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Airfield Capacity: Amedeo R. Odoni

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Airfield Capacity

Amedeo R. Odoni

September 10, 2002

Airfield Capacity

• Objective
Q To summarize fundamental concepts re. airfield

• Topics
Q Definitions of capacity
Q Factors affecting capacity
Q Separation requirements
Q A simple model for a single runway
Q Capacity envelopes and capacity coverage chart
Capacity Measures

• Maximum-Throughput Rate
• Average number of demands a server can
process per unit of time when always busy
– µ = maximum throughput rate
– E(t) = expected service time
E(t) µ=
• Level of Service (LOS) related
• Number of demands processed per unit of
time while meeting some pre-specified LOS
standards (must know µ to compute)

Capacity Definitions

• Maximum Throughput (or Saturation)

The expected (“average”) number of operations (takeoffs
and landings) that can be performed in one hour on a
runway without violating ATC rules, assuming
continuous aircraft demand.

• Practical Hourly Capacity

The average number of operations that can be performed
in one hour on a runway with an average delay per
operation of 4 minutes.

Note: Definitions can also be extended to entire runway system.

Capacity Definitions (2)
• Sustained Capacity
The average number of operations per hour that can be
“sustained” for periods of several hours; vaguely-
defined, workload-related, limited use; in US typically
set to about 90% of saturation capacity in VMC, near
100% in IMC

• Declared Capacity
The capacity per hour used in specifying the number of
slots available for schedule coordination purposes;
used extensively outside US; no standard method for its
determination; generally set to about 85-90% of
saturation capacity; may be affected by apron capacity
and terminal capacity

Factors Affecting Capacity

• Number and layout of •
Mix and sequencing of
active runways operations (landings,
takeoffs, mixed)
• Separation requirements
• Quality and
(longitudinal, lateral)
performance of ATM
• Weather (ceiling, system (including
visibility) human factor -- pilots
• Wind (direction, strength) and controllers)
• Runway exit locations
• Mix of aircraft
• Noise considerations
Configuration 22L/27 - 22R/22L

Source: Idris (2000)

Role of ATC Separation

• Runway (and airfield) capacities are constrained
by ATC separation requirements
• Typically aircraft are separated into a small
number (3 or 4) of classes
• Example: FAA classification
Q Heavy (H): 255000 lbs < MTOW
Q Large (L): 41000 lbs < MTOW < 255000 lbs
Q Small (S): MTOW < 41000 lbs
• Required separations (in time or in distance) are
then specified for every possible pair of aircraft
classes and operation types (landing or takeoff)
• Example: “arrival of H followed by arrival of S”
IFR Separation Requirements: Single
Runway (USA)
(1) Airborne separations on final approach (nmi):
Trailing aircraft
H L or B757 S
H 4 5 5/6*
Leading B757 4 4 5
aircraft L 2.5 (or 3) 2.5 (or 3) 3/4*
S 2.5 (or 3) 2.5 (or 3) 2.5 (or 3)

* Applies when leading aircraft is at threshold of runway

(2) Leading aircraft must be clear of the runway before

trailing aircraft touches down

IFR Separation Requirements: Single

Runway (USA) [2]
Departure--Departure (approximate, in seconds)
Trailing aircraft
H L + B757 S
H 90 120 120
Leading B757 90 90 120
aircraft L 60 60 60
S 45 45 45
Arrival-Departure and Departure-
Arrival- Departure- Arrival
• Leading aircraft must be clear of runway at the instant
when trailing aircraft starts takeoff roll or touches down
on the runway, respectively. In D-A case, trailing arrival
must also be at least 2 nmi from runway when takeoff
run begins
Separation Requirements
(Italy; until recently)
H M /L S

Arrival/Arrival H 5 5 7
5 5 5
(in nautical miles) M /L  
S 5 5 5
120 seconds between successive departures

• Departure/Arrival
Q Arrival must be at least 5 n.mi. away
from runway threshold

Parallel Runways (IFR): USA

Separation Arrival/ Departure/ Arrival/ Departure/
between arrival departure departure arrival

700-2499 As in single As in single Arrival Departure is

ft runway runway touches clear of
down runway

2500- 4300 1.5 nmi Indep’nt Indep’nt Indep’nt

ft (diagonal)

4,300 ft or Indep’nt Indep’nt Indep’nt Indep’nt

The diagonal separation between two aircraft
approaching medium-spaced parallel runways

Aircraft i

Sij = 1.5 n. mi. d [2,500 ft. ≤ d < 4,300 ft.]

Aircraft j

Staggered parallel runways; the “near” runway

is used for arrivals and the other for departures

“offset” arrivals runway


departures runway
Typical classification of weather conditions
(ceiling and visibility) at an airport in the United

Ceiling (feet)


0 1/4 1/2 1 3 5
Visibility (miles)

Weather Category (%) By

Season -- Boston Logan Airport
Spring Summer Fall Winter Annual

VFR1 79.19 78.78 80.03 77.94 78.99

VFR2 / IFR1 10.26 13.86 11.73 12.42 12.07

IFR2 7.95 5.83 6.43 6.89 6.78

IFR3 .08 .08 .19 .02 .09

IFR4 2.50 1.45 1.63 2.80 2.07

Two high-capacity configurations with opposite
orientations at Boston/Logan

27/22L-22R/22L 4R/4L-4L/4R/9


Configurations: Same Direction,

Different Weather Conditions

A, B1, B2
B, C, D
B3, C2, D2

4L 4R
B3, C1, D1

B, C, D

A, B1, B2 B3, C, D
Typical Approach for
Estimating Airside Capacity
1. Compute average time interval for all
possible aircraft class pairs i, j
tij = average time interval between successive
movements of a pair of aircraft of types i and j (i
followed by j) such that no ATC separation
requirements are violated
2. Compute probability for all i, j
pij = probability of occurrence of the pair of aircraft
types i and j (i followed by j)

3. Compute overall average service time

E (t ) = ∑∑ pij ⋅ tij µ = E(t)
i j

Numerical Example
Aircraft Types
Type Mix (%) Approach Runway
Speed (kts) Occupancy
Given: Single Runway Time (secs)
(Arrivals Only: IFR) Heavy (1) 20 140 60
Large (2) 50 120 55
n = 5 N. Miles Small (3) 30 100 50

1 2 3
1  4 5 6 * * Applies only with lead aircraft at
[sij]= 2  3 3 4 *
threshold (all other separations
apply throughout final approach).
3  3 3 3 
A simple representation of a runway used for
arrivals only under IFR

Runway Final approach

ç ç
L s LT T


Single Runway Model

Q (Arrivals Only: IFR)

• Separation Requirements
Q Airborne longitudinal separation
• 3 - 6 n. miles, depending on aircraft pair, as
shown in matrix of example

Q Runway occupancy separation

• no two aircraft simultaneously occupy the
Effect of Airborne
Separation Requirement
QClosing Case
• Second aircraft is faster, and must have
required separation distance from first
aircraft at runway threshold; separation at
merge is greater than minimum.

Q Opening Case
• Second aircraft is slower, and must meet
separation requirement from first aircraft in
merge area when approach is initiated;
separation at runway threshold is greater
than minimum.

Appendix: Single Runway

• Consider two aircraft, i and j
Let n = length of final approach (typically 5-8 n.mi.)
sij = separation in air between i and j
vi, vj = approach speed of i, j
O , O = runway occupancy time of i, j
i j

Ti,j = min. time separation between i and j at runway

Assume vi > vj
• Opening Case: Aircraft i precedes j
 n + sij
 
n 
Tij = max  − , oi 
 vj vi 

• Closing Case: Aircraft j precedes i

 sji 
 
Tji = max  , o j 
 vi 
 
Matrix of Minimum
QThe number Tij in row i and column j is the
minimum separation(sec) for the case of
aircraft type i followed by type j
103 171 216 
 
Tij =  77 90 144 
 77 90 108 

• Opening Case
 10 n. mi. 5 n. mi. 
T12 = max  − , 60 sec 
 120 knots 140 knots 

= max (171sec , 60 sec ) = 171 sec

Matrix of Minimum
Separations [2]
• Closing Case
 3 n. mi. 
T31 = max  , 50 sec 
 140 knots 
= max (77 sec , 50 sec) = 77 sec

• Stable Case
 3n. mi. 
T 22 = max  , 55sec 
 120 knots 
= max (80 sec , 55 sec ) = 80 sec

• “Special” Case (also T 23)

 6 n.mi. 
T13 = max  , 60sec 
 100knots 
= max (216 sec , 60 sec ) = 216 sec
Safety Buffer

• In practice, a safety buffer is added to

the minimum separations between
aircraft, to make up for imperfections in
the ATC system
• Allow a buffer of an additional B = 10
seconds between each aircraft for
safety (10 seconds implies about 1/3 n.
mi. longitudinal separation)

Matrix of Average Time

QThe number tij is the average separation
(sec) between an aircraft of type i and a
following aircraft of type j.

tij = Tij + b
113 181 226 
tij =  87 100 154 
 87 100 118 
Matrix of Pair Probabilities
QLet pij = probability that an aircraft of type i
will be followed by one of type j
QAssume first-come, first-served (FCFS) runway
 0. 04 0.1 0.06
pij =  0 .1 0.25 0.15
 
Example  0. 06 0.15 0.09
• 20% of aircraft are Type 1, 50% are Type 2
• Therefore, the probability of a Type 1 followed
by a Type 2 is: p 12 = (0.2)*(0.5) = 0.1
• Note: This is only valid for an FCFS system; no sequencing.

Numerical Example [2]

1 2 3
Matrix of average time intervals, tij
(in seconds), for all possible pairs
of aircraft types:
1 113 181 226 
 
[tij] = 2 87 100 154 
3 87 100 118 
Matrix of probabilities, pij, that a
1 2 3
particular aircraft pair will occur:
1 0 .04 0 .1 0 .06 
 
[ pij] = 2  0 .1 0.25 0 .15 
3 0 .06 0.15 0 .09 
Numerical Example [3]
Q By multiplying the corresponding elements of the
matrices [pij ] and [tij ] we can compute the average
separation (in seconds) between a pair of aircraft
on the runway in question.

That is: Numerically:

E (t ) = ∑∑ pij ⋅ tijE (t ) = (0. 04)(113) + (0. 1)(181) + (0. 06)(226)
i j + (0.1)(87) + (0. 25)(100) + (0. 15)(154)
é E(t) = 124 seconds + (0.06)(87) + (0.15)(100) + (0.09)(118)

Capacity = 3600 seconds
124 seconds
= 29 aircraft

Numerical Example [4]

• The variance (a measure of variability) of the service
times (intervals between successive landings in this
case) can also be computed from:

σ t2 = ∑∑ pij ⋅ [ t ij − E (t )]2
i j

• Or,
(0.04)(113-124)2 + (0.1)(181-124)2 + …. + (0.09)((118-124)2
= 1542 sec2
• The standard deviation, σ t = √ 1542 = 39 seconds
A typical capacity envelope for a
single runway



O 1 Arrivals/hour

Capacity envelope for two parallel runways, one

used for arrivals and the other for departures



0 1 Arrivals/hour
A hypothetical capacity envelope for a multi-
runway airport with mixed use of the runways



Runway Configuration
Capacity Envelopes
Runway Configuration Capacity Envelops
(Source: ETMS / Tower Records, 7-9 AM, 4-8 PM, July 1-15
1998 except Saturdays, Logan Airport)

4L/4R-9 (reported
Actual Arrival Rate (per 15 minutes)

20 average 68 AAR - 50
27/22L-22R (reported
15 average 60 AAR - 50
33L/33R-27 (reported
average 44 AAR - 44

5 Single Runway (January

1999, reported average
34 AAR 34 DEP)
0 5 10 15 20 25

Actual Departure Rate (per 15 minutes) Source: Idris (2000)

Capacity Coverage Chart

• CCC shows how much capacity is

available for what percentage of time
• Assumptions :
• airport will operate at all times with the
highest capacity configuration available for
prevailing weather/wind conditions
• the capacity shown is for a 50% -50% mix of
arrivals and departures
Note: Neither of these assumptions is necessarily true
in practice (e.g., noise may be principal
consideration in selecting configuration during
periods of low demand)

The capacity coverage chart for


Number of
per hour


2 2a, 7, 12, 15
3, 3a, 16

20 40 60 80 100

Percent of time (%)

Capacity Coverage Chart [2]
• The CCC summarizes statistically the
supply of airside capacity
• CCC requires a capacity analysis for all
weather/wind conditions and runway
• “Flat” CCC implies predictability and more
effective utilization of airside facilities
Q Operations (takeoffs and landings) can be scheduled with
reference to a stable capacity level
Q Fewer instances of under-utilization and over-utilization of

Runway configuration usage at Boston/Logan,

January 1999 (from Logan FAA tower logs)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Time (hour)

4R/L-9 27/22L-22R 33L-27

33L-15R (Best for Noise) Other Good for Noise Other

Range of Airfield Capacities
• The capacity of a single runway varies greatly
among airports, depending on local ATC rules,
traffic mix, operations mix, local conditions and
the other factors identified earlier (12- 60+
movements per hour is possible)
• At major commercial airports in developed
countries the range is 25-60 movements per hour
for each runway
• Depending on the number of runways and the
airport’s geometric configuration, total airfield
capacity of major commercial airports ranges
from 25 per hour to 200+ per hour

Capacity of Aprons
• Often a tough problem!
• Different stands can accommodate different
sizes of aircraft
• Remote vs. contact stands
• Shared use vs. exclusive use (airlines,
• Dependences among stands
• Static capacity: No. of aircraft that can be
parked simultaneously at the stands. (Easy!)
• Dynamic capacity: No. of aircraft that can be
accommodated per hour. (Can be difficult to
Stand Blocking Time (SBT)

• Scheduled occupancy time (SOT) [20

mins – 4 hours, excepting overnights]
• Positioning time (PT) [3 – 10 mins]
• Buffer time (BT) [up to 1+ hour at some


A Simple Case

• Assume n stands; all can accommodate

all aircraft sizes
• Subdivide aircraft into K relatively
homogeneous classes w.r.t. SBT
E [SBT ] = ∑ pi ⋅ SBTi
i =1

• Dynamic capacity = n / E[SBT]

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