS IG unit, you have
alternatives the following alternatives to connect the solar inverter at the DC solar
modules and to the public AC mains:

1. Terminal block (connection within the housing)

2. DC plug (choice of up to 5 DC sockets, AC connection within the hou-
3. DC plug and AC plug connection (choice of up to 5 DC plug pairs, AC
plug connection)
4. FRONIUS IG Outdoors

The following chapters show the connection of the FRONIUS IG unit

separately for each one of the connection alternatives.

1. Terminal - Fix the FRONIUS IG unit to the wall as shown in chapter „Installation“.
The housing is designed for a cable channel of up to 50 mm height which
can be located directly below the connection area, without
- cables visible below the FRONIUS IG unit
- impairing access to the connection area and the slot- in board area

Permissible cross-sections for AC and DC connection cables:

- cable without wire end ferrules: 6 mm² and 10 mm²
- cable with wire end ferrules: 6 mm²

Note! Tighten the screws of the terminal strip with 1.8 Nm.

1. Terminal Note! Tighten the screws of the terminal strip with 1.8 Nm.
(continued) connection rail for alternative with terminal rail - feed the 3 pole connection cable
strain relief for Strain relief for the to the public mains through the
connection cable (AC) connection cables (DC) connector rail and strain relief
device and slide it into the termi-
nal block
- connect the leads of the connec-
tion cable as marked on terminal

- lead the connection cable for the

AC DC DC DC supply through the connector
PE N L1 + - rail and strain relief device and
slide it into the terminal block
- connect the leads of the connec-
tion cable according to terminal
- fix the connection cables with the
strain relief device
- close connection area

terminal rail for the leads termnal rail for the

of the (AC) connection leads of the (DC)
cable connection cable

2. DC plug For easier installation and maintenance the solar modules are connected
via a contact- voltage-proof plug connection with a choice between one
and five plug pairs

- fix the FRONIUS IG unit on the wall as shown in chapter „Installation“

- open connection area - see

PE N L1 chapter „Open the Housing“
- slide the 3 pole connection cable
for the public mains through the
connection plate and strain relief
into the terminal block
DC sockets -
- connect the leads of the connec-
DC plugs +
tion cable as marked on the
terminal rail for the leads terminal
of connecting cable (AC)

2. DC plug - fix connection cable with strain relief device
(continued) - close connection area, install cover

DC plug example: multicontact plug

- max. current at MC3 = 20 A
- max. current at MC4 = 30 A

Connection rail with 5 pairs of plugs Note! When installing the

Strain relief for DC sockets - DC plugs for connection
connection cablel
with the solar modules,
make sure that the poles of
the solar modules correctly
correspond with the sym-
bols „+“ and „-“.
DC plug +

Illustration also applicable for connection rail

with 1 - 5 pairs of plugs

- install the multicontact plugs at plus and minus poles of solar module
- connect the strings to the FRONIUS IG unit

Note! Never disconnect the DC plugs from the respective sockets

during power feed operation of the FRONIUS IG unit. Before
disconnecting the strings always first disconnect the mains supply
or switch the FRONIUS IG to standby operation.

Not complying with this instruction may damage the connection plugs.

Should an electric arc develop during disconnecting, both plug and socket
must be replaced. Do not re-use defective DC plugs.

3. AC plug To make installation and maintenance work easier, the solar modules and
connection the mains are connected with plugs. Depending on which version is used,
and DC plug up to five pairs of DC plugs are available for connecting the solar modu-
les. Connection to the mains is effected by means of a touchproof AC
plug which can be latched.

- Fix the FRONIUS IG unit on the wall as shown in chapter „Installation“

Note! Only cables up to a cross section of 4 mm² are permitted for

the AC-plug-type connector.

3. AC plug 20 mm Bare the mains cable as shown in
connection the illustration for the AC-plug-type
and DC plug connector

5 mm

Connection earth
Install the AC plug as follows:
(yellow/green) - slide parts (2) and (3) on to the
mains cable as shown in the
illustration below
Connect phase

- connect the mains cable leads

with the AC plug as shown in

opposite illustration

Connect zero lead


(1) (2) (3)

white: for main cable with

5 to 11 mm diameter

black: for main cable with

9,5 to 15 mm diameter

- assemble AC plug
- connect AC plug to FRONIUS IG unit and latch

Note! Always shut off voltage before unplugging the AC connec-

tion by disconnecting fuse in the house distribution cabinet.

DC plug example: multicontact plug

- max. current at MC3 = 20 A
- max. current at MC4 = 30 A

3. AC plug Connector rail with 5 pairs of DC plugs Note! When installing DC
connection AC-plug DC sockets - connections for solar modu-
and DC plug les make sure that the plus
(continued) and minus poles correspond
with the respective symbols.

DC plugs +

Illustration also applicable for connector rail

with 1 - 5 DC plug pairs

- install DC connections on the plus and minus pole of the strings on the
solar modules
- plug the strings on to the FRONIUS IG unit

Note! Never disconnect the DC connections of the FRONIUS IG

unit from the sockets when it is in operation of feeding power
supply. Before disconnecting the strings, always first disconnect
fuse in the house distributor panel.

Failing to comply with this instruction may damage the plug connections.

Should an electric arc develop during unplugging, both plug and socket
must be replaced. Never re-use damaged DC connections.

4. FRONIUS IG - fix the FRONIUS IG unit on the wall as shown in chapter „Installation“
Outdoors - loosen four tightening screws at the cover (2)
- detach cover (2)
- loosen strain relief device (3) at the cover (2)

(1) (1)

(3) (2)

4. FRONIUS IG - lead the 3 pole connection cable to the public mains through connector
Outdoors rail (3) and strain relief device and slide it into the terminal block (4)
(continued) - connect the leads of the connection cable as marked on terminal block


Stecker DC-
- - - - -

+ + + + +
Buchsen DC+

- fix cover (2) with four tightening screws (1)

- fix connection cable with strain relief device (3)

DC plug example: multicontact plug

- max. current at MC3 = 20 A
- max. current at MC4 = 30 A

Note! When installing DC connections for solar modules make

sure that the plus and minus poles correspond with the respective

- install DC connections on the plus and minus pole of the strings on the
solar modules
- plug the strings on to the FRONIUS IG unit

Note! Never disconnect the DC plugs of the FRONIUS IG unit

from the sockets when it is in operation of feeding power supply.
Before disconnecting the strings, always first disconnect fuse in
the house distributor panel.

Failing to comply with this instruction may damage the plug connections.

Should an electric arc develop during unplugging, both plug and socket
must be replaced. Never re-use damaged DC plugs.

Start up Operation

Configuring your Inverter

Factory pre- Your FRONIUS IG unit has been pre-configured in the factory and is
set configura- ready for operation.
After connecting the FRONIUS IG unit to the solar modules (DC) and to
the public utility mains (AC), all you have to do is close the AC and DC
isolating switch.


- as soon as the photovoltaic modules produce sufficient power, the LED

lights up orange and the screen starts displaying the startup procedure
- the orange light of the LED indicates that the automatic startup proce-
dure of the FRONIUS IG unit will begin shortly
- after the FRONIUS IG unit has started automatically, the LED light turns
- the LED light continues green as long as power supply is fed into the
mains, it confirms that the operation continues to function without fault.

In case the initial operation of your FRONIUS IG unit does not proceed as
shown above and the FRONIUS IG unit does not start feeding power
supply into the mains network, you should consult the chapter „Error
Diagnosis and Repair“

Your personal For your personal configuration please consult the chapter „Operating
configuration Scheme“, section „Setup Menu“ of your operating instructions.

For settings to connect more than one inverter at the LocalNet (such as
numbering of the bus partners connected/system upgrading) please con-
sult the chapter LocalNet

System upgra- Your FRONIUS IG is pre-set for quite a number of system upgrades:
ding /slot-in - data recorder (for recording and managing the data of your photovoltaic
board system system on your personal computer) including modem tie in, wie z.B.:
- data recorder (for recording and managing photovoltaic system data on
your PC) including data recorder and modem connection
- Various large displays (FRONIUS IG Public Display)
- Actuators / Relays / Alarm (FRONIUS IG Signal Card)
- Sensors (Thermosensors / Irradiance/ Metering)

The system upgrades are available in slot-in boards as you have them for
your personal computer. To increase flexibility, several system upgrades
can be obtained also with external housing. Your FRONIUS IG unit is pre-
set to accept slot-in boards within the housing.

Fronius has developed the LocalNet in order to provide unrestricted indivi-

dual use of the system’s upgrade possibilities. For more flexibility the
system upgrades are also available in a version with external housing.

Data recorder The data recorder is the core of the LocalNet. It coordinates data trans-
mission and ensures quick and safe distribution also of larger data volu-

COM Card In order to tie in the FRONIUS IG unit with the LocalNet, the following
system upgrading is required (slot-in board)

- COM card ......................... for exchanging data between your FRONIUS

IG unit and the LocalNet, including the re-
spective upgradings

Note! Should the data recorder collect only data of one single
photovoltaic converter, a COM card is nevertheless required. In
this case the COM card is needed to couple the internal network of
your FRONIUS IG with the LocalNet interface of the data recorder.

Insert slot-in For inserting the system upgrade slot-in boards proceed as follows:
boards, FRO-
NIUS IG (In- Warning! Hazard due to supply voltage and DC-voltage from the
stallation for solar modules. Only licensed electricity installers are authorized to
indoor hou- open the connection area and only on condition that is not under
sing) voltage.



insert ENS card only

in this slot

Insert slot-in - open connection area - see chapter „Open the Housing“
boards, FRO- - slide display towards the left side (1) and remove it from the front (2)
NIUS IG (In- - loosen fastening screw and remove board slot cover
stallation for
indoor hou- Note! In dealing with slot-in boards please observe the general
sing) ESD regulations.
- insert board (3) in any one of the slots
- tighten board (3) with fastening screw (4)

For versions for countries where the ENS card is a standard requirement,
the unit will not operate without this card. Legal regulations require a
safety system which does not allow operation of the FRONIUS IG without
installation of ENS.
- power supply feeding operation can be resumed as soon as the ENS
card is placed back in the slot (slot on the left outside, see illustration)

Insert slot-in - Release four screws (1)
boards, FRO- - Remove cover (2)
NIUS IG (for - Release fastening screw (4) and
external remove cover the relevant slot
mounting) (se illustration in the section
„Insert slot-in boards FRONIUS
IG (for indoor housing)“.
Note! When dealing with
slot-in boards, please obser-
(2) ve general ESD regulations.
- Insert board (3) in any of the slots
- Attach the board (3) with faste-
ning screw (4)

Note! Please see the versions and notes for the ENS card (in the
chapter „Insert slot-in card (for indoor housing)“.

Configuration LocalNet automatically identifies different system upgrades (data recor-

der, sensor card, ...)

To differentiate between several identical system upgradings, the respec-

tive units must have an individual number.

To define each FRONIUS IG clearly in the LocalNet, an individual number

must also be allocated to each FRONIUS IG.

For the respective procedure, please consult the chapter „Setup Menu“ in
your operating instructions.

Example Example: Recording and archiving inverter and sensor data by means of a
datalogger card and sensor box.

The cards communicate within the FRONIUS IG unit via its internal net-
work. External communication (LocalNet) is effected via the COM cards.
Each COM card has two RS-485 interfaces for entry and exit. Connection
is effected with RJ45 plugs.

The first FRONIUS IG unit with COM card can be located at a distance of
up to 1000 m from the last FRONIUS IG unit with COM card.

(continued) Sensor Box in
external Housing

Data recorder
COM Card

COM Card

COM Card





(6) (6) (6) (5)

(5) Blind plug
(6) Data cable

- Equipping a FRONIUS IG with a datalogger card

(Illustration: FRONIUS IG 2)
- Equipping all FRONIUS IGs with a COM Card

The data recorder has two RS-232 interfaces for the connection with
personal computer and modem.

Note! Basically the order of sequence for placing the cards does
not matter.
Important however is:
- One FRONIUS IG can have only one COM card
- One network can contain only one data recorder.

More information on the various system upgrade possbilities you will find in
the respective service manuals or in the internet under

Status diagnosis and repair

Service-Codes Displayed

Service dis- Your FRONIUS IG unit is equipped with a self diagnostic system which
play automatically identifies a large number of possible defects by itself and
displays them on the screen. It is thus possible to quickly ascertain de-
fects in the FRONIUS IG unit, in the photovoltaic system as well as instal-
lation and operation errors.

Whenever the self diagnostic system has identified a particular defect, the
respective service code is displayed on the screen.

Note! Display of a service code for a short time may be a result of

the control procedure of your FRONIUS IG unit. If subsequently it
continues to operate normally, there has not been a case of an

General ser- As long as the no load voltage of the solar modules is not sufficient, the
vice codes screen displays the information „DCLOW“.

As soon as the no-load voltage exceeds 150 V, the FRONIUS IG unit

starts synchronizing the network (display shows „SYNCAC“).

As long as the power output at the solar modules is insufficient, the dis-
play shows the message „POWERLOW“.

After a short time of waiting the FRONIUS IG resumes network synchroni-

zation (message: „SYNCAC“).

Complete Should the display remain dark for a longer period of time after sunrise
failure you must check the no-load voltage of the solar modules.

Should the no-load voltage of the modules (at the connecting points of the
FRONIUS IG UNIT) not reach 160 V, it is possibly the case of a defect in
the remaining part of the photovoltaic system.

If the no-load voltage of the solar modules (at the connection points of the
FRONIUS IG unit) amounts to more than 160 V, there may be a basic
defect in the FRONIUS IG unit. In this case you must consult a Fronius
trained service technician.

FRONIUS IG A special status diagnostic is run if an error occurs in a FRONIUS IG with

with several several power stage sets. The examples shown below illustrate the trou-
power stage ble-shooting process.
Important! It is also possible to call up status messages even if there is
no actual error in existence. This form of status polling may be found in
the set-up menu.

Display in normal operation

Fault in one of the two power stage

- Display of a service code (e.g.
„State 515“)
Alternately (D)
Important! The display of the
service code alternates with „En-

2x (D) (D) - Press „Enter“ key twice

1 1
- The status display of the power
stage sets „State_ PS“ appears
- Press the „Enter“ key


Important! Please see the Section entitled „The Set-Up Menu“,

„STATE_PS“ for how to proceed.

Class 1

Service codes of service class 1 appear mostly only temporarily, their

cause lies in the public mains network.

The first reaction of your FRONIUS IG unit is to disconnect from the

mains. Subsequently the mains network will be checked for the duration
of the observation period stipulated. If after the end of this period no
further defect is identified, your FRONIUS IG unit resumes operating and
feeding power into the mains network.

The following schedule lists a number of service codes with their respecti-
ve designation, description, and repair measures.

Code Designation Description Repair

101 Mains voltage not wi- As soon as the mains volta- Check mains voltage
thin admissible range ge, after detailed check pro-
cedure has returned to ad- If the service code does
missible range, FRONIUS not disappear you should
IG resumes feeding power contact your installation
into the mains network specialist
104 Mains frequency not wi- As soon as mains frequen- Check mains frequency
thin admissible range cy after detailed check pro-
cedure has returned to ad- If the service code does
missible range, FRONIUS not disappear you should
IG resumes feeding power contact your installation
into the mains network specialist
107 AC mains network not As soon as the mains net- Check mains connec-
available work conditions after detai- tions and fuses
led check procedure have
returned to admissible ran- If the service code does
ge, FRONIUS IG resumes not disappear you should
feeding power into the mains contact your installation
network specialist
108 Islanding detected FRONIUS IG resumes fee- Contact your installation
ding power into the mains specialist if the service
network as soon as the code fails to disappear.
mains network conditions
have returned to the per-
missible range following
detailed checking procedu-

Class 2

Service class 2 codes can only arise in connection with the ENS option.

Class 2 service codes are also related to the parameters of the mains
network. Some of the checking procedures therefore overlap with those of
service class 1. Your FRONIUS IG unwill react in the same way as in the
case of service codes in service class 1.

Code Designation Description Repair

201 Excessive mains volta- As soon as the mains volta- Check mains voltage
ge ge, after detailed check, has
returned to the admissible If the service code does
range, your FRONIUS IG not disappear, you
resumes feeding power into should contact your
the mains network installation specialist

202 Insufficient mains As soon as the mains volta- Check mains voltage
voltage ge, after a detailed check,
has returned to the admis- If the service code does
sible range, your FRONIUS not disappear, you
IG resumes feeding power should contact your
into the mains network installation specialist
203 Excessive mains As soon as the mains fre- Check mains frequency
frequency quency, after a detailed
check, has returned to the If the service code does
admissible range, your not disappear, you
FRONIUS IG resumes fee- should contact your
ding power into the mains installation specialist
204 Insufficient mains fre- As soon as the mains fre- Check mains frequency
quency quency, after a detailed
check, has returned to the If the service code does
admissible range, your not disappear, you
FRONIUS IG resumes fee- should contact your
ding power into the mains installation specialist

205 Imbalance of mains As soon as the mains impe- Imbalance reaction can
network impedance dance after a detailed be only short termed
check, has returned to the
admissible range, your
FRONIUS IG resumes fee-
ding power into the mains
206 Absolute reading of As soon as the mains impe- Check in-house line ca-
mains impedance too dance after detailed che- ble cross section
high cking, has returned to the
admissible range, your
FRONIUS IG resumes fee-
ding power into the mains

207 Problems with the ENS recognises a faulty Check ENS-Jumper

mains relay mains relay
If Service-Code is dis-
played permanently, you
should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-

Class 2 Code Designation Description Repair
(continued) 208 Problems with the ENS recognises a faulty If Service-Code is dis-
mains relay mains relay played permanently, you
should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-

Class 3

Service class 3 comprises service codes which may appear during opera-
tion of feeding power supply, which however basically do not cause a
permanent interruption of the operation of feeding power into the mains.
After automatic disconnection from the mains and monitoring of the mains
as stipulated, your FRONIUS IG unit will try to resume the feeding operati-

Code Designation Description Repair

301 overload current (AC) Short interruption of power automatically by itself
supply feeding into mains
network caused by overload Should the service load
current appear permanently you
FRONIUS IG resumes star- should contact your in-
ting up phase stallation specialist

302 overload current (DC) Short interruption of power automatically by itself

supply feeding into mains
network caused by overload Should the service load
current appear permanently you
FRONIUS IG resumes star- should contact your in-
ting up phase stallation specialist

303 * temperature excursion Short interruption of power after a two minutes’ coo-
AC side supply feeding into mains ling phase your FRONI-
network caused by tempe- US IG unit begins star-
rature excursion ting up again
air vents clogged clean air vents.
Should the service load
appear permanently you
should contact your in-
stallation specialist
304 * temperature excursion Short interruption of power after a two minutes’ coo-
DC-side supply feeding into mains ling phase your FRONI-
network caused by tempe- US IG unit begins star-
rature excursion ting up again
air vents clogged clean air vents.
Should the service load
appear permanently you
should contact your in-
stallation specialist

* Service code 303 and 304 are shown briefly under certain circumstances. A brief
display of the service codes 303 and 304 does not mean there is a fault.

Class 4

Class 4 service codes require in some cases the intervention of a trained

Fronius service technician.

Code Designation Description Repair

401 no internal communi- If it is possible, your FRONI- If an error code is dis-
cation with power sta- US IG unit will resume the played permanently, you
ge power feeding operation af- should contact a Froni-
ter successfully completing us trained service tech-
another attempt to connect nician
402 no internal communi- If it is possible, your FRONI- If Service-Code is dis-
cation with ENS US IG unit will resume the played permanently, you
power feeding operation af- should contact a Froni-
ter successfully completing us trained service tech-
another attempt to connect nician
403 EEPROM faulty If it is possible, your FRONI- If Service-Code is dis-
US IG unit will resume the played permanently, you
power feeding operation af- should contact a Froni-
ter successfully completing us trained service tech-
another attempt to connect nician

404 No communication If it is possible, your FRONI- FRONIUS IG has no net-

possible between the US IG unit will resume the work connection. Check
control unit and ENS power feeding operation af- if the mains supply isola-
ter successfully completing tor is switched on
another attempt to connect
If Service-Code is dis-
played permanently, you
should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-
405 Incorrect or faulty ENS- If it is possible, your FRONI- If Service-Code is dis-
card US IG unit will resume the played permanently, you
power feeding operation af- should contact a Froni-
ter successfully completing us trained service tech-
another attempt to connect nician

406 AC temperature sensor FRONIUS IG disconnects If Service-Code is dis-

faulty from the mains supply for played permanently, you
safety reasons should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-
407 DC temperature sensor FRONIUS IG disconnects If Service-Code is dis-
faulty from the mains supply for played permanently, you
safety reasons should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-
408 Direct current input FRONIUS IG disconnects If Service-Code is dis-
from the mains supply for played permanently, you
safety reasons should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-
409 No +15V supply avai- FRONIUS IG does not If Service-Code is dis-
lable for the control switch itself onto the mains played permanently, you
electronics supply. should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-

Class 4 Code Designation Description Repair
(continued) 410 Service plug was not 2-pole plug inserted in the If Service-Code is dis-
inserted in its original wrong socket. played permanently, you
position should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-
412 The setting voltage has Fixing voltage lower than the Check the module volta-
been selected instead current MPP-voltage ge and change the PV
of the MPP-voltage generator connection if
operation and the set- the input voltage is too
ting voltage is set to high
too low a value.
If Service-Code is dis-
played permanently, you
should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-
413 Control problems The FRONIUS IG briefly dis- If Service-Code is dis-
connects from the mains played permanently, you
supply due to changed net- should contact a Froni-
work requirements. us trained service tech-

414 EEPROM faulty Memory component trigge- If Service-Code is dis-

red played permanently, you
should contact a Froni-
us trained service tech-

415 No ENS enabling Defect in the ENS micro- If Service-Code is dis-

signal controller, lead to ENS played permanently,
faulty contact a Fronius-trai-
ned service technician
416 Communication with Orange LED lights up, then If Service-Code is dis-
IG-Ctrl not possible the FRONIUS IG attempts a played permanently,
new start contact a Fronius-trained
service technician

417 Two power supplies The FRONIUS IG blocking, If Service-Code is dis-

have the same Print red LED displays critical er- played permanently,
Number rors contact a Fronius-trained
service technician
419 Two or more power The FRONIUS IG blocking, If Service-Code is dis-
supplies recognised red LED displays critical er- played permanently,
with the identical soft- rors contact a Fronius-trained
ware serial number. service technician

421 Print Number set incor- The FRONIUS IG blocking, If Service-Code is dis-
rectly red LED displays critical er- played permanently,
rors contact a Fronius-trained
service technician
425 No communication Orange LED lights up, then If Service-Code is dis-
possible with the po- the FRONIUS IG attempts a played permanently,
wer supply. new start contact a Fronius-trained
service technician

443 Energy transfer not Orange LED lights up and If the service code conti-
possible then the FRONIUS IG nues to be displayed:
attempts a restart notify a Fronius-trained
service technician

Class 5

Class 5 service codes generally do not impair the operation of feeding

power into the mains network. They will be displayed so long until the
service code displayed is cancelled by pressing a key (the FRONIUS IG
unit, however, continues working normally in the background).
- press any key
- error message disappears

Code Designation Description Repair

501 defective ventilator In spite of insufficient power contact your installation
generation the temperature specialists
air vents blocked in the unit is too high
clean air vents
502 insufficient isolation In case of automatic moni- check isolation of your
value reading toring of isolation by the photovoltaic system
FRONIUS IG unit, an isola-
tion error against earthing service code reappears:
has been recorded contact your installation
504 communication not FRONIUS IG adress issued change FRONIUS IG
possible in LocalNet twice address (chapter: “Setup
The LocalNet components
required are in the FRONI- Status message goes
US IG unit: still, communi- out after the FRONIUS
cation is possible IG address is altered.
505 EEPROM faulty Data from the Setup menu Automatic rectification
is lost
506 EEPROM faulty Data from the „Total“ menu Automatic rectification
is lost
507 EEPROM faulty Data from the menu „Day“ / Automatic rectification
„Year“ is lost
508 FRONIUS IG address Address for data communi- Set address again
is faulty cation is no longer saved
509 24h no feed e.g. solar module covered e.g. remove snow from
in snow solar module
510 EEPROM faulty SMS settings were restored If necessary, reconfigu-
to standard re SMS
511 EEPROM faulty Sensor card settings were If necessary, reconfigu-
restored to standard re metering channels
512 Too many power sup- Too many power supplies If Service-Code is dis-
plies in the system recognised in the system played permanently,
contact a Fronius-trained
service technician

Class 5 Code Designation Description Repair
(continued) 514 No communication with Warning message from one Contact Fronius-trained
one of the power stage of the power stage sets, service technician if ser-
sets second power stage set vice code is displayed
working normally permanently
515 Faulty plug-in connec- Temperature sensor DC/AC Check plug-in connec-
tions or DC/DC faulty, Service tions
jumper located on „service“
plug-in station or „+15 V
secondary“ not connected
516 Status message pre- It is not possible to activate Carry out analysis. Sec-
sent for one of the po- all power stage sets tion entitled „The Set-Up
wer stage sets Menu“, „State_PS“ for
further details. Contact
Fronius-trained service
technician if service code
is displayed permanent-
517 Change of master has Transformer not connected/ Check possible errors
taken place not plugged in referred to in „Descripti-
on“. If service code is
Bridge short-circuit displayed permanently:
Detection of intermediate contact Fronius-trained
circuit voltage damaged service technician.

Customer Important! contact your Fronius dealer or Fronius trained service partner
service if an error not mentioned in the schedule appears frequently or perma-


Technical Data
Fronius IG 15 / Input data IG 15 IG 20 IG 30
20 / 30 Recommended PV power 1300-2000 Wp 1800-2700 Wp 2500-3600 Wp
MPP-voltage range 150 - 400 V
Max. input voltage
(at 1000 W/m² / - 10°C in no-load operation) 500 V
Max. input current 10,75 A 14,34 A 19 A

Output data IG 15 IG 20 IG 30
Nominal output power (Pnom) 1,3 kW 1,8 kW 2,5 kW
Max. output power 1,5 kW 2,05 kW 2,65 kW
Nominal mains voltage 230 V, +10 / -15 % *
Nominal output current 5,7 A 7,8 A 10,9 A
Nominal frequency 50 +/-0,2 Hz *
Total harmonic distortion < 3%
Power factor 1

General data IG 15 IG 20 IG 30
Maximum efficiency 94,2 % 94,3 % 94,3 %
Euro-efficiency 91,4 % 92,3 % 92,7 %
Consumption during night 0,15 W *
Consumption during operation 7W
Cooling controlled forced ventilation
Protection type (indoor/outdoor housing) IP 21 / IP 45
Size l x w x h 366 x 344 x 220 mm / 500 x 435 x 225 mm
Weight 9 kg / 12 kg
Admissible ambient temperature
(at 95% rel. humidity) -20 ... 50 °C **

Protection devices IG 15 IG 20 IG 30
DC-isolation monitoring Warning / Shut-off ***)
when R ISO < 500 kilohms
DC-excess voltage protection integrated
DC reverse polarity protection integrated
Reaction at DC-overload shift of operating point

*) Values given are standard. Your FRONIUS IG unit has been specifically adjusted in
accordance with the regulations of your country.

**) The AC-output reduces (power-derating) when the ambient temperature is increased,
from approx. 35 °C (dependent on the solar module voltage).

***) Depending on the country setup

Fronius IG 40 / Input data IG 40 IG 60 IG 60 HV
60 / 60 HV Recommended PV power 3500-5500 Wp 4600-6700 Wp 4600-6700 Wp
MPP-voltage range 150 - 400 V
Max. input voltage
(at 1000 W/m² / - 10°C in no-load) 500 V 500 V 530 V
Max. input current 29,4 A 35,84 A 35,84 A

Output data IG 40 IG 60 IG 60 HV
Nominal output power (Pnom) 3,5 kW 4,6 kW 4,6 kW
Max. output power 4,1 kW 5 kW 5 kW
Nominal mains voltage 230 V, +10 / -15 % *
Nominal output current 15,22 A 20 A 20 A
Nominal frequency 50 +/-0,2 Hz *
Total harmonic distortion < 3%
Power factor 1

General data IG 40 IG 60 IG 60 HV
Maximum efficiency 94,3 % 94,3 % 94,3 %
Euro-efficiency 93,5 % 93,5 % 93,5 %
Consumption during night 0,15 W *
Consumption during operation 12 W
Cooling controlled forced ventilation
Protection type (indoor/outdoor housing) IP 21 / IP 45
Size l x w x h 610 x 344 x 220 mm / 733 x 435 x 225 mm
Weight 16 kg / 20 kg
Admissible ambient temperature
(at 95% rel. humidity) -20 ... 50 °C **

Protection devices IG 40 IG 60 IG 60 HV
DC-isolation monitoring Warning / Shut-off ***)
when RISO < 500 kilohms
DC-excess voltage protection integrated
DC reverse polarity protection integrated
Reaction at DC-overload shift of operating point

*) Values given are standard. Your FRONIUS IG unit has been specifically adjusted in
accordance with the regulations of your country.

**) The AC-output reduces (power-derating) when the ambient temperature is increased,
from approx. 35 °C (dependent on the solar module voltage).

***) Depending on the country setup

Our product The FRONIUS IG unit complies with the „Regulation for supply and parallel
complies with operation of low voltage network power generation systems for owner’s own
the following use“ (Richtlinie für Anschluß und Parallelbetrieb von Eigenerzeugungsanla-
standards and gen am Niederspannungsnetz) of VDEW, the German Association of Pro-
regulations ducers of Electric Energy (Verband der Elektrizitätswirtschaft).

In addition, all prerequisites of the applicable standards as well as regula-

tions within the scope of the applicable EU (European Union)regulation
are complied with, so that all equipment bears the CE label.

In countries with applicable regulations the FRONIUS IG unit is equipped

with a circuit element to prevent isolated operation, as officially accepted
by the German professional association „Berufsgenossenschaft für Fein-
mechanik und Elektrotechnik“ (professional association for precision
mechanics and electricity technology) in accordance with the German
standard DIN VDE 0126. This so-called ENS device is based on the
principle of impedance monitoring (for of product reliability confirmation
document see annex).

In the particular country versions both with as well as without ENS the mo-
nitoring and safety systems integrated in the FRONIUS IG as part of its
standard equipment make sure that in case of a mains dropout (caused
either by shutoff effected by the utility supplier or by power transmission line
failure) the power supply feeding will be immediately interrupted.

In particular, the following standards and regulations are being complied with:

- EN 61000-3-2 (harmonic oscillations), EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3

- EN 50081-1 (EMV-interference emissions)
- EN 50082-2 (EMV-interference immunity)
- EN 50178 (electric safety)
- E DIN VDE 0126 (ENS:country versions with standard ENS card)
- Regulation 89/336/EEC electromagnetic compatibility
- Regulation 93/68/EECCE marking
- „Regulation for photovoltaic generation plants in parallel operation with
the low voltage mains network of the utility electricity companies“, issu-
ed by VDEW, the Association of German Electric Utility Supply Compa-
nies (Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitätswerke).
- „Technical regulations for photovoltaic plants in parallel operation with
the low voltage mains network of the electric utility companies“, issued
by the Association of Electric Utility Companies of Austria (Verband der
E-Werke Österreichs)
- Safety requirements for photovoltaic energy generation plants (Austrian
standard ÖNORM/ÖVE E2750), as far as these regulations are applica-
ble for the inverter.

This is the guarantee for an unproblematic and unbureaucratic authoriza-

tion of operation by the distribution network operator and the electric utility
supply company (for confirmity declaration documents see annex)

Warranty and Liability

Warranty The warranty of the general terms of business is applicable for the
terms and FRONIUS IG unit. For the duration of this period Fronius guarantees the
liability proper function of your solar inverter. Should there be any defect for
which Fronius is responsible, Fronius undertakes within the warranty
period to carry out the factory repair free of charge. If the machine shuts
down no loss of yield can be ascertained for the network power supply
that has been lost.
If you need to claim under the warranty, please contact your Fronius

Warranty claims are excluded as a result of :

- use of your solar inverter and its accessory equipment for other than
the intended purpose
- improper installation or installation not carried out in compliance with
the applicable standards, especially if effected by electricity fitters who
are not duly licensed
- operating malpractices
- operation of the FRONIUS IG unit when protective equipment is defective
- unauthorized modifications of the FRONIUS IG unit and its accessory
- foreign object damage and Acts of God (force majeure)

Warranty claims will be repaired either by Fronius directly or by Fronius

trained service partners of their local service organization. For return
transport the equipment or components must be packed in the original
packing or packing equivalent to it.

These services will be charged to the dealer or his fitter, as well as the
fitting of the repaired machine.

Scope of war- The warranty covers only the FRONIUS IG unit and the options contained
ranty in the product delivered (system upgrades). The other components of the
photovoltaic plant are not covered by the warranty.

Also excluded from the warranty are such damages to the FRONIUS IG
unit which are caused by the other components of the photovoltaic plant.

Extensions to the warranty concern only the FRONIUS IG, not system
upgrades in the form of slot-in boards.

Warranty 60 months from date of installation
Exception: Options contained in the product delivered (system upgrades).
Warranty for this components is 24 months from installation date on.

A prolongation of the warranty is possible up to 10 years from date of


Warranty Purchase date of the invoice, date of taking over the equipment / date of
evidence commissioning and report of the energy utility supply company

Maintenance and disposal of obsolete equipment

Maintenance The filter should be checked regularly to maintain its high quality and to
ensure that it is functioning correctly.

Recycling Should your inverter be replaced at some future date, Fronius will accept
the obsolete equipment back and provide for its proper recycling.


Wels-Thalheim, 2007-10-19

Die Firma Manufacturer La compagnie


Günter Fronius Straße 1, A-4600 Wels-Thalheim

erklärt in alleiniger Verantwortung, Hereby certifies on it´s sole se déclare seule responsable du fait
dass folgendes Produkt: responsibility that the following que le produit suivant:

Fronius Fronius Fronius

IG15/20/30/40/60HV IG15/20/30/40/60HV IG15/20/30/40/60HV
Solar-Wechselrichter Photovoltaic-inverter Onduleur solaire

auf das sich diese Erklärung which is explicitly referred to by this qui est l’objet de la présente
bezieht, mit folgenden Richtlinien Declaration meet the following déclaration correspondent aux
bzw. Normen übereinstimmt: directives and standard(s): suivantes directives et normes:

Richtlinie 2006/95/EWG Directive 2006/95/EEC Directive 2006/95/CEE

Elektrische Betriebsmittel Electrical Apparatus Outillages électriques
Niederspannungsrichtlinie Low Voltage Directive Directive de basse tension
Richtlinie 2004/108/EWG Directive 2004/108/EEC Directive 2004/108/CEE
Elektromag. Verträglichkeit Electromag. compatibility Électromag. compatibilité

Europäische Normen European Standard Norme européenne

EN 50178 EN 50178 EN 50178
EN 61000-6-2:2001 EN 61000-6-2:2001 EN 61000-6-2:2001
EN 61000-6-3:2001 EN 61000-6-3:2001 EN 61000-6-3:2001
EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-2:2000
EN 61000-3-3:1995 EN 61000-3-3:1995 EN 61000-3-3:1995
EN 61000-3-11:2000 EN 61000-3-11:2000 EN 61000-3-11:2000
EN 61000-3-12:2005 EN 61000-3-12:2005 EN 61000-3-12:2005

Die oben genannte Firma hält Documentation evidencing En tant que preuve de la satisfaction
Dokumentationen als Nachweis der conformity with the requirements of des demandes de sécurité la
Erfüllung der Sicherheitsziele und the Directives is kept available for documentation peut être consultée
die wesentlichen Schutzanforder- inspection at the above chez la compagnie susmentionnée.
ungen zur Einsicht bereit. Manufacture´s.

2007 ppa. Mag.Ing. H.Hackl

Fronius Worldwide -

A Fronius International GmbH USA Fronius USA LLC Solar Electronics Division
4600 Wels, Froniusplatz 1, Austria 10421 Citation Drive, Suite 1100, Brighton, MI 48116
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Under you will find all addresses of our sales branches and partner firms!

ud_fr_se_so_00913 012011

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