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Artificial Intelligence Based Chatbot for University Students

Web Programming
Artificial Intelligence based web application

Abstract / Introduction
Artificial Intelligence is emulating humans in real life, for example, anybody can know weather
forecast using system device (e.g., mobile phone, laptop, Tablet, Personal computer) via internet
or you can search for a good restaurant that is nearer to you with the help of AI based software
systems. Many AI-based software systems are already in the market and assisting human beings in
reducing workload, increasing performance, and improving accuracy by solving different real-
world problems. It is a need of time to develop such automated systems which could help human
beings (that will be the user of system – University Students) in getting some useful information in
the reply of any queries, search, or dialogue. Similarly, Chatbot is a technology which uses AI-based
knowledge to reply to its users queries after necessary analysis on the asked queries, in a smarter
way (like a human) e.g., Siri, Alexa. Now you will develop a web based Chatbot using AI technology
i.e., Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) which is helpful for its users in a way that the proposed
system will provide useful information to the university students.

There are different types of chatbots that already exist online and assisting human beings in
different disciplines. To get some idea/knowledge about different types of chatbots, please visit:
For the graphical representation of working, look at the flow chart:

The general architecture of a chatbot is:

Functional Requirements:
1. Users will be able to ask exam related queries via chatbot e.g., Date sheet queries, Exam
rescheduling queries.

Other queries to be handled by the Chatbot are:

i. Admission related queries e.g., Opening/Closing dates of admission,

Commencement of Classes.
ii. Registrar Office related queries e.g., Semester Freeze/Unfreeze, Study
Program change
iii. Directorate of finance e.g., Fee matters_MS, Fee matters_BS
iv. IT department related queries e.g., Mobile app issues, LMS issues
v. Examination related queries e.g., Conduct of examination, Datasheet queries.

Visual Studio Code
Python/ PHP/ JSon
Flask Framework, SQLite, Long short-term memory

Suggestion: Student can adopt different development tool kit other than above given after prior
approval of the supervisor.

Helping video on Chatbot:

Example of an existing chatbot for online admission purposed:

How to Make chatbot?

Helping video on Artificial Neural Networks is:

For the background knowledge and basic understanding of LSTM – Long-Short Term Memory

Name: Muhammad Kamran Qureshi
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: kamranqureshi99
Detection of Cyberbullying using Machine Learning

Project Domain / Category

Data Science/Machine Learning

Abstract / Introduction
Cyber bullying is bullying that occurs with digital devices such as computers, cell phones, and
tablets. It can be through online social media forums where people can view, participate,
comment or share other people's content. This may include sharing personal or private
information about someone else that may cause embarrassment, such as sending, posting or
sharing negative, inaccurate, harmful material about someone else. As social networks provide a
rich environment for bullies to use these networks as a threat to attacks against victims, therefore,
it is important to find appropriate measures to detect cyberbullying from social media. In this
project, we shall find the accuracy by applying appropriate machine learning techniques (e.g.
Bayesian, Support Vector Machine, Tree and Random, etc.) on cyber bullying datasets. We shall
also compare what techniques are better for detecting cyberbullying and why.

Functional Requirements:
Administrator will perform all these tasks.
1. Data-Collection
 For this project, you can collect data from any social media platform (such as Facebook,
Twitter, or YouTube) to detect cyber bullying. Your dataset must contain at least 2000
comments. The dataset is shared in the link below. You can collect more data using the
API or manually, and add the collected data to the shared dataset.
2. Data-Preparation
 After collecting the data, you need to prepare the dataset. In the process, you will label
these comments in two classes: B (bullying) and NB (non-bullying). You will also need to
remove punctuation marks and digits from the dataset.
3. Pre-processing
 As most of the data in the real world are incomplete containing noisy and missing values.
Therefore you have to apply pre-processing on your data. In pre-processing, you will
normalize the dataset, remove duplicate values, handle noise & outliers, missing values,
and stop words.
4. Feature Extraction
 After the pre-processing step, you will apply the feature extraction method. You can use
TF-IDF, Word2Vec, Uni-Gram, Bi-Gram, Tri-Gram, or Ngram feature extraction method.
5. Train & Test Data
 Split data into 70% training & 30% testing data sets.
6. Machine learning Techniques
 In this project, you will use minimum four classifiers/models (e.g. Naïve Bayes, Naïve
Bayes MN, Poly Kernel, RBF Kernel, Decision Tree, Random Tree and Random Forest Tree)
of four machine learning techniques/algorithms.
7. Confusion Matrix
 Create a confusion matrix table to describe the performance of a classification model.
8. Accuracy Evaluation
 Find the accuracy of all techniques and compare their accuracy.
 This project will also tell us which machine learning technique is best for detecting cyber
 Python (programming language)
 Anaconda (Python distribution platform)
 Jupiter Notebook (Open source web application)
 Machine Learning (Technique)

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing Concepts,
"Students will cover a short course relevant to the mentioned concepts besides SRS and Design
initial documentation or see the links below."

Helping Material
Machine Learning Techniques:

Feature Extraction Method:


Name: Tayyab Waqar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: maliktayyab786_1
Implementation of Deep Learning Method for Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease

Project Domain / Category

Artificial Intelligence: Deep learning

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels,
world Health Organization (WHO
The program will be implemented to predict the Cardiovascular Disease by using deep learning
methods. In this system, it will be considered requirements that utilize UCI machine learning
repository dataset for experimentation ( particular Cardiovascular Disease dataset ) as given below
links provided.

Functional Requirements:
1. There are seven major tasks you will typically perform when developing a system. Tasks (2-7)
should be implemented internally while developing the system.
i. Task 1: Define the problem and select the dataset as any type of
Cardiovascular Disease
ii. Task 2: Data Analysis and Preprocessing
iii. Task 3: Feature Extraction
iv. Task 4: Prediction
v. Task 5: Build system
vi. Task 6: Test System
vii. Task 7: Tune System

2. The program should have a knowledge-based system according to select data (Structured or
Unstructured data).
3. The program should have the deep learning algorithm to execute model prediction.
4. The program should evaluate the performance and update knowledge based on the

Note: Skype sessions must be attended to communicate with the supervisor about deep learning
methods otherwise project will not be accepted.

Tools/language: Python language


Prerequisite: Deep Learning Concepts, students will cover a short course relevant to the
mentioned concepts besides SRS and design initial documentation.

Name: Dr.Saima Munawar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: saima.vu1
Social Finder Application

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps

Abstract / Introduction
In the past couple of decades there has been a lot of debate and discussions about social network
and media platforms. Both of these platforms have revolutionized the way people share their
thoughts, interest, activities and interact with each other around the globe. Applications like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, what’s app, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. are a medium for the people to
use both of these social platforms. Student’s task will be to develop a social app called “Intelligent
social finder app”. The app main focus will be to suggest friends to the users of the applications
based on their activities, mutual/common hobbies, liking, interest, age group, background etc. This
application will consist of three modules. Each module will have its own set of requirements. The
main requirements of the application are shown below

Functional Requirements:

Module 1
 Application will provide the user an interface for creating his/her Account.
 The user will be able to login to the application after creating his/her account.
 Application will provide the user an option to Manage (update, delete) information from
his/her profile.
 Application should have an option to change its theme, background colour, font, font size

Module 2
 The application will provide an option to its user to search or view the profile of other users
and send requests to them.
 The user can share content, videos, images etc on the Homepage of the Account. So other
user can like react or comment on the shared content. (This requirement should be
somewhat similar to what applications like Facebook, Instagram etc has)
 The application should also provide the user an option of having Instant Messaging with
his/her friends.

Module 3
 The application will be able to suggest friends to the user based on his/her activities,
mutual/common hobbies, liking, interest, age group, Study background etc.
Note: Students can also add more requirements into the app and customize it to make it more
Languages: Java, Kotlin, C#, Dart, Swift or any other programming language
Frameworks: React, React Native, Flutter, IOS or any other modern framework
IDE: Android Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio etc. Database: (Preferred One) Firebase etc.

Name: Saad Ahmed
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: saad.ahmed993

Synthetic Speech Detection by Deep Learning Technique

Project Domain / Category

AI/Deep Learning/Machine Learning

Abstract / Introduction
With the widespread usage of social media, the dissemination of fake content over the internet is
a serious concern nowadays. There are numerous fake videos in which the audio/speech of the
target speaker is manipulated by various means in order to defame or to perform illegal activities

The speech of the target speaker is manipulated mostly by TTS (text to speech) method or by Voice
synthesizer. First the voice/speech is extracted from the video and then the uttered words of the
speaker are modified. Tacotron 2, Deepvoice 3, wav2lip are few of the speech synthesize
applications that produce the almost natural voice/speech of the speaker.

As the synthetic speech can be used for illegal and fraudulent activities, hence its the need of time
to detect them with AI methods. We will use Deep learning techniques to detect the artificially
generated speeches/voices in a video. We will use the Fake audio data from the given dataset of
The goal is to develop a model to detect the synthetic/fake audio/speech in the given videos of

Functional Requirements
The following are the functional requirements of the project:

1 The tool based application/software must download the given Dataset that contains the
database of real and fake audio in videos.
2 The system must consist of a neural network model that contains hidden layers for the
synthetic speech detection.
3 Whenever, any video is given as an input that contains the synthesized speech into the
detection system, it identifies as real or fake as output.
4 The detection system must be able to detect the fake audio generated by any of the android
apps such as MadLipz, speaKer etc.

● Python (programming language)
● Keras (API)
● Tensorflow (open source software library for machine learning)
● Jupyter Notebook (open source web application)
● Matplotlib (library)
● Numpy (library for the python)
The basic understanding of deep learning concepts are required for this project. Following links
may help the students who don’t have basic understanding of deep learning and speech

1. Deep Learning Tutorial:

2.Automatic Speech Recognition:

Name: Sonia Salman
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: sonia_salman
Cash & Carry Billing System with Barcode Reading & Generation Mechanism

Project Domain / Category

Digital Logic Designing

Abstract / Introduction
Maintaining an inventory with a large number of items & serving a large number of customers with
a slow tedious billing process in a busy retail shop will affect the success of the retail shop. In such
a fast-paced environment, manual inventory management & billing might cause human-errors that
are more frustrating. This is where barcode scanning would be helpful. A barcode scanner can help
streamline and make the billing process quicker.

Barcode billing software or retail inventory management software allows you to generate and
print your own barcodes. By integrating with barcode scanners, you can also read the barcodes
already printed on the items by the manufacturers. If you have a retail store such as supermarket,
grocery store, or business of packaging loose items, you can make use of barcode billing and
accounting software to generate your own barcodes.

Functional Requirements:
 System Application
o Application must have the capability to generate the barcodes for the products.
o Customized design for Company Barcode label generator with changeable logos and
other textual information.
o Application must have a bill calculation, generation & printing mechanism.
o Application can scan barcodes using Barcode Scanning Device for bill calculation &
 Hardware Modules
o A complete barcode reading/scanning device (self-made module or portable
o Bill Printer.
Open ended development. Student can use any software and hardware platform the complete the
functional requirements.

Name: Waqar Ahmad
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: engr.waqar.ahmad
IoT enabled Door Bell & Home Security Device

Project Domain / Category

Automation / Digital Logic Designing

Abstract / Introduction
We live in the twenty-first century, where everything is faster, easier, and more automated. COVID
has elevated the demand for contactless systems even more. In this case, we offer a contactless
doorbell as well as a safety system based on IoT for automatic visitor recognition and house owner

The contactless doorbell uses a Raspberry Pi controller in conjunction with a camera module,
microphone and speaker. This system will inform the property owner who has arrived at his or her
door and will also serve as a security system when the owner is not at home, alerting him or her to
any robbery attempts. This Contactless IoT Doorbell & Safety System provides the following
 Automatic Visitor Recognition
 Voice Assisted Interface
 Instant Online Alerts on Mobile (Android or iOS)
 Ability to Sound Alarm at remote Location
 Monitor Activity Outside the House at any Time
 Fully Automated System

A fully autonomous doorbell system is possible with the Raspberry Pi system. The system's whole
operation is controlled by a Raspberry Pi controller. We're going to employ a camera module to
record video and photos of anyone who comes close. There is no need for the person to press any
buttons. The camera detects anyone approaching the entrance and uses face recognition to
determine whether or not the person is registered in the system. If the person is registered in the
system, the doorbell greets them and sends an image to the owner via IoT. If the user is not in the
system, the system displays a picture over IoT and allows the owner to ask a question or publish a
reply by selecting one from the IoT interface. The doorbell system employs text to speech to
ask/reply the person what the owner stated based on the Questionnaire option.

Also the system allows the owner to check live image of the door front anytime through a button
press on the IoT interface. Also the system allows user to sound an alert/alarm at the door if
owner senses any problem/break-in attempt to alert neighbors.

Functional Requirements
Hardware Module
 Raspberry Pi
 Camera Module
 Wifi Module
 Speaker
 Microphone
 LCD Display
 Ultrasonic Sensor
 Resistors
 Capacitors
 Buttons & Switches
 Electrical & Wirings
 PCB Board
 Diodes Transistors
 Connectors
 Screws and Fittings

Software Module
 Live Stream
 System Power Management
 Alerts
 2 Way Audio

 Arduino Kit/Raspberry Pi or Any other Single Board Processors
 C/C++ Programming Language
 Assembly Language
 Circuit Designing Software’s (OrCAD Pspice, WorkBench)
 Keil Embedded Development Kit
 Circuit Components (Resistors, Capacitors, oscillators etc.)

Note: Virtual University of Pakistan will not provide any kind of hardware for this project, student
must arrange required hardware by himself/herself.

Name: Kalim Ullah
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: kalim.aslam
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Network Traffic

Project Domain / Category

Computer Networks

Abstract / Introduction
The knowledge of network traffic behavior is important for traffic engineering tasks such as link
capacity planning, traffic classification, and anomaly detection. Traffic characterization is typically
addressed through statistical analysis of individual link(s) and network-wide traffic volume
properties such as counts of bytes and packets as well as by analyzing the distributional behavior
of particular packet header fields. This project aims to develop a software solution to analyze the
network traffic to identify the spatio-temporal features. The network traffic captures can be
downloaded from the data source given in the tools section. Any other data source can also be

Functional Requirements:
Students will be required to decode the pcap files and investigate the spatial and temporal
features of network traffic and develop an appropriate software solution to analyze the traffic
from data sources given in this document.

The software application should be able to:

1. Read the pcap files and extract the header information such as timestamps,
source/destination addresses, TCP port, Packet Size, Type of Packet and other relevant
2. Store the extracted header information in a persistent database or text file such as csv.
3. Allow the users to split the large size pcap files into smaller size based on file size and time
4. Identify top flows (highest throughput) for user traffic and network control plane traffic
based on followings
a. Source and destination with TCP port
b. application type
c. Session length
5. Measure the flow similarity across daily/weekly traffic captures.
6. Approximate data rate probability distribution for distinct flows for daily traffic.
7. Approximate interpacket delay distribution on daily traffic.
8. Produce analysis of at least one-week traffic captures of fifteen minutes from reputable
internet traffic sources.

Python/Java, C/C++ (other programming languages could also be used.)
And IDE of choice
Data Source:

Name: Arif Husen
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: [email protected]
Urdu Health Recommender System (UHRS)

Project Domain / Category

Information Retrieval

With the advent of Machine Learning and NLP techniques, the quest for searching information
over the Internet has been increased. Amongst wide-spread applications of online searching, the
healthcare is amongst the top searched areas. For English and some other western languages, a
plethora of techniques have been designed and developed to provide relevant information about
electronic disease information (EDI) to the users and recommend them answers related to
different diseases, their symptoms, Disease Type, Doctor Advices, and relevant doctor/consultant
accordingly. Moreover, the delivery of accurate and complete information to the patients in an
understandable format and language increases his/her knowledge and changes the way of thinking,
which is usually referred as patient empowerment.

However, the existing medical related corpuses are in-sufficient for audience whose first language
is other than English such as URDU, Arabic etc. Despite large number of URDU speakers around the
world, such approaches for URDU language are either missing or inadequate. Thus, there is a need
to develop a corpus and approach to provide the user’s relevant, accurate and complete
information to the users in URDU language. In this Project, we aim to develop and design URDU
Health Recommender System (UHRS) System mainly targeting disease information which will be
comprised of five attributes that are: disease, disease type, symptoms, precautions, doctor advices,
and relevant consultant/doctor. As such, providing valuable information to users for health-related
issues, based on their personal health profiles, in the form of suggestions, approved by their
caregivers, can significantly improve the opportunities that users have to inform themselves online
about health problems and possible treatments? In this context, the proposed project contributes
URDU health recommender system that will provide the user with information related to disease
like disease name, disease type, symptoms, and precautions as well as information of an
appropriate consultant for the disease.

Functional Requirements
The application should be able to:
1. Retrieve data about different diseases that includes disease name, disease type, symptoms,
precautions, doctor advices, and relevant consultant/doctor from various resources using
mining approach
2. Annotate the retrieved data
3. Translate data into Urdu from other languages like English, etc. if it is in other than Urdu
4. Store the annotated and translated (if any) data in the MySQL database.

Tools / Application Platform: Python

Database: MySQL

Name: Said Nabi
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: saidnabi115
Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining

Project Domain / Category

Information Retrieval

Abstract / Introduction
Opinion mining, or sentiment analysis, is a text analysis technique that uses computational
linguistics and natural language processing to automatically identify and extract sentiment or
opinion from within text (positive, negative, neutral, etc.). Website Evaluation system that rates
the website based on the opinion of the user. Stored website(s) will be evaluated based on factors
such genuineness of the website, timely delivery of the product after online transaction and
support provided by the website. User will comment about the website, based on the comment
system will rate and rank the website. The system takes opinion of various users, based on the
opinion; system will decide whether the website is genuine or not. The system uses opinion
mining methodology in order to achieve desired functionality.

Application developer will use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or
negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user
comment is ranked. The system contains keywords related to fraud, genuineness, timely delivery
of the product and service parameters in the database. Based on these factors system will rate the
website. With the help of this application user can easily find out which website will deliver the
product in time, and also helps to find out website which will provide good support. This
application helps to find out whether the website is genuine or not that is useful for those users
who do online transactions.

The working of the system is follows:-

 The user logins to the system he can view various websites posted by the admin and can
comment about the website.
 User can see the comment of other user.
 System will rate the website based on the comment of various users.
 The role of the admin is to add various website to the system and to add keywords in
 So that system will match the comment with the keywords in database and will rate the
website based on the sentiment analysis.

Functional Requirements:
Admin Panel:
1. Admin login’s to the system/application by using his/her Admin ID and password.
2. Admin can post different topics/item discussion relevant to website.
3. Admin will also add various E-Commerce based websites for users.
4. Admin will add list of keywords in database relevant to “fraud, genuineness, timely delivery of
the product and service” parameters.

User Panel:
1. User login’s to the system/application by using his/her user ID and password.
2. User can edit his/her profile details along with display picture.
3. User will post comments on the topic/website posted by the admin.
4. User can also view comment of other users posted on some topic/website.
5. Users should be able to comment on stored website/topic only once. The system stores
each comments of the users for further processing and find out the sentiments and their
weightage and store it in database.
6. The stored comments of the users will be analyzed by the system. System will match the
user comment with the keywords in database (students will use sentiwordnet dictionary
only for this task) and will rate/rank the topic and website.
7. User can easily decide whether the stored website(s) provided by the admin/ system are
good, bad or worst based on sentiment classification.
User Restrictions:
1. Users will not be able to comment more than once on any saved topic/ website by the
2. Users will not be able to add any single topic/website (Only admin will add it).
3. Users cannot add any keywords in to the system.

 SQL 2008
 Visual Studio 2010
 Senti Word Net Dictionary
 Wamp Server
1. SentiWordNet Dictionary will be used for sentiment classification tasks only.
2. You may use any other platform for coding in which you have command, but make sure all
the mentioned FR’s should be completely implemented.

Name: Tayyaba Sehar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: [email protected]
Age prediction by Facial Features recognition using Yolo v4

Project Domain / Category

Image Processing

Abstract / Introduction
YOLO is an algorithm that uses neural networks to provide real-time object detection. This
algorithm is popular because of its speed and accuracy. It has been used in various applications to
detect traffic signals, people, parking meters, and animals. We will use yolo algorithm to predict
age of persons based on different facial features.

The first step will be to label the images, for this purpose we can use different available tools like
LabelImg. Then we will setup environment and train our model and predict the age group.

Functional Requirements:

 First step is to select 500 images for each age group from the dataset total 7000 images,
you can also select images from different datasets and generate a combined dataset.
 Following 14 age groups(classes) must be manually generated:

1-5 6-10 11-15

16-20 21-25 26-30
31-35 36-40 41-45
46-50 51-55 56-60
61-65 66-70

 You can write script to automatically copy the images to respective folder so the images can
be easily annotated.
 Next step is to annotate the images according to the different age groups in yolo format
using LabelImg.
 Once the dataset is annotated yolo environment will be set and model must be trained.
 You can set environment on your own machine or use google coolab.
 Model must be retrained if desired accuracy is not achieved by enhancing dataset or
changing training parameters.

 Python
 jupyter notebook
 Yolo


Name: Bilal Bin Umar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: u.bilal
Breast Cancer Detection using Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Project Domain / Category

Image Processing

Abstract / Introduction
Early detection of breast cancer ensures the chances of survival. Now a days the best technique is
mammography which uses x-rays to detect breast cancer at initial stages. The main objective of
this project is to enhance the accuracy of the cancer detection and classify the women into
different risks groups on the basis of physiological symptoms. X-rays images are used as input to
Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The steps involved in the cancer detection using x-rays
are represented graphically:

Steps to perform classification

Functional Requirements:
Provide a bulleted list of functional requirements
1. Input x-rays images by creating web page.
2. Perform pre-processing to reduce anomalies and noisy data.
3. Apply segmentation.
4. Feature extraction using Gaussian function.
5. Classify data into different risk groups on the basis of symptoms.
6. Show results graphically and statistically.
You can use any tool related to the project like MATLAB, Weka, C#, Java Python

Note: dataset will be provided later.

Name: Noureen Hameed
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: noureen.uaf
Contactless Attendance System for prevention of Covid-19

Project Domain / Category


Abstract / Introduction
Without a doubt, COVID-19 is effecting businesses around the Globe very badly. Hundreds of
thousands of businesses have temporarily closed or have been forced to lay off employees due to
massive reductions in sales. The revenues are fallen to a point where survival of most businesses is
not possible. For most of the Businesses, marking attendance of their employees is such a crucial
task during this pandemic. Many businesses does not afford remote working of their employees
such as factories producing foods and goods. Such type of Businesses required to have a safe and
contactless attendance management system which prevents the future spread of the coronavirus
by not touching attendance machines. So, we proposed this project in which we have designed
RFID Based Attendance Management System using Arduino and RFID. In this system, each
employee is issued an RFID card as their identity card and their attendance is marked when they
scan their card with RFID reader.
Functional Requirements:
Below are some main functions of the system.
1. Attendance check-in/check-out
2. Confirmation Beep on success
3. Display Name on LCD
4. Entry or Exit indication
5. Monthly attendance report

Arduino IDE

Required Hardware:
 Arduino UNO
 RFID module
 LCD Module
 Connectors and Jumper wires
 Battery / Adopter
 Cards

Name: Hafiz Wajahat Hashmi
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: wajishah007
IoT-enabled facemask detector for Covid19-Zamar Khan

Project Domain / Category


A health Outbreak is caused by the COVID19 pandemic. The most powerful safety tool is wearing a
face mask in public places and everywhere else. The COVID 19 outbreak forced governments
around the world to implement lockdowns to prevent virus transmission. According to survey
reports, wearing a face mask at public places reduces the risk of transmission significantly.

We are going to create a IoT-enabled smart facemask detector using machine learning which will
help in lessening of this health outbreak. Our IoT-enabled smart facemask detector could be used
at shopping malls, hotels, apartment entrance, etc. This device can help to organizations to
improve the overall prominence for COVID19 protection by enabling the Internet of Things (IoT)

Functional Requirements:
1. Face Mask Detection
2. Setting an alarm when intruder (a person without facemask) enters.
3. Create an interface for monitoring and keeping stats of person entering with mask and
without mask.
4. Calculate Intruders peak time by monitoring daily stats and informing authorities of the
intruder’s peak time.
Required Hardware:
1. Raspberry Pi (Pi 4 is recommended)
2. Pi camara module
3. MicroSD card
4. Power supply/Keyboard/Mouse/Monitor/HDMI Cable
Tools and technologies:
Raspbian OS, Putty, VNC server and WinSCP etc.
Tensorflow, Keras, Open CV etc.

Name: Muhammad Zamar Khan
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: [email protected]
Android App for Location Based Services

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application.

Abstract / Introduction
Many of our daily life activities are location based and we may forget to keep track of all the
activities associated with a certain place. In order to keep track of all the activities associated with
a certain place, this application will remind the users about any work when he is at a certain
location. This application will require GPS (Global Positioning System) services of the mobile to
keep track of the current user location.

User will add the tasks associated to a particular place in the application along with the location.
Application will continuously monitor the location of the user and will generate a notification or
alarm to intimate the user as he reaches at the task location.

This application will also allow the user to automatically change mobile sound (ringer) settings
associated at a particular location like turning on vibration mode in Mosque. All data will be saved
in the cloud storage so that you can get the same record even after changing your device.

Functional Requirements:

Following are functional requirements of this project

1. The users will need to register with the application using his/her email address for the first
time use. These credentials will help him to store and retrieve his/her data on cloud storage.
Users will be required to log into the application only once (for first use).

2. The application will show the current location of the user on the map and all the pending
tasks pinned at the particular location associated with the task.

3. The application will provide an interface to add a task associated with a particular place and
select the location of the task. The application will continuously monitor the location of the
user and will generate a notification or alarm to intimate the user as he reaches the task
location. It will also provide an option to set a reminder type either in the form of a
notification or alarm ringer.

4. This application will also allow the user to automatically switch the mobile sound profile (i.e.
Sound, Vibration, Silent, etc.) settings associated with a particular location. The user will
add a sound profile setting for a particular location. The application will provide an option
to select a particular location from the map (i.e. mosque, office, etc.) and associate a sound
profile setting defined in the mobile to that place.

5. The application will provide an option to automatically switch to the default sound profile
or show a reminder to manually switch settings when the user leaves that location.

Note: All the data should be synced properly with the cloud storage so that you can get the same
record even after changing your device.

Tools: Android Studio/Eclipse or any appropriate IDE supportive for Android. SQLite or Firebase or
any database of your choice. Google Map API.

Name: Muhammad Tahir Jan
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: [email protected]
Android Car Buy & Sell App

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
This android app will provide an online C2C (Customer-to-Customer) platformm to users for buying
and selling their cars as well as the spare parts and related accessories. The users can search / find
the vehicles based-upon their category, budget, make, model, cities and body types. Based upon
such searching criteria, the app should display vehicle’s details containing price, pictures, model,
make, location, category etc. The app will display spare parts and accessories according to search
criteria already defined for cars. It will be an online system where users can search and buy or
exchange their vehicles.

Functional Requirements:

1. The system shall be able to register users as buyers and/or sellers along with their profile
maintenance including name, contact information, address, location on Google maps,
pictures etc.
2. The system shall be able to register vehicles along with their vehicle profile maintenance
including name, make, model, type, category, budget, make, model, body type, pictures etc.
3. The system shall be able to register users as buyers and/or sellers along with their profile
maintenance including name, contact information, location, pictures etc.
4. The system shall allow users to search / find the vehicles based-upon their category. The
category includes 660cc cars, 1000cc cars, 1300 cc cars, Japanese cars, Hybrid cars, Small
cars, Electric cars, Bank auction and local cars etc.
5. The system shall allow users to search / find the vehicles based-upon their budget e.g. like
below 10 lac, below 15 lac, below 20 lac, below 30 lac, below 40 lac, and so on up to 100 lac.
6. The system shall allow users to search / find the vehicles based-upon their make. The make
includes Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Diahatsu, Nissan, MG, Hyundai, Kia, Faw, BMW, Audi etc.
7. The system shall allow users to search / find the vehicles based-upon their model. The
model may contain Corolla, Civic, Mehran, Cultus, Prado, Hilux, Vezel, Swift, Land Cruiser,
Bolan, Aqua, Pass, Mira, Alto, Liana, Centro, Ravi, Corolla Axio, etc.
8. The system shall allow users to search / find the vehicles based-upon their cities. The cities
list contains Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi Peshawar, Quetta and some other big cities of
9. The system shall allow users to search / find the vehicles based-upon their body types. The
body types may include Sedan, Hatchback, SUV, Van, Double cabin, Pickup, High Roof, Truck
10. The system shall allow users to search / find the auto (or spare) parts and accessories of
vehicles based-upon their category, make and model.
11. Apart from user search, the system shall display list of auto (or spare) parts and accessories
along with their shipping details.
12. The system shall consist of online shopping cart for purchase of the auto (or spare) parts
and accessories. The payment mode will be Cash-On-Delivery (COD).
13. The app should allow user to quote his/her offer (or price) against the demanded price (by
14. The real-time communication among users (seller and buyers) will be offered by the app via
chat, audio and video call.
15. The system should allow exchange offer to buyers against their existing vehicle.
1. IDE: Android Studio
2. Programming Language: Java
3. Database: Firebase
4. Unified Modelling Language (UML): Microsoft Visio, IBM Rational Rose

Name: Haseeb Akmal
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: HaseebAkmal
Android Based Tourist Guide
Project Domain / Category
Mobile Application.

Abstract / Introduction
Now-a-days there are many applications which helps user to provide solutions to many problems
related to their daily life. Northern areas are one of the regions which have a potential of tourism
in Pakistan. In recent holidays, over 2.7 million people visited Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa for the
purpose of tourism. Due to the lack of updated information, tourists are not be able to visit all
tourism attraction sites. Android Based Tourist Guide provides a solution to the problems that the
tourists faced during their visit. Android Based Tourist guide replace the old way of tourism guide.
Mobile based tour guide system allows them to get the needed information at any time, from
anywhere. The main objective of this project is to replace paper-based tour guide with mobile
application and to provide the information that they needed before and during visits without
missing attractions.

Functional Requirements:
Modules in Application
1. User Module: Via user module, user can make account into the application and can use it
for future purpose and also get latest updates thoroughly.
2. Booklet Module: In this module, all the information is viewed via this module and user can
access this module through their account.
a. Sub Module.
i. Location of different sites
ii. Location of hotels
iii. Culture and values of the region
iv. Locate it on the map
v. Display full information about the sites
3. Database Module: This module contains all the data related to the system such as users
that are registered into the system and so on. Time-wise update of the database will lead to
timely updating of information in the user’s account as well.
4. Admin Module: All the updates and addition and deletion of information related to places
and other information are updated via this module. Only admin has the right to access this
Android studio, SQL lite database, Google map, Apache web server

Name: Abdul Ghani
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: ghanibaloch2009
BluetoothChat Mobile App.
Project Domain / Category
Android Mobile Application.

Abstract / Introduction
BluetoothChat is an android based application that allows two users to chat via Bluetooth.
BluetoothChat mobile app., will help you to send short messages and images using Bluetooth
technology. You can chat with your friends if you are in the Bluetooth range and don't have access
to the Internet. This mobile app allows users to discover other nearby users, limited to 100 meters,
and create a peer-to-peer connection without any Internet or mobile data connection. You need to
pair two Android phones using Bluetooth and start the chatting and sharing image files without
the need of any internet connection. It's secure, fast, and easy to use. Bluetooth Pair helps you
connect automatically to your most used Bluetooth devices by saving time. The app will manage all
your paired and unpaired devices that you do not need any more. Also, you can filter search for
Bluetooth devices.

Functional Requirements:
1. Create the User login
- Giving the user’s name and password
2. Create first activity and create the chat window and menu items (Search Device, Switch ON
Bluetooth) and work on functionalities like search the devices and switch ON Bluetooth
3. Scan Devices:
- This will scan the all nearby Bluetooth devices. This function helps you to filter search
Bluetooth devices. Like: other phone devices, etc.
4. Listing All Nearby Device:
- Display all searched devices, recently paired and unpaired.
5. Paired Devices:
- Paired the selected device from available devices list.
- Display list of already paired or connected devices.
6. Available Devices:
- Display list of all available devices
7. Connecting to a Bluetooth device: Select any available device to connect.
8. Start Sending and Receiving Messages and Images.
9. Maintain the chat history. (You can use any database tool)
Tools: Latest version of Android Studio installed on your PC or Laptop, Any database tool (SQLite,
or Firebase)

Name: Fouzia Jumani
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: fouziajumani
Easy Auto

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
If a person decides to purchase a vehicle, he/she will be overwhelmed by multitude of options –
ranging from hatchbacks to SUVs. Decision making and final purchase is a hectic job, but the story
doesn’t end here; remembering pre-defined maintenance timeline and scheduled service is also
quite cumbersome. Majority people don’t know exact inspection and service deadlines and end up
in a higher maintenance cost.

Easy Auto app will try to tackle these problems. It will not only assist in buying an ideal vehicle that
fits to the requirements, but also help in after-sale services and maintenance tasks.

Functional Requirements:
Module I: Purchase Decision
M1.1: The app will provide the best vehicle(s) available in the market to purchase after taking
input from the user on these factors (not limited to only these – you can add as well):
 Seating capacity
 Luggage/trunk space
 Engine size and technology
 Fuel type and advertised economy
 Driving modes availability
 Off road/on road driving (4- or 2-wheeler)
 Safety features

M1.2: The app will show all nearest dealerships/showrooms of the selected car based on the
current location of the user.

Module II: Maintenance Services

M2.1: The app will have a comprehensive maintenance section which will have month wise or
odometer-reading wise maintenance timetable which user can view.

M2.2: The app will notify the user of next upcoming maintenance activity (monthly or odometer-
reading whichever comes earlier).
M2.3: The app will calculate total distance covered by the car using GPS. For accuracy, user will
have the option to override this reading.

M2.4: After a particular maintenance service has been done, the app will take total cost incurred
and will save it in a database for comparison purposes for the next same maintenance

M2.5: All maintenance services will auto update for their next schedule.

An example maintenance chart is available in this link:
(click on Schedule Maintenance tab)

Android Studio or Eclipse IDE or Microsoft Visual Studio with Xamarin
SQLite or Firebase database

Name: Muhammad Umair Mujahid
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: live:umair.mujahid_1

Project Domain / Category:

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction:
Pharmacy is a challenging industry with thousands of companies competing for top positions.
ePharmacy is a promising market for business development. Medicine is a necessity for every
household, especially during these times of COVID-19 epidemic. Pharmacy delivery apps are
beneficial for both customers and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Customers can use this app to
order medicines. Searching for medicines is easy using the app. Customers can upload
prescription to find their medicine. Customers can check the expiry dates of all their medicines
before ordering through the app. Pharmacy stores are notified when orders are placed. Items are
packed and delivered to the indicated address.
Functional Requirements:

1. Registration and Login:

First of all, the user will encounter the login screen which requires the user to login to the
application. The login system for each user (Customer, Pharmacist, Admin, Driver/Rider)
shows its dashboard correctly with appropriate functionality. For new users, there will be an
option to create an account on the login screen, which will lead the user towards the
further process. Using email, social media accounts or phone numbers, it should be easy for
customers to register and login.

2. Profile management:
When customers create a new account, they should be able to add personal information,
such as their name, credit card information, shipping address, etc. A 'forgot password'
feature should also be available.

3. Add prescription:
Prescriptions should be added by the user so that pharmacists can verify them. It should be
possible to upload different types of prescriptions, such as images from the device's gallery,
PDFs, and other formats.

4. Search medicine:
It allows customers to easily find some medicines in a single store through this app. You can
search for medicines by manufacturer and drug name.

5. Order medicine:
Customers should be able to place orders through the app. The date of expired medicines
can be checked before placing an order through the app.
6. Pay for orders:
The App should provide an interface to pay for orders by using eWallet; provide add money
(using debit/credit card) and/or Cash-On-Delivery (COD) and view balance options.

7. Order tracking:
Customers can track the location of their orders and check the delivery time of their orders.

8. Nearest Pharmacy:
Customers should be able to locate the nearest pharmacy via Google Maps by viewing the
distance from their current location to the nearest pharmacy.
5. IDE: Android Studio
6. Programming Language: Java
7. Database: MySQL, Firebase
8. Unified Modelling Language (UML): Microsoft Visio, IBM Rational Rose

Name: Usama Ahmed
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: vu_usama
File Tracker

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
Files keeps moving in a big organization from person to person, from desk to desk. In case if
someone required that file, it becomes hard to find which person, desk or office have that file. If
some required that file, it seems that his mind gets disturbed and sometimes causes hustle and
bustle within the company. In file tracker system, files will be registered and offices employee will
be registered too. So if a files moves from one person to other, status of the file location will be
updated. Every file will have a number, and it will be easily found which person is currently holding
that file. So if someone need it, he will search in app and directly go to that person. For better
experience, he can directly call or message that person within the app to get that file.

Functional Requirements:
1. User have to register in the app
2. Files have to be add in the app
3. User can add new file
4. User can search for a specific file
5. User can see the current person holding the file
6. User can ask the person holding file to forward it to him
7. User can track department-wise file(s) status
8. User can chat or call to the other registered users

Database: Firebase or mySQL
Language: Java
Framework: Android
IDE: Android Studio

Name: Zaid Ismail
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: m.zaid_1994_1
Gym Buddy
Project Domain / Category
Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
Taking out some time from your busy schedule to attend a gym daily for a workout seems difficult
for working professionals & college students due to workload & studies. As a result of which many
people prefer doing exercises or gym workouts at their home itself. However, a gym workout or
exercise done without following the right procedure or positions and done without the proper
guidance of a trainer can damage your muscles. Also, hiring a personal trainer may not fit
everyone's budget. So, to tackle this issue you are required to develop an android based Gym
Buddy application that will act as a virtual trainer. This application will guide the users on various
body exercises with step-by-step positions with images. The users can keep a track of the data of
day-to-day exercises. The Gym Buddy application contains a list of all exercises based on different
types & categories (i.e., workout for chest, triceps, biceps, abs, back, shoulders, forearms, legs etc.).
The users can also keep a track of how much sets or weights they used in one particular workout
so that they can increase or decrease its capacity accordingly. Thus, this android-based gym
workout application will act as a virtual guide to the users & will provide a user-friendly gym

Functional Requirements:
In this system, the user will be able to view all kinds of exercises based on type or category. Each
Workout or exercise is well explained in details along with 2 photos showing the start and end-
pose, so that user can check his posture like in the photo and can imitate it properly. User can
enter weight or set based on current date and can add multiple entries for each date. The system
comprises of one major module with its sub-modules as follows:

 Login/Logout: User will be able to login in the application by providing his username and password.
After the use of application, he can be logout from the application by saving his workout progress.
 Categories: User will be able to select a category or type of exercises he wants, namely chest,
triceps, biceps, abs, back, shoulders, forearms, legs etc.
 Exercise: Each exercise will have 2 photos showing the start and the end pose of it, along with a
detailed description about the exercise which can consist of what kinds of muscle we are building
and why is it important.
 Progress Tracker: Under each Exercise, the user can mark how much weights he used or how
many sets he did on the particular date, so that he can refer and keep on increasing his mark.

Android Studio
Java language
Database (SQLite or Firebase)

Name: Muhammad Hassaan
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: live:muhammad.hassaan005
Health Monitoring Mobile App for Patients
Project Domain / Category
Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
It is an android based mobile application that will keep track of a patients’ health. This mobile
application will keep the personal profile and medical record of a patient. In this app, user will be
able to add patient’s personal profile, medical history, doctor appointments and vaccination
records. It should provide an alert message to update the person about next appointment to the
doctor and daily medicines. The patient can add his/her medical record like blood pressure, sugar
level, pulse rate etc. and if these values are not in normal range, then it should alert a patient for
emergency visit to the doctor. An alert message should also be generated if vaccination date is
near or has passed or if appointment is due. Application must also provide the mechanism to keep
track of a patient’s medical record of illness and treatment (like what was illness like blood
pressure, diabetes flu, fever, chest infection etc. and what was the medicine recommended by Dr.
along with Dr. name and contact). There should be a facility to upload the image of prescriptions
against illness records.

Functional Requirements
There are following functional requirements:
1. User will be able to add the personal profile of a patient.
2. User will add the record of medical history of a patient (like what was illness like blood
pressure, diabetes flu, fever, chest infection etc. and what medicine was recommended by
Dr. like Panadol, Rigix, Glucofage etc. along with Dr. name and contact).
3. User will be able to add vaccination record of patient.
4. It will give alert message in case of emergency visit to doctor if patient is not well.
5. It will give an alert message if vaccination date is near or has passed or if doctor
appointment is due.
6. It will update patient about daily medicine.
7. There should be a facility to upload the images of prescriptions against illness record.

Tools and Languages:

IDE: NetBeans, Eclipse, JDK, Android Studio
Language: Java
Database: SQLite / Firebase
Note: Student should not generate Application using any web based/offline tools like “MIT Android
App Inventor”.

Name: Humaira Naeem
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: humera_naeem
Labor Working Monitoring App for a Fish Pond

Project Domain / Category

Android app

Abstract / Introduction
Due to multiple businesses in different locations an owner cannot monitor the working of the
labor/employees physically on all business places. Work-from-home mode is the best solution to
manage all businesses remotely.

So the owner/ project manager needs such a mobile app that provides a new way to manage
attendance, leave application and daily task in a quick and easy way.

You have to make an android based mobile application that could fulfill the need of the absentee
owners of the fish farms, who couldn't daily monitor the care and the feed of the fish being raised
in the ponds physically.

Functional Requirements:

Following are functional requirements for this project:

1. There must be a login process for administrator and authorized users to avoid unauthorized
access to the software.
2. There must be a camera interface for the administrator/owner for watching of workers
assigned routine tasks.
3. There must have a worker’s interface to notify the owner on performing all activities.
4. The application shall monitor daily working of the labour force.
5. To perform each task worker shall add his starting and completion of the activity time.
6. On performing each activity by the worker owner must be notified on daily bases.
7. The application shall keep records of the feed give to the fish.
8. The application shall tell the growth of the fish.
9. The application shall tell about mortality of the fish.
10. The responsible worker of the fish farm shall provide the owner daily report of other
indicators like oxygen deficiency syndrome disease etc.
11. For this, multiple cameras would be installed at the optimal areas to keep watch the actives
of the workers of the fish form.
12. Application shall maintain a database to keep a back up record is being recorded through
camera of the daily activities performed by the workers.
13. Owner must be able to watch the employees back up recorded video through camera
14. The owner through other media like WhatsApp could also talk to the worker and direct
15. All system depends on the Wi-Fi connection.
16. The application must have Capability to receive and manage an online database of the data
from Hardware Module
17. The application must have capability to compute the critical condition based on received
18. Display Unit
19. GSM/Wi-Fi based Internet Connectivity Module
20. GPS Module Mobile Application (Android)

IDE: Android Studio
Languages: Java, PHP for APIs
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL , MariaDB, SQLite, Firebase

Note: Virtual University of Pakistan will not provide any kind of hardware for this project, student
has to arrange required hardware by himself/herself.

Name: Imtiaz Bibi
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: imtiaz.mavra
Meat On Wheels iOS App

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

During the COVID pandemic, people buy meat online, so they don’t have to leave their homes. In
the past few years, Covid-19 has changed the shopping landscape in many ways, the most
apparent in the fact that many people now would instead buy meat and other food supplies online.
Nowadays, we can purchase anything online. It’s also possible to skip the queues at the
supermarket or in the butchers and buy meat online.

With online butchers, you can get high-quality meat delivered freshly to your door. There’s no
reason to brave the crowded meat department in a grocery store or drive to the butcher shop to
purchase dreary meat. When it comes to getting your meat, you should receive the best service.

The main idea of the proposed “Meat On Wheels iOS App” is to provide the customers easy access
to the meat of their choice and get delivery of their favorite meat to their doorstep.

Main Roles of the system:

There will be five options in its side menu
· Profile
· Nearest Meat Stores
· My Cart
· Feedback
· Logout

Core Functionality:
Core functionality and basic flow of the app will be as follows:
1. First of all, the user will encounter the home screen which consists of a list of nearest
meat stores.
2. The user will select a suitable store and proceed with his/her shopping from the menu
provided by the concerned store.
3. App will provide checkout functionality during the shopping.
4. A special note may show to the user during shopping (for example: “Free Delivery on
order above Rs. 500”)
5. The user will have to register before confirming his/her order if he/she is not registered
The other Screens will work as :
● Profile.
Profile Screen will show the user his/her details (His/her name, Address, Postal Code,
note regarding address)

● Nearest Stores.
This screen will show the list of nearest meat stores, user can also search store from
the list
● My Cart.
This Screen will show the user current cart status, if the user has nothing in his/her
cart then it will show a message (“Your cart is Empty, Start Shopping :) ” ).
● Feedback.
This screen will show a wide text area and the submit button so that users can send

There will be a need for a backend web API that will handle all backend tasks such as managing all
nearest stores, their categories and subcategories, products managing and user data etc.

Tools & Language:

• IDE: XCode on mac-book
• Programming Language: Swift5 and latest versions
• Backend Server-side scripting technology: PHP
• API Testing Application: Postman
• Code Editors: XCode, Sublime, PHP storm Visual Studio, etc.

Note: If you need any further assistance regarding tools, feel free to contact me.

Name: Hafiz Muhammad Haroon
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: haroon.sheikh322
Mobile Application for Marriage Hall Booking

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
You have to develop Mobile application in which user can book a marriage hall for valima
ceremony or receiving baraat. The app should provide number of options and user can select
options according to his or her need and requirements. The options include the seating
arrangement and menu like mutton, beef, chicken, biryani, kheer, salad, raita, cold drinks etc.
After registration to the app the user can book the marriage hall based on the available dates and
pay the token money.

This payment can be made through a payment interface. This booking should be available to the
admin which will be marriage hall administration. The marriage hall administration then can
confirm booking and assign different task to the marriage hall employees to manage the event. On
the day of the event the services should be available to the user for baraat or valima.

Two days before the event the user should pay the 80% of the amount. After the event the user
pays the remaining amount of the event charges.

Functional Requirements:

1. User should register in the mobile app.

2. User should login to use the mobile app.
3. App should also show the available slots and booked slots.
4. App should provide an interface for booking.
5. Interface should provide options such as number of peoples, menus. Options in menu
include such as mutton, chicken, beef, biryani, salad, cold drink etc.
6. After filling all the required fields, the booking should be submitted.
7. The admin of the marriage hall should check the requirements of the user. If no issue found
then it confirms the booking and send message through email or phone call or SMS to
proceed for token money.
8. If user confirms his bookings then interface for token money payment should be shown
where user should made payment. The booking confirmation message should be sent to the
user through email and mobile phone SMS.
9. After booking confirmation the admin should assign the responsibilities to the employees of
the marriage hall like Procurement of the required material, cooking arrangement, seating
arrangement, event management. On the admin side these assigned responsibilities should
be shown to the admin.
10. Admin should enter the details of the employee while registering into the mobile app.
11. If user do not pay token money for two days then booking should be cancelled and interface
should be made available to the other users for booking.
12. If user cancel booking before the event the token money should be with held and slot
should be made available to the user.
13. After the event the admin should formally close the event.

Tools & Language:

IDE: Android Studio
Programming language: Java / Kotlin
Database: SQLite

Name: Muhammad Anwar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: [email protected]
Online Plasma Donation System (Android)

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application (Android)

Abstract / Introduction
Although the governments around the world are carrying out COVID vaccination campaigns on a
large scale. However, due to very large population, it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage
this vaccination drive because number of vaccines available are not sufficient. As a result, saving
lives of unvaccinated COVID contracted patients has become the matter of grave concern.
According to the data provided by WHO, approximately 4.8 million people have died so far due to
COVID whereas the total number of active cases have risen above 17 million. Although, vaccination
is a good way to help protect the people from getting COVID. However, for critically ill COVID
patients need other treatment to reduce the chances to losing their lives. One such treatment by
which a COVID infected person can be treated and the death risk can be reduced is Plasma therapy.
This plasma therapy is an experimental approach to treat corona-positive patients and help them
recover. Plasma is a component of blood which is taken out from the body of a healthy person
who is already recovered from COVID and injected into COVID patient to give a chance to recover.

Finding the right plasma donor for the patient is a key challenge and hence our proposed
application will aim at connecting the donors & the patients through mobile. By using this
application, the users can either raise a request for plasma donation or requirement.

The aim of our proposed application is to provide an online platform to users where both COVID
patients and plasma donors can find each other and connect. This will be an android mobile
application which will require internet connectivity through which the users will be able to
communicate. This system is used if anyone needs a Plasma Donor. This system comprises of
Admin and User where both can request for a Plasma. In this system there is something called an
active user, which means the user is an Active member of the App and has recovered from COVID
19, only such people are recommended here for Plasma Donation. Both parties can Accept or
Reject the request. User has to Upload a COVID Negative report to be able to Donate Plasma.

Functional Requirements:

The system comprises of 2 major modules with their sub-modules as follows:

 Admin
 Login: Admin can login into his account using id and password.
 Active User: Admin can view all active users.
 Plasma Request: Admin can raise request for plasma donation to an Active User.
 User Request: Admin can accept or reject donor requests on basis of user report.
 View Requests History: Admin can view the previous history of all the previous
plasma donations requests and their status (Accepted/Pending).
 View Profiles: Admin can view all the registered users and the history of their
previous activities on the application.
 Block Users: It may be possible that some users may be involved in fraudulent
activity such as sharing wrong information. Admin must have rights to block such
users and may even delete these users.

 User
 Register: User can register using personal details.
 Login: User can login into his account using email id and password.
 Request for Plasma: User can raise request for plasma donation.
 Report: User need to upload their report of been successfully recovered from
 Emergency Request: User can raise request for plasma in emergencies.
 Plasma Donation: User can accept any request for plasma donation.

Tools and Language:

 Android Studio
 Cloud Database
 Java or Kotlin
 XML for front end

Important Note: You are strongly advised to carefully read all the functional requirements and do
some research beforehand to make sure that you understand project requirements and are in the
position to implement these requirements. Moreover, the university will not offer any financial
assistance for using any paid APIs in the project implementation.

Name: Waqas Ahmad
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: waqas_vu
Orphanage Management App

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps

Abstract / Introduction
The Final Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) said, "The one who cares for an orphan and
myself will be together in Paradise like this”, and he held his two fingers together to illustrate. –
Sahih Al-Bukhari (Vol: 8, Book: 73, Hadith: 34)

If a child has no parents because the parents died or lost custody, then the child is considered an
orphan. An orphanage is a residential institution for the care and education of orphans. However,
in orphanages, most of the tasks are performed manually, thus making it very tedious to organize,
store and retrieve historical data for kids. This motivates to develop an application to ease the
administrative activities for these kinds of organizations.

Orphanage Management App is an Android based application which has two types of login; Admin
and Donor. Admin can perform administrative tasks, like; enrollment of a new orphan,
modification in orphan’s record and generation of notifications to donors for help in case of any
shortage of food, cloth or money. While a donor can donate online, request for adoption and view
orphanage details etc.

Functional Requirements:
Functional requirements are as follows:
I. Users: The app must support two types of users; Admin and Donor
1. Admin:
• Login
• Add/update orphans profile (name, age, photo etc.)
• Update orphanage details (address, location etc.)
• View online transactions
• View donor’s feedback
• Schedule meetings (for adoption process)
• Generate notifications (to get help from donors etc.)
2. Donor:
• Register
• Login
• View orphanage details (address, location etc.)
• Manage E-Wallet (for online donation)
• Request for meeting (for adoption process)
• Give feedback
• Receive notifications
II. Authentication: App should provide registration (for donor only) and login GUIs (i.e. Graphical
User Interfaces) for both (admin and donor); store users' credentials at Firebase
III. Databases: Firebase Real-Time Database should be used as an online server for storing all
data; use JSON format in this regard. However, for app internal storage, SQLite or Room
database should be implemented.
IV. Google Maps: Donor should be able to locate the orphanage via Google Maps.
V. Online Payment: App should provide interface to pay donation online by using E-Wallet;
provide add money (using debit/credit card) and view balance options.
VI. Orphans Profile: App must provide GUIs to create a profile for each kid, where admin can add
name, date of birth, gender and photo etc.
VII. Search Feature: By using it, a donor can search about kids from orphans profile and request
for a meeting for adoption purpose.
VIII. Notifications: App should send proper notifications to donors with high priority so that the
needy could be helped timely.

1. IDE: Android Studio
2. Programming Language: Java/Kotlin
3. Databases: Firebase Real-Time Database & SQLite/Room

Name: Muhammad Imran Afzal
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: imranafzal126
Patient Care

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps

Abstract / Introduction
This app connects people who are willing to volunteer to care for patients/elderly people needing
care. A person willing to volunteer will register in the app mentioning the number of patients
he/she can look after and the area around his/her house within which he/she can look after
patients. Now when a patient looking for care or his/her family member registers him/her in the
app, the app automatically assigns a caregiver to the patient that is closest to the patient’s location.
If there is no caregiver available, then the app will display a suitable message for the patient. While
registering a patient, there is also a need to enter the care the patient needs.The care that a
patient needs may be reminder for a medicine, therapy or some other treatment at a particular
time (set by the patient or family member while registering). The volunteer/caregiver will get
reminder that his/her assigned patient needs to take medicine (or some other action) and he/she
will message/beep/remind the patient through the app to do the needful. The patient may take
the needed action (take medicine or other needed medical intervention) and will push a button
notifying the caregiver that appropriate action has been taken. If a caregiver/volunteer does not
get a notification from the patient after a few reminders, then he/she will go to the patient’s
location or contact some family member to get things done. Finally, the app keeps record of the
duration and number of patients a caregiver is taking care of so that he/she may be given proper
acknowledgement/recognition/reward for his/her services.

Functional Requirements:

1. A caregiver can register in the app mentioning:

a. The number of patients he/she can take care of
b. The area around his house where he/she can be assigned patient(s)
2. A patient (or family member) can register in the app mentioning:
a. The care needed (and the time of each)
b. Two family members/neighbors/friends who may be contacted if the patient is not
3. A patient may request for a caregiver.
4. The app assigns a caregiver to the requesting patient if it is available. The app exchanges the
information of the caregiver and its patient with each other.
5. The caregiver receives notification through the app when a patient needs to do something.
6. The caregiver messages the patient to do the needful (either in a voice message, a text
message or a beep).
7. If the patient has done the needful, he/she can notify through the app to the caregiver.
8. The caregiver will repeat reminders if he/she has not received any notification from the
9. The caregiver will choose to either go to the patient personally or contact patient’s
family/friend/neighbor (which is registered with the app).
10. The app keeps track of the number of patients (and the duration) which are taken care of by
a caregiver/volunteer.
Android Studio (or any other mobile app development IDE)
Database: Online DBMS (like Firebase or any other of your choice)

Mobile app development normally requires systems with good computational power. See the
exact system requirements for Android Studio in the following link:

You are advised to enroll in this project only if you have the needed computational resources.

If you choose any other IDE for mobile development, then please check its resource requirements
before enrolling in the project.

Name: Yasar Mehmood
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: yasar.mehmood111
POS Online Inventory and Accounts App.

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

The application POS online Inventory and Accounts must be well designed engaged with the
inventory control of different sales as shopping cart, purchase and production. The business can
select workers permanent / daily wages for different jobs and can view their Inventory
Control/production detail with complete Account book and report. This platform can be run as
pure business purposes, so proper report required for inventory sales, purchase, production and

Functional Requirements:

1. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of cash sales by date and
2. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view shopping cart sales by date and
3. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of credit card sales by date
and Type.
4. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of Product inventory.
5. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of purchase inventory.
6. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of payments and
transaction by dealers.
7. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of payments and
transaction by vender.
8. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search enterprise complete accounts with
9. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search staff permanent / daily wages by first
name, Last name, CNIC, contact number, qualification, experience and salary / daily wage.
10. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of employee’s job and
payments record.
11. Customers can create their log in and profile by first name, Last name, domain, address,
contact no and date of registration
12. Admin/system can add first name, Last name, Vender CNIC, vendor address, vendor contact
no and vendors inventory.
13. Admin/system can add first name, Last name, Dealer CNIC, Dealer address, Dealer contact
no and Dealers inventory.
Non-Functional Requirements:
The mobile application must be Android-based, and its data is to be managed using SQLite. Also,
the application should be easily accessible to users, secured, scalable and well performing. Those
criteria are what would make the application stand up from a simple application to a product that
can be delivered and used by real life clients. However, the focus is more on implementing the
application using the new tools before considering these enterprise application features.

Android Studio / Eclipse / NetBeans
Programming language (Frontend: XML, Backend: Java)
Database (SQLite or any modern database language)

Name: Imran Akhtar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID:
Poultry Management
Project Domain / Category
Mobile Application

Poultry Management is an application for the management of Poultry farms in a simple, easy and
convenient manner for all modes of education. This application helps farmers to store all the
information about Poultry farming including the financial management in the shape of investment,
expenses and profit. It also records meat and eggs production, and calculates it automatically, and
helps the farmer to know the information of chicks along the breeders and their type.

Functional Requirements
 Leg bands must be applied by the breeder to help identify and keep track of every birds.
This ring will be printed with a unique ID to store the birds information in database.
 The record of flocks should be managed with cage numbers and hatching date/purchase
 The application notifies the farmer vaccination time for each flock.
 The farmer should be able to record eggs production on daily basis, with identifies the eggs
in Excellent, Good, and Bad conditions along the breed type.
 The farmer should also record the medications along with medicine name, formula,
quantity according to bird or flock identifications.
 The application should maintain the stock of feed/medicines and notifies the farmer 3 days
before the end of stock.
 The application should notify the farmer to clean the cage of every flock on the periodic

Note: These are the basic requirements, The Good grade will be provided to only those
students who will explore more farming requirements to build a professional type application.
For this, Enrolled students can contact me on every Thursday Morning for a better guideline.

 Development environment:
 Android Studio
 MySQL, SQL-Lite

Name: Abdul Qahhar Mohsin
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID:
Rent a Car Mobile App

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
The purpose of this android mobile app is to provide such a platform which will make the search
for a car more efficient so that it can be rented by the user. Firstly, this platform will unite several
rental companies together, and not every company can and is added to the platform, only those
that are verified, and that have the right acts and are approved by an administrator. Thus, each
company registered on the platform can place its cars here, and the user, when looking for a
particular car, receives all the results from all the companies that meet the requirements, and he is
already analyzing and selecting the most optimal variant.

Online payment is a necessity nowadays, because it is safe and much quicker and handy being in
an online environment, being pre. However, the user also has the opportunity to offer a dealer
note, so users who will be looking for cars at this dealer will be able to see how well it is noted and
whether it is worth taking the car or not after the previous user experience, which is a plus in the
safety of Internet services. Another service available on the platform is to position the car’s
location on the map as well as the dealer’s office to get a more accurate guideline to reach the

Functional Requirements:
1. Crete a registration page for all users and each user should receive an activation code via
email to access the app.
2. User can provide basic personal details for registration.
3. User must upload its national id card to use the app.
4. Crete a login page for all users and each user should use app after successfully signing it.
5. Enable social media accounts login facility.
6. Display list of available cars to user in the mobile app view.
7. User can select rent a car with and without Driver option.
8. User will select the desired car for rent and click book now button.
9. Allows users to rent an online car, and performs the transfer using online payment methods.
10. Create a rental form that user will fill at the time of car booking.
11. User can see the history of his rental.
12. Use GPS for location tracking after car is issued to the user.
13. User can edit his profile.
14. Create a control panel to add companies, to add dealers and to manage cars and rental
15. Allows dealers / companies through the control panel to add, edit and remove cars within
the platform.
16. Allows the dealers to see all bookings history of a customer and total bookings for the car in
the control panel.
17. Allows administrators to add more cities to a more efficient location of car rental
IDE: Android Studio
Programming language: Java
Database: MySQL / Firebase/ SQLite

Name: Shakeel Saeed
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: shakeelsaeedvurnd
Smart Travel Guide Mobile Application

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application (Android)

Abstract / Introduction
Now a days mobile phone is a necessary part of the people’s life. There is a continuous rise in
number of mobile computing applications, centered on the people’s daily life. Location dependent
systems have been noticed as an important application. We propose Smart Travel Guide mobile
application which will act as tourist guide system for tourists. Our system takes advantage of light-
weighted mashup technology that can combine more than one data sources to create value-added
services, while overcomes the limitations of mobile devices.

This is the basic information regarding the project idea. Students are encouraged to read the
following research paper before choosing
the project for better and detailed understanding of the proposed system.

Functional Requirements:
1. Find current location of the user.
2. Locate in Map (destination location)
3. Find distance between two locations.
4. Fetch weather forecast of destination.
5. Recommend famous attraction points of destination location.
These are basic Functional Requirements. The students are required to add additional functional
requirements as per their research.

Tools & Languages:

Android Studio or any other
MySQL / Firebase/ SQLite database
Java / Kotlin
Mashup technology to combine information from different sources.

Note: Supervisor or University are not liable to provide any paid resource required for project

Name: Hina Rafique
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: [email protected]
Tour Planner and Recommendation Application
Project Domain / Category
Android Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
Tourism is essential for everyone as it is the activity of people traveling or staying outside their
busy routine of life and office environment for leisure. It refreshes the mind and makes people
more creative in their social life and boosts their creativity level. Therefore, you are required to
develop an application that will facilitate the tourist regarding tourism places and ultimately boost
economic actives and industry revenues.
Functional Requirements:
1. Signup:
User can Sign up by using his name, username, email, password into the application signup
2. Login:
Both admin can login the application with username/email and password after signup.
3. Admin Panel:
Admin can manage the application means it can add, update, delete and add tourism places.
4. Search Engine:
User can search for the places by using search engine in the application based on search
keywords and search filters.
5. Search Filters:
User can filter out the tourism places based on number of on days, time, location, hotel,
6. Provide Place Suggestions:
Application will provide place suggestions based on user search history in the application.
Must associate an image related to the tourism place which will help the user regarding the
place selection.
7. Directions based on Google Map:
On successful place selection application will be able to view directions to the user based on
user current location and the selected tourism place.
8. Logout:
After using the application both user and admin can successfully logout the application.

Languages: Kotlin/Java, Design: XML/Material Design, Development Environment: Android Studio
Database: You can use any online or offline database

Name: Muhammad Bilal
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: bilalsaleem101
Monitoring System for Network Resources (MSNR)

Project Domain / Category


Monitoring System for network resources (MSNR), the purpose of this project is to observe,
monitor and evaluate the CPU and RAM usage connected on a network. This is a system that
administers the efficiency by assessing various resources against the people and programs that use
those resources.

Functional Requirements:
 Monitoring System for network resources (MSNR), is a desktop application providing the
below mentioned tasks:


User management
 This Monitoring system will have two ends
 One will be the “Administrator” to monitor the system
 The other will be “Simple user”

Communication Management
 This is all about exchange of the information among clients and server of application.

Resource Monitoring
 Observation and monitoring resources on connected net.

Report manager
 reports generated in the form of graphs

 or JAVA, etc.

Name: Asim Mehmood
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: sardar-asim
Gate Pass Management System

Project Domain / Category

Desktop Application

Abstract / Introduction
Gate Pass Management System manages the entry and exit of the vehicles of employees and
visitors. This is an efficient system to keep track of each vehicle entry and exit. With the help of
this system, you will be able to manage all incoming or outgoing transactions of your company.
This system is defined as a gate pass security system, its main purpose is to secure the company
from outside visitors, contractors, departments, company vehicle security, and material etc. It will
help the organization as well as a visitor to manage the Gate Passes, those who are visiting
frequently will have their record at the top which will make their entry or exit process easy.

Functional Requirements:
This application will have two major modules:

Administration Module:
This module is normally used by the admin staff who deal with the administrative work of guests.
This system helps the staff to register their expected visitor online, process the visit, and pass on
the information to security. Security department can view the reports of the visitors for the date
range. The GPMS is used to define the allowed personnel authorized to allow access by car to
guests. This means, there will be a record for every entry or exit.

Security Gate Module:

This module will help the admin staff at the security gate to register the visitor’s arrival
information with a photograph and arrival time/date and send the notification to the company
head as well. The system can take in the data about the visitors, his/her co-visitors, and their
belongings, Check-in time and also process check-out.
GPMS allows you to enter the visitors’ details with all credentials of host (to who visitor is going to
meet), it will be verified and after this security staff can access this data. By this system will have
all the information about visitors, their purpose and their host as well. Admin can view any record
at any time. Admin and report engine interfaces will be implemented based on SQL queries.
This application will have three actors, which are admin, manager and guard.

Admin can add, update or delete a record of manager, Guard, approve a gate pass, prohibit the
entry of any vehicle or person. Admin should keep track each Gate pass of vehicle and person
entering int the company area to manage security of organization and will also be responsible for
any error in the system.

The manager will deal with guards will keep track of guards and areas under his supervision. The
manager will have access to records of each gate entry, Guard details, approve a gate pass, and
manage gate passes. If manager will see any uninvited activity, he can restrict the entry of a person
or vehicle.
Guard can view entry gate details, whether a gate pass is approved or not and allow entry only if
the pass is approved. They can also restrict the entry of a person or vehicle in case of any unusual

Your application must have following interfaces with the mentioned functionalities:

Login page, user have ‘ID’, ‘password’, and ‘profile’. After successful login user can perform his/her
tasks according to profile. Without authentication no user will be allowed to view any other
After getting login user can also edit their information like name, address, etc.

Admin can edit, update, delete and add a new manager, guard and can view all their details as well.
Admin can view and approve the request of gate pass added by guard, manger or any other
company member. Admin can also reject any gate pass entry if any suspicious person or vehicle
wants to enter in the company’s area.

Managers will deal with guard and vehicle parking, guard duty, parking area, and will track the
record of expiry of gate pass.

A guard can edit their personal information, mark their duty place, view the gate passes, add
information to gate passes, and report gate passes in case of any suspicious activity.

Gate Pass:
This interface will be used to request a gate pass. Gate pass required information like Person
details, vehicle information, entry time, valid till, etc.

Python, MySQL or SQLite.

Name: Rizwana Noor
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: rizwana.noor77
Maternity Home Automation

Project Domain / Category

Desktop Application

Maternity Home Automation is specially designed for the purpose of fast and accurate results. As
we know that there is only single type of patients and may be visited more than once where we
need previous history of patients on priority basis. That’s why we need a system where when
patient visit hospital for the first time the record of the patient will be recorded in the patient
history with patient id. Here we need ultra sound records also so ultrasound is also part of this
system. The patient will be checked if there is a need to admit so patient will be admitted
otherwise not admitted.

If the patient need to be admitted so according to patient condition bed will be allotted before
allotment system check for an empty bed.

After admission according to the doctor prescription and ultrasound result the blood and all other
requirements will be arranged for the patient.

This system will give us a complete record of a patient at every stage and if patient visit the
Maternity Home once again so we have a complete record of a patient which will be beneficiary
for both patient and doctors.

On the other hand patients don’t need to carry reports for record. An efficient and robust
Maternity Home Automation plays a vital role in day to day running of hospitals in today fast pace

For the aforementioned reasons students are assigned to develop a Maternity Home Automation
with functional requirements mentioned below.

Functional Requirements:

1. Registration
 The administrator can create a new user (Doctor or Admin Staff).
 New user can login and logout.

2. Patient Entry/ Checkout

Admin Assign ID to patient
Doctor add, delete or modify the Patient details.

3. Ultrasound
 Doctor add, delete or modify the patient history on the basis of ultrasound.

4. Bed
 Doctor or Admin Staff can Allocate or DE allocate Bed for Patients
 Update Patient Information
5. Search
Doctor or Admin Staff can search for the required Patient detail based on name, id

6. Report generation
Doctor and Admin Staff can generate report of Patient or beds on the basis of daily,
weekly and early
Python is mandatory.

Name: Asadullah
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: asad.ullah121
Postal System (PS)

Project Domain / Category

Desktop Database Application

Pakistan Post is the main source of communication for individuals, government organizations and
business community. It provides many domestic and international services including mail,
documents, packets and parcels, Money orders delivery etc. It provides these services in many
categories, for example, ordinary mail, Urgent Mail Service (UMS) etc. in case of “Mail” and Urgent
Money orders, Fax Money orders and Electronic Money orders in case of “Money Order”. The idea
is to develop a computerized desktop based application that can be deployed to any Post office or
Mail collection point to replace their manual system.

Functional Requirements:
A set of functional requirements of the proposed system may include the following.
1. There must be login process for administrator and authorized users to avoid
unauthorized access to the software.
2. The system must be able to store data about different services
3. The system would be able to store revenue generated from each type of service
4. The system would be able to store the records of each person who want to post the
service (Mail, Money order, documents etc.)
5. The system would be able to store the records of each person who receive the
service (Mail, Money order, documents etc.)
6. The system should be able to keep record of destination (Country, City etc.) of each
7. The system would be able to print the report (weekly, monthly, yearly) of revenue
8. The system would be able to print the report of services based on categories
9. Any other report necessary for the problem domain

Note: Students are supposed to visit the problem domain and understand the problem and gather
the functional requirements not understandable from the given above.

SQL Server 2008, VB, VB.Net etc.

Name: Asif Hussain
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: asifnoor1982
Voting System via Fingerprint

Project Domain / Category

Desktop Applications

The task of handling manual voting system is tedious and often led to rigging claims by losing
candidates. In order to cope with this situation, we are proposing a system where the voter will be
authenticated through biometric, i.e., through their finger print and they will cast only one vote in
the mentioned election. This system will provide transparency and ease for conducting the
election and the result of the election will be available instantly. It will be a desktop application
have the following five modules/features:
1. Election Management
2. Candidates
3. Voters
4. Election
5. Result
There will be two users of the system, one is admin and the other one is presiding officer. The
admin can use all the above five features (Election management, candidate management, voter’s
management, conducting election & results), however the presiding officer can view/use only two
components of the application, i.e., only Election and Result.

1. Election Management
In order to use this system first, the details about the election needs to be entered into the system.
Admin has the right to add election details into the system. The following fields are used for adding
new election in the system:
ID ------------------------------------------------------(1)
Start Date
End Date
Number of candidates contesting ---------------------(2)
After adding new election, it is displayed on the same form in grid/table form. The admin can
update or delete only new election(s) data. Old election(s) data can’t be updated or deleted.

2. Candidates
The system will allow the admin to add candidates into the system against particular election. The
admin can add/update/delete a particular candidate in the system. It is important to note that the
number of candidates must be equal to the number of candidates specified in equation (2) of “1.
Election management “section. For example, if 3 contesting candidates are specified in “1. Election
management”, then the admin can add only three candidates in this step and not more or not less.
Following fields are used for candidate’s management feature:
Select election (Here mention election id from equation (1))
Candidate ID or CNIC
Name of candidate
After adding candidate, it is displayed on the same form in grid/table form with update and delete

3. Voters
The system will allow the admin to add voters into the system against particular election. The
admin can add/update/delete a particular voter in the system.
Following fields are used for voter’s management feature:
Select election (Here mention election id from equation (1))
Voter CNIC
Name of voter
Mobile Number
Finger Print -------------------------------------- (3)
After adding voter, top 10 most recent entered/registered voters need to be displayed on the
same form in grid/table with update and delete options. Also, the admin can search voter by CNIC
on the same form in order to update or delete if required.

4. Election
The system will allow the presiding officer or the admin to conduct election. The election needs to
be conducted on the due date mention for the election in “1. Election management” section. After
the presiding officer login into the system, s/he will be allowed to use “Election” and “Result”
features of the system.
The presiding officer will select the election id entered in equation (1), the topic, start and end
dates of the election will be displayed on the form against election id (1).
The voter will place their finger on the fingerprint reader device and the presiding officer will click
“Scan Finger” button, the voter record (like Voter CNIC, Name, Photo, Finger print) will be
displayed on the form against finger print registered in equation (3) of “3. Voter” section.
All the contesting candidates are displayed on the form with their name and small image. The
system will not allow the voter to vote two or more candidates. Also, the system will allow the
user to vote for one time for a particular election.
After choosing one particular candidate the voter will click on “VOTE” button, the confirms dialog
will confirm from the voter and upon approval the vote will be casted for the particular voter
against the election id.

5. Result
The system will provide the result of the election instantly. First, they will choose the election
against election id (1), the topic, start and end dates of the election will be displayed on the form
against election id (1).
All the contesting candidates’ names will be displayed in “Candidate” group on the form while in
“Result” group, the count of votes against each candidate are mentioned along with the WINNER
of the election.

Functional Requirements:
The System will be desktop-based application which will perform the following tasks:
1. Election management;
2. Candidates management;
3. Voters management;
4. Conducting election;
5. Result feature.

You are free to use any tool for the project provided that ALL the functional requirements are met

The university will not provide any biometric device for this project; you need to purchase the
product on your own once you choose this project. The project will not be accepted without
fingerprint reader device.

Name: Mehboob Ali
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: mehboobalivu

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Managing air and noise pollution is still considered one of the most challenging tasks nowadays.
Several contributing factors make it to get severe day by day. One of the most contributing factors
for air and noise pollution is that most people depend on private conveyance.

“Car Pooling System” is an application that allows several individuals to merge in a single-car, in
this way it reduces air and noise pollution. Moreover, all the participants also share the fare
resulting in financial benefits as well. The carpooling system allows people to share their economy
as they share their rides with every member in the car.

Functional Requirements:

1. Users will be able to create an account by signing up a form.

2. The form will consist of basic information such as name, address, phone# and email
address for future reference.
3. Users will be able to select one role i.e. either a car owner or passenger.
4. The car owner will be able to enter details about their cars i.e. model, seats available,
brand, etc.
5. Car owners will be able to enter their daily route.
6. Car owners will be able to enter seat capacity available.
7. Car owners will be able to arrival and departure timing.
8. Car owners will be able to approve or disapprove a passenger’s request.
9. Passengers will be able to enter their desired route.
10. Passengers will be able to enter their desired vehicle.
11. Passengers will be able to enter their desired arrival and departure timing.
12. Passengers will be able to send requests to car owners for booking rides.
13. A chatting option must be provided to passengers and owners for discussing other details.

PHP, MySQL, Xammp, Notepad++.

Name: Dr. Nida Anwar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID:
Bike and Bikes

Project Domain:
Web Programming

This is an online bike purchase and rent a bike store that has listings of various bikes along with
their features (company, color and model) and price. This system allows the user to buy a new bike
by viewing inventory online. System allows a user to check various articles submitted by user and
even comment on them. Credit card and cash on delivery payment facility is available.

This system also consists of Rent a Bike feature where user can ask admin for bike on rent. The
visitor who visits the system must register himself by filling up personal details. After registration
user can login to the system with his username and password in order to purchase or rent a bike.
User can check various bike listing and can view each bike features. User may select a new bike
and can add it to the shopping cart. User can make payment through credit cards by clicking on
credit card payment option. User must register himself for posting a review about the bikes.

This application is a combination of both sales and inventory management of the bikes. User can
easily purchase bike or rent a bike by using this system. User does not have to come to shop to
purchase. User can view the bike in effective Graphical User Interface. User can view features of
each bike and can compare with other bikes in order to purchase a better one.

Functional Requirements:

1. Login.
2. Approve user.
3. Manages the inventory of both new and rent bikes.
4. Add, remove and update bike’s company, models, colour and price.
5. Manages rented bikes, available for rent bikes and new bikes for sale. For this purpose on
home page there should be an option to navigate for Rent a Bike and buy a new bike.
6. Bikes for rent and bikes for sale should be on different pages. Navigation for both the
options should be on index page.
7. System should separately generate reports for both rented bikes and new sold bikes
(reports should be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
8. On the basis of reports admin can calculate gross profit (separate for rent a bike and buy a
new bike) for the month, half year and year.
9. Gross profit for the new bikes sold should be calculated by taking the difference in amount
of retail price and sold price.
10. Database should be relational. You have to use primary keys and foreign keys to make
database relational.
1. Register using user register page.
2. User can buy a new bike.
3. User can rent a bike which is available.
4. User can give review on the bikes (for both rented and new bikes for sale).
5. When user clicks the specific bike which is available for rent it should be automatically
marked as occupied (number of days of occupied should be also displayed).
6. For renting a specific bike user must give the details of rent like hours or days for occupying
for rent.
7. User can buy a new bike using online portal and can add or remove to the cart.
8. After adding to the cart a user can use two modes of payments (cash on delivery and credit
card) when checkouts.
9. User can search the bikes by company, colour, price, and model on each page.

Languages: C#,, SQL, PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript.
Tools: Visual Studio, Dreamweaver or any other supported tool for above languages.
Database: Mysql, SQL Server, WampServer, Xampp.

Name: Syed Aun Ali Bukhari
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: syed.aun89
Calories Calculator

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Body weight is an important factor when it comes to good health and control on diseases. An
abnormal weight is one of the key reasons that can deteriorate/improve our overall health. In
order to have an ideal weight is both challenging and systematic. The Calories Calculator will
calculate the daily required number of calories based on weight, height, and age etc. The user will
also be able to enter the daily intake of calories provided by various foods thrice a day. The
progress report will be generated by the application for a given period of time.

Functional Requirements:
Following is the list of functional requirements:
1. There is only one type of user.
2. Login for users.
3. After login, the user will enter the following details:
a. Gender
b. Weight
c. Height
d. Age
e. Life style:
i. Sedentary
ii. Lightly active
iii. Moderately active
iv. Very active
v. Extra active
4. The daily intake of calories will be calculated by the Harris-Benedict formula as follows:
Men BMR = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) - (5 × age in years) + 5
Women BMR = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) - (5 × age in years) - 161
5. The resulting BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) will be multiplied by 1.2, 1.375, 1.55, 1.725 and
1.9 for sedentary, lightly active, moderately active, very active and extra active respectively.
6. For weight reduction, the user has to consume less calories in comparison to the calculated
7. For increase in weight, there should be more calories consumed in comparison to the
calculated BMR.
8. The user will enter the names and calories of food items consumed for breakfast, lunch and
dinner on daily basis.
9. The calories calculator will keep the record of daily, weekly, and monthly calories
10. A graphical report of total calories deficit or surplus will be generated for each month.
Tools: Python and SQL Server Only.

Name: Zulfiqar Ali Khan
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: zulfiqarmrd
Chop Chop
Project Domain / Category
Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
In this era, when covid is all around everyone wants a hassle free appointment system for
everything they do in a daily life. So, in Chop Chop, our website would allow you to book a nearby
barber shop appointment.

You will be provided with all the nearby and distant barber shops along with their ratings and
reviews so that it would be easy for you to decide, and you just don’t have to blindly trust them.

Functional Requirements:
This system will have two users: Admin and customer.
1. Login/Registration:
Admin and customer can log in to the system
2. Add Barber Shop Information:
Admin will enter all the nearby and distant barber shop according to your city/area
filters. And also will write about their services along with their payments.
3. Booking an appointment:
Customer can book appointment according to the services they need.
4. Payment method:
Customer can also pay online through our website and also by hand after their
5. Review:
After getting services from the barber shop, customer can also leave reviews on the
website, on the basis of which other customers can select the barber shop next time.
6. Marketing:
If customer likes their services, they can also share their link directly from the
website to their social media apps.

C#, .net, Visual Studio, SQL Server

Name: Manahil Hassan
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: manahil.hassan2
COVID-19 MIS System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

During the current Covid-19 pandemic, you have been assigned a role to develop MIS to efficiently
and effectively store the information of COVID-19 patients in all over the country. The MIS will be
accessible from each registered hospital in the country which will keep the record of all the
patients as well as of the complete staff of hospital. Moreover the system will load the data into
National Database after every two hours regarding the current situation/condition of patients.
Details regarding the different users involved in the system and the functions which they can
perform are given below

Functional Requirements:
Following are the users of this system. Each user has to log-in first, to use the system.

 Receptionist
 Lab Technician
 Doctor
 Hospital Head
 City Head
 Country Head
 Admin

Responsibilities and functions of each user are given below:

There can be multiple receptionists in a hospital however one particular receptionist can only
belong to one particular hospital. These users are responsible to enter the complete information
of all the patients who visit the hospital for the COVID test/treatment.

Lab Technician:
There can be multiple technicians in a hospital and one technician can work in multiple hospitals as
well. This user is responsible to test the patient for COVID disease and enters the patients
information into the system.

There can be multiple doctors in a hospital and one doctor can work in multiple hospitals as well.
The doctors are responsible to admit/discharge the COVID patients as well as to treat them. They
enters the necessary information into the system at the time of admission/discharge as well as
during the treatment.

Hospital Head:
There can only be one head of a hospital. He is responsible to add/remove any doctor, lab
technician, and receptionist. This user can access all the information which is accessed by doctor,
lab technician, and receptionist.
City Head:
There can only be one head of all hospitals in a city. He is responsible to add/remove any particular
hospital head, doctor, lab technician, and receptionist. This user can access all the information
which is accessed by hospital head, doctor, lab technician, and receptionist.

Country Head:
There can only be one country in the system. He is responsible to add/remove any particular city
head, hospital head, doctor, lab technician, and receptionist. This user can access all the
information which is accessed by city head, hospital head, doctor, lab technician, and receptionist.

Admin is the power user of the system and will have the rights of all the users.

Proposed Tools: PHP, MySQL

Name: Shabib Aftab
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: shabib.aftab
Designing and Developing an Online College Management Web Portal

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

This project is an online college management portal which enables college management to
effectively organize college activities. The project will provide a centralized interface to
management persons for the monitoring of student’s status and to manage student’s fee related
issues. Separate interfaces with limited access features will be provided to the students to analyze
their progress in various subjects. Parents of the students have also access to this interface to see
the performance of their son / daughter and fee history.

Admin Interface will be used by college owner / top management and its credentials will be
shared with owner / top management. Through this interface, they can create / register various
classes and sections, and register the students in corresponding classes and sections. Class
teachers, student strength, student’s fee and subject’s information for each class will also be made
through this interface. Afterwards, they will create User Accounts for each admitted student which
will be shared with the corresponding students / parents. On User Interface, each student can
view his / her class, section name, study progress in various subjects and other fee related
information. Students / parents can also provide feedback through user interface regarding the
grades / marks obtained in various tests / exams to the top management.

This college project website will be developed using ASP.NET / PHP as the front end and SQL
Server / MYSQL as a back-end. The database will store all necessary information about the enrolled
students and various other school related information.

Functional Requirements:

1. The systems shall have two distinct views: Admin / College Owner View and User View.
2. The system shall provide convenient interface for classes creation, sections creation,
student registration, teacher registration, subject registration, and dues information.
3. Admin User have full rights and can create user accounts for students / Parents. They can
create, update or delete information of any class or student. They can also create individual
accounts for the students.
4. User/Student account have limited access features, i.e. they can view only their own
progress with limited interaction facility. Furthermore, they can also view college
announcements and other general information.
5. The system shall be capable to provide an interface to the Owner to inform parents /
student about their progress / results on regular basis through email / WhatsApp / SMS.
6. The system shall be capable to provide an interface to the Owner to contact the parents of
students whose fee is pending and send them reminder through email / WhatsApp / SMS.
7. The system shall be capable to provide an interface to the Owner to send custom message
to inform all / selected parents / students about any activities or announcement through
email / SMS/WhatsApp.
8. The system shall provide Password Recovery facility using Email.
9. The system should provide the interface to store the information of each class, section,
teacher and the test / exam.
10. There should be a search interface on Admin View which helps the top management to
search any record conveniently.
11. The system should store and display picture of each enrolled student.

Tools: ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, PHP, MYSQL

Name: Muhammad Qamar Usman
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: qamarvu
Easy Buy and Sale
Project Domain / Category:
Web Application

Abstract/ Introduction:
Due to Covid-19’s outbreak, the whole world has gone into lockdown. People around the world are
limited to their homes. The shops, banks, transportation, recreational centers, and educational
institutes have been closed. The World has turned to technology for maintaining contactless
communication. The Easy Buy and Sale system provides the customers fast, secure and reliable
services on their door step.

Working mechanism: Any user can apply for registration and can buy and sale products including
computer/ accessories, TV, Car, Bike, Fridge, washing machine, AC, Air Cooler etc. Two types of
customers are managed by the website admin:

Can only search and view the products over the website and can purchase any available product
on discounted rates.

Registered Customer or Client:

Can buy and sale products on the website. In case he she wants to add his or her own product on
the website the he or she will be charged 10% to 15% in dollars per transaction.

A costumer can select a product for purchase that will be added to the shopping cart as a
customer Order. At this time more information will be asked form the customer like billing address,
a shipping address, and payment option such as debit/credit card information or cash on delivery.
Similarly a customer can apply for registration by paying certain registration fee.

Functional Requirements:
 Admin can take login
 Admin registers a customer
 Registered customer can take login
 Searching (by name, by price, by item color etc)
 Admin can add/ delete/ update/ search any number of products in the stock
 Admin can monitor transaction history
 Admin can cancel or approve customer’s order
 The Customer will get 5-10 % discount on total bill
 Registered Customer or Client can add products on website
 Customer can check his/her order status (approved/Pending/Cancel/delivered)
 Customer can check his/her order history
 Customer can submit his/her review about purchased item(s) and can give feedback about
website services
 After successful completion of transaction, user will receive confirmation message and a
copy of the shopping receipt on his/her mobile number or in email (you can implement any
method as per your easiness)
Students can select any option for tool selection from the following categories.
Category 1: Python, MYSQL, SQLite3 (Preferred)
Category 2: PHP, MySQL, SQL Server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Note 1: (Optional) for category 1, one of the IDE Jupyetr, VScode, Spyder, Django, Pycharm can be
used for writing and running python code.
Note 2: (Optional) for category 2, Dreamweaver framework can be used for writing and running
php, html, CSS code.

Name: Muhammad Luqman
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID:
Electricians for Home Services
Project Domain / Category
Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Now a days, there are a lot of electric appliances in our homes such as Air Conditioners, Electric
Fans, Electric Air Cooler, Washing Machines, Dryer Machines, Refrigerator, Electric Heater, Electric
Oven, Electric Juicer etc. When these electric appliances are used regularly, these machines often
stop working properly and require some maintenance and repair work from time to time. In this
scenario, many people face difficulty in finding the expert and professional electricians for
repairing their expensive electric appliances quickly and efficiently. Keeping in view the above
scenario, this project is focused to fulfil the needs of these people.

This application will help customers to quickly find the expert electricians from nearby locations
and according to the needs and requirements of the customers. The system will also be beneficial
for electricians as they can find their work easily. This system will reduce time and cost of both
customers and electricians. In this application, customers can register, login and view all the
available nearby electricians. Customer can filter and select an electrician according to his
experience, expertise and previous rating etc. Similarly, electricians can also get customers by
registering and logging into the website and setting up their profile. Admin can login, manage
electricians, approve new electricians and can remove electricians from the system after
unsatisfactory remarks and extreme low rating by the customers. Admin can also check for the
registered customers.

Functional Requirements:
There will be three modules of this web application: Admin, Electrician and Customer. Each
Customer and Electrician should be registered on the website before getting any service.

1. Admin Module
 Admin can login to the system.
 Admin approves the registered electricians.
 Admin can manage the electricians (add/ view/ update / delete).
 Admin can update the electrician details and manage login password.
 Admin can manage the customers (add/ view/ update / delete).
 Admin can check the rating given by customers about each electrician.
 Admin can check average rating for each electrician.
 Admin can check the remarks given by customers about each electrician.
 Admin can block an electrician in case of continuous poor rating.
 Admin can view the customer complaints and take appropriate actions.
 Admin can generate a report on a monthly basis for the total number of bookings and
their successful handling.

2. Electricians Module
 Electricians can register and login to the system.
 Electricians make their profile including their name, work experience, expertise
(checklist of machines on which electrician has expert knowledge and work
experience), qualification, profile picture and their location.
 Electricians can view/ update their profile and can update password.
 Electricians can check the rating given by the customer.
 Electricians can check any remarks (if given) by the customer.

3. Customers Module
 Customers can register and login to the system.
 Customers can view/ update their profile and can update password.
 Electricians Search: Customers can search for all relevant Electricians by search filters
such as location, work experience, expertise and rating etc.
 View Electrician: Customers can view all the details (work experience, expertise, rating,
other customers’ remarks, location etc.) of any available Electrician in a proper layout
on the website.
 Book an Electrician: Customers can book an Electrician according to his/her needs and
 Rate Electrician: Customers can give rating to the concerned Electrician after the
completion of his required work according to his/her satisfaction.
 Remarks about Electrician: After the completion of the required work, customers can
give any remarks and comments about the concerned Electrician.
 Complaint about Electrician: Customers can register complaint about the concerned
Electrician to the admin, in case of any serious issues such as electrician’s
misbehaviour etc.
 Pay bill: Upon successful completion of the required work, customers can either pay
the amount to the concerned electrician on the spot or can transfer the amount to the
electrician’s account number available on his profile.

[Note: Student can add/enhance requirements as per need and keeping the time span and
scope in view.]
ASP.NET, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap, MS SQL Server

Name: Syed Hassan Ali Shah
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: [email protected]
E-Medical Record
Project Domain / Category
Web Application

The purpose of this software is to keep medical records of the patients. Medical record may
include personal information, medical history, medication, laboratory test result, allergies,
radiology images and vital signs.

This software maintains data accuracy and captures the patient information time to time. Proper
use of this software will eliminate the need of paper based medical record. Therefore, the risk of
loss of paper record will be finished. Single centralized data storage facility will eliminate data
redundancy. By using the search facility of the software, user would be able to extract medical
data for the examination of possible trends and long term changes in a patient. Population-based
studies of medical records may also be facilitated by the widespread adoption of this software.

Functional Requirements:
Some of these functions include, but are not limited to:

 Maintain patient record

 Manage patient demographics
 Manage patient-specific problem lists
 Manage medication lists
 Manage medical procedural/surgical, family history including the capture of pertinent
positive and negative histories, patient-reported or externally available patient clinical
 Create, addend, correct, authenticate and close, as needed, transcribed or directly-entered
clinical documentation and notes.
 Incorporate clinical documentation from external sources.
 Present organizational guidelines for patient care as appropriate to support order entry and
clinical documentation.
 Provide administrative tools for organizations to build care plans, guidelines and protocols
for use during patient care planning and care.
 Generate and record patient-specific instructions related to pre- and post-procedural and
post-discharge requirements.

You can use any language which supports the development of web applications.

Name: Syed Shah Muhammad
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: mscsvu
Fabrics Emporium-Online

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

The online mode of a business facilitates its customers / clients to place order for the goods and
services online without physically visiting the business centers and at their own convenient time. In
view of the above, the proposed project aims to develop a website titled as “Fabrics Emporium-
Online” that will serve its registered users (customers/clients) to buy the stitched and un-stitched
clothes of different varieties. The website will display the available clothes, along with price
category wise such as Stitched, Un-Stitched, Ladies, Gents, Kids, Bride, Grooms, Summer Collection,
Winter Collection, Casual and Partywear etc. Besides, the clothes of different categories will also
be displayed Brand / Company wise. A user will be able to purchase / make order against available
clothes after performing registration on the website and passing through the payment methods.
Payment method will be either through credit card or through cash on delivery. In addition, the
website will provide interactive interfaces and rich search facility of finding the different types of
clothes through different filters. Online order placing of the clothes through proposed website will
remove the overhead of physically visiting the markets for this purpose.

Functional Requirements:
Following are key functional requirements of the proposed system:

1. User Registration/Sign Up, Sign In

There will be proper interfaces for user registration and Sign In for the following three types of the
users of the website:
 Visitor (Unregistered User)
 Registered user (Customer / Client)
 Registered user (Administrator)

Roles of the users will be as follow:

 Visitor will be able to visit the website to search his/her relevant clothes on the website.
 A user registered as a Customer/ Client will be able to place order on the website.
 The Administrator (Admin) will have all the rights/privileges of information management
regarding the clothes, stock management, as well as user management. Admin will approve
the registration requests from the other users (customers / clients).

2. Email Notification and Verification

An unregistered user will register him/her on the website. On submitting the registration
information, an email notification will be sent with a confirmation link to the user’s given email ID.
On confirmation through link, the Admin will approve the registration requests from users. An
email notification will also be sent to the registered user on approval or rejection of any request.

3. Admin Panel
There will be proper Admin Panel / Dashboard comprising of interactive interfaces through which
the Admin will be able to add/ delete and update all information such as description, price, stock,
images of Clothes. In addition, by using this Admin Panel, the Admin will be able to perform
category management as well as user management (accepting /rejecting the user registration

4. Display of Information on the website

The fabric/clothing products name, quality, material, category, company name, thumbnail image,
price and number of items available in stock, new Arrival, Sale (if any), contact us, complaints,
feedback by the registered users etc. should be displayed on the website in proper design. On
clicking the thumbnail, the website will maximize the fabric/product image.

5. Placing Order on the Website

The website will allow the registered user(s) to make order against their selected items. There will
be proper interfaces on the website in this regard. The user will first have to select the item to put
into the shopping cart, and then will have to pass through any of the payment method i.e. through
credit card or cash on delivery.

6. Confirmation Email on transaction (Order Placing):

A confirmation email on successful transaction will be sent to the user’s provided email.

7. Search Facility
The website will provide rich search feature through which all types of users should be able to
search information on the website using different filters and keyword such as:
o Fabric Type
o Brand / Company Name
o Category Wise
o Price Wise
o New Arrival
o Sale
o Best Sellers
Admin will also be able to search the information by user IDs.

8. Comments/Complaints/Feedback
The registered users will be able to submit feedback, complaints and comments against any

1. PHP and MySQL (You can choose any framework such as Laravel)
2. Bootstrap or any other CSS Framework
3. Any JavaScript library/ framework such as jQuery, Vue Js, react Js or angular Js

Name: Muhammad Saeed Amjad
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: saeed.lro
Find a Physiotherapist

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Physiotherapy (PT) helps people to recover from injuries, reduce pain and stiffness, increase
mobility. All this is done by adopting different methods such as massage, exercises, electrotherapy,
heat therapy and patient education etc. PT helps to treat orthopedic, neurological, and
cardiopulmonary disease conditions.

“Find a Physiotherapist” a web based application is proposed with aim to facilitate people to find
physiotherapist online to get a treatment according to their condition. This App will help them to
get appointments online. After appointment, they can get online consultation or visit
physiotherapist in person in their clinics too. Patient will register on website in which patient
record will be maintained through which patient can easily track all his data such as
physiotherapist information, appointments’ record, lab reports, prescribed treatment etc.

The App will help people search physiotherapist name wise, area wise, experience wise, and based
on physiotherapist rating etc. People can check other patients’ reviews and feedback given to a
particular physiotherapist. They can also provide reviews and feedback to their physiotherapist.

The Admin will manage physiotherapists’ data, patients’ information and appointments schedule

Functional Requirements:
Following are abstract level requirements of the project. Students are required to provide detailed
requirements in SRS documents. Students can also add more requirements as per need.

1. There should be registration and login modules for Admin, Physiotherapist and Patients.
2. There should also be “Home”, “About Us”, “Terms and Conditions” and “Contact Us” pages.
3. Admin will maintain record of all registered physiotherapists, patients, and appointments
schedule etc.
4. There should be an interface to search physiotherapists based on their name, location, and
experience etc. Physiotherapists should also be listed down in order of their rating.
5. Add categories/areas in which physiotherapist will provide his/her services. Some of the
different areas of physiotherapy are: cardiorespiratory, disability, mental health,
neurological, musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, paediatric, pain and injuries, sports etc. (Note:
You can also add more areas.)
6. Add treatment method such as massage, exercises, electrotherapy, heat therapy and
patient education etc.
7. Service type such as online consultation, home service or clinic based should also be added.
8. For each patient, maintain record of each session and patient health progress report.
9. In case of online consultation, patients have to pay online via credit/debit card option.
10. The application should be able to manage all appointments, and payments etc.
11. The application should provide interface through which patient could provide reviews and
feedback to their physiotherapist.
12. The application should be able to store information of all registered physiotherapists,
patients, reviews/feedback, suggestions and complaints etc.
13. There should be Admin module for whole application management.

PHP, Microsoft Visual Studio (C#.Net), SQL Server

Name: Umra Naeem
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: umra.naeem
Fitness Club Handling System
Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Being healthy is the first thing to be kept in mind because most of the time our attitude
depends on how we feel. It is hard to get admission in health club when slots are full. This
project aims to automate gym and fitness admission process as the admission process in
gyms and selecting a trainer is difficult. Sometimes it is difficult to get a desired slot timing.
This health club management system will help to overcome such problems by booking the
desired slot online and pay fees by electronic money transfer.

In this fitness club system, there is 3 entities namely, Admin, Member, and Trainer. Admin
can login using credentials. Admin can manage packages by adding cost, discount and
deleting old packages. Admin can manage member details by adding, updating and deleting.
Admin can view the package details of an individual member. Admin can also view the
member’s attendance taken by the trainer.

Members can login using credentials. They can view their profile and list of trainers. They
can also view the package and payment details. Members can give feedback on their
trainers. They can make payments via card details. A trainer can log in using credentials. A
trainer can set their profile. A trainer can take member’s attendance daily.

Functional Requirements:

 Admin can login into system.
 Admin can delete/ edit information of member and trainer
 Admin can keep the track of members and trainer attendance
 Admin can make and update packages

 Member can create account
 Member can log in into the system
 View and Edit Account information
 Can view package and payment details
 Search for trainer by name
 Can select trainer
 View Schedules
 Select schedule
 Rate trainers
 View members ratings
 Can make payments online

 Create an account
 Log in into the system
 View and Edit Account information
 Select or reject students
 Can share schedule
 Can take members attendance
 Edit the services
 Can share diet charts for each student
 View ratings
 View/Print schedules

PHP language, HTML, MySQL

Name: Aysha Zahid
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: live:7c5af500be9d304c
Food Waste Management System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
This Food Waste Management system will assist in collecting the leftover food from hotels &
restaurants to distribute among those in need. NGOs that are helping poor communities to battle
against starvation & malnutrition can raise a request for food supply from restaurants through this
application. Once the request is accepted, the NGOs can collect the food from the restaurants for
its distribution. In this way Food Waste Management System will help restaurants to reduce food
waste and will help in feeding the poor and needy people.

Functional Requirements:
In this system, there are three main modules, which are namely Admin, Restaurant, and NGOs
(Non-Governmental Organizations). Each module is interconnected to others. This system should
be user friendly, secure and reduces the staff requirements. This system should also be best for
communicating with the applicants.

 Admin can register using personal details.

 Admin can login in his personal account using id and password.
 Admin can Add/Register new Restaurant.
 Admin can view list all the restaurants available.
 Admin can Add/Register new NGOs.
 Admin can view all NGOs.
 Restaurant user can register using personal details.
 Restaurant user can login in his personal account using id and password.
 Restaurant user can view Profile/Restaurant details
 Restaurant user can also view orders history (Accepted, Pending and Confirm).
 Restaurant user can add new food items to restaurant.
 NGO user can register using personal details.
 NGO user can login in his personal account using id and password.
 NGO view restaurant requests
 NGO view Other NGOs Profile.
 NGO request food from restaurant.
 NGO assign employee for delivery of the food
 NGO can add new employee.
 NGO can update employee details.
 NGO can view restaurant history.
 NGO can also view Profile/Restaurant details.

ASP.NET/C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Crystal report, SQL Server,

Name: qaiser shabbir
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: Qaiser_shabir
Hotel Property Management System

Project Category:
Web Programming

A Hotel property management system (HPMS) is a hotel management software that property
owners and front desk workers use to manage their business by coordinating reservations, online
booking availability, payments, and reporting in one central place. The HPMS streamlines
operations for front office staff and guest services in a hotel business to check-in and check-out
guests, see room availability, make adjustments to existing reservations, and even can have back-
office functionality (schedule housekeeping or maintenance). With a central system, hoteliers can
better manage and monitor the key metrics needed to run their business (e.g., average daily rate,
occupancy etc.)

Functional Requirements:
User-friendly interface: The best PMS solutions today are self-service and help to streamline
operations by enabling hospitality businesses to check in guests faster. Many modern platforms
can even be operated from a mobile device via mobile app.

 Reservation management details in your HPMS solution.

 It includes total number of rooms, types of rooms, rooms charges and each room
requirements etc.
 Check-in/check-out of guests
 Modify guest reservations
 Keep track of guest profiles and move them around as needed (room or hotel change).
 Record keeping of taxes, fees and policies - Customize taxes, fees, and cancellation policies
in the combination that best suits your business.
 Government compliance with local tax reporting requirements and regulations.
 Guest communication - Improve the guest experience with automated pre and post-stay
 Reporting suite - Generate detailed production and financial reports to improve business
 Payment processing - Ability to take credit card payments in compliance with local and
global regulatory standards.
 Staff management. It includes total number of staff, their status, salaries and duties.

Tools & Technologies Preferred tool and technology

C#, JAVA, Database –MySQL

Name: Asma Batool
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: asmabatool13
HSM Boutique

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

“HSM Boutique” is a fashion e-commerce website to facilitate the Customers to purchase ready to
wear dresses. E-commerce is now an essential tool for the fashion industry. This site will help
HSM’s fashion house to take their products world-wide with minimum investment of money. It will
be used to promote and sell their eastern formal, party and wedding wears online. Multibillion-
dollar global enterprise devoted to the business of making and selling clothes.

Although the fashion industry developed first in Europe and America, today it is an international
and highly globalized industry. Internet has made the world a smaller place. It has facilitated long
distance communication by making the process cheaper, faster and easier. Today, internet helps
business houses to cater to a global audience without any major investment. The official “HSM
Boutique” website will serve as its identity on the World Wide Web (WWW). The proposed system
will be a great step to globally introduce the eastern fashion business in much more efficient way.
This web application will have following categories:

 Home Page
 Dashboard
 New Arrivals
 Luxury Pret
 Wedding Wear
 Occasion Wear
 Digitized Pictures of products
 View Details
 Size Guide
 Product Details
 Add to Cart
 Bill Calculation
 Customer Information/ Registration
 Shipping And Payment
 Order Confirmation Email
 Complaint
 About
 Contact

Functional Requirements

Customer Module:
 View/Search: The user can view/search the categories without registration.
 Users can place order for any product.
 Users will register them before placing an order.
 Users can also give feedback about services provided.
 Users can also register complaints.
 System will show complete details of the product with price in pkr currency.
 System will calculate the record of remaining products available in catalogue.

Admin Module:
 Login for the main administrator.
 Add an Admin/ Login: The main administrator can add any other person as admin.
 Login authentication for the admins.
 Admin can add/remove categories or edit existing categories.
 Admin can insert, delete, view and update records.
 Logout

Software Requirements:
 Operating System: Window7and above
 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (Front-end)
 Adobe Dreamweaver
 MYSQL(Backend)
 PHP (Server-side programming)
 XAMPP — Web Application Server

Name: Hina Ishaq
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: hinaishaq1011
Integrated E-Medicare Health Services(IEMHS)

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Globally, the use of online health services have accelerated dramatically during the coronavirus
pandemic. Technology meets health care services very well during the COVID 19. But still we donot
have an online integrated service of healthm that provide every thing like book an appointment a
doctor expert in specific domain,Home laboratory collection services,patient transfer
service(ambulance),home nursing services and online pharmacy services under a single umbrella.

IEMHS is such an online integrated health care service providers that can provide all these
services through a website. So, there is a need to develop an E-commerce website that helps
different health care providers like hospitals /clinic ,pathalogy labs,pharmacies and amblance
service providers to get register on IEMHS. The core objective of the MHS project is to develop a
website that facilitates the health care service providers to registers into this web portal and
update regarding doctors ,screening test , quality medicines etc on compatative and discounted
rates with 24/7 medical care at home.

Functional Requirements

Administrator Panel:
1. Manage login process to allow the authentic user to access the admin,
patient/customer, and health care service providers(like
doctor,hospitals/clinic ,pharmacy,ambulance transport providers etc).
2. Create and manage their account.
3. Keep the record of health care providers (like name,doctor fee,fee of particular
medicine or test, ambulance transport fare etc)
4. Keep agreement between health care providers and administrator on quality.
5. Add/update/delete specific health care provider record.
6. Record the patient/customer feedback
7. Keep the record of the customer.
8. Add/update/delete customer.
9. Keep the record of patient/customer order or request status.
10. Set the fee of doctor according to doctors qualification, experience and rating etc.
11. Manage the record of customers.
12. Manage customer history.
13. Manage the rating of health care providers.
14. Deliver the order to the customer/patient.
15. Receive the fee payment from a health care providers .
16. Send promotions to registered customers by offering discounts and promotions and
also a rating of health care providers.
17. Manage revenue and expense records.
18. Inventory management record.
19. Keep a record of customer feedback.
Health care service providers panel:
The panel will do the following:
1. Create an account or register him/herself on IEMHS
2. A health care service provider will sign in.
3. A health care service provider accept MHS Terms and conditions.
4. Add/Update/Delete the service charges
5. Deliver the order to the customer/patient
6. Receive payment.

Customer panel:
1. Create an account or register him/herself on IEMHS.
2. View the health care providers
3. View the rates/prces
4. View the health care providers ranking.
5. Place the order by selecting the mode of payment.
6. Confirm the order.
7. Delete the order before confirming it.
8. Submit feedback.

Visual Studio, .NET Framework, C#/Java, SQL Server

Name: Nadia Tabassum
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID:

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract/Introduction is a kind of classified website, on which we allow users to place their ads regarding
their vehicle/motorcycle. Seller and buyer both can post their ads on it, but to post their ads they
have to setup a free account. Seller can post ad for a motorcycle, car, jeep etc. which he/she
wants to sell. Buyer can post ad about its demand about any type of vehicle and can also see the
ads of different sellers. This kind of website is dynamic in nature where user interacts with this
kind of website. Website also gives the facility of sending SMS alerts or emails to both the buyers
and seller, for example a seller posts an ad for a car. Buyer likes this ad and give his/her offer to
seller then this offer is sent to seller in the form of SMS alert or email alert. Similarly, in case of
buyer, if buyer wants to buy a car or a motorcycle about which an ad is not yet available on the
website, he/she posts the ad on site and if a seller has that particular car or motorcycle then that
seller can send him/her SMS alert or email through this Website.

Functional Requirements:
1. Admin shall be able to manage users
2. Visitor should be able to register with website
3. Admin will approve the user registration request
4. Website should also give the facility of managing different vehicle categories, like
motorcycle , car, jeep etc. so that buyer/seller can post ads or see ads under desired
vehicle category
5. Latest add should be shown in right side of home page
6. All ads will be email verified.
7. Once a vehicle is sold, user can change its status to sold.
8. Ad should automatically be removed from website after 14 days from its post date.
9. Website should also provide the feature of power ad to the user, for example after posting
ad an option is given to every user to covert this ad into a power ad against some cost. If
user select this option then his/her ad should be on the top of the page every time for some
specific days, like 15 or 20 days.
10. User can view ads by city wise, area wise, or by minimum and maximum range of price
11. Website should also show the trend of most demanding vehicles and this trend and
information should available somewhere on home page.

You cans use any langue like Python,, PHP etc.

Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: saeed-nasir
Online Exam Scheduling Application
Project Domain / Category
Web-based Application

This application will generate the exam schedule for the students enrolled in a semester offered by
an educational institute. Usually, for every semester, an exam schedule is manually prepared
keeping in view the students enrollment in different courses, available time slots, and examination

It is also considered that if a student is enrolled in more than one course, then exam for those
courses must not be scheduled on the same day in the same time slot. Similarly, an examination
hall cannot be used for scheduling more than one course on the same day in the same time slot. In
order to generate the exam schedule, user will be required to provide list of offered courses, list of
students enrolled in those courses, available time slots and the list of available examination halls.

Functional Requirements:

Based on the user input, the application will be able to maintain the list of:
 Offered courses
 Students enrollment in the offered courses
 Available time slots
 Available examination halls

The application will:

 Generate exam schedule for each course and for each student considering the above
mentioned lists and avoiding any clash/conflict
 Provide an option to save/export the generated exam schedule course-wise and student-

Tools: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL

Name: Muhammad Zafar Nazir
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: mzafarnazir
Students Psychometric Assessment in eLearning Paradigm

Project Domain / Category

AI / Deep Learning

Abstract / Introduction
With the advent of latest technological trends in assessment modes, there is a need to develop
such solution that would help institutions to evaluate students not only on the basis of summative
assessment but on the basis of psychometric measurements, specifically in eLearning environment.
The main requirement is to collect unique dataset of students studying in eLearning mode having
assessed based on psychologist aspect after measuring their responses in active (during the virtual
session) and passive mode (recorded session/after the session). The students’ responses will be
considered as text base, visual base for mapping those to the threshold you set for declaring
optimal learning of any particular student or group. The challenging aspect of this project is to
develop an application for evaluation of complete setup. The dataset is unique so it would only be
generated using Python libraries or you may take help from ( You will
use CNN for managing visual database of student’s behavioral responses to be mapped on the
scale of their level of attentiveness. As attentiveness drives through to better assessment.
This is a challenging project; one should take it if really interested to complete it. You may need
to study the in-depth of topics before deep dying into it.

Convolutional Neural Network:
Deep Learning for Face Recognition:

Functional Requirements
 The designed system must be followed CNN principles for the implementation of stated
 The system will provide interface for student’s assessment mechanism to scale attentive
students based on their responses during and after the virtual session (Asking students quiz-
based questions about the delivered content).
 The system should respond to the variant dataset for students belonging to different
 The graphs show the learning curve of students with more attentiveness in the virtual
classroom environment.
 Psychological aspect of students to be measured based on their thinking capability by posting
students questions as per bloom’s taxonomy.

Tensor Flow
Jupyter Notebook (Open-Source Web Application)
NumPy (Library for python)

Name: Muhammad Saqib Javed
Email Id: [email protected]
Skype Id: saqibcs610
Intelligent Lecture Scheduling System

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Most universities these days have a number of faculties and departments and each department
offer different degree/ study programs. Each study program has multiple batches enrolled and
different courses are taught in a semester in different study programs. Since there are limited
faculty members (course instructors), each instructor teaching more than one courses, and class-
rooms are also limited. Therefore, a schedule is needed to accommodate the lectures of
Instructors at provided time slots in such a way that their timings do not overlap and the schedule
makes best use of all the instructors and class-rooms.

In modern educational institutions, there is a great need to have an automated lecture schedule
generation mechanism, as such lecture scheduling is a very hectic job and can have a lot of clashes
if done manually. Lecture scheduling done manually takes a lot of effort and time. While
scheduling even the smallest constraints can take a lot of time and the cases are even worse when
the number of constraints or the amount of data to deal with increases. Dealing with changes is
very hard and it may lead to developing the entire schedule once again. Intelligent Lecture
scheduling system is an easy web-based application that automates the process of lecture
scheduling. Degree program-wise, instructor-wise and class-room- wise schedule can be
generated in a .pdf format.

Functional Requirements:
Some of the functional requirements are:

 Login process/ authentication for administrator who will make /update the schedule
 The database should store the following data (submitted by the admin through a GUI):
1. Department details
2. Degree/study program details
3. Instructors’ details
4. Courses details
5. Lectures schedule allocation details / constraints

 Degree program-wise, instructor-wise and class-room- wise lecture schedule should be

generated in a .pdf format
 Users will have open access to the schedule using a webpage/ internet link
 Some of the mandatory constraints are as follows:
o All lectures of a course must be scheduled to a distinct slot and a distinct room
o Any two lectures cannot be assigned in the same slot and the same room
o Lectures of courses in the same study program or taught by the same instructor cannot be
scheduled in the same slot, i.e., any slot cannot have an overlapping of students or
o For each lecture, the number of students attending the course should not be greater than
the capacity of the class-room hosting the lecture
o All lectures of a course should be scheduled at the same class-room. If this is impossible,
the number of occupied rooms should be as few as possible
Server side programming language: PHP
Scripting and styling languages: HTML and CSS
Client side scripting: JavaScript and JQuery
Database: MYSQL
IDE: PHP Storm or NetBeans or any one of your choice
Local host Server: WAMP or XAMPP

Name: Iftikhar Ali
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: iftikhar_700
Kids Toys Sales Management System using Chatbot

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Chatbot applications streamline interactions between people and services, enhancing customer
experience role in B2C (Business to Customer) E-Commerce applications by providing assistance to
customers in purchasing the online products. Chatbots employs the Natural Language Processing
combined with some flavor of Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce environments.

The core aim of this project is to design a web-based Kids Toys Sales Management System using
Chatbot. The users (customers) of this system will be able to place order for the wide range of toys
for their kids’ choice. Chatbot will assist the customers in selecting the toys and will recommend
the suitable toys as per the age of their kids. It also recommends toys on the basis of parents’
requirements (budget and toys characteristics/specifications) and demands. The application aims
to provide effective business environment to the parents.

Functional Requirements:
Kids’ Toys Sales Management System using Chabot is an illustration of B2C E-commerce domain. It
facilitates the environment for parents to select the toys as per their choice. Chabot will provide
customer support by showing list of toys like (automated/semi-automated) and adaptive guidance
to specific customers.
The proposed system will have the following main users:
Admin, Sales Manager, Distributors, Customers.
1. Registration module: It will facilitate the registration process for all kinds of users. Admin
will approve and perform activation of the different user’s accounts and registration
2. Login Module: After successful registrations, all types of the users will be able to login to the
system using their registered email and password.
3. Pop up window should be displayed at the bottom right of the system by prompting the
customer for any kind of guidance related to toys selection.
4. Customer will go for Toys selection module where the chatbot will assist the customers to
select the kids’ toys as per customer needs.
5. Geographical area allocation module: Admin will assign the different areas to distributors
across Pakistan. Different sales manager will work under specific distributor for easy
distribution of kids’ toys in different areas of Pakistan as per the demands. Customers will
be able to see the different sales manager in Google map to assess the fast and easy
shipment of toys to the customer.
6. Conversation Flow module in chatbot is responsible to ask the question from users related
to kids’ toys, that will suggest the most suitable type of kids toy as per customer demand.
To make conversation flow smooth and efficient, it’s important to apply the best practices
for developing chatbot. For this supervised Machine learning and deep learning algorithms
be used, while taking into account of business objectives and customer’ expectations.

7. After the conversation flow is completed, search result module will personalize
merchandising of kids’ toys, recommendations can help the customers to find specific toy
specifications as per the age of the kid. After selection It will show the list of toys both
automated and manual toys as per customer demands. A conversational interface will allow
the system to ask probing questions and understand the customers’ intent better.
8. Search result module will display the list of kids toys like imported/local, price related
characteristics and specification in case of electronic toy.
9. Discount module will be activated in case the customer may be looking for discount. In case
customer falls into one of the given categories like (army officers, teachers).
10. Chatbot will assess the customer behavior and suggest the kids toys according to his budget
and demands
11. Supervised Machine learning module for Chatbot should already be “taught / trained”
common questions so that it will be able to answer customer questions related to specific
kids toys and respond immediately to customer’ queries.
12. Once the customer has selected the required kids’ toy, the payment module should be
activated; chatbot should properly guide the customer of different payment options. The
system will facilitate the three payment options as per the user choice i.e., credit card, debit
card and through cash on delivery.
13. The proposed system should have customer care module. It should guide the customer
about the toys’ guarantee in case of malfunctions for specific time period. Toys guarantee
will fall under two categories like electronic toys and manual toys.
14. Customer care module should guide the customer about the guarantee for specific time
period of different parts of electronic toys.
15. For successful human-like interaction, visual module is also used in chatbot for perfect tone
and dialect. To achieve coherence, a character is used to effectively communicate in audio
synced with the text to help out the customer for specific kids’ toys.
16. There should be Frequently Asked Questions module to generate a chatbot’s list of pre-
programmed queries and responses.

Tools: JSP, SQL server 2012, PHP, Python, Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Microsoft Bot Framework,,, Chatfuel.

Name: Muhammad Umar Farooq
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: live:umarvc
Online Electronic Accessories Portal

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Accessories are the things that can be added to something else in order to make it more useful,
versatile, or attractive. In the Covid-19 situation, the purpose of this project is to provide a
platform where users can buy different accessories online according to their needs and budget.

The goal of this web application is to put all the electronic accessories available on the website
with all the necessary information like shop details or supplier details. Shop details will be helpful if
a user chooses something online and want to test it first before purchasing the product at the shop.

At that portal, there will be 3 categories Laptop, Desktop PCs, and Mobile. Accessories will be
added according to the given categories. More categories can also be added according to ease.

Functional Requirements:

1. User/Buyer Module:
 Users/buyers will be able to register themselves on the portal.
 Users/buyers will be able to log in from the login panel.
 Users/buyers will be able to add carts to their accounts.
 Users/buyers will be able to cancel their orders.
 Users/buyers will be able to see their purchasing records.
 Users/buyers will be able to see their personal information as well as edit their
personal information.
 Users/buyers will be able to Logout from the site.

2. Supplier Module:
 Suppliers will be able to register themselves on the portal.
 Suppliers will be able to log in from the login panel.
 Suppliers will be able to post their products with the necessary information.
 Suppliers will be able to cancel the User/Buyers request or orders.
 Suppliers will be able to see all their pending or complete orders.
 Suppliers will be able to see their personal information as well as edit their personal
 Suppliers will be able to Logout from the site.

3. Admin Module:
 Admin will be able to log in from the login panel.
 Admin will be able to approve the User/Buyer account.
 Admin will be able to approve the Supplier account.
 Admin will be able to approve the Supplier product.
 Admin will be able to delete the Supplier or User/Buyer account.
 Admin will be able to Logout from the site.

• HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap (Front-end)

• MYSQL (phpMyAdmin) Database
• PHP (Server-side programming)
• XAMPP — Web Application Server

Name: Musaddiq Hussain
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: kashaan.ali13
Online Agriculture Products Store and Consultation

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
The purpose of this project is to develop a website to facilitate farmers. It will be like an e-store
where farmers can buy their required products online and can get consultation. As farmers can get
their products and suggestions on time, it will be great opportunity for them to increase their
products yield. This website should have different categories of agriculture products like pesticides,
fertilizers, seeds, equipment etc. under each category all related option ( varieties of seeds, names
of pesticides and fertilizers with brands, types and names of agriculture equipment) should be

A farmer will be able to search and view products by applying different filters but only register
farmer can buy products after selecting product he/she will be able to place an online order. At
checkout time, more information will be needed to complete the order. Usually, the customer will
be asked to fill the basic details or select a billing address, a shipping address, and payment option
such as debit/credit card information or cash on delivery.

Farmers should also be able to rent any machinery available in farming equipment category. This
website should also provide facility for online consultation related to agriculture. For this purpose,
expert can get registered. An expert can recommend any pesticides or fertilizers to the farmers.
Farmers can also hire a consultant for physical visit.

Users of this website may be:

 Individual user
 Consultant
 Farmer
Functional Requirements:

Farmer/Company panel:
1. Any User can search/ view products by applying filters (name, price, brand name etc).
2. He/she should get registered to place an order.
3. He/she should be able to select and add products to the cart.
4. He/she should be able to select payment method.
5. The user should fill a form by providing his /her name, contact number, postal address, city,
delivery and payment method (cash on delivery/online by using credit/debit card) at
6. He/she should be able to send messages to consultants and can view consultant’s answers
7. He/she should also be able to view other’s messages and consultant’s answers.
8. He/she should be able to add review and feedback about various products and website.
9. The user can login and logout.

Consultant Panel:
1. Consultant should get registered for consultation.
2. Consultant can view user’s messages and can answer messages.
Admin panel:
1. Admin can view orders.
2. Admin have access to monitor everything on the website.
3. Admin can add view and delete different products.
4. Admin can create, view and update categories.
5. Admin can add payment method.
6. Admin can add consultant and can view consultant information.
7. Admin can view farmer’s reviews and feedback.
8. Admin will be able to generate a report such as sale and buy reports, profit and loss report
on a monthly.

 Operating System: Window7and above
 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (Front-end)
 Adobe Dreamweaver
 MYSQL(Backend)
 PHP (Server-side programming)
 XAMPP — Web Application Server

Name: Ammara Rasheed
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: ammaratouqeer409
Online Application for New PTCL Internet Connection

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
In this project, we will build a web-based application named as “Online Application for New PTCL
Internet Connection”, in which the user/client applies for the new Internet connection and the
admin allocates the connection PTCL number,issue date and processes the connection request.
Similarly, the admin can generate the monthly bill and the user/client can pay the bill online.

Features of the proposed features:

Admin Panel features:

1. The admin can login and logout.

2. The admin can accept/reject user registration requests.
3. The admin can view and accept/reject the new PTCL internet connection requests.
4. The admin can generate the voucher for new installation charges.
5. The admin can assign the new PTCL internet connection with (Requested internet speed (6
mb, 8 mb or 10 mb) ,Package price, Customer name ,Customer ID, Customer address ,
Customer mobile #, Acount ID, New PTCL number and issuance date.
6. The admin can generate the monthly internet bill for the user and upload it on the user
account. In the generation of monthly PTCL internet bill summary, the admin must enter
the (Total internet useage, Billing month, Amount due, Due date, Amount after due date,
Arrears, Credit, Service tax and
7. The admin can view the users/clients uploaded paid vouchers and paid bills.
8. The admin can view the users/clients’ complaints and take appropriate actions.

User/Client Panel features:

1. The user/client will register by filling the provided registration form. In the registration form
user related different information must be saved like, username, CNIC number, password,
address, phone number etc.
2. The user/client can login and logout.
3. The user/client can apply for the New PTCL internet connection by clicking the button/link
“New PTCL Internet Connection” and then fill the new connection form. The new
connection form can contain different information such as, Username, CNIC number,
Address, phone no, PTCL Internet connection speed (i.e. (6 mb, 8 mb or 10 mb) etc.
4. After applying for the new internet connection, the user/client can view the voucher for
new installation charges.
5. The user/client can download the voucher.
6. The user/client can upload the paid voucher.
7. The user/client can view the new connection issuance summary such as, (New PTCL
assigned number, Account ID,Connection speed, Package price, Customer name ,Customer
ID, Customer address , Customer mobile #, Acount ID, and Issuance date ).
8. The user/client can view/download his/her monthly bill.
9. The user/client can pay the monthly bill online and upload the paid bill on the website.
10. In case of a complaint, the user/client can send the complaint to the admin.

XAMPP Server, MySQL, PHP language

Name: Komal Khawer
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: kom.kk
Online Auction System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Auction is a term used to refer to types of sales where the price is neither set nor arrived at by
negotiation, but discovered through the process of competitive bidding. Shopping online has
widely grown after COVID 19; online auction system is increasing rapidly. Online auction is
becoming more and more popular in electronic commerce and hence it should system must
increase its quality and security. This project shall handle this issue by creating an online platform
where a user will be able to post items online for auction. The items will accompany item name,
their base price, and a picture presentation for the bidder to see. The bidder, if interested in the
item, will auction for the product and will be able to inspect the item physically to approve the
product then complete the business with the seller.

The system primarily has 3 types of users:

Seller module
A seller’s primary concern on such a portal would be security against fraudulent buyers and
random bids. The seller needs to know who got the product and needs to act accordingly. The
seller must be able to check his product for bidding and should be able to add one easily. He
should also be able to see the reviews about the product and communicate with the customers or
bidders regarding any issue that arises.

Buyer module
The bidder should first see which product is been posted on the app which is to be auctioned along
with all the needed information about it. If the bidder is interested to buy that product, then he
can register for the auctioning and bid the amount. At last, at the end of the auctioning the bidder
should get to know the result. The buyer or the bidder should be able to give a feedback to the
seller or admin.

Admin module
The admin must be the one who controls the entire bidding process by deciding the expiry time of
each bid. He must be able to add, remove or manage a category. Admin must be able to add or
delete comments and take feedback from people regarding the processes going on in the portal.
The customer can be a buyer and a seller.

Functional Requirements:
 A customer will first sign up as a buyer or a seller and then login into the system.
 Different functionalities will be provided to both buyer and seller.
 System will allow sellers to post the ad for product they want to sell. They can also view
their active bids (that are in progress) as well as expired bids.
 In order to create an auction, the auction seller will enter the title of the auction and its
 The seller will choose an auction type, enter the appropriate price and price increment if
available. The seller will set a duration for the auction or set a custom start and end date
and time for the auction.
 The user can upload a picture that describes the auction.
 The seller can then publish their auction.
 A seller cannot bid on his or her own auction.
 System list all auctions created by Auction Sellers.
 System will allow sellers to edit and delete auction they have added.
 The auction seller can still make changes to the auction even after publication.
 The seller can also delete any auction he has created.
 Users can also search and browse through various auctions in the application.
 System will allow user to search products that are available for auction.
 System will allow buyers to add/remove auctions to a watch list
 System will allow the bidder/buyer to bid on desired product.
 Buyer can view their purchase history.

PHP, Microsoft Visual Studio (C#.Net), SQL Server

Name: Amna Bibi
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: aamna.bibi26
Online Auto Spare Parts Store and Consultation

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
The purpose of this project is to develop a website to facilitate common citizen. It will be like an e-
store where users can buy their required products online and can get consultation. Users can get
their products and suggestions well on time. It will be a great opportunity for the sellers to
increase their products sale. The website should have different categories of auto spare parts
products like car accessories, wheels, car care, batteries, equipment etc. under each category all
related option ( varieties of tyres, names of car accessories and batteries with brands, types and
names of car’s equipment) should be available.

A user should be able to search and view products by applying different filters but only registered
user can buy products, after selecting product he/she will be able to place an online order. At
checkout time, more information will be needed to complete the order. Usually, the customer will
be asked to fill the basic details or select a billing address, a shipping address, and payment option
such as debit/credit card information or cash on delivery.

This website will also provide facility for online consultation related to auto spare parts. For this
purpose expert can get registration. An expert can recommend any auto spare parts to the user.
Users can also hire a consultant for physical car inspection.

Users of this website will be:

 Individual user
 Consultant
 Admin

Functional Requirements:

User panel:
1. Any user can search / view products by applying filters (name, price, brand name etc).
2. He/she should get registered to place an order.
3. He/she should be able to select and add product to cart.
4. He/she should be able to select payment method.
5. The user will have to fill a form by providing his /her name, contact number, postal address,
city, delivery and payment method (cash on delivery/online by using credit/debit card) at
6. He/she should be able to send messages to consultants and can view consultant’s answers
7. He/she should also be able to view other’s messages and consultant’s answers.
8. He/she should be able to add review and feedback about product and website.
9. The user can login and logout.
Consultant Panel:
1. Consultant should get registration for consultation.
2. Consultant can view user’s messages and can answer messages.

Admin panel:
1. Admin can view orders.
2. Admin can view reviews or feedbacks.
3. Admin can block any user.
4. Admin can add/remove categories or edit existing categories.
5. Admin can add view and delete different products.
6. Admin will be able to generate a report such as sale and buy reports, profit and loss report
on a monthly.
7. Admin can add consultant and can view consultant information.
8. Admin can add payment method.
9. Admin have access to monitor everything on the website.

 Operating System: Window7and above
 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (Front-end)
 Adobe Dreamweaver
 MYSQL(Backend)
 PHP (Server-side programming)
 XAMPP — Web Application Server

Name: Laraib Sana
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: Laraib.sana
Online Blood Donation System
Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Blood is the essential element of human body. Without blood humans can’t survive. Scientists say
that about seven (7) to eight (8) percent of human weight consists of blood. In conventional way
blood is donated though some blood organization or Blood banks. Blood bank is thought to be the
place where blood is collected from the donor and stored/preserved for a period of twenty eight
days (8) maximum for later transfusion. Blood banks also do not support online blood donor
database. The number of donors are increasing with increase in population of the country thus we
need to have an effective system to have better control and management of data. Using
traditional techniques of data entry by operator a lot of issues may happen, like the risk of
outdated data, human boredom, error in data and cost etc. Owing to solve all the problems the
study is done on an automated Blood bank. In the present traditional system the factors like
gender, age, last date of blood donation, frequency of blood donation per year are not recorded
which is given vital importance in this study and used as recruitment factors in blood donation. So
the prime objective of the project is to find a more efficient way in blood donor database
management and to create a medium for people to get connected with potential blood donors
around the locality.

Functional Requirements:
1. Registration
2. Login/logout
3. Modifying profile
4. Searching record
5. Requests for blood donation
1. Registration
2. Login/logout
3. Modifying profile
4. Search record
5. Requests for required blood
1. Login/logout
2. Modifying profile
3. Add donor
4. Delete donor
5. Block donor
6. Send messages to registered donor or done

PHP, MySQL, Xampp Server.

Name: Mukaram Shah
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: to_shah
Online Car Accessories Shop

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
In this era of technology, all over the world, many businesses are shifting towards the online mode.
In view of this, the main objective of this project is to develop a website “Online Car Accessories
Shop” through which the registered users (customers) will be able to buy different available Car
Accessories items such as exterior (Door guards, stickers, side mirror etc.) and interior (mates,
tissue boxes, sun shades etc.) from anywhere on discounted rates.

This website will contain the Car Accessories items in different categories. Any User can visit
/search the available Car Accessories items, but only the registered users will be able to buy/place
order. Admin will manage users, orders and information of the whole website. This website will be
helpful for users to buy any Car Accessories items without physically visiting to Car Accessories
shops. It will also be beneficial in terms that not only local users could be able to purchase the Car
Accessories items but also the users from different places anywhere in the world can purchase it.

Functional Requirements:
 User Registration
 User Login
 Search Facility (by name, by price, by item color etc.)
 User can add any number of Car Accessories items (available in the stock) in
shopping cart and can proceed for order.
 The Customer will get 10 % discount on total bill between 3000 to 5000 Rs.
 The Customer will get 15 % discount on total bill between 5001 to 10000 Rs.
 The Customer will get 20 % discount on total bill between 20001 to 40000 Rs.
 The Customer will get 25 % discount on total bill of 100000 Rs and above.
 User can select any payment option (credit card or cash on delivery)
 User can check his/her order status (approved/Pending/Cancel/delivered)
 User can check his/her order history
 User can submit his/her review about purchased item(s) and can give feedback about
website services
 After successful completion of transaction, user will receive confirmation message
and a copy of Shopping Bill on his/her mobile number or via email (you can
implement any method as per your easiness).
 Admin will manage the stock of Car Accessories items on the website
 Admin can view list of registered users, Total bookings/orders, shipping orders,
pending orders, Feedback etc.
 Admin can manage and change the percentage of discount rates
 Admin can Add/update/Delete item category
 Admin can Add/update/Delete Subcategories
 Admin can delete any existing user
 Admin can update information of any existing user
 Admin can check the complete history of orders
 Admin can approve or cancel any order
 When admin will approve or cancel any order, a message/email will be sent to the
related user.

Note: No any other language is allowed for this project

Name: Sohail Aamir
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: sohailaamir22
Online Children Vaccination System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
In this project, we will build a web-based application named as “Online Children Vaccination
System”, in which the parents will registered their babies and get a detailed plan of vaccination
and get vaccinated accordingly and get certificate on completion.

The admin will provide all the details of vaccination and generate the completion certificate of
vaccination on course completion.

Features of the proposed features:

Admin Panel features:

1. The admin can login and logout.
2. The admin can add, view, and edit the medical staff and health center details.
3. The admin will assign the medical staff or health center to the newly registered user.
4. The admin will provide the complete schedule of vaccination to the user. In order to
develop the vaccination schedule, kindly visit the following link, you will find important
5. The admin will assign vaccination day. Also provide all the details of vaccination such as
which vaccine will be provided, which diseases will be prevented from the vaccine, etc. etc.
6. The admin will provide the next vaccination date to the user. The next date should be based
on the date of birth and should be according to the plan given in the shared video
7. The admin can send message/email to the registered user before two days of the
vaccination day.
8. The admin will generate vaccination completion certificate, when the user complete the
vaccination course.
9. The admin can generate different reports by yearly, monthly, weekly such as vaccinated
babies, total number of born babies, gender wise reports, city wise reports etc. etc.

Parent/User Panel features:

1. The user can login and logout.
2. The user register his/her baby for vaccination by providing all the relevant information such
as: baby name, father name and CNIC number, mother name and CINIC number, gender,
date of birth, address etc.
3. After the registration, the user have to select an option from “Vaccination at Home” or
“Vaccination at Health Center”.
4. If the user select “Vaccination at Home”, then all the details of the medical staff should be
visible to the user. For example, the medical staff name, CNIC no, contact number etc.
5. If the user select “Vaccination at Health Center”, then all the details of the health center
should be visible to the user such as health center name, contact number, address etc.
6. After the selection of home or health center, the complete schedule of vaccination should
be visible to the user.
7. The vaccination date should be visible to the user, similarly the user can view the vaccine
name, diseases that it prevents, etc. etc.
8. On the mention date, the children will be vaccinated and once the vaccination is done, the
next vaccination date should be assigned to the user.
9. The user can receive a message or an email two days before the next vaccination day.
10. The user can record his/her feedback after the vaccination.
11. After the completion of vaccination course, the user can download the vaccination
completion certificate.
12. The user can update his/her profile.

XAMPP Server, MySQL, PHP language

Name: Akmal Khan
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: akmal_vu
Online Clothes Collection and Donation Tracking System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

XYZ is a charity NGO that collects used clothes from persons that don’t need them and donate
them to the needy people. The NGO is considering to expand their services Nationwide and want
to develop an online system where people can donate their extra clothes / wearables.

Using this system, donors will register on NGO’s portal, then they would be able to enter their
clothes pictures and quantity they want to donate. NGO’s admin will approve their submission

Admin will issue them a courier address and coupon number. User would go to the courier office
and by using their coupon number, they would be able to send their clothes to the NGO’s office /
head office. After submitting the clothes at the NGO office, user would be able to track the clothes
in NGO’s repository and also track the items that to whom or where the NGO would donate it.

Required Reports:

- Users will be able to generate report for their donated clothes status (rather it is in NGO’s
repository or donated to someone / somewhere)
- Admin will be able to generate report for their loyal / active donators (who donates twice at
least in a year)
- Admin will be able to view complete repository details in terms of clothes types (pants,
shirts, sweaters, jackets, shoes, socks etc)
- Admin will be able to generate a report of donated items along with details for a certain
period of time (that is given in report criteria)

HTML, PHP, MySQL, Xampp / wamp server, PHP Report Maker / PHP Reports / Any other
supportive tool for Report generation

Name: Rizwan Riaz Mir
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: rizwan-mir
Online College Examination System

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
ABC College is using an online platform for conducting examinations through websites. Developing
an online examination system that works on a web-based platform can help in conducting exams
from any location in a short span of time and students from any location can appear in exams. The
examination system works as an online web portal, where students, admin, and lecturers can be
part of this portal by registering with the application. Admin will add teachers and students can
register with the application and view all tests available and take tests and view results and

Functional Requirements:
There will be three modules i.e., admin, student and teacher.

1. Admin can view students who are registered with the application.
2. Admin can add teachers based on department and view tests and marks of students.

1. Teachers can log in with a valid user name and password.
2. Teachers can upload test detail with questions and time for each test along with positive
and negative marks for answers.
1. Students can register with the application.
2. Students can select a test and take the test.
3. Students can view marks, results, ranking, and history.

PHP Language and MySQL Database for developing Online Grocery Shop.

Name: Sumbal Javaid
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: sumbaljavaid1
Online Compiler and Logger

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Compiler is a computer software that is used to translate the code written in high level language
(like C++) into machine language instructions that can be understood by our computer. We have
two types of compiler called desktop and web-based compilers. Desktop based compiler can be
accessed through the system where it is installed. While the web-based compiler can be accessed
through internet using any web browser installed on any device. OCL (online compiler and logger)
is a web-based application that allows the users to write, compile and execute the program
written in C++ language.

Functional Requirements:
You are required to create a web-based application called OCL that has two modules and fulfill the
following requirements.

Front-end Module:

Following requirements should be fulfilled for front-end module.

1. There should be an interface on front-end for the users to write, compile and execute the
code of C++ programming language.
2. Main interface will be divided into two sections called code section and output section.
3. Code section will be used to write the code of C++ program.
4. Output section will be used to display the output of program written in code section and
5. If there is any error in the code then output section should display error message(s),
possible reason of errors and location of errors.
6. There should be user login/register system to keep record of all programs created by a user
through OCL.
7. When users login into application, all of their created programs should be visible in the user
dashboard. User can open any of already created programs, modify, compile and execute it.
8. There should be an option to save created program into “.cpp” format and download it.
9. There should be an option to upload a “.cpp” file into our application and load into code
section that can be compiled for error checking and output. (Admin can allow or block this
feature from backend).
10. User should be able to copy/paste any code into or from code section (Admin can allow or
block this feature from backend).
11. If admin block the copy/paste of content to/from code section, then user can only type the
12. On writing or copy/paste of code into code section or compiling the code, a log will be
maintained for each action performed by user. This log can be viewed by admin from back-
Back-end Module:
Back-end will be used to control the settings of our application and fulfill following requirements.

1. There should be option to control (allow or block) copy/paste in code section on frontend.
2. There should be option to control (allow or block) file uploading feature on frontend.
3. There should be option to see the log of code created by user. Log will show the keystroke,
copy/paste and compilation detail.
4. Admin should be able to see the code of user generated from log. For this feature admin
will select a user and a log file of that user.

A similar application is available on the link given below but this application do not have some
extra features (file upload/download, copy/paste blocking, log generation of every activity
performed into code section and compilation) required in our application.

ASP.Net with C# or PHP

Name: Muhammad Ahmad Lodhi
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: ahmad_lodhi
Online Movie Ticket Booking System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Online Movie Ticket Booking System, is a website to facilitate the users in collecting information
regarding movies and TV shows. Users can also book online tickets for a movie. Users have to
register for booking ticket(s) for movies. Users will select movie’s date and time. When choosing
the show, the user is given a seating layout so that he can select the seat(s) of his choice. Then he’s
redirected to the payment section. There he will pay with his Debit/Credit card. The user has the
option to update his profile. The user will add all his details like (name, gender, age, address,
phone number, card information, etc.).

Functional Requirements:

Registered user Module:

1. User will be able to register and sign in.
2. User can book multiple tickets at the same time.
3. User will be able to select movie’s date and time.
4. User will be able to adopt any payment method (debit card, credit card).
Admin Panel:
1. Login availability.
2. Admin can accept user’s registration requests.
3. Admin can view all user’s details
4. Admin can update all movie’s details.
5. Admin can update date and time for any movie (manage the schedule).
6. Admin can enter more movies and shows.
7. Seats which have been selected by any user will be automatically marked as reserved for
other users.
8. Admin will manage all upcoming movies and TV shows details on the website.

PHP, MySql, Javascript, Jquery, CSS, Bootstrap, PhpStorm,

Name: Komal Saleem
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: komalsaleem123
Online Used Cars Sale and Purchase System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Online used cars sale and purchase system is a platform where users can easily perform selling
and buying of used vehicles. This website will allow sellers to add used vehicles with their
particulars and vehicle details. Sellers can list the vehicle for sale to the buyers.

Buyers can register and login themselves on the website. They can view all used vehicles and can
contact the seller. Admin will be responsible for different tasks such as approve/reject listed
vehicle by the seller and approve/reject registration requests from sellers and buyers etc.

Functional Requirements:
This system will have four different users:

1. Administrator
2. Seller
3. Buyer
4. Guest

1. Functionalities of Administrator
1. Add/Approve/reject registration requests
2. Add / update /delete /Approve/reject listed vehicles
3. Add / update /delete car models
4. Add / update /delete vehicle categories

2. Functionalities of Seller
1. Registration/login to the system
2. Add/update contact details
3. List vehicle by providing all relevant details (Vehicle make, vehicle model, registration
city, color, model year etc.)
4. Update listed vehicle information

3. Functionalities of Buyer
1. Registration/login to the system
2. Add/update contact details
3. Search listed vehicle by different parameters such as (Vehicle make, vehicle model,
registration city, color, model year etc.)
4. View vehicle details
5. View contact details of seller
4. Functionalities of Guest
1. Search listed vehicle by different parameters such as (Vehicle make, vehicle model,
registration city, color, model year etc.)
2. View vehicle details


Server side scripting technology PHP/

DBMS SQL/MySQL/Oracle, etc.
Code Editors Sublime Text, PHP storm, Visual studio,

Name: Rehan Ahmed
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID:
Book Recommender System

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Book Recommender System, recommends relevant book (s) to a buyer/reader, it basically works
on the “reader interest”. The main aim of this project is to develop a module which can help any
website or application and its readers while recommending relevant books to its readers/buyers.
Buyer/reader will provide his/her interest in search bar or in his/her profile which saves time of
the buyer/reader as the system will recommend books which are relevant to his/her interest.

Buyer can order a book, view the relevant book contents (which gives an insight to the reader),
contact to support staff and admin. When a reader enters the name of a book e.g. Introduction to
Computing in search bar, different types of available books recommendations will appear in the
right slider of the application.

For the any type of inquiry, reader can contact to the support staff and for profile/password
relevant issues, reader can contact to the administrator.

Administrator will verify the availability of the book in stock from the shopkeeper/dealer before
entering the receipt. Moreover, buyer/reader can submit his/her feedback about the application,
support staff and services e.g. provided recommendation was helpful or not? etc.

Functional Requirements:
Here, following Minimum modules for Book Recommender System

1. Buyer/Reader Module
In this module, buyer can search a Book according to his/her choice, add to cart the book,
place order for book, view recommended book, select recommended book, search for more
recommendations and pay money through credit card, cash on delivery, through online
banking, generate payment receipt, submit feedback, Contact to support staff etc.

2. Administrator Module
In this module, administrator will manage the sign up requests from the readers (buyers
and support staff), approve /reject their feedback, etc.

3. Support Staff
Support staff can track order, contact to delivery boy, provide assistance to the buyer, etc.

4. Apply Filter
In this module reader can filter the books on the basis of the following criteria:

A: Author Name
B: Publish Date
C: Price
D: Field (e.g., Computer Science, Biology, Mathematics, History, English Literature etc.)
Note: Add minimum mentioned categories in the dropdown list of the Field

Note: It is advised to attend Sessions for better Guidance and details.

Java J2EE, JServlets, JSP, JSF
HTML, J Query, CSS
IDE Netbeans
MS Visio

Name: Shafaq Nisar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: shafaqnisar1

Introduction is an official website of a company operating in Pakistan which is offering up
to 10% profit on invested amount on monthly basis. At the end of each month, the profit is
calculated for all cars which are sold in a month. The profit is distributed on 60%-40% ratio. 60%
profit goes with the company owner. Rest 40% profit gained is distributed among investors as per
their invested amount percentage which will become nearly equal to 10% of the invested amount.

The company needs your services as a software engineer to help update the website both front-
end and back-end and add some new features in it. You need to keep the following things in mind
for the website update:

1) Website front-end should be user friendly and eye-catchy with new styling features of this
era instead of simple html design.
2) There should be an administrative side and a user side with a proper database.

Functional Requirements:
Functional requirements can be divided into two parts with respect to the roles of the users:

1) Admin can add / edit/ remove any member in any membership category like silver, gold or
2) Admin can maintain the payments records (either investment or profit or loss) of each
3) Admin can add / edit/ remove the details of the booked vehicles and show them to only
those investors which he will choose to know.
4) Admin can add / edit/ remove the selling details of any vehicle. Again, the selling details will
be shared to investors of the choice or membership category wise.
5) Admin can choose any investors to distribute profits/loss against a particular vehicle. This
should automatically update the current status of amount against any investor.
6) Admin can distribute the profits acquired equally or can set the varying percentages of
profits among investors.
7) Admin can generate reports of investments and profit / loss acquired against any investor in
excel sheets.
8) Admin can see the details of the profit / loss earned in any period of time against any
vehicle. Reports can be downloadable in excel sheets.
9) Admin can see the overall graphs for the progress of the business.
10) Payment records should be maintained properly.
11)Any change in policies should be catered easily.

CarsBusiness Members / Investors

1) Members can see the amount invested and profits or loss history.
2) Members can see the details of booked vehicles against which admin has chosen their
investment to grow.
3) Members can see the profit percentage and all necessary details against the vehicles in
which admin has involved their investment. Excel reports can also be generated on monthly
4) Members can send their queries through inbox to admin.
5) Members can receive important notifications.
6) Members can request to withdraw amount (either investment or profit earned or both)
prior one month notice from a separate interface. The overall investment records should be
updated afterwards once approved by admin.
1) Website user should be able to fetch the website and general details of the business.
2) User can register and make an account any time.
3) Once any user pays the subscription amount (1 lac) his status will be changed to members.
4) User can interact with admin for necessary questioning via inbox.
5) The dormant accounts which have not applied for membership after 40 days will be
removed automatically.

Note: The best project will get the opportunity to be deployed. VU will not pay anything at any
stage for this project.

Visual Studio (latest version) with .net Framework + SQL Server (latest version) or any other tool of

Development Language:
C# (C sharp) with SQL or any other web development language of choice.

Name: Anum Liaquat
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: anumliaqat1989
College Admission Predictor
Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
As the number of colleges is increasing day by day, it becomes hard for students to find a good
college. Moreover, it is very difficult for students to visit and apply to numerous colleges without
knowing their merit. College admission Predictor is a web-based application that predict student’s
admission in colleges. Students had not need to travel long distance colleges for the admission and
his/her time is saved, because of this automated system. Only an internet connection is required
to access this app anytime anywhere.

This app helps students to choose right college for themselves according to the merit. Students can
register into the systems and add their result/marks. Based on marks and merit, system shortlists
the colleges to which they can apply. Admin can add the colleges and the batch detail into system.
Admin will manage the merits of colleges.

Functional Requirements:

1. Admin can login into system.
2. Admin can add/edit/delete colleges and their details.
3. Admin can add merit for previous years to individual college.
4. Admin can add number of seats in each college.
5. Admin can view list of students registered into the system.
6. Admin can view feedback sent by student.

1. Student can register and login into system.
2. Students can add their marks.
3. Student can view colleges near him.
4. Students can view all the colleges based on his marks.
5. Student can send the feedback to the admin about the system.
 HTML,CSS, JavaScript (Front-end)
 MYSQL (Backend)
 PHP (Server aspect programming)
 XAMP (Web Application Server)

Name: Fareeha Ejaz
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: e_fareeha
Online Food Ordering System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Online Food Ordering System is a platform in which various partner restaurants will register,
display their restaurant’s menu and manage orders placed online. A registered customer will be
able to search and order food of his/her choice. This web application will connect customers with
restaurants that offer food delivery in their area and let them choose and order. After a customer
orders a specific food item, the relevant restaurant will prepare the food and deliver the order to
the customer’s address.

Functional Requirements:
There are mainly four users under this system.
1. Administrator
2. Restaurant manager
3. Registered customer
4. Unregistered customer
1. Functionalities of Administrator
1. Add, Edit, Delete and View restaurants
2. Approve / disapprove restaurants’ registration request
3. Add, Edit, Delete and View customers
4. Add, Edit, Delete and View Food categories
5. Add, Edit, Delete and View Food items
6. Add, Edit, Cancel and View orders
7. Add, Edit, Delete and View locations
8. Check order status
9. View restaurants’ rating
10. View and reply customers’ messages

2. Functionalities of Restaurant manager

1. Register
2. Login
3. Add, edit, delete and view restaurant’s location
4. Add restaurant’s menu with specific details such as Food item name, picture, price,
delivery time etc.
5. Manage orders
6. Cancel orders
7. Update order status
8. View data of Today sales, yesterday sales, Last 7 Days sales and All-time sales data also.
9. View and reply customers’ feedback
10. View and reply customers’ messages
11. View own food items ratings by customers
3. Functionalities of Registered customer
1. Register
2. Login
3. Add, Edit, Delete and View contact details
4. Search and view restaurants
5. Search and view food items according to specific filters (Food item type, price, location
and rating etc.)
6. Order food
7. Check order status
8. Send messages to restaurants and view replies
9. Send messages to administrator and view replies
10. Give feedback to restaurant after ordering and view replies
11. Rate a specific food item after ordering

4. Functionalities of Unregistered customer

1. Search and view restaurants
2. Search and view food items according to specific filters (Food item type, price, location
and rating etc.)

 PHP and MySQL (You can choose any framework such as Laravel)
 Bootstrap or any other CSS Framework
 Any JavaScript library/ framework such as jQuery, Vue Js, react Js or angular Js.

Name: Khaqan Khawer
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: imkhaqan
Online Punjab Bar Council Election Management

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Elections play a vital role in modern-day democratic nations in electing political representatives.
Free and fair elections are required to maintain the true essence of democracy but almost all the
elections have been blamed to be rigged in Pakistan. Furthermore, the issues like terrorism have
impacted the turnout during elections, and caused problem in maintaining law and order.
Therefore, a system was required to automate the election process, and Online Punjab Bar Council
Election Management is proposed with the idea to enable all the registered lawyers of Punjab Bar
Council to take part in electing their representatives.

This system will not only help in holding free and fair elections but also in maintaining law and
order, and reducing the cost of holding elections. Chairman Punjab Bar Council can manage the
candidates and voters. A voter can log into the system and cast his/her vote. System will count
votes and thus declare winner in an election. It will also calculate voters’ turnout.

There will be three types of users of this application.

• Chairman Punjab Bar Council (Admin)
• Candidates
• Voters

Functional Requirements:
Here is a list of functional requirements:

1) Chairman Punjab Bar Council (Admin) can manage (create, update, delete) all the users
of the web application.
2) Chairman Punjab Bar Council will add the data of voters into the system.
3) Candidates can register themselves into the system. (A candidate/voter will be identified
on the basis of Bar Council ID, only one user can register against any specific Bar Council
4) A voter can log into the system.
5) A voter can cast a vote.
6) A voter can add complaint and give suggestions.
7) System can calculate total votes (Casted for a certain seat).
8) System can calculate the percentage of votes for each candidate.
9) Admin can declare election results (Successful/Unsuccessful) through system.
10)System can calculate voters’ turnout percentage.
• These are basic requirements of the application. Students may add further
functionalities to make the application more useful.
• Virtual University of Pakistan (VU) will not provide any kind of hardware for this
project; student has to arrange the required hardware by himself/herself.
• VU will not pay for any license of the software, the libraries /toolkits/APIs used in this

Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server,;

Note: You are advised not to switch the tools. If you do so, you will handle the technical side

Name: Ghulam Abbas
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: live:49cf19b1f61ba126
Online Scholarship Portal (OSP)

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
This particular portal is aimed to design a platform for the students who are in search of the
scholarships programs offered in different disciplines like Undergrad, Masters, M.Phil. and PhD
around the globe. Online Scholarship Portal (OSP) will include the effective and user friendly
graphical user interfaces which will enable its registered users (students) to access their required
information easily. User/Students will be able to search scholarship according to their need and
requirement wise Country, University and faculty details such as name, department, courses, area
of expertise, and professional interest etc.

OSP will also have information of the selection criteria and offered stipends:
1. Eligibility (Age, Nationality, previous degree)
2. Passing status of English proficiency tests (IELETS, TOEFL)
3. University/Professors recommendation letter
4. All records of previous qualification, jobs, research publications and projects
5. Valid Passport
6. Hosted Country professors acceptance letter
7. Offered stipends amount (hosted currency)
8. Due date of apply

There will be four categories of scholarships programs.

a. University based Scholarships
b. Country based Scholarships
c. Funded Govt Project lab based Scholarships
d. Professors based Scholarships

There are two main entities who will access this system i.e. admin and visitor/registered user.

Functional Requirements:

1. Visitor/Students
a. Scholarship List: All the added scholarship details will be displayed to the visitor.
b. Refine / Search: Visitor can search a specific scholarship details by different filters
such as Name, University, Department, Courses, Area of Expertise, and Professional
Interests etc.
c. Eligibility criteria: Visitor will be able to go through and check the criteria.

2. Admin
a. Approve User/Student Registration: Admin can approve the registration requests
from students.
b. Manage scholarship information: All the added scholarship details can be Viewed /
Updated / Deleted by the admin.
3. User/Students
a. Registration and Sign In: After the visiting the portal for the apply purpose student
will register him/herself in the portal and will be able to login after the approval of
registration request by the Admin.
 JavaScript
 Notepad++
 My SQL 5.6

Name: Saima Jamil
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: duaa.khan26
Online Vehicle Parking Management

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
In large cities of Pakistan such as Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi etc. traffic congestion and traffic jam
issues are increasing day by day. Each day people who have their own vehicles spend a lot of time
to find a proper parking place for their vehicles. There is no proper parking mechanism in majority
of hospitals, public parks, markets etc. The idea of this project is to develop an online vehicle
parking management website which will help the people to find a proper parking place for their
vehicles. Using this website, they will be able to know how much parking slots/space is available in
a particular parking area.

Functional Requirements:
There will be three dashboards in this website.
1- User Dashboard
2- Super Admin Dashboard
3- Parking Area Admin Dashboard

1-User Dashboard
 User Management (Login, Register, Forgot Password, User Profile)
 User should be able to register his/her vehicle by providing all the details of his/her vehicle
 User should be able to see the list of all parking areas of the city in which he/she is currently
 User should be able to see the remaining parking slots of a parking area.
 User should be able to send a request to parking area if it has free parking slots
 User should receive confirmation notification/email when his/her parking request is
accepted or cancelled by the parking area management
 Upon checkout, user should be provided a digital receipt of parking charges

2-Super Admin Dashboard

 Super admin will be able to see all the registered parking areas, their staff and all registered
 Super admin will approve the registration of a parking area
 Super Admin will be able to see how much revenue has been earned by a particular parking

3-Parking Area Admin Dashboard

 User Management (Login, Register, Forgot Password, User Profile)
 Parking Management (accept or cancel the parking requests)
 Staff management (Add /Delete/Update) to run the parking operations smoothly
 Revenue management (All the payments must be entered into the system)
 Real time parking slots updation
 Digital receipt should be provided to the user when parking time ends (Payment will be cash
 Admin should be able to view the revenue report (daily, weekly,monthly) of the revenue
earned by his/her parking area.
 Admin should be able to manage more than one parking areas if he/she has more than one
parking areas.

 Server-side programming language: PHP
 Framework: Laravel, CodeIgniter or any other framework of PHP
 Scripting and styling languages: HTML and CSS
 Client-side scripting: JavaScript and JQuery
 Database: MYSQL IDE: PHP Storm or NetBeans or any one of your choice
 Local host Server: WAMP or XAMPP

Name: Hafiz Muhammad Azeem Sarwar
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: h.m.azeem2
PDF file conversion to audio file

Reading pdf files that contains 100s of pages may cause the problem in a professional life. For
example, irritation in eyes or getting bore while continuance reading. Something new should
develop that give comfort to reader. He do not need to stick with computer screen for long hours
to read pdf files.

So, you are required to develop pdf file conversion to audio file. Reader do not need to stare long
hours to read. He may convert pdf file in audio file and start listing. Reading demand full attention,
so a reader cannot perform any other task. However, through this application, he can do
multitasking. Moreover, visually impaired people may also get benefit from this application. This
application will handle only a pdf file having paragraphs written in English.

Functional Requirements:
 Registration/Login Page
 Upload PDF File
 Pdf file conversion to audio
 Listen PDF File
 Download Audio File (.mp3)
 Logout

Software Requirements
 Windows
 Java script
 Python

Note: Student may use any tool to develop this web based or desktop application.

Supervisor Details
Supervisor: Faizan Tahir
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID:

Project Domain / Category

Web Based Project

Abstract / Introduction
Real Estate advisor system shall be the comprehensive tool to manage the entire quality property
investments for the clients as well as the free consultancy as per user requirements on sale/
purchase depending upon the trends. The proposed system shall be a web-based application
which will convert the old methods of property dealing into a modern online approach. The system
includes real time access to all kinds of property to simplify the day-to-day process of property
administration and can support a database of multiple properties and users.

This website shall provide a platform offering wide array of quality property investments and
divide the property into three different categories as agricultural land, residential and luxurious to
commercial options. It includes apartments, villas, homes, and flats, form houses in residential
lands/plots and commercial lands/plots, shops in markets and plazas in different cities throughout
Pakistan. In this website any buyer/seller/renter shall easily visit all types of property and then will
select the advertised property.

Functional Requirements:

1. Login/Logout
2. Change password/retrieve lost password
3. Edit Registration details
4. View/Edit/Delete site details
5. Manage properties (View/Edit/Delete)
6. Categories property
7. Property Details
8. Search properties on the basis of different criteria
9. Advertisements
10. Biding Handling
11. Reports
12. Manage client Request
13. Must provide best options as a consultant

1. Login/ Logout
2. Change Password/Retrieve lost password
3. View/Edit Registration Info (Personal Details)
4. View property categories
5. View property details
6. Search property Listings
7. View agent’s info.
8. Buy/Rent/the property
9. Participate in biding
10. View Reports
11. Can get best options to buy from the Admin

1. Login/ Logout
2. Change Password/Retrieve lost password
3. View/Edit Registration Info (Personal Details)
4. View property categories
5. View property details
6. Search property Listings
7. Sell property
8. Upload property details
9. Different properties will be stored in different categories and will be managed
10. Sell property on lease
11. Organize bidding process
12. View reports
13. Can get best option for the sale from Admin

1. View static Pages
2. About Us
3. Privacy Policy
4. Terms and Conditions
5. Contact Us
6. Search property Listings according to different categories
7. View property Listing Details
8. View agents details
9. Register as User/sign up
- Visitor should provide personal details for registration request
- All the requests will be verified by the system
- System can Accept/Reject/Temporarily waive the requests
- In case of Acceptance Login Info (password, ID) will be sent through email to visitor

Language: Python (Preferred One), or WAMP server, PHP, MySQL, HTML editors
(Dreamviewer, Notepad++).
Databases: MySQL, SQLite, XAMMP, WAMP, Oracle or any other modern database

Name: Adnan Asif
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: ch.adnanasif
Student Registration System
Project Domain/Category
Web Programing

Abstract / Introduction
Managing students’ records using a manual system is tedious and takes longer to generate
different types of reports. Especially when it is time for new admissions, the manual registration
process is a time-consuming and challenging task for students and employees. Different tasks like
search and update take too much time in manual systems. To overcome this problem, we will
develop a web-based application for the student registration process to increase the availability
and efficiency of the process.

Functional Requirements:
1. The system should have a user registration process in order to get login into the system.
2. The system should send a four-digit verification code to the user’s mobile number to create
a user account.
3. The system should have a detailed personal information form.
4. The user should be able to add his passport size image in the personal information form.
5. The system should have a detailed educational information form.
6. Users should be able to view the eligibility criteria of different programs.
7. Users should be able to view admission instructions for different programs.
8. Students will select a short course like C, C++, and Java or diploma like DIT and DAC or a
complete program like MCS and MIT, etc.
9. The system should have three short courses, two diplomas, and two complete programs
and their details.
10. Users will be able to view the duration and fee of all the programs mentioned in point no 9.
11. Admin should be able to add, update, and delete any information regarding courses,
diplomas, and complete programs through a user interface.
12. Admin should be able to add, update, and delete all students’ records.
13. After completion of the registration process, the system will send a successful message to
the student along with the registration id.
14. All the information should not be static; it should be maintained dynamically through
15. Reports:
1. Detail report of a student comprised of personal information, educational
information, and selected program.
2. List of all students (course wise).
3. List of all programs along with duration and fee.

Tools & Technologies: Preferred tool and technology: Java, MySQL

Name: Noor Rahman Mahsud
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: mahsud-cs619

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
This application will be offering to the customers to rent a house/apartment in any city
they want. It’s often seen that the people need to move in different cities due to their
jobs, meetings or family gatherings. These house or apartments can be ready to shift

A person can rent a house / apartment in any city. There will be many options available
with respect to room capacity, city, area and rent. The user can filter the search results
on the basis of the capacity, city, area and rent.

The customer would be able to give reviews of the facility they had.
If an apartment/house is already in use, it should not be displayed in the available items.

Functional Requirements:
Admin Module:

The admin can login and logout.
Add a new User:
The admin should not be able to sign up. But a main admin will add another admin.

Add available cities with area:

The admin can add new cities and specific areas.

Add a new house / Apartment:

The admin can add the information of a new house/apartment.

Manage house / Apartment:

The admin can edit or delete any exiting records.

Reply Contact Us Queries:

The admin can reply the Contact Us queries on the customer/visitor’s mentioned email address.

Customer Module:

The customer can login and logout.

View House/Apartment:
The customer can see all the available houses or apartments with logging in to the website.
The customer can add to cart any house or apartment.
Contact Us:
The customer can send their queries using Contact Us form

The complete website should have the following features:

 The website needs to be responsive.
 Home Page with a main search bar.
 Each page with the search bar in the navigation bar.
 About Us Page/Section
 Contact Us Page / Section

Back end: PHP, MySQL, Xammp
Front End Design: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Editor: Sublime/Notepadd++

Name: Maham Murtaza Khan
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: maham.khan024
Timetable Management System

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
All educational institutes are offering a number of different disciplines these days and each
discipline has a number of subjects. There are limited faculty members in all educational institutes
therefore each faculty member has to teach more than one subjects. Also, there are limited rooms
for classes and lab activities for different batches. We have to schedule a timetable for effective
resource utilization. This timetable should ensure that there is neither an overlapping of faculty
member nor class room. Timetable scheduling is a very hectic job which takes a lot of time and
effort. Any updation or correction may make this task cumbersome if done manually. There is a
need to automate this task with the help of an online system which generates a timetable. This
Timetable management system will be a web-based application which can schedule timetable
according to classes, subjects and faculty members.

Functional Requirements:

Faculty Member:

1. The faculty member shall register/signup in the system.

2. The faculty members have different role like Dean, Section head, Head of department, Class
in-charge etc.
3. The faculty member shall be able to login to system.
4. The section head will generate timetable of different classes. (System will ensure that every
lecture should have a distinct time slot and room. Any time slot cannot have an overlapping
of class, subject or faculty member.)
5. The faculty member shall be able to view/download timetable from the system in .pdf
6. The faculty member shall be able to view/download timetable class wise.
7. The faculty member shall be able to view/download timetable subject wise.
8. The faculty member shall be able to view/download timetable class room wise.


1. The student shall register/signup in the system.

2. The student shall be able to login to system
3. The student shall be able to view/download timetable from the system in .pdf format.
4. The student shall be able to view/download timetable class wise.
5. The student shall be able to view/download timetable subject wise.
6. The student shall be able to view/download timetable class room wise.

1. Login availability.
2. Admin shall be able to accept/ reject user’s registration requests.
3. Admin shall be able to update all users’ detail.
4. Admin shall be able to view all registered users’ detail.
5. Admin’s dashboard has overall functional rights.
6. Admin should be able to approve/reject the timetable generated by faculty member.

PhpStorm, NetBeans, Sublime Text, Php, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, bootstrap, MySQL, XAMPP

Name: Umair Ali
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: live:umairalihamid_1
Toy Land

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

Toys are the basic playing item for kids. According to age, different types of toys are available in
market. But kids insist to go out for shopping their toys. In current situation of COVID it is risky for
kids to go in markets without masks.
So, it is required to build an online “Toy Land” that should have toys of each age group, and kids
can choice their toys by watching their images and demo videos. In this way kids will also learn to
use applications and their capabilities to search, select and decide will also be improved.
Toy Land will be a website having variety of toys. An example website is:

Functional Requirements:
1. Home page of website should have a professional website like interface with attractive items
having following sequence:
I) Title and related image on top.
II) A sort option (on the basis of age group, Product type, Price).
III) Search, tracking order and cart images having their web pages links should be there.
2. Create, Register, Approval or rejection of registration and login pages to add Admin, customers’
record in data base with fields (Username, Password, Email Id, Contact No, and Address).
3. Customer can order product in two ways:
I) As a member by logging in his/her account
II) He/She can directly order items as guest.
4. Menu bar should contain tabs having toys types like 3D Puzzles, Learning Toys, Baby Teethers,
Musical Toys, Baby Crib Toys, Baby Push Toys, Baby Rattles, Baby Blocks Toys, and Stuffed Toys.
5. By clicking on a toy type tab, it leads to a next webpage having all items of this category.
I) Above page should contain a proper name of toy, its price, demo video and drop down
to select “Quantity”. There must be an “Add to Cart” button to put selected items in cart.
II) The description of item should contain the fields like.
No of items in a set:
6. By clicking on cart, a list should be visible for selected items and their quantity, price, delivery
fee, and total amount. There should be a quantity increment or decrement button and a
remove button against each item.
I. Continue Shopping, Update, and Check Out buttons should be there at the end of cart.
II. Payment methods (Pay viva Visa card, Cash on delivery) must also be shown using radio
III. Confirm order and show summary of order with successful message when customer click
on confirmation.

Choose any combination of tools from these tools

Visual Studio / Xamp / Wamp

C# / PHP
Sql / mySql Database
Java Script

Name: Neelam Alam
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: neelam-cs

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Managing logistic transportation is still considered one of the most challenging tasks now a days
due to the fact that logistic companies strives to improve their supply chain performance against
the challenges of rising fright rates, truck capacity and increasing customer requirements.

Managing the financial details has already been a challenging job for different logistic transport
companies. Due to the complex financial software available in the market, it is not easy for
companies to successfully manage the details of their trips, expenses, profit and other details. This
software will help logistic companies to easily manage details about their vehicles, drivers,
monthly trips, their expenses and easily produce reports on a schedule or when required.
Moreover users will be able to inquire about the fright details, book logistics and make online
payments to the company.

Functional Requirements:
1. Users will be able to create an account by signing up a form.
2. The form will consist of basic information such as name, address, phone# and email
address for future reference.
3. Administrator will be able to enter details about vehicles registered with the company.
4. Administrator will be able to enter details about drivers registered with the company.
5. Administrator will be able to add details of the trips a driver has made.
6. The trips details will contain details such as vehicle details, starting point, destination,
distance covered, charges per trip etc.
7. Administrator will be able to enter different expenses.
8. The expenses will include fuel expenses, maintenance, driver’s salary etc.
9. Administrator will be able to add all income details.
10. Administrator will be able to produce reports by mentioning a period for which total
income and deductions will be calculated
11. The reports will be calculated based on a schedule i.e. at the end of each month or on
12. Administrator will be able to produce a print of the report generated.
13. Users will be able to check fright details and book logistics.
14. Users will be able to make online payments for a selected trip.

PHP, MySQL, Xammp, Notepad++

Name: Jibran Khan
Email ID: [email protected]
Skype ID: jibrankhanvu

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