At 329-Alu GB

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GB AT 3329


Digital display .
Microwave power Defrost
The display includes a 24-hour clock and indicator symbols.
Personal preference
Clock button. Power button. Reheat
Use to select the 24-hour Use to set the microwave Automatic
clock or Independent power level.
Manual Crisp button .
Adjust knob. Grill
Use when cooking with We i g h t
Use to set the cooking
the Crisp plate.
time, time of day or
weight. Microwave
Jet Defrost button. Use
to select type of food to be
Grill button.
defrosted. Crisp and turntable
Use to select the grill
function. Weight button.
6t h s e n s e S t e a m b u t t o n . Use to increase or HOW TO CHOOSE POWER LEVEL MANUALLY
Use to simmer food. decrease the weight.
6t h s e n s e B e v e r a g e MICROWAVES ONLY MICROWAVES & GRILL
6t h s e n s e C r i s p b u t t o n . button.
Use to crisp convenience Level To be used for: Level To be used for:
Use to reheat beverages.
foods. JET Reheating of beverages, 90 - 160 W Large cuts of meat
6t h s e n s e R e h e a t b u t t o n . water, clear soups, coffee, tea 160 - 350 W Fish
Use to reheat your ready or other food with a high water 350 - 500 W Poultry
Jet Start button. made foods. content. If the food contains 500 - 650 W Gratin’s
Use to start the cooking egg or cream choose a lower
process or invoke the Jet power.
Start function. Stop button. 750 W Cooking of vegetables, fish,
Use to stop or reset any of meat etc.
the oven functions. 650 W Cooking dishes, not possible
to stir.
JET START FUNCTION MANUAL DEFROSTING 500 W More careful cooking e.g. high
protein sauces, cheese and
This function is used for quick reheating of This function is used for defrosting foods egg dishes and to finish
foods with a high water content such as; clear not included in the Jet defrost function. cooking casseroles.
soups, coffe or tea. 350 W Simmering stews.
Press to automatically start with full Follow the procedure for “How to cook and 160 W Defrosting.
microwave power level and the cooking time reheat with microwaves” and choose 160 W 90 W Softening butter, cheeses and
set to 30 seconds. Each additional press when defrosting manually. ice cream.
increases the time with ½ min. You may also 0W Setting the standing time.
alter the time by turning the Adjust knob to Consult the defrosting charts in your
increase or decrease the time. cookbook for further advice on defrosting.
This button also works as a normal start
button after setting a function. NOTE: Never operate the oven empty when using microwaves
GB AT 3329
Use this function when cooking: Use this function when cooking: Use this function when cooking: Use this function to quickly reheat
Cheese toast & Hot sandwich Potatogratin Pizza convenience food.
Sausages Fishgratin Quiche & Pie
Grill spit Chicken pieces Chicken halves or quarters
Pommes Duchesse Lasagne Egg & Bacon
Gratinated fruit Stuffed vegetables Sausages
Snacks (250 - 600 g) (250 - 600 g)
The Crisp plate may be pre-heated before
J ET DE F RO S T use (max 3 min). TIMER
Use this function for defrosting ONLY. Jet Defrost can only be used for very fast defrosting of The Timer is completely independent of all
frozen foods belonging to the 5 categories listed below. Use manual defrost for other foods or other functions and can be used at any time
weights not listed. 6th SENSE REHEAT regardless of whether the oven is currently
cooking or not.
Use this function when reheating: 1. Press the Clock button once.
Chilled ready made portions 2. Turn the Adjust knob.
Frozen ready made portions 3. Press the START button.
1 MEAT 2 POULTRY 3 FISH 4 VEGETABLES 5 BREAD Soups One press on the Clock button displays
(100 g - 2 Kg) (100 g - 3 Kg) (100 g - 2 Kg) (100 g - 2 Kg) (100 g - 2 Kg) how much time is left on the Timer. It’s
displayed for 3 seconds and then returns to
Please consult the ”Instructions For Use” - manual for 6th SENSE BEVERAGE displaying the cooking time (If you are
more precise instructions on how to use this function. currently cooking).
Use this function for reheating 1-2 cups of: To stop the Timer when it is operating in the
QUICK GUIDE To achieve perfect results it is Water background of another function, you must first
Coffe recall the Timer to the foreground by pressing
1. P r e s s t h e J e t D e f r o s t b u t t o n t o s e l e c t t h e NECESSARY to: Tea the Clock button and then turn the Adjust
food you want to defrost. To change the Input, with the max. possible precision, the Milk knob to zero or press the Stop button once.
food selected, press the button again. WEIGHT of the food selected.
Turn the food when the oven prompts you to
2 . P r e s s t h e We i g h t b u t t o n s t o i n p u t t h e do so. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION
weight of the food. Automatic but less perfect results:
The weight of the food is shown in the 6th SENSE STEAM Supply volt a g e 230V/50 Hz
display. If you do not turn the food when the oven Ra te d Pow e r Input 2 0 00 W
prompts you to do so, the oven will Use this function when cooking: Fuse 10 A (UK 13 A)
3. Press the Jet Start button to start the AUTOMATICALLY RESTART after 2 minutes. Vegetables
MW output pow e r 900 W
oven. The oven then completes the defrosting Potatoes
process. The defrosting time will be longer in Root vegetables Hx W x D
4. M i d w a y t h r u the defrost process, the oven this case and the result will be less perfect Fish Oute r dim e nsions: 293 x 525 x 434
S TO P S a n d p r o m p t s y o u t o ” T U R N F O O D ” : than it would have been if you had turned the Rice Ove n c ompa rtm e nt: 180 x 325 x 341
Don’t use the stop button! food when prompted to do so. Pasta
Just open the door and turn the food. Stews
Close, and restart with the Jet Start button.
NOTE: Never operate the oven empty when using microwaves 4619-656-09031
4619 656 25651

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