Image Segmentation Based On Histogram Analysis and Soft Thresholding
Image Segmentation Based On Histogram Analysis and Soft Thresholding
Image Segmentation Based On Histogram Analysis and Soft Thresholding
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 78 – No.5, September 2013
be classified to the cluster of seed point or not [4]. distance regularization obtained by a potential function, which
Unfortunately, this method is a time consuming and initial is able to maintain a desired shape of the level set function,
seed point needs to be specified. particularly a signed distance profile near the zero level set.
The distance regularization effect eliminates the need for re-
Unlike most of supervised and region growing algorithms, initialization and thereby avoids its induced numerical errors.
fast scanning algorithm do not need seed point. In brief, the Further, this framework simpler and more efficient finite
concept of fast scanning algorithm [5] is to scan from the difference scheme can be used to implement the DRLSE
upper-left corner to lower-right corner of the whole image and formulation.
determine if we can merge the pixel into an existed clustering.
The merged criterion is based on our assigned threshold. If the Thus to address the limitation of the commonly used existing
difference between the pixel value and the average pixel value segmentation algorithms, we design an effective spatial
of the adjacent cluster is smaller than the threshold, then this domain segmentation framework based on the histogram
pixel can be merged into the cluster. analysis and soft threshold. The proposed system used the two
basic inherent image properties in tandem to define the
Lei Li [6] proposed an improved method for color segmentation process. These classify the image pixels into
segmentation which uses the FSVM (fuzzy support vector discontinuity or similarity localized region of digital media
machines) algorithm in the HSI (hue-saturation-intensity) based on the histogram analysis. Then the small image regions
color space. Their system offers better effect and lower are combined based on homogenous of the image pixel
computational complexity on color image segmentation than distribution using soft thresholding.
most of existing methods. It was noticed that HSI color
system has a good capability of representing the colors of 3. REGION CLASSIFICATION
human perception. Unfortunately, the conversions of color In this section, we illustrate basic statistics utilized in design
space causes loss of valuable and time consuming process on of the proposed segmentation algorithm with respect to each
the whole. Wen bing Tao [7] introduced a novel inherent image feature used. The goal of segmentation with
approach that provides effective and robust segmentation of reference to the authors is typically to locate certain objects of
color images. By incorporating the advantages of the mean interest which may be depicted in the image using a non
shift (MS) segmentation and the normalized cut (Ncut) manual process. Henceforth, segmentation could be viewed as
partitioning methods. In addition, they illustrate that the low a computer vision problem.
computational complexity makes their method feasible for It is statistical fact that the success of an image processing
real-time image segmentation processing. It also preprocesses algorithm increases with the prior knowledge about the image
an image by using the MS algorithm to form segmented in consideration.
regions that preserve the desirable discontinuity 3.1 Histogram Analysis
characteristics of the image. Further, this proposed method
A histogram of the image shows the relative frequency of
allows a low-dimensional image clustering with significant
occurrence for each pixel value in a given digital image (of
reduction of the complexity compared to conventional graph
range {0 – 255}). The histogram offers a detail and
partitioning methods that are directly applied to the image
convenient summary of the intensities in an image, but is
pixels. In addition, the image clustering using the segmented
unable to convey any information regarding spatial
regions reduces the sensitivity to noise and results in
relationships between pixels [1].
enhanced image segmentation performance.
A common histogram technique for determining a coarse
Cheng-Wan An [8] proposed an adaptive segmentation
segmentation is scale-space filtering method. Since, instead
approach for color image in RGB space based on Rival
fixed initial seed value a better choice would be a histogram
Penalized Competitive Learning (RPCL). Initially, histograms
derived threshold seed values. Further, this method includes
of Red, Green, and Blue component colors are segmented by
some knowledge of the distribution of the image, and will
adaptive threshold segmentation algorithm for gray image.
result in less misclassification [11].A binary image matrix
Then some possible colors of original image are specified
map is created based on the histogram zero-crossings of all
through combining those components' segmented areas and
the scales that is considered image fingerprint. In addition, by
false colors not appearing in image are removed. Finally those
examining this fingerprint the colors present in the image can
possible colors are converged to the main actual colors of
be determined. The maximum value and minimum value of
original image by RPCL. Then original image is segmented
the histogram is found by taking the second derivative and
by those learned centers without specifying the number of
looking for the zero-crossings.
initial classes in advance. Ming-Xin Zhang [9] proposed
conventional image segmentation based on rough-set theory.
The new distance matrix is defined by using the vector angle
and Euclidean distance. And then according to this new
distance matrix, the space binary matrixes of each color
component are calculated. Further, the color image
segmentation is implemented by selection of threshold values
and region merging through introducing a histogram based on
roughness. This proposed approach yields better segmentation
which is more intuitive to human vision compare with the
existing conventional image segmentation.
Chunming Li [10] introduced a new variation level set a) b)
formulation in which the regularity of the level set function is
intrinsically maintained during the level set evolution. Level Fig 1: a) Original Lena image b) Histogram of the Lena
set is derived as the gradient flow that minimizes energy image with 1st and 2nd peak points marked along with zero
functional with a distance regularization term and an external cross-over region
energy that drives the motion at desired locations. The
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 78 – No.5, September 2013
In this framework, first the original image is projected via the 3.3 Thresholding
most prominent peak of the histogram. The portion of the Thresholding is one of the oldest, simplest and most popular
color space is projected to determine the complete color techniques used in the image processing. Most of the
volume of that cluster. We repeat this procedure with the commonly used thresholding techniques literature is
remaining data, thus obtaining the complete color space labels concerned with classifying pixels into object or background
within the homogenous area. A detail perspective regarding classes could for instance appear from noise. The simplest
peak points and the zero cross-over regions of the histogram way of choosing the threshold value would be a fixed value,
of a digital image of ‘Lena’ are explained using the figure 1 based on predefined constraints.
3.2 Statistical Inference It is well known facts that threshold techniques make
In this framework, we incorporate few basic statistical decisions based on local pixel information and are effective
measures to compare the homogeneity of the selected regions when the intensity levels of the pixels fall squarely outside the
in consideration. In this section, we introduce some of the range of levels in consideration. Since the pixel information
common used statistical defined values that could be used in fall on non-squarely, even with adaptive threshold, it is still
comparison of the image regions. difficult to segment some regions with similar properties [12].
3.2.1 Image Mean We introduce the threshold minimizer for merging of two
The image mean can be defined as the average pixel value of homogenous regions under certain constraints that are defined
an image in consideration. In terms of grey scale image, the dynamically based on the size and statistics of the region in
image mean is equal to the average brightness or intensity of a consideration. We propose that if the absolute difference
digital image. Mathematically, image mean ‘α’ can be between the average intensities of two neighboring regions
presented as follows (within size constraints range) is smaller than the contrast
threshold Tc, then the two regions are merged.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 78 – No.5, September 2013
Inputs: - Input Image. The cover image may be of any image similar homogeneity value. Henceforth, we have soft
format using the 8-bit, power of two’s representation. The thresholding process that would merge the regions of similar
proposed algorithm may also be applied on 24-bit, each color homogeneity and size of the region is also incorporated as the
layer images treated as an individual 8-bit image. thresholding parameter.
Histogram Analysis. The histogram analysis of an image is Soft Threshold based System. Soft threshold based technique
considered as a probability distribution over the pixels values. is one of the commonly used image processing operation for
Further, it provides a means to determine the information digital filtering. The proposed system uses the soft
content of the image but it would not take spatial factors into thresholding to evaluate each binary label with reference to
consideration. A localized frame work should therefore be the input image and calculate the combined homogeneity of
able to determine automatically the skewness introduced by the region.
non-uniformity (heterogeneous edge and texture) regions
varying above the uniformity (homogeneous) regions. Further, It is noted that if the combine homogeneity of the two
the thresholds should be chosen based on the distance regions reduce the average image statistics of the combined
between the valleys to peaks of the histogram. region with respect to each region individually then the
regions are recommend for merging. If the merging is not
Binary Label Matrix. The binary label matrix is the key recommended as the region is small compared to predefined
feature of the proposed segmentation process as the efficiency criteria then also in certain conditions they are merged based
of the segmentation process depends on the how wide the on the neighborhood.
binary label matrix id defined. The aim is to retain as much
information as possible in the binarized image by choosing a Outputs: - Segmented Image.
split in which each of the two distributions is as uniform as The Segmentation process is a straightforward process where
possible. This method has the advantage of not having to all necessary parameters are dictated based on the histogram
estimate any parameters, but does not help us decide on the analysis or soft thresholding. Input image is segmented into
Multimodality of the histogram. various uniform and non-uniform regions without any loss or
Binary label matrix is defined where each label (1, 2... m) integrity with reference to the input with highest efficiency
are estimated based on the homogeneity of the region. There and low time complexity.
are various overlapping regions and distinct labels with
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 78 – No.5, September 2013
a) b)
Fig 4: Experiment for a synthetic airplane image (a) Input
Image. (b) Objects detected based on proposed
segmentation algorithm
Fig 6: Experiment for a flower image a) Input Image. b)
Objects detected based on proposed segmentation
algorithm c) Object detection using SPF function (closed
contour) [15]
Figure 6 shows the segmentation results of a flower image
with objects having heterogeneous and texture edge regions.
Figure 6 a) shows the input image to our model. The figure 6
b) shows the segmentation results that is obtained by the
proposed model. In addition, figure 6 c) introduces the
segmented object based on SPF method [15]. It could be
viewed that the proposed segmentation is effective in
recognizing the objects in comparison with the existing
a) b)
Fig 5: Experiment for a Coins image (a) Input Image. (b)
Objects detected based on proposed segmentation
Figure 5 shows the segmentation results of a coins image with
objects having weak heterogeneous edge regions. Figure 5 a)
shows the input image to our model. The figure 5 b) shows
the segmentation results that is obtained by proposed model. It
could be viewed that the proposed segmentation is effective in
recognizing the objects in a weak heterogeneous edge regions.
Fig 7: Experiment for a galaxy image a) Input Image. b)
Objects detected based on proposed segmentation
algorithm c) Object detection using SPF function (closed
contour) [15]
Figure 7 shows the segmentation results of a galaxy image
with objects having heterogeneous and texture edge regions.
Figure 7 a) shows the input image to our model. The figure 7
b) shows the segmentation results that is obtained by the
proposed model. In addition, figure 7 c) introduces the
a) b) segmented object based on SPF method [15]. It could be
viewed that the proposed segmentation is effective in
recognizing the objects in comparison with the existing
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 78 – No.5, September 2013
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localized statistics (i.e. uniformity and non-uniformity) of the
image in consideration. Simulation results and analysis proved [15] Savan Kumar Oad, Karuna Markam, and Aditya Kumar
that the proposed algorithm shows good performance in image Bhatt, “Active contours based object detection and
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