Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Adoption Framework
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Adoption Framework
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Adoption Framework
1,3Department of Information Technology, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega Kenya
2Department of Information Technology and Informatics, Kaimosi Friends University College, Kaimosi, Kenya
Article Info In today’s society, most if not all sectors digitize and automate in order to
Volume 6, Issue 6 become more efficient. The increasing availability and sophistication of
Page Number: 100-117 software technologies disrupt labor markets by making workers redundant.
Publication Issue : Within this context, a significant change is companies’ introduction of chatbots
November-December-2020 as a supplement to human customer support is vital. Chatbots are computer
programs that interact with humans through natural language. The purpose of
chatbots is to simulate a human conversation in response to natural language
input through text or voice. There seems to be no proper guidelines for
adoption of chatbots for provision of customer care support services in
telecommunication industry in Kenya. The aim of this research was to develop
a framework for adoption of artificially intelligent chatbot application in
telecommunication industry. This was achieved through determination of the
status of implementation of chatbots in Kenya and identification of key metrics
that served as indicators for chatbot adoption. The metrics were identified
through review of previous technology adoption frameworks and models. The
study adopted mixed methods where qualitative and quantitative data was
collected using interview schedules and questionnaires respectively. Content
analysis was used in analyzing qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed
descriptively and results were presented using tables. The target population
included experts in the field of AI in two telecommunication firms in Kenya.
The study sample was drawn, using Delphi technique, from the two
telecommunication firms. The descriptive and principal component analysis
were utilized. The results of this research study will be crucial to all
Article History telecommunication firms in guiding them on the most effective and efficient
Accepted : 10 Nov 2020 way of adopting AI chatbot application for customer support services.
Published : 23 Nov 2020 Keywords : Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Customer Experience.
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-
commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Geoffrey Nyongesa et al Int J Sci Res CSE & IT, November-December-2020; 6 (6) : 100-117
as an all-round experience, some firms focus on social some limited level of adoption of chatbot in some
media and websites, others concentrate on face-to- organizations such as telecommunications, the
face or physical retail services or on-the-phone adoption process itself is haphazard. Therefore, there
customer service interaction [21]. Allen [22], did a is need for a well formulated guide to support full
research study to find out if both customers and adoption of chatbots. This paper presents artificial
businesses perceive same CX quality. It was intelligence chatbot adoption framework for real-
discovered that even-though 80% of firms considered time customer care support which serves as a guide
they offered a great CX, only eight percent of their for adoption of AI chatbot application in
clients expressed they got satisfied by experience they telecommunication industry.
received. The study recognized discrepancy in the
way customers and firms perceived the quality of CX. II. Basic concepts of artificial intelligence
Customer satisfaction and perceived quality of service
are two demonstrated success metrics for customer Computers and data science have been deployed to
service providers [23] [24]. However, how can we image recognition, process natural language, learn
measure customer satisfaction? and draw from past experience. The use of the
techniques of computer science to perform these
Kim [25] identified, value added services to enhance tasks is collectively known as Artificial Intelligence
convenience and enjoyment, and customer support, (AI). The application of AI today abounds:
to quickly process customer requests. These are two diagnostics in healthcare, translation of languages,
critical metrics for customer satisfaction. Customers self-driving cars, and in financial services for risk
making a phone call to firms for customer care profiling and portfolio management. Machine
service support results in low satisfaction, not learning is characterized by the little or lack of
mentioning long waits before talking to available human intervention with the enablement of
human agents [26][27]. was created algorithms [28].
in 2007 to provide shortcuts for customers to reduce
long waits while calling customer care support 2.1 Machine Learning
numbers in big firms. Time Warner Cable Spectrum
Machine learning is a basic concept of artificial
(TWCS) had a bad reputation in customer service
intelligence since the field begun [29]. It is the
support. They decided to use online chat support that
application of AI which provides applications with
was available 24 seven to address poor customer
ability to learn and become better via computer
service issues. The effort and time customers require
algorithms [30] [31]. There are three types of
to find solutions to their problems and access to
machine learning algorithms: Unsupervised
information is a factor to be considered in successful
learning is defined as the ability of machines to get
patterns in an input stream without the need for
There is proliferation of technologies and there are
labelling the inputs by a human. Supervised
many emerging technologies. The demand for
learning consists of numerical regression and
prompt and frequent feedback and support for
classification. The human is required to label input
customers in various organizations gives a
data. Classification determines which category
competitive advantage to the organization. The
something belongs in, which occurs after an
alternative to human customer care support is
algorithm analyzes various examples of things (data)
embracing the Artificial intelligence systems such as
from several different categories. Regression results
Chatbot applications. Despite the fact that there is
in a function which describes causal relationships Modern statistical Natural Language Processing
between input and output, and predict how the approaches combine all these techniques and often
output data ought to change as input data changes attain a paragraph or page level accuracy, but they do
[31]. not have semantic understanding needed to
categorize isolated sentences in the right way. A part
Both regression and classifier learners are observed as
from problems in encoding semantic common-sense
function approximators, striving to learn unknown
knowledge, the available semantic Natural Language
functions. For instance, spam classifier is regarded as
Processing scales imperfectly to be practical in
a function which learns and maps texts of an email to
business enterprise applications. Above semantic
either spam or not spam. The theory of
NLP, the main aim of NLP is to consolidate an
computational learning assesses learners
understanding of common-sense reasoning [37]. The
via computational complexity by sample complexity
chatbot application adopted should read and
or other concepts of optimization [32].
understand English language. As an example, if a
With reinforcement learning [33], the agents are
human says he or she has a running nose and
rewarded for good responses and penalized for bad
smelling feet, the chatbot application should
responses. The agents use the sequence of reward and
understand just like human. The chatbot application
penalties to form strategies to operate in their
should not escalate conversation by saying, “The feet
problem space. With machine learning algorithms,
should run and the nose, smell.” Therefore, NLP can
AI chatbot application can learn from past interaction
be used for recognition.
with customers and customize responses to specific
individuals and services through prediction. 2.3 Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
2.2 Natural Language Processing (NLP) NLU is a part of NLP in AI that deals with the ability
to read text, process it and understand the meaning.
NLP [34], provides machines with ability to read
Natural Language Understanding is regarded as AI-
and comprehend human natural language. A
hard problem [38]. NLU involves disassembling of the
sufficient and powerful NLP application would
input, then parsing the input into data that can be
facilitate natural language user interfaces and
analyzed by the analysts or machine learning experts.
acquirement of knowledge from written sources, for
This part is more complex than the reverse process of
example, Newswire text. Applications of NLP
converting data to language because of the
include, mining of texts, answering questions,
unexpected occurrences of symbols or words or
information retrieval [35], and machine translation
phrases or unexpected features in any input. Human
[36]. Many present approaches use frequencies of
beings have a tendency to use abbreviations, or some
occurrences of words to construct syntactical
slang word that might not even be in the language.
representation of text. Some searching strategies like
The Natural Language Understanding algorithm
keyword spotting are common and scalable but are
should be able to tackle such difficulties and carry
not effective, for example, if one has a query to
out the conversion smoothly [38].
search for a, "dog", the search may only match
documents having the word "dog" but may miss out 2.4 Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
on the word, "poodle". Lexical affinity uses word
HCI deals with the interactions and relationships
occurrence like, "accident" to evaluate the
between computers and humans. HCI is more than
sentiments of documents.
user interfaces and “screen-deep'' [39]. Human
Computer interaction is a field covering different
areas [40]. In the early years of the history of HCI, seconds later. In addition, Cole [43] propose
the focus was on user interfaces, especially GUIs, including other nonspeech noises as well, for
using windows, menus, icons, mice, to develop usable example, filled pauses, laughter, inhalation and
applications. As user interface problems could be coughing. A more robust approach can be attained by
understood, the main HCI concerns shifted from using the prosody of one, his or her voice to
interface to address observations as expressed by D. determine the proper strategy [42]. To this end, the
Engelbart, who said that, “If the ease of use was the system must analyze the rate, pitch and amplitude of
only permitted criteria, people would have stuck to the voice. In addition to detecting the characteristic
tricycles, and not try bicycles.” Present HCI research behavior of a non-speech moment, this could be put
goals [41] deals with shared understanding, tasks, in use for responding appropriately to a certain
justifications, explanations, and not just interfaces. emotion like a robotic companion for the elderly or
chatbot application for customer care.
The new key challenges improve how people utilize
computers to think, work, communicate, critique, 2.6 Chatbot Technologies and Implementation.
learn, argue, explain, debate, decide, observe,
Chatbot applications are computer applications
calculate, design and simulate. The chatbot
which interact with people via natural language [44].
application should have a simple interface.
The main reason for humans to use chatbots is
2.5 Natural Language Processing as part of Human productivity, meaning quicker answer with less effort.
Computer Interaction Moreover, chatbots have been implemented with a
variety of reasons, such as provide information,
Developing a system that can both understand
emotional support, social support, entertainment or
natural language and respond appropriately is not
link users to other humans or machines [45].
enough if we pursue true HCI. The system will also
Customer service is a domain where chatbots have
need a strategy as to how it can sustain a fluid
achieved strong and growing interest [46]. The
conversation. It could harm the flow of the
renewed interest in chatbots is also partly driven by
conversation, for instance, if the responses would
developments within E-Commerce and E-service to
interrupt the collocutor or if he or she has to wait too
include Natural Language Interfaces [47]. In Norway,
long for the responses. Another vital part of the
there is a change in how customers are offered
dialog strategy is the acknowledgement of the
assistance. Chatbots are gradually becoming a regular
collocutor and the uttered sentences by giving an
function in customer service platforms in banks,
appropriate back-channel feedback. According to the
insurance, consulting and industry.
paper of Cantrell [42], the lack of this feedback can
cause a human collocutor to become unsure of
The humanlike conversation of chatbots gives
whether or not he or she is being understood. To
customers the opportunity to type questions, and in
enable a dialog strategy to function properly, it
return get meaningful answers to those questions in
should be implemented in an early stage. There, it
everyday language [48]. Chatbots can thereby be used
must analyze the flow of the utterances to detect any
to handle many routine queries which basically make
characteristic behavior.
up most service requests [46]. Furthermore, chatbots
Cantrell [42] suggest to focus on non-speech noise, never require vacation, get grumpy or tired.
for instant pauses. They note that the timing of the According to Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2017) [49],
feedback is not even that important and can occur the initial step of listening and understanding will be
between immediately after the utterance to a few the hardest part of automating customer service.
In addition to studies by Mott [58][59], they stated 2.8.1 Chatbot Implementation Globally.
that besides commerce, chatbot applications can be Recently, the industry and political institutions have
used for language learning, entertainment, and in expressed strong and growing interest in AI, with AI
education as also shown by Kerly [60], who studied research and application programs rapidly growing
the way chatbot applications may be used as a globally. The industry is focused on future uses of
negotiation in education as in aid for students. Artificial Intelligence. As stated by a report [68] that
Additionally, the virtual agents may be utilized in was provided by Venture Capital Corporation
healthcare industry as expressed in research study by Insights (VCCI) in United States in July of 2016,
Bickmore [61], who presented a virtual health Google, Intel, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter and other IT
counselor. Several research studies discussed giants have acquired approximately 140 financial
recommendation virtual agents [62]; programs to firms in Artificial Intelligence field since 2011.
assist in recommending consumers when making
decisions while shopping online. Shopping bots are In the first half of 2016, investments in AI exceeded
also well researched. They are bots designed to help that discovered in 2015, and about 200 artificial
customers in comparing and shopping products intelligence related firms raised above $1.4 billion in
online [63][64]. Atwell [58] reviewed the importance stock market. A significant number of mergers along
of chatbot application in multiple domains like with flood of capital, are expediting integration of
education and E-Commerce and inferred that chatbot artificial intelligence technologies in applications,
programs should not replace nor imitate a thus increasing the fast evolution of related economy.
conversation with humans. They believed that For instance, Google created an uproar after
chatbot application should be designed as a tool to purchasing the neural network firm called
help people. Using natural language should ease HCI. DNNresearch ultra-expensively in 2013 [69].
A recent research study [65], described an approach Deep learning is the latest technology in the industry
on implementing a web-based AI chatbot application and has enabled Google enhance precision of picture
which could operate as digital virtual assistant in searching. Deep learning is the main technology
scheduling meetings. However, the interaction linked with Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) and
happened through e-mail messages. There are Google Glass [70]. Google has been developing
research studies [66][67], which proposed measures applications from mobile first toward AI first. The
to assess chatbot applications. As these AI integration of artificial intelligence with firms
applications expands to the messenger interfaces, we demands created significant shift in the mode of
need a different research technique to measure their service delivery. For instance, Xiaobing is a chatting
acceptance in telecommunication industry. robot developed by Microsoft, has been steering
transformation from traditional GUI to interactive
2.8 Analysis of Chatbot Implementation interfaces with emotional understanding and natural
Chatbot applications can be used to automate firm’s language [71].
internal business process and customer interactions.
These applications are powered by AI and use NLP In June of 2016, Microsoft obtained LinkedIn and
for communicating with humans either through reconstructed the Internet community with use of AI
voice or text. This subsection will discuss the status of technology. Additionally, the Watson application [72]
chatbot implementation globally, regionally and in which was developed by IBM is being used in
Kenya. hospitals in screening hundreds of millions of patient
records to find history of cancer treatment. It bank uses Ada, Stanbic IBTC uses Sami, Access bank
provides recommendations to diagnose leukemia and uses Tamara.
gives therapeutic schedules thus modifying the
paradigm of oncotherapy and clinical diagnosis. These chatbot applications are used in performing
simple daily banking operations like airtime purchase,
Nowadays, people connect and converse virtually via stock trading, bills payment, conversing with a
messengers and chatbot technology is the foundation customer and transfer of money via social network
of this connections. The leading artificial intelligence [76]. The Rwandan government, for example, started
powered chatbot applications include; Bold 360, using Chatbot Babyl, which is capable of relieving
LivePerson, Watson Assistant, Ada, Inbenta, Vergic medical doctors from dealing with simple medical
and Rulai.[73] In early days, chatbot applications inquiries and refer only advanced and serious
were developed to converse with people over the cases [77].
internet. This technology was limited to people who
wanted to connect and have social conversations. 2.8.3 Chatbot Implementation in Kenya
However, current trends show that majority of
There is increased uptake of chatbot applications
companies are now using AI chatbot when
locally, for instance, UBA Kenya’s Leo, Safaricom’s
communicating to their customers, respond to
Zuri, and Jubile Insurance’s Julie. These applications
queries and receive feedback [73]. The AI chatbot
perform several functions including digital sales,
responds like a real human due to combination of ML
transactional queries and customer support [78].
and predefined scripts.
Local adoption is slow due to little understanding of
how AI chatbot application can bring value to
Chatbot application responses are defined by the
business. Nowadays, consumers buy experiences
underlying software and access to knowledge
instead of products and services. AI chatbot can help
database. Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and
businesses offer personalized experiences because
Samsung’s Bixby, can provide information on latest
they make conversations interactive, relevant and
news and weather conditions [73]. E-commerce
engaging. Additionally, some farmers in Kenya
companies focus on using chatbot applications to
utilizes Arifu chatbot application to learn about
delight their CX. The adoption of chatbots globally
agronomy and finances. It offers free educational
has been rising as businesses recognize the usefulness
content from credible sources and organizations
of offering great CX which is cost effective and
about farming to farmers via SMS [79]. Some
personalized [74].
examples of chatbot applications under development
include; Bot Auditor, Insurance Bot, Business
2.8.2 Chatbot Implementation Regionally
Registration Bot, Book Slot Bot, Approval Work Bot
In Nigeria, AIICO Ella is a chatbot application for and Leave Management Bot [80].
insurer running on Facebook Messenger and web. It
provides customer support with live human customer
care call center agents. The application helps
The study used mixed method to establish the
customers shop and purchase auto within seconds
relationship between AI chatbot adoption and
[75]. Rule-based chatbot applications are used in the
telecommunication industry. This design was applied
banking sector. The UBA bank uses LEO, Diamond
in previous research studies and revealed to be
effective and efficient in describing relationships
is greater than 0.5, is sufficient to treat data as data from participants for all effective variables, was
distributed normally. identity matrix. The Bartlett’s Test was analyzed via
Chi-Square and presented as in Table 4.2. All
The Bartlett’s Test Sphericity tested null hypothesis variables were significant at 5% significance level,
item to item correlation matrix. Based on received signifying that the null hypothesis is declined.
This strived to establish Correlation Analysis relationship between variables of research study, that is:
Organizational Factors, Technological Factors and AI Chatbot Adoption. The findings of Correlation Analysis
are indicated in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Correlation Analysis
Organizational Technological AI Chatbot
Factors Factors Adoption
Organizational Pearson Correlation 1
Factors Sig. (1-tailed)
Technological Pearson Correlation .634* 1
Factors Sig. (1-tailed) .001
AI Chatbot Pearson Correlation .306 .146* 1
Adoption Sig. (1-tailed) .095 .020
N 20 20 20
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed).
The research study results in table 4.3 showed that a strong positive and significant relationship between
organizational and technological factors exist. This was portrayed by a Pearson Correlation Coefficient of, r =
0.634, p-value = 0.001 < 0.05, significant at 0.05 level of significance. This meant that improving on
organizational factors would lead to more comfortable and easy use of new technology in telecommunication
industry. The results in table 4.3 shows that there was a strong positive but non-significant relationship
between the organizational factors and the adoption of chatbot software in customer support services with a
Pearson Correlation Coefficient of, r =0.306, p-value = 0.095 > 0.05, not significant at 0.05 level of significance.
There was a non-strong positive but significant relationship between technological factors and adoption of
chatbot software with a Pearson-Correlation Coefficient of, r = 0.146, p-value = 0.02< 0.05, that is significant at
0.05 significance level. This implies that use of technology in an organization directly relates to the adoption
and use of chatbot software in customer support services.
At 0.05 significance level, ANOVA test showed that independent variables namely, Organizational factors and
Technological factors, were both predictors of the adoption of AI Chatbot software in the telecommunication
industry in Kenya in this model. In table 4.17, the ANOVA test analysis is shown by a p-value = 0.003, that is
less than 0.05 level of significance (p-value = 0.003 < 0.05).
Table 4.5: The ANOVA Table
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 3.202 2 1.601 .915 .003b
Residual 29.748 17 1.750
Total 32.950 19
a. Dependent Variable: AI Chatbot Adoption
b. Predictors: (Constant), Technological factors and Organizational factors
Table 4.6: The Regression Coefficient
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 5.022 2.290 2.192 .043
Organizational factors .783 .261 .356 1.195 .248
Technological factors .009 .033 .080 .268 .792
OF = Organizational factors
TF = Technological factors
GR = Government regulation.
NA = Need for automation
CP = Customer pressure
The results in table 4.7 indicated how the different Beta value of 0.502. Customer pressure and
intervening factors such as government regulations, government regulation had a medium effect on
need for automation and customer pressure affect organizational factors as indicated by a Beta value of
dependent variable in this research study. 0.384. The need for automation and customer
Government regulation and need for automation had pressure had medium effect on organizational factors
a large effect on organizational factors as shown by a as shown by a Beta value of 0.356. The need for
automation and government regulation had large iii. Organizational readiness: It is the organizational
effect on technological factors as indicated by a Beta preparedness to implement a new innovation.
value of 0.521. Customer pressure and government Readiness in terms of willingness to implement
regulations had a small effect on technological factors chatbot technology, and being ready with both IT
as indicated by a Beta value of 0.121. The need for and financial resources.
automation and customer pressure had no effect on iv. Compatibility: It is the capacity for two systems to
technological factors as indicated by a Beta value of work together without having to be altered to do
0.016. so, for example, AI chatbot and human customer
care representatives support infrastructure.
V. Discussion and Framework v. Complexity: It is the simplicity or difficult of a
system while using it. The system that is simple to
The study indicated that the adoption of AI chatbot use tend to be accepted easily while a system that
technology for real-time customer care service is difficult to use is easily rejected i.e. ease of use.
support is influenced by organizational factors, vi. Technology availability/readiness: It is individual’s
technological factors and intervening factors. The tendency to embrace a new technology for
factors identified were in correlation relationship fulfilling in home life or work. The new
with each other. Based on results of data analysis, technology must be available with support
nine distinct AI chatbot adoption factors were infrastructure and must be secure and reliable.
identified that will influence adoption of AI chatbot vii. Customer pressure: It’s the pressure from
technology in customer care support service customers who need prompt and frequent
provision in telecommunication industry. These feedback when they make customer care support
factors are: service requests. The need for automation comes
as a result of competition from other industries
i. Perceived benefits: It’s the perception of positive that are adopting new innovations for their daily
consequence or feedback as a result of adopting business operations.
chatbot for real-time customer care support forviii. Need for automation: The company’s willingness
instance, cut costs, create better CX, and real time to automate some functions in its operation.
support i.e. perceived usefulness. ix. Government regulation: The regulations given by
ii. Top management support: It is the support from the government on how a company should
executives who translate policies into goals. They perform its functions.
make decisions which affect everyone in the firm.
They fund an innovation.
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